#yeah i just watched episode 77
i-need-a-doctor-run · 9 months
Ashton Greymoore, what the fuck?!
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence(ish) summaries of every magnus archive episode PART 2
(eps 61-110) thank u for the funny comments and tags on the last part i love u guys
the rest of these may take a while as i've caught up to where i am currently in the podcast but i will finish them like in a month i promise
61. the thrilling sequel to man does not open coffin: man DOES open coffin.
62. surely this doctor can find an easier way to scam people out of money than putting them in a little book.
64. this is possibly the plot of laura croft tomb raider
65. mmm crumchy
66. what's the opposite of an unboxing video
67. as close to a coffeeshop au as you're going to get from this podcast
68. Doctors hate him! Man REFUSES to die from tuberculosis!
69. your college's psych department has the worst idea ever.
70. reverse death note
71. not even death will stop this woman from taking the british subway
72. man doesn't want to be low key racist in his last moments before getting eaten
73. police versus the second coming of dark jesus
74. lady is haunted by an ad for coffee
75. mike crew says "uh fuck it let's just put this guy on a skyscraper forever"
76. ryan from buzzfeed unsolved breaks into a train yard and suffers consequences
77. you're not a enough of a bitch to be my real mom
78. man gets harassed by his cousin and then exorcises him
79. you know that chase scene in scooby doo with the doors
80. stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen leitner
81. i have been personally victimized by the sequel to the hungry hungry caterpillar
82. pov: elias threatens to cancel you
83. mannequin takes matters into its own hands after people don't like its pitch for a new window display
84. a hoarder put newspaper on my friend's face :(
85. hey there's maybe a little man upon these stairs?
86. man gets got by a squiggly thing in the dark.
87. plumber is so oblivious to spooky happenings around him that it possibly saves his life.
88. guys i think this guy likes to dig
89. lesbian investment banker finds a new, less evil job: arson!
90. guy who turns people's bones starts a gym where he promises not to turn your bones! (he is lying)
91. i was stalked by lightning for 10 years and i all i got were these stupid scars
92. jonah magnus is a bad friend // another day another elias slay
93. ocd is no match for purple fuzz
94. let the bodies drop gently to the floor let the bodies drop gently to the floor
95. im so sorry my brain refuses to remember what the war ones were about but i think one guy got gently kissed on the forehead so that's pretty nice.
96. diversity wins! the not-quite-human delivery men who stole your identity and business are maybe gay?
97. man gets gaslighted by an entire town about a hole
98. 🎶mister sandman bring me a dream, actually don't, please stay far from me 🎶
99. another one bites the dust
100. archival assistants face off against the general public (they lose)
101. jon finally levels up high enough to unlock an eldritch horror's tragic backstory
103. peppa eats a clown and they cover her in concrete instead of congratulating her.
104. pennywise stole my brother's skin
105. it's world war z baby
106. Something Big Is In Space.
107. man is interrogated about the time he saw thomas the train roasts people alive and also sans is there
108. actor is stalked by mask who liked his monologue so much that it tells its mask friends to come watch.
109. sometimes a family is just a serial killer's daughter and that guy who maybe killed some vampires
110. yeah man those spiders be eating
Part 1 |
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terapsina · 1 year
Now that the writers and actors strike is about to begin being felt (and as we wait for those greedy billion dollar companies who are refusing to negotiate fair pay and conditions to give up) here's 10 of my favorite (all around best) fully finished older series you should definitely check out if you haven't watched.
I mean it, these are the shows with continuously great writing and a satisfying endings that manage to actually deliver on their promises.
1. Leverage - (containing 5 seasons, or 77 episodes) - trailer here.
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Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief and Mastermind. Heists and cons. Stealing from the rich and giving to their victims. They provide... leverage.
Meant for anyone who enjoys bad guys being the best good guys, who will burn down the lives of evil CEOs and then gloat in the background. Very satisfying.
Hands down the best example of a found family trope I've ever seen on screen. Barring none.
2. Killjoys - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Space Bounty Hunters. Another case of found family trope. Bisexual space princess assassin. Quippy sentient ship. Green alien goo. Evil lesbians (but like... in a good way). The warrant is all.
More seriously though, it's a story about three killjoys and the bounties they go after. Initially. And then they have to save the entire Quad from some very terrifying... stuff.
Contains one of the best friendships I've ever seen on television.
3. Orphan Black - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Found family trope but with clones.
Low level grifter sees a woman who looks exactly like her kill herself and plans to take over her identity long enough to cash out. Except then there's two other women who also look exactly like her. And apparently they're all clones and someone's killing them.
Enter a global conspiracy. Human experimentation. Lots of clone shenanigans. Some serial killings. And a few murders 💖.
4. Person of Interest - (containing 5 seasons, or 103 episodes) - trailer here.
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Okay I'm beginning to see how I might have a found family trope issue.
Former CIA agent gets recruited by a reclusive billionaire computer programmer who developed a... machine that can predict acts of terror before they happen. But it also predicts 'irrelevant' acts of violence that will result in someone's death.
Unless someone interferes.
I'd really like to spoil some stuff to get you all to watch this one. But I'm going to maintain self control and just mention that early on they get a dog named Bear. Bear is a very good boy. Watch it for Bear.
Also for excellent commentary on rights of privacy, government surveillance and what does 'greater good' even mean? But mostly Bear.
5. 12 Monkeys - (containing 4 seasons, or 47 episodes) - trailer here.
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The very best time travel show out there. What starts out as a confusing mess of causality basically exploding, by the end of the series all makes complete and total sense.
(when that final timey-whimey loop slid into place and revealed the entire pattern it was like a choir of angels started singing in the back of my head. It was freaking glorious).
Anyway, a man from a post apocalyptic future travels into the past to stop a plague from decimating nearly the entire world population.
He has the name of the man who released the virus and it's supposed to be a single trip. One trip. One bullet. Simple. Done.
Except then things keep escalating, and escalating until time begins eating its own tail and it might start looking like the end of the world might be a better ending than erasing all of time and space from reality.
Because when our guys screw it up, they screw it up GOOD.
And oh yeah... found family.
6. The Good Place - (containing 4 seasons, or 53 episodes) - trailer here.
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A self-proclaimed Arizona dirtbag opens her eyes and finds out that she's dead and got accepted in the Good Place. Except that as soon as she arrives the Good Place starts glitching, and she really, REALLY needs to become a better person before she can be found out and kicked out to the Bad Place.
Luckily her assigned soulmate was a professor of ethics and moral philosophy.
One of the funniest, most thoughtful and clever comedies I've ever watched. Ever. The characters are delightful and by the time the final minute rolled around I had sobbed my heart out multiple times (which, as we all know, is a sign of the very best comedies out there).
As for the question of whether or not this too contains Found Fami- Yes! Obviously, yes.
7. Avatar: the Last Airbender - (containing 3 seasons, or 61 episodes) - intro here (couldn't locate the trailer but it's basically the same thing in this case).
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The four nations lived in harmony. Until the Fire Nation attacked.
It's been a hundred years since the beginning of the war when two kids from the Southern Water Tribe find a boy frozen in ice and wake him up. A boy who's able to bend all four elements... though not very well.
Enter multi-nation flying road trip (thank you Appa, we love you most of all) as they try to find teachers for the Avatar and save the world.
Includes found family (shut up), amazing fight scenes, the most heartfelt and vivid characters ever, and the best example of a redemption arc actually done well.
8. Love Between Fairy and Devil - (containing 1 season, or 36 episodes) - trailer here.
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This one gutted me. I'm saying this as a compliment. But it had to be said. Completely destroyed me. I just haven't been the same.
A love story between an Orchid Fairy and the leader of the Moon Tribe that starts out with her accidentally releasing him from millennia long imprisonment and then takes you through the caleidoscope of all possible human emotions (it's a body-swap comedy through the first part, then a romcom, then a dramatic romantic tale, and finally a tragic love story).
But it's such a satisfying slow burn.
And it carries this... humanity through the whole thing that makes it so visceral.
