#Carl Gabriel Yorke
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"Today, people want sensationalism. The more you rape their senses, the happier they are" Cannibal Holocaust (1980) Dir: Ruggero Deodato
#Ruggero Deodato#Video Nasties#Horror#Found Footage#1980#Cannibal Holocaust#Disturbing#Banned Horror#Banned Films#Robert Kerman#Carl Gabriel Yorke#Francesca Ciardi#Luca Barbareschi#Perry Pirkanen#Riz Ortolani#Controversial Movies#Controversy#Kate Weiman#1979
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Perry Pirkanen in Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
#cannibal holocaust#1980#ruggero deodato#robert kerman#carl gabriel yorke#francesca ciardi#perry pirkanen#luca barbareschi
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2024 Cleveland Guardians Roster
#24 Triston McKenzie (Palm Beach County, Florida)
#28 Tanner Bibee (Mission Viejo, California)
#29 Tim Herrin (Terre Haute, Indiana)
#31 Sam Hentges (Arden Hills, Minnesota)
#32 Gavin Williams (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
#33 Hunter Gaddis (Canton, Georgia)
#36 Cade Smith (Abbotsford, British Columbia)**
#39 Edward Lively (Gulf Breeze, Florida)*
#41 Logan Allen (Deltona, Florida)
#44 Xzavion Curry (Atlanta, Georgia)
#46 Tyler Beede (Auburn, Massachusetts)*
#48 Emmanuel Clase (Río San Juan, Dominican Republic)
#49 Eli Morgan (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
#52 Nick Sandlin (Columbia County, Georgia)
#57 Shane Bieber (Laguna Hills, California)
#58 Scott Barlow (Santa Clarita, California)*
#59 Carlos Carrasco (Barquisimeto, Venezuela)*
#99 James Karinchak (Montgomery, New York)
#6 David Fry (Grapevine, Texas)
#23 Noah-Gibson Naylor (Mississauga, Ontario)
#27 Austin Hedges (San Juan Capistrano, California)*
#0 Andrés Giménez (Barquisimeto, Venezuela)
#4 Brayan Rocchio (Santiago De León De Caracas, Venezuela)
#11 José Ramírez (Baní, Dominican Republic)
#13 Gabriel Arias (La Victoria, Venezuela)
#22 Joshua-Douglas Naylor (Mississauga, Ontario)
#79 Ángel Martínez; Jr. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)**
#2 Tyler Freeman (Rancho Cucamonga, California)
#10 Ramón Laureano; Jr. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#17 Will Brennan (Overland Park, Kansas)
#38 Steven Kwan (Fremont, California)
#90 Estevan Florial (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)*
Manager Stephen Vogt (Visalia, California)
Bench coach Craig Albernaz (Somerset, Massachusetts)
Hitting coach Chris Valaika (Santa Clarita, California)
Assistant hitting coach Juan Puente (Galesburg, Illinois)
Assistant hitting coach Josh Tubbs (Nashville, Tennessee)
Assistant hitting coach Joe Torres (Kissimmee, Florida)
Pitching coach Carl Willis (Yanceyville, North Carolina)
Bullpen coach Brad Goldberg (Beachwood, Ohio)
Bullpen catcher Armando Camacaro (Santiago De León De Caracas)
Bullpen catcher Ricky Pacione (Newburgh, New York)
Outfield coach J.T. Maguire (Harford County, Maryland)
1B/catching coach Santos Alomar; Jr. (Ciudad Salinas, Puerto Rico)
3B/infield coach Rouglas Odor (Maracaibo, Venezuela)
Field coordinator Kai Correa (Hawaii County, Hawaii)
Assistant coach Jason Esposito (Bethany, Connecticut)
Assistant coach Agustin Rivero (New York, New York)
#Sports#Baseball#MLB#Cleveland Guardians#Celebrities#Florida#Venezuela#Massachusetts#Georgia#Indiana#Canada#British Columbia#Dominican Republic#Minnesota#North Carolina#New York#Texas#Ontario#Kansas#Connecticut#Maryland#Illinois#New York City#Tennessee#Puerto Rico#Hawaii#Ohio#Awesome
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Problemas legales más comunes que enfrentan las celebridades
1.- Demanda por difamación:
Las celebridades son propensas a ser objeto de rumores y especulaciones en los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales.
Las declaraciones falsas o difamatorias sobre su vida personal o profesional pueden dañar su reputación y carrera.
