#I wrote Quinn too much I got too many stuff for her I dont have space for more with her I think I will focus on develop her current battles
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uroborosymphony · 1 year ago
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La musethèque de Lynnie.
The musethèque has been updated. All the muses I write accross all my blogs. I added the level of muse I have for each + the amount of threads per characters and a few notes.
3 notes · View notes
Who is covered with car insurance?
"Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Also , I have SORN available . . Thank You""
Car Insurance - Where the car is kept?
I'm currently looking at insurance for my car, which will be kept where i live in a small private residence Cul-de-sac with a coded gate and CCTV. Will this come under as Locked compound or Private Property? Hope someone can help.""
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?""
""Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?""
I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks""
If you have full coverage auto insurance through State Farm..does that include..?
Any type of roadside assistance? Like if I break down, would they cover the tow ? What about medical expenses for people in my vehicle? I've been supplementing with AAA for ...show more""
Car insurance rates dropping?
hello, after my first ever six months of car insurance will my rates drop or will things be cheaper ? I am 24 about to be 25 years old. I have only had one speeding ticket.""
Insurance company policy?
I was hit in a wreck. They're insurance company quoted me $400 and wrote me a check for it which I did not accept. All they did was look at the external damages. Then I took it to a dealer collision center and they quoted me $1100 and they guessed more damage was done but couldn't say unless they took apart my bumper. I'm not wanting to get it fixed in a shop since my father can fix it for me, but $400 is not going to cover the cost of fixing it. so my question is... Does their insurance company have to give me the money quoted by other body shops or is my only option having it fixed in a shop?""
""How much does a 25 years old male student pay for car insurance,tax for a 1.5 litre car & MOT as a new driver?""
I live in the West Midlands, just got my license looking to get an estimate of how much a car insurance costs as a 25 years old male, student. I also looking to know how much is tax for a 1.5 litre engine car plus MOT.""
""How are younger drivers supposed to afford car insurance these days, especially if you're a student...?""
Car insurance is so expensive it's ridiculous, not to mention the price of driving lessons/test and what not. The problem is, I need to be able to drive because of where I live, if I didn't live in a rural area I wouldn't bother about driving so much, but looking at prices to drive these days, it's ridiculous. How do they come up with prices such as 1,000 - 5,000 is beyond me!""
""How much tax does the American person, family pay per week with income and sales tax?""
Feel Free to add in Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Health tax""
I just got into a car accident and whats going to happen if i dont have insurance for that car?
Okay so on Monday, I was parked on one side of the street and because of street cleaning I uturned across the street into two other cars that were parked and some lady backed up trying to park in thee space that i was in. she did not look back i guess. It's clearly her fault but the thing is that that car does not have insurance. My other 3 cars are insured just that one is not because my brother gave it to me to sell. I am wondering what is going to happen because she reported to insurance. Wiill i get in trouble? ( I'm under 18) Do i get money from her insurance company? Will I have to pay for her damages even though it was 100% her fault? and what do i do now? Her insurance agent called me but i called back and cannot get a hold of her. Thanks for the help""
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
With 5000 what is the best car I could buy and insure at 17?
the car would be second hand.
I live in New York City and I want to get a car for one month during the summer. Any Suggestions?
I know there are cheap deals for monthly rentals, but I'm a poor college student and I need the cheapest deal. I could purchase a cheap car but I don't know how much insurance would be. I just want as many responses a I can get so I know what's out there and what I should consider.""
What are rates for car insurance?
I'm trying to answer a question for drivers ed about car insurance. I'm supposed to answer what rates are for a first time driver (just getting their liscence), what rates would be for someone who hasnt taken driver's ed, what are the rates for a 25 year old, what are rates for a person without drivers ed, and what are rates for someone convicted of driving while intoxicated. its not in my book, so i dont know how to answer it, but im trying to answer the questions based on full coverage.""
How much to insure.....?
I am a 16 year old female, and I am close to buying my own car, and my dad will pay for insurance, but of course it has to be reasonable. I am heavily considering a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. I found a convertable that I can afford, but I would get a hard top if it's more to insure a convertable which I'm sure it is so please let me know about how much it would be to insure that kind of car convertable or not. Thank you so much""
In florida does the auto insurance rate lower after age 27?
In florida does the auto insurance rate lower after age 27?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a.....?
How much would it cost for a 17 year old to insure a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 cc""
What Insurance Company Insures Someone With Only A Permit?
