#🙏 endo please
orange-cheetah · 26 days
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"to him, that was just a drawing."
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apollodoesstuff · 6 months
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Welcome to my blog!!
Okay woo uhm Hi!! Introductory post W okay!- Hi Heyo I'm Tommy! You can also call me Tomz, Sunflower, Apollo, or anything else I don't care. I am, yes, a tommyinnit introject. (NOT an IRL!!!) I'm mixed with many different fanfics, too! I'm part of a system, but I'm unsure how often I'll post about them. Others may use this account, but for the most part, it will be me!!
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I want to be clear, btw. I dont give a shit if you try to fake claim me. I will ignore you!! I don't care :D Hate on my ass all you want, idc!! I am anti-endo, btw. I block freely, both soft and hard block. Argue with the wall ‼️‼️
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Here's some of my userboxes!
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Things you should know about me -
I am a fan of mcyt and people like Tommy, Philza, Ranboo, Technoblade, etc! (I am NOT a Wilbur soot supporter, nor do I like the DT at all.) I also like stuff like Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel (I DONT SUPPORT VIVZIEPOP), etc!
I will block IMMEDIATELY -
Proshippers, Poppytwt (Poppyblur? idk), Dream, George, or Wilbur supporters, Loli/Shota, MAPs/Zoos, xenophobes, transphobes, homophobes, racists
This card is indeed inspired by Aspen frosten's and others :]
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manadolls · 1 year
hi ok so i dont rlly know what exactly to post and im in the mood for an educational post sooo here are a few ideas? any other ideas can be commented or sent into our askbox!
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castleofravens · 3 months
i think we need a collective name but i also don’t think we could agree on anything ever
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kazutora-kurokawa · 4 months
Could I please get Tenjiku men with an s/o that's a rat mom? Like freaking loves those little rodents and will just be talking and all of a sudden a rat pops out of their hood or sleeve 😭🙏
Thank you pookie wookie cuddle schnookums bear <3
Tenjiku x Rat Mom!Reader
♡ SFW, fem reader, fluff, extra fluff because rats have fur, reader has like 4 rats ♡
Characters: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Mochi, Mucho, Shion
note: thanks for requesting pookums 💛
🎴 He doesn't fuck with rats at all, he's not scared of them per say, he just doesn't want them to bite him
"I don't mean to be rude angel, but please keep those things the hell away from me."
🎴 He's definitely one to admire them from a distance and will back away from you if he sees them on you
🩷 Thinks it's cute that you're so compassionate about rats, likes looking at all the pictures you take of them
"Aww baby they're so cute, where'd you take that one?"
🩷 Gets a little scared if a rat pops out of your hoodie pocket, but he won't say anything
💜 Doesn't understand why you even like rats, pesters you about getting different animals
"Why rats of all things? What about a nice, quiet cat that sleeps all day?"
💜 Won't pressure you about switching out the rats for something else after he sees how much you care for them
🩵 He's fine with the rats as long as they don't get in his belongings
"That little...thing..is cute or whatever, but don't let it near my stuff. I don't want it chewing on my shirts or my DJ equipment."
🩵 Loves bringing you around Ran just to freak him out when a rat jumps out your clothes
🍡 Likes the rats, he thinks they're a fun little surprise whenever they pop out
"Well would you look at that, hey little guy. What's this one's name?"
🍡 He's a big guy so he's extra careful around them so he doesn't end up stepping on them
🔷 Doesn't mind rats, pretty indifferent to them as long as they're safe to be around
🔷 Looks at you funny when a rat crawls out your hoodie sleeve, keeps a close eye on it so it doesn't run away from you
"Is it a good idea to have it just roaming around? You don't want it to run away darling."
🥀 You're a rat mom? Well he's a rat dad so you're a perfect match
"Holy shit! You like rats too babe? That's so awesome, lemme show you this rat I saw in the pet store."
🥀 Asks you to name one of your rats after him, please do it, it'll make him feel important
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx @evergreen-endo @hanmaslilslut @dystop4in14nd @mysouleaten
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ickadori · 4 months
Please write a Takiishi x reader (wb) smut 🙏🙏🙏
TAKIISHI - fem reader. marking. takiishi is a bit mean. characterization is a bit wonky, the man says like 4 sentences in the manga idk :3 unedited.
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Blunt nails dig into the fat of your cheeks, and tears prick at your eyes as you frantically blink, hot droplets trailing down your skin as you do.
“You’re crying.” Takiishi says, emotionless, and you wonder for the umpteenth time if he actually likes you. “I haven’t even touched you yet.” The blossoming bruises marring your body disagrees - his hands hadn’t left you since you shamefully trudged to his doorstep.
