#with a special introspective
jessieren · 3 months
In honour of the upcoming art exhibition including some of Shaun’s work, I thought it would be timely to present my very own introspective.
I’ve called it:
‘The way Evans holds glasses (and other drinking receptacles..)’
As you might imagine this has required some significant research and I am grateful for the many and varied contributions that others have made to this work over a period of many months (i.e. I’ve mined everyone’s post, photos and gifs…).
Here are some examples of Evans and cups/glasses of various liquids. All with the standard two finger hold...
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Including this poetry in motion…
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This technique is apparently also applicable to bottles…
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There are however some notable exceptions…
The ‘fuck this is hot…’ three finger hold
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The left handed four finger hold
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And the loose women full hand grasp of mortification….
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Here endeth today’s lesson
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daily-hanamura · 9 months
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ariemfox · 2 months
just going to put this out there... so many of the doctor who fan theories about ruby's origin story before the finale were so friggin creative. a lot of them seemed more legit than the canon, lol. would've loved to have seen one of them come to life in the show. this fandom truly possesses the greatest minds <3
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localcryptic · 5 days
For the oc question thing
🎹🥊🧠 for Ripley and Taliesin? I wanna know more about your sidesteps :)
(i'm deeply amused by the fact that i did interpret this emoji combo not as "these correlate to specific questions on the ask game i reblogged!" and instead as "mm yes Brain Fighting Piano makes sense")
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Tal: i've said it before but i think if they weren't trying to be a supervillain they would make the most insane synth music you've ever heard. they like music that is loud and crunchy and keeps your brain from being able to think and they're the right kind of nerd to teach themself music production for fun. not quite a hobby per se but it's also been my headcanon for a long time for them that they've been learning ASL, so i think they practice in their downtime, maybe take online classes if they got the chance.
Ripley: ripley collects stupid novelty lighters. he loves shitty horror movies and would love horror games if he had time for gaming between his previous commitments of "Beating Up Superheroes" and "Enduring The Terrors". despite his temper, he really likes working on meticulous technological things- he's the kind of guy to build his own PC and do all his own repairs on it, for better or for worse. i'd say he could get into robotics, but he's Also the kind of guy to tape a knife to a roomba and call it a security system, soooo. (oh god, in an ideal world, ripley would compete in those battle robot competitions, he would LOVE that shit.)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Tal: they love escaping from themselves, feeling like they've made a tangible difference, and taking their time to drink their coffee in the morning. they hate making snap decisions without being able to understand the bigger picture.
Ripley: he loves working on a DIY project, spending time around dogs, cleaning, and telling people No just because he can. he hates being told what to do, lying, giving in or giving up.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Tal: i love their strong principles, exploring their complicated moral compass, and accidentally giving them a different hairstyle every time i draw them and saying "fuck it, that's canon now"
Ripley: i love his terrible bastard attitude, the power he holds just by being himself, and drawing his shitty choppy DIY haircut <3
(thank you for asking!!! the oc ask game questions are here for anyone interested :3)
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kijosakka · 7 months
and the thoughts taunt me yet again. its just becoming commonplace at this point to ramble on tumblr before i go to sleep uhhh
theres gotta be like, a liiitle bit of established characterization summed up beyond a mess of multi paragraph behemoth rambling posts in a rb chain to rehash canon properly um,,
^ general idea is of noah knowing chris and chef before TD is even conceptualized and growing up in the industry bc of it, if only ever behind the scenes and watching in < all of the posts are actually more character studies about being Wary of the Cameras than anything else but id like to look at canon if only just to try and puzzle out/outline developments and whatnot.
starting out pre-island and segueing into his little time on island (and still being majorly character study-y):
chris, with TD being a new show and all, has trouble filling out the cast, and being fussy about the specifics of his show, is willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find those three castmates to pad it out. hence; duncan, ezekiel, and noah
^ duncan and ezekiel both did send in audition tapes, while noah did not, (i'd imagine here something about the TD website having everyones audition tapes release once theyre eliminated as 'bonus content'. everyone, of course, except noah.) cause, you know. up until this point hes only ever been known in The Business as 'that snappy but has surprisingly good insight into the Business kid noah who accompanies mclean', but now hes being asked to join this show he wants no part in. hes perfectly willing to help out behind the scenes, wheres hes comfortable, but chris insists -- and eventually, noah gives in.