I bought a car yesterday and I'm 18 with a permit and I can take the test but I have to learn and I have my own car to learn with now. But I need insurance to get tags. Now I need to know what company will insure me? I want the insurance in my name.
Advantage of auto insurance?
please provide me some information about auto insurance.
""Allstate motorcycle insurance, am I covered?""
I am going to purchase a motorcycle soon but unfortunately for my age, insurance is much too high. It is about $5000 a year since I am 18 years old. What I want to know is if my father can put the bike in his name and have it fully covered but with me as the rider, will it still be covered? If I were to get in a crash would the bike still be covered even though the bike is under his name and not mine? Am i covered or will I be forced to pay $5000 a year so I can legally ride the bike?""
Cost of insurance for a 2004 Chrysler Sebring convertible?
I'm thinking about getting a setting for my first car but have no clue how much insurance will be . I really want to get a convertible .
Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.""
What's the best affordable health insurance for a freelancer?
I was laid off in March and still need to figure out a health plan. Not being covered is scary! How can I get some coverage that's affordable ASAP? Thanks.
Young Driver Insurance?
I am 18 and have recently passed my driving test. I have bought a car, a 55 regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 door, and before I bought it all of the insurance quotes were cheap - none above 2500 a year. I looked today and all of them are over 4000, even if I put both of my parents as named drivers. Does anyone know any good, cheap young driver car insurance companies or have any advice on how I could lower my premium? I have checked the majority of comparison sites.""
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?
Insurance stuff?
I have a first insurance right now, and medicaid as a second insurance. My husband still has a job but his contract is being taken over by another company, will medicaid cover the bills until i get his new insurance started?""
I need cheap car insurance?
I am a 18 year old female and i have some violations against me such as speeding, driving with a suspended license and failure to yield ticket. My parents won't put me on there insurance so i need to find my own but they are all wayyy to expensive so far, anyone got any ideas? please""
Where could I get some cheap but good health insurance?
We need health insurance really bad but everything seems way too expensive and when I google it a hundred different sites come up and its hard to decide which one is for real and which one is going to be a lisas of crap. my husband doesn't make but about 400 dollars a week and I am currently unemployed and In college. Help me!!!
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
What is the best manual transmission car to purchase for a 16 year old regarding low insurance cost?
When it comes to auto insurance (state of California) which car would be best to purchase used or new for a 16 year old which would be a manual transmission. We all know insurance for a minor is outragous and we would like to train our young adult on a stick first so they know how to drive both stick and automatic in their adult life. What car do you think new or used would be the best on auto insurance? Please be specific on the make and model of the car? Thank in advance for your answers
How much higher is insurance for a camaro z28?
i was wondering what the real world difference is between an early model fourth-gen camaro z28 versus a later model more modest car, such as a 2004 cavalier or 1999 acura CL? i have gotten quotes online but there doesnt seem to be much difference and everyone hypes the insurance for these kinds of cars so much. i am 16 and a guy so insurance is high in general. thanks.""
""Is a motorcycle cheaper than a car in terms of maintenance, fuel and insurance?""
No matter what I get, my budget most likely will be $5000. But i'm talking about other costs like maintenance, fuel and insurance. I know fuel obviously is much less than a car for motorcycles, but how about maintenance and insurance? Basically i'm a highschool student, I'll be going to college next year, its a 50 km ride one way. Public transit would take me 2 hours...so If possible, i'd like to get a car or motorcycle. I already passed my first road test, but I don't have a motorcycle licence, but I'd like to. Infact the college i'm planning on attending does motorcycle courses and licencing. I'm thinking that If I do get a bike, i'd ride it for september- early november, store it for the winter, then spring till the end of the school year. Obviously I'd ride it during the summer too! I dunno, what do you experts think? You think its a good game plan or am I just in over my head? Which should I get?""
What would be the insurance on a DeLorean for a 16 year old?
I'm about to be 16 and I'm a total Sci-Fi geek. I LOVE Back to the Future and ever since I've seen it I've wanted a DeLorean. Well we know someone who could get us a new one cheap, so that's no problem. My only concern is the insurance, and my parents aren't up for that. I don't know how much it is, but if someone our there is actually credible on the topic, could you give me a reasonable answer with a high and low. Thank you to all who answer :)""
How much is a used car and how much is car insurances ?
i am going to be 16 soon and i want to buy a used car and car insurances so how much is it i live in canada if that helps nova scotia to so umm yeah and btw i can't go on my ...show more
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old boy.?
i am international student from china. i really want to have my own car, but my guardian told me the insurance for teens is very expensive. i want to know how much is it per year or per month. i live in mn""
Looking for a new car - which ones have lowest insurance AND lowest tax?