Ejemplos: Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, Britney Spears vs. The New York Times.
2. Demanda por invasión de la privacidad:
Las celebridades viven bajo un constante escrutinio público, lo que puede conducir a la invasión de su privacidad.
Paparazzis o fans obsesivos pueden acosarlos, tomar fotos no deseadas o irrumpir en sus propiedades.
Ejemplos: Justin Bieber vs. paparazzis, Beyoncé vs. Star Jones.
3. Demanda por incumplimiento de contrato:
Las celebridades firman contratos con estudios, marcas, agentes o representantes.
El incumplimiento de estos contratos puede generar demandas por daños y perjuicios.
Ejemplos: Lindsay Lohan vs. E! Entertainment, Paris Hilton vs. Carl's Jr.
4. Demandas por derechos de autor:
Las celebridades pueden enfrentar demandas por usar material protegido por derechos de autor sin autorización.
Esto puede incluir música, fotos, videos o incluso ideas para proyectos creativos.
Ejemplos: Pharrell Williams vs. Robin Thicke, Taylor Swift vs. Kanye West.
5. Problemas fiscales:
Las celebridades tienen la obligación de pagar impuestos como cualquier otra persona.
Sin embargo, su alto perfil y complejos ingresos pueden aumentar el riesgo de auditorías y problemas fiscales.
Ejemplos: Al Capone, Wesley Snipes, Chris Evans.
6. Cargos criminales:
Como cualquier persona, las celebridades pueden enfrentar cargos criminales por diversos delitos, como conducir bajo la influencia de drogas o alcohol, asalto o posesión de drogas.
Casos de alto perfil pueden generar una intensa atención mediática y afectar negativamente su imagen pública.
Ejemplos: Sean Penn, Robert Downey Jr., Martha Stewart.
7. Batallas por la custodia de los hijos:
Las celebridades con hijos pueden enfrentar disputas legales por la custodia, la manutención o la visitación.
La atención pública puede complicar aún más estos asuntos sensibles y privados.
Ejemplos: Brad Pitt vs. Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry vs. Gabriel Aubry.
8. Demandas por negligencia:
En algunos casos, las celebridades pueden ser demandadas por negligencia si sus acciones o productos causan daños a otras personas.
Ejemplos: Madonna vs. Live Nation, Michael Jackson vs. AEG Live.
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for thr ask game: 3, 6, 7, 12, 14!!
3. most valuable edition in your collection?
I feel like this was sorta already answered in th "most expensive" question but I feel like my most treasured "personal" ones are probably th ones I have autographed, including my signed by michael biehn [col. hicks] aliens VHS + my signed by greg lamberson slime city DVD copy + signed by carl gabriel yorke [alan yates] cannibal holocaust DVD
6. favorite VHS in your collection?
my ex-rental dead alive/braindead clamshell :]
7. when did you start collecting?
since I was 13 !! I started collecting as a serious hobby however around the time I turned 17 .
12. title you watch the most?
answered in a previous ask :3
14. do you have any boxsets or special editions?
OH YEA tons . I own alot of specific releases from blue underground, arrow video, etc that are usually special edition . I own the anchor bay evil dead ultimate edition + the grindhouse releasing deluxe edition version of pieces I really like especially .
#b4 anyone says anything I dont 100% stand by ruggero deadato's choices during th filming of cannibal holocaust & I could talk on it alot#and its historical impact on found footage & the boom of italian cannibal movies . I do think its cool I own a signed copy tho thats rly al#asks
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Reseña del libro de Brendan Simms ¿El retorno de los grandes espacios? (Conferencias Carl Schmitt)
Por Seyed Alireza Mousavi
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
El orden mundial dominado por los Estados Unidos hace tiempo que empezó a tambalearse. En el campo de batalla de Ucrania Estados Unidos libra una guerra de poder contra Rusia, mientras que Washington se encuentra detrás de la brutal operación militar israelí contra Gaza. Al mismo tiempo, Estados Unidos, como superpotencia dominante, ve amenazada su supremacía por el progreso económico y tecnológico de la República Popular China que ahora emerge como gran potencia. Brendan Simms, Director del Centro de Geopolítica de la Universidad de Cambridge, ve el orden mundial dominado por EEUU amenazado por China y Rusia, cuyos estrategas y estadistas han recuperado la idea de los Grandes Espacios.