If you're a romantic who's very tired of instalove and characters dropping all their morals because 'ooh, attractive person' then you've got to watch this. Because this story does NOT take the easy road there.
(my more extensive rec for this series can be found here)
9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - (containing 7 seasons, or 133 episodes) - fanmade trailer here (it was better than any of the official ones).
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This series did so much. Introduced Ahsoka Tano, and made us love her. Gave names and faces and souls to the Clone Troopers (okay, it's the same face but you know what I mean), to a point where their endings during Order 66 destroyed me just as much as the ending of the Jedi Order. And somehow made me both love Anakin AND be a million times more angry with him.
There are some arcs in this series that might be a bit weaker. But there were some... god, there's a reason I love Clone Wars more than any other series or trilogy in this universe. And I'm not even a little ashamed to say it.
Must watch for Disaster Lineage shenanigans; for the vod'e; AND for the Jedi (who did their best okay? They always did their best 😭💔).
(and on the subject of found family... do I even need to comment)
10. Nikita - (containing 4 seasons, or 73 episodes) - trailer here.
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A rogue assassin that escaped Division - covert government agency that takes recruits out of prison, fakes their deaths and then forces them to become spies and assassins - has come back to take it down. Brick by brick if she has to. With guns and explosives too when that works better.
Contains soooo many cool fight scenes. Is full of incredible characters you'll fall in love with (and hate with) very quickly. And most of all has an incredibly complex relationship of mentorship and friendship between two women that holds both great admiration and betrayal, real care and love as well as rage and hatred, forgiveness, mutual respect and an unbreakable kind of bond that so very rarely involves even one female character on TV, let alone two.
(as usual, found family tropes up the wazzoo).
In conclusion. We all know there's going to be a large space between seasons of our favorite shows now (and some shows that aren't going to survive it). Let's fill that space with some excellent TV we haven't had a chance to see yet.
And direct the blame for the wait towards the right place (i.e. the studios).
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utilitycaster · 1 month
People being.... weird about the cast aside, what was YOUR feelings on Laudna's Delilah arc resolution and how it shook out? Do you wish they spent longer on her feelings and all it meant? Do you like the resolving of Imogen and Laudna's conflict, and does them getting back together feel narratively weighty and earned (just bc them being largely Just There was a big sticking point at the start of their relationship, for you and a fair few ppl including myself)?
Also thoughts on Braius, since I've idly seen him catching strays for "taking the focus from Laudna," which is like okay sure I guess. Valid to want more Laudna exploration, but I also think the table's excitement at having Sam back is hard to extricate from the conversation, and like you said this implies something about how those ppl view Marisha's choices, given that Laudna/Marisha was very very excited to get that pipe of memory going
I'm completely neutral and unchanged in my position. I gave up on any expectations of Laudna delivering in any interesting narrative way over 30 episodes ago and said "she's fine, she has her moments, I don't dislike her, but there's not enough for me to be invested in." Like, I'd feel differently about a very low key resolution if this had been something Laudna had openly talked about and explored extensively before like, episode 77, much as I'd feel differently about her and Imogen's relationship if that had similarly had any such tension prior to episode 80 or they'd been fighting for more than 24 hours but as is it's like oh ok a return to the status quo; the ritual was fun to watch. It is what it is.
I think everyone who talks about one cast member taking the focus from another who is not talking about the player who was asked to leave after 27 episodes of Campaign 1 should have a curse placed upon them such that they miss every train and plane they ever intend to take for the remainder of their life. With regards to this specific case, yeah I think the table is excited to get to know a new character, and the pipe specifically was chosen by a random die roll that happened to land on Sam, but more importantly if Marisha wanted to play out a more extensive scene with Laudna then she should have taken the opportunity to do so. I've never seen her have any issue taking that kind of opportunity as Keyleth, Beau, Patia, Bea, Bunny, Vesta, or countless one-shot characters she's played, so I really just think this was how she wanted to play it!
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thatlittledandere · 2 months
Trying to convince you to watch Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! (colloquially known as Boueibu) :
It starts with food metaphors in the bath.
An alien is weekend-at-bernies'ing a 77-year-old teacher. badly.
In one episode the villains mention their plan is to turn all men on Earth gay so humankind will go extinct. This is never brought up again.
The villains' boss is the cutest little green porcupine who would be voiced by Christopher Sabat in an English dub.
They accidentally go to a gay beach because Atsushi is 18 and never learned how to fucking read apparently.
A 17-year-old has a real estate broker license.
One guy's whole schtick is being a womanizer in a series with an all-male cast that refuses to show women even in crowd scenes.
^ he gets called out on this.
^^ and on having feelings for the aforementioned stock broker.
^^^ they are butt naked in this scene.
Twins with opposing BDSM kinks kinkshame each other for two seconds then go back to fondling the glass casket their shared crush they kidnapped is sleeping in.
I don't need to mention the monsters of the week are bizarre. Delinquent oden bowls are normal here moving on.
(yeah yeah the hairy heart with nipples for eyes we've all seen it)
(we wish we hadn't)
Hey what the hell the pick-me-up speeches the monsters are given after battle are like, honestly really uplifting.
I will literally paypal you 5 euros if you manage to predict the twist of the first season.
The curry is symbolic.
This is anti-propaganda but the BDSM twins have a cult following with arm bands and salutes just a fair heads-up.
Their school has a student who refuses to graduate until the volleyball team makes it to nationals. Like, refuses. It's worse than you think.
EDIT: I misremembered this and was corrected: not even nationals, a tournament. Just. Any tournament.
Either there's a weird continuity error between seasons 1 and 2 or the school has two separate volleyball teams. I choose to believe the second option, it's funnier and also entirely plausible in this clusterfuck that calls itself a school.
The adorable blond fluffhead casually comes out when they're making plans for the school's monthly pretty boy contest no I will not elaborate on that part stay focused.
^ He's into gang leaders.
The music slaps.
The boys are pretty.
The pinup photoshoot is had.
Watch it
I want to fuck the fennec fox from the spin-off with Happy Kiss replacing LOVE in its title.
And also the blond sadist.
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theinwardshoe · 4 months
I love hermitcraft, obviously, my main blog is dedicated to them specifically
Hermit seasons I’ve seen
Season 3-the start of something great, while not best as big in scale as later seasons, the hermits focus more on community events pranks etc. 7/10
Season 4- everyone settling on or around the mesa biome made the world seem far more connected, and the introduction of the shopping district made for great interactions 8/10
Season 5- while most episodes were focused on one hermits project and the vast majority of the series felt like single player, with exception to some of the convex stuff and other collaborations. season 5 also featured some of the craziest, large scale building projects to date. tangos base, scar, cubs color wonderland, Mumbo Xisuma and everyone’s base easily make season 5 amazing, albeit living up to “hermit” part of hermitcraft. 7/10
Season 6- you know why this is here. The introduction of Grian, the Architechs, Sahara. Really solidifying Hermitcraft where it is today. While I didn’t follow most of the major plot lines at the moment, all that they did for Tag, the Prank War, Star vs G team, Area 77 and the 1.14 area, the mini games, and Demise, truly a great season. 9/10
Season 7- any complaint on season 6 is non existent in season 6. season 6 was too long, well season 7 while being slightly shorter does not overstay its welcome, it relishes in its quick pace, quickly after starting the shopping district we get the headhunt, the diamond pile being strung in, without effort. Hermit challenges being one of the most bizarre and funniest things I’ve ever seen
Interactions? Season 7 has them in spades hearts and diamonds- did I say diamonds? Oh yeah the diamond throne being the centerpiece for the mayor campaign over the shopping district being equal parts hilarious and absolutely the best thing I have ever seen in hermitcraft. The other plots are just as engaging, as Grian builds up his barge, until the mycelium restitance really gets going.
