#♡┈ System Related
r4wheart · 8 months
"As I whisper in your ear , I want to fucking tear you apart . . . "
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A hoarding blog for the Abandoned Saints/Attic (sys), made up of exclusively reblogs for system related terms and flags. Things will be tagged by category and also by alter it applies to. Feel free to scroll through for help finding terms. None of these terms are made by me!
The system hoarding blog version of @cozy-hoarding | Main Blog: @sickly--sweetheart
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mishkakagehishka · 6 days
Enrolments started on sept 9th and last until sept 25th and despite having an exam i still hadn't passed, i started my process on sept 9th, thinking "paying the €80 ects fee will not be as bad as sending my documents on the 19th and hoping the notoriously slow-working office in my college will finish processing them within four work days". So, you know, I essentially paid €80 to make sure i still have the right to subsidised meals and public transport, and health insurance, which is esp important to me now that i have a lot of lab work and a damn mri in my future. So tell me why the fuck they still haven't processed my documents and have me officially enrolled.
What's important is that they raised the enrollment fee by double, though, obviously their incredible work ethic and speed, not to mention the career opportunities in the humanities and social sciences in this day and age, justify that decision
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haiii guess who's fronting today~
I want someone to talk to me so please, send me asks or reblog this!!
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esotericalchemist · 1 month
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𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 - 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 ₊˚⊹♡
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
In Vedic astrology, the concept of Gnatikaraka provides insight into the challenges and difficulties a person might face in life. The term "Gnatikaraka" comes from the Sanskrit words "Gnati," meaning foes or adversaries, and "Karaka," meaning indicator. This planet in a person's birth chart is significant because it highlights areas of life where struggles related to conflicts, health issues, or financial challenges may arise. The Gnatikaraka is determined by identifying the planet with the second to last lowest degree in the chart, which points to the specific hurdles one might encounter. Understanding the influence of the Gnatikaraka not only sheds light on the nature of these challenges but also guides individuals in managing them effectively, turning potential setbacks into opportunities for personal growth and development.
Gnatikaraka is found by looking at the planet with the second to last lowest degree in your birth chart. The planets that can be your Gnatikaraka are: The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the point Rahu. Ketu is NOT considered.
Step 1: Convert the birth chart to Vedic/Sidereal.
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Step 2: Find the planet with the second to last lowest degree
Now that we have converted the birth chart to the sidereal system, we can identify the planet with the second to last lowest degree. Remember, only the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu are involved. In the birth chart above, the planet with the second to last lowest degree is the Moon.
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✦ 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When the Sun is your Gnatikaraka, it introduces specific challenges related to ego, authority, and personal identity. The Sun, as the natural indicator of self-expression, vitality, and leadership, shapes how you interact with others and perceive yourself. With the Sun in this role, you may frequently encounter difficulties in asserting your authority, dealing with power struggles, and navigating issues of self-worth.
One prominent challenge is the potential for conflicts with authority figures, leaders, or father figures. You might often find yourself at odds with those in power, driven by a strong need to assert your identity and gain respect. These conflicts usually stem from deeper issues related to ego and pride, where recognition and control play a significant role in your interactions.
In addition to external challenges, the Sun as your Gnatikaraka can lead to internal struggles with self-worth and identity. You may question your own value or feel compelled to prove yourself in various areas of life. This could result in periods of self-doubt or an exaggerated sense of importance, which can strain relationships and impede personal growth. Furthermore, these challenges may also affect your health, particularly in maintaining your vitality and energy levels, as the Sun governs these aspects of life.
How to navigate:
To turn the challenges of having the Sun as your Gnatikaraka into success, it's crucial to adopt a balanced approach to authority and self-identity. True leadership isn't about dominating others; it's about guiding and inspiring them with humility and fairness. By focusing on developing a self-worth that isn't dependent on external validation, you can overcome the internal conflicts that arise from this placement. Recognizing that your true value comes from within, rather than from how others perceive you, will help you navigate power dynamics more effectively, reducing stress and conflicts.
To manage these challenges effectively, cultivating self-awareness and emotional intelligence is key. This involves being mindful of how your ego influences your actions and decisions, and learning to approach situations with a calm and measured attitude. By embracing these qualities, you can transform the difficulties associated with the Sun as your Gnatikaraka into opportunities for personal growth and effective leadership.
Some tips:
Practice humility in leadership: Focus on guiding others with compassion rather than asserting dominance. True leadership is about empowering those around you.
Build inner confidence: Work on developing a strong sense of self-worth that isn’t reliant on external validation. Regular self-reflection and positive affirmations can help strengthen your inner confidence.
Manage conflicts with authority: Approach disagreements with superiors or authority figures calmly and respectfully. Aim for constructive dialogue rather than confrontational exchanges.
Prioritize self-care: Pay attention to your physical and mental health, ensuring that you maintain your vitality and energy. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques are crucial.
Embrace self-awareness: Continuously work on understanding how your ego impacts your relationships and decisions. Journaling, meditation, and mindfulness practices can help increase self-awareness.
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✦ 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When the Moon is your Gnatikaraka, it brings forth challenges that are intricately tied to your emotional life, relationships, and sense of security. The Moon, being the natural ruler of the mind, emotions, and nurturing, deeply influences how you process feelings, connect with others, and cope with life's fluctuations. With the Moon in this position, emotional challenges, especially those related to your sense of safety and well-being, become central themes in your life.
A significant challenge you may encounter is emotional instability or heightened sensitivity. You might experience frequent mood swings, making it difficult to maintain a consistent sense of inner peace. This emotional turbulence can impact your relationships, as your shifting moods may lead to misunderstandings or create emotional distance between you and others. Additionally, you might struggle to establish a sense of security, whether in your personal life, home, or relationships.
This placement also emphasizes difficulties in both giving and receiving emotional support. You may find yourself either overextending emotionally or feeling unsupported and unloved by others. These issues often arise from deep-rooted fears or insecurities, making it challenging to fully trust others or to feel secure in your emotional connections. As the Moon as Gnatikaraka makes you particularly vulnerable to stress, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion, it's crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and self-care.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges presented by the Moon as your Gnatikaraka, it's important to focus on developing emotional resilience and stability. Begin by establishing healthy emotional boundaries, which will help you manage your relationships more effectively and protect you from emotional burnout. Learning to self-soothe and meet your emotional needs independently, rather than relying too much on external sources of comfort, is also essential. By cultivating a strong sense of emotional security within yourself, you can better handle the emotional fluctuations that life brings.
Transforming these challenges into strengths involves embracing emotional intelligence. By becoming more aware of your emotional triggers and learning to respond to them in a balanced way, you can turn potential vulnerabilities into sources of strength. Practicing mindfulness and conducting regular emotional check-ins can help you maintain a steady emotional state, enabling you to engage with others in a more grounded and supportive way.
Some tips:
Cultivate emotional awareness: Regularly check in with yourself to understand your emotional state. Journaling and mindfulness practices can help you stay in tune with your feelings and recognize patterns.
Set healthy boundaries: Learn to establish and maintain emotional boundaries with others to protect your emotional well-being. This helps prevent emotional burnout and ensures that you don’t overextend yourself.
Practice self-care: Prioritize activities that nurture your emotional health, such as spending time in nature, engaging in creative hobbies, or practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.
Strengthen your support network: Surround yourself with people who provide emotional support and understanding. Building a strong, reliable support system can help you feel more secure and less isolated.
Develop emotional resilience: Focus on building resilience by learning to manage stress and adversity in a healthy way. Techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, or simply talking through your emotions with a trusted friend or therapist can help you navigate emotional challenges more effectively.
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✦ 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Mercury is your Gnatikaraka, it brings challenges centered around communication, intellect, and mental agility. As the planet of communication, reasoning, and analytical thinking, Mercury greatly influences how you process information, interact with others, and handle the intellectual demands of life. With Mercury in this position, you may find that life's challenges often arise from misunderstandings, miscommunications, or mental stress.
A key issue you might encounter with Mercury as your Gnatikaraka is difficulty in communication. This could manifest as frequent misunderstandings with others, trouble articulating your thoughts clearly, or feeling that people often misinterpret what you say. These communication hurdles can create conflicts in both personal and professional relationships and may impede your ability to convey ideas effectively. Additionally, there may be times when your mind feels scattered or overwhelmed, making it difficult to focus or make decisions.
This placement also suggests a tendency toward mental stress and overthinking. You might find yourself worrying excessively, getting stuck in analysis paralysis, or feeling overwhelmed by details. These tendencies can lead to anxiety, restlessness, and a struggle to find mental peace. The constant mental activity associated with Mercury can make it difficult to relax, leaving you feeling mentally drained or fatigued.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Mercury as your Gnatikaraka, it's vital to focus on developing clear and effective communication skills. Start by articulating your thoughts and ideas in a way that others can easily understand. This can be achieved by practicing active listening, being mindful of your tone and word choice, and ensuring that your communication style fits the context of your interactions. By honing these skills, you can minimize misunderstandings and foster stronger, more harmonious relationships.
Another key to turning these challenges into success is managing your mental energy and reducing stress. Techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, or engaging in activities that help you unwind and clear your mind can be incredibly beneficial. It's also important to strike a balance between intellectual pursuits and relaxation to prevent mental burnout. By developing a more focused and organized approach to thinking and decision-making, you can handle life's challenges with greater ease and maintain a healthier mental state.
Some tips:
Improve communication skills: Practice clear and effective communication by being concise, listening actively, and ensuring your message is understood. Consider journaling or practicing speeches to enhance your verbal and written communication.
Manage mental stress: Incorporate relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga into your daily routine to help calm your mind and reduce mental fatigue.
Organize your thoughts: Use tools like lists, planners, or mind maps to organize your thoughts and tasks. This helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and improves your ability to focus.
Balance intellectual activities with relaxation: Make time for hobbies or activities that allow your mind to unwind, such as reading for pleasure, playing games, or spending time in nature.
Engage in continuous learning: Keep your mind stimulated in a positive way by learning new skills or pursuing interests that challenge your intellect without overwhelming you. This can help channel your mental energy constructively.
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✦ 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Venus is your Gnatikaraka, it brings challenges related to relationships, love, pleasure, and values. Venus, as the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and material comforts, influences how you experience affection, connect with others, and define what is valuable in life. With Venus in this role, the obstacles you face often revolve around these themes, particularly in relationships and material desires.
A significant challenge you might encounter with Venus as your Gnatikaraka is difficulties in maintaining healthy and harmonious relationships. Conflicts in love and partnerships may arise due to misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or issues of dependency. This placement can make it hard to achieve balance in your relationships, leading to emotional turbulence or dissatisfaction. Additionally, you might struggle with self-worth, either undervaluing yourself or overly relying on external validation for a sense of worth in your relationships.
Another area where challenges may surface is in your pursuit of pleasure and material satisfaction. With Venus as your Gnatikaraka, finding a balance between enjoying life's pleasures and maintaining responsibility and moderation can be difficult. You might have tendencies toward overindulgence in luxuries, leading to financial instability or a sense of dissatisfaction when material desires aren't fulfilled. Furthermore, there may be a tendency to focus too much on superficial aspects like appearances, which can create a disconnect from deeper, more meaningful experiences.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Venus as your Gnatikaraka, it's crucial to cultivate a balanced approach to relationships and pleasures. Start by fostering self-love and self-worth that are independent of others' approval. When you recognize your own value and cultivate inner contentment, you can approach relationships from a place of confidence and security, which helps to reduce conflicts and dissatisfaction. In your interactions with others, focus on open communication, empathy, and understanding to build stronger, more harmonious connections.
When it comes to material pleasures and desires, finding a balance between enjoying life's luxuries and maintaining moderation and responsibility is key. This might involve reassessing what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, and distinguishing between temporary pleasures and lasting satisfaction. By focusing on what genuinely enriches your life, you can avoid the pitfalls of overindulgence and discover more sustainable ways to appreciate the beauty and pleasures that life offers.
Some tips:
Cultivate self-love: Focus on building your self-esteem and self-worth independently of others. Engage in practices like affirmations, self-care routines, and activities that make you feel valued and appreciated.
Improve relationship dynamics: Work on enhancing your relationships by practicing open communication, empathy, and active listening. Strive for balance in giving and receiving love and affection.
Practice moderation in pleasures: Enjoy life’s pleasures in moderation, being mindful of overindulgence. Set financial and personal boundaries to ensure that your pursuit of pleasure does not lead to negative consequences.
Prioritize meaningful connections: Focus on developing deeper, more meaningful relationships rather than superficial ones. Invest time and energy in relationships that bring true fulfillment rather than just temporary satisfaction.
Align values with actions: Reassess your values and ensure that your actions align with what truly matters to you. This alignment will help you find more lasting contentment and reduce the risk of dissatisfaction.
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✦ 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Mars is your Gnatikaraka, it brings challenges related to aggression, conflict, drive, and the way you assert yourself. Mars, the planet of energy, action, and determination, influences how you pursue your goals, handle conflicts, and express your desires. With Mars in this role, your obstacles often center around managing anger, dealing with aggression, and navigating power struggles, both within yourself and in your interactions with others.
