#which is crazy for me because regardless of how bad it got I ALWAYS was able to keep that interest
wwaddless · 23 days
depression is fun because I can go multiple days w/out brushing my teeth cause it's too difficult(TM), I gain/lose interest in hobbies super quickly to where it almost feels pointless doing anything, and sometimes i'm so overwhelmed by the thought of doing something I can't move for like 5+ minutes
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cutielando · 7 months
my lifeline | m.r.
synopsis: in which you're his only purpose in life
my masterlist
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Mattheo had always had it rough.
Being the son of the Dark Lord brought enough complications to his life, let alone being at school with people who only made fun of him because of that.
It wasn’t fair. Nothing about his life seemed fair, but he had no choice about it. He couldn’t change who he was, no matter how much he wanted to.
But he could change the way he viewed himself.
And he did. 
From the moment you had entered his life.
You transfering to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons had probably been the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Watching you timidly walk towards the Sorting Hat, anxiously waiting for it to speak and tell you which house you would join, seeing the sweet smile you had given the Slytherins once you joined them at their table and just so happened to have been sitting right across from him.
He knew, from the moment you had looked at him with your bright eyes, that he was a goner.
Over the course of your first weeks at the school, Mattheo had been the one to welcome you the best, always offering to show you around the castle, help you study or simply just keep you company while you would do homework together.
Pansy had also become your friend, very eager to have another girl in the friend group.
Pansy was also the first person to find out about your crush on the curly haired bad boy. 
It didn’t come as a surprise, really. With the amount of time you had been spending together ever since you came to the school, the countless walks you had been on with him when the both of you had free time, the charming smiles he would give you whenever he would look at you.
He had you mesmerized and he didn’t even realize.
The holidays had proved to be the perfect opportunity for Mattheo to finally tell you what he was feeling, right before you left for home.
“Y/N!” he had called out for you as you were struggling to carry your luggage down the countless pairs of stairs towards the castle entrance.
You turned around, a smile immediately appearing on your kind face. The kind of smile that made the butterflies in Mattheo’s stomach go crazy.
“Hey, Mattheo. I was just about to leave for the train, I didn’t want to be late” you explained, gesturing towards your trunk.
You didn’t know if you should have said anything else, knowing that his father and him probably didn’t want to have anything to do with each other and he had no reason to want to go home for the holidays.
“I know, and I wanted to catch you just before you left. I wanted to tell you something that I’ve been putting off for the entire semester” he said, scratching the back of his neck.
You nodded, signaling that you were listening. 
He let out a breath before speaking up once again.
“I like you, a lot. Ever since you transferred here, you’ve been on my mind. I’ve come to look forward to every minute that I get to spend with you, regardless of what we do. I just wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me once you get back?” he asked, making you smile.
All the daydreams about what it would be like to be with him, to know that he was just yours, they were finally going to happen after so much lost time.
“Your timing really sucks” you joked, making him blush and nod. “But my answer is yes” you added before quickly leaning up to kiss his cheek and left.
Unbeknownst to you, the moment you had turned around and couldn’t see him anymore, he fist-bumped the air and did a little happy dance, being sure that nobody would see him and tarnish his bad boy reputation.
During the time you spent away, you guys exchanged several letters, in most of them Mattheo was complaining about how slow the time was passing and how eager he was to see you again and take you out.
Which he did, the hour right after you had got back to Hogwarts. 
Your date had been amazing, sipping your favorite warm drinks at the Three Broomsticks, browsing around your favorite shops in Hogsmeade, and then finally ending with a goodnight kiss right at the bottom of the stairs leading to your bedroom.
The news that you had become a couple spread around as quickly as a disease would. Gossip traveled very fast around a school full of teenagers, especially when it involved someone with a reputation like Mattheo.
Being seen together in front of the whole school had been something you were weary of, ever since he had asked you out; mainly because it was no news that your now boyfriend was a very handsome lad, and a good number of the girls from every house had a thing for him.
Imagine now, with him dating you, it had automatically put a big target on your back.
But not to worry, Mattheo was there for you.
“People are staring” you told him on the morning of your first breakfast together as a couple, a day after everyone had got back from holiday.
“So? Let them stare, I don’t care” he said, shrugging his shoulders and pulling you closer to him.
You gulped, noticing more and more girls whispering and looking at you over their shoulders, frantically it was more like glaring deep into your soul.
“Easy for you to say, you don’t have the entire female population of this castle hoping your head would explode so they can take your place” you had meant for it to sound like a joke in order to not worry Mattheo, but he had seen right through it.
Following your gaze, he had noticed just how much attention there was on you that morning. He cleared his throat, glaring at every single girl right back, which then prompted them to blush and turn away from you guys.
“Don’t worry about other people, they know nothing about us and they’re just jealous” he whispered to you, planting a kiss on your temple in comfort.
You knew that he was right, that you just had to drown everyone out and just focus on Mattheo and what you had.
And that was exactly what you did.
Months went by very quickly, making your relationship with Mattheo only blossom more and more with each passing day. The love shared between you was more intense than anything either of you had experienced before.
You two helped each other, motivated and encouraged one another. You helped him deal with his problems, listened to him whenever he needed to unwind and just talk to someone about his home, about what his childhood was like and what being Voldemort’s son had done to him.
You slowly helped him out of his shell, making him open to you more and more each passing day, making sure he was comfortable whenever he was around you and always made sure he was okay, no matter where you were or what the circumstances were.
You became what he needed, his savior. 
A lifeline to pull him back to reality when he would need it the most, whenever he would feel like he was about to fall off the edge.
You were his life.
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There is so much airing right now. It's insane. July is already crazy but with more coming in August I'll probably do a shorter version of this mid august to kinda keep all the shows straight in my head. And I know we still have a couple of days left this month but I wanted to do this to close the weekend. Also because I'm watching a lot this is gonna be long. And also. Spoilers and opinions below, read at your own risk.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭 4 Minutes [1/8] - Living for the visuals in this show. Just like with DFF, I feel the framing is very intentional. Only one episode so, for now, I'm very intrigued by the premise and the characters and will be looking forward to the meta that will no doubt be a big part of watching this show for me, as with dff. Also, is it just me or is Jes just ridiculously handsome?
🇯🇵 Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! [4/8] - I love it here. I'm having such a good time with this show. Hiroko is the master of selective perception even when Ayaka is trying so hard to make her see. I'm looking forward to see what happens next. Also we had a small moment of running to the beloved!!!
🇹🇭 Century of Love [5/10] - Did not see this coming. After The Trainee this is the thai bl I look forward to the most weekly. Daou is doing excellent work, even as he's softening because he's in looooove, I can still see the demeanour of the 100 years old man. Love reading all the theories after the last episode. I'm on team Vee is Vad, and the girl is an imposter with sinister intent.
🇯🇵 I Hear the Sunspot [5/12] - It's excellent. I love Taichi, he doesn't always understand Kohei, or himself, but he will stay by his side regardless. That moment in the stairs was probably my favourite so far. I'm expecting this show to break my heart again.
🇹🇭 I Saw You In My Dream [2/12] - It's cute. I like the premise but I've been burned by Thailand when they venture a bit into high concept so we'll see. I like the characters and the actors so far. At least there seems to be communication between the leads which for me is already a win.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! [10/12] - Latte and Almond are great in their boyfriend era. They seem comfortable with each other without being way too cutesy which honestly would feel kinda weird for them, especially Latte. Poor Thanwa though. Look I feel for Peak. He lost his mum and so not wanting to disappoint the remaining parent is completely understandable but damn, I wish he got some nerve and spoke for himself. I really hope the boys visit will give him the support he needs to finally do what he needs to do.
🇹🇭🇨🇳 Meet You At the Blossom [6/12] - I'm watching because it's kinda historic but I'm not enjoying it as much as other people so I'll just say there are some funny bits and some cute moments.
🇯🇵 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke [1/10] - Oh Japan how you spoil me. Chaotic boy✔ Older openly queer man✔ Food✔ Dog✔. I'm in jbl heaven.
🇹🇭Love Sea [8/12] - I'm watching.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up! [7/12] -I'm stopping the weekly viewing of this one and probably binge it when it's over. I probably shouldn't but I know myself and my curiosity will win in the end. I've said a couple of things what bugged me about this show and this thread started by @twig-tea and all the reblogs [@bengiyo @hallowpen @silviakundera @doublel27] are an excellent read and the reason this last episode finally made me drop my weekly viewing. It was bad before but now it makes me too angry and there's a lot airing atm, so I'm choosing joy.
🇹🇭 SunsetxVibes [6/12] - It's just fun for the most part. I'm honestly trying not to think too hard about this one because there are some things that just make no sense. Also I keep getting confused by the time on this show. The editing is weird. But like I said, I'm trying not to think about it and just enjoy the ridiculousness. Definitely more into the side couple's dynamic.
🇯🇵 Takara No Vidro [4/11] - What an excellent time it is for jqls. I'm fascinated by Takara and desperately need to know more about him and it seems I'm gonna get my wish next episode. Maybe it's the hole Hayama left in me, but for some reason I find some similarities between them. Something about people liking them on a surface level, and isolating themselves and encountering someone who sees them in a different way and being drawn to that. I also like how the show is using the episode storylines. The creep episode was interesting given that Taishin was called a creep early on, for following Takara to uni, so the contrast worked well in establishing that Taishin motivations are completely different. And then the stan episode was really interesting not only in reinforcing the idea that Taishin was really sheltered growing up but also he's so lost and confused so he's just looking for clues as to what he's feeling for Takara. 🇹🇭 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans [4/8] . I'm watching for the sides.
