Corrie Van
981 posts
Executive Health Coach | Health & Fitness | Genetics & Epigenetics | Motivational Speaker
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corrievan · 5 years ago
It’s been a while! Hello team, happy holiday season. I pulled this workout from files as it’s not great for an outdoor workout here in Canberra. For those who don’t live local Australia is on fire, the air is thick and we’re bunkered down inside so we don’t have to breath in the smoke. But that doesn’t need to stop us from getting in a workout. Here’s one for the lounge room. #powerskips #inchworm #donkeykicks #reverselunge #plank #legraises Try 15 - 20 of each. 10 minutes on the clock and as many rounds as possible. . . . #hiit #fitnessmotivation #fitness #fitnessjourney #amrap #itsalmostchristmas #hiitworkouts #exercise #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #ph360 #shaewellness #corrievan #cvph #shae
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corrievan · 5 years ago
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There is one week in every year where our bodies needs to relax and rejuvenate. That week is different for each and everyone of us. For me this is the second week in May. For the past two years I have worked through this week and ignored the recommendations. And each time within a few days I have come down with a cold or flu. This year I am planning ahead and booking a week off. If you knew booking a week off during the year would help your body reenergise for the rest of the year would you take it? I know I would definitely prefer to rest and rejuvenate. While juggling a career and family life one week out of the year seems small in comparison to when it means feeling great for the rest of the year. How do you ensure you’re in your best health?
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corrievan · 5 years ago
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It’s starting to warm up in Aus so I thought we could bring out some yummy summer treats. Mixed Berry Iceblocks 1 cup Raspberries 1 cup Blueberries 1 cup Blackberries 2 cups Sliced Strawberries 6 tablespoons Simple Syrup or more according to taste 2 tablespoons Lemon juice Instructions 1. To make simple syrup: 2. Combine equal parts water and granulated sugar. Bring mixture to a boil. Cool to room temperature. Store in airtight container and keep chilled in the fridge until ready to use. 3. In a blender or food processor, puree together raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. 4. Add simple syrup and lemon juice. Adjust sweetness according to taste. 5. Divide pureed fruit mixture among popsicle mold cavities. 6 Freeze for at least four hours until firm. . . . #foodie #food #foodporn #iceblocks #summerfood #healthyfood #popsicle #ph360 #shaewellness #shae #personalisedhealth #corporatewellness #ice #fruit #frozenfruit
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corrievan · 5 years ago
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Have you ever been surrounded by a group of people where you feel completely at ease. There is no judgement upon you or from you to them, you can be who you were genetically born to be and feel comfortable in yourself because there is complete acceptance. On top of that they know the right conversation to have with you because they know the language you speak. And at the end of the day when you’re running out of steam and need a break they get it because they know you so well that they understand genetically you do better in the mornings and afternoons are for winding down and light conversations. I spent my whole weekend in this state of absolute flow. Having inspiring conversations about what is to come in the world of health and how artificial intelligence is going to soon guide us to healthier lifestyles in more advanced way than ever before. I can’t wait to see where it all takes us. The day was full of laughs and tonight I will sleep very well. . . . #artificialintelligence #biologicalintelligence #ph360 #thefuture #healthysoul #shaewellness #cvph #corrievan #futuristic #health #biologicalhealth #precisionhealth
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corrievan · 5 years ago
Happy Friday. Here’s your weekend Quick. Being on that warm weather AMRAP this one 15 reps 7 Min on the clock..... and GO #sumosquats #mountainclimbers #curtsylunges #bottomhalfburpees #inclinepushups #tricepsdips #highplanklowplank . . . #hiit #amrapworkout #amrap #highintensity #intervaltraining #ph360 #shaewellness #corporatefitness #training #bodyweightworkout #bodyweighttraining
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corrievan · 5 years ago
