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songmangos · 3 months ago
ooi anas, apaguei praticamente tudo do meu perfil para recomeçar 💀
meu peso inicial era 76kg e eu cheguei a pesar 57kg com a ana, quase -20kg!!! eu fui muito disciplinada e era muito elogiada, mas até que eu entrei em uma zona de conforto, parei as restrições e exercicios, eu ja me considerava uma pessoa "magra", os elogios me deram uma falsa esperança que eu não precisava mais emagrecer, que ja era o suficiente. o resultado disso tudo é que eu engordei 4kg, sem ver eu voltei a me odiar, voltei olhar no espelho e ver aquela gorda de 76kg, eu nao quero me perder de novo e vou fazer de tudo para voltar para o foco! dessa vez nao quero decepcionar a ana. esse vai ser meu recomeço, meu peso inicial é de 61kg atualmente e minha meta inicial é 50kg.
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thinleo · 3 months ago
Heja ogółem juz raz miałem tu konto ale nie pamiętam hasła ani nic niestety. Chciałem pójść na recovery ale coś nie pykło mi chyba dlatego wracam do motylków od nowa 🫶
Macie jakies nowe info o mnie co nie
H: 172cm
Sw: 63kg (11.10.24)
Hw: 76kg (06.27.2023)
Gw¹: 56 kg ✅
Gw²: 52kg ❌
Gw³: 48kg ❌
Gw⁴: 45kg ❌
Ugw: 38kg ❌
miłego wieczora motylki
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user1051 · 1 year ago
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2 zdjecia na gorze sa z 9 lutego, wazylam na nich 76kg, natomiast te na dole sa z dzis, moja aktualna waga to 59kg
Czuje sie jak ulana swinia, nienawidze swojego obrzydliwego ciala. Bardzo chcialabym byc motylkiem i wazyc 45kg. Mam nadzieje ze do wakacji uda mi sie osiagnac moja ugw i wygladac na wychudzona a nie tylko mniej nabrzmiala swinie. Zycze sobie powodzenia i wam rowniez lekkie motylki💗.
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race-week · 7 days ago
Just to put into perspective the rear wing test requirements.
The top of the rear wing is just under 1m in length (960mm) and around 2-3cm thick at the ends, but thinner towards the middle.
For the flexion tests they apply 750N, around 76kg (the average weight of a person) and apply it to each tip of the rear wing simultaneously
Previously the wing element could deflect 2mm which is approximately the size of the point on a crayon, now it’s capped at 0.5mm which is the diameter of the lead for a mechanical pencil
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jenni41arts · 8 months ago
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I made myself cry.
Buddy Daddies Fluff?
Kazuki: Do you think maybe you’re pushing yourself too hard with the physio, there bud?
Rei (in pain, angry at himself and near tears): I must push through because I didn’t think this through. By making myself worthless to the organization, I made myself worthless to you and Miri. I want to take care of you, the way you take care of me.
A tear falls.
Kazuki: Oh, Rei. Don’t say stuff like that. You’re worth your weight in gold.
Rei: 76kgs in gold is like 660 billion yen. Even at my best I wasn’t worth a fraction of that.  
Kazuki rolls his eyes, breaths deep and puts on a smile before putting his arm around his partner.
Kazuki: What I meant to say is you are priceless. Especially in Miri’s eyes. You’re her Papa Rei. Her hero. And if I’m honest, you’re my hero too. There are so many things I wouldn’t have, if I didn’t have you.
Kazuki helps Rei up and gives him a tight hug.
Rei is stiff at first but melts into it.
They stay that way for a moment before Kazuki breaks it.
Kazuki:  Besides, you do more now to help with one good arm than you ever did with two. Let’s get ready for the evening. You’re on vacuum duty. I’ll fold the laundry. Then you rest while I make dinner.
Rei: But…
Kazuki: You REST!
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growinglou · 7 months ago
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1 year 7 months time 73kg vs 76kg
7th February 2023 to 7th September 2024
Basically previous to my super skinny stage, I had ups and downs with my weight and did build some muscle but the last 2 years had me exploding and this was still with on and off training and travelling for work ( so not ideal)
So begs the question what can I do when I fully commit to growth and aiming for as much as stability as possible
Lefts find out together and watch me grow 😈
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extwinkgainingde · 9 months ago
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Now starting at 76kg for my journey to gain more 🤤😋
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96magical-stars69 · 3 months ago
My stats:
Hw: 76kg (it was the weight i was starting my journey with Ana).
Sw: 65kg (I was like 64kg one month ago so i supose i can name it like that lmao).