Also bases?? You liked the great bases from season 5? Go check out False castle, Grians mansion, Scars forest and mining base, literally Cub the desert king, spent his entire season for his base to look like a chunk error on a map. I could go on…. The pace, the interactions, it is just perfect 11/10
Season 8- everything great about season 7, but turned up to 11, the jungle bros from season 7, but now they share their base. Boatem being entirely too cursed as the season progresses . While the short season may feel like a cop out, the short duration makes every episode feel more and more hectic, the boat war with Tango, evil X returning, the Octagon rivalry, just amazing. Especially moon big. What a concept the only possibly bad thing was it being a short season 9/10
Season 9- I have watched very little of season 9, yay being in another country for two years ….. but solid hijinks 8/10
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earl-aive · 3 months
this show... It does things to me 🫨
Spoilers under the cut, do not go on if you haven't watched ep 8 PLEASE
This is just a brain dumb i did during the episode, I don't think i have the mental capacity to actually analyze it.
Is armand trying to make us feel bad for him??🤨
"CLAUDIA IS DEAD" and who's fault is that?!! 🤨☝🏾Riddle me that MOTHER FUCKERS?
Daniel's " auh huh" is GLORIOUS i love himmm🥹
Lue in that fit burning the theater is doing things to me...😮‍💨 I love him so much,
Jacob did a phenomenal job bringing him to life
"Come to me" right away 🏃🏾‍♀️💨
Did this BITCH just call armand a "gremlin"??! 😭😭
Lestat is so funny sometimes like...
"You will never make it up to me" yeah sure... 🙄 77 years of face down in the coffin...
Daniel "follow up questiond" Molloy ☝🏾🤓
Daniel THE MAN YOU ARE!! "Read it for yourself" ICONIC
Lestat "mother" du lioncourt
I knew that sam was a ✨prop! ✨
77 years for that evil twink! Was it Worth it Luise??! 🤨WAS IT WORTH HER!! I WILL Never forgive you for her loss! She deserved the WORLD!
Was all this worth it armand?? 🤨You fumbled a bad bitch for WHAT??! actually 2 bad bitchs if we count lestat... 🤭
"I'm companion enough for myself now."🤔 Are we sure buddy??!! Because i feel like... You came here to see if you can get your old bad bitch after the new bad bitch turned out to be a Judas!
It feels like my parents are getting back together after a horrible divorce and an abusive step parent. I was waiting for THIS MOMENT
Daniel's nails... Guys did they turn him??!
Armand's bitch ass took his dumped anger out on Daniel?? Armand when i get my motherfucking hands on you!!! Daniel is an international treasure and i WILL give up my life for him!
It's not Daniel's fault you're a bitch ass loser who fumbled so. Many. Bad. Bitchs!
The picture of his brother,
You do own the night Luise,
GUYS WE REALLY ARE WATCHING ONE OF THE BEST TV SHOWS EVER... This is what I'm gonna tell my nieces ans nephews about when I'm older
I genuinely can't wait for the next season, this is one of the best shows I've EVER watched...
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Me waiting for them to start filming the next season
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puntointerrogativo · 3 months
“we’re still debating certain things about whether certain events happened, but seeds are placed.” S.R.
“When you find [Lestat] in Episode 8, where is he?” Reid asks. “Has he come back to his own maker’s prison by his own choice, or is he put there? We’ve left space for that to be explored. I think it’s more interesting — and Rolin probably does as well, and it probably took me a longer time to get around this — to continue to give each individual character their own agency rather than saying, this person is the victim of this person, or this is the baddie and this is the goodie” S.R.
“Did Louis stage the Dubai interview because he had a hunch about Armand’s lie? Anderson says, “Yeah, I do,” in response to that question, and he’s been theorizing this since filming the Season 1 finale. Louis has never seen this interview as the chronicling of a suicide like Armand (as Rashid) described it, according to Anderson […] Suspecting Armand “was something that I started to get a sense of when we did that Season 1 Episode 7 moment of ‘the love of my life,’ because Rolin always talks about that as the end of The Graduate,” Anderson continues. “I was like, ‘Oh, it’s a cry for help.’ He found the person that he knew could draw the truth out of everyone, including himself.” J.A.
“that Armand was “forced” to direct the trial and that all of his subsequent punishment from the coven was “absolutely true. He directed it, but it wasn’t his choice to do it,” Zaman says.” A.Z.
Mmm, very interesting tvinsider article - first of all huge, GIGANTIC kudos to Sam because not knowing if your character’s doing what he’s doing by choice or if he’s being forced and tortured must not make it easy to do your job 😵‍💫 (not to mention the fun of trying to answer press questions, poor man).
Sooo, let’s say we go with this version and leave the books behind. It goes more or less like this:
The coven makes Armand choose, and he decides to sell Claudia and Louis out.
They “call” Lestat to testify, and he comes - because what else can he do? The trial will happen with or without him and if he’s there there’s a chance he can save them.
Armand directs the play. This one I’m a bit meh about but ok, he needs to prove himself, he has the experience, sadistic punishment, yadda, yadda…
Lestat and Armand don’t do the smart thing and work together against the coven presumably because previous history (Nicky) means Lestat doesn’t trust him. Also, from what we’ve seen they’re both kinda terrible at planning.
Lestat has limited energy and a choice to make - he chooses to save Louis. He has to watch Claudia burn. By now the coven knows better than to trust him and he’s either too traumatized or too drained (or both) to do much else. We don’t know if he faced retaliation from the coven.
Armand finally gets off his ass and frees Louis.
Louis goes feral and kills the coven. He’s convinced Armand was the one who saved him and wants revenge on Lestat.
He gets it in the only way he can: by going after his deepest fear. Lestat has handed him that weapon on a plate back in season 1 and it’s not the first time he goes after that particular soft spot.
Lestat feels guilty enough for both the 1x05 fall and Claudia to accept the punishment as due. He doesn’t tell Louis it was him who saved his life.
Louis traps himself in a 77 years long spite based relationship that he can’t leave without-in his head- letting Lestat win.
By 1973 he’s depressed enough and starved for connection enough to try the Interview and then walk into the sun.
Armand wipes his memories (probably consensually, extent uncertain) after calling Lestat - just to make sure Louis remembers why he can’t leave him.
Lestat thinks he died after he left him to Armand’s tender mercies. If he wasn’t in his rat-eating depression era before he surely is now.
By 2021 Louis has become, at least subconsciously, suspicious enough to contact Daniel for a second interview.
Daniel proves Louis really has an eye for spotting talent and gets him out of that farce of a marriage.
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appliancealliance · 6 months
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So Dafuq had an interview with one of the ST theory channels, specifically EliteCameraman, which I know quite a few of you do not bother watching because of the AI voiceover. So uh, yeah, I watched it for you so you don't have to. I'll say this, Elite Cameraman and Dafuq do actually keep in contact with each other, so these are actual messages from Dafuq himself. Any personal thoughts I interject below will be marked with || thought || and is not part of the interview
[ID:A series of Discord messages between EliteCameraman and Dafuq?!Boom!
EliteCameraman: First let's start with more general questions and after these I'll move on to more specific questions about the next episode Which episode are you most hyped for in the foreseeable future? Dafuq?!Boom!: 73, 74, 77, 80 are all fire episodes tbh
EliteCameraman: Also you said that we'll be getting more episodes compared to before after episode 79 and since now that season 24 is starting how do you think the upload schedule will be and how long the average episode length will be because the last couple episodes before 71 were quite the long episodes. Dafuq?!Boom!: I was expecting the episodes to come out faster, but stress after 70 pushed hard, so I started of slow and still going quite slow. I'm also trying to improve combat in the episodes which I think takes quite some time. I think at some point soon episodes will be rolling out faster.
EliteCameraman: Who is your favorite character in skibidi toilet? Dafuq?!Boom!: I have multiple
EliteCameraman: Are you excited for any new characters that you'll be introducing like the detective cameraman who was in the secret scenes? ||from the full season 23 video|| Dafuq?!Boom!: There's many more old and new characters coming in very soon.
||I skipped a troll question here. it wasn't that relevant, but it was about some fake troll scenes dafuq made about the naked microwave man||
EliteCameraman: blud must be trolling How do you think the astro toilets will effect the power scales? because from what we've seen so far they seem like they can actually hold off against the titans but it looks like they have a different plan. Dafuq?!Boom!: We have yet to see the strongest yet.
