#Baltazar Fontana
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
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Church of Saint Michael is a Roman Catholic church in Olomouc, Czech Republic. The church was constructed in the 13th century, and reconstructed to its current Baroque form from 1676 to 1703 by Giovanni Pietro Tencalla. Stucco ornamentation for the interior was provided by Baltazar Fontana. Římskokatolický kostel svatého Michala v Olomouci byl postaven ve 13. století a zbarokizován v letech 1676 až 1703 podle návrhu Giovanniho Pietra Tencally. Štukovou výzdobu interiéru navrhl Baltazar Fontana. Die Kirche des Heiligen Michael ist eine römisch-katholische Kirche in Olmütz, Tschechische Republik. Die Kirche wurde im 13. Jahrhundert erbaut und von 1676 bis 1703 von Giovanni Pietro Tencalla in ihre heutige barocke Form umgebaut. Die Stuckverzierungen im Inneren stammen von Baltazar Fontana. Церковь Святого Михаила Архангела – римско-католическая церковь в Оломоуце, Чешская Республика. Церковь была построена в XIII веке и реконструирована в ее нынешнюю барочную форму с 1676 по 1703 год Джованни Пьетро Тенкалла. Лепные украшения для интерьера были выполнены Бальтазаром Фонтана. L'église Saint-Michel est une église catholique romaine située à Olomouc, en République tchèque. Construite au XIIIe siècle, elle a été reconstruite dans sa forme baroque actuelle de 1676 à 1703 par Giovanni Pietro Tencalla. L'ornementation en stuc de l'intérieur a été réalisée par Baltazar Fontana.
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theweirderpieces · 6 years ago
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Inspiration vs the end result
The Confessio in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, finished 1633
Grave of St John Cantius in St Anne’s Church in Cracow, by Baltazar Fontana between 1695 and 1703
Images: Jebulon CC0; Zygmunt Put Zetpe0202 CC-BY-SA
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heroicadventurists · 6 years ago
New titles and new details on upcoming titles from DC's Young Adult and Middle Grade
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Source: Newsarama
The offerings were revealed at the American Library Association (ALA)'s annual convention. During the "Book Buzz" panel Saturday in Washington, D.C., the publisher outlined their 2020-2021 releases for these two age groups.
DC has stressed that these are standalone stories, and not part of "DC's ongoing comic book continuity".
DC Kids' 2020 - 2021 line-up for Middle Grade readers are: 
Diana: Princess of the Amazons  Written by Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrated by Victoria Ying (January 2020)
Green Lantern: Legacy  Written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong (January 2020)                       
Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime Written by Derek Fridolfs and illustrated by Dustin Nguyen (February 2020)
Zatanna & the House of Secrets Written by Matthew Cody and illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani (February 2020)         
Batman: Overdrive  Written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Marcelo DiChiara (March 2020)
DC Super Hero Girls: Powerless  Written by Amy Wolfram and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska (March 2020)         
Anti/Hero  Written by Kate Karyus Quinn and Demitria Lunetta and illustrated by Maca Gil (April 2020)
ArkhaManiacs Written by Art Baltazar and Franco and illustrated by Art Baltazar (April 2020)
My Video Game Ate My Homework Written and illustrated by Dustin Hansen (May 2020)
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld Written by Shannon and Dean Hale
Batman and Robin…and Howard  Written and illustrated by Jeffrey Brown
DC Super Hero Girls – Written by Amy Wolfram
Dear Super-Villains  Written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte
Green Arrow: Stranded  Written by Brendan Deneen and illustrated by Caleb Hosalla
Indestructibles Book 1 Written by Ridley Pearson
Lois Lane  Written by Grace Ellis and illustrated by Brittney Williams
Metropolis Grove  Written and illustrated by Drew Brockington
Primer  Written by Thomas Krajewski and Jennifer Muro and illustrated by Gretel Lusky
Superman Smashes the Klan  Written by Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Gurihiru
Super Sons Book 3: Escape to Landis  Written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez
Teen Titans Go! to Camp  Written by Sholly Fisch
Teen Titans Go! Roll with It Written by Heather Nuhfer and P.C. Morrissey
The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel Written by Ryan North and illustrated by Derek Charm
Coming from the main DC line, here are the Young Adult titles through 2021:
Wonder Woman: Warbringer Adapted by Louise Simonson from Leigh Bardugo’s DC Icon prose novel and illustrated by Kit Seaton (January 2020)
Gotham High Written by Melissa de la Cruz and illustrated by Thomas Pitilli (February 2020)
The Oracle Code Written by Marieke Nijkamp and illustrated by Manuel Preitano (March 2020)
Shadow of the Batgirl  Written by Sarah Kuhn and illustrated by Nicole Goux (April 2020)
Lost Carnival: A Dick Grayson Graphic Novel Written by Michael Moreci and illustrated by Sas Milledge (May 2020)
Catwoman: Soulstealer  Adapted by Louise Simonson from Sarah J. Maas’ DC Icon prose novel and illustrated by Samantha Dodge
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star Written by Jadzia Axelrod and illustrated by Cait Zellers
House of El Book 1 Written by Claudia Gray and illustrated by Eric Zawadzki
I Am Not Starfire Written by Mariko Tamaki
Mister Miracle – Written by Varian Johnson
Nubia  Written by L.L. McKinney and illustrated by Robyn Smith
Swamp Thing  Written by Maggie Stiefvater and illustrated by Morgan Beem           
Teen Titans: Beast Boy Written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo
Victor & Nora: A Mr. Freeze Story Written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart
Whistle Written by E. Lockhart and illustrated by Manuel Preitano
Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed  Written by Laurie Halse Anderson and illustrated by Leila del Duca
You Brought Me the Ocean  Written by Alex Sanchez and illustrated by Julie Maroh
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend  Written by Alys Arden and illustrated by Jacquelin De Leon
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apolo401-blog · 5 years ago
Epidemiologia de hidatosis en el Hospital el Carmen 2002-2006
Fabricio Marcelo Párraga Baltazar
-Universidad Peruana de los Andes
-hoy hablaremos solo la epidemiologia de la hidatosis en el hospital el Carmen 2002 - 2006
Marco Teórico
Nos presenta el problema socioeconómico planteado por la hidatidosis en la Tierra del Perú. objetivamente en el Hospital El Carmen de la ciudad de Huancayo, Junín, y se destaca la necesidad de establecer la obligatoriedad de la notificación de casos, centralizar la información estadística correspondiente, efectuar campañas de educación sanitaria, evitar la matanza clandestina del ganado y tratar regularmente a los perros con antihelmínticos. Generalidades La hidatidosis es enfermedad conocida de muy antiguo, pues fue descrita ya por Hipócrates y luego por Galeno y Areteo, sin tener, claro está, conocimiento de su etiologí la cual es  es una enfermedad parasitaria grave.
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Analizando el cuadro donde constan los órganos afectados, observamos un mayor porcentaje de localización en el hígado en todas las especies de ganado sacrificado, lo que contrasta con la mayor frecuencia de localización pulmonar en el hombre. También es interesante destacar el alto porcentaje de órganos afectados en auquénidos. Teniendo en cuenta los órganos decomisados por quiste hidatídico y haciendo una estimación del peso medio, de acuerdo con órganos y especies, se han calculado las pérdidas ocasionadas por dichos decomisas, acorde con los precios vigentes en plaza, y se obtuvo un total de 11.604.154 soles correspondiente a los 444.610 órganos decomisados, de un total de 4.418.900 seres sacrificadas.