🇹🇭 The Rebound [10/12] - I guess the crazy ended with a bang, or several, and now we're back to our regularly scheduled programming with a very average high school bl. Also, can we stop having sick grandmas drive the narrative?
🇹🇭 The Trainee [3/10] - I love everything about it. First of all, Jane. Look, I've loved Off since my first OffGun show, which was Theory of Love, and every character since then has only increased my devotion. Him and Mix had me weekly watching a show (The Jungle) that in normal circumstances I wouldn't waste a day one let alone 16 whole episodes. I have a problem. And I thought Ten was the ceiling honestly but Jane is just another level. Not only is he, oh so pretty in this, but his character is just perfection. He's tough but reasonably so, will give credit where it's due, notices the people around him and will apologize if he's in the wrong. And yes, that hand gesture have me fanning myself. Ryan has no business being in that company honestly, but I'm a sucker for an underdog that tries and improves and is genuinely a good human for the people around him. Oh and also, this show is funny. I'm having a great time and I'm always excited for the next episode. Please be... nope, I won't go there. It's great.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵A Man Who Defies the World of BL 3 - First of all massive thanks to @ikeoji-subs for making it possible to finally watch this season. I think this is my favourite season so far. I love Mob's and Hatano storyline and would very much like a fourth season to see what happens next. @emotionallychargedtowel wrote here and here some of the reasons why this character is so different from all the ones we've seen so far and I also speculated in the tags about how he could connect to the mangaka and that's why he can hear some of Mob's thoughts and see him breaking the fourth wall. Either way there's not enough information. I need more. I definitely think Mob is struggling more to keep his secondary characters status this season. I adore Ayato and Toujou. So many couples and so many tropes, I was in heaven. I still need to rewatch all of it.
🇯🇵Ossan no Pants ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka! - Fansubbers are angels and deserve the world, so once again, massive thanks to @isaksbestpillow for allowing me the privilege to watch this show. And what a privilege it was. I'm gonna miss this family so much. The kindness and empathy of these characters will stay with me for a long time. I wish everyone would watch this show and I can't really find the words to talk about this show but this post by @lurkingshan explains way better than I ever could all the reasons this show is an incredible watch, as does this spoiler free pitch by @twig-tea. So do yourself a favor and go watch it. 🇹🇭 Wandee Goodday - I love Cher and Oyei.
🇹🇭 We Are - Final thoughts here.
Rose Watches OJBL
Nothing to report this month. The obvious reason being the absolutely insane number of shows in the currently watching list.
Others - Watched
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BL Metamorphosis (2022) Kashimashi Meshi (2023) Second Chance (2021)
As usual my ask box is open for questions or requests. Have a wonderful week💜
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seokgyuu · 1 year
hi beloved mitchie :) my phone autocorrected ur name to mischief which seems very fitting hehe! so anyway. deekay who always begs you to sit on his face because he wants to feel you suffocating him as he drowns in your pussy and not just any deekay but specifically this deekay because he wants to feel you dripping down his neck
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A/N: YOU ARE CRAZY. But of course, you ask I deliver. I hope you enjoy!
PAIRING: Dokyeom x Reader
WARNINGS: kinda sub!seokmin/dom!reader, usage of the word slut for seokmin, reader has female anatomy, begging, oral (f receiving), face sitting, squirting, multiple orgasms (f)
WORD COUNT: 1420 (I'm not joking)
Requests are open! Check out my 1k special!
Smut under the line.
“Please baby,” his voice is dripping in lustful honey, wrapping around your whole body and soul, pulling you down into its dirty trenches. Fingers press against your hips and you feel heat between your legs, a continuous throbbing that only gets worse the more you look at him. Tingles all over your skin, wishing to be touched, wishing to be worshiped. You bite your bottom lip hard, almost drawing blood as you let your fingers wander over his perfectly shaped face, reaching up to softly caress his carefully styled hair. 
“You just got here, my love, in your pretty outfit, with your pretty hair… and you already want to drown in my pussy? Is that all I am to you?” 
His eyes grow wide, hands pulling you closer as he rapidly shakes his head.
“No! No, of course not, my love. You are so much more to me, but… I need you, I want you so bad, I couldn't stop thinking about you all day. Would have been here sooner but because I couldn’t concentrate, the shoot lasted even longer…,” he almost whispers his words, his feet carrying him, having him push you against the wall, his hands sneaking down to your bare thighs. 
“And now I get here and you’re wearing nothing but my shirt, babe, you must understand-,”
“Oh, I must do nothing,” you interrupt him, a small grin on your lips as you let his hands wander regardless, your legs spreading for him, “I understand that my boy is a horny little slut that doesn’t have it in him to wait. Did the stylists allow you to keep that outfit, baby? Or did you just take off the second they called “cut”?”
Seokmin is kissing your neck, his one hand already between your legs, feeling the wetness that has already gathered. He moans when you call him a slut, his teeth sinking into your sensitive skin and you let both of your hands rest on the back of his head, digging into his scalp.
“I am… such a horny slut for you, babe, please let me eat you out, wanna taste you… drown in your sweetness, please?” His breath feels like a soft spring breeze against you, feels so comfortable and familiar and it makes your heart race and your cunt clench. You nod, not able to hold back any longer because he just looks too good and you’ve been craving his mouth on you for hours now. 
The second you give him the go, he is on his knees. Your panties are discarded on the floor and his tongue is licking through your wet folds, your head bumping against the wall as you continue to stroke his soft hair. He loves your taste. Loves the way you sound when he does certain things with his tongue. He knows you inside out by now, knows where to kiss you, touch you, where to put his tongue and for how long. He knows it and he does it. Flicks his tongue against your clit, fingers slipping through your lips, coating them in your wetness. He smells you and he tastes you and he feels you all around. His senses are you and there is nothing he wants more than for you to drench his face in your cum. 
“So, so sweet for me. So perfect, my love,” he licks up a stripe from entrance to clit before pushing a finger in, having you moan his name. His finger moves slowly at first, slowly but hitting you deep, your sweet spot engraved in his brain. He kisses your cunt, kisses it as if it was your mouth, tongue swirling as if it was dancing with yours. He sucks your clit between his lips, tongue around it in circles and you cry out, nails digging into his scalp once more. 
“Oh.. oh god, Seokmin,” you feel yourself nearing a first orgasm and Seokmin wraps his free arm around you, pulling you closer as he sucks on your lips, sucks on every bit of skin he can get, making such dirty noises with his mouth it gets your cheeks all heated up. 
Then he stops and you feel like crying. You look down at him and his eyes are telling. He is going to beg for something. 
“Baby… can you sit on my face? Please, I wanna drown in your sweetness“, he still pumps his finger inside you, adding a second one now and you gasp, nodding your head yes because there is nothing else you can do at this point.
You move to the couch, Seokmin on his back, still in his expensive photoshoot outfit, mesh shirt showing his toned chest and torso and you position yourself above him, thighs spread over his head. He licks his lips resting his hands on your ass as you sit down. The first times you had been scared to literally suffocate him - but he hadn’t been. He had begged you and he did so every other day. He simply loved your pussy, loved smelling it, eating it, feeling it. 
The second you sit down, he is back at work. Your moans fuel him, make him more eager. He squeezes your ass, and soon enough you know he is encouraging you to actually fuck his face. Biting your lip, you let your hands play with your tits, hips moving as he shoves his tongue into your hole, a loud whimper escaping your throat. Your juices are dripping down his face, his nose bumping into your clit repeatedly and you feel like you’ve reached heaven. Seokmin feels about the same. Nothing is as wonderful to him as this. His beloved partner on his face, riding his tongue like it was his cock. He puts his all into this, his cock straining against his designer pants that he knows he has to give back eventually. He doesn’t care though. Doesn’t care that you’re dripping down his neck, some of it probably landing on the pearl necklace and meshed top. He doesn’t care that he will give back cum drenched clothes and accessories - all he cares about is making you cum over and over again. 
Your first orgasm hits you a few seconds later, when his tongue is pressed against your bud and his hand grabs the flesh of your ass harshly. You ride it out, moans filling the air of the room that already smells like you. Seokmin doesn’t stop, he only works harder, wants you to let it all out, wants to be suffocated by you, by your cum, your taste and smell. He pushes you down, and you let out the loudest moan yet, hands gripping the armrest of the couch, hips moving frantically on top of his face.
“F-fuck, Seokmin! D-Don’t stop, oh my god,” you feel tears prickling, overstimulation kicking in and having your whole body shake. You know it won’t take long for him to make you cum again, to have you squirt on his face. You also know that that’s exactly what he wants to achieve and you’re more than willing to give it to him. 
Moving his hand, you soon feel three of his fingers pushing into you at once, your eyes rolling back and for a second you’re scared you’ll fall off him - but his other arm is quick to wrap around you, holding you steady as he fucks you with his fingers and sucks on your clit, your wetness dripping with no end in sight. Feeling another wave of pleasure, his fingers hitting you, stuffing you so perfectly, the familiar feeling of liquid shooting out of and drenching everything beneath you is having you cry out, actual tears spilling out of your eyes as Seokmin moans around your clit, drinking in all he can, lapping at the juice he deems as the tastiest drink there is. He can never get enough of it, almost like an addiction. A second orgasm follows straight away, black and white dots appearing in front of your eyes as you ride this one out as well, all while Seokmin has never been happier. 