EliteCameraman: A lot of people have been wondering about simp cameraman ||browncoat cameraman|| and if he'll ever return. And as you know I'm quite a fan of simp toilet because of his incredible beliefs. Can you give us some info about if he'll return and if he does, will he still side with the alliance or join the dark side. Dafuq?!Boom: I have some interesting plans for him. ||so browncoat confirmed as not dead?!||
EliteCameraman: (crying skull emoji) Did you ever see a theory that guessed everything correctly even stuff that we haven't seen yet? Dafuq?!Boom!: No theories have guessed entire plot correctly, but partially some were very close
EliteCameraman: How long will episode 72 be? Dafuq?!Boom!: 3-4 minutes EliteCameraman: damn blud's been grinding fr fr This episode truly will be a new beginning for the series for the first time ever we got a conclusion for one of the evil characters and the last battle really had some crazy consequences. Do you think people are ready for what's about to come? Dafuq?!Boom: Y'all ain't ready.
EliteCameraman: You said we won't be seeing the titans in episode 72, are we going to see a different P.O.V from the last fight in the bunker once again or is it fully uncharted territory from now on. Dafuq?!Boom: Not bunker, but with territory of Alpha-Hills complex (huge territory).
EliteCameraman: We saw that all the titans have suffered some damage, normally whenever they go back to the bases for repairs it takes them about 10 to 20 episodes to come back, will it be the same or will we see them getting fixed on the fly just like how they got upgraded on episode 69 part 2? Dafuq?!Boom!: Now that the Alliance is dominating and pushing Skibidi Toilets, they don't have plans to retreat. Unless something truly unexpected happens.
||that doesn't sound ominous at all||
EliteCameraman: Also about the astro toilets, how was the claw astro toilet able to speak English while we haven't seen any other toilet speak normally? Does it have to do with their helmets because they all seem to have helmets and we don't know their uses. Dafuq?!Boom!: Skibidi Toilets posses all earthly languages. They just chose to speak on their superior, far more complex "skibidi" language. EliteCameraman: Thx for the answers bruh, now Imma leak it all.
End ID]
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Uchusen Vol. 77 (Summer 1996) ft. Choukou Senshi Changerion Cast Members Takashi Hagino x Kazunari Aizawa Double Interview (translations below)
Publication: September 1, 1996
This time, THU invites from, "Choukou Senshi Changerion," Takashi Hagino-san, who plays Akira, and Kazunari Aizawa-san, who plays Hayami. What's the real side of these two that can't be seen from their roles?
"Since this time around it's Akira vs Hayami, We'd like to ask you to introduce each other first. From Aizawa-san's point of view, what kind of person is Hagino-san?"
Hagino: Well, I'm basically the handsome one here.
Aizawa: Hey, hey, hey (laughs). No, he seems to be thinking about what he wants to do, but all around, he's just like Akira. On site, he's cheerful and jokes around alot.
Hagino: That's just another way of getting into the role (laughs). I'm usually pretty gloomy you know.
Aizawa: That's not true. That's more like me (laughs).
"For those of us who watch on TV, we wonder what we'd do if Hagino-san were serious and had the personality of Hayami.....(laughs)."
Hagino: No, actually, I really do, but we have more filming later today, so I'm still in the state of being Akira Suzumura now.
Aizawa: That's right, this is Takashi Hagino. This is how it should be.
Hagino: This is not how it should be, come on (laughs).
"There doesn't seem to be a gap between the age on set and in the show, is there?"
Hagino: Both Akira in the show and I are 23 years old.
Aizawa: That's true, but in our private lives, you feel more like an adult.
"Isn't he popular with women?"
Aizawa: Akira is very popular. He's always so cheerful when he's like that. Everyone's like, "Akira-kun! Akira-kun!," while the feeling I have is, "What about me?" (laughs).
Hagino: This guy's more of a madam killer.* The older women are all over Hayami (laughs). (*slang for a younger man who attracts older married women)
Aizawa: (he bursts out laughing).
"What kind of people do you receive most of your fan letters from?"
Hagino: As expected, alot of them are from women. There's one that came from someone who was more of a single lady than a mom, but she said, "I just happened to turn it on, I'm too old to be this embarrassed, but I watch it every week."
Aizawa: (looking sad) I haven't received any fan letters.
"Eh? You haven't?"
Aizawa: It's true, it's true (laughs). I ask why it's always Akira. Right?
Hagino: (saying seriously) Right…..If you just look at his face, to be quite honest, Hayami's obviously more fearless and incredibly handsome. I'm an up and coming actor (laughs), a face that the world has never seen before. From the very beginning, the staff said that Hayami would be more popular among women. Well, even if they're not here now, I'm sure they'll come in droves sooner or later.
Aizawa: I talked to some people from SEGA the other day, and it seems that Hayami gives off the image of being a scary person.
"On that note, what kind of person is Aizawa-san from your perspective Hagino-san?"
Hagino: Erotic (laughs). He's naughty.
Aizawa: Wa, wait a minute (laughs).
Hagino: He likes women (laughs). That's a lie though (laughs).
Aizawa: That's also a lie.
Hagino: He wanted to play the role of Hayami from the beginning, and since he's just an expansion of what he's already got inside him, I think he essentially has the character of Hayami down. He's both serious and unskilled at certain parts. But, he's basically a kind and cheerful person….he's a nice guy, huh? (laughs). I'm younger than you though (laughs).
"Aizawa-san is 4 years older than you."
Aizawa: That's true, but in my private life, he's always pulling me along. It's the same even when we're on set.
Hagino: (while picking at the katsu lunch that arrived for him) Hayami, do you like green peas?
Aizawa: Yeah.
(a reproduction of episode 9!)
"What was the most memorable episode with an interaction between the two of you?"
Hagino: The first episode that I felt was a good fit for us was episode 4.
Aizawa: In the beginning, we were both alittle awkward, and our characters weren't well defined yet, but, we talked alot during the fourth episode and shared our opinions.
Hagino: Episode 9 was done just as we were getting closer to each other. But, I also wanted to do alittle more in the middle of the episode.
Aizawa: I think it would've been better if the viewers had understood our characters alittle better.
"There was an unusually serious scene in episode 6, "Sorry, Jiro."
Hagino: We shot episodes 5 and 6 together. I had to put more focus into episode 6, so for episode 5, I just went along with things in a clueless state. My favorite of the first 10 episodes was how serious Akira was in episode 7. That was the first time that I got a feel for the serious side of Akira, so I was able to play most of episode 6, especially the second half, as myself.
"There's not many situations where Akira is driven to such a point."
Hagino: Right. This means that I'll stay with this character until the end. Never letting him grow. Every time he pretends to have grown, but then delivers a punch line at the end. That's how I want it to be too. I can't play a role like this unless I'm excited, so it's very rewarding.
"When you were first cast, were there any differences compared to what you imagined the hero would be like?"
Hagino: When I saw the proposal, I thought I wanted to do it. I personally thought that I wasn't suited for a normal hero show and that I couldn't do it, but, when I read the first scenario, I found the character to be very interesting, so there was no difference between the two of us. I wanted to be more like Akira Suzumura by showing parts of myself that I don't normally show.
Aizawa: I wanted to play the role of Hayami from the beginning, as I thought I was suited for the role. However, things started to fall apart around episodes 3 and 4, and I kept asking myself if this was the right role for me, but after 10 episodes, I thought this might be good afterall. I think this role is good for me. I'd never done anything with comedy before.
"What's your most memorable moment?"
Aizawa: For me, it was the scene where we were suspended from the bridge in episode 5. It was painful.