Squeezing, groping, petting, pinching, slapping, there wasn’t an inch of skin he hadn’t run his hands over, and his expression hadn’t deviated from the usual bored, impassive one he always wore. He hadn’t faltered when your last piece of clothing hit the floor, hadn’t reacted when you gasped, moaned, and cried out his name and looked up at him with glossy, lidded eyes, hadn’t given in when you handed your dignity over to him and pleaded for him to touch you, to really touch you.
“It…it hurts.” You whisper out, and he just barely gives a raise of his brow, hand fondling at your chest as he watches the way the flesh dimples and gives under his skilled fingers.
“‘M barely squeezing.” He gives your taut nipple a squeeze and you arch into it, trembling hands moving to grip his pants leg from where you’re kneeled between his spread thighs.
“Not there, Takiishi,” you whine, your knees burning from the friction of the wooden floor as you spread your own thighs. “There.” His eyes flicker down, and you can clearly imagine what he sees -he had taken you in front of the mirror too many times to count, revealing that he got a sick pleasure watching the way you’d shrink away from your image and nearly cry as he made you watch yourself come undone on his cock.
He sees the mess he’s already made of you; cunt dripping clear, sticky strings of slick down onto the floor. You spread your legs wider and lean back just a bit, folds spreading with a tacky sound as you do, and you think he can see your clit, too. It’s aching, twitching, recognizing the man that’s rubbed it until you came, pinched it until you cried, smacked it until your body convulsed and you squirted.
“Ah,” he passively exclaims, gaze moving back to your now puffy nipples. “You’re making a mess on the floor.” He squeezes again and you whine, pussy throbbing as you do. “Endo isn’t here to lap it up like the dog he is - so who’s gonna clean that? You?”
“Y-Yes! I can clean it, Takiishi, anything you want.” The corner of his mouth twitches and you relish in it, hole fluttering around nothing.
“So, clean it.” His hand leaves your chest to settle on the armrest of his chair. “Do a good enough job and I just might forget what you did.” Your stomach clenches, and your hands brace against the floor as you lower yourself, eyes still trained on Takiishi’s face as your tongue lolls out of your mouth.
You copy what you’ve seen Endo countless times before, and your lashes flutter at the taste of yourself on your tongue. Takiishi’s lips part, just a bit, and your actions turn desperate as his hand palms the bulge in his jeans that’s steadily increasing in size.
He squeezes himself, and you garble out a cry when you feel yourself pulse and drip again.
“That messy cunt of yours is gonna have you down there all night.” He doesn’t sound disappointed, but rather amused, and you wonder again if he actually likes you.
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zerbrochener-quarz · 1 month
The meanings of the plural flag that I came up with!
The plural rings are not optional, that’s why I didn’t give a version without it.
Anyone is free to use these flags, however if you’re anti-endo I don’t see a point in you using this for, obvious reasons. Please PLEASE credit me and my account when sharing this flag! 🙏
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First two stripes are obvious, dissociative identity disorder and the like and then people who are plural but their plurality is not directly caused by severe childhood trauma.
Third stripe is also obvious, uniting the plural community together and accepting one another as who we are!
Fourth stripe is mainly in regards to people with dissociative identity disorder but it can technically apply to other plural people if it happens to be possibly affecting them negatively.
5th stripe is a little lengthy. ⬇️
By criticism I mean criticizing current existing labels. For example take « system hoppers »(which is metaphysical/spiritual, or can be between sisasystems) and people who « sell » their alters. I do not think that is possible, as there is no actual way to physically/mentally get into someone else’s mind. Our minds are our own, and you cannot experience someone else’s thoughts or bodily experiences. Alters are a part of YOU. Also with selling alters again I don’t think that’s possible either. But even if you could, to me that defeats the whole purpose of being plural in the first place. Yes I know the quote seems like its contradicting my statement but in these cases it seems to be evidence of absence solely. Not absence of evidence. HOWEVER, please do NOT go harass anyone who identifies with these labels, even if I disagree with them.
Also I don’t agree with Tulpamancers either because that’s westernizing a cultural Buddhist practice, I recommend using the label willowgenic instead. It has no ties to tulpamancy and gets the same point across.
By growth I mean overall growth about knowledge and experience and understanding of both traumatic and non-traumatic plurality. Destigmatizing dissociative identity disorder and other things like that.
Liberation is also obvious, lmao. Good representation and not being treated horribly.
That covers just about everything! :]
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tare-anime · 1 year
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Brain rot says, "What about Westalis' best spy?"