the caveat is that he goes into the show both knowing about the resort after elimination and hyperaware of the reality tv aspect. and since, in his mind, hes elimination fodder there to make sure they have a full cast roster, he delegates himself a background character and acts as such.
hes not meant to last long, so he singles out some traits and ideas and detaches his person from them. for the length of the entire show, noah knows he wont be a person. he'll be a character made up of one-liners and quips with no character motivations or involvement in any real plotlines, someone who you see how early they get eliminated and you go 'yeah, that makes sense' and then never think about again.
^ and this is very apparent from his first onscreen appearance -- it takes a good minute for the boat to go back and forth picking up contestants even if most of the spare footage is cut, and as people arrive, even if the camp is a disappointment there's a shared sense of wonder about being the people who made it onto the show they all collectively want to be on. they chat and share excited pleasantries and theres a sense of personality that is immediately apparent to their peers because of it -- except for noah. noah has his one back-and-forth with duncan and then lets himself fade into the background from there on out.
and at first, its a kind of deal where its just like 'alright. hes shy, thats alright!!", but then it continues into when theyre all sent off and distinctly off camera. you try to chat with noah, and he gives you a non-answer or a one-liner than would be great for an audience!...if anyone were watching.
the walk up the mountain for the first challenge is much of the same: no input on the speculation about the challenge, just unnerving blankness. his facial expression is unchanging, not like he was unphased by the challenge, but more like he just isnt there for it. like the plot doesnt demand his presence.
again and again the first impression they get of this guy is a weird, offputting uncanny valley sensation. he doesnt come off as a real person, he comes off as robotic and lifeless. and its weird. i'd imagine in terms of character relationships, a lot of characters would be weirded out by him and completely write him off, while some of the nicer would insist on giving him a chance to get used to everything.
the second challenge comes -- he has his whole fake-faceplant thing that hints at something more, but again. hes a collection of ideas, and one of those ideas could just be potential, overridden by his apathy and laziness; two other key ideas.
noah doesnt touch any of the food provided during that second-first-half bit, just stands blankly off to the side like hes being used for background filler. of course he doesnt, the cameras are right there. (does no one else understand that?)
^ [*]awakeathon comes and goes; noah falls asleep, and that's.... it. no scheme, no strategy, he just separates himself physically from the cast by a few feet, and gets cozy to sleep. and then he wakes up. no insight into the character like with, say, courtney or justin. no plotting like heather. just banal averageness. a play to be overlooked.
and what was he to do? there were no real opportunities for any of his 'collection of ideas' to slot in, so he fades into the background and lets everyone else take up the screentime.
[*there is, i imagine, a kind of alternate version of events where the kiss with cody does happen and can be used as further/a more clear incentive for the events of dodgebrawl to happen.
the reason ive cut it here is because just in the context of noah sticking so hard to his hyperawareness, i would imagine he would know of and preemptively try and take measures against any Sleep Shenanigans that may happen, or may even avoid sleeping for longer because of the possibility.]
and then its dodgebrawl; he sees his chance to really flaunt his non-substance. [*]noah hates physical activity, thats one of his main Ideas in his compartmentalized collection. which better challenge to utilize it in than this one? again, hes elimination fodder. as far as he's concerned, this works out perfectly.