One of the main challenges with Mars as your Gnatikaraka is handling conflict and aggression. This can show up as a tendency toward anger, impatience, or a confrontational attitude, leading to frequent disagreements or disputes. These conflicts can arise in personal relationships, professional environments, or even within yourself as you struggle to balance your intense drive with the need for cooperation and harmony. Mars in this position can also make it difficult to control impulsive behavior, leading to rash decisions or actions that can create additional challenges.
Another significant challenge associated with Mars as Gnatikaraka is the struggle to channel your energy and assertiveness positively and constructively. You might find yourself dealing with issues of control, either by feeling the need to dominate situations or by feeling threatened when others try to assert their will over you. This can lead to power struggles and competition, draining your energy and creating unnecessary obstacles in achieving your goals. Additionally, there may be challenges related to physical vitality, such as stress or burnout, especially if you push yourself too hard without adequate rest or balance.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Mars as your Gnatikaraka, it's crucial to channel your energy and assertiveness in a constructive way. Developing patience and managing your temper can help you avoid conflicts and build more harmonious relationships. Practicing self-discipline is also important, ensuring that your actions align with your long-term goals rather than being driven by impulsive desires. By focusing on controlled and deliberate actions, you can harness Mars' energy to drive success rather than create obstacles.
Transforming these challenges into strengths also involves finding healthy outlets for your physical and emotional energy. Regular physical activity, such as exercise or sports, can help you manage stress and maintain balance. Additionally, finding constructive ways to assert yourself, like taking on leadership roles or positively taking initiative, can help you turn Mars' energy into a powerful force for achievement.
Some tips:
Practice anger management: Learn techniques to control your temper, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or stepping away from situations that trigger anger. This will help you avoid conflicts and maintain better relationships.
Channel energy constructively: Engage in regular physical activity to burn off excess energy and reduce stress. This can include activities like running, martial arts, or even yoga to balance your physical and mental energies.
Cultivate patience: Work on developing patience, especially in situations where you feel frustrated or eager to act impulsively. Practice waiting before reacting, which can lead to more thoughtful and effective decisions.
Focus on long-term goals: Align your actions with your long-term goals rather than short-term desires. This helps you use Mars’ drive and determination to achieve lasting success without creating unnecessary conflicts.
Develop self-discipline: Practice self-control in both your actions and emotions. Setting personal boundaries and sticking to routines can help you manage your assertiveness in a way that is productive and beneficial
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✦ 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Jupiter is your Gnatikaraka, the challenges you face often involve your beliefs, wisdom, expansion, and moral values. Jupiter, the planet of growth, knowledge, and spirituality, influences your worldview, approach to learning, and sense of optimism. With Jupiter in this role, obstacles may arise in areas related to your philosophy of life, pursuit of higher knowledge, and handling of moral and ethical issues.
A key challenge with Jupiter as your Gnatikaraka is potential conflicts over beliefs and principles. You might struggle with being overly rigid or dogmatic in your views, leading to disagreements with others who see things differently. This can create tension in both personal and professional relationships where differing values or ideologies clash. Additionally, you may face internal conflicts when life challenges your beliefs, causing periods of doubt or uncertainty about your direction and purpose.
Another challenge associated with Jupiter as Gnatikaraka relates to excess and overindulgence. As the planet of expansion, Jupiter can make it difficult to maintain balance, whether in material wealth, food, or other pleasures. You might struggle with overconfidence, taking on too much, or not recognizing your limits, which can lead to financial issues, health problems, or setbacks in personal growth. Additionally, missed opportunities or failure to realize your full potential can occur, often due to a lack of focus or discipline.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Jupiter as your Gnatikaraka, it's essential to cultivate balance and moderation in your life. Begin by practicing humility and openness in your beliefs, allowing yourself to grow and learn from others rather than holding too tightly to your own perspectives. By being receptive to new ideas and experiences, you can broaden your understanding and reduce conflicts stemming from ideological rigidity. In your pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, focus on applying what you learn in practical ways that benefit both yourself and others.
Another key to turning these challenges into success is developing self-discipline and mindfulness, especially in areas where you tend toward excess. Setting clear goals and maintaining a balanced approach to growth and expansion will enable you to harness Jupiter’s positive energy without falling into the traps of overconfidence or overindulgence. Additionally, emphasizing ethical behavior and upholding a strong moral compass will help you navigate challenges with integrity, ensuring that your actions align with your higher values.
Some tips:
Cultivate humility: Stay open to learning from others and avoid becoming too rigid in your beliefs. Embrace the idea that wisdom comes from diverse experiences and perspectives.
Practice moderation: Be mindful of excess in all areas of life, whether it's material wealth, food, or pleasure. Set limits for yourself to maintain balance and avoid potential pitfalls.
Set realistic goals: Focus on achievable, practical goals rather than overextending yourself. Break down your larger aspirations into manageable steps to ensure steady progress without burnout.
Apply knowledge practically: Use the wisdom and knowledge you gain in a way that benefits both yourself and others. Seek to make a positive impact through your learning and experiences.
Maintain a strong ethical foundation: Ensure that your actions align with your moral values and principles. Regularly reflect on your behavior to stay true to your ethical beliefs, even in challenging situations.
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✦ 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Saturn is your Gnatikaraka in Vedic astrology, the challenges you face often involve discipline, responsibility, structure, and enduring hardships. Saturn, as the planet of karma, time, and limitations, emphasizes patience, hard work, and navigating life's trials. With Saturn in this role, you may find that your obstacles revolve around managing limitations, overcoming fears, and dealing with heavy responsibilities.
One of the main challenges with Saturn as your Gnatikaraka is coping with feelings of restriction or limitation. You may often feel weighed down by responsibilities, whether in your personal life, career, or relationships. This can lead to a sense of being held back or delayed in reaching your goals, causing frustration or a lack of confidence. Saturn’s influence can also bring a deep sense of fear or anxiety, particularly related to failure, aging, or not meeting expectations. These fears might result in procrastination or an overly cautious approach to life, where the fear of making mistakes prevents you from taking necessary risks.
Another significant challenge with Saturn as your Gnatikaraka is the struggle with discipline and perseverance. Saturn demands consistent hard work and dedication, often without immediate rewards. This can make you feel like you’re constantly putting in effort without seeing results, which can be discouraging. You might also become overly serious, pessimistic, or burdened by your responsibilities, leading to feelings of isolation or loneliness. Additionally, health issues related to stress, bones, or joints may arise if the pressures Saturn brings are not managed effectively.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Saturn as your Gnatikaraka, it's crucial to embrace patience, persistence, and responsibility. Recognize that Saturn’s influence demands hard work and that success will come through consistent effort over time. By developing a strong work ethic and focusing on long-term goals, you can gradually overcome the obstacles Saturn presents. It's helpful to view these challenges as opportunities for growth, understanding that Saturn’s difficulties are meant to strengthen your character and resilience.
Turning these challenges into success also requires balancing responsibility with self-care and finding ways to lighten your load. While Saturn emphasizes seriousness and discipline, it’s important not to become overwhelmed by your duties. Practice self-compassion and ensure you take time to rest and recharge. Building a support network can help ease feelings of isolation and provide encouragement when the weight of responsibilities becomes too heavy. By maintaining a balanced perspective, you can transform Saturn’s challenges into opportunities for personal growth and achievement.
Some tips:
Develop a strong work ethic: Embrace hard work and discipline, knowing that perseverance will lead to long-term success. Focus on steady, consistent progress rather than expecting immediate results.
Practice patience: Understand that Saturn requires time, and success may come slowly. Cultivate patience and trust in the process, recognizing that growth often occurs through overcoming challenges.
Balance responsibility with self-care: Avoid becoming overwhelmed by your duties. Make time for relaxation, hobbies, and self-care to prevent burnout and maintain your well-being.
Face your fears: Confront the fears and anxieties that Saturn may bring. Whether it’s fear of failure, aging, or limitations, addressing these fears directly can help you overcome them and build resilience.
Build a support network: Surround yourself with people who can offer support, guidance, and encouragement. Having a strong support system can help you navigate Saturn’s challenges more effectively and reduce feelings of isolation.
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✦ 𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐆𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 ✦
Potential issues:
When Rahu becomes your Gnatikaraka in Vedic astrology, it introduces challenges related to desire, illusion, confusion, and unconventional behavior. Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, is a shadow planet symbolizing an insatiable thirst for material experiences and worldly ambitions. With Rahu in this role, you may find that your obstacles revolve around navigating illusions, managing obsessions, and dealing with unorthodox desires.
One of the main challenges with Rahu as your Gnatikaraka is the tendency toward confusion and illusion. Rahu often creates a "smoke-and-mirrors" effect, where things may not be as they appear. This can lead to a lack of clarity in your life's direction, difficulty in making sound decisions, or being misled by appearances and false promises. Rahu's influence can also cause intense obsessions with certain goals, desires, or people, driven by a strong but often irrational urge to achieve or possess something. These obsessions can lead you down paths that ultimately prove unfulfilling or even destructive, as Rahu's desires are often insatiable and elusive.
Another significant challenge associated with Rahu as Gnatikaraka is navigating unconventional or taboo areas of life. Rahu often pushes individuals to explore the unusual, the forbidden, or the unconventional, which can lead to unique opportunities but also to social alienation, scandal, or conflicts with societal norms. Pursuing these unconventional paths may cause struggles with identity, acceptance, or integration within your community or social circles. Additionally, Rahu's influence can create a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction, where no matter what you achieve, it never feels like enough.
How to navigate:
To overcome the challenges posed by Rahu as your Gnatikaraka, it's essential to develop discernment and self-awareness. By learning to see through illusions and understanding the true nature of your desires, you can make wiser, more informed decisions. It's important to recognize when your obsessions or ambitions are leading you off course and to cultivate the ability to step back and evaluate your actions with a broader perspective. Practicing mindfulness and staying grounded in reality will help you navigate Rahu's challenges more effectively.
Turning these challenges into success also involves embracing Rahu's unconventional energy in a balanced way. While Rahu encourages exploration of new and uncharted territories, it's crucial to do so with caution and integrity. Channel Rahu's drive for innovation and discovery into positive, constructive endeavors that align with your long-term well-being and ethical values. By managing Rahu's intense energy wisely, you can transform its challenges into opportunities for growth and achievement.
Some tips:
Cultivate discernment: Practice mindfulness and critical thinking to see through illusions and avoid being misled by false promises or appearances. Regularly assess your goals and desires to ensure they are realistic and aligned with your values.
Manage obsessions: Recognize when you are becoming overly fixated on a goal or desire, and take steps to regain balance. This might involve setting limits, seeking advice, or shifting your focus to other areas of life.
Embrace unconventionality wisely: While exploring new or unconventional paths, do so with caution and integrity. Ensure that your actions are ethical and that you are prepared for the potential consequences of stepping outside societal norms.
Ground yourself: Practice activities that help you stay grounded and connected to reality, such as meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in practical tasks. This will help you navigate Rahu’s restless energy more effectively.
Seek guidance and support: Surround yourself with trusted advisors, mentors, or friends who can provide perspective and support. Having a strong support network can help you stay anchored and make better decisions when dealing with Rahu’s challenges.
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mindfulstudyquest · 5 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 ( 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 !! )
𝟭. improve your writing skills ( ✒️ )
i feel that not everyone has the perception of how important it is to know how to write. you don't have to be a poet, nor the new emily brontë, but fluid, conscious, rich writing makes the difference. really. you could write a page without saying anything at all, but if that damn page is written good and smoothly, then you can be sure that you will get extra points. take the time to improve your writing skills, the best advice i have for doing so is reading. read as much as you can. read novels (non-fiction in this case doesn't help because the content is preferred rather than the form), read contemporary authors – you don't necessarily have to read sophocles' tragedies, but read quality stuff. expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of syntax, learn to use punctuation! and then write, tell stories, write love letters, write reviews of films, books, cultural festivals, open a blog on tumblr and write to practice, reread what you write ad nauseam, until it is perfect, until the form of your essay is pulitzer prize worthy.
bonus some of my favourite authors (tell me in the comments about yours!): ian mcewan, banana yoshimoto, haruki murakami, george orwell, josé saramago, albert camus, khaled hosseini, hanya yanagihara
𝟮. develop critical thinking ( 💭 )
if you have always studied passively by absorbing information and vomiting it onto a test sheet then you have wasted your time. taking on information is not enough, you need to know how to rework it and develop your own idea about it. especially in the arts and literature one may disagree with certain information provided by a textbook. developing critical thinking is not easy, especially due to the school system that teaches us to standardize thinking. always consult all available sources on a given topic, compare them, analyze contradictions. it might be difficult and tiring – our brain spends more energy processing two conflicting pieces of information than processing two pieces of information that agree – but it will be worth it. by practicing critical thinking and improving your argumentation skills, you will not only be able to improve in your studies, becoming able to present complex topics and make interdisciplinary connections, but also in daily life, you will become much less influenced and manipulated by external information.
𝟯. find yourself an interest ( 🌷 )
it could be anything, but find an interest that excites you and you enjoy and do research about it. watch videos, documentaries, read articles. it doesn't have to be school-related, it must be an external topic that you are passionate about and that allows you to rediscover the joy of studying and learning every time school seems to suffocate it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to study for exams, so i dedicate myself to my personal research and finally find my spark, my seek for knowledge. for example, my interest is true crime, it has always fascinated me since i was little, but yours could be wild animals, makeup, comics, ships, planes, ocean flora, literally anything. there is no constraint.
