#white supremacist manifesto
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sports45 · 2 days ago
Elon Musk is an Aspie Supremacist
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Elon Musk is an aspie supremacist, in addition to — or, as part of — being a neo-nazi fascist. Aspie supremacy is an “ideology is based upon the belief that people with Asperger’s are superior to other autistics as well as to non-autistics”.
I’ll explain why this is so important and highly relevant — and why the majority of the Autistic community does not identify with Musk’s hateful, bigoted views. Autism is not an excuse for hate or bigotry, and people like Musk give all Autistics a dangerously bad name.
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geezerwench · 4 months ago
Jasmine Crockett (D - TX) has something to say about Project 2025. It's the White Supremacist manifesto. Believe her.
I love this woman.
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ausetkmt · 6 months ago
'White supremacist manifesto': Report unmasks 'history of racist writing' by Project 2025 architects
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Former President Donald Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's far-right 900-page blueprint for a second Trump presidency.
Yet many of its proposals have come from Trump allies. And Heritage had a strong presence at the 2024 Republican National Convention.
Moreover, Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), wrote the forward for a forthcoming book by Heritage President Kevin Roberts — who, critics say, threatened violence against Project 2025's opponents when he told Real America's Voice, "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."
READ MORE: 'Now we crush Trump': Michael Moore unveils 2024 battle plan
In an article published on July 29, USA Today's Will Carless reports that according to some critics, Project 2025 has ties to white nationalists and white supremacists.
Carless notes that author Michael Harriot has attacked Project 2025 as a "white supremacist manifesto."
"A closer look at the named contributors to Project 2025 adds to the concern," Carless explains. "A USA Today analysis found at least five of them have a history of racist writing or statements, or white supremacist activity. They include Richard Hanania, who for years, wrote racist essays for white supremacist publications under a pseudonym until he was unmasked by a Huffington Post investigation last year."
Carless adds, "Failed Virginia GOP Senate candidate Corey Stewart, another named contributor, has long associated with white supremacists and calls himself a protector of America's Confederate history tasked with 'taking back our heritage.' One Project 2025 contributor wrote, in his PhD dissertation, that immigrants have lower IQs than white native citizens, leading to 'underclass behavior.' Another dropped out of contention for a prestigious role at the Federal Reserve amid controversy over a racist joke about the Obamas."
READ MORE: Trump's dark mental state is growing even 'worse' as election draws closer: historian
Civil rights attorney Arjun Sethi argues that Project 2025's proposals would, if implemented, be highly detrimental to non-white Americans.
Sethi told USA Today, "Project 2025 is a plan about how to regulate and control people of color, including how they organize, work, play and live. It seeks to regulate what they do with their bodies, how they advocate for their rights, and how they build family and community — all while disregarding the historical injustices and contemporary persecution they have experienced."
Harriot argues that Project 2025 is full of ideas that have been promoted by white supremacists and white nationalists.
Harriot told USA Today, "One of the things that you see when you read Project 2025 is not just the racist dog whistles, but some ideas that were exactly lifted from some of the most extreme white supremacists ever."
Although Trump has tried to distance himself from Project 2025, Harriott describes it as an "employee manual" for a second Trump Administration.
Harriot told USA Today, "There's some cognitive dissonance. Trump doesn't get elected by people who are just outwardly racist, and being associated with Project 2025 would dismantle his plausible deniability, because it's so blatantly racist."