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer el estado de la hidatidosis humana, por la gran incidencia que presenta en nuestro país, principalmente en la región central andina. La recopilación de datos fue a partir de la revisión de fuentes primarias sobre epidemiología, el ciclo vital del parásito y del manejo del paciente afecto de Hidatidosis. Algunos hallazgos permiten afirmar que la hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el estado larval del cestodo Echinococcus del género Granulosus, de alta prevalencia en nuestro país y más en la región central andina, esto se debe principalmente a la costumbre de convivir con perros y ganado ovino así como también a la falta de educación y concientización de la población. Los estudios serológicos como Elisa IgG y Wester Blot por su mayor sensibilidad y especificidad son las pruebas de primera línea para confirmar el diagnóstico. Dependiendo del tamaño, las características del quiste hidatídico y su localización se decide el tratamiento. La hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el cestodo Echinococcus Granulosus de alta prevalencia en el Perú y más aún en la región central andina (Cerro de Pasco, Junín, Huancavelica), tiene un lento crecimiento dentro de los órganos humanos pudiendo ser asintomáticos hasta la edad adulta, los órganos más afectados son el hígado y el pulmón donde son diagnosticados por sus antecedentes epidemiológicos, clínica sugestiva (dolor abdominal, vómica) estudios de imagen principalmente ecografía abdominal, radiografía de tórax y exámenes de laboratorio como el Elisa IgG y Wester Blot.
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La hidatidosis es una zoonosis de distribución mundial, conocida desde la época de Hipócrates aparece en toda Europa, especialmente en la región mediterránea y zonas de América Latina, Asia, África y Australia donde puede llegar a tener una incidencia de 50 casos anuales por cada 100 000 habitantes (1). En América Latina los países más afectados son Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil, Perú, Bolivia y Chile donde representa un serio problema de salud pública (2, 3) El Perú en la actualidad, es probablemente el país de las Américas con una mayor incidencia y prevalencia de equinococosis quística, entre el 2001 y 2006 el número de casos por año fue entre 7 y 11 casos por cada 100 000 personas, sin embargo hay departamentos con más altas tasas de incidencias entre 14 y 34 casos por cada 100 000 habitantes como es el caso de Junín, Cerro de Paco y Huancavelica (4, 5, 6), en estos departamentos las provincias de Chupaca, Chaupimarca y Acoria respectivamente son los lugares de donde provienen la mayoría de los pacientes (6).
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Anatomía patológica
El diagnóstico de certeza se logra con la visualización del escólex, directamente o con el estudio anatomopatológico de las dos membranas que presenta el quiste hidatídico, la externa o cutícula y la interna germinativa o prolígera (23). blanquecina, opaca, elástica pero muy frágil, su composición química es semejante a la quitina y es PAS positiva, la membrana germinativa es una capa delgada de15 a 20 µm de espesor, de color amarillento y de aspecto finamente granular tiene un aspecto sincisial con numerosos núcleos, muy rica en glucógeno de ella nacen, se nutren y se liberan los escólex (13). El quiste hidatídico contiene un líquido transparente rico en cloruro de sodio, urea, ácido úrico, vestigios de albúminas y grasas que posee propiedades antigénicas así como elementos macroscópicos (vesículas hijas) como microscópicos (vesículas prolígeras, escólices y ganchitos) (13). En el 50 % de los casos se ha podido observar una mayor asociación entre fertilidad y quiste pulmonar así como la ausencia de la calcificación de su adventicia (7, 20) distinto al quiste hepático donde la calcificación tardía suele verse hasta en el 10 % de los casos (23).
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Según la clasificación de la OMS existen cuatro alternativas de tratamiento para la hidatidosis, la cirugía, el PAIR (punción, aspiración, inyección, reaspiración), farmacológico y el “observar y esperar”, la mejor opción dependerá de la experiencia del grupo tratante, del número y localización de los quistes, de la existencia de complicaciones asociadas, de la evidencia acumulada en la literatura médica y de las preferencias del paciente (2, 7). La cirugía es el tratamiento de elección en los quistes grandes o infectados o con posibilidad de ruptura y para los quistes localizados en órganos importantes, en general existen 2 tipos de cirugía, la radical que consiste en una periquistectomía y en algunos casos segmentectomía o lobectomía, la conservadora que consiste en el drenaje de la cavidad con una remoción parcial de las membranas, está última está asociada a un mayor número de complicaciones tales como f��stula biliar o absceso de la cavidad (7, 21). Se prefiere la cirugía radical frente a la conservadora por su eficacia del 100 % cuando se logra la extirpación completa de la membrana germinativa y no se dejan cavidades residuales ni comunicaciones con el exterior, además tiene una menor recidiva local y menor tasa de morbilidad post operatoria así como de complicaciones hepáticas (7, 21).
La hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el cestodo Echinococcus granulosus de alta pre-valencia en el Perú y más aún en la región central andina (Cerro de Pasco, Junín, Huancavelica), en el caso representativo de esta tesis hablamos sobre el aumento de enfermos de esta patología en el Hospital el Carmen. Lo cual tiene un lento crecimiento dentro de los órganos humanos pudiendo ser asintomáticos hasta la edad adulta, los órganos más afectados son el hígado y el pulmón donde son diagnosticados por sus antecedentes epidemiológicos, clínica sugestiva (dolor abdominal, vómica) estudios de imagen principalmente ecografía abdominal, radiografía de tórax y exámenes de laboratorio como el Elisa IgG y Wester Blot. Dependiendo del tamaño la OMS plantea 4 opciones de tratamiento, la cirugía el PAIR (punción, aspiración, inyección, re-aspiración), el farmacológico y el “observar y esperar”. En el Perú, por desconocimiento y falta de insumos se emplea principalmente el tratamiento quirúrgico. Este estudio se hizo para tratar de estandarizar el diagnóstico y manejo de esta enfermedad a través de guías con evidencia científica aceptada en la literatura médica. 
Referencias Bibliográficas
(1) Dévé, Félix, T.: Trente deux annbes d’6tude d’echinococcose, Prensa Med Argent., 19: 523,193Z.
 (2) Pérez Fontana, V. : Biología de la hidatidosis, Bol Inst Perfec Med Quir (Uruguay), 1946.
 (3) Peschiera, C.: Lobectomfa por quiste hidatidico infectado, Actas del Conservatorio C%nico “M. AZjovin” (Perú), 11:109, 1946.
(4) Arellano, C. : Hidatidosis. Rev Med Per 18:326, 1957.
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omg-harly-blog · 5 years ago
Epidemiologia de hidatosis en el Hospital el Carmen 2002-2006
Fabricio Marcelo Párraga Baltazar
-Universidad Peruana de los Andes
-hoy hablaremos solo la epidemiologia de la hidatosis en el hospital el Carmen 2002 - 2006
Nos presenta el problema socioeconómico planteado por la hidatidosis en la Tierra del Perú. objetivamente en el Hospital El Carmen de la ciudad de Huancayo, Junín, y se destaca la necesidad de establecer la obligatoriedad de la notificación de casos, centralizar la información estadística correspondiente, efectuar campañas de educación sanitaria, evitar la matanza clandestina del ganado y tratar regularmente a los perros con antihelmínticos. Generalidades La hidatidosis es enfermedad conocida de muy antiguo, pues fue descrita ya por Hipócrates y luego por Galeno y Areteo, sin tener, claro está, conocimiento de su etiologí la cual es  es una enfermedad parasitaria grave.