I don't mind what it is, but I need to have a very cheap car to run on a daily basis. I have an 03 Daihatsu Charade at the mo, and I love it, but it's getting to the stage that it needs a lot spending on it, and the parts seem to be hard to get hold of, so I've decided to have a look around and see what's on the market. Trouble is, I look at something, and it's either high on insurance or high on the tax....does anyone know which cars are low on both tax and insurance?""
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
Help! I need medical insurance! ?
I have asthma with a history of mild depression. I am look for an affordable health insurance. I am 19 years old. Please help!
How much would my car insurance go up from a minor accident?
There is a dent about the size of a soccer ball on the back corner of the car....
How much would insurance cost in Australia?
Hi, i'm thinking about buying a car a month after i get my P's and i want to be the registered owner and have the title of the car. I was wondering in Australia how much car insurance i would have to pay each month, if i have a car under my name. The car would be a Toyota Prado GXL. Also would it just be better to leave it under my parent's name so the insurance would cost less? Oh and I'll be 17 when i get my car. thank you.""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
How to get insurance in your name?
If my son obtains a loan for a truck that is for me how can I get the insurance in my name and under my own insurance.My son insurance would be too high with his age and I will be the only driver.
Cheap car insurance for newly leased cars?
I am looking to start my own insurance with out my parents, I already consulted and figured out that I am about to lease a 2010 Honda Civic DX coupe. I am looking for the most reasonably cheap plan, any advice?""
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
Will McCains proposal to eliminate the tax deduction for health insurance ?
be the straw the breaks the backs of middle class Americans? Affordable health care is one of the foremost issues for middle class Americans. John McCain wants to eliminate the tax break given for the cost of insurance this will basically amount to a 25% increase in insurance costs for most of the middle class who are already struggling Yet he wants to continue the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. He truly is out of touch when it comes to the common man.
Car insurance for a 16 year old in miami?
how much do you have to pay monthly??year??
How are car insurance categories broken down ?
Obviously different cars will cost more to insure with different things affecting the price like engine size performance look and value, but how are these broken down for example when i was looking to buy a car a 2001 1.2 corsa sxi was about 850 to insure but a 2002 peugeot 206 1.1 was 1200 i was 21 and wondered why was the peugeot considerably more seeing as it had a smaller engine was pretty much the same age and was worth the same amount of money ?""
Do i have to register my car under my moms name for it to be cheaper?
I just bought this car and I'm 18 years old I want to have cheaper insurance so I'm putting the insurance under my moms name but would I have to register it under her to too in oder for it to be cheap? Or can I register it under my name and still have it be less money
""What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?
Which car would have higher insurance premiums?
I'm trying to figure out what car i want for my 16th birthday.. I've absolutely fell in love with the subaru wrx hatchback. the only thing im worried about is the fact that the insurance rates Might be high. i also like the mazda speed 3 and i was wondering which would be more expensive insurance wise. Also what you think about them being first vehicles. and please no<, you should get a POS for a first vehicle... Thanks in advance!!""
Do I need health Insurance in Australia?
Hi, im going to Australia for a year and im really not sure how the system works. Will I get free healthcare if I have an accident or get bitten by something? Do I need to purchase health insurance to cover me for this? Can I transfer my free NHS healthcare over there somehow?""
New Car/ New insurance...need it immediately?
I will be buying a car on Sunday. I am under my parent's insurance right now but will be getting my own when I get the new car. Do I need to get the new insurance policy before driving the car off the lot? How can I do this without the VIN number? I live in Florida.
I am 18 and i got disqualified for 3 months and i was wondering if anyone knows cheap car insurance for me?
ive tried things like confused and the comparing sites but i didn't know if anyone knew of smaller or more independent companies which are good at these types of quotes.
Can anyone take a Life Insurance Policy on my life without me knowing it?
A while ago I heard of a story of a buisness taking life insurance policies out on their employees without their knowledge of it. So, I figure it cant be a far stretch for anyone to take out an life insurance policy on anyone if they know the relevant personal information. If they can, how can I find out what insurance company has written so I can have it DESTROYED.""
What would happen if you show proof of full coverage to a lender then drop to liability?
Would the lender ever know that you dropped to liability? I am looking to finance a motorcycle and they require proof of insurance (full coverage), but the cost is insane.""