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Tomorrow I am heading up to Brisbane for the Ph360 professional medical series. It’s an exciting time where we get to learn about what’s headed our way in 2020 when it comes to precision health. Health is changing so quickly, health used to be about diets and how skinny you could get, now we know that there is so much more to health than just fitness and nutrition and we know skinny isn’t always healthy. Epigenetics plays a major role, or how your body reacts to the environment you put it in. This is far more powerful than the genes that were passed down from your parents. It’s in fact 95% more powerful. Putting the state of your health right back into your hands. Tomorrow I get to find out how the scientists have expanded on their research and what they’ve got in stall for the world. . . . #takingontheworld #ph360 #precisionhealth #science #ph360professionalmedicalseries #shaewellness #shae #health #scientificmethod #ph360me #ph360coach #theanswersarehere
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corrievan · 5 years ago
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Tonight I worked until 9pm. I don’t normally work that late because my brain normally switches off at about 5pm. But like many businesses we’ve got a few big deadlines coming up. My brain still started to switch off at 5 and it was very hard to concentrate but the way I look at it is I can go over it in the morning and fix it if needs be. Have you ever wondered how some people could stay up all night studying and be fresh the next morning. My brain never worked like that. My most productive time of the day is between 9-11am my genius kicks in around lunch time when I can brainstorm but the end of the day I am fried. Everybody’s brain works differently and it comes down to your genetics and if you’re a night owl or early bird. The night owls brain works clearly during the evening. These are the people who can study into the night and retain all that information. While the early bird is clear during the morning. Getting up early and bursting into the day. That’s me. But at times we have to work outside that chronobiology and today was one of those days. Tomorrow I’ll get back into my routine. . . . #brainpower #productivity #motivation #naturenurture #personalisedhealth #earlybird #nightowl #workinglate #mindset #quotestoliveby #quotes #corrievan #corrie #shaewellness
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corrievan · 5 years ago
Your weekend fitness buzz is here! AMRAP 10 of each as fast as you can with 3 minutes on the clock. Try it a couple of times through and try and beat your rounds from the the first run through. Good luck #highknees #tuckjumps #unevenpushups #jumprope #inchworm #glutebridge #crunch . . . #fit #fitness #fitnessfreaks #fitmom #fitnessaddict #hiitworkout #hiitcardio #amrap #amrapfitness #fitmom #fitmum #fitlife #fitfam
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corrievan · 5 years ago
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It’s coming into salad season so I thought this would be perfect. I love a good salad. 1/2 cup Walnuts 1 cup Cauliflower 1/2 medium Sliced Avocado 1/4 cup Coriander 2 handfuls Washed Salad leaves of your choice 2 teaspoons Chili oil 1/2 medium Sliced Peach 1/2 tablespoon Lime, juiced Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 177°C. 2. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. 3. Add cauliflower and walnuts to a blender or food processor, pulse until walnuts and cauliflower are size of grains. 4. Place in oven for 20-30 min or until crispy and golden, stirring halfway through. 5. In the meantime, make the avocado cream by using a food processor or a bowl and fork. 6. Combine avocado, coriander and juice of 1/2 lime and blend until smooth and creamy (if you prefer chunks, just pulse it briefly or use the bowl and fork method). 7. Prepare the salad bowl by adding salad leaves and mixing it with chili oil. 8 Add it to a bowl, top with avocado cream, walnut cauliflower, a few peach slices (and/or tomato salsa), and some more coriander leaves. Note(s) Optional ingredient: tomato salsa If this is too healthy for you, just skip the salad and replace it with homemade tortilla. Or omit the rice and use the rest of the ingredients to make some tacos. . . . #food #foodie #salad #tasty #healthyfood #recipes #healthyliving #goodfood #shaewellness #shae #ph360 #cvph #corrievan #corrie #balance #yum
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corrievan · 6 years ago