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Analizando el cuadro donde constan los órganos afectados, observamos un mayor porcentaje de localización en el hígado en todas las especies de ganado sacrificado, lo que contrasta con la mayor frecuencia de localización pulmonar en el hombre. También es interesante destacar el alto porcentaje de órganos afectados en auquénidos. Teniendo en cuenta los órganos decomisados por quiste hidatídico y haciendo una estimación del peso medio, de acuerdo con órganos y especies, se han calculado las pérdidas ocasionadas por dichos decomisas, acorde con los precios vigentes en plaza, y se obtuvo un total de 11.604.154 soles correspondiente a los 444.610 órganos decomisados, de un total de 4.418.900 seres sacrificadas.
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido conocer el estado de la hidatidosis humana, por la gran incidencia que presenta en nuestro país, principalmente en la región central andina. La recopilación de datos fue a partir de la revisión de fuentes primarias sobre epidemiología, el ciclo vital del parásito y del manejo del paciente afecto de Hidatidosis. Algunos hallazgos permiten afirmar que la hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el estado larval del cestodo Echinococcus del género Granulosus, de alta prevalencia en nuestro país y más en la región central andina, esto se debe principalmente a la costumbre de convivir con perros y ganado ovino así como también a la falta de educación y concientización de la población. Los estudios serológicos como Elisa IgG y Wester Blot por su mayor sensibilidad y especificidad son las pruebas de primera línea para confirmar el diagnóstico. Dependiendo del tamaño, las características del quiste hidatídico y su localización se decide el tratamiento. La hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el cestodo Echinococcus Granulosus de alta prevalencia en el Perú y más aún en la región central andina (Cerro de Pasco, Junín, Huancavelica), tiene un lento crecimiento dentro de los órganos humanos pudiendo ser asintomáticos hasta la edad adulta, los órganos más afectados son el hígado y el pulmón donde son diagnosticados por sus antecedentes epidemiológicos, clínica sugestiva (dolor abdominal, vómica) estudios de imagen principalmente ecografía abdominal, radiografía de tórax y exámenes de laboratorio como el Elisa IgG y Wester Blot.
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La hidatidosis es una zoonosis de distribución mundial, conocida desde la época de Hipócrates aparece en toda Europa, especialmente en la región mediterránea y zonas de América Latina, Asia, África y Australia donde puede llegar a tener una incidencia de 50 casos anuales por cada 100 000 habitantes (1). En América Latina los países más afectados son Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil, Perú, Bolivia y Chile donde representa un serio problema de salud pública (2, 3) El Perú en la actualidad, es probablemente el país de las Américas con una mayor incidencia y prevalencia de equinococosis quística, entre el 2001 y 2006 el número de casos por año fue entre 7 y 11 casos por cada 100 000 personas, sin embargo hay departamentos con más altas tasas de incidencias entre 14 y 34 casos por cada 100 000 habitantes como es el caso de Junín, Cerro de Paco y Huancavelica (4, 5, 6), en estos departamentos las provincias de Chupaca, Chaupimarca y Acoria respectivamente son los lugares de donde provienen la mayoría de los pacientes (6).
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Anatomía patológica
El diagnóstico de certeza se logra con la visualización del escólex, directamente o con el estudio anatomopatológico de las dos membranas que presenta el quiste hidatídico, la externa o cutícula y la interna germinativa o prolígera (23). blanquecina, opaca, elástica pero muy frágil, su composición química es semejante a la quitina y es PAS positiva, la membrana germinativa es una capa delgada de15 a 20 µm de espesor, de color amarillento y de aspecto finamente granular tiene un aspecto sincisial con numerosos núcleos, muy rica en glucógeno de ella nacen, se nutren y se liberan los escólex (13). El quiste hidatídico contiene un líquido transparente rico en cloruro de sodio, urea, ácido úrico, vestigios de albúminas y grasas que posee propiedades antigénicas así como elementos macroscópicos (vesículas hijas) como microscópicos (vesículas prolígeras, escólices y ganchitos) (13). En el 50 % de los casos se ha podido observar una mayor asociación entre fertilidad y quiste pulmonar así como la ausencia de la calcificación de su adventicia (7, 20) distinto al quiste hepático donde la calcificación tardía suele verse hasta en el 10 % de los casos (23).
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Según la clasificación de la OMS existen cuatro alternativas de tratamiento para la hidatidosis, la cirugía, el PAIR (punción, aspiración, inyección, reaspiración), farmacológico y el “observar y esperar”, la mejor opción dependerá de la experiencia del grupo tratante, del número y localización de los quistes, de la existencia de complicaciones asociadas, de la evidencia acumulada en la literatura médica y de las preferencias del paciente (2, 7). La cirugía es el tratamiento de elección en los quistes grandes o infectados o con posibilidad de ruptura y para los quistes localizados en órganos importantes, en general existen 2 tipos de cirugía, la radical que consiste en una periquistectomía y en algunos casos segmentectomía o lobectomía, la conservadora que consiste en el drenaje de la cavidad con una remoción parcial de las membranas, está última está asociada a un mayor número de complicaciones tales como fístula biliar o absceso de la cavidad (7, 21). Se prefiere la cirugía radical frente a la conservadora por su eficacia del 100 % cuando se logra la extirpación completa de la membrana germinativa y no se dejan cavidades residuales ni comunicaciones con el exterior, además tiene una menor recidiva local y menor tasa de morbilidad post operatoria así como de complicaciones hepáticas (7, 21).
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La hidatidosis es una enfermedad producida por el cestodo Echinococcus granulosus de alta pre-valencia en el Perú y más aún en la región central andina (Cerro de Pasco, Junín, Huancavelica), en el caso representativo de esta tesis hablamos sobre el aumento de enfermos de esta patología en el Hospital el Carmen. Lo cual tiene un lento crecimiento dentro de los órganos humanos pudiendo ser asintomáticos hasta la edad adulta, los órganos más afectados son el hígado y el pulmón donde son diagnosticados por sus antecedentes epidemiológicos, clínica sugestiva (dolor abdominal, vómica) estudios de imagen principalmente ecografía abdominal, radiografía de tórax y exámenes de laboratorio como el Elisa IgG y Wester Blot. Dependiendo del tamaño la OMS plantea 4 opciones de tratamiento, la cirugía el PAIR (punción, aspiración, inyección, re-aspiración), el farmacológico y el “observar y esperar”. En el Perú, por desconocimiento y falta de insumos se emplea principalmente el tratamiento quirúrgico. Este estudio se hizo para tratar de estandarizar el diagnóstico y manejo de esta enfermedad a través de guías con evidencia científica aceptada en la literatura médica. 
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Referencias Bibliográficas
(1) Dévé, Félix, T.: Trente deux annbes d’6tude d’echinococcose, Prensa Med Argent., 19: 523,193Z.
 (2) Pérez Fontana, V. : Biología de la hidatidosis, Bol Inst Perfec Med Quir (Uruguay), 1946.
 (3) Peschiera, C.: Lobectomfa por quiste hidatidico infectado, Actas del Conservatorio C%nico “M. AZjovin” (Perú), 11:109, 1946.
(4) Arellano, C. : Hidatidosis. Rev Med Per 18:326, 1957.
#medicina#epidemiologia#hidatosis#"peru#junin#Hospital el Carmen
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dccomicsnews · 6 years ago
DC announced today new details surrounding its young reader imprints—DC Zoom and DC Ink—and revealed first looks at titles scheduled for release in fall 2019, all of which are available for pre-order below.