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itsadragonaesthetic · 1 year ago
Do people know Ted Kaczynski was transphobic or
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legallynotslantos · 1 day ago
i’ll never really understand why all these new shooters aim to be copycats. they all say they want to “revolutionize” the world with their actions but they want to do so by literally copying other mass shooters who have already done EXACTLY that. it baffles me how they want to be seen as different and unique in a way, but they all follow the same cookie-cutter ideals. they’re all either nazis, incels, white supremacists, racists, misogynists, etc. i mean??? they’re all somewhat affiliated with TCC, they all idolize the same people, they all listen to the same music, they all wear the same shit, they all push the same fabricated “edgy” persona just to be perceived as dangerous. ??? like there’s no individualism, no thinking for themselves, nothing that sets them apart from the rest. it’s practically the norm at this point. they refuse to target any other place besides schools and universities. they’ll drop some shitty manifesto, slime out 2-3 people max then tap out. i just can’t for the LIFE of me figure out why anyone would do something like that, especially just to become another news headline that’ll be forgotten in a week. quick reality check for you: school shootings have become SO normalized in america, that people aren’t even fazed when that shit hits the news. “oh, just some other crazy kid who brought a gun to school.” so you won’t “revolutionize” the world, you won’t “shock the nation”. at the end of the day, once you’ve claimed your victims, taken a bullet to the cranium, and made the news, you’ll always be another forgotten dumbass with a gun.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months ago
Is Zionism white supremacy?
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White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to all other races and should thus dominate them. 
Contemporary white supremacist ideology stems from the pseudoscientific antisemitic and anti-Black racial “science” that emerged in the seventeenth century. 
This racial “science” established the foundation for the Holocaust. 
Zionism is the national movement for Jewish self-determination in the Land of Israel, the ancestral homeland of the Jewish People. 
Self-determination is the concept that peoples who share a national identity — not to be confused with nationality — have a legal right to choose their own governance, rather than being forced into living under the thumb of an empire. Self-determination is a basic tenet of international law, applicable to all peoples. 
In 1897, Jewish delegates from across the world met for the First Zionist Congress. There, they defined Zionism in simple terms: “Zionism seeks to establish a home for the Jewish people in Eretz ­Israel [the Land of Israel] secured under public law.”
Zionism has absolutely nothing to do with race. Zionism is a movement for self-determination for all Jews, regardless of skin color. Early Zionists included figures such as Taamrat Emmanuel, who was an Ethiopian Jew. 
Antisemitism is foundational to white supremacy, but it is not exclusive to white supremacy. As the “world’s oldest hatred,” antisemitism predates both white supremacy and other forms of anti-minority bigotry. White supremacy built upon the already existing foundation of antisemitism. 
“Scientific racism” (also known as “biological racism”) is a pseudoscientific form of racism that claims there is scientific evidence to justify racial discrimination or the belief that some races are inferior or superior to others. Scientific racism reached its peak and “legitimacy” between 1870 and the end of World War II. The Nazis applied the theories of scientific racism to antisemitism, which in turn was one of the main factors that fueled the Holocaust. Today’s white supremacist ideology stems from scientific racism.
In the 1870s, Wilhelm Marr, a scientific racist and antisemite, coined the word “antisemitism” to replace the previously used term “Jew-hatred,” as “antisemitism” sounded scientific, which “legitimized” it (as in: “I’m an antisemite, not a Jew-hater!” Sound familiar?). 
There is no white supremacy without antisemitism. It’s absurd to describe the Jewish movement for self-determination as “white supremacy” when white supremacists themselves openly revile Jews (and Zionism). Marr, for example, said of Zionism, “the entire matter is a foul Jewish swindle, in order to divert the attention of the European peoples from the Jewish problem.” 
White supremacists, historically, have loudly opposed Zionism. As mentioned, Marr himself called Zionism a “foul Jewish swindle.” 
Arguably the most infamous white supremacist of all time, Adolf Hitler, wrote in his infamous manifesto, Mein Kampf, “For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle…”
Before, during, and after the Holocaust, the Nazis worked to prevent a Jewish state from establishing. The Nazis supported Palestinian Arab nationalists, most notably the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, in material ways. In November of 1933, the Nazis revealed that they had established a direct contact with the Arab leadership in Palestine, with the hopes of “adapting the Nazi program” to the Holy Land. 
Between 1936-1939, the Arabs in Palestine revolted against the British and Jewish immigration, killing some 500 Jews. The British quickly suspected Nazi involvement, noticing that the Arab rioters carried smuggled Nazi weaponry. The Jerusalem police found that the Arabs had received 50,000 pounds from Germany and 20,000 pounds from Italy. The British also suspected the Germans of planning the 1938 pogrom in Tiberias.