Hagino: I'm genuinely afraid of heights. But, in our roles, Hayami was the scared one and I had to put on a calm face, so it was difficult. Hayami had an unconcerned look while saying, "Lift me higher" (laughs). The scene in front of the door at the end of the episode where Akemi leaves left a strong impression on me. I heard that heroes usually never cry in front of others, so I decided to cry for sure. But, I didn't want it to end in a pathetic way, so I added the line, "Ah, I've got to fix the door," even though it wasn't in the script. Without that, I would've been unmotivated, and I wanted to avoid that. If he were a normal hero, he'd probably just smile and say, "Good luck," and the episode ends. But, I've never done that before, so I'm challenging myself to try doing such things. The next week, when I thought he was lonely, I liked that he gathered all the girls together and played baseball. That's what I am interested in when creating Akira's character.
"What about Aizawa-san?"
Aizawa: I'm always thinking about how to depict my relationship with Akira. In terms of the drama, I'm mainly thinking about my involvement with Akira.
"Finally, please give a message to the readers."
Hagino: Everyone's favorite Akira Suzumura won't die for a year, so please watch the show as you see fit, if you don't, I'll kick your ass (laughs). That's all.
Aizawa: I think Hayami's character will continue to develop, and his interactions with Akira will become more interesting, so please look forward to them.
Hagino: Today I wasn't Takashi Hagino, but Akira Suzumura, so I think I was being kinda rude (laughs).
"No, no (laughs), thank you for today."
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
Major ACOC Spoilers
so, there are a few posts out there pointing out two math errors in acoc ep9 - Liam’s damage to Ciabatta being miscounted as 67 instead of 77, and Jet’s riposte for 13 damage not hitting Ciabatta when it should’ve. this is true. this might lead one to wonder, “well, if those extra 23 points of damage were counted, would Ciabatta be dead? would Jet have lived?”
I wanna clear things up for all of yall who are watching ACOC for the first time after the ravening war, so i did the math (under the cut) by counting his hp in the finale as he took damage.
Ciabatta had 118 hp
it wouldn’t have made a difference. if both errors were fixed and he was dealt the full 77 + 13, he’s still walking out of there with 28 hp.
to be clear: absolutely no shade on the intrepid heroes/brennan. no one clown on this post about whether they should’ve done this or that. it was 3am in a warehouse in Hollywood on a wicked messed up shooting schedule. Jet’s death was a beautiful, emotional scene, and it’d be weird and narratively dissonant to go back and redo it bc some math was wrong.
i did this math bc my logic brain just needs to know how the numbers do for my own personal peace of mind. given the several other posts I’ve seen trying to calculate this same thing, others have the same problem. so. enjoy.
Ciabatta doesn’t physically appear in the finale until pt 2
“The last Ceresian force musters, appears at the front of the wall with Imperator Ciabatta” is at 1:33:00ish
first damage done to him is by Saccharina, when she Cone of Colds his whole force in front of the castle for 41 damage (1:37:08). it hits him and the forces he was leading, and they do not save for half.
after that we have this exchange:
Zac: Ciabatta's-
Brennan: Ciabatta is still very much alive.
Emily: Okay. He's very much alive though, he's doing really well?
Brennan: Yes.
Emily: Okay. Then just to fuck with him, I'm gonna fire breathe on him.
and she does. Cinnamon uses his breath weapon to deal 57 damage, demolishing the rest of the forces
Brennan: He does not save for half. He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured.
then of course the final damage is done by Ruby w the water-steel dagger
Siobhan: It's 4d6.
Brennan: 4d6, he just rolled a natural 4 on his Constitution save.
Siobhan: Great, it's actually three Constitution saves. It's 12.
Brennan: 12 damage, but you also add your sneak Attack.
Ally: Oh!
Brennan: Yeah.
Siobhan: 12, 14, 16.
Brennan: More than 20?
Siobhan: Yeah.
Brennan: Standing in the burned and frozen remains of his soldiers, what happens to Imperator Ciabatta?
[as a 7th lvl rogue, Ruby has 4d6 sneak attack dice]
so, presumably, Ciabatta had 20 hp left before being stabbed.
41 + 57 + 20 = 118
now, I highlighted those exchanges for a reason. It is technically possible that Brennan was using a similar mechanic for Ciabatta leading his troops as the PCs leading theirs- being attacked as a troop by another troop does deal the commander as an individual some of the damage, but not all. so, the Cone of Cold may not have dealt all 41 points of damage to him. here’s how he’s described after the Cone of Cold
“very much alive” “doing really well”
after breath weapon “He goes from looking wounded but okay to injured, badly injured“
so it is possible that the Cone of Cold did not do full damage bc of troop mechanics. however. personally I feel like since Saccharina is not attacking as a troop but as an individual (with a dragon), it’s not troop v troop action.
fun fact: Saccharina’s breath weapon attack + Ruby’s finishing blow is 77 damage - the same amount of damage Liam (should have) done to Ciabatta in episode 9 (that didn’t take him down)
so as long as Saccharina’s Cone of Cold did more than 13 damage [Jet’s riposte] to Ciabatta (which I’d fucking think it would even w very unlikely troop mechanics), then it wouldn’t have made any difference.
and bc we know he took at the very least a non-zero amount of damage from the Cone of Cold (“wounded but okay”), nothing would’ve saved Jet. the other assassins had already hit, and even with the math fixed on Liam’s damage 77 would never have taken him down. the only difference even possible is that her 13 damage riposte might’ve downed him, but even that is extremely unlikely - Ciabatta would’ve had to take less than half damage from Cone of Cold, and he did not save.
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brainyxbat · 7 months
Chapter 9: Farewell, Giant Island! Head for Alabasta
(episode 77)
"That was hot! Couldn't you have done it a different way?"
"Well, then. Can you tell which is the real one?"
"Gum-Gum Stamp!"
"How... did you know... I was here?"
Now that the battles were over, Broggy was crying waterfalls of tears over poor Dorry. "Whoa! Look behind him!" Luffy pointed out, as everyone covered their ears. At least, almost everyone. "A rainbow! There's a rainbow!"
"It's beautiful!" Venus admired it.
"Even the way he cries is big!" Nami complained.
"It's practically a waterfall!" Zoro added.
Usopp, apart from the rest, was crying with him. "I understand how you feel, Master Broggy!"
Amidst the mourning, however, Dorry's hand started twitching, and his eyes blinked open. Everyone, especially Broggy, was shocked when he used his sword to sit up. "Dorry! How are you-?"
"It seems I blacked out."
'Mr. 0?' Sanji thought. 'Wasn't Mr. 0 the name of the enemy boss Vivi-chan talked about? Which means the guy on the other end of this Transponder Snail... is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?!'
"It's been many days since I issued your orders. What's going on?"
'Mr. 3... so he's the owner of this Transponder Snail? Ah. I think I got it figured out now.' He glanced around the hut. 'This is an enemy hideout, and a guy named Mr. 3 came to the island to take Vivi-chan's life.' He grimaced shamefully. 'Damn. This was no time for me to be hunting! I hope they're all okay!'
"Why the silent treatment? I asked you a question. Have you eliminated Princess Vivi, and the Straw Hats?!"
"Yeah, mission complete!" Sanji replied confidently, keeping up the facade. "I got rid of everyone who found out about your secret. So there's no need to go after 'em anymore."
"I see. Well done. As we speak, the Unluckies are headed your way to confirm your mission is complete, and to deliver a certain package."
"Unluckies? A package?"
"An Eternal Pose that points to the Alabasta Kingdom. You and Ms. Golden Week will head to Alabasta; the time has come. We're about to begin our most important operation. Details will come after you reach Alabasta. Wait for my orders."
Sanji saw an eagle, and an otter leering at him from the round windows. "What are these things?!" The eagle readied a pair of pistols, while the otter revealed its two seashells wielded metal claws.
"Hey. What's going on?"
"Oh, it's nothing," Sanji replied nervously, before he leaped away from gunshots. "What the hell?!" He ducked down behind the table, as the tea set was totaled. As he straightened up, the otter charged in, and slashed at him, but he jumped away. "You tryin' to kill me?! Bring it on, you damn monkey!" He kicked the otter into a wall fatally, then turned back to the eagle. "I'm tellin' you," Dodging bullets, he grabbed its head with his feet, "To stop that! You jumbo-sized chicken!" He twisted its neck, ultimately eliminating it.