The cornerstone of today’s span announcement are two new graphic novels from DC’s middle grade imprint—DC Zoom—that will debut in October 2019:
THE SECRET SPIRAL OF SWAMP KID by acclaimed writer and illustrator Kirk Scroggs tells a lighthearted coming-of-age tale about a half-human/half-plant boy named Russell Weinwright. The book is completely written and drawn in first-person journal entries and features a fun, innovative lined notebook-style format.
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DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: AT METROPOLIS HIGH marks the first DC Super Hero Girls (DCSHG) graphic novel by new series writer Amy Wolfram. Wolfram is joined by DCSHG veteran artist Yancey Labat for this original story set in the same universe as the new DC Super Hero Girlsanimated series created by Lauren Faust that will air Sundays at 4 p.m. ET/PT on Cartoon Network beginning March 17, 2019.
  THE SECRET SPIRAL OF SWAMP KID and DCSHG: AT METROPOLIS HIGH will be joined this fall by previously announced DC Zoom titles by Meg Cabot and Cara McGee, Shannon and Dean Hale with Victoria Ying, and Minh Lê and Andie Tong, among others. Books published under the DC Zoom banner target middle grade readers ages 8-12 and tell stories focused on friends, family and growing up.
DC has also confirmed on-sale dates and shared early looks at forthcoming titles from DC Ink—the publisher’s new young adult graphic novel line. DC Ink books feature thought-provoking stories for readers ages 13+ that focus on everyday aspirations, struggles and triumphs. The current DC Ink slate for fall 2019 includes HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS from Mariko Tamaki and Steve Pugh, and Marie Lu’s BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER prose novel adapted in graphic form by Stuart Moore with art by Chris Wildgoose.
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See below for complete creative teams and on-sale dates for all DC Zoom and DC Ink titles debuting in 2019 and January 2020. All 2019 titles are available to preorder now.
DC Zoom (ages 8-12):
SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT (April 2, 2019)—written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez
DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: SPACED OUT (June 4, 2019)—written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska
DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE (August 6, 2019)—written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte
SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE (September 3, 2019)—written by Art Baltazar and Franco and Illustrated by Art Baltazar
THE SECRET SPIRAL OF SWAMP KID (October 1, 2019)—written and illustrated by Kirk Scroggs
DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: AT METROPOLIS HIGH (October 15, 2019)—written by Amy Wolfram and illustrated by Yancey Labat
BLACK CANARY: IGNITE (November 5, 2019)—written by Meg Cabot and illustrated by Cara McGee
SUPER SONS: THE FOXGLOVE MISSION (November 5, 2019)—written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez
DIANA, PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS (January 7, 2020)—written by Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrated by Victoria Ying
GREEN LANTERN: LEGACY (January 21, 2020)—written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong
  DC Ink (ages 13+):
MERA: TIDEBREAKER (April 2, 2019)—written by Danielle Paige and illustrated by Stephen Byrne
UNDER THE MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE (May 7, 2019)—written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart
TEEN TITANS: RAVEN (July 2019)—written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo
HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS (September 3, 2019)—written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Steve Pugh
BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER (October 1, 2019)—adapted by Stuart Moore from Marie Lu’s prose novel for the DC Icon series and illustrated by Chris Wildgoose
  About DC Zoom:
DC Zoom is a new middle grade graphic novel line from DC. The line will introduce DC’s most iconic Super Heroes to a new generation of fans with stories told by some of the most successful authors from the middle grade publishing space. DC Zoom titles will be standalone stories, not part of DC’s ongoing continuity, and completely accessible to new readers who have no previous knowledge of DC characters. The line will launch in April 2019 with the release of SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT by Ridley Pearson and Ile Gonzalez.
  About DC Ink
DC Ink is a new young adult graphic novel line from DC. The line will introduce DC’s most iconic Super Heroes to a new generation of fans with stories told by some of the most successful authors from the young adult publishing space. DC Ink titles will be standalone stories, not part of DC’s ongoing continuity, and completely accessible to new readers who have no previous knowledge of DC characters. The line will launch in April 2019 with the release of MERA: TIDEBREAKER by Danielle Paige and Stephen Byrne.
New Details Announced For DC Zoom & DC Ink Titles DC announced today new details surrounding its young reader imprints—DC Zoom and DC Ink—and revealed first looks at titles scheduled for release in fall 2019, all of which are available for pre-order below.
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geekcavepodcast · 6 years ago
DC Announces New YA and Middle Grade Graphic Novels
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At the American Library Association convention DC announced new titles for its Books for Young Readers program focusing on young adults aged 13+ and middle grader readers aged 8-12. These graphic novels will be stand-alone stories. 
Young Adult titles for Spring 2020 include:
Wonder Woman: Warbringer, by writer Leigh Bardugo and artist Kit Seaton,coming in January 2020,
Gotham High, by writer Melissa de la Cruz and artist Thomas Pitilli, coming in February 2020,
The Oracle Code, by writer Marieke Nijkamp and artist Manuel Preitano, coming in March 2020,
Shadow of the Batgirl, by writer Sarah Kuhn and artist Nicole Goux, coming in April 2020, and   
The Lost Carnival: A Dick Grayson Graphic Novel, by Michael Moreci and artist Sas Milledge, coming in May 2020.
Middle Grade titles for Spring 2020 include:
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Diana: Princess of the Amazons, by writers Shannon and Dean Hale and artist Victoria Ying, coming in January 2020,
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Green Lantern: Legacy, by writer Minh Lê and artist Andie Tong, coming in January 2020,
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Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime, by writer Derek Fridolfs and artist Dustin Nguyen, coming in February 2020,
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Zatanna & the House of Secrets, by writer Matthew Cody and artist Yoshi Yoshitani, coming in February 2020,
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Batman: Overdrive, by writer Shea Fontana and artist Marcelo DiChiara, coming in March 2020,
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DC Super Hero Girls: Powerless, by writer Amy Wolfram and artist Agnes Garbowska, coming in March 2020,
Anti/Hero, by writers Kate Karyus Quinn and Demitria Lunetta and artist Maca Gil, coming in April 2020,
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ArkhaManiacs, by writers Art Baltazar and Franco and artist Art Baltazar, coming in April 2020, and
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My Video Game Ate My Homework, by writer and artist Dustin Hansen, coming in May 2020.
Upcoming Young Adult titles (not all titles are final) for 2020 and 2021 include:
Catwoman: Soulstealer based on Sarah J. Maas’ prose novel and adapted by writer Louise Simonson and artist Samantha Dodge,
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star by writer Jadzia Axelrod and artist Cait Zellers,
House of El Book 1 by writer Claudia Gray and artist Eric Zawadzki,
I Am Not Starfire by writer Mariko Tamaki,
Mister Miracle by writer Varian Johnson,
Nubia by writer L.L. McKinney and artist Robyn Smith,
Swamp Thing by writer Maggie Stiefvater and artist Morgan Beem,     
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Teen Titans: Beast Boy by writer Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo,
Victor & Nora: A Mr. Freeze Story by writer Lauren Myracle and artist Isaac Goodhart,
Whistle by writer E. Lockhart and artist Manuel Preitano,
Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed by writer Laurie Halse Anderson and artist Leila del Duca,
You Brought Me the Ocean by writer Alex Sanchez and artist Julie Maroh, and
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend by writer Alys Arden and artist Jacquelin De Leon.