[*this would kind of give you a reason to change his lack of athleticism if you so wished. theres an alternate-alternate version of canon keeping this same noahs background that i might post about on here at some point, but in said AU hes more physically adept bc of his past in behind-the-scenes work. whos to say he hasnt helped carry heavy set pieces or ran around during busy hours?
it could serve to be a) self indulgent to some degree, and who doesnt love that, but also b) further alienate him from his cast, where even one of the barest traits he exhibits is just flat out wrong.
or you could just keep it as-is, and alter his attitude towards anything physical while keeping his unathleticism. or it could just be one of his chosen (truthful) traits that he decides fits with his on-screen character. its pretty ambiguous]
he gloats and inserts his quips where he can, the book hes carrying really just there to really sell it -- in terms of the cast and their thoughts, its again strange.
hes saying Words, but theyre Detached from the character and demeanor. hes putting on a performance and hes selling it pretty well, but its still hard to shake how off something seems about it. but noah does sell it and he gets voted off, off to his long vacation stay which he is absolutely looking forward to.
he arrives at the island, he gives his character interview full of non-answers, and then -- well, thats it. or it would've been it had he not noticed the obscene explosion of popularity the show had from its debut. the general public loved it, and you know what happens to shows that people absolutely adore? they get approved for second seasons.
this is the fact that tips noah straight into barring himself from all interpersonal relationships, as he was already wary simply by virtue of them being his castmates --theyre on screen, on set with him. that changes a lot about your dynamic with someone. -- and that he never really knows if theyre being watched on the playa; it is network-owned at the end of the day. so both the uncertainty and 'confirmation' of a second season lead him to avoid the cast entirely. literally.
nobody sees anything of noah beyond flashes in peripherals, disappearing books from the living area, and dirty dishes -- until theyre called for filming of haute camp-ture. and while its obvious to everyone else that theyre treading lightly around him since they, you know, havent seen him at all, noah acts completely unchanged. no acknowledgement of his absence, just the same dynamic with his castmates hes always had on-screen.
afterwards, someone tries to get his attention, to be like 'hey?????', and noah dismisses them extremely flatly. like npc dialogue. and then he disappears again, until i triple dog dare you, which im going to say they just gather everyone outside and let them do their own things until someone spins them and they have to give a dare. noah sits himself on a pool chair in his swim shirt and trunks with a book and Does Not interact with the cast at all.
^ you could spin it where they get a bunch of dares from the contestants individually and just read off from where theyre listed or whatever but this would be a chance to have alternate povs noting exactly what the characters think of noahs separation from everyone
anyway theyre called on the island for the [*]finale between owen and gwen, and he lets himself fade into the background. his work is done, it has been done, and now he just has to wait for what the segue into the inevitable second season is so he can wipe his hands clean of it (or so he thinks)
[*i think it could be written both ways, one where when the cast cheers he cheers and when they scream he screams, or another where despite the frenzied emotions around him, noah remains unaffected.
perhaps it could be used as a kind of 'well even people like zeke and eva are rowdy about this' contrast where either way it comes off as incredibly uncanny; one way, hes showing distinct emotion where he never has before, while never having shown any emotional investment in the winner. and the other way, hes completely detached from the emotions around him, to the point where he acts like its not even happening; his lack of investment in the winner is offputting, esp when compared to very early eliminated contestants who still do care.]
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aeb-art · 8 months
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i was trying to make up side characters for @8um8le's space friends and thought "every show needs a grump"
i'm not gonna finish this though, so y'all can have it now o7
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I like being alone, but that is how I knew you were different. Because for the first time ever I wanted someone else's company more than my own.
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chelleisamazing · 13 days
I finished the Pairing! 🩵🧡
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torajira · 1 month
if i see an ad for that """introvert dating site""" one more time i'm going to shit myself
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads
The Winter Knight
slow-building urban fantasy mystery
reincarnated arthurian legends living in modern Vancouver
follows a gay autistic college student who’s the reincarnation of sir gawain who just wants to live a normal life
and a 30-something valkyrie woman
when a knight is murdered, she’s assigned to investigate, and he’s pulled into things after finding the body
m/m and pre-f/f (she is bi ace)
#The Winter Knight#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#this is.....interesting#it is very slow and introspective…. I think because both the main characters are more quiet/isolated#i would def go into it more from a character study perspective than plot#also i know there are buildings on the cover but the vibes of the cover give like….rural fantasy not urban-city fantasy#I feel like most urban fantasy books with modern versions of x y z have them like…..they’re fighting demons or monsters or something#this is just like. they’re existing? there’s the occasional monster but they’re mostly just people living normally. why#I guess probably that is the question the book is trying to answer..#(ie what Would they do? recreate the narratives they're doomed to repeat? or just live normal boring lives?)#but also like....there could have been a lot more (or different) done with some of it?#it’s very slow up until a final battle at the end. which also brings in 3 new POVs of various major characters briefly?#also. as the number one defender of pop culture references in books I admit I think there’s too much here#like it’s namedropping books and musicians/songs SO often#some of it feels like it could be music as wayne’s special interest - but there’s so much of it not in that context too#anyway something about the combo of that + slowquiet tone made the vibe feel. idk like it doesn't quite mesh#i did enjoy the characters tho? theres some interesting things in here#also yes it is a gawain/green knight romance#the boy is more of a significant mc tbh#+ trans girl major characters; polyam side characters; various other queer chars#there's a line where a character sees his friend “typing in pinyin characters” on her phone which.......#pinyin is the romanisation. pinyin characters is not a thing? SOMEONE editing should have clocked that. surely#tldr mixed thoughts. there are thoughts tho.