The second you’re done, he lets go off your hip and you fall to the side, Seokmin catching you skillfully and pressing you against his wet chest. His whole face is covered in you, his hair wet as well and your heavy eyelids flutter open to look at him and smile sheepishly.
“You’re insane,” you mumble and peck his lips, having him giggle.
“I’m only insane about you, babe.” 
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Dw hahahaha I'm still alive just dying over ( why did I chose to study a PHD 😭 ) But im on a break from school so except so a lot more brainrot from me lmao, also sorry if this is jumbly kinda just put my words out there hahaha
I know we always talk about fragile reader during the illness but what about after? Fragile reader was plauged with this illness for hundreds of years so they deffinently adapted. Like typically when walking then would shuffle their feet a lot cause it took less energy so sometime they shuffle their feet and don't even realize. They didnt have the ability to do tasks such a pouring liquids into cups so whenever they're about to pour themselves a glass of water then to do collect themselves because what if their illness comes back? What if there dreaming and they'll suddenly drop everything. All of Zandik's work is reverted. So often times segments will just find reader staring intensely at a simple task. And of course they'll go comfort reader. Whilst they wish they could do it they know how much reader wants their autonomy back after such a restrictive few centuries.
But let not ignore the segments and Prime cause they've picked up a few habits also. They've gotten used to treating reader as fragile as glass so whenever they fall or trip post illness they freak out. It would require some comfort from reader to bring them back to earth and remember that reader is no longer ill. But you KNOW that they're pulling out every healing treatment they've got. They're all evil and sadistic doctors but for you they'll be good. <4
But regarding Zandik himself... Well he was so excited to finally have cured his lover that he completely forgot about the effects you'd suffer after. So when a few segments report of you not being completely free of your curse he's immediately trying to figure out how he can help you. He decides that the best thing to do is to be there for you. It typically is unusual to see the Doctor away from his work but now it's the norm for Il Doctors to be with his lover.
- Jellofish Anon
After being sick for so long, one would think you'd be ecstatic to finally be cured, to be free of the illness that plagued your body and life so much. And well, they were right, but the happiness still came with its anxieties. Change was never an easy thing, even when it was the good type. After dealing with this for so many years, you were bound to still be nervous about doing certain things. To not have the confidence in yourself to carry out the task. You worry that you'll mess up or fail and waste your time trying to do so and just end up making more of a problem for yourself and others. Even though you know that's illogical now, it's hard to get out of a mindset you've been stuck with for so long. Of course, your inner conflict doesn't go unnoticed by your lovers, and each segment would provide their own kind of comfort based on who they are, whether gruffly or soothingly, to give you the courage to take back your life.
You can't exactly blame Dottore and the segments for being overbearing, after all, they've witnessed your weak state for numerous centuries, and they've seen you hit your lowest many times too. They can't help but worry about their darling too. It's endearing at first but you have to hold them and help them realize that was the past you, the new you is someone different thanks to them. You can be strong and safe and independent without them now, even if it sort of makes them crazy knowing the situations you put yourself in now. Still, they observe you very much even when you least expect it.
Of course, the cure is not without its drawbacks - you still have to deal with the lingering effects of your illness sometimes. Which definitely aren't as bad as before, but they still serve to remind you of your old life. But you know that regardless of what the future may bring, you'll always have Dottore by your side to ease whatever pains you have.
(Dottore post-illness would be such a cutie. It's such a rewarding feeling, to see the one he loves no longer burdened and free to pursue what they want just like he does. He would sit and listen to all the stories you have for him each day, all the exciting things you can do now, the days of pain in the past. Of course, the segments would be extremely excited to finally have a worthy assistant - you - but there's only one of you after all. Unfortunately, they have to share, and bear the painful curse of having you to themselves once nearly every two weeks.)
(I've been planning to make this a full fic for like a year...)
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teyums · 1 year
we need softdom!neteyam 😩
pairing: adult!neteyam x fem!navi reader
warnings: mdni 🔞 softdom!neteyam, petnames, slight daddykink, description of events wc: 638
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“Why don’t I take these off for you, hm? How’s that sound?” Neteyam’s sultry voice silks through your eardrums, your lips wetting with saliva as your eyes flutter to a close, arms thrown over your head and mind melting into a puddle of fantasies while you yearn for all he’s going to do to you.
Long fingers hook under the band of your loincloth, his breath warm as his open mouth ghosts over the unblemished skin of your neck. It won’t last for long, though. Neteyam takes pride in garnishing your skin with endless examples of his love for you— declarations the hopeless warriors who pine after you will be able to recognize with ease.
Your hips lift for him and your tweng is swiftly tugged down and off your body, a low hum of approval rumbling his chest. You’re silent in your compliance but immediate, and it makes Neteyam groan in anticipation, sharp canines grazing just below your jaw while the space in his own covering depletes with each passing second.
“You’re such a good girl for me, yawne (beloved). Such a good girl.” He purrs, a knee wedging between your trembling legs to part them as he hovers over you, watching you writhe beneath him in want, like you need his touch to be able to breathe.
He applies pressure just where you want it and a gasp sputters from your throat, back bowing and nails sinking into the smooth skin of his forearm. A large hand caresses your cheek, just before his thumb dips into the shaky ‘O’ your agape mouth has formed.
The sound of your delicious little mewls are muffled as your lips close, coming to a pucker around his digit, but it’s worth it when he sees the look in your eyes as you look up at him, wet tongue swirling around his thumb, just like it would to the tip of his cock and he’s starting to second guess his plan of taking his time with you.
Your swollen, slick-moistened clit rolls over the area above his knee and you squeal, brows bunching in the middle, a desperate plea for him to give you more than what you’re getting. The exigency for release is starting to become more than you can bear, your hips struggling to buck towards his as a strong hand keeps them planted.
“Shh, my love. Don’t worry, you know I’ll take care of you.”
You do know, and that’s exactly why you want it so bad.
He begins kissing his way down your torso, intense eyes never breaking contact with yours as he leaves a dampened trail along your stomach while he descends. He stops just at your navel, tonguing at the skin there because he knows it drives you crazy, and his theory is only proven when your hand sinks between his braids and keenly tugs at them.
“Neteyam, please…”
“I know, I know.” He chuckles lightly, licking his lips as he positions himself to lay on his stomach, a full view of your glistening cunt on display and you shudder when he growls. It’s primal, feral, and has your pleasure-famished hole clenching around nothing, to which his eyes glint with hunger in response to.
He’s got the underside of your thighs in his hands, keeping them open for him because he would hate to be interrupted when you involuntarily bring them to a close around his head. His nose scrunches slightly as he takes a large, long inhale, and he holds the intake of your enthralling scent in his nostrils before he exhales loudly, tail flicking behind him excitedly.
“I can smell you, sevin (pretty). So sweet… May I have a taste?”
You’re not sure why he asked, the answer is always the same. Maybe just to hear the impatient split of your voice when you muster out a response, or to witness the pool of arousal that seeps down between your legs and onto the cot because he asked you so nicely. You know he’s going to take it regardless, because the flat of his tongue is already lapping at the slick smeared on the skin of your inner thigh, eyes that of a man hungry and starved, and it only makes you wetter for him.
“Words, babygirl.” Neteyam demands, voice soft yet stern, and you whine, legs spreading further.
“Yes, daddy.”
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Likes + Comments + Reblogs are much appreciated 💗
©teyums 2023
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0lshadyl0 · 2 months
Hiya! I saw request were open! So hear me out. What if, the reader s/o, darling, whichever you may call it, what if the reader managed to act get unlucky enough to be bought by a Celestial Dragon? 👀👀👀? But more so, with Yandere Boa Hancock? (headcannons) it'd be interesting to see what you'd think she'd do, seeing her beloved go through what she did. Also would you mind adding yandere Sabo and Ace to that list? Tell me if you don't wanna write this, I'm honestly just tryna see what you'd think they'd do :P. Thank you and bye~! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o XOXO(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
 Yandere reaction of s/o bought by a Celestial Dragon
Since I'm feeling generous, I'll make it possible for the darling to be rescued and have a happy ending with their yanderes, but if you want the bad ending, send another request.
Boa Hancock
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When the news reaches the Pirate Empress that her Darling has been captured and not only that, but that she has been sold to celestial dragons, she will feel as if the world is falling apart around her and flashbacks of how much she suffered during her years of slavery will come back to her head, which will make her collapse to the ground while being comforted by her sisters while she is consumed by helplessness after all she still has not overcome her traumas with those people. But when she manages to react again, she will have to be stopped by Marigold, Sandersonia and Gloriosa (you know, Grandma Nyon) because without thinking twice she will try to leave Amazon Lily alone to rescue her beloved.