Upcoming Middle Grade titles (not all titles are final) for 2020 and 2021 include:
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld by writers Shannon and Dean Hale,
Batman and Robin…and Howard by writer/artist Jeffrey Brown,
DC Super Hero Girls by writer Amy Wolfram,
Dear Super-Villains by writer Michael Northrop and artist Gustavo Duarte,
Green Arrow: Stranded by writer Brendan Deneen and artist Caleb Hosalla,
Indestructibles Book 1 by writer Ridley Pearson,
Lois Lane by writer Grace Ellis and artist Brittney Williams,
Metropolis Grove by writer/artist Drew Brockington,
Primer by writers Thomas Krajewski and Jennifer Muro and artist Gretel Lusky,
Superman Smashes the Klan by writer Gene Luen Yang and artist Gurihiru,
Super Sons Book 3: Escape to Landis by writer Ridley Pearson and artist Ile Gonzalez,
Teen Titans Go! to Camp by writer Sholly Fisch,
Teen Titans Go! Roll with It by writers Heather Nuhfer and P.C. Morrissey, and
The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel by writer Ryan North and artist Derek Charm.
These comics and more will presumable launch under DC Comics’ new DC Kids and DC labels.
(Images via DC Comics)
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hellyeahheroes · 6 years ago
@keeper-of-the-lore has found this link. We have a ton of new info and new titles from DC Ink and DC Zoom, including books about some fan-favorites, including Cassandra Cain and Jackson Hyde.
The newly announced books from Ink include Oracle: Rising by Marieke Nijkamp (This Is Where It Ends), Shadow of the Batgirl starring Cassandra Cain by Sarah Kuhn (Heroine Complex), Dick Grayson: Lost Carnival by Michael Moreci (Roche Limit), an Alex Sanchez (Rainbow Boys) book about Aqualad under working title Truth and Consequences: A Jackson Hyde Story and an adaptation of Louise Simonson's Wonder Woman: Warbringer novel by Leigh Bardugo. DC Zoom will add to its offer Diana, Princess of the Amazons by Shanna and Dean Hale (Rapunzel's Revenge), 
We also get to learn some of the artists of already announced projects. Gene Yang’s Superman Smashes the Klan will be illustrated by Gurihiru, best known for their work on Gwenpool, Minh Lê’s Green Lantern: Legacy by Andie Tong, Michael Northtrop’s Dear Justice League by Gustavo Duarte, Melissa de la Cruz’s Gotham High by Thomas Pitilli and Stuart Moore’s adaptation of Marie Lu’s Batman: Nightwalker by Chris Wildgoose.
Also, there will be a panel on the books on Friday. Meanwhile here is the list of all titles
The complete list of DC Ink and DC Zoom titles and creative teams announced to date include: DC Ink: MERA: TIDEBREAKER (April 2019)—written by Danielle Paige and illustrated by Stephen Byrne UNDER THE MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE (May 2019)—written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS (June 2019)—written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Steve Pugh TEEN TITANS: RAVEN (July 2019)—written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER (August 2019)—adapted by Stuart Moore from Marie Lu’s prose novel for the DC Icon series and illustrated by Chris Wildgoose DICK GRAYSON: LOST CARNIVAL—written by Michael Moreci GOTHAM HIGH—written by Melissa de la Cruz and illustrated by Thomas Pitilli ORACLE RISING—written by Marieke Nijkamp SHADOW OF THE BATGIRL—written by Sarah Kuhn TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES: A JACK HYDE STORY—written by Alex Sanchez (working title) WONDER WOMAN: TEMPEST TOSSED—written by Laurie Halse Anderson WONDER WOMAN: WARBRINGER—adapted by Louise Simonson from Leigh Bardugo’s prose novel for the DC Icon series DC Zoom: SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT (April 2019)—written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: SPACED OUT (May 2019)—written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE (June 2019)—written and illustrated by Art Baltazar & Franco DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE (July 2019)—written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte BATMAN: OVERDRIVE (August 2019)—written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Marcelo Di Chiara BLACK CANARY: IGNITE (October 2019)—written by Meg Cabot and illustrated by Cara McGee BATMAN TALES: ONCE UPON A CRIME (November 2019)—written by Derek Fridolfs and illustrated by Dustin Nguyen GREEN LANTERN: LEGACY (December 2019)—written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong DIANA, PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS—written by Shannon and Dean Hale SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN—written by Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Gurihiru Studios
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comicweek · 7 years ago
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DC Announces YA/MG imprints DC Ink & DC Zoom
DC Ink: For Young Adult readers  
DC Zoom: For Middle Grade Readers
DC Entertainment revealed two new original graphic novel publishing imprints today, DC Ink focused on young adult (YA) readers, and DC Zoom focused on middle grade (MG) readers. Both imprints will feature a world class line-up of authors who have established YA and MG fan bases. These authors will bring their storytelling expertise to a DC Universe filled with iconic characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and many more. The first titles from DC Ink and DC Zoom will be released in Fall 2018.
“Superheroes are more popular than ever so it only makes sense to bring these DC characters to an entirely new generation of young readers,” stated Diane Nelson, president of DC Entertainment and president of Warner Bros. Consumer Products. “The first comic books created decades ago were for kids, and as the business evolved and matured, it became more focused on adult readers. DC Ink and DC Zoom present an exciting new opportunity to grow our publishing business and ensure beloved stories built around iconic characters like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are endeared as part of the fabric of childhood for years to come.”
“Two of the recent areas of growth in publishing include graphic novels and books for young readers – we’re bringing those formats together with DC Ink and DC Zoom,” said DC Entertainment Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee. “We’ve already experienced tremendous success with our DC Super Hero Girls graphic novels. The new DC Ink and DC Zoom slate, paired with a stellar author line-up, presents a major business growth opportunity and we couldn’t be more excited – we’re going big.”
The first titles from DC Ink include HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS by Mariko Tamaki (SUPERGIRL: BEING SUPER) with art by Steve Pugh, and MERA by Danielle Paige (DOROTHY MUST DIE series). The first title to hit shelves from DC Zoom will be DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: SEARCH FOR ATLANTIS from writer Shea Fontana and artist Yancey Labat. All three titles will go on sale in Fall 2018, with many more titles from DC Ink and DC Zoom set to follow in 2019.
From the NYT story “The softcover Zoom graphic novels will cost $9.99 and run 128 pages, while the Ink books will be priced at $16.99 for 192 pages. The stories will be free from the elaborate continuity of previous superhero tales”
“They are character studies, not necessarily superhero stories,” said Bobbie Chase
Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass by Mariko Tamaki and drawn by Steve Pugh
Mera by Danielle Paige, Artist not annouced yet (above cover by Mike Norton)
Additional confirmed upcoming titles and authors for DC Ink include:
DC Super Hero Girls: Search for Atlantis by Shea Fontana and Yancey Labat.