In November of 1941, al-Husseini met with German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and with Hitler himself. Hitler promised al-Husseini that once the German troops reached the Arab world, “Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere…”
In 1957, a top secret document came to light, which revealed that Germany and Italy recognized the right of the Arabs to “solve the Jewish question” in Palestine and other Arab nations. During the meeting, Hitler told the Mufti: “Germany is resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time to direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well.”
Between 1948-1949, 1000 former Bosnian Muslim SS members joined the Palestinians in their fight against the Jews.Hundreds of members from the 13th and 23rd SS Divisions volunteered as well.
In early 1948, 30,000 army veterans from various fascist forces created an army known as Black International. Some of the members included Nazi soldiers, a pro-Nazi renegade Soviet battalion, and pro-Nazi Poles and Yugoslavs, as well as the Muslim members of a brigade that al-Husseini had organized to fight alongside the Nazis. Black International attacked Jewish towns and kibbutzim.
A source close to the group commented: “These Poles, Russians, Germans and Yugoslavs…are the Arabs fighting for national liberation…Actually their cynical joy is unbounded at the double gift which has been handed them — the opportunity to butcher Jews, and get paid for it.”
After the Holocaust and the establishment of the State of Israel, white nationalists have continued to oppose Zionism. In 1976, an American neo-Nazi, Eric Thomson, used the term “Zionist Occupation Government,” alleging that Zionist organizations, working on behalf of an international Jewish conspiracy, are controlling foreign governments. The “ZOG” conspiracy remains popular among white supremacists and white nationalists. 
Just as Hitler once did, neo-Nazis have continued colluding with Palestinians in their quest to destroy Israel. In 1972, the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September carried out a massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. Black September had enlisted the help of two notorious German neo-Nazis, Willi Pohl and Wolfgang Abramowski, to carry out the attack, though apparently the neo-Nazis were unaware of their exact plans.
Specifically, Pohl aided Abu Daoud, the mastermind behind the Munich Massacre, by helping him obtain forged passports, credentials, and other documents. Even worse, he helped Daoud obtain weapons. According to Pohl himself, “[I] drove Abu Daoud around Germany, where he met Palestinians in various cities.”
Former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, openly reviles Zionism. He’s made statements such as “the only Nazi country in the world is Israel,” echoing the sentiments of many Islamists and those on the far left today. Just recently, David Duke, along with fellow white supremacists Nick Fuentes and Jake Shields, met with a number of pro-Palestinian influencers. Duke also coined the antisemitic slur “Zio,” now popular among many in the pro-Palestine crowd. 
In 1969, the United Nations passed the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Both the United States and Brazil wanted to add a clause including antisemitism. The Soviet Union, which had been heavily oppressing its Jewish population since the 1950s, worried that such a clause would be used to rebuke them for persecuting Soviet Jews. As such, they included a counter proposal, which was a clause that equated Zionism to Nazism. That way, they could say that they were (rightfully) anti-Zionists, not antisemites.Neither clause passed.
But the Soviets were never covert about the fact that their “anti-Zionism” was actually just antisemitism. In the 1960s, Soviet propaganda made blatantly antisemitic claims, including: “The character of the Jewish religion serves the political aims of the Zionists,” “Zionism is inextricable from Judaism, rooted in the idea of the exclusiveness of the Jewish people,” comparisons of Judaism to the Italian mafia, and claims that Israel was merely a means to an end of Jewish imperialism and world domination.
On November 10, 1975, on the 37th anniversary of the Nazi pogrom of Kristallnacht, the United Nations, headed by the Soviet Union, Soviet satellite states, and over countries in the Arab League, passed Resolution 3379, declaring Zionism a form of racism. Absurdly, the resolution never defined Zionism, nor did it explain, how and why, exactly, Zionism is a form of racism. In fact, the delegate for Liberia stated that, while reading the resolution, he “anxiously waited” to see a definition for Zionism, and an explanation as to how Zionism is racism. Since he found no such thing, he voted against it. 