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
How to upgrade my current auto insurance?
I'm currently looking for a financed car, but I don't want to make a purchase without first understanding how much my insurance will cost to upgrade to full coverage. I contacted my current auto insurance (GMAC Insurance/National General Insurance). I was told that in order to be quoted for a new car, they would have to delete my car from my policy & put the new car on. I'm not understanding why my car has to be deleted just to get a quote for something I haven't purchased. I'm constantly getting the run around with this. Shouldn't I just be able to be quoted the new car without it affecting my current policy?""
What is a good cheap sports car for a teenager?
I just learned to drive a manual transmission so now i am interested in a more sporty car. I want something that is initially fast and doesn't require modificatons. I have a limit of about 5 or 6 grand.
The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?
The major difference between an owners title insurance policy and a lenders title insurance policy is?
What type of car business insurance do i need?
i have a small take-away business and i want to let my employees to drive my car. i have 3 cars for my business. can you please give me list of websites
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
Why isn't there an affordable Insurance with out a deductable?
I was raised on Insurance but now that I am an adult and moved away from my family I can't afford hospital visit or doctor visits or nothing. I look for insurance that I can afford but for the lowest deductible its to much and you have to pay the deductible first then pay the monthly payment. It just pisses me off that everything is so greedy!
Term Life Insurance?
What company is the best to open up a Term Life Insurance fix for 30yrs???
How to get cheapest car insurance by where you live?
How to get cheapest car insurance by where you live?
What is the cheapest car insurance company in the uk?
Hi what is a good cheap car insurance company in the uk for drivers under 25?
Is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?
is Bluecrossca a good medical insurance company?how much it charged in a year?is there any health insurance company better?anybody gets any suggestion?
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
Should i buy car insurance through a family member ?
My grandpa is a insurance agent and I'm.wondering if i should.purchase car insurance through him
Cheap car insurance?
Cheap car insurance?
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
""In Holland, what are the average odds of insurance paying for car dents and scratches caused by another?""
I got drunk and accidentally crashed my bike into a car, which didn't look very expensive. If it's likely that insurance doesn't pay, I'll try to pay for it myself""
Can I take my drivers test without insurance?
I plan on taking my drivers test on Monday (today is Wednesday) and I called my family's insurance company, but they said they will have to get back to us at the end of the week because they have been busy helping people cover storm damage (obviously, we recently had a bunch of tornadoes go through my town) and I am not sure if I can be insured by Monday. If that is the case, can I at least take my test? If it makes a difference, I live in Missouri.""
Which insurance company in California offers a $5K-$10K term life policy?
I am looking for a term life policy which pays $5-$10K. All of the major companies I searched for do not give online quotes and the services that do offer online quotes start at $100K.
What is the average homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes?
Just got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT town (ISO rated 9/10) for a 300ish year old home in the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly high. What are others paying in CT for similar old homes in these quaint new england towns?
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?
How much is car insurance for a 18 year old male in CA?
I'm 18 years old, get good grades, and I'm buying a new Nissan Versa (in Magnetic gray). The car's going to be about 14k total (out of the door price). I'm wondering which car insurance company I should go for, and what a good price would be. My parents are debating whether I will be added to their insurance plan, or if I will get it sepatetely. Does anyone have input on this? Thanks~""
What is insurance?
What is insurance?
Will car insurance cover a moped accident?
I was rear ended by a moped. The rider forgot to hit the brakes and nailed the back of my car. She broke my tail light and there's scrapes on my bumper and quarter panel. The rider didn't have insurance on her moped but has liability car insurance for her car. Her insurance company is refusing to pay for my damages, stating her moped is not insured, therefore they're not covering any damages. What should I do? I got a quote for $380 to fix my car.""
Would my car insurance price go up?
I got 2 speeding tickets in a matter of 5 months. 1 in May and 1 in the beginning of October. In California, you're not eligible to take traffic school for 18 months when you complete it. Would this not being eligible to take traffic school increase my car insurance price?""
Can parents get sued if I drive a car without insurance?
My mom tried to tell me that if I drive without insurance they would be sued because I live with them. I am 19 so I am a legal adult. The car is also in my name only. I think she was just talking out her *** personally, but now I am curious if that is even possible. Whatsoever.""
Car Insurance in England question?