When she comes to her senses again, because even if she wants to, she can't take on what is technically the entire world government alone, she will turn to the only person she feels could go against the Celestial Dragons and win, obviously I'm talking about the Mugiwaras (especially Luffy, well Boa was just thinking in Luffy)
And we all know that this little group is always willing to save whoever it is, no matter who they have to face, in fact, they would help even more because everyone hates the Celestial Dragons (remember Sabondy and Camie's kidnapping, Luffy's punch was epic)
So with the help of the Mugiwara (I'm thinking we're already out of the Wano arc), Luffy's army (because yes, all his followers that he got in Dressrosa would go to help his yonko) and all the Kuja pirates (only Grandma Nyon and the very young girls who can't fight would remain on the island)
All together they are going to Mary Geoise to do a raid of biblical proportions and while the Mugiwaras and the rest are breaking everything breakable in the government and its people, Hancok will be crazy looking for her dear all over the place while praying to the god Enel or whatever she believes in for her well-being (remember that except for Luffy, I don't think she is romantically interested in another man… unless it's Shanks but we all here know that he is irresistible, he's like Thanos, inevitable XD, I don't make the rules that's like a law in One Piece, I know, Oda told me in a dream)
In those moments she is not Boa Hancock, she is the demon of her fruit manifested in the body of a beautiful woman who will turn you into stone and kick whoever crosses her regardless of whether they are an ally or an enemy until they are less than dust, after all nothing matters more than her beloved, besides, everyone will forgive her because she is beautiful.
When he finds her, she will cry with joy as she will thoughtlessly free her beloved and shower her with kisses until her lips get tired. Then, when the euphoria passes, she will analyze the state she is in. If she is okay, Hancock will thank the heavens for such great fortune, but if she is hurt, her anger will be immeasurable and as she takes her to a safe place, she will have no mercy on any poor idiot who crosses her path.
Honestly, this raid will help take away some of the trauma the Pirate Empress has with the Celestial Dragons when she sees them fall into Luffy's crew hands.
If her beloved were to have a mark of slavery like her, Boa Hancock would cry and the two of them would console each other for the hard event that they both went through, but now that symbol would change in their minds, or rather, in Boa's mind, since it is a mark that unites them, a traumatic event from which they both survived and which is a sign of destiny that nothing can separate them, not even the government or the celestial dragons.
Oh yeah, after this Darling will never be able to leave Amazon Lily again, or even be more than 30 centimeters away from Hancock, she will be very afraid that a similar situation will happen again, good luck trying to convince her otherwise.
Well, I only did the Boa Hancock one, I was going to do the others but the post would be too long and I couldn't explain everything I wanted if I had to do the three characters in the same post, if you still want to know Sabo and Ace's reactions, feel free to leave me another request.
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siconetribal · 1 month
Put it on My Tab (19)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Warning: Frustration, Online Gaming, and Revelations
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! I’d also greatly appreciate it if rebloggers remember to add the tags (or some at least).
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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All occupants of Wayne manor knew Jason was in a sour mood. To what extent or why was not clear, but it was obvious in his lack of snippy banter and increased silence, and when he did respond, it was sharper than usual. It was as if he was regressing back to the days when he was still finding his footing amongst them. He and Bruce never had an outwardly discussion clarifying everything, but there was something that was done to help build a new foundation, regardless oh how shaky that was.
They tried to approach the second Robin in a variety of ways, trying to unearth the reason for the sudden slip into anger. Some thought Bruce and him had an argument, while others thought there may be trouble in the Outlaws. Neither was able to confirm their suspicions, and any attempt to do so was met with aggression and deflection.
Annoyed by all their brown nosing, Jason left the manor and spent the next couple of nights at his own apartment. Of course, I’d have no privacy in a house full of detective vigilantes. He rolled his eyes as he rolled out of bed and made his way over to his computer. Plopping onto the chair, he let it wheel backwards before pulling himself forward by the desk. He stared at the game icon on his desktop for what felt like the umpteenth time today. His fingers drummed just below his keyboard as he eyed his mouse, which rested only a couple inches away. I can’t just log on and act like I haven’t been gone in forever. She’s probably pissed that her online buddy has been MIA for so long. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned back, the chair reclining with his weight. This is my only way to even speak to her, though. I cleared up the bill crap, maybe I can meet her again through here? Fake that I didn’t know who she was? Not like she’d ever know that I knew anyway. Pursing his lips to one side, he intensely stared at his ceiling, as if it held some sort of secret that would aid him in his decision to long on or not. 
“Fuck it, I’m logging on!” The seat swung forward with him as he sat up and logged onto the game.
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Arkam_Knight has logged in. The italicized text popped up on the screen, much to Y/N’s surprise. Her character was currently standing in the town square looking at the request board for something that was easy enough for a solo hunt. Seeing the name of her dearly miss comrade was an answer to her desperate pleas for some miracle because there was no mission that allowed solo entry. She eagerly opened the chat box and began to type.
<Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! Where have you been?! I would’ve called the police for a wellness check, but I don’t have a clue on where you live.>  She watched the ellipses bounce then vanish repeatedly for a couple of minutes. The longer he took to reply, the more concerned she was becoming. An unknown weight slowly creeped onto her shoulders. Anxious thoughts spun around in her mind. The distant ding of his response was able to rip her from the thoughts.
<Yeeeaaah, my bad. Work was crazy and shit had me all over the fucking place trying to clean up. I can’t go into detail, a lot of confidential crap.>
<Yeah, I figured. So, I know you can’t tell me what you do for a living, but I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re working as a high level officer of some kind. I won’t ask you what branch, but sounds like you do work city wide, which I have no clue how you handle that.>
<Someone’s gotta do the dirty work, right? It ain’t for everyone. It just so happens that I’ve got a knack for it.> He added a little proud sticker. <You’ve been MIA yourself, I’ve logged in a few times and saw you hadn’t been on in a while.>
<Where do I even begin? Life has been kicking both of us in the asses, it seems.> She sent an exhausted sticker. She paused for a few minutes, staring at her blinking cursor. How was she going to explain it all to him? Would it even be believable? She, herself, also found it hard to swallow was true. From dealing with Waynes to meeting two of Batman’s partners to being part of a claim investigation because of the collateral damage to the building.
I thought dealing with snobby rich kids and wild Karens was as crazy as my life was going to be. Who knew I’d be entangled with crime fighters and a Trust Fund kid. She slumped in her seat, slowly tapping at the space bar to let him know she was still there. Erasing the long gap of emptiness, she sat up once more.
<Give me a sec, gotta organize my thoughts on this.>
<Damn, that much? Take your time, I’m here.>
<Thanks.> She smiled at the animated thumbs up sticker was sent. At least I still hot my friends.
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Jason sank back into his computer chair, rocking back and forth and swinging side to side as he awaited for her response. Watching the symbol of her typing appear and disappear multiple times was far more torturous than he anticipated. He knew what she was going to tell him, he was there with her. She did not know that, and he did not know how she took any of it. The only thing he could rely on were the facts, but that did nothing for his nerves.
If someone told him that he would wake up one morning in a hotel room next to a stranger, who knew how to get under his skin and take over his thoughts, he would have laughed at them. If they told him she was his online gaming buddy as well, he would have scoffed the added detail and never spoken to the person for being out of their mind. And yet, here he was, months later, talking to that very strange woman, battling between keeping in touch and cutting all ties. 
If things could just go back to when we didn’t know each other, it could just be simpler. I can’t even game with her without feeling some sort of way. He rubbed his chest as that uncomfortable weight sank onto his heart. I should’ve just paid the bill and let it be. Why did it matter if she knew me or not? I knew she got screwed over because of me, I should’ve just ended it as soon as I found her. His irrational actions bothered him. He was a cold and calculating vigilante that played by his own rules. He even ran the crime world for a time when he was completely at odds with Batman and was blinded by his heightened rage. He survived death and a beating from the Joker. Handling a hotel bill for a girl should not be this difficult, and yet here he was stuck in quicksand. He glanced at his computer monitor and his eye twitched at the site of the dots vanishing again. “What is she doing, right a novel?!” He threw his hands up and heaved a heavy sigh.
He swung his chair straight at the ding and leaned in close to the monitor, skimming the paragraph before forcing himself to read from the start.
<Ok, Dickens, you didn’t tell me you were publishing a novel! Lol, give me a sec to read all this.>
 It started off as he expected, she mentioned their first few meetings and how she fumbled with trying to hide herself. He could not help the snicker that came at her admission of being angry at him, but a grin quickly took over when she confessed that she found him good-looking. 
“Damn right, you did! I’m fucking handsome!” He boasted, puffing his chest with pride before diving back into the text. I came that night and those pricks were there, ok, Nightwing and Red Robin came crashing through the window, fine, so then-wait, what the fuck! His gaze snapped back to the two mentioned vigilantes and the incident he was not aware of at all. “When the fuck did this happen? Did Dickhead do this on purpose?! I’m going to enjoy getting answers out of him later.” He cracked his knuckles as a wicked smirk took over. He carefully read through the incident and soon realized that this was in fact a coincidence, but his ‘darling’ older brother failed to mention it to him. At least they left her a tip.
Pushing forward, he read about the following insurance claim filing that was on going to prove that this was not something staged. Then there were her concerns about a particular caffeine addicted young teen who was another Wayne with another name. His mind instantly flashed to the memory of Tim’s coffee cup.