𝟰. analyze your mistakes and recognize your wrongs ( 🫒 )
there is no shame in making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes, we are human, but the real sin is getting bogged down in mistakes, refusing to acknowledge them, and continuing to make them again and again. we should be continually growing, continually discovering ourselves, both intellectually and emotionally. how many of you were the "gifted kid" when you were little and then grew up into burned out high school / uni students desperately seeking academic validation? there comes a time when talent isn't enough, you have to put in the effort, and this doesn't make you less intelligent or gifted, in fact, quite the opposite. dedicating time and attention to your personal and intellectual growth also means having to ruminate on your mistakes. it's scary, but it's the most effective way if you really want to improve. take a notebook and at the end of the day reflect on the highlights and the wrongs, what you could have done better, where you would like to push forward tomorrow, what you achieved today. did you make a mistake? first ask yourself why and then look for a way to solve the problem, make every bad moment a lesson, a brick on which to build the version of you you wanto to become tomorrow.
𝟱. don't be afraid of doing researches ( 🧃 )
the amount of fake news and misinformation online is appalling. opening any app like tiktok or instagram we are inundated with information that is often (not always, but not so rarely) inaccurate. don't be afraid to conduct your own research, if you have time to mindlessly scroll through tiktok you will also have five minutes to read an article regarding that information provided. don't know the meaning of a word? look it up before using it. not sure about a piece of information? check it before using it in your argumentation. in the age of immediate access to data we have no excuse to be superficial.
𝟲. master communication ( ♟️ )
mastering communication is essential in both personal and professional realms. it's the cornerstone of building meaningful relationships, whether it's conveying ideas effectively in academia or fostering connections in the workplace. developing strong communication skills not only enhances your ability to articulate thoughts but also empowers you to listen actively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts constructively. ultimately, honing these skills cultivates confidence, credibility, and success in all aspects of life.
𝟳. push yourself out of your comfort zone ( 🧸 )
build your confidence. confidence is uncomfortable. don't be afraid of it. you are young, this is the right time to experiment, take risks, discover who you really are. this is the best time for you to do those things that you would otherwise never do, you don't want to regret later in life that you didn't accept that scholarship, that trip abroad, that job opportunity, because you didn't feel comfortable enough. do things that take you out of your comfort zone until everything becomes your comfort zone. go on solo dates, be a social butterfly, tell the girl at the bookstore you love her t-shirt, go to the theater alone, eat at a restaurant alone, take that trip. if it goes badly, you'll only have one funny story to tell.
𝟴. stay informed about the news (but not too much!) ( 🌍 )
this might be controversial, but: stay informed about the news, just don't overdo it. personally, i am an easily influenced person and i realized that being constantly exposed to the bad things happening in the world had drained me and made me terribly depressed. don't get me wrong, you need to be informed about what's happening in the world and in your country, just being constantly surrounded by horrible news repeated ad nauseam on TV programs is of no use. be aware.
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03jyh23 · 5 months
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— shooting stars!  || park seonghwa
loosely inspired by the drama shitting stars!
Most people aren’t interested in the truth. They just casually gossip to entertain themselves. No one takes responsibility for the caused pain.
idol!seonghwa x prmanager!reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut
trigger warnings: vanilla sex, honestly there's not much just kissing, touching, and... lovemaking. really soft smut. it's embarrassing, jealousy, argument, emotional distress, career-related stress, and difficult decisions
words: 8.2 k
reminder: what you're about to read is purely fiction, so let's keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! this is my longest story so far! i've been working on it like crazy for the past few days and here we finally are. so the smut... it's not really a smut but still? i tried oh god, i feel so embarrassed but yeah i just decided to go for it. it's again requested work but i actually changed some of it to fit into my idea... anyway thank you so much for requesting!
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i'd be so grateful for a little love – a like or comment would truly make my day!
The office in Mapo-gu, Seoul, felt stiflingly hot, despite having already downed three cups of iced coffee. With the air conditioning out of order and repairs not scheduled until two days later, you found yourself drowning in a sea of work. Who would have imagined that working at a medium-sized entertainment agency would entail such an overwhelming workload? You should have felt grateful for landing this job, considering the effort you had put into securing it, but at times, it felt overwhelmingly demanding. Being the head of the PR department at KQ Entertainment was certainly something to boast about, especially after ATEEZ's success. You joined the company a few years back when you were the sole member of the PR team. If you claimed you believed in the company's success from the beginning, you'd be lying. When you first entered, fear outweighed optimism regarding the future. Indeed, it was no small feat for eight teenage boys to shoulder the weight of an entire company, but ATEEZ rose to the challenge with unwavering determination and passion. Now, with two active bands under KQ's wings, you find yourself constantly occupied.  
Managing the members of ATEEZ was undoubtedly a challenging task, and surprisingly, it wasn't due to any misbehavior on their part. Despite their young age and the temptations that come with fame, the ATEEZ members remained remarkably grounded and focused on their careers. You truly admired that. But when a band from such a small company starts gaining momentum, rumors are bound to circulate. Your main priority was to prevent those rumors from leaking. Which wasn't easy, as people can be cruel when they're envious. But still, to this day ATEEZ has not been involved in any major scandals, which made you proud.  
In a small company like KQ, everybody knows each other. Initially, stepping into that environment, you couldn't help but feel a bit nervous around the members of ATEEZ. Their presence seemed to exude a magnetic energy that was both captivating and intimidating. As you interacted with them more and more, you realized that their aura was indeed something special. Each member brought their own unique charm and personality to the table. You and the members of ATEEZ grew slightly closer than others, due to your similar ages, but it was Seonghwa who stood out to you the most. His effortless humor, kindness, and genuine care for others made him a favorite. Right from the start, you felt drawn to him. However, you maintained a professional demeanor, knowing all too well the potential consequences of getting too close, especially considering his status as an idol. But at some point, company dinners and parties became regular occasions, where you celebrated each of ATEEZ’s success together. And as the alcohol in your system increased, your professionalism decreased. Your bond with Seonghwa deepened, you found yourself drawn to him more than ever before. Whether it was sharing drinks, engaging in playful games, or simply relishing heartfelt conversations over company dinner, you cherished every moment spent in his company. With each passing interaction, your admiration for him grew, and before you knew it, you were falling head over heels for him. Despite the looming fear of crossing a line you couldn't return from; you couldn't resist him. What started as a professional relationship evolved into something much deeper and more profound. The shy touches and lingering glances exchanged between you spoke volumes, conveying emotions that words alone couldn't express. In the midst of loud music and bustling crowds, you found yourselves leaning closer to each other, seeking solace in the warmth of each other's presence. His hand naturally gravitated to your waist whenever you stood side by side, a silent yet undeniable declaration of the connection you shared. 
The day had been long and exhausting, and you were just about ready to call it quits when the sudden intrusion of your boss jolted you from your thoughts. Startled, you looked up to see him standing in the doorway, a look of excitement and urgency written across his face. 
"Y/N! Have you heard?" he exclaimed; his voice filled with anticipation. You blinked in surprise, your exhaustion momentarily forgotten as you leaned forward in your chair.  
"Heard what?" you asked, curiosity piqued. Your boss couldn't contain his grin as he delivered the news.  
"ATEEZ just sold out an entire US Tour!" The words hung in the air, sinking in slowly as you processed their significance. And then, without warning, a surge of elation washed over you, and before you knew it, you were on your feet, a joyful scream escaping your lips. 
"What?" you exclaimed, unable to contain your excitement. Without a second thought, you rushed forward, enveloping your boss in a tight hug, overcome with happiness at the incredible news. It was a moment of pure exhilaration, a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in ATEEZ's journey. The exhaustion of the day melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment. The excitement in your boss's voice was contagious as he patted your back, a wide grin spreading across his face.  
"We are celebrating tonight!" he declared with enthusiasm, his words echoing through the office. A surge of anticipation raced through you at the prospect of celebrating ATEEZ's incredible achievement.  
"Absolutely!" you replied eagerly, already picturing the party ahead. With a playful wink, your boss continued,  
"So go back to your place, doll up, and I'll see you here at 7 sharp!" You nodded enthusiastically, a smile stretching from ear to ear.  
"You got it!" You exclaimed, already mentally planning your outfit for the evening. As you made your way out of the office, the excitement of the impending celebration filled you with renewed energy. With a spring in your step and a heart full of anticipation, you packed up your belongings and bid farewell to the office for the day. The thought of celebrating ATEEZ's success and the prospect of finally seeing Seonghwa filled you with an infectious excitement that bubbled within you. As you made your way through the bustling streets, the anticipation only grew stronger. The familiar sights and sounds of the city seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the promise of the evening ahead. Tonight was a night for celebration, a chance to toast to ATEEZ's success and revel in the joy of being surrounded by friends and colleagues. But above all else, it was a night to be reunited with Seonghwa, and you couldn't wait to see where the evening would take you. With a smile on your face and excitement in your heart, you pushed open the door to your apartment.  
After a quick shower to freshen up and wash away the cares of the day, you set about styling your hair and applying my makeup with meticulous care. With the luxury of extra time on your hands, you paid attention to every detail to ensure that you looked and felt your best for the evening ahead. After finishing your make-up, you reached out for your phone resting on the nightstand, your heart skipping a beat as you saw Seonghwa's name flashing on the screen. A surge of excitement coursed through you as you answered the call, eager to hear his voice after what felt like an eternity apart. 
"Hello?" You said, your voice tinged with anticipation as you brought the phone to your ear, butterflies dancing in your stomach. 
"Hey, it's me," Seonghwa's voice came through the line, warm and familiar, sending a rush of warmth through you. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you replied,  
"Hi, Seonghwa. I was just thinking about you." There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a soft chuckle.  
"Funny, I was just thinking about you too," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I will see you tonight, right?"  
"Absolutely, I wouldn't miss it for anything," you replied without hesitation, "We definitely need to celebrate!" 
"Honestly, the only thing that matters is that I will finally see you," Seonghwa's voice came through the phone, filled with warmth and affection. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you replied,  
"Same here, Seonghwa. I've missed you." And as you exchanged a few more words of affection and excitement, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be reunited once more. With a renewed sense of anticipation and joy, you ended the call, a sense of warmth and happiness lingering in your heart. Tonight was going to be a night to remember, and you couldn't wait to see Seonghwa's smiling face once more. 
Choosing the perfect outfit for the evening was challenging. On one hand, you wanted to look your best – to make a memorable impression on Seonghwa after being apart for so long due to his overseas schedule. But on the other hand, you didn't want to appear overdressed or out of place at the party. After rummaging through your wardrobe for what felt like an eternity, you finally settled on something. Opting for a timeless and sophisticated look, you selected a classic black shirt for the evening's celebration. Deciding to add a touch of allure to the ensemble, you opted to leave the top few buttons of the shirt undone, revealing a hint of skin. It was a small gesture, but it added just the right amount of intrigue to the outfit. Paired with a simple black skirt that hit just in the middle of your tights, the combination was effortlessly sexy. The monochromatic palette created a sleek and cohesive look that was eye-catching. With a few carefully chosen accessories – a delicate, gold necklace, a pair of understated earrings, and a sleek clutch – you completed the outfit. As you admired your reflection in the mirror, a sense of excitement washed over you. Tonight was going to be a night to remember. 
You entered the company building, the air was filled with electric energy, a tangible sense of excitement pulsating through the air. Everywhere you looked, you could see signs of preparation – colorful balloons swaying gently in the breeze, banners hanging from the walls, and a festive atmosphere that filled the space with warmth and joy. A smile spread across your lips as you took in the sight before you, feeling a surge of excitement building within you. It was clear that everyone had gone to great lengths to ensure that tonight's celebration would be a night to remember, a fitting tribute to ATEEZ's incredible achievement. With each step you took, the anticipation continued to build, fueled by the excitement of finally being reunited with Seonghwa and the rest of the ATEEZ members. After exchanging greetings with everyone and soaking in the festive atmosphere, you found yourself nestled in a cozy corner of the room, a drink in hand. As you scanned the bustling room, your heart skipped a beat with each familiar face that passed by, hoping to catch sight of Seonghwa among the crowd, but he was nowhere to be found.  
"Y/N!" As you heard your name called from across the room, you turned your head in the direction of the sound. Through the sea of people, you spotted a familiar face. 
"San!" You greeted him enthusiastically as he approached, a genuine smile spreading across your face at the sight of him. San was always such a warm and friendly presence, and you were genuinely glad that he had come over to you. "Congratulations!" you exclaimed as San pulled you in a warm hug. With a smile, you pulled back from the hug, meeting his gaze with genuine happiness in your eyes. "I'm so happy for you, San," you said sincerely, knowing that his success was well-deserved.  
"It's truly incredible," San replied, a smile tugging at his lips as he raised his glass to clink it against yours. The sound of glass meeting glass echoed through the room, a toast to success. "It's moments like these that make all the hard work worth it," San said, you nodded with agreement. "Here's to many more successes and celebrations to come." with a smile, you took another sip of your drink, savoring the moment and feeling grateful for the opportunity to share it with a friend like San. 
''Y/N! You look amazing!' You didn't notice when Hongjoong approached you, 
"Thank you!" You replied, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. Before you could react, Hongjoong took your hand and spun you around gently, causing laughter to bubble up from within you. His eyes scanned you appreciatively, and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks under his gaze. It was a simple gesture, but it filled you with a sense of happiness.  