If I am insured but I drive another car (included on policy) but that car is not insured by owner will ANPR pick up car has no insurance and do I commit offense? And if I am not insured but drive a car that is insured by owner does it come up on ANPR as being insured and therefore I wont get caught? Is the driver insured or the car???
Why cant i get cheaper insurance?
i have a fiat 500 1.2 with a tracker in my car which is there to stop me driving between 11pm and 5am and im still being charged 2000 a year for my insurance, last year i was paying 2008 a year i have 1 years no claims and no convictions WHY AM I BEING PUNISHED????""
About a car insurance..?
I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is.
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
Can I drive a car and get it insured in my parents name?
I'm thinking of buying a car as soon as I pass my driving test next month and I heard that car insurance for a 20 year old is really expensive so I was wondering if I was able to ...show more
Need Insurance?
I am buying a new car and have to get insurance. Any suggestions on good and cheap companies?
How much would you estimate the annual cost of living to be in central New Jersey?
This would be for a simple lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, utilities, food, clothing, phone, internet, cable, basic car, car insurance, gas, car maintenance, computer, pet, gifts, and a one-week basic vacation. You can provide an estimate both with, and without, a basic health insurance plan premium. I am just trying to figure out about how much it would cost to live in this area. Thank you for your advice.""
Who sells auto insurance for $300 per 6 months for CO?
Senior, perfect driving record, recent driving course, excellent credit rating, lives in 80104 Colorado. Retired and drive approximately 10 miles per week.""
How much would it cost on average to insure an Oldsmobile Aurora?
So I might inherit my grandparents Oldsmobile Aurora and I looked it up and it says its a sport sedan. Wouldn't that mean that the insurance will be double because it is a sports car?
How would insurance work in college?
When I go to college, how would I be able to receive insurance, to go to the Dentist or Doctor?""
Cheapest company to insure young new drivers in England? and also cheapest cars?
This time its not for me, its for my boyfriend, he's 19 and really big and broad so he wouldnt fit in something like a saxo or 106 unfortunately :( Also first time driver looking for cheap old shitty car! Quinn used to be cheapest but now quote has gone up at least 1,000!! Probably would prefer to pay monthly and am looking for third party fire and theft. Hopefully would have legal cover I have been looking for ages but since i'm not 17 yet, me getting a car instead of him is out of the question although i know it would be cheaper Thanks! :)""
""Having a driver's license, but no car? Insurance question.?""
I'm 18 years old and currently have my driver's license and pay car insurance on it under my parents insurance plan. I want to know if it's possible to sell my car and stop paying for the car insurance. Is it possible to have a drivers license, but not be paying for insurance? I wont be driving any cars, I'm going to get a motorcycle. I live in Florida.""
I got approved for the car loan but the insurance is more than the car note?
i am so mad. okay i got approved for an 05 pontiac grand am se. that barrier has been brought down. now im stuck with this insurance deal. since i am so new, its hard for me to get a good insurance quote. most places want 600-800 down and i dont have that kind of money. my car note would be around 330 but the insurance is mor3 than the car note. what am i to do? im checking progressive and they quote me at 161 monthy/1000 for 6 months. i cannot pay 360 a month for car insurance. im so sick right now...""
""Car insurance, change of profession?""
Hi All, I pay my car insurance in full every year. I am currently a Technologist - and this is what I specified when applying. I will be returning to full time education in September - so will be a full-time student rather than a technologist. I am fully comp. insured for social use. Do I have to let them know about my change in profession and will this affect how much I pay (even though I've already paid for year up to next April)? Any advice would be much appreciated.""
Want to sell my insurance idea?
I have a unique idea 4 a short term insurance in south africa. How do i sell it 2 insurance companies?
Good and affordable health insurance for an entry level job person?
8 live in pennsylvania, but so... U can give me details also if u live in other state. Anyway. .. i just wanna know which are goods""
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
What is the average insurance on a 1997 camaro with usaa?
What is the average insurance on a 1997 camaro with usaa?
Who sells auto insurance for $300 per 6 months for CO?
Senior, perfect driving record, recent driving course, excellent credit rating, lives in 80104 Colorado. Retired and drive approximately 10 miles per week.""
Homeowner insurance am I right?
So am I right? If I rent-to-own a home but the deed is still in the owners name untill I pay off the house. I cannot get homeowner insurance because the deed is in the owners name? But after I pay the house off I can get homeowner insurance because the deed will be in my name? I am paying the homeowners insurance though and if somthing happends to the house what the insurance will pay is the balance and I get nothing. So I should get renters insurance ??
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?
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