Don’t tell me he’s in on it too! Nosy assholes, Jason was ready to flip his computer table but kept his composure. No, he can’t be. He hasn’t been asking me shit or tailing me in any way. That means this is just his need for coffee, and she makes damn good coffee. He reasoned himself back into a state of calm to read onwards. The name of the detective in charge of the claim has him seeing red. He paced the length of his bedroom to avoid breaking his only means of communication with her. “Oh, I’m going to kill him. I’m going to kill him the next time I see him! That was on purpose, he chose to take the lead on this because I told him her name. Dickhead is in for a world of pain.” His voice rumbled in anger as he expended the rage through physical activity. 
He sat back in his seat when he felt he was calm enough to, and continued to read the rest of what she had to say. She finally got to their last evening together. He made her brownies and she was really touched by it.
<I was purely joking about the brownies, but he actually went through with it! I don’t think I’ve ever dated a guy who made me brownies, and he’s a stranger! It’s insufferable just how perfect he is for dropping such a huge bill on my head!> She punctuated with angry stickers. <I didn’t want to eat them, though. I wanted to keep them forever, like a memento since-well, I’m getting a head of myself.> She dove into the details of their diner date. He remembered that night, they talked for hours, but it felt like hardly any time had even gone by. <I hated asking him to pay, but I had to. It was getting to be too much for me and my roomie. He was great about it, a real gentleman. I said to just help with what was left, but he paid me the whole thing! I really had him wrong in my head. We ended up staying out late, talking. I don’t think I’ve ever had such an easy conversation with a guy before. When the diner had to close, he took me home and even waisted until I got through the front door. But now I don’t have any reason to talk to him, and he hasn’t made any effort to reach out to me either. Which loops back to the brownies. I wanted to keep them as a memento because it looks like that chapter is closed. But all of his efforts would’ve gone to waste. They were really good, which sucks. Now he’s even more of a jerk wad because it’s not fair! My roomie has plans to celebrate my freedom, but I’m not so sure. I want to, but it involves the tip from Nightwing and Red Robin. Would that be considered evidence or something I should hand over to the detective at my formal interview?>
The infamous Red Hood sat there, speechless, with his head swimming from his and her emotions. She clearly wanted to keep up their friendship, and he did too, but it was not safe. She was already linked to two of them, which was bad enough. He knew he was the worst of them to ever be associated with, and that made this more irritating for him. He muttered profanities as he slammed his fist on the desk. If only he could untangle himself from all this, everything would be fine.
<Shit, you really were busy. Glad to hear he paid his dues like a man. But if he’s so hot, why not just ask him out yourself?> He suggested. He needed to act like any other citizen. He needed to distance himself from himself in her mind. <Did you really serve Nightwing and Red Robin while they were on a mission? I definitely wouldn’t have thought about giving them coffee in the middle of all that. Though, he sounds like a weirdo saying your name so many times. I doubt he was threatening you, maybe he’s got some weirdo fetish? I’d say keep away from him. As great as he is, a masked guy flipping through the Gotham night in spandex must have some sorta thing.> He insisted. That’s what you get, Dick-wing. He smirked. <The tip is yours to keep, you served them, and they gave you a tip. Unless it had some secret message or some sort of flash drive, cash isn’t going to be a dig deal. Plus, they didn’t ask you about the tip though they saw it on camera, you’re good. It’s yours, use it.>
<Yeah, she said the same thing. Said it was a gift from the heavens and I shouldn’t be so paranoid. Also, no way in hell am I asking him out! He’ll think I’m some gold digging hussy! The guy paid for dinner and the hotel bill, I think I’m the last person he wants to see again!>
<Listen to me, I’m a guy, trust me. If he thought you were a gold digger, he would’ve ended shit right away or left you at the diner. The guy made you brownies! I think you can give him some slack and think that maybe, just maybe, he likes your company too?>
<If he liked it so much, why hasn’t he texted me?>
<Because he’s a bigger dumbass and overthinks like you? Thinks you hate him or that you don’t want anything to do with him because he landed you in shit?> He countered. <You don’t have to do anything, I’m just saying thinking about it. Whatever you choose, just don’t abandon me again! Solo raiding was horrible!> He added a few tearful stickers to gain sympathy.
<You think? Alright, alright, I get it! Sheesh, I just told you, I didn’t vanish on purpose! I promise, I’ll keep in touch as best I can! I don’t have to OT anymore, so that’s promising. Thanks for listening. Now, let’s go kick some monster tail!>
<LOL, anytime! I thought you’d never ask!>
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@vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotall @antiquecultist
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deathsbestgirl · 4 months
So Never Again. Just saw this post and the way she looks up at him there is on a level with Mulder’s famous Fallen Angel eyes and his reaction to her? He doesn't melt? He chooses violence and being a dick? Please tell me why.
i LOVE this question because it is so easy to see it from scully's perspective. it's her episode. but you really have to think about mulder's perspective.
for mulder, this seems out of nowhere, and in his mind she was extremely inattentive with his informant on a case he's taking seriously. he doesn't understand what she's really asking or what the problem is, and a big part of that is she doesn't exactly either. it's almost like she's blaming him for the stand still in her life, but at the same time wants to be seen & appreciated (in a way that she understands, can feel, can see). and i don't think she could have figured it out the way she needed to with mulder. she needed the safety of talking to a stranger, someone inconsequential to her life. (like there's no way she could have that "other fathers" conversation with him lol) so ed jerse is the one to give her that. (she does with ed what she can't yet do with mulder. something neither of them are ready for and she isn't brave enough to do yet. and like. idk i just think she needed this! regardless of mulder lol)
like: "this isn't about you. or maybe it is, indirectly. i don't know." the one thing she got right is "i don't know" lol so of course mulder is confused!!
if you place leonard betts first, she's contemplating what she's leaving behind. has she had any impact working on the x files? on mulder? who is going to remember her? what evidence of her life will be left? in that office...it looks like she's had very little effect. (but i do not subscribe to this one.)
if never again is first, which i like better lollll (it makes more sense to me. i understand why people like lb first, it's more clear cut. it puts a reason behind her behavior. but i just don't think it quite fits. scully literally doesn't know what's wrong. if she was already worried about cancer, i think it would come across differently. but she's frustrated & confused and she wants for something she can't admit, express, pinpoint, articulate? idk what word i'm looking for lol) scully's just hit that point in her pattern again, her cycle...it took her four years, and after some rough cases (paper hearts – she couldn't help mulder despite how she tried, el mundo gira – a dead end. and idk, so many of their cases. and she's always wrong, he always does the crazy thing, he's always hurt)...well anyway, at the end he's still asking "all because i didn't get you a desk?" he still isn't quite understanding, until she says it's her life and he almost says "yes but it's become mine." he doesn't say it, they sit in silence, and in leonard betts, he tells her she did a good job & should be proud. all his little jokes like he's trying to make her laugh, to get back to their usual banter. because he wants to make her smile. so he understood at least a little by leonard betts. but they also come to a silent understanding. i just love the way kae talks about it. and i think the end is kind of the explanation for the beginning. the end is the real answer to the whole episode, and what it took to get there...and this post here, kae just understands him and talks about him in a way that i feel. it's exactly what i see in a way i could never articulate. (and she does my favorite thing!!! connects different moments. the characterization is so good.) and she has such a special insight to both of them, different patterns, but to me two sides of the same coin.
and so, either way, at the beginning of never again, he's completely thrown because he doesn't know. this is when their bad verbal communication and personal issues/insecurities/fears take hold. they're both so good at taking too much responsibility.
we're seeing into scully's mind a bit, but we aren't really seeing into his. but he's afraid, he doesn't want her to leave (something he's feared for a long time), he thinks space is the answer to whatever's going on. but he's also kinda needy and he can't just say that. so he calls her and they misunderstand each other again and she makes a date. he isn't trying to be an ass but he's scared & defensive, and he gets like that when she makes him nervous. like whenever she believes (beyond the sea, revelations, all souls, en ami). it feels like that to me. he's afraid, but this time he thinks he's the problem, their work is the problem. and he kinda said the worst thing he could say to her at that moment. "you were just assigned" — he has no idea how she understood that, how it hurts her. (and she's not thinking about how he means it, what he thinks/feels/fears.) and really, it's because she sucks at just saying the thing as much as he does. it takes them a long time to work out their direct communication. their unspoken communication, the way they work on their cases doesn't translate to their personal relationship. as intimate as their partnership is, working through their own issues takes time and it's those things that hinder them moving forward for so long. ya know?
i think @randomfoggytiger talks about it beautifully here — in depth essay on never again. here they touch on mulder's fear/walls & scully's insecurities/needs. it's a journey!! which they talk about here. and i forget what this one was (lol) but i'm sure i saved it for a reason: a little master post. i love the way foggy breaks things down, especially visually. it's something i could never do.
i also reblogged some other never again posts. not completely on topic but it's all connected!! (you can definitely go through my never again tag to see more probably too!)
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To the anon who sent me a link to another blog, I won't post your ask. I don't want to insert myself into a conversation happening in a space where I'm not part of. I don't even follow the blog and I try to stay away from answering asks that include links to other posts.
Suffice to say, I do agree with a lot of what has indeed been discussed there. I don't even think there's a point in labeling Muse as a sophomore album. We all know they worked on the tracks at the same time with Face. It is technically a second album, but in terms of production and chronology, it is like an extension to Face. So debates in terms of evolution cannot even take place.
I can understand why you brought that ask to my attention. I think it's healthy to look at an album/song/concept through a critical lens and when an actual Jimin fan is doing it, that's a good thing at least because that person is not going to trash talk him. Which considering the usual reactions, this is not that common.