"Am I interrupting something?" As the question hung in the air, you turned your gaze away from Hongjoong and met Seonghwa's eyes, feeling a rush of emotions wash over you. His presence seemed to fill the room, drawing you in with an intensity that was both exhilarating and unnerving. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you locked eyes, a silent exchange passing between you both. In that moment, it felt as though the rest of the world faded away, leaving only the two of you standing there, caught in a moment. 
"No, not at all," you replied, as you tore your gaze away from Seonghwa's, turning back to face San and Hongjoong. "We were just catching up." your mind remained fixed on Seonghwa, unable to shake the feeling of his presence lingering in the air.  
"I was just telling her how amazing she looks tonight," As Hongjoong's words filled the air, a warm smile spread across your face at his kind gesture. It was a small reassurance amid the tension that lingered between Seonghwa and you, 
"Thank you, Hongjoong," you replied with genuine gratitude, meeting his gaze briefly before turning back to face Seonghwa once more. His eyes bore into yours, and you couldn't help but wonder what thoughts lay behind Seonghwa's gaze. 
''We will leave you two alone and say hi to the rest of the team.'' San spoke, as he took Hongjoong by his arm, and pulled him behind. 
"Of course," you replied, nodding in understanding as San and Hongjoong made their way towards the rest of the team. They disappeared into the crowd, leaving you alone. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the silence between you filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension. 
“I don’t like the way they look at you” Seonghwa's words hung in the air, breaking the silence with a weight that you couldn't ignore. His voice was soft, tinged with a hint of concern that sent a shiver down your spine. You couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and curiosity at his sudden confession.  
"What do you mean?" you asked. There was a depth to his words that hinted at something more, and you found yourself holding your breath, waiting for him to elaborate. Seonghwa sighed, his expression troubled as he struggled to find the right words.  
"I mean... I just don't like the way they look at you," he confessed, his voice strained with emotion. His admission caught you off guard, and you were at a loss for how to respond. "It drives me crazy." As he downed his drink in one swift motion, you could see the tension in his shoulders easing slightly.  
"Seonghwa, are you... jealous?" you asked tentatively, your heart pounding in your chest. His eyes widened at your question, and for a moment, he was speechless. 
"Jealous?" Seonghwa repeated, seemingly taken aback by your question. He looked at you, his eyes searching yours as if he was trying to find the answer himself. After a moment of silence, he let out a soft chuckle, his gaze dropping to his hands. "Maybe I am," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. The intensity of his confession made your heart flutter, and a blush crept up your cheeks. You watched as he ran a hand through his hair, a sign of his nervousness that you had come to recognize. 
"I just... I care about you, you know?" He looked up at you, his eyes filled with an emotion that you hadn't seen before. It was a look of protectiveness, of possessiveness, but also of vulnerability. And in that moment, you realized that perhaps Seonghwa's feelings ran deeper than you had initially thought. Your moment was abruptly interrupted by someone calling his name from across the room. Your heart sank slightly, realizing that you wouldn't have the opportunity to delve deeper into the conversation. Seonghwa glanced at you apologetically, his expression filled with regret. 
"I'll be right back," he promised, his voice tinged with disappointment. You nodded in understanding, offering him a reassuring smile despite the lingering questions in your mind.  
"Take your time," you replied, watching as he made his way through the crowd, his figure disappearing into the throng of people. Left alone with your thoughts, you couldn't help but wonder about the true meaning behind Seonghwa's words. His confession had stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within you, and you longed for the chance to delve deeper into it. But for now, all you could do was wait, hoping for the opportunity to continue your conversation when the time was right.  
As the night wore on, you found yourself swept up in a whirlwind of conversations and celebrations, the opportunity to continue the conversation with Seonghwa slipping further and further away with each passing moment. Seonghwa seemed to be caught up in the festivities as well, pulled in different directions by the demands of the evening. Despite your best efforts to find a moment alone with him, the bustling atmosphere of the party made it difficult to carve out the time for a private conversation. Seonghwa was constantly surrounded by friends and colleagues, and you found yourself pulled in different directions as well, engaging in lively discussions and catching up with the rest of the team.  
The atmosphere in the company was quiet, with only the faint echoes of the recent party lingering in the air. As the party slowly wound down and the last of the guests trickled out of the door, you found yourself alone in the room, left to clean up the aftermath. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approached, and you turned to find Seonghwa lingering in the doorway.  
"Can I help you clean up?" he asked, his voice gentle and earnest. You nodded, appreciating his offer of help and the chance to speak with him once again. 
"Of course, thank you, Seonghwa." You replied, welcoming his company. Together, you started to pick up the scattered cups and plates, the silence between you comfortable yet filled with anticipation. Seonghwa worked diligently, making quick work of the mess. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, admiring his focus. When he finished, he looked up and met your gaze, a small smile playing on his lips. 
"It's much easier with two people," he commented, breaking the silence. You agreed and thanked him again for his help. The room was now clean, but neither of you made a move to leave. Seonghwa finally broke the silence.  
"About what I said earlier," he began, hesitating slightly. You nodded, indicating that you were listening. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he continued. "I meant what I said. I care about you... more than I probably should." His words echoed in the empty room; the atmosphere suddenly heavy. You looked at him, surprised by his confession but also relieved. His feelings mirrored your own, and you found yourself smiling at him. 
"I care about you too, Seonghwa," you replied, his face lit up at your words, and for the first time that evening, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. 
"Can I kiss you?" His words sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through you, and without hesitation, you reached out to gently cup his face in your hands. 
"Yes," you whispered, Seonghwa’s eyes twinkled with happiness at your answer. You could feel your heart pound against your chest in anticipation. Seonghwa’s touch was gentle yet commanding as he pulled you closer by your waist, drawing you into his embrace with a magnetic force that was impossible to resist. As his touch sent shivers cascading down your spine, your body reacted instinctively, responding to the electrifying sensation with an intensity that took your breath away. Every nerve seemed to ignite with a fiery spark as his fingertips grazed your skin, leaving a trail of tingling sensation. Seonghwa's lips were warm and soft against yours, each gentle brush sending sparks of electricity dancing across your skin. The moment his lips met yours, everything around melted away. All you could feel was him; his lips on yours, his heartbeat echoing your own. The kiss was soft, tender, filled with all the emotions that had been building up between you. With each press of Seonghwa’s lips against yours, you felt yourself melting into his touch, losing yourself in the intoxicating sensation of his embrace. Your heart pounded furiously in your chest, a steady rhythm echoing the urgency of the desire that coursed through you. With each caress, your senses were heightened, attuned to every nuance of his touch. It was as if a spark had been ignited within you, setting your entire being ablaze with a fierce longing that threatened to consume you whole.  
"Seonghwa, we shouldn't," you whispered breathlessly against his lips as you pulled away, a pang of hesitation gnawing at your heart.  
"Why not?" He murmured, his breath hitching as he stared at you with a look of surprise and confusion. His words resonated within you, forcing you to confront the fear that had been lingering at the back of your mind. You swallowed hard, your mind wrestling with the feelings that had been building up inside you. 
"You're an idol, Seonghwa, and I... I work for your PR team," you started, your voice barely a whisper. You watched as the confusion in his eyes shifted to understanding, his grip on your waist loosening slightly. "The rules... the... the consequences," you stuttered, your heart pounding as you tried to put your fears into words. "We could get caught... I could lose my job... and it could ruin your career." For a moment, Seonghwa was silent, absorbing your words. You could see the struggle in his eyes, the battle between his feelings and the harsh reality of the world you both lived in. But then, he pulled you closer, his eyes never leaving yours. 
"I understand," he said softly, his voice barely audible over the pounding in your chest. "But I can't help how I feel about you. We'll figure this out... together." You tried to say something, to voice the concerns still swirling in your mind, but Seonghwa shook his head and placed a finger on your lips.  
"Shhh... I've waited too long for this," he murmured, and before you could respond, he leaned in once again, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss that left no room for argument. His touch was electrifying, his lips hungry and insistent against yours, and you found yourself returning his fervor with equal intensity. There was no gentleness, no tender caresses. Instead, your kiss was raw and unbridled, fueled by a primal hunger that threatened to consume you both. With each brush of your lips, the barriers that had once held you back crumbled, giving way to an overwhelming surge of desire. In the heat of the moment, there was no room for hesitation or doubt. All that mattered was the fiery connection that blazed between you, igniting a flame that burned brighter with each passing second. And as you lost yourselves in the intoxicating rush of passion, you knew that there was no turning back. As the world around you melted away, you found the courage to voice the words that had been on the tip of your tongue.  
"Let's go to my place," you breathed out, your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for his response. Seonghwa looked at you, a slight surprise in his eyes. Then a slow smile spread across his face, transforming his features into a look of pure happiness.  
"I'd love to," he replied, his voice husky. You reached out, gently grasping Seonghwa's wrist and pulling him to follow you. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but there was a glimmer of excitement mirrored in their depths. With a sense of urgency, you swiftly took your purse. Every movement was propelled by a heady mix of anticipation and desire, your heart pounding in rhythm with the rapid pace of your thoughts. As you made your way to the back door, Seonghwa paused for a moment, reaching for his jacket, glasses, and a mask before stepping outside. You were struck by his thoughtfulness and attention to detail. In that simple gesture, you saw a glimpse of the considerate and caring person he was beneath the surface. With a soft smile, you followed, grabbing your own jacket and slipping on a mask before joining Seonghwa outside. The cool night air greeted you as you stepped onto the pavement, wrapping you in its embrace. Feeling the warmth of Seonghwa's hand intertwining with yours sent a jolt of electricity. With your fingers intertwined, you set off together, following the familiar way that would lead you to your apartment. You couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude as you made your way through the quiet streets, it was a relief to know that your apartment was only a short distance away from the company. 
As soon as the door to your apartment closed behind you, Seonghwa pulled you hard into his chest, your bodies pressing on each other. His kisses became more urgent, his grip on you tighter as if he was afraid you would disappear. His lips found yours in a passionate kiss that left you breathless, his taste intoxicating, leaving you wanting more. In this moment, there was no room for remorse or second thoughts, only the overpowering need for each other. You were lost in him, in the overwhelming sensation of his touch, his taste, his scent. As the intensity of your shared passion escalated, Seonghwa moved to unbutton your shirt, his fingers trembling slightly with anticipation. 
"Wait," you murmured, pulling back just enough to meet his gaze. His eyes were dark and filled with desire, but he stopped at your words, his hands coming to rest on your waist as he waited for you to continue. "I... I just want to make sure we're both on the same page," you said softly, voice trembling slightly with the weight of the moment. "I care about you, Seonghwa, more than I can put into words. But I want it to mean something, for both of us." As you spoke, you searched his expression for any sign of hesitation or doubt, but all you found was a profound sense of understanding and respect. In that moment, you were sure that Seonghwa shared your desire for something deeper, something more meaningful than just physical intimacy. His lips curved into a tender smile, and he reached up to gently cup your cheek in his hand.  
"I understand," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I want this to mean something too, Y/N. More than anything. I’m not leaving you." With those words, the last of your doubts melted away, leaving only a sense of trust and connection between you. His touch, careful and loving, trailed down your body, taking the time to appreciate every inch of you. Seonghwa’s fingers traced over your skin, leaving a trail of warmth and desire in their wake. He took his time, his hands exploring you as if he was memorizing every curve, every line of your body. Your hands found their way to his hair, tugging gently at the soft strands. He let out a soft groan, his hot breath fanning against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. His lips found yours again, stealing your breath away with the intensity of the kiss. His hands moved to the buttons of your shirt, unbuttoning it and tossing it aside. His gaze was full of admiration and desire as he looked at you, his eyes taking in your form.  
"You're beautiful, Y/N," he murmured against your lips, his voice low and filled with emotion. You blushed, a smile spreading across your lips at his words. Seonghwa leaned in, pressing kisses along your neck, collarbones, down to your chest. His hands finally moved to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the floor. His touch was electrifying, each kiss sending waves of pleasure through your body. Seonghwa was patient, taking his time to make you feel loved, and cherished. He moved lower, his lips trailing down your stomach, making you gasp with anticipation. You arched into his touch, your fingers tangling in his hair, guiding him closer to where you needed him. "So impatient," Seonghwa commented as he moved back up, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer. Craving the feel of his skin against yours, your hands moved to his shirt, unbuttoning it and pushing it off his shoulders. You took a moment to admire him, your gaze trailing over his muscular chest, and the defined abs. Seonghwa was beautiful, every inch of him perfect. You reached out, your fingers tracing over his skin, feeling the warmth radiating from him. Seonghwa’s hands roamed your body, the touch igniting a fire within you. He moved lower once again, his lips trailing down your stomach, making you gasp with anticipation. His hands moved to your skirt, unzipping it and sliding it down your legs. Seonghwa’s lips found the skin on your thighs, his hands gently creasing them, each touch sending waves of desire coursing through you. His lips moved up your tight, his lips finding all your sensitive spots, making you arch your back and gasp out his name. You felt his breath dangerously close to your panties, which by now were soaked completely with your arousal.  