The Snail turned in his direction. "What was that?! What happened?!"
Sanji rushed over, and urgently grabbed the speaker. "Oh, uhh, no! It ain't- I mean, it's nothing! That damn Straw Hat was still alive. It's okay, though; I finished him off. No need to worry."
There was silence on the other line for a moment. "Still alive?" He didn't sound happy. "You just said your mission was complete; did you not?"
"Yes, well," He stammered, "I thought it was complete. But he was much tougher than you'd believe."
"In other words... the report you gave me was a lie."
"Umm, well... I suppose so, when you put it that way. But I've gotten rid of him for sure now. So there's no need to send any more after 'em. Okay?"
"Very well. Just head straight to Alabasta from there now!"
Sanji stared at the speaker without a word. He had to find the others, quick!
"It's probably... because of the weapons," Dorry panted.
Everyone watched with surprise, and joy. "Weapons?" Usopp wiped his tears. "Oh, yeah! Not even Elbaf weapons could keep up with two giants fighting to the death for 100 years straight!" He sighed in relief. "Talk about crazy..."
"And lucky," Venus added.
"Yeah... it's a huge miracle!"
Broggy laughed jovially, as he hugged Dorry in relief. "Hey, Broggy! Don't hold onto me! That hurts my wounds!"
"I'm so glad you're alive, friend of mine!"
"Miracle, my ass," Zoro snarked, "It's only natural. The fact those weapons are still intact after 100 years of constant bashing and clanging is even crazier. As are their owners."
"What a wonderful day today is!" Broggy beamed. "I thank you, God of Elbaf!"
"Oh, Broggy?" Dorry gained his attention. "Was chopping me down, and knocking me out that happy for you?"
"You dimwit! That ain't what I'm saying!" He playfully punched his shoulder.
"Oww! Don't touch my wounds!" With that, they started exchanging the gesture back and forth. "You want some of this?!"
"Yeah! I'll wipe the floor with ya!"
"Cool! Cool! Cool!" Luffy exclaimed.
"Why are you guys fighting again?!" Nami shouted angrily.
"And no further radio contact from now on. We don't want the Marines catching whiff of us. All further orders will be sent via letter, as usual. That is all. Good luck, Mr. 3." Mr. 0 hung up his snail, and stood from his chair. "Ms. All Sunday."
The raven-haired, purple-clad woman turned to him, while petting a giant alligator. "Yes?"
"Send Mr. 2 to Little Garden." She was surprised at the order. "Eliminate Mr. 3 on his direct course to Alabasta from Little Garden."
"That's quite aggressive, sir. Mr. 0, Crocodile." She stood up from the couch, and headed for the wide staircase.
"We have enough manpower as it is. Are you arguing with me?"
"No, I'll do as you wish. I'll make arrangements at once."
"Well, he's hung up," Sanji remarked to himself, "So let's see." He approached his dead adversaries. "What were these guys, anyway?!" He then noticed a strange object hobbling between them, and picked it up to investigate it.
It resembled an hourglass with a round, clear globe in the middle. Almost like a Log Pose, but no wristband. "What do we have here?"
Broggy and Dorry laughed heartily together when the former and the Straw Hats caught him up on everything. "We had completely forgotten about the bounties on our heads!" Dorry laughed.
"But I was the reason they came to this island in the first place," Vivi lamented. She yelped when Nami pulled on her cheek.
"Let's have none of that!" She scolded.
"Nami!" Venus slapped her hand away, and looked up at the princess. "It wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, Vivi!" Luffy agreed, eating rice crackers with Usopp and Karoo. "What're you so down in the dumps for? Want a rice cracker?"
"I'll take one!" Venus raised her hand, and caught one tossed by the sniper. "Thanks! Perfect aim, as always!" She giggled.
"Hey! Where did you get those?" Nami asked.
"Alright! For now, let's have a rice cracker party!" Luffy proposed, ignoring her question.
"Rice crackers aren't very exciting," Usopp remarked.
"Really? We can even make toasts with them!"
"I think they're good!" Venus hopped down, and joined the guys.
"See?" Nami turned to Vivi. "Does anyone blame you?"
"Cheers!" Luffy toasted with the snack.
"C'mon! Don't do that!" Usopp griped, and picked up the pieces of his that Luffy broke, brushing the dirt off. "Geez! You can't just waste food like that!" He went to eat it anyway.
"What're you doing?!" Luffy tried to steal it. "Give it here!"
"Who said you could have mine?!"
"Give it! It's mine!"
"Who says?!"
"Kick his rubbery ass, Usopp!" Venus cheered, as she ate another cracker.
Vivi smiled in amusement, as they tussled in the grass. Zoro turned to Nami when she suddenly winced, as if she got hurt. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," She scratched a red spot that appeared on her exposed stomach, "Just a bug."
"Still, waiting a year for the Log Pose to point to the next island is pretty serious stuff."
"Yeah!" Nami agreed. "It's definitely no laughing matter!"
Venus glared when Luffy bit Usopp's wrist, so his whole hand was in his mouth. "Hey, biting's against the rules, Luffy!"
"You saved us," Broggy grinned, "We would like to thank you in some way."
Luffy leaped up on a rock, forgetting about the fight. "Oh, in that case, you old guys can do something about our Log!"
"We'll consider this a victory," Venus whispered to Usopp.
The giants frowned disappointedly. "I'm afraid Logs are the only thing we can't help you with," Dorry said regretfully.
On cue, Sanji made his entrance with heart-shaped puffs of smoke. "Nami-san! Venus-chan! Vivi-chan! And you other bums!"
"Hey! Sanji!" Luffy waved happily, as Usopp and Karoo glared.
"You're okay! Thank goodness!"
"That jerk suddenly shows up only after we needed help!" Usopp griped.
Upon seeing the giants, Sanji freaked out. "What in the hell?! Are you Mr. 3?!"
"Hey!" Nami said. "How do you know about Mr. 3?"
Sanji turned, and was stunned at her lack of a shirt. "Nami-san! You're so titillating!"
Nami shook her fist. "Feel like getting slugged?"
Just then, he switched to gentleman mode, and took off his suit jacket. "Now, now, Nami-san. You'll catch cold dressed like that. Here you are." He draped it over her shoulders.
As soon as he sat on the log, Venus marched up to him with anger. "Where have you been?!" She demanded, her hands planted on her hips.
"Well, my dear Venus-chan, I just finished talking with Mr. 0 via Transponder Snail."
Vivi shivered with fear. "You talked to the boss?!"
"Yeah. I found this weird hideout in the jungle, you see," He began to explain, "He seemed to think I was Mr. 3, so I told him I eliminated everyone."
"So that means he thinks we're dead?!" Vivi exclaimed.
"So we're finally free of people chasing us, but we can't go anywhere!" Usopp cried.
"Can't go anywhere?" He smirked. "Do we still have business on this island?" He reached into his pants pocket. "Just after I managed to get ahold of this too." He took out the object from the hideout, and was confused at everyone's jawdrops of shock. "Eh?" He smirked nervously. "What?"
"It's an Eternal Pose to Alabasta!" Luffy beamed. "Hurray!" He cheered with Usopp and Venus. "Now we can set sail!"
"Hurray! Way to go, Sanji-kun!"
Vivi ran to, and hugged the cook. "Thank you, Sanji-san! I was so worried for a moment there!"
Venus promptly joined her with ecstasy. "Good job, Sanji! You're awesome!"
"No, no! It was my pleasure!" He smiled goofily with a deep blush. "I'm glad I could make you so happy!" Usopp brushed away a sudden pang of jealousy.
"Alright, everyone! Let's have a rice cracker party!" Luffy announced, and toasted with Nami, as Venus quickly joined in.
"Oh no, Luffy!" Usopp approached him worriedly. "We only have three left! We can't have a rice cracker party!"