Las líneas de conflicto global ya son claramente visibles. En Ucrania Occidente rechaza la afirmación de Putin de que este territorio forma parte de Rusia. En Asia China se enfrenta militarmente a Occidente por Taiwán y el Mar de China Meridional para liberar su espacio geopolítico del dominio de las potencias navales occidentales. En los últimos 120 años hemos visto cómo las potencias dominantes anglosajonas fueron desafiadas por potencias emergentes con fuertes identidades regionales. Tanto en 1918 como en 1945 la oposición de las potencias regionales a un orden mundial anglosajón acabó muy mal, aunque no podemos predecir cómo acabará esta vez. Simms, en una conferencia sobre Carl Schmitt que dio en Berlín y que fue publicada recientemente como un folleto por Duncker & Humblot, Simms sostiene que el concepto de la Gran Europa vuelve a estar de moda en todo el mundo: después del auge de la bipolaridad de la Guerra Fría y la unipolaridad estadounidense posterior a 1989 hemos visto como en los últimos veinte años el regionalismo y la multipolaridad se hacen más fuertes.
¿El retorno de los grandes espacios?
Rusia, al igual que China, habla de que desea dominar un espacio mucho mayor al que posee actualmente. Por supuesto, existe un nombre al que repetidamente se hace referencia (Carl Schmitt) y un concepto que ha vuelto a ponerse de moda (Großraum, Gran Espacio). La relevancia actual de Carl Schmitt tiene que ver sobre todo con su crítica a la hegemonía angloamericana.
El pensamiento alemán sobre el Großraum siempre ha tenido una fuerte connotación antibritánica y antiamericana, ya que considera que la principal amenaza para Alemania no procede de Francia o Rusia, sino del poder naval y económico algloaméricano. Los orígenes del concepto de la Gran Europa, la idea de que Europa Central debería unirse en torno a su núcleo alemán, se remontan a principios del siglo XIX. Desde la perspectiva anglosajona este debate siempre fue motivo de «preocupación», especialmente ante la idea de que una potencia pudiera crear un sistema de orden completamente independiente en Europa y Eurasia.
El nacionalsocialista Adolf Hitler se adelantó en muchas cuestiones geopolíticas relativas al relativas al futuro de Alemania tras «el Dictado de Versalles» con respecto a Carl Schmitt. Las opiniones de Schmitt coincidían en gran medida con las que Hitler expresó en los años 1939-42. Sin embargo, la concepción de Hitler no procedía de Schmitt. Hitler llevaba tiempo desarrollando su concepción del espacio y pensando en la Doctrina Monroe mucho antes de que el jurista la abordara en detalle. El historiador Simms cita una entrevista de Hitler con el New York Times en la que informaba sobre sus planes de crear una Doctrina Monroe alemana. Según Hitler Europa debía quedar en manos de Alemania y el resto del mundo en manos de las potencias anglosajonas sobre la base de un acuerdo de no injerencia mutua en los asuntos de los demás.
Una Doctrina Monroe europea
El núcleo del argumento de Schmitt es anti-universalista. En lugar de un orden mundial basado en ciertos principios universalmente válidos, que él veía sólo como una excusa para el imperialismo angloamericano basado en el derecho de intervención, Schmitt abogaba por el establecimiento de un sistema multipolar basado en grandes áreas delimitadas geográficamente.
Sin embargo, había diferencias entre las ambiciones de Hitler y la conceptualización propuesta por Carl Schmitt: Schmitt no dio una definición geográfica precisa del Gran Espacio alemán. Su Gran Alemania era más un espacio geojurídico que geopolítico. Schmitt no sólo había previsto un sistema multipolar, sino también una pluralidad de sistemas políticos. Además, ambos manifestaban diferentes actitudes hacia la Unión Soviética: al principio, el Tercer Reich intentó cautivar a Stalin con esta idea. El pacto germano-soviético de 1939 parecía abrir la posibilidad de un bloque euroasiático que se extendiera desde el Atlántico hasta Japón. De hecho, Land und Meer (Tierra y Mar) de Schmitt puede leerse como una crítica encubierta a la ruptura del pacto germano-soviético por parte de Hitler. Al fin y al cabo, los dos aliados temporales eran potencias terrestres con intereses comunes frente a los todopoderosos «monstruos marinos» anglosajones.
