#“Cousin Tim”
time-and-spuds · 2 months
Grah!! New Gravity falls stuff got leaked and it wouldn't let me sleep until I Made this
"Cousin" Tim Pines (now paradoxical Son of Ford because I say so)
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After being born into a universe where Ford got accepted into His dream College and later Had a son, Tim soon takes after his fathers wish to study the supernatural. One day the 20 year old comes across travelers from another universe, quickly leaving through some Kind of Portal.
He follows them but right as he's about turn back, he sees his entire reality start to collapse infromt of him. So in a moments descision Tim also jumps into the portal, stranding him in the multiverse.
Tim spends 10 years in the multiverse, at one point starting to search for his father that he saw on wanted posters around the universes. He doesn't have much luck on his mission though, Sometimes being too late, some other times being too early and sometimes Just barely missing him. All until he finally witnesses what seems to be His father in some sort of battle in the nightmare realm. Although just before Tim manages to reach him, another portal opens up, pulling both of them inside.
Both Ford and Tim come out in a version of the OG Gravity falls universe. After some altercations between the two, Tim quickly realizes that this isn't actually his father but instead a version of his father from a Universe he never existed in.
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Elephant in the room time! I’d like to give a summary for everyone here.
I think we have all been waiting for someone to dig up something about Tim Walz, and what they found is a DUI from 1995.
Tim Walz was still a teacher at the time. He was with his friends, watching college football. He chose to drive home, and was pulled over for going 96mph in a 55. He was charged and fined.
Directly afterwards, he tried to resign from his teaching job out of guilt for his actions. He felt terrible, he felt disappointed in himself, and thought he didn’t have the right to teach or be a coach because of it. The principal pushed back immediately, asking him to stay. The principal refused to let him resign.
11 years later he became a member of Congress. 30 years later, he still hasn’t touched alcohol.
His drink of choice is Diet Mountain Dew.
Trump supporters are seemingly oblivious to the hypocrisy of their criticism of Walz. It has been 30 years since Walz was charged with his only misdemeanor. In May of this year, Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.
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axiliern · 3 months
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god please take every traumatic incident i had as a younger sibling and give it to tim drake
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minnow-doodle-doo · 1 year
Please sir I’m starving more deaged timmy please🥺🥺
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Now that Tim's tall, he chooses violence.
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temeyes · 6 months
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met my godson for the first time yesterday, and he shares a name with a certain character,,,,
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soupinaboot · 3 months
Batman's life must feel like a goddamn soap opera at times.
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casscainmainly · 4 days
Sometimes I think about how the Titans TV show wanted a Robin of Colour who lives in the heart of Gotham and is lower-class and loves his parents but also loves his city and is a detective and has a cousin and in the first scene we see him is being stopped by the cops for having a Bat-related insignia and how they named this boy Tim Drake instead of Duke Thomas and I want to scream.
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violent138 · 5 months
The last time Tim was really nice to Damian because Alfred asked, Damian snuck up on him, splashed him with Zamzam, and recited Surah Al-Fatiha.
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wondersinwaynemanor · 7 months
Duke's few weeks in the Manor
Damian: So, Thomas, how's the stay in the Manor? Staying with the rest of those juveniles - *sighs* with the rest of the family?
Duke, smiles brightly: It's been great. I like the training sessions and patrols, the movie nights -
Damian: So no regrets, nor second thoughts?
Duke: Of course not-
Tim passes by the room where Damian and Duke are talking.
Tim, furious: I swear to God, Jason!!! I'm burning all your books. Where the fu- where's my bo staff???
Jason: Aren't you supposed to be the smartest among us, Timbers? Find it yourself!!! And why the fuck do people keep blaming me in this house???
in a few seconds, Jason passes by also, one of his guns on his hand. he gives a peace sign to the direction of his youngest brothers, before disappearing from their sights.
Babs: No shouting in the house!!! And put that weapon away, Jason.
Babs passes by next, giving them a sweet smile, before she looks down on the tablet on her lap, loud sounds erupting from it.
Damian, raises his brow: You were saying, Thomas?