I think that expectations for Jimin are always high and coming from everyone, including those who do not listen to his music. A song such as Like Crazy was not good enough. SGMB is of course not enough. SMFP2 was not good enough. I would say other songs from Face were considered not good enough, but I'm sure that only people actively interested in Jimin have listened to those. There's a criticism for everything so it's not like he can win in any way. And I know this sounds like I'm making him into some victim. That's not it. But I too use social media and I see it. That's just how it is. He doesn't get a vote of confidence for a myriad of reasons. At that point, you do have to wonder why people pay attention.
I don't have much to say about SGMB. Soundwise is similar to Closer Than This which I haven't listened, apart from the first time it got released. I don't think Smeraldo is as bad is it said to be. I think Jimin and his team were having fun with the name and decided to use it for a song. One that doesn't pretend to be something that it isn't. Having other expectations is just ridiculous and shows a lack of interest in what Jimin has been trying to do with his solo career.
Which hasn't taken off as much as I would like to. Him being in BTS and doing his military service have had a contribution to that. Maybe it will change once he comes back. Maybe not.
But I do want to point out that regardless of shortcomings here and there, I will cut him some slack simply because he's among the few who has been 100% involved in his album production. There's nothing wrong with choosing the songs and singing them. Not at all. But I will appreciate that Jimin was involved in writing the lyrics, and as a producer for most of Face and Muse. I think he took full advantage of that music camp. So what if he hasn't found his music identity yet? There's a timeline? Does it have to happen immediately? At least he hasn't reached a stage in which he has become complacent and have every song sound the same. If he finds that identity in 10, 20, or more years, then so be it. It is his journey.
Personally, I will refrain from making any in-depth analysis of Muse, not now and not immediately after release. I will take my time. It's the reason why I don't like writing reviews. I find that jumping right it, without having time to listen and digest the work does not work for me. Others can, and some critics are actually good at it.
For now, I just want to enjoy this period of anticipation, the music videos and the performances. I can't bring myself to get involved in debates or mean girl-ism over music. I don't have the mental bandwith for such things.
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m34gs · 2 months
so, a little rant.
Hey so, if I choose, when writing fanfic, to write Yukio Okumura or Renzou Shima doing Not Great Things, making Not Great Choices, or straight-up Behaving Badly; that is not an indication that I hate them, nor is it an invitation for people to come bash their characters to me. I'm not doing it out of malice for them. I'm doing it because I love them. I love their bad choices. I love their frustration and their anger and the fact they are literal teenagers acting how teenagers will. I love the different facets of their characters.
I love that Shima comes across as the "girl-obsessed play-boy" type when he's really not. I love that, while he is somewhat lighthearted at times, he's mostly hiding part of himself. I love him so much. It's easy to, from an outside perspective, condemn his joining of the illuminati. However, he was a teenage boy, in a family where he was told EXACTLY how his life was gonna go, and made to feel that he had to carry a burden he didn't want, and constantly reminded of the oldest brother that died that he never got to meet. It's normal for teens to want to try new things and to try and be independent and make their own choices (even if those choices end poorly) in even a regular, healthy setting growing up. With all of that added on, is it any surprise that he thought spying for the illuminati would be a good idea? Furthermore, the illuminati aren't fucking idiots. Of course they found the child that seemed to be struggling with following along a course of life he found no real attachment to. They're not gonna be able to convince someone who's sense of identity is rooted firmly against them. They're going to prey on a person's insecurities and needs. Not once did Shima feel like he was asked what he wanted to do. His brothers are old enough to remember the oldest, and to feel strongly about his death and want to take on the mantle, but Shima doesn't have those memories and connection. Of course he's gonna feel like he's being forced into things he doesn't wanna do. And then something interesting comes along and he decides to try it. Again, he is a teenager. He can't be expected to conduct himself within the same expectations as an adult.
Plus, he figures it out in the end. He figures out he values his friends. He feels guilty about the betrayal. He chooses their side later on. He makes a choice. But, it's *his* choice, not something he was forced to choose.
I also can't help but feel that if he didn't have that "girl-crazy" aspect to him, people would be a lot more forgiving to his character. Which is annoying. I mean, don't like him if you don't want to like him, that's fine. But he's also acting like a teenage boy in that moment. Yeah, his jokes don't always land and they're pretty perverted at times; but have you ever fucking met a teenager, regardless of gender? They make dumb jokes. They say stupid shit. They talk about raunchy things. And, as we go further into his character, it's not actually that he's Like That. He exaggerates a lot of his characteristics. I mean, who would think that the goofy, can't-get-a-date, yet desperate for girls, teenager with pink fucking hair is someone even capable of being a spy? Yeah, he likes girls. Yeah, he likes Izumo. Yeah, he's a bit of an idiot and he really can't seem to get a date, and he's a dork, but when we finally get the betrayal and the reveal, there's a part of him that is *different* and it has been hiding. He has more confidence than he lets on. He's more skilled than he lets on. And he's more conflicted over what he's doing than he lets on.
Let's not forget he's also being monitored by the illuminati, even if he is spying for them. As I said, they're not stupid. So, of course he has to put on a front, even when he might think he's alone with friends.
The thing is, I love his character, I love his development. I love experimenting with him making bad choices or engaging in dark behaviour. He's special to me. I tend to avoid fics that bash him or hate on him, which is my personal choice. I won't go after people writing those kinds of fics because they can write whatever kind of fic they want and enjoy it however they choose. But don't think for one second that I'm ever happy to see people hating on him in my comment sections or messages. I don't write him as dark or twisted because I hate him. I do it because exploring negative character aspects and negative character growth is one of the highest forms of love I can bestow upon my beloved faves.
The same goes for Yukio.
Yukio is, again, a literal teenager. He was forced into an adult role far too soon. He lost his father figure and didn't even get to say goodbye. He is fucking *grieving* but at the same time he now has to help his older brother figure out the world of Exorcists, while also keeping it a secret that he's the son of Satan. Unfortunately, Rin is not that good at keeping those kind of secrets and also has a shit ton of factors working against him; like unexpected visits from Amaimon, difficult to control powers, and being a bit hotheaded. Yukio is supposed to protect Rin, but within a few months of realizing his powers, Rin is suddenly being persecuted by The Entire Vatican, and scheduled for execution. Do people think it's easy to watch your twin brother get persecuted for something that's not his fault?
Not only that, but Yukio has an inferiority complex. Rin was born with the physical strength. Rin was born with Satan's flames. Yukio was not. Yukio was reliant on Rin when they were really little. And that still frustrates him to this day. On top of the fears of Rin being executed, the stress of being an exorcist, the demands of being a teacher, and the loneliness of having lost Shiro, Yukio also feels inadequate and has a thirst to prove that he is just as good as Rin. While Yukio has to work his ass off to get where he is, Rin comes by strength more naturally and that irritates Yukio. Yet, he also hates himself for feeling that way because what kind of brother thinks like that?
In addition to all of this inner turmoil, Yukio lives in constant fear that he will awaken demonic powers as well. He has a front-row seat to how much people hate Rin on-sight for just existing as the Son of Satan with blue flames. Yukio has built up reputation, connections, and skills. He has worked so hard for this. But, if he shows one ounce of demonic ability, it could all burn to the ground. And this is something he has zero actual control over.
It's clear when, in the manga, he does start to awaken things, just how panicked he is. He's skipping his physical. He's trying to avoid others. He can't let them find out because all his hard work will be as good as gone and not having demonic powers was both at once a source of jealousy against Rin but also a fucking comfort because he wasn't up there on the chopping block.
He is in so much turmoil, and for people to just go "he's treating Rin poorly" or "he's not fair to Rin"; like, yeah, he isn't. He is not treating Rin fairly or nicely. But it's not like most other people would be able to manage everything he is going through AND be the Ultimate Best Supportive Brother on top of it all. Give the guy a break.
I hate the idea of characters needing to always act Correctly (TM) even when facing the most extreme and awful circumstances, lest they become condemned and hated by fandom. For one, it's nowhere near realistic. And two, how fucking boring would it be to never see characters make big, high-stakes mistakes? No, their circumstances don't mean their actions are "good" or "excusable"; but it gives a lot of light onto why they act the way they do and that is the more important part. Understanding characters and their motives is way more important than making sure you only like the "good" characters. That's where the reading comprehension comes in. That's where people can practice and learn to think about how a person's circumstances and environment might influence them. That's where people can explore the fact that "good" and "bad" are overly simplistic terms that really have no business being applied to people; as people can behave in both "good" and "bad" ways...often even within the same day. People are far too diverse in personality and actions to ever be categorized fully into neat little boxes of "good person", "bad person", and that is reflected very well in both Yukio's and Shima's characters.
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
Ok you know what I’m requesting this for the both of us SPECIFICALLY so you can write it (cough and so I can read it a bit also oops) but anyway. Can i rq adaman, arven, and maybe n (if you do more than one character per rq) with a gn or masc reader who just got their hair cut and it’s a lot shorter than it used to be? Tee hee. 🐉
Oh my god, thank you for your generosity in this request dragon anon, I am on my hands and knees for this SWEETNESS
Nothing like getting a gender reaffirming haircut. Not to be, like, project-y on main, but I definitely went masc here because…. yknow. I’m me. I also like how the dudes you picked all have long hair and are all guys I’m very much into—
Sorry if the length is a little weird!! I’m still trying to figure out consistency with this stuff but I hope you still like it. I know I want my multi character posts to be shorter, but at the same time I feel bad that it’s not the same amount of content!!