Gw1: 60kg (i have like 1kg left so it will be es)
Gw2: 57kg
Gw3: 55kg
Gw4: 52kg
Gw5: 50kg (my lowest weight was around 51kg so getting more lower will be hard for me)
Gw6: 48kg
Gw7: 45kg
Gw8: 42kg
Gw9: 40kg
Gw10: 35kg
Gw11: 30kg
Gw12: 25kg
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sotogalmo · 5 months ago
8:22, yesterday — 12:12
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Make this party yours (From the day), And no, (I took out) don’t look back now. / Now you’re tainted (the black fruit), God won’t have you anymore (I swallowed sweetly)
(I'll only tag for info sake. After this I'll stop being annoying; @solei-eclipse , @junebluues , @ivanttakethis , @apriciticreveries , @rosedeleca , @4listr , @friedclownshrimp , @rockwgooglyeyes , @bluemoonscape , @teapotuser , @skyisjusthere , @starry-skiez , @pwippy , @aakaneeee , @yunoftheclouds , @alien-til-i-stage , @nottoonedin , @tsukacchako , @astoryofsuchwoe , @zerostyrant + possibly others I forgotten)
Name: Pale— moreso surname meaning, but having pale in someone's name just means 'pale of skin, pallid'. But from the late 14c. as "fence of pointed stakes." Paler as a surname meaning "fence-builder" is recorded from late 12c. Another Middle English form of the word in the "fence, paling, wall of an enclosure" sense, based on the plural, was pales, palis (late 14c.), and the surname Paliser is attested from early 14c. I suppose the "fence builder" one makes the most sense with how Pale is
Animal: Lion
Solar: Saturn
Flower: Begonia Saturn, Coriander
Tarot: Strength (and a little bit of Devil)
Sin: Lust
Organ: Hands.
Birth date: 1201 (December 1th)
Age: 33
ID: 010401
Body: 170.18 cm (5'7ft) / 76kg
Affiliation: Class of Season 32
Likes: painting, quiet rooms, grass, nature
Dislikes: loud things, being owned, disobedience
Personality: Pale, acting with grace and sophistication along with acting wittily and provocatively and also being stoic, calm, and observant, is a well-bred pet human and was raised by human scientists, so he conducts himself as someone befitting of his status. But he isn't all just a pretty face and such. He's selfish, conniving, and manipulative. Most importantly, very destructive. As he has little empathy with others and manipulated people as he saw fit, similarly willing to dispose of anyone who got in his way or whom he deemed worthy of his revenge. Raised by the human scientists got him quite power hungry since he's been raised in power and humans who are high on such power that they achieved (being respected by aliens is something you have to achieve, it's no easy and simple task, and yet they have done it so can you blame them?). But with power, comes feelings of hollowness. Troubles, and that leads to more power hunger. Having felt this from childhood, all he ever really truly felt, his clearest emotions were that of loneliness and anger at the world; being alienated in the sense that he's human raised. Giving way to the fact that he's a troubled man, wanting to connect with the lesser beings in his class. But no one knows that because he hides it well with many ways to cope with it, but mainly with a cold exterior... maybe. Having him being an enigmatic individual to them, and characterized by his curiosity, affability, and disregard for consequences. But all in all, Pale is a straightforward "do no good" man; since he disregards rules and consequences. But he is also a hypocrite (hypocrite, if he's attached he's attached.).
Special talent: Painting
Voice: Britain from Hetalia when speaking / Nao Hex SYNTHV for singing (which sometimes happens, but he doesn't sing on the stage).
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The P is a bow and arrow, the L forms a canvas. The e is in canvas
History/Lore (as of right now)
Pale is apart of "toxic ysosu" with amia's Vic and syd's Theo. Most? of his childhood has been explored by Syd while writing about Theo and Theo's life in the garden and before he sang. Pale was the quiet older one between them, if I remember the ages right (well ofc between him and theo), quite similar to Luka in that regard.
He went to ANAKT later, because of some complications that happened and it made him stay behind for a while.
For when he is in ANAKT, I don't think he had a collar on, because of how obedient he was (even if his obedience is just because it was needed and required). His uniform is the same as Ivan's, for that reason. A simple turtleneck, long sleeves and long pants.
Pales relationship to the teachers and aliens as a whole is nothing special, only summed up as "a pleasure to have in class". Even if he did.. slightly cause mischief. Just to see what the other kids would do. That's for the teachers. With the aliens as a whole, he's more "respected" than the others he's been around. But that's expected because of who he was raised by.
He finds all of the kids in his class dumb, yes even Theo and Vic. While he is "romantically" involved with them, he finds their humanity to be an obstacle.
He's softer on Theo, because that Innocence of belief is something he never experienced. He's softer on Vic, because of how determined he was to be set free (even if that did annoyed him).
Pales body state, is top notch. Perfect build for what he deals with in the future— he trains his arms and upper body often in the garden with the "fishes", that get progressively harder to carry.