Twilight's face when he was in front of Wheeler, and nearly got killed
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Twilight's face in front of SSS' new rising star
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Twilight's face in trying to understand his child
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Twilight's face in trying to understand his wife
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Yep. The quote checks out. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
His girls are the only ones who can make Twilight's stomach ache from how unpredictable Anya and Yor can be.
Twilight's face in front of a spy enthusiast /wannabe
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Yep. Daybreak is the strogest enemy Twilight has to defeat.
(Please bring him back, Endo 🙏🙏🙏)
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thebrookesnook · 2 months
Hmm, I'm surprisingly calmer this chapter (it's the stress i'm telling ya) and so much yapping to be done for EndoChika istg. I'm sorry for sidelining our savior Ume for the nth time, I'll make it up to you king i swear 😭🙏.
My thoughts on Chapter 152 of Wind Breaker so spoilers ahead!
First, the title ("Symbols") is so very fitting let me tell ya.
Secondly, idk why but Sakura being worried for Umemiya is so heart warming 🥹. My son, oh my, have you have grown so much 🥹😭🤧. I hope he gets to do the "babe this isnt you" that other people have said about in previous chapters, but like in the funniest way possible.
Thirdly, this panel of Ume is insane!! LIKE THE EYEE, THIS IS BOFURIN'S LEADER Y'ALL. BEAT HIM UP UME!!
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Fourthly, Endo and Takiishi tattoo lore drop??? Not me thinking that tattoo on Endo's left deltoid m. was exclusively for himself then Takiishi takes of his jacket only to reveal the same tattoo as well!?
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AND THEN PROCEEDS TO LORE DROP THAT HE DREW THE TATTOO HIMSELF??? Moreover, TAKIISHI AGREED?? these two make me sick (/affectionate)
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I made a visual for comparison:
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(Btw, the "kuzushi" is actually a JP martial arts term for unbalancing an opponent + there's a story behind the Kunikuzushi: to briefly sum it up, a military commander from the Sengoku Period by the name of Ōtomo Sōrin had obtained an ichibiya likely imported from Portuguese Goa, India and used it for battle in other countries hence its name Kunikuzushi.)
Man's so gay he literally made a soulmark tattoo for his boo. Even Sakura could see it.
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Endo lowkey be fantasizing an period dramas in his head with Takiishi and I can respect that.
Him also being jealous of Umemiya that he's the center of Takiishi's thoughts is so hwkwkfksl. Ume would very much like to not be Takiishi's center of attention and can you please get your boyfriend back, please and thank you. This guy I swear, I'm embarrased for you and all your boy failure. Keep doing you hun.
Lastly, this chapter has made Endo more & more relatable and I don't know how I feel about that so I made memes about it:
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He's part of the art community my guys. (Not surprising considering he is a prodigy).
Thank you again Nii-sensei for the chapter and to Jacqueline Fung for the official translation 🙏 Please go and support them via the official international release in Kodansha.
(P.S. I've decided to move my wbk content on a new blog specifically for wbk. That also means new chapter rants will be there to for the forseeable future. So if you wanna check that out, come visit me @transient-winds )
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sister-lucifer · 14 days
Hello! I’ll like to request some lmk oc dividers if you don’t mind 😅 they seem very pretty 🤩❤️
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General stuff related to Blossom: moon, star, ribbons, flowers (blue dreamy aesthetic) etc.
Hope this helps and Thank you 🙏🩵
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🩵Custom OC Dividers🩵
I also have some dividers HERE that might interest you!
please like, reblog, & credit if you use!
DNI: TERFS, endo, proship, pro ana, nazi, MAPs, zoophiles
tag list: @ghostboneswrites2 @savanaclaw1996 @lordhavemercyyyyy @bloodythornsandskulls @noteverystarisasun
[if you’d like to be on the tag list for dividers, please leave a message in my inbox]
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I ask all endos that can see this to block me 🙏🙏 we both don't want to see eachother on our fyp and I have no idea why you would want to comment in my posts or send asks.
(If you are anti endo, please send asks! I absolutely love getting them <3)
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k9emote · 5 months
Hi! I don’t mean to be rude in anyway and I greatly apologize if I am, but I see you have endos dni and that’s perfectly fine! But if we were to use your emojis in a server is it okay that the server is endo friendly? (I love your art btw!)
Nope! I am severely uncomfortable with any and all individuals who claim to be a system without trauma for many reasons I wont get into! If you are endo friendly or associate with endos in any way I ask you to block me please and thank you 🙏
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tontoemojis · 4 months
hi guys ! I'm k9 !!! timóns friend , I am completely anti endo and I'm verbal about it alot ! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE MY BELIEFS, NOT EVERYONE HAS TO HAVE EVEN AN OPINION.
instead of focusing your everyday life on making sure every living being has the same opinion as u . go spread the word on REAL issues like the genocide in Palestine or the Starving children in Cuba/Africa/ etc.
leave timón alone !
ily mónmón :]
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THANK YOU 湊 SILLY 🙏🧡☮️ , our most loyal soldier .
