xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
And they were cowboys 🤠🤠
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
Weird genre of person is when fans of media with actually complex and interesting characters get scared by any level of moral ambiguity whatsoever like why are you buying purity at the nuance store
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
the funniest thing about the tiktok tradwife craze is people learning financial abuse exists but like, as a hypothetical. "wait what if the relationship doesn't work out and you have nothing of your own and nowhere to go?" congratulations you figured out a common reason people remain in abusive relationships and why it's important to maintain some level of financial independence
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
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Pov: You watch your brother die for the umpteenth time and then wake up to "Heat Of The Moment" and it's Tuesday again.
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
going to the local polling place and scanning over my ballot until i find the "i'm bald" option
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
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Jesse Pinkman
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xyberangelzparadise · 7 hours
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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ib: this fic by @sammygender
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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Infected Sam
(i cant stop drawing him someone stop me)
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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saddest person you've ever seen miserably drinks gasless cola
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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he's hogging the fucking sheets
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
honestly nothing for me will top the energy of BTS photos/videos of horror movie monsters/demons/creatures/etc in full makeup just hanging out… like
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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Jared Padalecki with Beanies
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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At some point I started to think him as the center of everything.
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xyberangelzparadise · 17 hours
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Clementine von Radics + Supernatural, Sam & Dean Winchester
I'll be there every step. I love you so much, my baby brother.
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