#Beauty Tips News
oceane4loveu · 10 months
new year, new me🕯🩰
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new year, new era💗💗I really wanted to do a glow up plan to become the best version of myself before 2024.
• Change my hair color
• Make a clothing vision board
• Find your signature scent
• Organize my room
• Get rid of clothes/objects I no longer use
• Organize my workstation, make it an environment pretty, fun and productive
• Make your bed for 21 days
• Keep your room clean for 21 days.
• Find a skin care routine, invest in great skin products.
• Find a workout plan that works for you and stay consistent for a month.
• Get at least 8 hours of sleep for 21 days
• Set boundaries with school or work, prioritize my mental health.
• journal in the morning for a week Every day for two weeks, write down 3 things you are grateful for
•Avoid social media in the morning
• Set a budget
• Learn to say no when it comes to spending money.
• Find inexpensive date ideas (picnic, baking, movie night, etc.)
• Take part of my salary and invest or keep it
• Don't buy things you don't have need
• Read a book this month (self-help books are the best)
• Learn a new skill (piano, painting, makeup, sports, etc.)
• Listen to a podcast while getting ready in the morning
• Stay away from toxic people
• Spend an hour with a friend every day for a week
• Call a friend instead of texting them
• Drink three bottles of water every day for 21 days.
• Find new recipes and cook more
• drink detox water every day
My DAYOL diary My notion
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positivelypositive · 9 months
it's time...
...to allow yourself to be peaceful.
...to make time for yourself. for the real you.
...to understand that big changes take time.
...to register the efforts you make regularly.
...to be you. just the way you are. it's just enough ✨
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scary-friend · 8 days
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pradashaya · 2 months
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In the hood w it
My taste in music is superb 🙌🏾
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icekreme · 4 months
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lover-sy · 10 months
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Hi, hii! Today’s post isn’t random because I started my period yesterday and I also got sick so my energy is really drained and I want to share a few tips to maybe help some of you! ( this is the 2nd time I’m writing this so I’m a bit annoyed )
— HYDRATION : you gotta drink A LOT of water during your period. Hydration is already so important as it is but during your period it’s 10x more important
— TEA : first of all shoutout to all my tea girlies. Then, I love drinking tea ( without caffeine!) because it not only makes my cramps better because of the warmth and since i often drink peppermint and ginger ( which is really good during your period ) but i also just convince myself that tea will make me feel better so it does. ( it’a all about the mindset )
— POSITIVITY : I always try to see the good in things which also includes my period. As i told SOME PEOPLE I imagine it as the blood of my enemies.. not i’m kidding. I just tell myself that I can grow a whole human and that it’s gonna be over soon. This isn’t temporary so I shouldn’t complain because I can’t change anything about it by complaining ( I tell myself that with a lot of things. Complaining never helps )
— EATING : I try to get as many vitamins in as possible with veggies, fruits and nuts but fish and chicken is also very good for you!
— VITAMINS/SUPPLEMENTS : i only eat chicken as meat so i’m deficient in a lot of vitamins so i have to take a lot of the most important one during your period is magnesium. Even if you eat a lot of food containing magnesium ( mostly nuts ) you should consider taking some magnesium supplements
— REST : this is the key to not passing out in this week of suffering. Sleep a lot and limit your physical activity ( I’m sorry to my athletes out there. ), instead of going to the gym and doing heavy workouts stay in bed and read a nice book or do chores around the house ( also has you moving )
— MOVE : very contradictory but yoga and a bit of walking can never do harm, i love walking during my period because it makes me feel like I did something but it also doesn’t leave me completely drained from all energy.
— WARMTH : tea, warm baths, heating pads and pets ( my cats keep me warm <3 )
— DISTRACTION : this may differ from person to person but I need a lot of distraction especially when I’m just laying around in bed so I usually read a very captivating book to focus 100% and forget about the pain.
— PEOPLE : I stay in my dark room and when I’m in school talk less because I’m worried that I’ll snap at people but I usually tell my friends that I’m on my period or they figure so there isn’t any misunderstandings
— REMINDERS : you can’t do anything about the fact that you get periods, they’re normal and you shouldn’t feel ashamed about them. People who make you feel that way about them are childish. You weight may vary so don’t panic! ( i don’t weight myself during my period because it’s not my real weight so it’s of no use! ). Your energy is already low so try to stay calm and not waste it on unnecessary things or people. Drama can wait for when you’re ovulating.