"Seonghwa," you moaned, your voice thick with longing as you arched your back, surrendering to the intoxicating sensations that washed over you. "Not here," you murmured, your voice trembling as looked down on him with a mixture of desire and urgency. "Bedroom... Let's go to the bedroom." Seonghwa, with a deep and magnetic gaze that held you captive, guided you gently towards the bedroom. He led you to the edge of the bed, his hands never leaving your body. Carefully, with an affectionate touch, he laid you down on the soft sheets. Seonghwa's gaze was intense but tender, as if he was committing every detail of you to memory. The look in his eyes held a fervor that was both thrilling and comforting. The last piece of your clothing was slowly discarded, your lace panties landing softly on the floor. His hands, now free to explore, traced a path of heat down your bare body, each touch igniting a spark of anticipation. He kissed you deeply, a promise of more to come, before his eyes met yours once more. Seonghwa's gaze was full of adoration and hunger, a testament to the intimate connection that was about to deepen. Slowly, Seonghwa began to undress himself, his movements unhurried and deliberate. As the last piece of his clothing dropped to the floor, he positioned himself atop you, his bare skin against yours sending tremors of desire coursing through your veins. His eyes continued to hold your gaze, their depths reflecting the shared anticipation of the intimate moment that was about to unfold. 
"Is this alright?" Seonghwa whispered against your lips. 
"Yes," you murmured, your voice barely more than a whisper, "Yes, Seonghwa... I'm yours." Your affirmation seemed to ignite something within him. A slow, intoxicating smile spread across his face, his dark eyes twinkling with a mixture of love, desire, and a hint of possessiveness that sent shivers down your spine. His gaze never wavered from yours, maintaining eye contact as he leaned down, his lips meeting yours in a searing, passionate kiss. One of his hands, tender and firm, cradled your face, his thumb gently brushing against your cheeks. With the other one he steadied himself between your legs, and you finally felt him entering you slowly and gently, his movements measured and full of care. The feeling was intoxicating, overwhelming in its intensity but filled with a tenderness that only Seonghwa could provide. As Seonghwa moved, you felt a surge of pleasure that left you gasping, your fingers trailing over his back, your nails gently digging into his skin. His name fell from your lips in a breathless whisper, the syllables intertwining with the soft moans and gasps that filled the room. Each thrust heightened the pleasure, building up tension that had you moaning his name louder. He responded to your every sound, his movements shifting and adapting to your responses. It was as if he was attuned to every part of you, each touch designed to elicit the maximum pleasure. 
"Seonghwa," you moaned, as he continued to move, his rhythm steady and deliberate. He looked down at you, his gaze filled with love and desire, his expression mirroring the pleasure coursing through you. "I’m close" you whimpered as the pleasure started to overwhelm you. 
"I know, baby," he responded, his voice low and soothing. His eyes never left yours, holding your gaze as the room around you both seemed to fade. Each of his movements were measured, calculated to draw the maximum response from you. He knew exactly what you needed, when you needed it, and he wasn't afraid to take his time in delivering it. Seonghwa was completely in tune with your body, knowing just how to touch you, how to move, to bring you to the edge. A gasp escaped your lips as his rhythm increased, the intensity building as he moved. His name was a whispered prayer on your lips, the only word you could manage as you clung to him. The world around you narrowed to the feeling of him, the sight of him, the sound of him, the scent of him. 
"Let go baby," he murmured against your ear, his voice a soothing balm, grounding you in the moment. With a few more deep movements, he guided you both to the peak of your shared pleasure. The feeling was indescribable, a release of tension that left you both panting and gasping for breath. And through it all, Seonghwa was there with you, his gaze never leaving yours, his love and desire for you clear in his eyes. As the waves of pleasure subsided, Seonghwa collapsed beside you, pulling you into his arms. He held you close, his heart beating in time with yours as you both lay there in silence, the echoes of your shared climax still reverberating through your bodies. Seonghwa’s fingers traced idle patterns on your skin, a soothing gesture that eased the lingering tremors racking your body. His lips pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, the tenderness of the gesture making your heart flutter. 
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. His concern was palpable, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips.  
"More than okay," you assured him, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair from his sweaty forehead. His answering smile was warm and genuine, a sight that never failed to make your heart skip a beat. 
"Good," he murmured, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. His breathing slowly became more regular, his body relaxing as he basked in the afterglow. You laid there, tangled in each other's arms, your heartbeats syncing in the quiet. There was no need for words now, the silence between you was comfortable and familiar. As you drifted off to sleep, his arms tightened around you.  
You were suddenly awakened by the sound of Seonghwa's voice, harsh and irritated, a stark contrast to the gentle tone you had grown accustomed to. His distressed voice pierced the calm tranquility of the early morning as he was on the phone, pacing around the room with furrowed brows, clearly in frustration. As you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you noticed your phone blinking on the bedside table. Forty-three missed calls. A wave of chilly dread filled you as you unlocked your phone to see the flood of messages and notifications. The first one you clicked on made your heart drop. Pictures of you and Seonghwa, walking to your apartment, your hands intertwined, were plastered all over various media outlets. The headlines screamed about Seonghwa's secret relationship, a shocking revelation that seemed to have hit the fandom like a lightning bolt. The comments section was a whirlpool of emotions - shock, betrayal, and surprisingly, support. As you scrolled through the articles, you could barely register the words. This was your worst nightmare coming to life, the very reason you hesitated to start a relationship with Seonghwa in the first place. Seonghwa finished his call and turned to you, his face unnaturally pale.  
"It's all over the news," he said, his voice barely a whisper. The room felt suffocating as a heavy silence descended upon it, both of you too stunned to utter a word. The reality of the situation was sinking in, unfolding a terrifying scenario that you both had dreaded. Your mind was racing, scrambling to make sense of the situation. All your worst fears were coming to life - the fear of getting caught, of losing your job, and of potentially damaging Seonghwa's career. This was the adverse consequence of your secret relationship, the one you had feared and tried to prevent from the very beginning. Yet, amidst the turmoil, you couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. Your anger flared as you dialed your boss's number, your hands shaking as you held the phone to your ear. He picked up on the second ring, his voice tense, 
"You need to do your job and stop this information from spreading," he demanded, his tone cold and unyielding. You felt your heart clench at his words, a bitter laugh escaping your lips as you fired back,  
"How am I supposed to do that when I'm the one involved?" The line crackled with tension as you braced yourself for your boss's response, knowing that your conversation was about to take a heated turn. 
"You're involved!?" His voice was sharp, laced with disbelief and a hint of anger. "How could you let this happen, Y/N? Do you have any idea what kind of mess you've gotten yourself into?" His words hit you like a slap in the face, and you felt a surge of anger rising within you.  
"I didn't 'let' anything happen," you shot back, your own voice rising with frustration. "This isn't something I planned or wanted. And as for the mess, believe me, I'm well aware of it." There was a tense pause on the other end of the line, the silence filled with unspoken accusations and bitter recriminations. You could practically feel your boss's disappointment radiating through the phone, a heavy weight pressing down on you with each passing second. 
"We need to contain this," he said finally, his tone clipped and businesslike. "Handle the damage control on our end, write a press release. Stay out of the public eye, keep your head down, and for god's sake, don't make things worse." You clenched your jaw, struggling to keep your emotions in check as you listened to his instructions.  
"And what about Seonghwa?" you demanded, unable to suppress the edge of desperation in your voice. There was another pause, longer this time, as your boss considered his response.  
"Seonghwa knew what he was getting into when he chose this life," he said finally, his voice oddly cold and unsympathetic. "He's a public figure, and he needs to accept the consequences of his actions. Just like you do." The words hung between you, a bitter reminder of the harsh reality you were both facing. As you hung up the phone, a sense of resignation settled over you, knowing that no matter how much you wanted to protect Seonghwa, there were forces at play far beyond your control. Seonghwa, who had been a silent witness to your conversation, finally broke his silence. His sobs filled the room, each one stabbing you like a knife to the heart. You turned to him, your eyes filled with regret and sorrow.  
"I was supposed to be the one protecting you," you said, your voice choked with tears. You could see the pain in his eyes, reflecting your own as you confessed, "This was a mistake. I'm going to get fired, Seonghwa. There's no future for us." His face crumpled at your words, a look of utter devastation replacing his earlier confusion. 
"No, Y/N, please..." he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "I can't lose you." he retorted, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and despair. His words hit you like a punch to the gut. As the silence settled in the room, you felt a lump forming in your throat. The harsh reality of the situation was too overwhelming to comprehend. The words that had been exchanged between you two still echoed in your ears, haunting you. The room, once filled with love and warmth, now felt cold and distant. The air was heavy with unspoken words and suppressed emotions. Seonghwa, his eyes red and swollen from crying, looked at you. His usual cheerful demeanor was now replaced with a look of sadness and despair. He seemed like a completely different person. Seeing him like this broke your heart even more, the reality of the situation dawning on you. 
"I... I need some time," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He got up from the bed, picked up his clothes from the floor and walked towards the bathroom, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You sat there, numb and silent, as you processed everything that had happened. You felt a sense of guilt wash over you, realizing that your actions had led to this mess. Picking up your phone, you answered the incoming call from one of the reporters.  
"This is a delicate matter, and we are currently fact-checking all the information," you replied, maintaining a professional tone. "We will be releasing an official press statement soon regarding the matter. Thank you for your understanding." 
For the next several minutes, you found yourself answering a seemingly endless stream of phone calls, bombarded with the same questions over and over again. "Who is this girl?" "Is it really Seonghwa?" "Is it official?" With each call, your heart ached a little more, the reality of the situation sinking in. You were the reason behind this mess, and with each question, the weight of your actions became increasingly clear. Seonghwa finally emerged from the bathroom, he was fully dressed, his hair neatly combed back, and his face, although still showing signs of distress, was more composed. He settled down next to you, the distance between you heavy with unspoken tension. You could feel his gaze burning into you, his eyes searching for answers in the depths of your own. But as he heard you denying what happened during countless phone calls, a flicker of hurt flashed across his features, overshadowing the mask of composure he had worn moments before. 
"Y/N," he began, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. "Why are you doing this? We can't keep pretending like nothing happened." His words cut through the silence like a knife, leaving you speechless in their wake. You could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on you, demanding honesty in the face of your denial. But as you met his eyes, you saw the pain reflected in their depths, and a pang of guilt surged through you. You had hurt him deeply with your words, and now, as you continued to deny the truth, you were only adding to his anguish. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you turned away, unable to meet Seonghwa’s gaze any longer. In that moment, you felt more alone than ever, trapped in a web of lies and deceit from which there seemed to be no escape.  
Once the calls ended, with a heavy heart, you began to draft a press release denying the rumors. As you typed, your mind raced with thoughts of how to properly word your denial, how to ensure that it would put an end to the rampant speculation. Seonghwa, who had been observing silently, finally spoke up, his tone filled with discontent. "Why are you denying it?" he asked, his eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and frustration. 
"Seonghwa, we have to," you tried explaining,  
"No, we don't," he retorted, his voice steady and determined. "We don't have to lie. We don't have to hide." 
"Seonghwa, we can't just admit to this. The backlash... it could ruin your career," you argued, your voice tinged with desperation. 
"And what? We lie? We hide?" Seonghwa countered, his voice filled with frustration.  
"We need to think about the consequences. The fans, the company... it's not just us we have to consider." you countered, trying to maintain your composure. 
"I don't care about that," he said, his voice softening. "I care about you. I care about us. I don't want to lie about that." 
"But this isn't just about us. There are other people involved. Our actions have consequences." you responded, your voice breaking slightly. 
"I know that" he said, his tone resolute. "But isn't our relationship worth fighting for?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. As the weight of your situation bore down, you felt the sting of desperation clawing at your heart, driving you to speak words you knew would hurt Seonghwa deeply. 
"What relationship are you even talking about, Seonghwa? We hadn't even had a 'what-are-we' talk, and everything is ruined," you spat out, your voice laced with bitterness and regret. "We kissed less than 24 hours ago, and now we're all over the news." The words spilled out of you like poison, each one laced with the bitter taste of reality. You could see the pain flicker across Seonghwa's face, his eyes clouding with hurt and confusion. But you couldn't stop yourself, couldn't hold back the flood of emotions threatening to consume you. "We need to protect you," you continued, your voice trembling with emotion. "There's no 'us' in this, Seonghwa. It's just you, and your career, and the future you've worked so hard for. I won't let you throw it all away for me." Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you turned away, unable to bear the weight of Seonghwa's gaze any longer. In that moment, you knew that you had hurt him deeply, but you couldn't bring yourself to regret those words. For better or worse, they were the truth, the raw, unfiltered truth that lay at the heart of your impossible situation. 
"You don't get to decide that" Seonghwa replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil beneath his calm exterior. "You don't get to decide what I throw away or keep. It's my life, my career, my future. And you... you're a part of that, whether you like it or not." His words hung heavy in the air, an undeniable truth that weighed down on your heart. "We're in this together, and I'm not letting you walk away just because you're scared. So, let's face this together. Let's fight for 'us', for our future. Because, in my eyes, there's no 'me' without 'us'." You stared at him, your heart pounding. His words echoed in your mind, raw and powerful. The intensity in his gaze was almost too much to bear. Could you really fight for this? For him? Suddenly, the weight of your decision seemed more significant, more daunting. 
"I... I don't know, Seonghwa," you stuttered, your voice barely a whisper. "I don't know if I can do this. If I can put you at risk like that." 