"Aw," Venus frowned in disappointment.
"You know this is no time for that!" Nami scolded, then turned to Luffy. "Let's go, Captain! We don't have time to be lounging around!"
"Yeah, we'll have the party on the Merry!" Venus beamed.
Sanji was swooning from the twofer hug, when Zoro passed him by, and he remembered their competition. "Oh, yeah! Hey, you." He stood off the log. "You haven't forgotten our hunting contest, I hope!"
"Nope! But I win! I caught a rhino this huge!" He held his arms out.
"A rhino? I assume you can eat that?!"
"Of course!"
'Hunting contest?' Broggy thought to himself, with Dorry thinking the same. "Those words sound familiar somehow."
Luffy put his hat on. "Alright, round old guy, and giant old guy! We're gonna go now!"
They both looked down at the crew. "Oh, I see," Broggy said, "Well, you do seem to be in a hurry."
"That's too bad, but we won't stop you," Dorry agreed, and turned to Vivi, "I hope your homeland is okay."
"Yes! Thank you!"
"See ya! Don't die anymore!" Luffy followed Nami and Vivi into the jungle, marching backwards.
"Master! I will visit Elbaf someday!" Usopp promised, as Venus watched him with a smile.
"You'll see," Sanji smirked pridefully, "Mine's way bigger than yours."
"You wish!" Zoro scoffed.
"I'm gonna be a brave warrior of the sea!" Usopp vowed.
"Our friends are setting sail," Broggy remarked.
"Yes, We can't just sit there; there's a monster in the west sea," Dorry reminded.
"Dorry! How are your wounds?"
"These? They won't kill me."
Broggy picked up his ragged weapon. "This axe, and that sword are just about done with."
Dorry investigated his sword. "Do you have regrets?"
"I do. This axe fought alongside me for 100 years. But, if it's for them, it's worth it!"
"Then it's decided..." They both stood up with determination in their eyes.
"See?! Mine's far more huger than yours!" Zoro pointed out.
"Look closer! My lizard's bigger!" Sanji retorted. Their catches were laid next to each other, by the Merry, and they stood on top.
"Are you blind or something?! My rhino's way bigger!"
"It doesn't matter!" Luffy beamed. "They both look yummy!"
"You shut up!" They both ordered.
"Look! Mine's bigger!"
"No, mine is!"
Venus listened with irritation by Usopp and Vivi at the back of the upper deck. "It was funny at first, but now it's just dumb."
Nami couldn't help but smirk. "How long are you gonna keep at that? We don't need all of it, so cut up what we do need, so we can set sail!"
"Yes, Nami-san!"
"Hey, Usopp!" Zoro turned to the sniper. "I'm clearly the winner, right?!"
"I really don't care."
"Can't you call it a tie?" Vivi suggested.
"There are no ties in a challenge!" He refused.
"Hurry it up!" Nami shouted angrily, startling them.
"Right!" A swooning Sanji obliged, as Zoro leaped on the ship, then pulled up the anchor.
"Set sail!" Luffy announced, and they began moving along the river.
"They said going straight will take us to the western end of the island," Vivi recalled the giants' instructions.
"Hey, couldn't you have gotten any more meat on board?" Luffy griped.
"Yeah, right! Don't be stupid!" Sanji shot him down. "We can't preserve anymore than that."
"Do you want to sink the ship?!" Nami added.
"Look, it's the old guys!" Luffy saw Dorry and Broggy ahead. "They came to see us off!"
"Ahead is a great obstacle..." Broggy began.
"That prevents people who come to this island from reaching the next," Dorry finished, "You fought desperately to protect our pride."
"As such, no matter what manner of enemy there may be..."
"We will not let them destroy your pride, friends!"
The crew watched ahead with caution. "Have faith in us, and continue straight ahead! Straight ahead, no matter what happens!"
"Got it!" Luffy beamed.
"What's this about?" Zoro wondered aloud.
"What do you got?" Usopp asked.
"We'll go straight ahead, no matter what!"
"Yeah!" Venus agreed with Luffy. "Have faith in Dorry, and Broggy!"
They soon passed the island entirely. "This is goodbye!"
Broggy and Dorry drew their weapons. "Let's meet again someday," The latter proposed.
"Without fail."
"Look!" Nami pointed to the ocean. "Up ahead!"
In front of the ship, a fish bigger than the island itself emerged from the waves, just as the giants predicted. "There you are, Island-Eater!" Dorry glared.
"You will open the path, in the name of Elbaf!"
The fish showed itself to the crew, revealing to be a giant, red and white goldfish. "Wha...?" Sanji's cigarette dropped from his gaping mouth.
"Something appeared!" Usopp exclaimed, as everyone stared.
"What's this guy?" Luffy wondered aloud. "A goldfish?"
Usopp gulped. "A g-giant goldfish?! W-why does that sound familiar?!"
"Work the rudder!" Nami ordered. "Hurry! We're gonna get eaten! Hurry, Usopp!"
"I- I can't!"
"It broke earlier!" Venus reminded.
"Go straight ahead! R-right, Luffy?!"
"Yeah! Of course!"
"Don't be stupid!" Nami glared. "This won't be like what happened with Laboon!"
"I know. Calm down," Luffy sat on the prow, "Here, I'll let you have the last rice cracker."
"I don't want it!"
"Yoink!" Venus caught it instead, and nibbled in nervous anticipation.
"Hey! If we don't turn the ship, we're gonna be-"
Zoro calmly opened the cabin door, so a petrified Karoo could hide away inside. "Just give it up, Nami."
"Luffy!" Sanji turned to the captain. "We can trust those guys, I hope?!"
"Are you crazy?!" Vivi exclaimed. "Are we really going straight into that beast?!"
"No!" Nami cried. "We're too late now!" Venus and Usopp could only hug each other fearfully.
"You've grown a lot, Island-Eater!" Dorry glared. "You filthy monster goldfish!"
"His size isn't his only surprise," Broggy added, "There's also the size, and length of the dung he produces, after devouring any islands nearby. I recall a giant piece of dung named Nothing At All Island," He laughed.
"And that we landed on it long ago, thinking it was actual land!" Dorry recalled.
"This is a nostalgic day of adventure! As I look at them, I'm reminded of the old days!"
After the goldfish closed its mouth, trapping the screaming crew inside, they readied their weapons. "The only thing we can't penetrate is the bloodstained snake!"
"Observe, the most powerful Giant spear, as passed down in Elbaf!"
"Straight ahead!" Usopp cried. "Straight ahead!"
"What are you talking about?!" Nami shouted. "We've already been eaten!"
"Straight ahead!" Luffy urged. "Straight ahead!"
From outside, Dorry and Broggy struck the ocean, and ahead of the Merry, a gaping hole in the top of the fish's cranium let her fly out with the crew! "Hakokou Sovereignty!" They heard the giants' voices while escaping.
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5 (and why is it dreamstuck 👀) and also.... 50 >:]
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
YEAH. DREAMSTUCK FOR SURE. I've had so many people say they they're reading without even knowing what homestuck is and others saying that they've started reading homestuck because of it and i'm like YESS!!!! YESSSSS SPREADING THE HOMESTUCK!!!! But also another fic i would like everyone to read right immediately now is probablyyyyy Parting Words. It is the only moon knight fic i have ever written but i love it so so so much, it reads exactly how i wanted, and it's just. exactly what i wished we could see in another MCU Moon Knight episode, it's something I wanted to see in the show that we didn't get and I love it very very much :3
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
HEHEHEHE >:33 i am so excited for this chapter :33 i'm gonna put this under a cut because it is Long and also contains some motherfuckin uhhhhhhh SPOILERS for ch 77 of dreamstuck so if u don't want spoilers u can turn back now but i am sooooo so so excited about this and i hope u will be too!!! this chapter is going to be called Clockwork Sorrow, if that gives u any prior hint as to what it might be about :3
==>Tom: Pester Tubbo.