Additional confirmed titles and authors for DC Zoom include:
BATMAN TALES: ONCE UPON A CRIME – writer and artist: Derek Fridolfs, Dustin Nguyen (BATMAN: LI’L GOTHAM)
DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE – Michael Northrop (TOMBQUEST series)
SUPER SONS – Ridley Pearson (KINGDOM KEEPERS series)
SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE – writer and artist: Art Baltazar & Franco (TINY TITANS)
SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN – Gene Yang (AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER series, NEW SUPER-MAN), will be released as periodicals first, then collected
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photo-snap-stories · 4 years ago
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Kościół św. Andrzeja, Kraków
Ufundowany został pod koniec XI w. przez palatyna Władysława Hermana-Sieciecha. W XIV w. pieczę nad kościołem przejęły siostry klaryski, które przeniosły się tutaj z miejscowości Skała (okolice Ojcowa). Kościół wielokrotnie ucierpiał z powodu dotkliwych pożarów. W XVII w. do budowli dodano barokowe hełmy wieżowe, natomiast ok. 1700 r. gruntownie przekształcono wnętrze. Przepiękną dekoracje stiukową, bardzo podobną do tej, jaką możemy zobaczyć w kolegiacie uniwersyteckiej św. Anny, wykonał Baltazar Fontana. Stiuki uzupełniają malowidła, prawdopodobnie autorstwa Karola Dankwarta.
Kościół św. Andrzeja jest budowlą romańską, kamienną, z wieżami ozdobionymi w górnych kondygnacjach ażurowymi biforiami. Kościoły z tego okresu służyły nie tylko celom religijnym, ale także miały charakter fortecy i wszelkie predyspozycje ku temu, by odeprzeć ataki wroga. Tak też było w przypadku omawianej świątyni. Kościół w czasie jednego z najazdów tatarskich dał schronienie mieszkańcom Krakowa, którzy dzięki tej kryjówce uniknęli masakry.
W skarbcu klasztornym znajdują się prawdziwe perełki sztuki średniowiecznej, m.in. iluminowane księgi oraz unikatowe figurki jasełkowe z XIV w. ufundowane prawdopodobnie przez królową Elżbietę Łokietkówną, żonę króla węgierskiego Karola Roberta.
Church of St. Andrew, Kraków, Poland
It was founded at the end of the 11th century by the palatine Władysław Herman-Sieciech. In the 14th century, the care of the church was taken over by the Poor Clare Sisters, who moved here from Skała (near Ojców). The church suffered numerous fires. In the 17th century, baroque tower cupolas were added to the building, and around 1700 the interior was thoroughly transformed. Beautiful stucco decoration, very similar to what we can see in the university collegiate church of St. Anna, made by Baltazar Fontana. The stucco is complemented by paintings, probably by Karol Dankwart.
Church of St. Andrew is a Romanesque stone building, with towers decorated on the upper floors with openwork biforia. Churches from this period served not only religious purposes, but also had the character of a fortress and had every predisposition to repel enemy attacks. During one of the Tatar invasions, the church sheltered the inhabitants of Krakow.
The monastery's treasury contains real gems of medieval art, including illuminated books and unique 14th-century nativity figures probably funded by Queen Elisabeth Lokietkowna, wife of Hungarian King Charles Robert.
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heroicadventurists · 6 years ago
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DC Zoom (ages 8-12):
SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT(April 2, 2019)—written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez 
DC Zoom and DC Ink updates
DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: SPACED OUT(June 4, 2019)—written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska
DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE(August 6, 2019)—written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte 
SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE(September 3, 2019)—written by Art Baltazar and Franco and Illustrated by Art Baltazar
THE SECRET SPIRAL OF SWAMP KID(October 1, 2019)—written and illustrated by Kirk Scroggs 
DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: AT METROPOLIS HIGH(October 15, 2019)—written by Amy Wolfram and illustrated by Yancey Labat
BLACK CANARY: IGNITE(November 5, 2019)—written by Meg Cabot and illustrated by Cara McGee 
SUPER SONS: THE FOXGLOVE MISSION(November 5, 2019)—written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez
DIANA, PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS(January 7, 2020)—written by Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrated by Victoria Ying
GREEN LANTERN: LEGACY(January 21, 2020)—written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong 
DC Ink (ages 13+): 
MERA: TIDEBREAKER(April 2, 2019)—written by Danielle Paige and illustrated by Stephen Byrne
UNDER THE MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE(May 7, 2019)—written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart 
TEEN TITANS: RAVEN(July 2019)—written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo 
HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS(September 3, 2019)—written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Steve Pugh 
BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER(October 1, 2019)—adapted by Stuart Moore from Marie Lu’s prose novel for the DC Icon series and illustrated by Chris Wildgoose
Source: DC
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comicsxaminer · 6 years ago
Robust Young Reader Lineup Slated to Debut through 2021 Includes New Stories from Acclaimed Authors and Artists Jeffrey Brown, Claudia Gray, Julie Maroh, and E. Lockhart, Among Others
First Looks at On-Sale Dates, Synopses, and Covers for Spring 2020 Titles Revealed
During today’s Book Buzz panel at the American Library Association’s (ALA) annual convention in Washington D.C., DC announced plans to expand its Books for Young Readers program with an extensive new graphic novel slate geared toward young adults and middle grade readers. The new titles revealed today are scheduled to debut from 2020 through 2021 and feature stories starring Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and more of DC’s most iconic characters, written and illustrated by some of the biggest names in the young adult (YA) and middle grade publishing space.
As standalone stories, DC’s YA and middle grade graphic novels are not part of DC’s ongoing comic book continuity and completely accessible to new fans. DC’s YA titles feature thought-provoking stories for readers ages 13 and up that focus on everyday aspirations, struggles, and triumphs. DC’s middle grade graphic novels are geared toward readers ages 8-12 and tell stories focused on friends, family, and growing up.
DC also announced on-sale dates and gave panel attendees a first look at covers and synopses for several middle grade and YA titles debuting in spring 2020. The above image gallery features artwork for spring 2020 middle grade titles by artists Dustin Nguyen (BATMAN TALES: ONCE UPON A CRIME), Yoshi Yoshitani (ZATANNA & THE HOUSE OF SECRETS), Marcelo DiChiara (BATMAN: OVERDRIVE), Agnes Garbowska (DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: POWERLESS), Art Baltazar (ARKHAMANIACS), and Dustin Hansen (MY VIDEO GAME ATE MY HOMEWORK).
For a current list of titles and creative teams slated to hit stores in 2020 and 2021, see below.