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nightbunnysong · 1 month
🌞1/50-Day Productivity Challenge🌞
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1. Exercise
30 minutes of swimming
2. Reading
20 minutes of reading
3. Diet and Weight Loss
Breakfast: green tea and half a sliced apple
Lunch: plain pasta with extra virgin olive oil, melon with prosciutto
Dinner: half a pizza (at sunset on the beach)
Supplements: folic acid, healthy immune system supplement
4. Academic Goals
1 hour of notes on beech forests for the Geobotany exam
5. Personal Growth
I think I was very polite today with the people around me.
What I can improve: not being so introverted and giving more compliments to others.
Song of the day:
[first photo mine, second from Pinterest]
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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All the songs with lyrics about heartbeats just deleted themselves from my brain. 🙄
Treat me ~ Tip me
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➷ 5 things you learnt in 2023.
➷ 5 people/things that happened in 2023 which made you happy.
➷ 5 people/things that happened in 2023 which made you sad.
➷ 5 core memories of 2023 to remember.
➷ 5 things you want to do in 2024
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prettyaddict14 · 3 months
Gossip Girl Beauty Secrets
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Thanks for reading!
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angelscandles · 9 months
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Healthy HOT GIRL 2024 habits♡
~~ drinking water. I can't say enough how IMPORTANT drinking water is. Try to find a cute water bottle and bring it with you everywhere!🤍
~~ reading. Nurture and feed your mind with positive things.
~~ journaling. It's a great way to process emotions trust me. And it also helps with overthinking.
~~ self-care. It can be any form of self-care! Whatever you prefer. (A warm bath, meditation...)
~~ meditate. Meditating is a calm and mindful way to collect and review your thoughts. I love it!
~~ move your body. It can be any form of movement. I personally really like Yoga.
Ease into the new year. You can do it!
Love ya!🤍
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organicmatter · 3 months
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Birthday gift from my gfs mom :)
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helpingbro · 2 months
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1.Start Unfollowing.
Unfollow people who do not make you feel empowered, informed or inspired.
2.Start writing.
Sometimes you just need to get out what's on your mind.
Try setting a timer for 30 minutes and doing a brain dump of all the things you want to complain about or challenges you are struggling with to let it all go and detox your mind from those nagging worries.
3.Ask yourself:
→Are there any dead relationships in my life that I am holding on to?
→What aspects of my life can I improve by removing things that isn't working anymore?
4.Practice Meditation.
During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate rampant thoughts crowding your mind and causing stress.
This process may result in enhanced emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual well-being.
5.Remember the big picture.
Write down a list of your long-term goals.
Call it your vision for your life. Reference it often. Keep it in your mind as you're cycling through your day-to-day tasks.
It's easy to get caught up in the minutiae of living when your gorget your why.
6.Acceptance is peace.
No amount of anxiety will change your future, no amount of regret will change your past.
Peace is found in acceptance:
• Accept imperfection.
• Accept uncertainty.
• Accept the uncontrollable.
You don't have to understand, tolerate or even forget something, but if you want peace, you must accept it.
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paranoia-art · 5 months
◦•◦Word of the Day◦•◦
◦•◦ Saccharine ◦•◦
Definition: Sickeningly Sweet
Sentence: She distracted the guards with her sacharine voice.
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Paraania - The One-Pump Power-Dose for Pristine Skin
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The Secret of the 7-Parni Tree to a Vibrant, Scintillating, Crystal Countenance
For Apparently Spot-Free, De-Clogged, Detoxed, Inside-Out-Pure, Visibly Clearer-Looking Skin: In Just 1 Pump Every Day!
Ayurveda's 1-Pump Daily Solution to reduce the appearance of darker spots (darker than your overall skin-tone) and the look of blemishes to moisturize skin that's often disturbed with acne, blackheads and whiteheads
An intense VEGAN power-potion, Paraania brings a storm of benefits to the skin to give it a clearer, more purified complexion. This power-purifier is your natural go-to to make you forget about skin clarifying and beautifying acid concentrates or peels. Paraania’s pristine power-dose de-clogs pores and gives them the sauna-cleanse without the sweat!
A unique oil for uneven skin tone, dark patches, oily or acne prone skin, this will moisturize unclear, blemished skin and make you see noticeable changes with daily use!
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qismet · 2 months
sorry for all my ooc posting heheh im not actually sorry i just realise theres never much in-character content on here
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