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia all but admitted that Resolution 3379 had been nothing more than a Cold War propaganda ploy, calling it “a relic of the Ice Age.” In December of 1991, UN Resolution 46/86 revoked Resolution 3379. But while Resolution 3379 was repealed, the dark shadow of its legacy lingers.
Many people in the west, particularly in the United States, only understand oppressor-oppressed dynamics through the lens of race and white supremacy. Given the history of their country, that makes sense. Many anti-Israel activists are weaponizing this ignorance by framing the Israelis in the conflict as the “white people” and the Palestinians as the “people of color.” For example, in 2021, Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of the October 7 massacre, compared himself and the Palestinian people to George Floyd in an interview with Vice News. Another example? Various anti-Israel groups have been pushing the “Deadly Exchange” conspiracy theory, falsely alleging that Israel is behind police brutality in America. 
Unfortunately, many people are falling for it. But what they don’t realize is that they are projecting their own experience of the world onto a drastically different region of the world, where the dominant force of oppression is not white supremacy but Islamist fundamentalism. 
Palestinians and Israeli Jews are both Middle Eastern people, with Middle Eastern ancestry, belonging to Middle Eastern cultures. The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews, whose ancestors spent many, many centuries continuously in the Middle East and North Africa. Ashkenazi Jews, whom many people incorrectly dub “European Jews,” can trace their genetic ancestry to Israel, have practiced a Middle Eastern culture for thousands of years, and were considered “Asiatic foreigners” for the centuries during which they were exiled to Europe.
Of course, racism and anti-Blackness exist in Israel. But they exist in the Palestinian Territories, too. Afro-Palestinians first arrived to what are now Israel and the Palestinian Territories via the Arab slave trade. The Arab slave trade laid the groundwork for the transatlantic slave trade most of us are familiar with; in other words, they established the routes.
Before October 7, some 11,000 Afro-Palestinians resided in the “Al Abeed” neighborhood in Gaza, translating, quite literally, to “slaves.” They are also derogatorily referred to as “abeed,” meaning slaves. This conflict is not between two different races, but between two opposing national movements.
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tilbageidanmark · 1 month ago
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A NEW MANIFESTO NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN: The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
There are only 2,700 of them, and 8+ billion of us. The math is simple, and so is the solution.
A spectre is haunting the world — the spectre of extinction. All the powers of elites have entered into a holy alliance to accelerate this spectre: The billionaires and millionaires, the American hyper-capitalists and the Russian oligarchs, the military industrial complex and white supremacists. The old Nazis are the new fascists.
It's high time to start a new liberation movement, French Revolution 2.0. For the children's sake, for the future of this dying planet - and before it's too late.
#2700 billionaires
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chilewithcarnage · 4 months ago
'the unabomber wasnt racist he was just anti progress' lol yes tf he was he wrote a manifesto. ain't nobody that's not a hardcore hater of minorities writing a manifesto. that's like white supremacist starter pack.