En este sentido, el historiador Simms considera a Schmitt como el cerebro de Eurasia. Después de todo, la Unión Soviética y el comunismo no eran el principal enemigo de Schmitt durante la Guerra Fría, sino las pretensiones universales de Occidente. En su diálogo sobre el partisano, Schmitt también elogió a los chinos como un pueblo que mantenía sus pies conectados a la tierra y los contrapuso implícitamente a las potencias navales occidentales.
Schmitt como cerebro euroasiático
En su conferencia de Berlín Simms señala que existe una línea directa y clara que va de Carl Schmitt a Putin y Xi Jinping. Los euroasiáticos e historiadores rusos se refieren a la región de la Gran Eurasia como una «realidad legal y manifiesta que permitirá el retorno de Rusia a la grandeza». Elena Vladimirovna Panina, una conocida parlamentaria rusa, esperaba una alianza de Moscú, París y Berlín para contrarrestar la alianza naval liderada por Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña. Desde esta perspectiva, el ataque ruso a Ucrania a finales de febrero de 2022 es vista por los eurasiáticos como un acto de autodefensa por parte del Kremlin.
El pensamiento de Schmitt tiene una larga historia de recepción en China debido a su oposición al liberalismo. Los chinos alaban a Schmitt como un historiador global que les ha ayudado a comprender la difícil situación de China a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX como «espacio libre» global dominado por otros y, en forma de la Teoría de la Gran China, les proporciona precisamente las herramientas para superar esta situación en el siglo XXI.
El miedo y el odio a los anglosajones no es tan pronunciado en China como en Rusia, pero forma parte importante del «imaginario político», señala el historiador irlandés. China condenó recientemente el pacto AUCUS entre Australia, Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido sobre el uso conjunto de tecnología de submarinos nucleares, calificándolo de «bloque anglosajón».
La alianza Moscú-Pekín
Según Simms la raíz del entendimiento entre Putin y Xi radica en su hostilidad compartida hacia los intentos de Occidente de implantar «principios democráticos» a escala mundial. Rusia y China defienden la idea de la creación de una macro-región que conecte las regiones rusa y china en un todo. El historiador ve actualmente un enfrentamiento entre, por un lado, las áreas regionales dominadas por Rusia y China, cada una de las cuales representa una forma particular de ver el mundo, y, por el otro, un Occidente universal que está anclado geográficamente en la angloesfera, pero pretende operar en todo el mundo.
El hecho de que el historiador irlandés establezca paralelismos en sus conferencias en Berlin sobre Carl Schmitt y la coexistencia de la Gran Rusia y la Gran China que recuerdan al Pacto de las Tres Potencias de 1940 (la Alemania nazi, Italia, Japón) es una prueba de hasta qué punto Simms se ha quedado anclado en las relaciones de poder de los años cuarenta en su análisis del mundo actual. De hecho, Simms sostiene que se está creando una nueva bipolaridad dominada por EEUU y China/Rusia, confundiendo este concepto con la multipolaridad. El ascenso del Sur global y la emergencia de los Estados que componen los BRICS son, en mi opinión, un contexto más apropiado para analizar la transición del orden mundial desde la unipolaridad de las potencias marítimas a la multipolaridad de las potencias terrestres. Simms también ignora por completo el hecho de que la nueva potencia terrestre China está expandiendo su influencia más allá de su propia área cultural a través del proyecto de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda, aunque no quiere imponer los valores de Asia Oriental en zonas extranjeras. Y este patrón también se aplica en gran medida a otras nuevas potencias como Rusia, India, Turquía e Irán. En este contexto, el concepto de la Gran Región de Asia Oriental necesita una nueva definición para hacer justicia a la actual evolución geopolítica.
El Dr. Seyed Alireza Mousavi es doctor en Ciencias Políticas, exégeta de Carl Schmitt y periodista independiente especializado en geopolítica que vive en Berlín.
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Are You Awake? from Gabriel Caste on Vimeo.
A woman working as a door-to-door wake-up caller encounters a client refusing to leave his bed, who recounts his terrible nightmares.