Overall threat level: low to medium
His guardian?
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Why of course it's one of the respected humans.
This human is called Abel, he has a twin called Cain. And an older or maybe younger brother called Seth.
His style of clothing is shared with the alien scientists, that made Yume (minus the "neckfur" he has around his neck. It's a baby alien slug that was the reason for how he got the respect he did).
Abel... All three of them are enigmatic individuals characterized by their curiosity, affability, and disregard for consequences. And the fact that they have made scientific break throughs, a lot. Their later methods having helped with the experiments that Yume Nagai has went thru. They even suggested that he would have a last name.
Last names are something that they have an interest in. Learning about pre-alien human history; last names have always intrigued Abel the most. All of the names actually. He's interested in what purpose they have in life. And he (Abel) suggested that Yume could have a last name. Cain was the one that came up with the word.
Abel views Pale as a "son", as those seem to be the only words that fit their relation, and such. It's more reinforced with the way that his own ways have bleed into what Pale does.
But lale doesn't view him as a "father" though, because of his absence and his own general anger to the world, and with the way that he was raised.. having stayed confined in its walls, forbidden to leave except when sent to help some of the "newborns" or seeing other kids to make sure that they were alright. He was continuously told that he needed to study more and work harder if he wanted to please the Aliens.
Yes, he was working more and hard to please the Aliens. He might be raised by humans respected by aliens, but it's only a few that do respect them. So that had him grew up well educated but severely emotionally deprived. So he doesn't use the term 'owner' as that just doesn't sit right with him, so he uses the term "guardian" to call him as such.
Cain and Abel are in their early 50s. Seth is in late 40s? or late 50s.
Pale and Eeta have known each other since they were kids.
Pale and Eeta had Innamorati in their early teens. Hänsel and Gretel were later down the line, in late teens but they "never made it".
Pale got into AREPH when he was 26
Pale had Kotus in his mid 20s with Molly (a fling). Kotus was around 5 when Molly had Raon. Pale was 29? When he and Dae had that one night stand.
Pale does view Theo as someone only he can be with. No matter what happens. Basically, Pale initially just saw him as a means of gaining insight on what it's like to feel emotions, but over time grew to care about him and found peace from their 'companionship' together. That's the best way to put it. And he shows that lightly with making small paintings, or things similar to such.
He does not have romantic feelings nor want them. He might envision himself in a romantic relationship, but he would rather have a complicated relationship then.. that.
He has complicated feelings on the love thing. He wants it, but doesn't feel the same when it's real.
His animal is a lion. Quite simple honestly; courage, physical strength, and bravery for the simple view of it. Royalty, protection, leadership, wisdom, justice. All of that. And it honestly fits with Pale, in the way he's raised- his feelings to the world, relationship with Vic and Theo, and for the simple view of it being how he's in AREPH. This is a straightforward thing from the things I picked out
His solar symbol is the planet Saturn. This one I had a hard time with, but didn't want to ask and so I decided to do this all myself. But I do think that it fits. The discipline, order, and structure, plus tough or necessary lessons (karma). A symbol of it was a scythe or a sickel for the seed-sowing times and such. The order and discipline most certainly work with him.
His flower is a Begonia Saturn, sharing the same name with the planet just because I wanted to know if there was one called as such and there is! The symbolism of it. Begonias mainly mean caution and consideration, as well as good communication between different parties. It is commonly given as a gift when paying back a favour. But the Begonia Saturn means (well, all flowers meant) deep and romantic love. They were considered a representation of passion and were commonly used in love spells and potions. Additionally, begonias were seen as a symbol of fancifulness and were often used in gardens and floral displays. I think it's fitting! The Coriander, is here because of how it's connected with his sin; lust— coriander's past as a component in love potions may seem quaint, it continues to be a symbol of wellness and harmony.