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fransfilth · 4 days ago
imagine sending your white supremacist manifesto into a discord server and your friend replies with furry porn. true and honest gen z moment on payton‘s side
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antifainternational · 2 years ago
Far-Right Mass Shootings, May 2022-May 2023
Now that we know that the mass murderer in Allen, Texas was a far-right extremist and incel (as well as that puzzling but not-that-uncommon mix of being a racialized neo-nazi/white supremacist), we wanted to illustrate that mass shootings by the far-right are not aberrations with this list of similar events from over the last twelve months: December 23, 2022: A gunman opens fire in Paris, killing 3 Kurdish people & wounding 3 more in a plan to “kill non-European foreigners.” The attacker had just been released from prison after attacking migrants in Paris with a sword the year before. December 19-20, 2022: 22-year-old Anderson Aldrich enters a CO. gay bar with an assault rifle & opens fire, killing five and wounding 25 others before he is subdued. November 25, 2022: A 16-year-old former student storms two schools in Aracruz, Brazil, armed with two pistols and wearing a bulletproof vest emblazoned with a swastika. The teen shoots 16 people in the rampage, killing three of them. October 12, 2022: After posting an online manifesto against Jewish & LGBTQ+ people, a Bratislava, Slovakia teen shoots three people outside a local gay bar, killing two and wounding the third person before fleeing. The suspect was found dead the next day. September 27, 2022: Brothers Mark & Michael Sheppard are charged with manslaughter for opening fire on a group of migrants getting water near Hudspeth County, TX. One victim died from gunshot wounds, and one is recovering at an El Paso hospital. September 26, 2022: A gunman wearing a balaclava and a t-shirt with a swastika emblazoned on it enters an elementary school in Izhevsk, Russia, killing 15 people - 11 of them children - and wounding another 39 before turning the gun on himself. September 11, 2022: 53-year-old Igor Lanis’ obsession with far-right conspiracies ends when he guns down his wife, 25-year-old daughter, & family dog, before turning his shotgun on responding police, who shoot him dead. Only his daughter survives. August 9, 2022: A group of Black men helping someone jump-start a car in a Macon, GA. Wal-Mart parking lot are subjected to racial abuse by another man who then pulls a gun and begins shooting at them. May 15, 2022: 68-year-old David Wenwei Chou is charged with hate crimes after storming a Taiwanese church in Laguna Woods, CA. and shooting parishoners, killing one and injuring five others
May 14, 2022: An 18-year-old white supremacist opens fire in a supermarket in a black neighbourhood in Buffalo, NY, killing ten customers and wounding three others while livestreaming the attack.
May 11, 2022: A masked gunman walks shoots 3 Korean women working in a Dallas hair salon. Authorities believe the incident is connected to two earlier drive-by shootings targeting Asian-owned businesses in the Dallas area on April 2nd and May 10th. This is just a list of mass shootings committed by bigots, fascists, and far-right extremists over the last 12 months. We haven't included shooting with less than two victims, thwarted mass shootings, or any of bombings, stabbings, vehicle attacks, or other acts of violence.
In 2022 we documented 477 violent incidents motivated by hate or committed by bigots, fascists, or right-wing extremists, including 112 shootings. These attacks killed 366 people and injured 399 others. Read our 2022 report here. When we say anti-fascism = self-defence, we meant it. The endpoint for far-right ideology is mass murder. Fascists intend to do harm to our communities and will seize on any opportunity to hurt others. The only thing stopping them is ourselves. WE PROTECT US!
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geezerwench · 4 months ago
Rep Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) brilliantly exposes Project 2025 for what it is.
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rebforv0dka99 · 1 day ago
first post on here to say
- the new guy was not bullied irl in any meaningful way according to that manifesto this was so much more motivated by jewish people existing in the world than it was by bullying
- the new guy did not seem to be a columbiner - he didnt mention them anyway, he liked a few columbiners including samantha
- the new guy was just a black Nazi 4tard who shouldve just killed himself bc he got despressed about being too black for his white supremacist friends to like him 
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reallystellacadente · 6 months ago
I Really Don't Want to Die, and Why
I need to make something ENTIRELY clear: Donald Trump needs to be defeated BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
The rest is below the cut because it's long and personal. The tl;dr, though is if you cannot abide me posting that you have to vote for the Democrat in this election, you should probably unfollow me. I'm not all that popular, so blocking is unnecessary but you do you.
That also includes his supporters on Capitol Hill, the incompetents on SCOTUS, and any and all of the Nationalist Christians (Nat C) fascists who support the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 and any other manifestos they have excreted into the public domain.
For me, that means I have to vote for the Democratic nominee for president in 2024. To not vote, or to waste my vote on a useless third party candidate, is to hand a vote to Trump. Go back and check the facts of 2016: Jill Stein voters handed him Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, where I live. Nonvoters who usually voted Democrat who stayed home because of the Email Lady also would have made a difference.
Fine. We fucked around and found out. Hundreds of thousands died. An insurrection happened literally in front of our eyes. And the figurehead behind it all has, to date, gotten away with everything.