Director/Writer/Editor: Gabriel Caste
Producers: Alex Exline, Lauren Caste, Gabriel Caste
ONLINE PREMIERE: Short Of The Week // Directors Notes // Film Shortage
WORLD PREMIERE: Santa Barbara International Film Festival
SELECTIONS/NOMINATIONS: FilmQuest - Nominee: Best Cinematography (Ian Coad) and Best Editing (Gabriel Caste) Indie Shorts Mag - Nominee: Short of the Year Next Generation Indie Film Awards - Nominee: Best Actress (Ellyn Jameson) Blood Bash - Nominee: Best In Show and Favorite Actress (Ellyn Jameson)
Nashville Film Festival Beverly Hills Film Festival French Riviera Film Festival Catalina Film Festival Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival Tallgrass Film Festival Benson Film Festival Hollywood Gold Awards Kaaffilm International Short Film Festival New York Indie Shorts Awards Cannes Indie Shorts Awards Hollywood Shortsfest
CAST: DALE: Ellyn Jameson BRADLEY: Paul Archer Begine White-Klein John Wilcox Kelley Poling Charles Noland Tien Vu Sydney Kilroy Martin Lino Tevin Harris
CREW Director of Photography: Ian Coad 1st AC: Joe McNairy 2nd AC: Ly Tran Gaffer: Giovanni Palacino Key Grip: Nestor Valenzuela & Christopher Grajales Hair & Makeup: Diahann McCrary & Kimberly Werner Production Sound: Ethan Carling Original Score: Paul Sim Post Sound Mixer: Cody Peterson VFX: James Poirier BTS: Tyler Costill
IMDB: imdb.com/title/tt21392738/ LETTERBOXD: letterboxd.com/film/are-you-awake/
All rights reserved ©
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Birthdays 2.4
Beer Birthdays
Adolph Coors (1847)
William Sebastian Sohn (1852)
Louis Camille Maillard (1878)
Peter P. Straub Jr. (1893)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Gumby; claymation character (1955)
Fernand Leger; artist (1881)
Charles Lindbergh; aviator (1902)
Joshua Norton; Norton I, Emperor of the United States & Protector of Mexico (1819)
Norman Wisdom; British comedian, actor (1915)
Famous Birthdays
Hans Erasmus Aßmann; German poet (1646)
Gabrielle Anwar; actor (1970)
Conrad Bain; actor (1923)
Julian Bell; English poet (1908)
Carl Michael Bellman; Swedish composer & poet (1740)
Ugo Betti; Italian playwright (1892)
Clint Black; country singer (1962)
David Brenner; comedian (1945)
Nigel Bruce; actor (1895)
Alice Cooper; rock musician (1948)
Lisa Eichhorn; actor (1952)
Ediie Foy Jr.; actor, singer (1905)
Mark Hopkins; educator (1802)
Oscar De La Hoya; boxer (1973)
Betty Friedan; writer, feminist (1921)
Friedrich Glauser; Swiss author (1896)
Woody Hayes; college football coach (1913)
"Big" Bill Haywood; labor organizer (1869)
Russell Hoban; writer (1925)
MacKinlay Kantor; writer (1904)
Thaddeus Kosciusko; Polish general (1746)
Erich Leinsdorf; orchestra conductor (1912)
Ida Lupino; actor (1918)
Byron Nelson; golfer (1912)
Rosa Parks; civil rights activist (1906)
E.J. Pratt; Canadian poet (1882)
J. Danforth Quayle; U.S. Vice-President (1947)
Mikołaj Rej; Polish poet & author (1505)
George Romero; film director (1940)
John Schuck; actor (1940)
John Steel; rock musician (1941)
Lawrence Taylor; New York Giants LB (1959)
Clyde William Tombaugh; astronomer (1906)
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Controversial in many ways, violent, gory, including instances of killing real animals in the jungle (which were given to the villagers), and sexually explicit scenes AND it was initially mistaken for a snuff film by authorities**!
But it had a moving plot that wasn't boring or stagnant. I was really ready to sleep through this as a low-budget wonky edited and poorly written. Something that would make Ed Wood films look extravagant.
It was a good plot despite all the things I could nitpick. I certainly see what Eli Roth enjoyed from it to create his own Amazon Jungle cannibal film "The Green Inferno". With that being a spiritual sibling to this film.
I think I prefer Green Inferno to this, but it's good to finally see Cannibal Holocaust after years of hearing/reading about it.
**Ten days after its premiere in Milan, Cannibal Holocaust was confiscated under the orders of a local magistrate, and Ruggero Deodato was charged with obscenity. As all copies were to be turned over to the authorities, the film was released in other countries like the United Kingdom via subterfuge. In January 1981, during the film's theatrical run in France, the magazine Photo suggested that certain deaths depicted in the film were real, which would have made Cannibal Holocaust a snuff film. Following the publication of the Photo article, the charges against Deodato were amended to include murder. The courts believed that the actors who portrayed the missing film crew and the native actress featured in the impalement scene were killed for the camera.