His Tarot. Now this is fun. Strength mixed with the Devil. strength, determination, and power – like The Chariot. However, while The Chariot signifies outer strength and will, the Strength card speaks to the inner strength and the human spirit's ability to overcome any obstacle. Strength is about knowing you can endure life's obstacles. But I'm mainly using the reversed! Reversed Strength meaning you have limited control over your actions and your energy is out of control. This can lead to pettiness, fragility, and abuse of authority. It's very fitting for what he does and such. How he's around newcomers in AREPH, and all I suppose. And the Devil? The Devil tarot card suggests feelings of obsession, addiction, and entrapment. It can signify a sense of helplessness due to external forces or circumstances. However, it reminds you that you're responsible for your actions, and your perceived constraints are often self-imposed. This one spoke to me as Pale, because I've been connecting him with Luka quite a lot and it fits it a lot. Helplessness by external forces? It's all fitting
His Sin. Lust. Okay, so this one seems very.. apparent with what I've done with him due to the fact that he has 3 living kids and had a one night stand with Dae, who's a horny bastard. But I swear it's not just the sexual desires to fill the hole and void. I remember lightly talking about the sins of Yun once. They have gone with "bloodlust" for the lust sin. And I really like that idea, and I hope they don't mind me mentioning them here and going with that idea. And also, technically Lust is also about being damned. In Dante's Divine Comedy, the lustful are punished in the Inferno by being swept around in a whirlwind, which symbolizes their ungovernable passions. Which I think is also fitting. Ungovernable passions, power hunger. All of that
The organ symbol, I gave him. Hands. To me, organ symbols connect to the sin. While the tongue would've worked as well, hands just felt. The hands were calling. Which honestly first had me thinking that Greed would be fitting. But he's.. not that greedy. To say. Anyways, the hands. Their symbolism, being the embodiment of strength, help, protection, power, or authority. The image of the palm can symbolize order, vitality, and generosity. A hand logo can be associated with aspiration, authority and dignity, creation, and skill. And I honestly think it just fits. Plainly fits him. It connects to the Lion, to the tarot, his sin and the fact that his talent is painting! His hands are used a lot. Quite a lot.
Pale -> Theo: (a 'giggle'?) He makes me weak. I can't let him know that he does that- I still don't want to show myself ... Fully. To him. He already knows .. too much of me. He's too much.... but my type of too much. To say for the positive, and not to just wallow in those feelings. (Intimacy: 95%)
Pale -> Vic: ....I don't know why he thought what he did was okay. It's not. His disobedience.. I. I didn't like seeing the scars or what they have went thru- but. Oh, who knows what type of Utopia they have reached. (Intimacy: 54%)
^ overall: we went to ask sensitive questions to get more of his views. This is all he said
My Evillious Chronicles friends. You will find the Adam Moonlit, Pale Noel, Kaspar Blankenheim and Gumina Glassred in him pretty easily.
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beleafeon · 2 years ago
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Back in the gym, 76KG at the moment. Not too bad if you ask me, but always room to grow
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feederoby · 3 days ago
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Let’s do this 76kg > 98 for 2025😩 miss my old abs, now just wanna fill them with food and lard :3
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cosmereclysmic · 9 months ago
Fics will have you googling how heavy the heaviest known sword is (zweihander at 8lb) but the number is too low to make for a decent comparison for what you need (koloss sword,) so you start looking at a metal weight calculator (have a source if you're interested). That in turn makes you start googling "how tall is vin" (somewhere around 5 feet 2-4 inches) and "how big is Vin's koloss sword" which doesn't seem to have a definitive answer, but official artwork makes the blade look to be about 5 foot 6. Add in the handle and pommel and it looks to be around 7 feet total, give-or-take.
So, if the blade is 5.5 feet long and 1.5 foot wide and 1/2 inch thick, that comes out to about 76kg or 167lb for a slab of iron.
Handle is, let's say, 1.25 feet and 1.5 inch thick; so that's 3.4kg / 7.5lb
Pommel: 5 inches long, 2.5 inch thick. That's 3kg/6.6lb.
167 + 7.5 + 6.6 = 181.1 Pounds.
That’s the "average weight for an American Male" (emphasis on those quote marks) so I’d like to say Vin was essentially swinging around a sword the same weight as, say, Kelsier. (Beautiful imagery if I do say so myself. Does anyone want to draw Vin swinging KelSword? Since I’m already overwhelmed with ideas lmao.)
With this information it would be easy to say a Zweihander’s 8 pounds is cute in comparison, but in all fairness, anyone who wields a Zweihander doesn’t have the benefit of Pewter or Duralumin and is raw dogging fatigue and muscle strain, in addition to armor. A light sword is a Good Sword in that case.
None of this has any point or purpose, I'm just rambling and sharing my journey to anyone interested in theoretical information lmao. ✌️
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proprincesamia · 8 months ago
Se que soy una gorda cerda, y tal vez tu también, pero que te parece si iniciamos un reto, entre más bajemos más lindas nos veremos, recuerda que a las gordas nadie las quiere.
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feederoby · 21 hours ago
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Hii! So I’m basically newbie into gaining im 76kg mostly muscle 💪🏻 and the other fat I bulked trying to get to 80kg last month and really found it hard to resist now to all those delicious food I had last month so.. I decided I should keep the bulk going on! Instead of 80kg I’m now heading to 90kg and possible 98kg and I don’t mind now getting a belly on the way 🫣 and maybe change the muscle for soft lard in my body? My appetite is doomed and may body might be too🥵
This is just chapter one in a long fattening journey 🐽
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