Now the Beast is even worse. If Donald Trump gets elected, his policies will LITERALLY COST ME MY LIFE and that of my family. He will take away my healthcare (I am a recent cancer survivor), my pending disability (I cannot walk or stand for more than a few seconds and had to quit my job; this predates and is unrelated to my cancer), my EBT (haven't been able to work more than part-time for a while now, and I do like to eat food) and the pitiful partial Social Security we're living on while my disability is getting approved -- thanks to the GOP, a process that takes a minimum of 6-8 months. I will lose my income and my housing and everything.
None of this -- ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THIS -- means I support the genocide in Palestine. I have been fighting this fight since the mid-80s and I can get the receipts if you want. I questioned why it was OK to roll tanks onto people who threw stones at them, only to get called a terrorist.
But now, when I am doing the best I can to fight the literal war here where I live, I'm called a white supremacist? Fuck you. I mean, the person sending me messages has been blocked and won't see this, but I'm getting that out into the universe nevertheless.
If you're old enough to navigate this website, you're old enough to curate your own experience here. Unfollow me if me saying "you need to vote for the Democrat" is bothersome. I will accept that it might even be triggering and that's OK, I certainly don't want to actually trigger someone's pain. But sending me threatening messages is bullshit and you know it.
I don't stan politicians and in social media spaces where my real identity is known, and I have stated this many times. Cult of personality sucks no matter who it's about. But all things considered, the Democratic platform/policies/whatever have always been closer to what I want in the place where I live. The GOP? Never in my lifetime.
It's hard for me to reconcile these things, but I know that if Trump wins, it will be even worse for Palestine. And he'll let Putin run rampant through Ukraine, too.
I'm sorry this is what it's come down to. I hope to live long enough to see something change. But we absolutely must defeat Donald Trump.
I want to live.
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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
OPERATION LUIGI MANGIONE: You. Can’t. Make. This. Stuff. Up.
Posted on December 10, 2024 by State of the Nation
Except that’s exactly what the perps did—THEY MADE UP THE WHOLE EFFIN’ “LUIGI MANGIONE” STORY!
First, take a close look at the 2 photographs above.
Yes, that’s right, you’re supposed to be looking at the same person … … … only it clearly isn’t!
The surveillance footage on the left captured an individual who is far leaner in both physiognomy and body.  Here’s the video that further fleshes out the very lean skeleton of the alleged shooter.
GRAPHIC VIDEO! Shooting of United Healthcare CEO in NYC (WARNING: Violent Footage)
The photo on the right is a buff guy — that’s Luigi Mangione — whose jaw line is much broader and not nearly as narrow as the guy’s on the left.
The “Manifesto, Gun & Fake Id” Narrative
Then there is the ridiculously absurd official narrative instantly pushed by the CIA’s entire Mockingbird Media.
We’re not even going to go there the whole story is so fake and gay is hurts.  But for the uninitiated, you might want to read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT posted under the following Zero Hedge article.  We’ve never seen every single commenter get it right in one comment section btw, but then so obvious is “OPERATION LUIGI MANGIONE”, how could they not unless they really wanted to look like a complete idiot.
What We Know About Luigi Mangione, “Person Of Interest” Arrested In UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooting
For those who did not take the time to read any of those various comments, here’s the top-rated comment:
Posted by manofthenorth
“the man allegedly had a manifesto on him when he was taken into custody by cops in Altoona, Pa. He also had a gun, silencer, four fake IDs and other items ‘consistent’ with what authorities were looking for in the case, sources said.” I know that there is no shortage of crazy people but this just stinks of fuckery.
So we’re not writing this analysis to debunk the official “Luigi Mangione” narrative; that’s already been done sufficiently by virtually the entire Internet commentariat.  We’re here to unpack this psyop/black op, and maybe explain the clusterfuck/mindfuck it was designed to be.
Let’s face it, this particular patsy does not by any means fit the typical white supremacist, Christian, male profile.  In fact, he’s quite different in several ways; and much more like Ivy League-educated Ted Kaczynski, the notorious mail-bombing “Unabomber”.  By the way, Ted’s “Unabomber Manifesto” reads like a philosophical “Blueprint for Action” for the Patriot Movement’s ongoing Second American Revolution—FOR REAL!