Compounding matters was the fact that the supposedly deceased actors had signed contracts with the production which ensured that they would not appear in any type of media, motion pictures, or commercials for one year following the film's release. This was done in order to promote the idea that Cannibal Holocaust was truly the recovered footage of missing documentarians. During the subsequent court proceedings, questions arose as to why the actors were in no other media if they were alive as Deodato claimed.
To prove his innocence, Deodato had Luca Barbareschi get in contact with the other three actors, and the four of them were interviewed for an Italian television show. Deodato also explained in court how the special effect in the impalement scene was achieved: a bicycle seat was attached to the end of an iron pole, upon which the actress sat. She then held a short length of balsa wood in her mouth and looked skyward, thus giving the appearance of impalement. Deodato also provided the court with pictures of the girl interacting with the crew after the scene had been filmed. After they were presented with this evidence, the courts dropped all murder charges against Deodato.
#CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST (1980)#Ruggero Deodato#Gianfranco Clerici#Robert Kerman#Carl Gabriel Yorke#Francesca Ciardi#Luca Barbareschi#Perry Pirkanen#Ricardo Fuentes#Salvatore Basile#David Sage#Cannibalism#cannibal horror#WATCHING#mondo films#grindhouse films#gory films#controversial films#Italian film
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Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
“In there, the more you carry, the quicker you get tired, the sooner you die.“
#Cannibal Holocaust#horror#terror#movie#film#poster#movie poster#Ruggero Deodato#Gianfranco Clerici#Robert Kerman#Francesca Ciardi#Perry Pirkanen#Luca Barbareschi#Salvatore Basile#Carl Gabriel Yorke#Paolo Paoloni
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Albumtober Day 24: The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
(Prompt: An album that tells a story)
Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (1974)
Another alchemical album from 1974. This bafflingly esoteric rock opera, the last Genesis album to feature Peter Gabriel, tells the story of a youth from New York who goes on a surreal journey to look for his brother, and ends up finding himself.
I've never read anything confirming this, but I would be willing to bet Peter Gabriel has at least a passing knowledge of Hermeticism, esotericism, or at least Carl Jung's psychological alchemy. A lot of Gabriel's work, both with Genesis and in his solo career, seems to contain esoteric themes.
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is undoubtedly his magnum opus, his Great Work. The plot is reminiscent of the alchemical phrase "visita interiora terrae rectificando invenies occultum lapidem", which translates to "visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying (purifying) find the hidden stone." The literal Philosopher's Stone is not referenced in the album, but our protagonist, Rael, goes under the ground, undergoes tribulations and transformations, is "purified" in a manner of speaking (more on that later) and in the end finds that his brother has his own face, and "his consciousness darts from one face to the other, then back again, until his presence is no longer solidly contained in one or the other." Then everything dissolves into haze. Perhaps Rael himself represents the Philosopher's Stone.
Transformation seems to be a theme in this album. After the lamb lies down and the cloud of death descends on New York, Rael passes out and wakes up in a cocoon underground. The next time he wakes up the cocoon is gone and he's trapped in a cage of stalagmites and wishes he could turn to liquid in order to escape. The cage ends up dissolving on its own, and eventually Rael finds himself in a crowd of people who want to escape but don't know the way out because there are too many doors. Could this be seen as a metaphor for those who seek truth/enlightenment but don't know where to turn to because there are too many possible paths? I don't know! (The song right before this, "Carpet Crawlers", includes a lyric saying "the liquid has congealed." Just thought I'd note that.) Rael escapes with the help of a blind woman and after a near-death experience encounters a pool with three Lamia who embrace him and nibble at his flesh, then die, and he eats them. The pool could be seen as the alchemical vessel of sorts, in which a union takes place. After this, Rael begins transforming into a "slipperman", a sort of diseased being, and the only cure is castration.
There are a lot of things "whipping off your windscreen wiper" could represent in fiction, but here it could be interpreted as purification in a sense, especially since it follows the Lamia encounter and subsequent slipperman transformation. It occurs towards the end of the album, the final stage in Rael's journey. (His brother John also undergoes the procedure, having made it to the slipperman colony before him.) After chasing down a raven which steals the severed member, Rael ends up at a subterranean river. A skylight shows a glimpse of New York above, and Rael has a chance to escape, but John is drowning, and Rael enters the water to save him. As mentioned earlier, it turns out "John" is also Rael, and the two bodies are one self. They dissolve into a haze which "fills everything with its mysterious intoxicating presence." Again, this is rich with symbolism. Water again is entered. Two bodies become (or turn out to be) one person, although in this case the two are the same, unlike the usual alchemical union where the two would be opposites.