Spring 2020 Lineup
Young Adult Titles
Wonder Woman: Warbringer – Written by Leigh Bardugo and illustrated by Kit Seaton (January 2020)
Gotham High – Written by Melissa de la Cruz and illustrated by Thomas Pitilli (February 2020)
The Oracle Code – Written by Marieke Nijkamp and illustrated by Manuel Preitano (March 2020)
Shadow of the Batgirl – Written by Sarah Kuhn and illustrated by Nicole Goux (April 2020)
Lost Carnival: A Dick Grayson Graphic Novel – Written by Michael Moreci and illustrated by Sas Milledge (May 2020)
Middle Grade Titles
Diana: Princess of the Amazons – Written by Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrated by Victoria Ying (January 2020)
Green Lantern: Legacy – Written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong (January 2020)
Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime—Written by Derek Fridolfs and illustrated by Dustin Nguyen             (February 2020)
Zatanna & the House of Secrets – Written by Matthew Cody and illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani (February 2020)
Batman: Overdrive – Written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Marcelo DiChiara (March 2020)
DC Super Hero Girls: Powerless – Written by Amy Wolfram and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska (March 2020)
Anti/Hero – Written by Kate Karyus Quinn and Demitria Lunetta and illustrated by Maca Gil (April 2020)
ArkhaManiacs – Written by Art Baltazar and Franco and illustrated by Art Baltazar (April 2020)
My Video Game Ate My Homework – Written and illustrated by Dustin Hansen (May 2020)
Upcoming Titles Debuting in 2020 and 2021
Upcoming Young Adult Titles (Not all titles are final)
Catwoman: Soulstealer – Adapted by Louise Simonson from Sarah J. Maas’ DC Icon prose novel and illustrated by Samantha Dodge
Galaxy: The Prettiest Star – Written by Jadzia Axelrod and illustrated by Cait Zellers
House of El Book 1 – Written by Claudia Gray and illustrated by Eric Zawadzki
I Am Not Starfire—Written by Mariko Tamaki
Mister Miracle – Written by Varian Johnson
Nubia – Written by L.L. McKinney and illustrated by Robyn Smith
Swamp Thing – Written by Maggie Stiefvater and illustrated by Morgan Beem
Teen Titans: Beast Boy – Written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo
Victor & Nora: A Mr. Freeze Story – Written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart
Whistle – Written by E. Lockhart and illustrated by Manuel Preitano
Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed – Written by Laurie Halse Anderson and illustrated by Leila del Duca
You Brought Me the Ocean – Written by Alex Sanchez and illustrated by Julie Maroh
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend – Written by Alys Arden and illustrated by Jacquelin De Leon
Upcoming Middle Grade Titles (Not all titles are final)
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld – Written by Shannon and Dean Hale
Batman and Robin…and Howard – Written and illustrated by Jeffrey Brown
DC Super Hero Girls – Written by Amy Wolfram
Dear Super-Villains – Written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte
Green Arrow: Stranded – Written by Brendan Deneen and illustrated by Caleb Hosalla
Indestructibles Book 1—Written by Ridley Pearson
Lois Lane – Written by Grace Ellis and illustrated by Brittney Williams
Metropolis Grove – Written and illustrated by Drew Brockington
Primer – Written by Thomas Krajewski and Jennifer Muro and illustrated by Gretel Lusky
Superman Smashes the Klan – Written by Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Gurihiru
Super Sons Book 3: Escape to Landis – Written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez
Teen Titans Go! to Camp – Written by Sholly Fisch
Teen Titans Go! Roll with It – Written by Heather Nuhfer and P.C. Morrissey
The Mystery of the Meanest Teacher: A Johnny Constantine Graphic Novel – Written by Ryan North and illustrated by Derek Charm
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DC ANNOUNCES NEW YOUNG ADULT AND MIDDLE GRADE GRAPHIC NOVELS AT ALA ANNUAL Robust Young Reader Lineup Slated to Debut through 2021 Includes New Stories from Acclaimed Authors and Artists Jeffrey Brown, Claudia Gray, Julie Maroh, and E.
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comics-manga-videos · 6 years ago
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DC anuncia los nuevos comics DC Ink y DC Zoom por Louise Simonson, Marieke Nijkamp, ​​Sarah Kuhn y ¡Más! DC Comics ha anunciado la próxima ola de cómics para su impresión de adultos jóvenes de DC Ink y su impresión de grado medio de DC Zoom en San Diego Comic-Con. Entre los títulos anunciados están Oracle Rising de Marieke Nijkamp , Shadow of the Batgirl de Sarah Kuhn , Diana, Princess of the Amazons de Shannon y Dean Hale , Dick Grayson: Lost Carnival de Michael Moreci , Truth or Consequences: A Jack Hyde Story de Alex Sánchez , y la Mujer Maravilla de Leigh Bardugo : Warbringer , adaptada por The Great Louise Simonson . Además, el editor reveló a los artistas en algunos de sus primeros títulos anunciados, incluyendo a Andie Tong enGreen Lantern: Legacy , Chris Wildgoose en Batman: Nightwalke r, Gurihiru Studios en Superman Smashes the Klan , Gustavo Duarte en Dear Justice League y Thomas Pitilli en Gotham High . DC Ink y DC Zoom se anunciaron en febrero, con el objetivo de encontrar lectores fuera del mercado directo. Las fechas de publicación pronto se " bloquearon " , aunque posteriormente se retrasaron en abril, y ambas líneas debutarán en 2019. Un comunicado de prensa revela más detalles: Marieke Nijkamp, ​​autora número uno del New York Times, YA, autora de This Is Where It Ends, llevará su narración a la línea de novelas gráficas de adultos jóvenes de DC, DC Ink, con un cuento original sobre un adolescente Oracle, el superhéroe alterno. ego que Barbara Gordon asume después de un encuentro con The Joker la confina a una silla de ruedas. ORACLE: RISING se unirá a otra historia sobre una adolescente Batgirl, Cassandra Cain, en SHADOW OF THE BATGIRL, escrita por la aclamada autora Sarah Kuhn, conocida por sus populares novelas Heroine Complex. Los títulos adicionales de DC Ink anunciados hoy incluyen: VERDAD O CONSECUENCIAS: UNA HISTORIA DE JACK HYDE, el título de trabajo de una historia de Aqualad escrita por el galardonado autor Alex Sánchez (Rainbow Boys); DICK GRAYSON: LOST CARNIVAL, escrito por el escritor de cómics aclamado por la crítica Michael Moreci (Roche Limit); y WONDER WOMAN: WARBRINGER, de Leigh Bardugo, que será adaptada de su forma en prosa a una novela gráfica de la escritora Louise Simonson. DC Zoom, la línea de novelas gráficas de grado medio de DC, presentará su primera historia protagonizada por Wonder Woman en DIANA, PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS, escrita por Shannon y Dean Hale. Las colaboraciones anteriores del dúo de esposos incluyen la novela gráfica de Rapunzel's Revenge nominada a Eisner y la exitosa serie de novelas en prosa The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl de Marvel. Shannon Hale es también la autora ganadora de Newbery Honor de la serie Princess Academy y la ganadora del éxito del New York Times Real Friends. Nuevos artistas y fechas de venta de los títulos previamente anunciados también fueron revelados hoy. Gurihiru Studios proporcionará ilustraciones para SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN de Gene Luen Yang, Andie Tong dibujará la novela gráfica de Minh Lê GREEN LANTERN: LEGACY, Gustavo Duarte se unirá al autor Michael Northrop en DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE y Thomas Pitilli se ha aprovechado para ilustrar Melissa de la Cruz GOTHAM HIGH novela gráfica. DC también anunció a Chris Wildgoose como el artista para la adaptación de BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER de Marie Lu y reveló la portada oficial de la novela gráfica, que se puede ver arriba. Ambas líneas de publicación se lanzarán en abril de 2019 con los títulos previamente anunciados MERA: TIDEBREAKER (DC Ink), escrita por Danielle Paige e ilustrada por Stephen Byrne; y SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT (DC Zoom), escrito por Ridley Pearson con el arte de Ile Gonzalez. Aquí está la alineación completa de libros procedentes de DC Ink y DC Zoom: DC Ink: MERA: TIDEBREAKER (abril de 2019) - escrito por Danielle Paige e ilustrado por Stephen Byrne BAJO LA LUNA: UN CUENTO CATWOMAN (mayo de 2019) - escrito por Lauren Myracle e ilustrado por Isaac Goodhart HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS (junio de 2019) Escrito por Mariko Tamaki e ilustrado por Steve Pugh. ADOLESCENTES: RAVEN (julio de 2019). Escrito por Kami Garcia e ilustrado por Gabriel Picolo BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER (agosto de 2019). Adaptado por Stuart Moore de la novela en prosa de Marie Lu para la serie DC Icon. e ilustrado por Chris Wildgoose DICK GRAYSON: PERDIDO CARNAVAL-escrito por Michael Moreci GOTHAM ALTO-escrito por Melissa de la Cruz e ilustrado por Thomas Pitilli ORACLE RISING-escrito por Marieke Nijkamp SOMBRA DEL BATGIRL-escrito por Sarah Kuhn VERDAD O CONSECUENCIAS: UNA HISTORIA DE JACK HYDE-escrita por Alex Sanchez (título provisional ) MUJER MARAVILLOSA: TEMPESTAD TOSSED-escrita por Laurie Halse Anderson MUJER MARAVILLOSA: GUERRA-adaptada por Louise Simonson de la prosa de Leigh Bardugo novela para la serie DC Icon DC Zoom: SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT (abril de 2019) - escrito por Ridley Pearson e ilustrado por Ile Gonzalez DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: SPACED OUT (mayo de 2019) - escrito por Shea Fontana e ilustrado por Agnes Garbowska SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE (junio de 2019) ) -escrito e ilustrado por Art Baltazar & Franco DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE (julio de 2019) -escrito por Michael Northrop e ilustrado por Gustavo Duarte BATMAN: OVERDRIVE (agosto de 2019) -escrito por Shea Fontana e ilustrado por Marcelo Di Chiara BLACK CANARY: IGNITE ( Octubre de 2019) - escrito por Meg Cabot e ilustrado por Cara McGee BATMAN TALES: UNA VEZ EN UN CRIMEN (noviembre de 2019) - escrito por Derek Fridolfs e ilustrado por Dustin Nguyen GREEN LANTERN: LEGACY (diciembre de 2019) - escrito por Minh Lê e ilustrado por Andie Tong DIANA, PRINCESA DE LAS AMAZONAS - escrito por Shannon y Dean Hale SUPERMAN SORPRENDE LA KLAN - escrito por Gene Luen Yang e ilustrado por Gurihiru Studios https://ift.tt/2O1hUk8 https://ift.tt/2zUxZVO
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geekcavepodcast · 6 years ago
DC Comics Announces New Titles To DC Ink and DC Zoom Imprints
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DC Ink and DC Zoom announced new titles at San Diego Comic Con 2018.