The Unabomber Manifesto: “Industrial Society and Its Future”
As for “Luigi Mangione”, (SOTN did previously write that this assassination was carried out by a “contract hitman”, so what better name than L U I G I _ M A N G I O N E E E, as the Sicilian mafia would say), you just can’t make this stuff up.
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there is a line to be draw in enemies to lovers when fucking racism is involved and i think kyman shippers should understand that, if cartman and kyle were just childhood rivals for typical childhood reasons then it would be ok because the whole "kids who hated eachother getting married as adults" is one of the oldest templates of love stories, but i don't think cartman calling kyle slurs, trying to kill his entire family based on ethinicity and going out of his way to read an antisemitic manifesto is "flirting".
it's not surprising that like 80 percent of this fandom's antisemitism comes from kyman shippers, you people have no sense of self-awareness and no basic anti-racist education. it's even more ironic when a kyman shipper starts to reblog anti-racist posts while having a pfp of kyle and cartman hugging, it's like satire at this point.
"but but what about cartman's obsession with kyle" obsession isn't inherently romantic, imagine if someone wrote a romance story about a white supremacist having a sick obsession with a black person, any politically literate person would despise it, then why does kyman gets a pass? cartman's obsession with kyle is typical racist behaviour, just like the white supremacist going out of his way to make the black neighbour feel unsafe. it's not romantic. even if we ignored the huge flying elephant shooting lasers at the room that is the racial behaviour, there is a reason a lot of people (specially abuse victims) despise the yandere trope.
"but but what is the difference between an episode of sp and a kyman fanfiction" the canon episodes don't write kyle to be a jewish stereotype. the canon episodes don't write the kyle and cartman rivalry to be something romantic ("but what about this and that episode", it's not romantic, cry about it and stop basing your perspective on romance from shitty manga).
i had to tone down my feelings on kyman a lot because if i exposed what i truly think of kyman shippers it would break the rules of this confession account.
peace out.
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haggishlyhagging · 7 months ago
Radical feminism recognizes the oppression of women as a fundamental political oppression wherein women are categorized as an inferior class based upon their sex. It is the aim of radical feminism to organize politically to destroy this sex class system.
As radical feminists we recognize that we are engaged in a power struggle with men, and that the agent of our oppression is man insofar as he identifies with and carries out the supremacy privileges of the male role. For while we realize that the liberation of women will ultimately mean the liberation of men from their destructive role as oppressor, we have no illusion that men will welcome this liberation without a struggle.
Radical feminism is political because it recognizes that a group of individuals (men) have organized together for power over women, and that they have set up institutions throughout society to maintain this power.
A political power institution is set up for a purpose. We believe that the purpose of male chauvinism is primarily to obtain psychological ego satisfaction, and that only secondarily does this manifest itself in economic relationships. For this reason we do not believe that capitalism, or any other economic system, is the cause of female oppression, nor do we believe that female oppression will disappear as a result of a purely economic revolution. The political oppression of women has its own class dynamic; and that dynamic must be understood in terms previously called "non-political" — namely the politics of the ego.†
Thus the purpose of the male power group is to fulfill a need. That need is psychological, and derives from the supremacist assumptions of the male identity—namely that the male identity be sustained through its ability to have power over the female ego. Man establishes his "manhood" in direct proportion to his ability to have his ego override woman's, and derives his strength and self-esteem through this process. This male need, though destructive, is in that sense impersonal. It is not out of a desire to hurt the woman that man dominates and destroys her; it is out of a need for a sense of power that he necessarily must destroy her ego and make it subservient to his. Hostility to women is a secondary effect, to the degree that a man is not fulfilling his own assumptions of male power he hates women. Similarly, a man's failure to establish himself supreme among other males (as for example a poor white male) may make him channel his hostility into his relationship with women, since they are one of the few political groups over which he can still exercise power.
†Ego: We are using the classical definition rather than the Freudian: that is, the sense of individual self as distinct from others.
-‘Politics of the Ego: A Manifesto For N.Y. Radical Feminists’ in Radical Feminism, Koedt et al (eds.)
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