-- bigmanCat [BC] began pestering nuclearBuzz [NB] --
BC: hey NB: hey whats up bossman NB: any idea where ranboo is i tried to get a hold of him but hes ignoring me BC: yeah uh BC: I came to LOFAE BC: I found him, he’s okay, just distracted NB: wait is this tom? BC: no dude this is tommy what the fuck NB: idk i guess you just feel similar your literally the same person anyway BC: uh also BC: about Tom? BC: I found him too BC: He’s kinda dead. NB: what BC: yeah like he’s DEAD dead man BC: kicked the bucket, whatever. NB: holy shit what happened BC: I don’t really know??? I wasn’t here for it but I think he got stabbed BC: buncha underlings BC: one of ‘em must have found like a sword or some shit that Ranboo left laying around? Idk but he is stabbed the fuck out NB: cant you revive him BC: nope i BC: i tried BC: he was doomed so i guess my dream self/sprite didn’t register as his or something so it couldn’t be his backup life BC: idk if it would even work for me bc you know it’s a sprite and all NB: oh man thats sad NB: i really liked him BC: yeah BC: me too NB: im sorry bossman ill be on lofae as soon as i can BC: NO BC: i mean BC: stay there BC: i don’t want you to see this you know??? BC: Ranboo and I will head back to his house and open a memo. BC: I don’t think we have a lot of time. NB: wdym BC: there’s a fourth planet in out Incipisphere, idk what it means but i think BC: i think we might need a fourth player somehow. BC: and the Reckoning’s already started. NB: hply shit NB: yeah get over there as fast as you can ill be waiting online BC: on it, see you there
-- bigmanCat [BC] ceased pestering nuclearBuzz [NB] --
You heave a sigh and lower your phone. The back of your head thunks against the tree trunk you’re sitting against. Ranboo makes another weird alien noise somewhere in his chest. You feel so, SO bad about lying to Tubbo about this, but what else can you do?
Your name is Tommy Innit, and you just watched yourself die.
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You better keep her the fuck away from Mikan if she wakes up.
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Yeah... if they ever get up but hey a question but since Hiyoko annoyed you and given how everyone else was, how did not even drop out?
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Well... I guess how I wasn't totally alone was that...
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I started to interact with those outside of Class 77-B which I suppose is where he comes into the picture...
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*Nagi walks outside and heads over to a fountain as she sits down* Stupid Hiyoko, stupid teacher just... screw them all, seriously - why am I even place in this class.
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Wait... calm down a moment, it's just the first day and besides it's not the end of the world...
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Maybe... I'll play something to distract myself... *pulls out her DS*
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Hell yeah, let's get surgery started! *starts the game and playing meanwhile someone sits down next to her*
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Why... why are those bastards keep pressuring me, why can't they...
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Seems I'm finish up episode 1, 'Life or Death'... looks like Angie is panic about something...
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Oh dear, seems the patient is suffering from cardiac arrest and Angie is on her own.
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Well, time to her out and get to work saving the patient!
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Hm...? *notice Nagi as she looks over*
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Say... what are you doing? What game is that?
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Trauma Center: Under the Knife for the Nintendo DS, I'm just finishing up the final episode.
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Seems the nurse is on her own and is helping a patient that might be dealing with a cardiac arrest along with other injuries too.
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I see... you mind if I watch?
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Sure, you can if you want... *is playing*
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elliemyrah · 2 years
My GF's thoughts on SRMTHFG S1
So my girlfriend has been watching Srmthfg with me whenever we have time and its just a fun time. Especially since I'm not a person who will defend this show with every fiber of my being, anymore. So I can enjoy the bad writing and moments with her.
She was very sweet to even watch this with me and has been going on a trippy roller coaster. At times she'll lose track of the setting or get too lost in the music forget about the plot entirely. Sometimes it's just my fault cause I talk to much and I tend to talk to the fictional characters like I just showed my girlfriend extended family lol. Anyways let's just start.
Uhh actually disclaimer: This is for fun and Im just sharing this cause this was interesting to see what someone being introduced to this show reacts. She's also someone who has read and studied animals almost all her life. She's very critical when animals are involve, like me with television. But uhh yeah the monkey sounds really get to her. Like she is put off guard everytime.
-First off the bat Antuari, Oh boy! lol The moment he came on screen she just had questions. "Why does the black monkey have yellow eyes? Why is he voiced by a black voice actor?" (My gf is African American btw)
I laughed at this and took note to this. I already warned her lot about this show before watching so this was just added info that I could use. But I believe Antuari is her least favorite in the team. Not because of what I stated before but that she doesn't care for his personality.
-Otto though is her favorite, who's surprised though hehe. She loves his nature and his energy. Basically he's a lot like me so she loves him lol. But yeah we just laugh at this sweet green bean and want to pat his head
-Nova Though she doesn't say much about her whenever I do bring her up she just says she's too cool for this team. So i think I can say she likes her
btw I wanna address I didnt ask her questions for this review. I wanted to just enjoy this show with her without her feeling like she had an interview afterwards. So this is off memory and yes she gave me permission to write this.
My gf likes Gibson but she's never been a fan of shows having the brainiac characters say very stereotypical smart guy language. She also agrees that he is very gay and his weapon is super useful.
Sprx-77 now is an interesting one. She started out disliking him cause of his "asshole" personality. However starting after ep 4 she changed her mood immediately. Which was cool to see.
We also are already 3 eps into S2 and her favorite episode of the whole show so far has been 'World of Giants' which I knew she would like. That episode was funny ok, cringe isn't a word I use to critic work yal just don't like to have fun.
Anyways when we discussed his character, she simply just liked how he treats Chiro like a kid. He lets Chiro skip patrol to watch shows, asks if he needs help, and is normally on his side.
Honestly i feel like when Chiro joined the team Sprx was against it cause he was in fact a child but didn't have much of a say in the matter or Chiro was too stubborn to take no. So Sprx just tries to relate and understand him the most. Sprx is Chiro's dad not Antauri, I will die on this hill!!
Chiro is constantly being made fun of by my girl. She just can't stop mentioning about his head being so wide it's funny! lmao
Jinmay - She knew she was a robot right away but jumped when Soko started to speak lol. She doesnt care for Chiro/Jinmay's relationship which I fight her about lol.
Mandarin - Another monkey she felt was racist right away but she thinks he's threating. She was really interested in his villain role and wasn't disappointed til the season finale. We also both agree that him and Antuari are exes lol.
So the finale uhhh we were watching it and most through all of the 2 episodes she just said, " Yep this was just an old transformers movie but like mediocre." I facepalmed so hard. Dammit Ciro!
So yeah she likes the show. It's nothing she'll talk about for hours but I never excepted her to be into it in the first place. In fact I never intended to show this show anytime soon but she wanted to watch it with me. And I simply couldn't be happier. So I'll watch whatever anime she puts in front of me despite disliking 90% of animes.
That was it, thanks for reading.
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xyberangelzparadise · 2 years
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No amount of cool shots will make up for the fact that the episode was shit :/
13 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Ok but why were Jules and Elliot just sitting there while Rue trashed her own house and got violent with her mother and sister cuz if this was an intervention then i definitely think they shouldve intervened a little bit earlier 😑
17 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
I was gonna say that they should've made Euphoria abt college students even if its unrealistic but then I remembered that bitches like Nate Jacobs literally exist on college campuses. Like you'll literally talk to a girl in your class and she'll be like "yeah watch out for x white guy bcuz he regularly gang stalks and has 6 accusations filed to the Title IX office abt him but the school doesn't do anything bcuz hes on the varsity field hockey team so u know just be careful" and then u just have to live that
31 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
Euphoria s2 is literally just Riverdale with better cinematography :/
43 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"If Maddie finds out she will spend the rest of her life trying to kill me but she will definitely kill you" I love Cassie but shes dumb as bricks bcuz after Nate says this they cut to a scene of Maddy smashing a girls head in a locker like fucking King Pin from Daredevil. Like why would u risk ur life like this? And over Nate Jacobs of all ppl?? 🤨
58 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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