The last song on the album refers to "it". What is it? Well, it seems to be something inexplainable, something which is in everything. Is it soul, spirit, Anima Mundi? Is it rock and roll? "If you think that it's pretentious, you've been taken for a ride." I feel like this album really is like some kind of esoteric treatise, and whatever it is can't just be explained exoterically. I could be reading too much into it, of course, but a lot of the symbolism in the album seems deliberate. The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is Genesis's magnum opus in the conventional sense, but the term might very well apply in the alchemical sense as well.
Favorite tracks: "In The Cage", "Carpet Crawlers", "Back In N.Y.C."
#albumtober#genesis band#the lamb lies down on broadway#prog rock#rock opera#esoteric#alchemy#long post#castration mention#i spent way too much time on this and i should have gone to bed two hours ago but there you have it
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Chapter 3 of the Ties that bind sequel is now available to read on my AO3 account ^-^
[Read it HERE]
Remember to leave a comment! I do need feedback ^-^
Oh, oh, Akihiro ought to get a grip. He was losing it. Everything, everything he’d regained last year: gone. He felt a bubbly hysteria mounting, suffocating him. He barely registered his arm being grabbed, and then sulphur, and then he was in sunny New York, surrounded by so many people, and Johnny’s scent filled his nostrils and he sobbed with abject relief, moving towards him like a beacon, and Johnny’s arms were around him, strong and sure and warm.
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, X-Men (Comicverse) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Daken Akihiro/Johnny Storm Characters: Daken Akihiro, Johnny Storm, Laura Kinney, Gabrielle Kinney, Logan (X-Men), Bellona Kinney, Itsu (X-Men), Romulus (Marvel), Remus (Marvel), Lorna Dane, Carl Valentino, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Family, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Abuse, Asexual Character, Grief/Mourning, Canon-Typical Violence, Established Relationship, Additional Warnings at the Beginning of Each Chapter Series: Part 2 of Ties that bind
#daken#daken akihiro#akihiro#johnny storm#johnnydaken#otp: i was delighted when i heard you were going to join us here#gealach writes#ties that bind#string of fate
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2023 Cleveland Guardians Roster
#24 Triston McKenzie (Palm Beach County, Florida)
#31 Sam Hentges (Arden Hills, Minnesota)
#34 Noah Syndergaard (Mansfield, Texas)*
#37 Trevor Stephan (Magnolia, Texas)
#41 Logan Allen (Orange City, Florida)**
#44 Xzavion Curry (Atlanta, Georgia)
#47 Cal Quantrill (Port Hope, Ontario)
#48 Emmanuel Clase (Río San Juan, Dominican Republic)
#49 Eli Morgan (Redondo Beach, California)
#52 Nick Sandlin (Columbia County, Georgia)
#53 Daniel Norris (Johnson City, Tennessee)*
#57 Shane Bieber (Laguna Hills, California)
#58 Michael Kelly (Boca Raton, Florida)*
#61 Tanner Bibee (Mission Viejo, California)**
#62 Enyel De Los Santos (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
#63 Gavin Williams (Fayetteville, North Carolina)**
#23 Noah-Gibson Naylor (Mississauga, Ontario)
#35 Cam Gallagher (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)*
#0 Andrés Giménez (Barquisimeto, Venezuela)
#2 Tyler Freeman (Rancho Cucamonga, California)
#6 Brayan Rocchio (Santiago De León De Caracas, Venezuela)**
#8 José Tena (San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic)**
#11 José Ramírez (Baní, Dominican Republic)
#12 David Fry (Grapevine, Texas)**
#13 Gabriel Arias (La Victoria, Venezuela)
#22 Joshua-Douglas Naylor (Mississauga, Ontario)
#7 Myles Straw (Bradenton, Florida)
#10 Ramón Laureano; Jr. (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)*
#17 Will Brennan (Overland Park, Kansas)
#38 Steven Kwan (Fremont, California)