Well anyway, let’s push my rambling aside for the time being, I don’t think I’ll ever feel totally confident in what I’m doing, especially with how crazy busy life has been lately, so let’s forget those worries and just Respectfully Enjoy some men.
Adaman, Arven and N see their boyfriend with a new short haircut!
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💎 — Oh!! You’re so handsome!
💎 — Well, okay, you were always handsome but the hair suits you! He’s just bad with words at the moment.
💎 — It’s honestly doubly exciting for him because he not only gets to see you with short hair, but also the results of all of Arezu’s hard training, and seeing her success here makes this all the sweeter.
💎 — He gets very into ruffling your hair, regardless of if you’re taller than him or not. When it was long, that could easily tangle it, but now that’s not a problem and you’re therefore never safe from getting a noogie eight times a day.
💎 — Even if there’s not much upkeep involved with shorter hair, he’s still volunteering to help with all of it. Need a hand washing it? You got it! Time to brush it through? He’s there!
💎 — He cherishes you so much, of course he treats your hair like it’s sacred. Every part of you is sacred to him and he wants you to know it.
💎 — If your hair is on the thicker side and can retain shape pretty easily, you might find yourself subject to all kinds of little hairstyling experiments. Spit curls, short braids, weird sectioning, Adaman just kind of loses himself in messing around with your hair when you’re in his arms.
💎 — He’ll, of course, love your hair no matter what you do with it. But what makes him love this style the most is how happy it makes you! You seem so much more comfortable and confident like this, and anything that can do that for you is a good thing in his book.
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🥪 — Woah, who’s this handsome guy and what did he do with his boyfriend? He probably gives you a joking wolf whistle the moment he sees you.
🥪 — Which he then classily follows up with “well… now our hair product costs just went down!”
🥪 — But okay, joking aside, he’s so genuinely enamored with you once he’s had his fun. He’s so used to you with long hair, and now that it’s short there’s all these little things about your hair and face he’s noticing for the first time. Wow, even more to love—he’s a lucky guy.
🥪 — What he loves the most, though, is how clearly happy this new haircut makes you. You’re so confident and he loves it! He wants to see you like this all the time.
🥪 — Twice as bad as Adaman with the hair ruffling. Won’t stop until your hair is a complete mess or you start doing it back.
🥪 — Pats your head a lot just to see your hair bounce back up, the shorter hair is so springy without all the length to hold it down!
🥪 — He definitely comments on how obviously happy you are, I don’t think he keeps it to himself how happy he is that you’re happy. Maybe you’ll jokingly offer to get his hair cut, too, which he quickly and firmly denies. Nah, he’s good, actually. That look is for you and you alone to rock.
🥪 — Likes pressing his face into your hair shortly after you get it cut; the freshly cut ends tickle his face and he knows it makes you laugh when he does it.
🥪 — Overall huge fan of the new look. God, he really is just so, so lucky to be with a catch like you.
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💚 — Okay, N is a smart guy, but he really isn’t that well socialized, so odds are when he sees you for the first time, he might not… realize it’s you. He’s just so used to long-haired you, after all.
💚 — But once the initial shock at this big change settles in, he’s fascinated!
💚 — The texture of your freshly cut hair makes his brain itch a bit. He spends several fascinated hours just running his hands through your hair, marveling at how it’s the very same hair he’s touched many times before, but it somehow feels completely different.
💚 — Beyond his own fascination, he sees how happy you are with the new look and that’s all it takes for him to be happy for you!
💚 — N’s never been one for appearances. You could do whatever you want with your hair and, once he takes a moment to realize it’s you under that drastically changed hairstyle, he’d be happy with it as long as you are.
💚 — No matter what changes you make to your hair, he always finds something to compliment about it. Usually texture-related, those are just the sorts of things that maintain his attention.
💚 — The smell of whatever products you use will quickly become his favorite thing. It just reminds him so much of you and being close to you.
💚 — For this haircut and future ones, he always has a Pokemon to playfully compare you to. Oh, your hair is so bouncy now, like an Emolga’s ears. The way you have it gelled so heavily makes him think of a Snivy’s smooth, sleek head. It’s so soft, like a Tranquil’s down feathers! He could go on.
💚 — Whatever you decide to do with your hair, it’ll always be a big thumbs up from him!
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profeyandere · 7 months
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ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ↪ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴊᴏᴀǫᴜɪɴ ᴘʜᴏᴇɴɪx ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ
ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏꜱ ↪ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.9ᴋ ↪ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴀʀᴛʜᴜʀ ꜰʟᴇᴄᴋ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴏᴄ ↪ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴀɴxɪᴇᴛʏ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋꜱ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅʀᴜɢ ᴀᴅᴅɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ, ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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The first and gloomy hours of the morning were always the hardest for everyone in the small city of Gotham, the city that never allows to rest, regardless of what day of the year it was or the situation that each of its inhabitants was suffering. A place known for its high crime rate and poverty was supposed to not promote human trafficking in it, no one in their right mind would want to live there unless they had enough money to squander it wherever they wanted in the most expensive and expensive places. Anyone could buy a nice apartment in the rich part of the city because that was where there was a lot more security, but there was always some crazy person who thought that settling there would be a good idea just to tell others about how he survived a city where crime reigned, even if it had never been the best option, it was not currently and would not be in posterity to settle there permanently; such a gloomy city, with so much tension and self-loathing, only needed a small trigger for everything it was known for negatively to increase to stratospheric and unsuspected levels or to fade as it had arrived. Its citizens suffered from hunger, sadness, and pain. Each and every one of them had a tragic and horrifying story behind them, whether at some point in their life, they had been insulted by their next-door neighbor for not having shared sugar or salt with him or her, or it was because of some traumatic event that had been considered horrifying enough for oneself that one's mind had completely erased it, even if in reality that person continued to remember it every night in their worst dreams or nightmares that prevented from resting for much more than two hours a day; Living in Gotham was a survival game in which only the strongest or the wealthiest won, and that was what caused the city to be immersed in its small, central chaos.
For Arthur Fleck that was life, a game of survival in which his smile and positivity could not fade no matter how hard the day was. For as long as he could remember, people had always seen him as the 'weirdo', as that classmate who it was better not to approach or talk to because of the strange stupidity that could come out of his mouth and that would cause a great stir in the classroom or as the adult who it is better not to talk to because of how bad he looked, mainly because his extreme thinness and the poor condition of his clothes made people assume that he was some kind of drug addict who could become violent at any moment if they approached him, even if in reality it was quite the opposite and they were only based on prejudices when it came to seeing the people around them. But that was Gotham, a place where it was better to watch your back before some lunatic got the brilliant idea of stabbing you in it. He just wanted to live quietly, with his mother in their small, run-down apartment, and fulfill his dream in that city where opportunities are scarce or non-existent, where everything could be served on a silver platter as soon as you were born, or where you had to work hard to get everything you wanted. Becoming a comedian was complicated, the mere idea of making people laugh was something that truly made him happy because, from a very young age, he had been told that his mission in this world was to make people happy. But making people truly happy was complicated; Gotham was not at its best for its citizens to forget their daily problems because of a joke from a complete stranger, even if the intention was the best of all.
"Hey! You!"
The scream coming from a strange clown that was traveling at high speed through the central streets of Gotham City caused many passers-by to look around with curiosity, seeing the aforementioned running through the crowd of people who were walking in the opposite direction to be able to recover the clown enormous yellowish plank that had been stolen by a group of teenagers who were barely around fifteen years old; people with some education who preferred to make others suffer rather than fix their own problems and face them properly. They all laughed and made fun of the poor adult who wanted to stand up to them, being shouted and called by the one who followed them. It was an embarrassing scene for Arthur. These types of injustices were very typical to see in the city, and no one was capable of taking the step to stop criminals who only wanted to annoy a worker who needed to get his money honestly, even if he was a clown who earned very little at throughout the month; Belonging to one of the lowest social scales in Gotham, no one would stop for a poor person, but if it was someone who worked for one of the most important companies in the city, then there would be someone who would stop those young people. Evidently, no one would do anything, no one would notice the poor clown who was running as if his life depended on that sign, except for an intense and curious look of amber tones that did do it, that did notice that underprivileged person and, very contrary to what many would think, he would help someone else under the false mask he always wore with the intention of scaring someone else.
Arthur Fleck, the clown who walked around Gotham with his fist over his heart and on the verge of an asthma attack if he suffered from that disease, shouted in an exasperated manner as he crossed the avenue without realizing that a huge shadow was looming over him with every step he took, without paying attention to the agile steps of that person who was chasing them over the buildings, ignoring any indication that someone else was trying to help him; No, at that moment it was only him against the group of criminals that seemed so slippery to him. The boys were so young, so agile, and he was already a man barely over thirty years old, with a deplorable physical condition and with the health of a small child; It was evident that he would not reach them unless someone gave him a hand.
"Stop them!" He exclaimed again, accidentally pushing a couple whom he simply looked over his shoulder at an apology before continuing his chase. At that moment he couldn't stop to apologize to the citizens he ran over. "Thieves!"
