#calista sofia the first
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wakkass · 1 year ago
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So, I continue the theme of adult heroes, and this time the matter affected... adults. It’s one thing to give children mature traits, and another to age characters that are already sufficiently formed in appearance.
Suddenly, it felt quite sad. First, I drew the shapes of the adults' faces from the original, so that later I could literally recreate the aging process, which made me feel like they could never get back. This immersion in the irrevocable decline of youth helped me understand why I like to draw the characters of STF in their distant future.
I like the age range at which the characters are. While Sofia's generation flourishes, the generation of her parents fades. The peak of this contrast is right here, and I feel a bitter taste of joy from such sensations. I feel sad, but at the same time warm from the realization that they're all still nearby and terrible losses are still far ahead…
Wow, I wrote so much about flying heads. But enough about the sad stuff, because I also drew an adult Calista. I imagine her learning magic and practicing with the best sorcerer she knows. I like to think that because of this practice, she and Sofia often run into each other, and they and her uncle have fun after work. I love imagining the little things in life, there’s something relaxing about it.
I also have something to say about Cedric. I see him with a mustache and beard, firstly, because all great sorcerers have mustaches and beards. And, secondly, because it seems wildly funny to me to consider the episode “Substitude Cedric” prophetic
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mismess · 6 months ago
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Yaaaayy uncle Ceddy !
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ushsblog · 3 months ago
¡Happy Wassailia! 🎁
Some drawings of Cedric passing Wassailia with his two nieces. Happy holidays to all of you!
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drawbeautifully · 4 months ago
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I've wanted to draw Cedric and Calista together for a long time.
Here, Calista has drawn herself and Cedric together and proudly shows him. Cedric is very happy with such a gift from his niece.
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thesorcerersspouse · 6 months ago
"You have a partner uncle Cedy??"
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(wait I'm not sure why I wrote Cedy with 2 Ds? Meh I'm too lazy to redo it, that'll do x) I draw at night so I'm tired alright)
I love that Calista is an other character that genuienly appreciates Cedric. Swann will die for this kiddo
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why he walk like that
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shychick-52 · 6 months ago
It's not entirely accurate to say that nobody ever appreciated or believed in Cedric before Sofia came into his life. As we saw from Calista's debut in s3's 'Gone With the Wand', his dear niece always thought the world of him! Surely that would have helped Cedric somewhat...? Surely how much Calista always greatly loved and admired him meant a lot to him!
What would you guys say was the difference between Sofia and Calista in that respect, and why Cedric never really started to change (slowly but surely) until Sofia's kindness? Could it be the fact that Cedric was around Sofia much more than Calista?
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aquicat · 9 months ago
Calista legitimately doesn't feel like a real character. Like, she is a one person fan club to her uncle, and also a kleptomaniac, and also time travels.
She's fantastic, but like, IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
At some point, someone had to come up with the idea of Calista - but I have a personal theory that her model had a different intention (possibly an earlier version of Cedric's child model) before her character was written.
Another thing about Calista, is that her being adorable is literally a plot point. Like, the show's self aware of it.
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39seasofnevermore · 4 months ago
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Little but very important thing called Cedric and Calista wholesomeness (CINNAMON ROLLS)
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sr-stories · 1 year ago
"Believe it, Sofia."
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kmixon · 8 months ago
Cedric's is Best! Vs King magnifico !
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We see both of them want "power" king magnifico more prowe???🤨😐😐King Magnfico, you have...... ALL WIFE,MAGIC, PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU!!!
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BOTH OF THEM DON'T IMPRESS OF KING MAGNFICO......🥱🥱🥱 Look at them! Sofia & Calista aren't happy....🙁☹️☹️
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Cedric got to be "KING" Cedric is fish 🐟 out of water 💧 BOTH HIS FAMILY ROYAL FAMILY TOO.😢 EXCEPT FOR SOFIA AND CALISTA
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denisska35let · 1 year ago
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Part 2
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ushsblog · 8 months ago
Why Calista Has Such a Good Relationship with Cedric: An Analysis and Headcanons on Calista's Family Dynamics.
I’ve been thinking about why Calista likes Cedric so much and I’ve come to some interesting conclusions. I’ll break it down into points to explain my ideas.
(Long post)
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1. How the world perceives Cedric.
For this, I think it’s very important to consider the interactions between Cordelia and Cedric before resolving the incident. It seems that despite their animosity, they have reached a truce for Calista’s sake.
Of course, they still have their conflicts, and Calista knows this because neither of them tries too hard to hide it. In reality, I think they do try, but both have short tempers that lead them to end up arguing.
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In this scene, I like to believe that Cedric is afraid to say "No" to Cordelia because he tries to maintain the little peace they have created. Cordelia, although condescendingly, treats Cedric somewhat better in this episode.
If you notice, their arguments become more accusatory when they are alone. Like the scene before Calista and Sofia arrive with the mirror in "Through the Looking Back Glass"
In front of Calista, Cordelia limits herself to dismissing Cedric with small comments. For example: "Don’t be embarrassed to admit you forgot the spell" or "Don’t bother, we have delicate things and we don’t want... anything to happen to them" (Well, she doesn’t say exactly that, but that’s the vibe).