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iniziare · 4 months
Tag drop: Solas
#solas. [ what would you have had me say? that i was the great adversary in your people's mythology? ]#solas: ic. [ the dread wolf inspired hope in my friends and fear in my enemies. not unlike “inquisitor” i suppose. ]#solas: inquiries. [ let me help you. / you cannot. there is no glory here. only a price that i alone will pay. ]#solas: countenance. [ i was solas first. “fen'harel” came later. an insult i took as as a badge of honor. ]#solas: introspection. [ war breeds fear. fear breeds a desire for simplicity. good and evil. right or wrong. chains of command. ]#solas: meta. [ just remember; an enemy can attack but only an ally can betray you. betrayal is always worse. ]#solas: little notes. [ but nature is and always has been; grey. a spirit is a purpose. a demon is that purpose perverted. ]#solas: wishes. [ i walk the din'anshiral. there is only death on this journey. i would not have you see what i become. ]#solas: etc. [ i have people; seeker. the greatest triumphs and tragedies this world has known can all be traced to people. ]#solas: mythal. [ they killed her. a crime for which an eternity of torment is the only fitting punishment. ]#solas: elvhenan. [ imagine beings who lived forever for whom magic was as natural as breathing. that is what was lost. ]#solas: fade. [ everything is a memory; they are easily muddied. they contain truths but reason and sense are required to extract it. ]#solas: skyhold. [ there is a place that waits for a force to hold it. there is a place where the inquisition can build… grow. ]#solas: inquisition. [ you created a powerful organization. and now it suffers the inevitable fate of such; betrayal and corruption. ]#solas: inquisitor. [ you would risk everything you have in the hope that the future is better? what if it isn't? ]#solas: vhenan. [ what is the old dalish curse? “may the dread wolf take you”? ]#solas: dorian. [ is that a problem for you? / no. no. you're a special and unique snowflake. live the dream. ]#solas: varric. [ you know what i like about you? your boundless optimism. / it's comforting that what qualities i lack; you invent. ]#solas: cassandra. [ i am impressed by your honesty and faith. it is a difficult path; but if anyone can walk it honourably. you can. ]#solas: cole. [ never forget your purpose; cole. it is a noble one. even if this world does not understand. ]#solas: vivienne. [ i leave you with the greatest curse of my people. dirthara ma. / what rustic curse is that? / 'may you learn.' ]#solas: blackwall. [ you have seen a great deal of battle. / we all have. / not like you. you live and breathe war. it's home to you. ]#solas: sera. [ i suppose now you’ll switch to how i’m the same but different? / you are the furthest from what you were meant to be. ]#solas: bull. [ what you think is what you say and do. / even peasants may find freedom in the safety of thought; you take even that. ]
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sea-buns · 1 year
On the chance.of things getting 'messy' with Orym. I think they already sort of have started hitting a building crisis point, if we're truly at the point that even among his friends he's now resorting to losing still more sleep just so he can sneak off in the middle of the night to genuinely pray to a light aligned being in order to ask for help without feeling like he'll be judged for or otherwise condescended to for it. That's actually kind of alarming honestly in how it shows another way he's feeling isolated/set apart from the rest of them and I am very curious is Tal made Ashton's perception role and caught he was doing so because I want to see how they in particular will respond to that decision, not because of what it says about about how Orym feels about the Gods but because of what it says about how isolated emotionally Orym still feels from them.