But Seonghwa just shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "That's not for you to decide," he countered gently. "I'm ready to face whatever comes our way. And I want you by my side. So, will you fight with me?" 
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dwllie · 3 months
🏳️‍🌈 𓂃 FAG(GOT)FREAK 〰️
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— FAG(GOT)FREAK : a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got).
coined by us ♡ requested by no one ♡ genderfreak by @losergendered ♡ tagging @accessmogai for a flag id
[PT: fag(got)freak~ fag(got)freak: a gender under the genderfreak gender system related to being a fag(got) and a freak; a fag(got)freak. this gender is only to be used by those in the lgbtq+ community that reclaim the slur fag(got). coined by us. requested by no one. genderfreak by losergendered. tagging accessmogai for a flag id. /END PT]
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koolades-world · 9 months
Helloooo it's me again back with another obey me request :)
Could I get the Demon bros with a depressed MC? I'm having a rough time rn and I just need some comfort but ofc feel free to ignore if u don't do requests like these!!
Have a nice day/night!! ♡☆♡☆♡
hi! of course! sorry I'm so late on this!!! also love your pfp (huge pjsekai fan)
Part of the reason I took so long is because I just didn’t know where to start
I love the demon bro I wanna squeeze them like a squishmellow and they’ve gotten me thorough some tough stuff
it's hard for me to articulate anything relating to depression just because I struggle to open up about it especially after my diagnosis. I don’t think anyone except my mom knows only because she was in the room at the time, and all you guys now of course haha
sorry if that was worded so weird and if anything below is worded weird but it’s just hard for me to find words to put together how I’m feeling but writing is my therapy so thank you for this request :)
Brothers with a depressed Mc
would def notice something was up right away from the first meeting, not because of how you acted, but just because it's Luci
once he officially found out, he made all arrangements needed right away
you need a few days off school? you got it, he's already talking to diavolo
you need a break from chores? you got it, he distributed the work among the rest of the family
there's only one thing you feel like eating? you got it, it's what everyone is eating for dinner
supportive in a quiet way, and does all sorts of little things to lighten the load
as your first and best man, he acts as your knight and is willing to do anything to help you out
he tries his best to correct his own bad habits so you can work together on yourself
like, for example, if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, he will get up and moving earlier so you can be up at the same time
nobody is perfect! he tells you this all the time because he knows how dark everything might seem sometimes
he partially understands how you feel since being the family punching bag for hundreds of years takes a toll on someone
he’s with you in every step of your journey, ups and downs, no matter what
he often has his own self deprecating thoughts, so he knows what you’re dealing with
everyone copes in their own ways but he hopes by sharing all the things he loves, he can bring some happiness
he shared everything with you, both his physical possessions and his thoughts
if you prefer to just sit together, he can do that, but if you want to talk about it, he will do his best to also share how he’s feeling
he wants you to be able to use him as a support system and as someone to fall back on
he always tries to bring a smile to your face and to be someone you trust, despite his own flaws
he shows you the little joys in life, the ones you might struggle or forget to see like sunsets and how the clouds change color with the sky, or how soft flower petals can be, or how a smile can change someone’s entire day
often he invites you out to places, for no reason at all so you can enjoy everything, especially the sun
he takes you on trips to the human world to visit your favorite places and occasionally see your favorite people if he’s allowed
he helps you with school work and takes the load when ever he can
if you asked him, he would do anything for you <3
he always helps you out with your personal hygiene since often, that's what goes first
it's much easier to keep a routine if someone is doing it with you, and Asmo would never forget, so he help keep you on track
but, he's also not pushy about it. if you'll let him, he'll do some of the tasks for you, no strings attached
he's with you at your worst and best. he's not going anywhere
he's determined to be your personal cheerleader and will celebrate all the small things with you
at first, he's a little shocked at the changes in eating patterns, but supports you when ever and where ever you need it
if he knows there's only one food you will eat, he will physically restrain himself from eating it because he knows how much it means to you
exercise helps but he knows it's probably the last thing you want to do, so he helps you though little bits at a time and takes you out to get a reward afterwards
spending time with you makes him happy, so he figures it must be the same the other way around so he makes an effort to just be with you, even if its just sitting together while you do different things
often finds himself seeking you out just to ask how you are by instinct, proving what a sweetheart he is
an interrupted or strange sleep cycle is something he would for sure notice
he becomes the biggest cuddle bug and will often give you sleepy kisses
when you're resting, he'll give you sweet dreams that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy afterwards
he makes an effort to make the bed just how you like it, and before long makes it a habit to join you in your room for naps and bedtime
he doesn't mind if you wake up at weird time and will wait with you as long as you need to get up
thank you again for such the long wait! hope you enjoyed and hope you're feeling better now <333
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lieslab · 7 days
Are you with me?
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Chan X gn reader
Summary: After struggling with being underweight, you binge out of desperation to gain weight and that's when your boyfriend finds you.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 1.6K
Trigger warning: Insecurities, implied underweight reader, mentions of weight, weight loss, binging, calorie counting, and a mention of nausea.
A/N: I believe that this is the final request I had. I'm so sorry for making you wait forever, life has been hard and this topic is a bit too real and relatable. Please know that your weight doesn't define you. Whether you are thirty pounds, three hundred, or three-thousand, you still deserve love and respect. You are allowed to love yourself no matter what you look like.
Society can be really fucking shitty and harsh. Don't let it tear you down. This is your life and maybe we do only get one. Eat the slice of cake on your birthday. Indulge in your favorite coffee. Weight can fluctuate and be lost or gained, but good memories last a life time. Don't let yourself miss out on experiencing them because you think your weight and the way you look is holding you back. It's easier said than done, but it's entirely possible <3
_ _ _
The brain is a chamber and each thought is a bullet. A complex system full of neural pathways that define who you are. The brain controls your entire being. Your personality, your motor skills, the cognitive ability to retain information, and pull it out later. 
Beneath the skin, we’re all just bones. Chipped and withered skeletons that will one day disintegrate into nothingness. They say life is a blessing. We should cherish it to the best of our ability. We only get one life, supposedly. If that’s true, then why is it so hard? 
Bodies. Bodies. Bodies. Bodies. Thick and thin. Taut skin stretched over hollowed cheekbones. Round cheeks full of facial fat. Sharpened and softened jawlines. No matter what yours looks like, you only get one. 
A random genetic lottery thanks to your parents. You might hate yourself or you might love yourself. No matter which one wins, there always seems to be hiccups. Those times of turmoil where you just can’t seem to go on another day because you are trapped inside your body. The machine that causes you to breathe, it feels like a burden to some. 
You cannot control how the outside world perceives you. You cannot make everyone like yourself. Chasing idolization and devotion is a great bomb of self-destruction. Feelings can be fatal and if you’re not careful, they will be. Drowning in insecurities and letting them weigh you down while the days pass you by isn’t a good way to live. 
Yet…you just couldn’t help it. The way you looked was just overwhelming. You were a mess. Physically, nobody could see it. Mentally, you were overwhelmed and falling apart. Unraveling at the seams and spiraling out of control. 
The whispers of your insecurities had turned into a sympathy of screams. Scorching hot tears streamed down your cheeks in the kitchen. Your weight has always been an issue. People don’t second guess the things they say at times. 
“Gosh, you’re so skinny, you need to put some meat on your bones.” 
“Is that really all you’re going to eat?” 
“One blow from the wind and you’re going to fall over at this rate.” 
Some people are blessed with rapid metabolisms and some are cursed. No matter how much you consume, your body works it off. Over and over and over and over and over. Just when you think you’ve gained a pound, the scale says you’re down another half of a pound. 
What does your boyfriend think about it? He always says you look wonderful, but does he really mean it? What if he’s lying? Members of your family have stated that you look like you’re on your deathbed. 
What if you’re not good enough? What if this body isn’t great? What if nothing changes? What if you’re cursed to be this weight forever? What if? What if? What if? 
It was a spur of the moment decision. Ever since you lost another two pounds within the last week, something inside of you seemed to snap. That’s when you found yourself tearing through kitchen cabinets. 
Thoughts were swirling as you ripped open the package of oreo cookies you bought. It was one and then it was two and you blinked and half the row was gone. Crumbs caked your lips and all you could do was wipe them along your sweater sleeve. 
As much as you were spiraling, you were desperate to gain control. Surely, if you ate enough, you could put on a pound or two, right? Right? You had to. 
Crinkling filled the air as you opened a bag of brand new chips. The kind that were too salty and you knew they weren’t healthy, but you did it anyway. Life felt better with the occasional unhealthy snack. People weren’t perfect and neither were you. 
Staring at the back of the calorie contents, you lost track of how many chips you placed in your mouth. People didn’t seem to binge on the fruits and vegetables. 
It was the sugary sweetened foods that stuck to your sides. The salty chips and pretzels. The kind of food that was full of empty calories, but you didn’t care. You were desperate to gain a pound. 
People don’t understand what it’s like until they’re there. You will never understand what it’s like to be skin and bones until it’s all that you are. You will never understand what it’s like to carry around a pudgy stomach that bounces with every step until you are there. 
Weight fluctuates and bodies are different. We only get one, but it’s so easy to abuse it. To never eat enough. To over consume and eat too much. You didn’t think you were doing anything wrong with your body. 
You ate your food and that was that. It wasn’t a ton of food, but it wasn’t like you were starving yourself either. Yet, at the exact same time, your body seemed to stay thin. 
The more you spiraled, the more you lost track. You didn’t remember what you put in your mouth. Everything tasted like defeat, even the oreos. 
It kept going and going. Your stomach began to ache with the amount of food you consumed, but you couldn’t stop. It was overwhelming and all too much. Everything hurt and you just wanted to break down and sob. 
When you caught the reflection of yourself in the microwave, that’s exactly what you did. The lump in your throat pulsed and the tears welled up again. The box of crackers in your hand dropped to the floor and you grabbed the counter top for support. 
Your body caved and slumped over the cold marble top. With a forehead pressed into the marble, you cried. You cried because it wasn’t fair. You cried because you hated what you were doing to your body. You cried because you were worried about how you were perceived. You cried because everything was overwhelming and too much. You hated yourself and it hurt like hell. 
Piercing sobs racked the empty kitchen and bounced off the walls. They reverberated back to you and you were left alone with the heart-shattering reality of what you were doing. You ate so much, you were nauseous. 
Your stomach twisted and churned. A fresh layer of saliva coated your tongue. The queasy feeling caused you to squeeze your eyes shut. All you could do was just cry harder. 
Your sobs were the first thing that Chan heard when he unlocked and pushed the door open. Fear struck his heart and he ripped off his bag. Not caring that his laptop was in it, it dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. 
He rushed into the kitchen and found you slung over the counter. “Baby? Baby?” His hand went to your back and he tugged you into his arms. 
The warmth of his chest made you cry harder. You hated that this was who you were. Why couldn’t you have another body? Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn’t it just be different? 
“What’s wrong?” His eyes scanned your face. “Why are you crying? What’s going on? Are you hurt?” His hands gently cupped your cheeks. He positioned your face up towards him. “Please talk to me.” 
“I-I hate myself,” you uttered hoarsely with a hiccup. “I’m not good enough. I can’t gain weight and I’m a walking skeleton and I-” 
His eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “Sweetheart, what are you talking about?”  A reassuring thumb ran over your cheek. 
“My body isn’t good enough. Not for you. Not for me. Not for anyone.” 
Knowing that you thought so negatively of yourself, it stung. It shoved an arrow through his heart and he shook his head. “Listen to me, you’re perfect the way you are. Just because y-” 
“You don’t get it!” You snapped angrily. Your hands shoved at his shoulders and he stumbled back in shock. “You don’t get it because you’re perfect! You can gain weight and you can lose weight. You can do whatever you want and I-” Your voice cracked and cut off. 
He didn’t utter a word. He knew you were struggling, so he just opened his arms. With a quivering bottom lip, you let yourself fall forward. Sturdy arms grabbed you and he pressed your head against his chest. 
The steady lull of his heart made you burst into tears. A weak and hoarse apology fell from your lips. All he could do was quietly shush you as he rubbed your back. 
“I know that it’s hard. I know what it’s like to struggle with your self image. Maybe I don’t know exactly what it is, but I’m right here and I love you. Please don’t push me away just because you’re struggling. I might not understand, but we can figure it out together. I’m not going anywhere and you know that.” 
That last reassurance was the final straw. Your knees buckled and your fingers dug into his cotton shirt. Down the both of you went and you landed on his lap. 
He pressed you against him as tight as he dared. With your eyes shut and your forehead pressed into the nape of his neck. He soothed you softly while rubbing your back. 
Even if he didn’t understand exactly, he’d wait here for as long as he had to. He’d be here until the kitchen was pulled into darkness and the sun went down outside. He didn’t care if he had to be here all night. 
He’d do whatever it took to remind you that no matter how you saw yourself, you weren’t entirely alone.