Thank you for this ask , you guys are the only good thing in our askbox right now & also our dear friends & their emoji requests . People should focus more on real issues going around the world . Don ’ t make stupid Tumblr discourse your only focus on life & be nice to other people !!! ,
please guys girls , people & non people , kindly ask you to stop the syscourse in our askbox , we as a system do not care at ALL , we only laugh .
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thecouncilofidiots · 11 months
Meet The System!
Hello hello, we're a traumagenic, polyfragmented, eniconscious DID system named The Council.
We use plural they/it pronouns (unless individual ones are known), and are legally/bodily 21+.
We currently have 120+ alters, most of whom are not active here. Those who are typically use our main account/blog @thecouncilofidiots
Do not involve us in syscourse/system discourse. We are ENDO-SAFE.
DNI on Notion site
Requested tags for filtering 🙏 : #slime (autism bad texture/visual stim), #unreality (especially fake discourse, monsterblr dashboard simulators, in character roleplay), #reblog bait (ie "reblog if you support/are against xyz", reblog chains and asking for support are okay), #zombies (zombies, apocalypse themes, viruses, ect - other horror/gore is okay though), #clown husbandry (we have several clown alters, all of whom are uncomfortable with seeing that kind of content [no disrespect/hate to those who engage in it!]), #nonconsensual drug use (noncon drug use is hard no/limit, we have medication anxiety and drug trauma as is and cannot handle that - proper #medication use is typically okay but please tag for when we are mentally/emotionally unstable and cannot take that risk), #clouds (phobia) -> Collective #the void screams back
Chances are, if we seemingly randomly liked/followed you, it was for one of our alters using their side blog.
Alter Side Blogs Include :
@thecouncilsinsideblog -> Sin - NSFW (kink themes, sexual themes, no actual images) - MINORS DNI
@thecouncilacesideblog -> Ace - No Warnings
@thecouncillollisideblog -> Lolli - NSFW (gore imagery, horror themes, cannibalism, clowns, no actual human death images) - MINORS DNI
Collective Side Blogs Include :
@thecouncilofsmols -> Littles - SFW ONLY - NSFW DNI
@thecouncilofcreatures -> Nonhumans - No Warnings
@thecouncilofoutsiders -> Introjects - No Warnings
@thecouncilafterdark -> NSFW (sexual content, kink themes, no explicit images) - MINORS DNI
@thecouncilofmagic -> Witchcraft/Spirituality - No Warnings
Other Side Blogs Include :
@thecouncilmakes -> Coining/Request Blog (Nonhuman-centric) - No Warnings
@thecouncilofartists -> Non-Request Art Blog - No Warnings
@thecouncilofothers -> Official Alter Introductions - No Warnings
@thecouncil-aac -> AAC Blog - No Warnings
Check out our Notion site (System Guide/All Public Info) :
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(All userboxes made by us, free-to-use versions in @thecouncilmakes)
Dusk Plural Pride Flag Coining Post
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mischiefmanifold · 1 year
okay kind of interested in this so
didn't include an option for neither because I don't want screwy results. also endos do not touch thanks
reblog for reach please 🙏
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thistledropkick · 4 months
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Next week is finally # ALL TOGETHER in Sapporo My two partners are very popular Oiwa-senshu's hair is colored similarly to mine!
It seems that O-Khan had gastroenteritis just a few days ago, I wonder if he'll be okay Everyone in the match is bigger than me, it isn't a situation you'd see in DDT
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Endo-senshu, nice to meet you! Same hair color!
I look forward to working with you 🙇
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I feel the same way! I'm shy but I look forward to working with you too 🙏
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I wonder if I'll get along well with Umino-senshu
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I was super excited* to get the top of my hair dyed black and the hair around my neck blond but then suddenly I had to go to America , , , and after that my hair wasn't long enough , , , Blond hair around our necks or, Team Blond Necks for short, I look forward to working with you 🙇🙇🙇
And please don't be shy, I'll talk to you forever 🫶
[*Umino uses an internet-slang idiom here that literally says "I was waiting naked" and is used to mean being very excited for something]
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I'm going to the hairdresser tomorrow, so don't worry about the length! Waiting naked is a hobby of mine so leave it to me 🙆
[For people not familiar with Endo, he does love being naked, posts nude photos on twitter pretty regularly, and published a naked photobook a while back]
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Well then I guess, let's meet up with the hair at our necks blond, and completely naked?????
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