He and Ashton have a great restart at supporting each other from their chat last week...I loved it. But they are no where near done with the things they need to discuss. I mean I very much doubt Ashton or Laudna understand the breath of what happened back there with Vax and what it means to Orym personally just yet...
Yes, god, there are so many moving parts and concerns that I am constantly re-remembering another heartbreaking detail about how he's doing. And specifically the "feeling the need to isolate/not feeling safe enough to express yourself" hits home so hard. It rings like a kid who hides their totally normal interests from their friends and family, out of fear of being ridiculed or punished for it. It's that distinct paranoia you get from strict parents when they make any sort of acknowledgment about your hobbies or views.
It is devastating that he's resorted to secrecy and private moments in the dead of night. Always looking over his shoulder. Tensing up at the start of every gods-related conversation. Discussion and debate are fine and normal, in fact I think it'd be insane if nobody was talking about or questioning literally everything right now. But the constant reminders he had to give to Bells Hells were weighing on him enough. Now, more than half of the group that should have been a safe-space for him have been replaced with complete strangers. And his two remaining companions are dealing with a lot in their own right. Introspection is important, but he has no way of knowing what "coming to a conclusion" is gonna look like for these people. What if they side with Ludinus? What if they turn violent? What if they keep him from getting back to his family?
All of that is why Ashton reaching out has been SO goddamn important to me. Out of everyone right now, they've been the least oppositional and argumentative towards Orym's takes on the situation. I really can't think of a moment where they made a comment, not even directly at Orym, that had any sort of underlying hostility towards believing in the good of the gods. They've expressed that it's the people who are the problem, while still leaving that door open for the belief that good worshippers exist. I love that Tal is making those perception checks. It's the absolute perfect way of saying "if my character sees this something is gonna get done" without like metagaming or anything. It makes even more sense cuz we've already established that Ashton is actively keeping on eye on him and Laudna. They understand more than anyone that no one is the "stable" one anymore, and all they can do is help each other.
Orym very clearing feels backed into a corner right now and he would have NEVER said "if you see me fall, pick me up" if Ash wasn't purposely trying so hard to make sure he knows that they are a safe-space for him.
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theajaheira · 1 year
if i wrote a fic about ted and rebecca writing letters to each other. would that make us all feel better
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James Bond/Q, James Bond/Madeleine Swann (past), James Bond & Madeleine Swann, James Bond & Felix Leiter Characters: James Bond, Q (James Bond), Madeleine Swann, Felix Leiter Additional Tags: SPECTRE (2015) Fix-It, Not No Time to Die (2021) Compliant, Mutual Pining, the love is requited james bond is just an idiot, james bond + madeleine swann friendship, madeleine swann + q friendship, james bond + felix leiter friendship, LET JAMES BOND HAVE FRIENDS, madeleine ships OOQ, James Bond Has Issues, james bond's canonically unhealthy relationship with alcohol, James Bond Has Feelings, Non-Linear Narrative Summary:
Two years after the events of SPECTRE, James Bond is living peacefully in Jamaica. He's adjusted to civilian life, sorted out a few of his personal demons, and spent a lot of time pretending he doesn't have any particular regrets.
But a sudden accident forces him to realize that he still has some unfinished business with a certain person back in London. Maybe it's time to get that sorted out.
(In which Bond is repeatedly subjected to the horrific, torturous, mortifying ordeal of being known...but does, in fact, end up with the rewards of being loved.)
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
You haven’t really posted about them, but any thoughts on Rouxls Kaard?
I think that rouxls is cool but ultimately he is just sorta jokey to me. Like I really want to just have a really serious moment happen with him and then that’s it back to goofy. I like the mac n cheese meme.
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ghostlypawn · 2 years
havent stopped thinking about how 5sos5 begins with the sounds of joshua tree where they started writing their fifth album and ends with the sounds of the red line which was the train they took to write their first album
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