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Stress can show in many ways. I know for me when I get stressed I feel agitated, I can feel my heart racing, I am snappy and not the greatest person to be around. Stress raises its ugly head for many reasons, deadlines, unhealthy relationships, lack of sleep, eating bad foods or even eating at the wrong time. The funny thing about stress is when we’re at work we push through bottle it all up and then when we get home we project it onto our family... lucky them. Identifying stress is the first step to overcoming it. If you know your body is under strain then you can move towards putting your body in a healthier, calmer environment. In today’s high paced lifestyle, not many of us identify stress and if we do many of us overlook it for the bigger picture. Using the excuse ‘I just have to get this done’ or ‘I’ll be fine to push through’. But what studies have shown is that pushing through this mental strain threatens our health throwing the natural balance of our body out of kilter and making way for disease and mental health problems. In today’s day and age we need balance more than ever. We need to slow down and listen to what our body is telling us. And it’s different for us all. I know my stress relief is exercise while for you it might be meditation, getting on top of sleep patterns, or eating the right food for your body. Life and health is far more important than tomorrows bottom line, because without your health your bottom line will be in the red. . . . #stress #stressrelief #stressmanagement #stressfree #corporatewellness #goodhealth #relaxation #corporatewellbeing #corporatehealth #corporate #shaewellness #shae #ph360 #cvph #corrievan #corrie
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corrievan · 6 years ago
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Now we’re starting to get motivated. Fit this 20 min workout into your lunch time. AMRAP 20 each with 5 minutes on the clock. Need a challenge, count how many rounds you can get through in 5 min then try to beat it. GO! #starjumps #sidelunge #squatpulses #chesttogroundburpees #contralateralraise #supermans #crunchtwist . . . #challenge #goals #20minworkout #easyfitness #donein20 #fitlife #fitmom #fitnessfun #fitmumlife #exercise #healthybody #cvph #corrievan #ph360 #shaewellness #shae
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corrievan · 6 years ago
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I’ve always been a runner. I never considered I would be good at weights because I was so lean. But what I have learnt on my health journey is my body actually loves weight training and if I put enough focus in on what food I eat and how I train I can actually build a decent amount of muscle. Now in saying that, it’s not easy. I’ve had many women say to me ‘I don’t want to look bulky’ in fact it’s not easy to look bulky. It’s a hard job with hours in the gym and the right balance of foods. But it’s not for everyone. Some bodies are not built for weight training and some bodies are not built for running. When I understood what was right it helped me know that if I push my body too hard I burn out easily and get agitated. This happened yesterday. While I took it easy my body wasn’t ready for the stress I put it under. I was tired and cranky for the rest of the day. Now I know from experience this only happens in the early stages of training and stops happening after a couple of runs. I know next time I just have to lighten the load a little and take it easy. Then next week we’re adding weight. Join me in the gym. . . . #running #weighttraining #weighttrain #womenwholift #gymlife #gym #knowyourbody #shaewellness #shae #cvph #corrievan #fitness #fit #lifestyle
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corrievan · 6 years ago
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I went for a run this morning. I am pretty proud of myself. This would have to be the third attempt at running regularly over Winter. You see I am not good with the cold. The only time I have succeeded to exercise over winter is the year I had a full gym membership after my third baby about three years ago. Now I have my own gym it doesn’t make sense to pay to use another one. But clearly I am failing to get the motivation formula right to keep me fit over this time of year. Next year is another year and I have formulated a plan. But we’ll talk about that when it gets here. For now I have done run number 1. The goal is to do a minimum of two runs this week and move up next week to three. Here’s goes again. Anyone else struggle in Winter? . . . #fitness #motivation #inspiration #winterfitness #winterfitnessgoals #runner #run #running #trailrunning #trailrun #trailrunner
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corrievan · 6 years ago