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
Taglist and inbox rules
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princessbrunette · 5 months
the readers bedrooms ♡
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her bedroom looks something like this. very girly in the delicate way where you can tell she hasn’t really done much redecoration from when she was a little girl. a little bit less neat than these pictures, and always has crumbs in her bed that john b has to dust off before he gets in— muttering something along the lines of “how do these even get in here, pup?”
has a lot of random stuff that doesn’t go with the aesthetic of her room just from finding them at yard sales / thrift stores and was unable to part with them like ratty teddy bears and lava lamps that she sometimes sits infront of and stares at for ages and loses track of time completely. lots and lots of polaroids of her with her loved ones hung up. pics of her w the pogues, fav family members, john b, a random polaroid of rafe with his thumbs up and no one even knows when she took it or why or why rafe looks so friendly it’s honestly a mystery
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always a little on the messier side. bed is haphazardly made for when jj comes over (as if he cares) and she has a clothing rail that’s always overflowing with outfit choices and shoes. lots of posters and random trinkets. definitely has a knife or something stuck in the wall from a fit of rage and now uses it to hang up underwear or jewellery. a pair of handcuffs on her wall just for decoration.
her bed has to be veryyy soft and comfortable because she is so sleepy and will sleep all day if you let her. this being said, she spends a lot of time on the floor too. whether jj is finding her curled up napping on the carpet when he comes over, or she’s wanting to play fight with him on the rug and eventually end up holding him close and riding him when the bed is right there.
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very very organised for all her fashion / self care related items. she may be ditsy but she has a very specific way she likes all her girly stuff to be organised so she knows exactly where to find it when she’s getting ready. the only times she really gets cross with rafe and starts thumping her foot about is when he comes over and curiously starts looking through her stuff and ruining her whole system.
her bedroom is literally a pink princess palace, honestly took rafe a while to get used to all the pink — and he can never hide where he is in pictures etc because everyone knows your iconic bedroom from your instagram!
getting her own post because there’s a lot of stuff to her bedroom and i want to go through it all <3
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xt0t4llys4n300x · 6 months
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Hello!! my name is Canyon! i also go by the names sol/soul, orrrrr Tyler
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Tumblr parent!!!! <3 -> @eyes-shining-with-love
Tumblr sibling!!!! (Totally epic) -> @cordyline-uki
I enjoy making music!! Music blog -> @muuzic
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im 16 and I love 2000s subcultures! otherkin & polytherian --'
my theriotypes are: Belgian tervuren, romanian carpathian shepard, coastal wolf, bat eared fox, jackal, serval, golden retriever, orange tabby and great white!!!
Ghostkin, zombiekin, vampirekin, werewolfkin old acc - @genderstealer2000
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Neurodivergent :0 (ADHD, autism, BPD, anxiety)
i have dissociative identity disorder, I am a traumagenic system. Still working on having everyone make an account (if they want)
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[Tag system]
Bleh☆ - vents
Kool shtuff☆ - hyperfixation things
☆♡☆ - asks and random text posts
mootz☆ - mutual stuff!!!
me☆ - ME!!!!!
(Still updating this)
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demi romantic ace, ambiamory (monogamous and poly)
@stansavvy is my mate!!! (Closed relationship)
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!!Current hyperfixations!!
Prehistoricccc shtuff
Old internet archives
True crime / forensic science
Anything horror related
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stay, engene, moa, atiny, zerose, fearnot, wow, bandi, nex2y, nwser
mcr, pierce the veil, 6arleyhuman, OMFG, kets4eki,S3RL, vampyx, vylet pony, metro station, 3OH!3, FIR, paramore, blink-182, fall out boy, sleeping with sirens, panic! at the disco, dot dot curve, brokencyde
the jins, destroy boys, aberdeen is dead, meth wax, slutever, hole, jack off jill, subhumans, the garden, Siouxsie and the banshees
sundots, benny benji, pill friends, teethe, the skin cells, the loners with parenthesis, summer 2000
alex g, current joys, mom jeans, memo boy, duster, FIDLAR, oso oso, depeche mode, misfits, joy division, the cure, the smiths, Weezer, floats, the buttertones, static girl, bauhaus
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panda-writes-kpop · 4 months
two's company, but three's a crowd?
a/n: happy birthday to my lovely friend across the pond @foolish-sparrow!!! hope you have the loveliest day ever because you deserve your love. also, happy pride month everyone! I have a special fic that's been rotting in my brain that I want to release for pride month, but I also want to work on requests this month, so we'll just have to see what happens :)
tw: 'madre' is used once because it's my nickname for Sparrow but the fic is gender-neutral otherwise, Paladin! Reader that reads like a self-insert character, reader gets wasted as do the love interests, hangover symptoms including nausea, this author hates love triangles so your love interests are love interests and we all live happily ever after in a poly relationship <3
related fics: gimme all your lovin' (all your hugs and kisses too!), look at me! look at me!, sorry for party rockin'!, we're never getting back together (like ever?)
summary: You wake up in a random hotel room with no idea where Yunjin or Kazuha are. Last night's memories are blurry, but with the help of those two girls, you manage to put the pieces back together of what exactly happened at that party.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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On a scale from “crystal-clear” to “holy fuck how much did I drink”, you’d rate your memory of last night as a slightly blurry highlight reel of the best parts.
This, of course, couldn’t explain why you woke up in a strange hotel room with little to your name beside your phone and the clothes on your body.
Your phone. You should check that, maybe someone’s searching for you?
Not a single phone call. Were your friends not even slightly concerned about you?
A single text pops up on your phone.
Katie: Text me when you’re headed home! I’ll save some breakfast for you. <3
Well, at least the youngest Paladin cares for you. Considering that she’s sweet to anything that breathes, maybe you shouldn’t take it as too much of a compliment.
Your phone pings again.
Katie: Love you lots, mi madre! Hope you had fun with Yunjin and Kazuha last night after you left the party.
You certainly weren’t in the apartment that Yunjin and Kazuha shared with three other girls, and hell, you weren’t sure if you were in the same city that you started the night in.
Your phone has a mapping system of sorts, right? Maybe you can turn on the WiFi and get a signal to your phone.
You’re thoroughly disappointed, albeit not surprised at this point, that this hotel doesn’t have WiFi or any signal for your phone. It’s almost as if the world doesn’t want you to figure out where you’re going… 
The only tool you have is your memory at this point. It can’t hurt to go over everything, right?
“Yunjin, we have a guest!” Kazuha loudly announces as you knock on the door. “Can you get it? I’m busy putting on make-up.”
“Why do I always have to get the door?” Yunjin whines before opening the door. “Hey, you came over! Glad to see you here.”
Yunjin lets you in before closing the door. 
“None of the other girls are in right now. Sakura and Chaewon are having a girl’s night, and Eunchae mentioned something about a study date.” Yunjin laughs to herself. “Kids, they grow up so fast.”
“Tell me about it,” You laugh along with Yunjin, “Katie’s the one organizing the party. Luckily, since Ryujin invited everyone and their mother, I slipped an invitation in for you and Kazuha.”
“Katie won’t be mad?” 
“Not at all, since the party is a cover to get a few of her friends together with their crushes.” You roll your eyes at Katie’s schemes, which will unfortunately work because it’s Katie.
“Sounds like Katie, alright.” Yunjin lightly grabs your arm before leading you to the kitchen. “C’mon, I made some drinks for us.”
“Already? We’re not even at the party yet-” You try to protest, but Kazuha gasps when she spots the three red solo cups.
“I’m down for a couple drinks if you are.” Kazuha enters the room and slides to your left as Yunjin expectantly stares at you.
So much for your whole lecture towards Katie about avoiding peer pressure when it came to alcohol and other substances.
“As long as we get an Uber to the party, we can have a couple of drinks.” You say as the two girls happily cheer.
You didn’t get too drunk at their apartment, but you definitely weren’t comfortable driving. After calling a ride, nothing of note happened - except for the fact that you were squished between Yunjin and Kazuha in the backseat of the car. You were trying to hide your nervousness from the both of them, but neither of them could resist the urge to tease you a bit.
“Do we both make you nervous, or is it just one of us?” Yunjin smiles before scooting closer to you. “Come on, you can tell me~”
“Yunjin, knock it off, you’re making them nervous!” Kazuha reaches over and lightly slaps Yunjin.
Yunjin rubs her arm in pain as Kazuha’s hand returns to her, but not before lightly grazing your knee. 
When you look at Kazuha, she winks at you before softly laughing. 
You’re sure that your nerves are more apart than ever - maybe spontaneous combustion wasn’t such a bad fate, after all?
Speaking of, Kazuha enters the hotel room, causing you to sigh in relief.
“Kazuha, you have no idea how happy I am to see you-”
“-Where are we?” Kazuha looks at you in confusion. “I thought you’d know, but apparently you don’t.”
“What gave it away? The fact that I reek of booze?” You joke as she walks over and peeks out of the other side of the room. “Have you seen Yunjin?”
“That’s what I was going to ask you.” Kazuha slides into the single office chair in the middle of the room as you lay on the single king bed in the room. “What happened last night?”
“I’ve got bits and pieces from last night - maybe we can compare and see what we remember?”
Getting to the party was eventful, but the party itself was nothing to scoff at. You had arrived a bit late, something that Katie would normally scold you for, but the party seemed to be roaring out of control. 
To your left was the kitchen, where you see a nervous Katie running around with dishes and ingredients in her hands. Dami dutifully stands to the side, occasionally holding a dish and stirring something, while watching Katie work her magic. 
You can hear King and Neon talking with a group of friends in the living room - perhaps it was time for a Boomer reunion? Yet again, you’d probably start an argument with one of the boomers, which would probably put Katie more on edge than before. 
You couldn’t chat with Mala, who was currently studying at home with Tzuyu. Katie had invited them over, but you weren’t sure that they would make an appearance tonight.
“Hey, I’m going to grab something to eat. Are you guys hungry?” Yunjin asks as the three of you head towards the kitchen.
“I could eat.” You shrug as Kazuha nods. 
“Hey, Katie-” You call out as Katie rushes past you.
“Everything you can eat is on the kitchen island. Grab a plate and feel free to eat.” Katie says before mumbling to herself, “Chili powder, lemon juice, tomatoes, avocados-”
“Is she going to be okay?” Kazuha asks as Dami hands the three of you plates, silverware, and glasses. 
“I think so, but this may be her breaking point.” Dami looks over to the counter that is stacked with half-full and empty liquor bottles. “I still haven’t told her that Ryujin and her friends have finished off most of the bottled and canned drinks.”
“Have Neon and Siyeon find the drinks. I’m too stressed to do any sort of matchmaking, so that’ll work for now.” Katie rushes back towards the sink to grab a spoon. “Oh, and I’m not ignoring you three, I promise. I’m just a little bit out of it, and I hope you can understand why.”
“At least she’s honest about it.” Yunjin mutters as Kazuha rolls her eyes.
“Be nice to the girl, she’s obviously trying her best. Thank you for the food, Katie, I appreciate your efforts.” Kazuha compliments Katie, who instantly lights up.
“Really? Thank you!” She quickly side-hugs Kazuha before continuing to organize the kitchen and mix dishes together.
“You’re welcome.” She smiles before looking over to you and Yunjin, who look ready to devour her if she doesn’t move out of the way. “We should grab some food and get to the party.”
“Katie’s really something, huh?” Kazuha laughs to herself for a moment. “She’s a sweetheart - no wonder everyone gets along with her.”
“Yeah, she’s something, alright.” You smile softly. “But after that, we sat down and had food until Neon and Siyeon came back with drinks.”
“I’m surprised you remember that. You and King got into a bit of a drinking competition, and well… both of you were losers in the end.” Kazuha explains.
“I wasn’t that drunk.”
“You couldn’t answer a basic multiplication question.”
“Okay, maybe I was that drunk. What happened next? My memory’s kind of blurry-”
“We played a few party games, in which you got mad at King and then chased him outside. He fell into SuA’s flower garden, and you claimed your victory over him. Then there was the whole Spin the Bottle incident-”
“Spin the Bottle incident?” You tilt your head at Kazuha.
“-I think Mala’s the person to talk to about that.” Kazuha scoots her chair closer to you. “Your friends all had a pretty good night when it came to romance.”
You groan as a wave of nausea hits you - damn hangovers and their horrible timing!
“What about me?” You ask out of plain curiosity. 
“What about you…” Kazuha trails off with a playful look on her face.
You were chased outside by Katie… well, some of you were. Others were too drunk to function, so rides had to be arranged, and some were growing tired as the moon continued to rise into the sky. 
Yunjin and Kazuha were still there… among others, but none were as notable as them. 
In the moonlight, Kazuha’s skin glistened as someone set up a speaker in the backyard. Like a moon to its planet, you’re pulled into her orbit as you dance together to a song you can’t quite name. Your bodies flow together as if the cosmos deemed for you two to be together.
And, of course, nothing ends a perfect first dance like a perfect first kiss. Your lips move against hers in perfect harmony as you stop swaying to the music. 
You part from her, with both you and her shyly looking away from each other, when Yunjin pulls you close to her.
“You two can’t have all of the fun~” She teases before lightly kissing your cheek. 
You don’t have time to process what happened with Kazuha when Yunjin dances with you to a much faster-paced song. You find time to tease each other, to carefully expose your feelings without being too over-the-top. It’s a delicate dance, a high-intensity card game where you both wait to play your aces.
You play yours first - pulling her flush to you as the song comes to a close.
She plays her ace after yours - her hands pull your face close to hers, and her lips devour yours with a hunger that you’ve never known before.
Another partygoer has to pull the two of you away from each other, wanting you to “not cause a scene”. As if you haven’t done enough of that tonight.