#39 Oscar González (Sabana Grande De Pelenque, DR)
#56 Kole Calhoun (Buckeye, Arizona)*
Manager Terry Francona (New Brighton, Pennsylvania)
Bench coach DeMarlo Hale (Chicago, Illinois)
Hitting coach Chris Valaika (Santa Clarita, California)
Assistant hitting coach Vic Rodriguez (New York, New York)
Pitching coach Carl Willis (Yanceyville, North Carolina)
Assistant pitching coach Joe Torres (Kissimmee, Florida)
Bullpen coach Rigo Beltrán (Tijuana, Mexico)
Bullpen catcher Armando Camacaro (Santiago De León De Caracas, Venezuela)
Bullpen catcher Ricky Pacione (Newburgh, New York)
1B/catching coach Santos Alomar; Jr. (Salinas, Puerto Rico)
3B/infield coach James Sarbaugh (Shillington, Pennsylvania)
Assistant coach J.T. Maguire (Phoenix, Arizona)
Run Coordinator Jason Esposito (Bay Village, Ohio)
Replay coordinator Mike Barnett (Columbus, Ohio)
#Sports#Baseball#MLB#Cleveland Guardians#Celebrities#Florida#Georgia#Texas#North Carolina#Dominican Republic#Minnesota#Tennessee#Pennsylvania#Venezuela#Kansas#Arizona#Ohio#New York#Puerto Rico#Mexico#Illinois#New York City#Awesome
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FAIRY TALES FROM THE SWEDISH by Nils Gabriel Djurklo (New York: Stokes, 1901). Translated by H.L. Braekstad. Illustrated by T.H. Kettlesen and Erik Werenskiold. Frontispiece by Carl Larsson.
#beautiful books#book blog#books books books#book cover#books#illustrated book#vintage books#children’s book#fairy tales#swedish#carl larsson
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Royal men
1. Prince Gabriel of Sweden
2. Prince George of Cambridge
3. Prince Jacques of Monaco
4. Prince Vincent of Denmark
5. Miguel Urdangarin
6. James, Viscount Severn
7. Prince Oscar of Sweden
8. Prince Charles of Luxembourg
9. Prince Nicolas of Sweden
10. Count Claus-Casimir of Orange Nassau
11. Prince Louis of Cambridge
12. Prince Henrik of Denmark
13. Prince Julian of Sweden
14. Archie Mountbatten-Windsor
15. Prince Noah of Nassau
16. Prince Alexander of Sweden
17. Prince Liam of Nassau
18. Prince Christian of Denmark
19. Prince Emmanuel of Belgium
20. Prince Sverre Magnus of Norway
21. Andrea Casiraghi
22. Prince Nikolai of Denmark
23. Prince Gabriel of Belgium
24. Pablo Urdangarin
25. Prince Felix of Denmark
26. Prince Sebastien of Luxembourg
27. Dimitri Rassam
28. Pierre Casiraghi
29. Prince Louis of Luxembourg
30. Prince Felix of Luxembourg
31. Louis Ducruet
32. Prince Amedeo of Belgium
33. Juan Urdangarin
34. Marius Borg Hoiby
35. Prince Nicolas of Belgium
36. Prince Aymeric of Belgium
37. Prince Gabriel of Nassau
38. Prince Joachim of Belgium
39. Felipe Marichalar
40. William Isvy
41. King Felipe VI of Spain
42. The Duke of Sussex
43. Prince Daniel of Sweden
44. Prince Joachim of Denmark
45. The Duke of Cambridge
46. Prince Johan Friso of Orange Nassau
47. Michel Tindall
48. King Willem Alexander of The Netherlands
49. Edoardo Mapelli
50. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
51. King Philippe of the belgians
52. Prince Carl Philip of Sweden
53. Duren Verrett
54. Prince Constatijn of The Netherlands
55. Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark
56. Peter Phillips
57. Christopher O’Neill
58. Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg
59. Prince Laurent of Belgium
60. Jack Brooksbank
61. The Prince of Wales
62. The Duke of Edinburgh
63. King Constantine of Greece
64. The Duke of Gloucester
65. Prince Henrik of Denmark
66. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
67. King Juan Carlos of Spain
68. Sir Timothy Laurence
69. Prince Lorenz of Belgium
70. Gran Duke Henri of Luxembourg
71. Prince Claus of The Netherlands
72. The Earl of Wessex
73. King Harald V of Norway
74. The Duke of Kent
75. Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven
76. Prince Michael of Kent
77. King Albert of Belgium
78. Prince Albert of Monaco
79. Tord Magnuson
80. The Duke of York
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