Let’s start Monday off with a BANG. 5 minutes on the clock, 15 reps of each exercise. When you have finished try again but this timen try and beat how many sets you made it through the first time so make sure you keep count. And remember if you can’t do an exercise regress it so you can. It doesn’t matter what level you’re at. It’s about adjusting it so you can do it at your level. #forwardlunges #powerjumps #romaniandeadlift #tricepsdips basic #leglowers #scissorkick #starhold 30 second . . . #amrap #amrapworkout #workout #workoutroutine #workit #fitnessprogram #fitnessroutine #fitprogram #hiitworkout #itsallaboutyou #cvph #corrievan #shaewellness #shae #ph360
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corrievan · 6 years ago
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Haven’t tried this one yet but boy they look tasty. I might make them tomorrow for afternoon tea. 1 teaspoon Olive oil, virgin or extra virgin 600 grams Peeled Desiree Potatoes, halved 1 teaspoon Olive oil, virgin or extra virgin 1 medium Cut into thin slices Onion 8 medium Eggs 1/2 cup Sour cream 2 tablespoons Minced Fresh Chives 1 pinch Salt 1 pinch Ground Black pepper 150 grams Cut into thin slices Brie Cheese Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 180°C. 2. Brush a 20 x 30 cm lamington pan with oil to lightly grease. 3. Line the base and 2 long sides with non-stick baking paper, allowing the sides to overhang. 4. Place the potato in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. 5. Place over high heat and bring to the boil. 6. Cook for 10-15 minutes or until the potato is just tender. 7. Drain and set aside for 5 minutes to cool. 8. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat. 9. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until the onion softens. 10. Use a fork to whisk together the eggs, sour cream and chives in a large jug. 11. Season with salt and pepper. 12. Use a small sharp knife to thinly slice the potato. 13. Arrange half the potato, in a single layer, over the base of the lined pan. 14. Top with half the onion. 15. Arrange half the brie over the onion. Repeat layering with the remaining potato, onion and brie. 16. Pour over the egg mixture. 17. Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until golden and just set. 18. Set aside for 30 minutes to cool. 19.?Use a large serrated knife to cut the frittata into squares. Place on a serving platter to serve. . . . #appetizers #yummy #instafood #instafoodie #healthy #snack #snacktime #tasty #healthyfood #recipeideas #yummo #potato #brie #entertaining
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corrievan · 6 years ago
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This one hits hard because I have held myself back for as long as I can remember. They call it sabotaging! And I did it a lot. Mainly out of fear. Firstly it was fear of failure, then fear of being judged, when I got over those I actually went to Uni and then got a job as a journalist. It was the first time in my life I had achieved something I wanted to do and not what someone else told me to do. To be honest I was a little lost as a teenager, so being told what to do wasn’t all that bad, I just didn’t end up enjoying the work I ended up in. I feel like society sends us many messages as we grow up. For me it was just get into a job and work hard. But I was a dreamer. I was never happy in any work I got and that l’s because it wasn’t the right job for me. I was unaware. Unaware that I had control of my life, unaware that I could change that and unaware that being vulnerable, growing, making mistakes, learning from them, and trying again was all part of the journey. Once I understood this I realised I could dream, add on a few small steps towards that dream and eventually that becomes a reality. If you want it bad enough you’ll find a way to get it. If you don’t it wasn’t that important in the first place. ❤️ . . . #daretodream #dream #dreamer #goals #smallachievablegoals #personalisedhealth #shaewellness #ph360me #ph360 #lifestyle #coach #corporatewellness #wellness #mindset #sabotage #reset #me #instawellness #instawellbeing
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corrievan · 6 years ago
#Canberra please bring back those warm spring days! This cold is draining me. Let’s AMRAP this to get warm. 30 of each (ouch). 10 min on the clock. Just do your best. #fastfeet #squatjumpbox #kneepushups #powerstarjumps #mountainclimbers #crabwalk #vsithold 30 sec . . . #amrap #hiit #fitlife #fitness #exercise #healthybody #canberrafitness #lakeburleygriffin #thecapital #outdoorliving #summer #sydneyfitness #brisbanefitness #instafit
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