Anyway, these comments certainly have an impact that Calista does not overlook. She is aware that her mother sees Cedric as incompetent, as a failure.
I wouldn’t be surprised if, visiting her grandparents, Calista also heard similar comments from Goodwyn. Because he doesn’t seem to mind dismissing his son in public either: "Cedric the so-so" (Goodwyn about Cedric in Mystic Meadows in front of Sofia).
That’s why I like to believe that Calista says: "Any friend of my uncle Ceddy is the bestest best friend of mine."
Because, in reality, there are few people she knows who have a good image of Cedric. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sofia (besides Winnifred ) was the first person Calista knows who gets along well with her uncle.
Now, where does this lead us? Well...
2. The pressure that Cordelia inadvertently puts on Calista.
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With this point, I’m not trying to say that Cordelia is a bad mother who pressures Calista to be perfect. No, at least not exactly.
In fact, I think Cordelia is a good mother. She cares about Calista and knows her perfectly. I like the next scene because it shows a bit of what I’m saying.
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Despite being in a hurry, Cordelia doesn’t scold or yell at Calista. She gets down to her level to talk and make her understand that she can’t take her agenda without permission, and she kindly asks her to return it.
Of course, like any person, Cordelia has flaws as a mother. One of them is that often, unintentionally, she generates pressure on Calista not to fail. Let me explain.
By saying it’s unintentional, I mean that Calista, seeing how her mother treats Cedric for being a poor sorcerer and making mistakes, might get the idea that if she make mistakes, she would be treated the same way by her mother. Even if it really wouldn’t be like that.
Certainly, Cordelia asks her to behave, but she doesn’t scold her directly as she does with Cedric, because her issue with him is completely different. But, at least before looking in the mirror, Callista didn't know that.
3. Calista’s internalization of the fear of disappointing others.
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That said, I believe that if Calista really thinks that if she fails like Cedric, she will be treated the same way by her family, it explains a bit of her anxiety to get along and prove herself in front of the witches in "Too Cute to Spook."
Now, although I said that what Cordelia does by generating this expectation for Calista is inadvertent, the next scene really catches my attention.
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I always wondered why, at that particular part of the song, Cordelia caresses Calista in such a way. To me, it seems a bit like a kind of warning for Calista.
It’s probably not intentional, as I said, but I find it curious.
Anyway, continuing with this point...
It’s not very well explained in the series how complicated the spells that Calista does are, but it seems to me that for a child, she can do an incredible amount of things. She can make herself float, create illusions, create objects out of nothing, and, more interestingly, she can undo spells from a more experienced sorcerer (Cedric).
I say this because of that scene in "Gone with the Wand" where Calista frees Cedric from the nets he created for Morgana and ended up trapping him. I doubt that Cedric, wanting to trap Morgana, would have cast an easy spell to break.
What I mean is: Calista is a prodigy. At least, she seems to be.
Surely Cordelia must feel very proud of her, as must her grandparents, knowing how much Goodwyn cares about the magical ability of his descendants. So, wouldn’t that feed the fear of disappointing them?
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This phrase, although it can be understood in the context of that episode, gives us a glimpse of how Calista perceives herself.
And, Who can understand that feeling better than anyone? Her dear Uncle Ceddy.
4. The relationship between Calista and Cedric: why Calista loves him so much.
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Cedric loves Calista, that’s not in doubt. He listens to her, comforts her, and makes her understand that certain things are wrong in a compassionate way and not through scolding or mistreatment. His first instinct when they are in danger is to protect her (and Sofia), which undoubtedly shows Calista how much he cares for her.
If Calista feels that fear of disappointing others, Cedric could be the only person Calista sees who won’t abandon her if she turns out to be a failure instead of a prodigy.
If, in some way, Calista feels pressured by her mother’s expectations or the people around her, she finds a safe place in Cedric because she knows he won’t judge her, he won’t demand perfection from her.
Calista can be totally herself with him, I'm not saying she isn't with Cordelia, but if she's taking care not to have any flaws...
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In the same way, that idea could fuel the empathy she feels for her uncle. She feels bad that Cordelia is hard on him because, even on a very different level, she understands what it feels like.
I should also add that Calista has a good image of Cedric; she has seen him perform spells perfectly. She believes Cedric is a great sorcerer, but if that great sorcerer is not enough in the eyes of his family, What fate awaits her?
Well, that’s basically all I have to say. Thank you for reading, and as always, I’d be happy to hear any comments!
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drawbeautifully · 1 year ago
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Sudden hugs
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baileywicks · 1 year ago
FOR ALL MY BAILEYWICK FANS/SOFIA THE FIRST FANS PLEASE JOIN MY GROUP ON FACEBOOK CALLED BAILEYWICK FAN CLUB(https://facebook.com/groups/942705544126397/)!!! All members will be given a WARM WELCOME!! Everyone is welcome of all different backgrounds ❤️ (IT IS A SAFE SPACE)
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sorry but cedric immediately shielding the children is my everything
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