Duke: Oh yes. I said I'm not having any-
Steph enters the room with a bag of chips on her hand and some skincare cream on her face.
Steph: WHERE'S MY- Hey, kiddos! Don't mind me just *munches on a chip* 'inding for my lipstick- Oh, there it is!! And no, I'm not giving you any chips. Byeee!!
she leaves the room, loudly munching on her chips.
Damian, the corner of his mouth twitching to a smile: Yes, Thomas?
before Duke could respond, there was a light tap behind him.
Duke: What was that- OH MY GOSH! *touches his chest* Cass....
Cass, giggles, patting Duke's head lightly: Cute. Little brother.
before they know it, she's out the room.
Damian: As you can see-
Dick enters the room, smiling brightly when he sees his little brothers. he stands with his hands on the ground, landing infront of them.
Dick: Aww, what you youngsters up to huh? Up to no good, I bet?
Dick aims for Damian's cheeks. Damian lightly pushes his hands away, so Dick goes for Duke's cheeks, pinching them.
Dick, laughs: I guess I'll do it to the other Little D then.
before Duke can respond, there is a sound of breaking glass and Tim's more shouting.
Dick: Oops. Gotta check that out. You both stay out of trouble.
then Dick leaves them.
Damian, smiles lightly: What do you say Thomas, you want to visit the barn in the backyard?
Duke, grins: I would love that!
Damian: At least you have a normal sibling. I just saved you.
and Duke thinks that Damian is not quite normal, rather unique, with his pet dragon. they're all unique really.
but he wouldn't trade any of his sisters and brothers for anything or anybody in the world.
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sher-ee · 16 days
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methylphenidatedreams · 8 months
Dreamt about timber’s baby hold on.
Okay so. I pretty sure the kid is only biologically related to Bernard because the main plot was Tim trying to convince the court that he would be a great co-parent despite being a teenager with a history of depression living on a boat.
I’m not sure the story of how Bernard acquired the baby — whether he had the kid in high school and was a single dad prior to getting with Tim, or if the other parent had other broken up with Bernard shortly before he reconnected with Tim so timber had already been dating when they got the news that Bernard was gonna be a dad, or if Bernard was trans and got pregnant, which would have made the pain cult thing. Interesting. — but he was a cutie and looked very similar to his dad (light blond hair, tan skin)
In my head, if timber ever had a child they would’ve named her after Darla (Darla Drake-Dowd? Like c’mon that’s perfect), but my subconscious apparently disagreed with me and named the kid Alex. Alexander Dowd. Why do u have a baby called Lex there Bern?
At one point Bernard was stuck on the roof of a gothic cathedral with bad guys gunning for him because he’s, y’know, Bernard. And Alex got dropped down a clock tower but Tim swung in at the last moment to catch the baby in midair and return him safely to his dad’s arms with a wink and a smile before rush into to defeat the bad guys and save the day because he’s, y’know, Tim.
Oh also Bernard just kept showing up with the baby whenever Tim was working on his laptop. Sometimes just holding him on his hip while listening to him rant with a smile on his face, other times just plopping him down in Tim’s arms because how ya gonna work now? You gonna ignore Alex’s cute little face to stress over your spreadsheets? Didn’t think so.
Just. Timber with a baby. Thank you my subconscious.
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diazheartsbuckley · 1 month
I would literally KILL to have 9-1-1/The Rookie crossover
Buck and Lucy bestieism
Eddie and Tim bonding over their similar backgrounds
Bonus points if Tim asks Eddie, “so how long have you and Buckley been together?”
And Eddie is like, “We aren’t together”
And Tim kinda scoffs and goes, “please the way that you’re looking at him is how I realized I was looking at Lucy before we got together”
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DC x DP x AF Writing Prompt
The Drakes and Fentons are related to each other through the Addams.
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invisiblehoodie · 1 month
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thesulkycroissant · 1 month
people talk about Tim falling asleep on a rollercoaster and, yes, this is iconic behavior
also my cousin did the same thing when we were fourteen so it's very relatable
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damianwaynerocks · 2 months
batfamily twitter au ft. long lost uncle gojo pt 2
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