You’re stuck between two worlds, a fork in the road that leads to two different good endings.
What do you do now?
“Then Yunjin and I ended up kissing, and we tried to call a ride back to the apartment. I don’t think the driver knew where we were going, since we ended up here.” Kazuha shows you a flier that she found on the desk - the hotel has a similar name to their apartment building, so the mix-up suddenly makes a lot more sense.
“I think we all drank too much,” You groan as you lay down on the bed. “But I don’t regret kissing you or Yunjin, not one bit.”
“So you remembered?” A hopeful glint appears in Kazuha’s eyes.
“I told you that I remembered bits and pieces, but as you were telling me what happened, it all started to click and my memories… sorted themselves out, I guess.” You place a hand over your eyes to prevent any sunlight or artificial light from entering your eyes. “Still doesn’t explain where Yunjin is though.”
The hotel door room is slammed open as someone stumbles into the room.
“Yunjin!” Kazuha explains as you carefully sit up and remove your hand from your eyes.
Yunjin’s hair is an absolute mess, sticking up in all sorts of directions and curling in places that it didn’t curl before.
“My head is killing me.” She grumbles before face planting on the bed. “The breakfast here sucks, by the way. Why don’t we go back home?”
“Do you remember much from last night?” You look over at Yunjin, who lifts her head and smirks at you.
“Which part - the party, the kissing, or the hotel room shenanigans?” 
Your eyes widen as you look over at Kazuha - she’s just as flabbergasted as you.
“I’ll tell you all when we’re not hungover, preferably over coffee.” She says before laying her head back on the bed.
“It sounds like you’re asking us on a date, Yunjin.” You tease as Yunjin sighs.
“I wanna sleep, can we talk about this later?”
“We’ll talk later. Goodnight, Yunjin-” Kazuha says before she hears soft snoring from the other bed. “That was fast.”
“Do you want to rest, or would you rather clean up and get ready?” You ask.
“I could use a nap. Once I was semi-sober, I was looking up and down the hotel for Yunjin. I wonder where she went…” Kazuha shrugs as you slide off of the bed. “You aren’t tired?”
“I have to let the other Paladins know where I’m at.” You check the clock - 8:35 a.m.
Neon and King are probably still hungover, so Katie and Mala are the only people you should call right now. You don’t really want anyone to call you since you’re hungover, so you’ll offer the other boomers that basic respect.
“Kazuha, is it okay if I-” You pause as you watch Kazuha’s chest rise and fall - she’s dead asleep, too.
You look over to Yunjin, then back to Kazuha, and then to your phone.
You’d figure everything out, over coffee and other hangover cures. And you had one hell of a story to tell the other Paladins when you got home.
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ddollfface · 7 months
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞, 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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"Your clothes would look nice on my bedroom floor."
Trigger Warnings; not proofread, pretty sure reader is described as 'girlfriend' or 'girl' somewhere, yandere behavior, extremely toxic behavior, manipulation, rip if you know someone like this irl, abuse of systems, abuse of pretty privilege (can't relate lol), and, as usual, bad writing. If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Here 'ya go 💗!Nonny, the second part of your request!! I hope it's to your standards... I'm not proofreading anything I'm putting out rn. I'm way too tired. I hope everyone had a good President's weekend))
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Our boy is literally the definition of pretty privilege. He's got everything a girl would ever want, and he's the envy of all the guys on campus. He's sculpted like a Greek god, thanks to his Persian genetics and daily visits to the gym.
Everyone and anyone will listen to what LoveSick!Athlete's gotta say, and they'll do whatever he's asked, if he's saying it in a certain tone with a certain face. This is his manipulative personality coming into play. He understands that people will listen to him, for whatever reason, and he uses it to his advantage, scaring away any guys you may or may not find attractive.
Usually, it's pretty easy to do as they're just one of your classmates that you just find handsome, but you've never thought of talking to them, much less pursuing them. You're introverted personality (in this type of darling) makes it easy for him to keep you all to himself.
The two of you have been together for years, ever since you were little kids, and you trust everything he says, but not for superficial reasons like everyone else. You see him for who he is. You understand that he'd never do anything to hurt you; I'm just looking out for you, yeah? Just take my word for it, he's not worth your time.
In this case, with this darling, the two of you aren't dating, in your eyes at least. And LoveSick!Athlete has been pursuing you for quite some time, but he's patient. The two of you are practically attached at the hip, and that alone scares off any of your suitors, so even if you find someone (guy or chick) attractive, then they're gone before you can even say 'hello'.
Now, I've gone over how LoveSick!Athlete deals with his 'competitors', though he doesn't see them as this, in this post. This post is more geared toward how he deals with jealousy, but I drabble on the idea of putting down other men and making you see them in a bad light.
LoveSick!Athlete don't see these men, no matter how you see them, as a threat to your relationship, nor his ego. The two of you are far too out of reach for them to touch; they can't get to you, but it's different when it's his teammate. Especially since he never shuts up about them, so they know that he's pursuing you or you're in a relationship (depending on the time).
Overall, I think LoveSick!Athlete would treat the situation similarly with his teammate as he would with some random guy, but he'll have a bitter taste in his mouth whenever he sees said teammate now. It's possible that he'll be rougher with them on the ice, pushing them harder, elbowing them, and tripping them. Of course, no one will notice. After all, he's their star player, he'd never do anything to hurt his teammates, never.
He'll bad mouth them, behind their back of course, to his other teammates and you, can't forget about you. He'll go on and on about all the things they've done over the summer while school was out. How they're so aggressive toward girls, especially the ones that say 'no' to him. You wouldn't believe what Sonia told me, sweets. She said...
Once you get him talking, he won't stop. LoveSick!Athlete would never, ever, miss the opportunity to trash on of his rivals. If the guy seems persistent and tries to talk to you, god, let alone he touches you, he'll rain hellfire on the campus. He'll get some college girls to go report him to the campus office, saying that they were assaulted by him. LoveSick!Athlete might even plant some drugs into the guy's bag, causing him to lose his athletic scholarship.
And if the guy tries to tell on him, like a rat, then he'll just be brushed off as "desperate" and "attention-seeking." That he's trying to push the blame on someone else, 'cause there's no way LoveSick!Athlete would ever do something like that.
He's the team's sweetheart, after all.
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
"And the way you cut your hair,"
husband!miguel x f!reader ♡
10 Things I Hate About You ← mini-series masterlist
“I hate the way you talk to me," ← previous part
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As much as you'd hoped Miguel wouldn’t be roped back into his old habits of working like he needed it to live, he did. He would come home late, and leave the house early.
You would wait for him to get in bed but fall asleep cold and alone while he worked in his study. He would drown himself in all this unnecessary work and research whenever something personal or work-related was plaguing him.
You gave him space but it had been a while since you had seen him. Outside of already having to go on missions, he was hunched in his study making whatever gizmos or gadgets he thought of. It had been almost a month and you only saw Miguel two times a week, always in his office sleeping at his desk.
You were fed up with not being able to see him and 'giving him his space'. You barged into his office where he was working on a new suit. There were all sorts of reports, open books, scrap pieces, and nails scattered on the ground. The only light illuminating the room was his screens that were hanging around.
The low buzz of all the machines and monitors was the only sound that could be detected other than Miguel's breath hitching whenever he accidentally poked himself with the needle.
Miguel had dark circles under his eyes. His glasses sat on his nose and a toothpick was lodged in his mouth. He had a slight stubble growing but one thing really caught your eye and that was his hair. Which was tied up into a slick man bun. A man bun?! You thought to yourself in shock. As much as you hated to see him in this state, you loved this look on him.
His head shot up, eyes following you as you walked over to him dodging any of the nails on the ground. "Miguel, this is getting out of hand," you sighed as you plopped down next to him.
He put the suit and needle down and turned to you. "I know, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to burden you with my problems," he sighed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes.
"Oh my god, Miguel?! I'm your girlfriend. It hurts me more when you don't tell me what's going on," you insisted, almost laughing at the thought of him burdening you because of opening up.
That night you dragged Miguel out of his study and ran a bath for him. He stepped out of the bathroom while you were reading a book on your bed already in the sheets waiting for him. He had a towel wrapped around his hips displaying his v-line and his slutty little waist. That wasn't even what made you go wild. It was his hair. He didn't go for a haircut in ages and his wet hair was now draped over his face a bit.
It was longer than it usually was. You watched as he ran his hand through his hair and flipped it a bit. You most likely soiled your panties right then and there.
He put on some boxers and sweats and got into bed with you. You noticed that he was using one of your Sanrio scrunchies to tie his hair. You didn't know that Miguel with a man bun was something that you needed biblically until now. "What? Should I cut it?" Miguel asked, feeling your eyes on him.
"No! No, I don't mind it," you said trying to play off your sudden outburst.
"Okay..." he smirked as wrapped his arms around you. You giggled as he tickled your neck with kisses. You had finally calmed down and lay on the bed together.
"I missed this," he sighed.
"Promise me you'll talk to me next time you feel like you're entering a slump. Let me be your support system," she whispered as she played with the loose strands of his hair as the pale moonlight shone on them through the window.
"I promise," he whispered as the two of you drifted off to sleep.
. . .
next part → "I hate the way you drive my car,"
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taglist: @lilscast @lazyjellyfish300
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gambleofstars · 8 months
Electrician Reader as Vox's Assistant (Pt. I)
₍ ⌨ ᶻᶻᶻ gambleofstars is typing ... ₎
↳ ❝ [a/n: I actually left an ask of this concept in another writer's blog in here anonymously but I felt enough energy to write it now, so if you see some similar posts, that's why] ¡! ❞
Pt. II
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⋆♡*  When you arrived in hell, the first thing going through your mind was: man that hurt like a bitch. Dying from electric shock was not the way you wanted to go but eh, fuck it. Not like your life was going anywhere far.
⋆♡*  Great news though: you're immune to electricity related risks!
⋆♡*  Soon enough, you got the hang of how things were run down here and it wasn't that different from the overworld (isn't that just food for thought) and adapted. You weren't above scheming and using people on earth, so why would you hold back on it in hell? There was a reason you were here, after all.
⋆♡*  You did some random jobs: cleaner, courier, the whole nine yards to scrape some money together and move out of the shitty hostel - of which you tricked the owner of to let you stay.
⋆♡*  After that, it wasn't long until you got into your groove again with the exact thing that got you killed - Electrical work.
⋆♡*  At first, it was just fixing little things, like TVs and phones for much cheaper than their manufacturer would. You knew it would bite you in the ass sooner or later because the big companies in hell (much like on earth) don't play nice when it comes to their money.
⋆♡* And the day arrived one hellish morning when you were promptly dragged to the HQ of Voxtech with not even a coffee in your system.
⋆♡*  Didn't take too long until you got a job here. Not any job, mind you; you were now the personal assistant of the most annoying CEO ever - Vox.
⋆♡*  You're pretty sure the reason was the fact that when he got into his usual hissy fits, throwing around monitors and overcharging every corner of the room, you had no problems withstanding the voltage.
⋆♡*  This manchild will look you straight in the eyes and froth at the mouth of how he hates the radio at least 5 times a day- oh- oh wait....... Make that six now.
⋆♡*  (Of course you signed an NDA, don't be ridiculous)
⋆♡*  Every day fell into a routine. You were out of the house by 7:00, signing in at the front desk by 7:32, by the coffee machine by 7:45 and standing with a double shot espresso in front of Vox's office by 8:00 sharp.
⋆♡*  He didn't shy away to let you know he appreciated the punctuality and if you were late in the future it would be showing accordingly on your next paycheck.
⋆♡*  The other Vees find you amusing, if anything. Maybe because you don't get intimidated by your boss' tantrums and stand unfazed, with a, now fizzy, coffee after them
⋆♡*  Valentino will pick you up like a ragdoll with all his four limbs and use you as a meat shield when Vox wants to bite his head off because of another PR nightmare he will have to deal with.
⋆♡*  (Of course he asked you to perform in one of his... movies, but the only answer he got from you was a dead stare and a loud sip of your coffee) (He did want to tear you apart after that, but you were called to Vox's office)
⋆♡*  Velvette, on the other hand, uses you as her personal mannequin whenever you're on your lunch break. Standing wearing the latest fashion items while eating your sesame bagel is a normal occurrence at this point. Don't spill anything though, or she will ask Vox to add after hour work for you (she has done it before).
⋆♡*  She does enjoy having someone to listen to her yapping when Vox doesn't want to (or when he's having a monologue of his own) even unwillingly.
⋆♡*  Finally, in the after hours, when the otherwise empty office is only illuminated by only your computer, you'll go out on the balcony, in the windy night of the pride ring city, light a cigarette and close your eyes for a bit.
⋆♡*  Just for a second, this feels like home.
⋆♡*  Better than home.
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hihi, first time writing here and hopefully not messing up haha 💋
signing off, gamble
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lovesse · 2 months
If Destiny Can't Propel Me Forward , I'll Be The One To Push Destiny . . .
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♡ ɜ * ₊ ・ LOVEDATE : a gender under the genderdate system related to love and dates, being love and going on dates, going on dates about love, etc.
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tag list : @laughdiamond @lunentity @timmy-bee @nexolord @fwus @haunted-thing @themothnotthemap @jiiamp @jigumis @discrophy @bjdboyy @smilepilled @derediary
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