DC Ink (focusing on readers 13 and up) had previously announced Mera: Tidebreaker, written by Danielle Paige and illustrated by Stephen Byrne, Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale, written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass, written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Steve Pugh, and Teen Titans: Raven, written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo.
Joining them are Batman: Nightwalker, an adaptation of Marie Lu’s prose novel, hails from Stuart Moore and illustrated by Chris Wildgoose.
Dick Grayson: Lost Carnival will be written by Michael Moreci.
Gotham High is written by Melissa de la Cruz and illustrated by Thomas Pitilli.
Oracle Rising is written by Marieke Nijkamp.
Shadow of the Batgirl is written by Sarah Kuhn.
Truth or Consequences: A Jack Hyde Story is written by Alex Sanchez. (This is a working title.)
Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed is written by Laurie Halse Anderson.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer, an adaptation of Leigh Bardugo’s prose novel from the DC Icon series, comes from Louise Simonson.
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DC Zoom (focusing on readers aged 8-12) had previously announced Super Sons: The Polarshield Project, written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez, DC Super Hero Girls: Spaced Out, written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska, Batman: Overdrive, written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Marcelo Di Chiara, and Black Canary: Ignite, written by Meg Cabot and illustrated by Cara McGee.
Joining these Zoom titles are Superman of Smallville, written and illustrated by Art Baltazar & Franco.
Dear Justice League is written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte.
Batman Tales: Once Upon a Crime is written by Derek Fridolfs and illustrated by Dustin Nguyen.
Green Lantern: Legacy is written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong.
Diana, Princess of the Amazons is written by Shannon and Dean Hale.
Superman Smashes the Klan is written by Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Gurihiru Studios.
(Image via DC Comics)
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heroicadventurists · 6 years ago
DC Ink and DC Zoom
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Source: shelf awareness and dccomicnews
"DC Zoom (targeted to middle grade readers, ages 8-12) and DC Ink (for young adult readers, ages 13-up) are two new young reader graphic novel imprints from DC. Both lines will introduce DC's most iconic Super Heroes to a new generation of fans with stories told by some of the most successful authors from the middle grade and young adult publishing space. While the books will star popular DC characters, the stories will not necessarily fit the typical "superhero" storytelling mold. We'll see many of these superheroes and original characters as relatable middle school and high schoolers, dealing with the typical struggles and real-world issues that young people face today. DC Zoom and DC Ink titles will also be standalone stories, not part of DC's ongoing continuity, and completely accessible to new readers who have no previous knowledge of DC characters."
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Upcoming DC Zoom
SUPER SONS: THE POLARSHIELD PROJECT (April 2019)—written by Ridley Pearson and illustrated by Ile Gonzalez
DC SUPER HERO GIRLS: SPACED OUT(May 2019)—written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Agnes Garbowska
SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE (June 2019)—written and illustrated by Art Baltazar & Franco
DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE (July 2019)—written by Michael Northrop and illustrated by Gustavo Duarte
BATMAN: OVERDRIVE (August 2019)—written by Shea Fontana and illustrated by Marcelo Di Chiara
BLACK CANARY: IGNITE (October 2019)—written by Meg Cabot and illustrated by Cara McGee
BATMAN TALES: ONCE UPON A CRIME(November 2019)—written by Derek Fridolfs and illustrated by Dustin Nguyen
GREEN LANTERN: LEGACY (December 2019)—written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Andie Tong
DIANA, PRINCESS OF THE AMAZONS—written by Shannon and Dean Hale
SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN—written by Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by Gurihiru Studios
Upcoming DC Ink
MERA: TIDEBREAKER (April 2019)—written by Danielle Paige and illustrated by Stephen Byrne
UNDER THE MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE(May 2019)—written by Lauren Myracle and illustrated by Isaac Goodhart
HARLEY QUINN: BREAKING GLASS (June 2019)—written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Steve Pugh
TEEN TITANS: RAVEN (July 2019)—written by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo
BATMAN: NIGHTWALKER (August 2019)—adapted by Stuart Moore from Marie Lu’s prose novel for the DC Icon series and illustrated by Chris Wildgoose
DICK GRAYSON: LOST CARNIVAL—written by Michael Moreci
GOTHAM HIGH—written by Melissa de la Cruz and illustrated by Thomas Pitilli
ORACLE RISING—written by Marieke Nijkamp
SHADOW OF THE BATGIRL—written by Sarah Kuhn
TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES: A JACK HYDE STORY—written by Alex Sanchez (working title)
WONDER WOMAN: TEMPEST TOSSED—written by Laurie Halse Anderson
WONDER WOMAN: WARBRINGER—adapted by Louise Simonson from Leigh Bardugo’s prose novel for the DC Iconseries
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years ago
More titles announced:
DC Ink
DC Zoom
BATMAN TALES: ONCE UPON A CRIME – writer and artist: Derek Fridolfs, Dustin Nguyen (BATMAN: LI’L GOTHAM)
DEAR JUSTICE LEAGUE – Michael Northrop (TOMBQUEST series)
SUPER SONS – Ridley Pearson (KINGDOM KEEPERS series)
SUPERMAN OF SMALLVILLE – writer and artist: Art Baltazar & Franco (TINY TITANS)
SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN – Gene Yang (AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER series, NEW SUPER-MAN), will be released as periodicals first, then collected
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