The clown finally thought he saw a small ray of hope when he made sure that the young people were finally turning into one of the alleys of the street and, praying that this one would not have an exit, and they would be forced to stop and return the sign with which he had been working all morning, slipped clumsily on the soggy pavement and continued his run to reach them, without realizing that one of them was patiently waiting for him hidden between some of the boxes to attack him with his own sign. To everyone's surprise, before the hidden young man could even move to hit Arthur with his own sign, a strange weapon that none of those present could identify managed to destroy the sign before it hit the clown's face, causing the grimaces of surprise and fear appeared on the faces of those present; None of the kids had seen the armed clown, and there were no other people in that narrow place but them, or at least that's what they thought.
"What the fuck, man?" Said one of the teenagers strangely, thinking that the clown who was now lying on his knees in front of them had had something to do with the destruction of the board. "How did you do that? Which has been...?"
The entire group, including the adult who was trying to put together the pieces of the plank wet from the puddles of water around them, were enveloped by the darkness of the enormous shadow of the person who had come to the narrow alley to join the party. His soft whistle and his slow steps, with which the heels of his boots resonated, made the young people feel their hair stand on end, and a great shiver ran through their bodies, even more so when they became sure of who they had in front of them; that criminal, that whistle, that mask with small side horns, that intense pulse that he had to destroy whatever she wanted. Evidently, the boys, making sure who was threatening them with that amber gaze, ran in the opposite direction when they saw who they had in front of them, confusing Arthur into thinking that it had been him who had scared them away in some way; He had been so immersed in his attempt to reconstruct his sign that he didn't make sure who was standing behind him. He clearly noticed the shadow that covered the entire alley, so he turned his head slowly to meet the person who had scared away the young people, gasping when he saw behind him one of the most dangerous thieves in Gotham: Eclipse.
Eclipse was one of the villains that had emerged in the city a couple of months ago, one of the most threatening to tell the truth. Without distinction of age, without distinction of class, she always went after those she considered potentially rewarding targets for her person and extorted them intending to obtain money through threats and slight intimidation; very few had seen her, and people hardly talked about her because of the fear that the simple fact of mentioning her name caused in the hearts of those who knew her, and the only thing they could distinguish about her were her penetrating amber eyes that, before the little light in which she was usually found in Gotham City, they seemed to shine more intensely than the eyes of a feline and that his calm and impassive voice seemed like sharp daggers that he spat from his mouth and that stabbed into the skin of those who met him. They were with her.
"Look at this…" Her slightly threatening voice murmured that Arthur was unable to place. He had never heard her, so she was not a known person to him. "For such a happy man, you don't smile as much now, do you? Come on, clown, show what you have for me."
Eclipse's strange and exaggerated smile was slightly obscured by the woman's dark fiber mask, with which he could barely distinguish a feature of her other than the shape of her face or her amber eyes almost lacking pupils, causing my heart to jump. Arthur's heart was beating hard, and that uncomfortable lump in his throat that he hated so much appeared again for the fifth time during the week, being the first sign that that laughter that he hated so much began to come out from between his lips in such an exaggerated way that it replaced crying in situations of fear, stress, or anxiety. Seeing the sharp fangs of his attacker, his belt full of weapons that could perfectly harm him, and those boots just inches from his face that could leave a big mark on his face if he wanted to kick him, left him breathless. She could be on the brink of death, and he was just going to laugh about it. Just as Eclipse's smile had appeared, he vanished, hiding any trace of happiness or amusement as he saw the situation unfolding before his eyes. Arthur's outrageous laughter began to appear in a soft tone, at least at first, which he slowly increased as he saw death so close to himself; He would have suffered from robberies, from threats of all kinds, among which his own death stood out, but he had never suffered anything more than beatings or insults. He didn't think she could put an end to his own story.
"What are you doing?" Eclipse asked with confusion as he saw how the clown began to laugh. "Stop laughing. It wasn't a joke. Stop it! It's not supposed to be funny to you, damn it!"
Arthur couldn't stop, his attack prevented him from doing so. Contrary to what the villain expected the clown to do, he offered her a laminated card that Eclipse quickly took, turning her back to him so she could read it better due to the lack of light in the alley, while she listened to his scandalous laughter in the background and read what the card had written. It was there that the thief's pupils became more noticeable as she realized the anxious situation in which the clown found herself, which managed to confuse her at times because of how she was reacting contrary to how the rest of the population used to do, because which slowly turned to look at him to confront him, this time squatting in front of him while looking into his eyes, watching how the clown tried to cover his mouth and silence his laughter. It was a sad scene; A scared man laughed in the face of death.
"A disorder?" Eclipse questioned as she gently returned the card to its owner, being careful not to upset him further. "I don't know those things, does that mean you're crazy or something? Not in the sense that you have to be in Arkham, but you do need a person and all that stuff. Aren't there dogs that took care of that shit? You know, the ones that give you hugs and everything."
Arthur's rather hesitant nod made the villainess understand him better, at least in part, but her words failed to calm him down. She had never encountered a similar scene, and it was beginning to terrify her because she didn't know what to do or say.
"What am I supposed to do? There may be something..." Eclipse muttered, trying to get some answers to his questions so he could help the citizen dressed as a clown, watching as he hit his chest to calm down and grabbed his throat to avoid choking due to lack of breath.
The thief, seeing the way the clown looked at her with his enormous greenish eyes full of tears, felt something pushing her to place her small, thin hand on one of the trembling knees of the man who was still sitting on the ground while the other took one of his and placed it on her chest, allowing him to feel the soft beat of her heart through the black suit she was wearing at that moment. Her amber eyes collided again with his greenish ones, this time as if they were mutually in a trance that they hoped would not be broken in a short time, allowing him to guide himself with their breaths so that he could calm down, which he did as the minutes passed, listening to how the sound of his laughter diminished until it finally disappeared through coughs, causing the alley to once again be enveloped in a deep silence in which only the sound of the cars on the nearby avenue and the rapid footsteps of the inhabitants of the city could be heard.
"I have met people who have feared me, there are drunks who have pissed on themselves as soon as they see me, but no one has ever reacted like you," Eclipse murmured with some seriousness, remaining squatted in front of him, without making any gesture that denoted evil intentions towards him.
"And no one has ever calmed me down like you have," Arthur answered softly and shyly, feeling the thin material of the villain's fabric under his fingertips, receiving a frown as he believed he had acted badly. "Sorry."
"Don't say something like that again," the villain threatened, ignoring the gentle caress on his suit before removing the clown's hand from his person in the same way he did from him, standing up again to impose her haughty figure over his trembling one. "I'm one of the villains of this city, you have no right to say something like that. I am cruel, I must instill fear. You must fear me."
Eclipse's voice had tried to be threatening, scowling at him as he bared his teeth, in the same way an aggressive animal did.
"And you have calmed me down, that shouldn't be done by a villain," the clown said again, receiving a soft growl from the person in front of him. "You're not that bad."
At that moment, something seemed to change in Eclipse's eyes, and he saw in Arthur's eyes something more than fear towards her. Eclipse saw gratitude and happiness. Arthur saw surprise and remorse, she wasn't so bad after all.
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ykbabes · 3 days
Hogwarts DR storytime (Golden Trio) - 💛
(this a made up storytime!! just for fun)
(scripted that I’m a transfer student from Ilvermorny going into 4th year💜)
- House parties
The holidays were coming up and there were rumors about the Slytherins planning to throw a house party. I didn’t really paid any attention to it because not a single Hufflepuff gets invited to Slytherin house parties and I could care less abt their parties anyways. If you’re from a different house, you would need a special invitation (well each house is different with their parties) any house is invited to a ravenclaw house party UNLIKE slytherin and gryffindor (gryffindor isn’t as bad as slytherin but they’re both pricks tbh) SOME are - honestly it all boils down on who’s hosting the party but in slytherin, it’s like they have a golden rule as to never invite hufflepuffs which is fucking stupid ?? ☠️
mind you I never scripted anything about people or their houses (only that Cedric doesn’t die but that’s literally it) so they’re just mean af in my DR for some reason 😭
it’s literally so annoying how hufflepuff is still seen as the weaker house like c’mon already, the fact that I have to constantly fight my way through my school experience is exhausting, (doesn’t really help the fact that I’m a transfer student) not only that but I always stick up for other students that get picked on regardless of their house bc I don’t play like that
but lately it’s been chill and I hadn’t been bothered by anyone,, some hufflepuffs were talking about sneaking into the party while I was doing my charms homework in our dorm and I didn’t say anything, more power to them because you will never see me making any sort of attempt to sneak into a slytherin party
Especially since I heard that draco is hosting it like boy bye 😭 I don’t even give him any sort of attention whenever I’m going to and coming from classes (I didn’t get that much into the hype around him but I didn’t hated it lol) I always walk straight past him, you are not that special and I will not give him my time of day
While I was finishing up my hw, I got asked to come and i immediately denied cuz no and why were they looking at me crazy?? I explained that I didn’t wanted to waste my energy to sneak in a slytherin party so no thanks x
they called me boring and I was okay bye, y’all have fun
(if anyone has questions pertaining to this DR or my scripts let me know <3
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potatowithahat · 23 days
Part two: A doctors Notepad
A sdv Harvey fic
Part one here
Summer 1, year one
       Well springs gone, which means most of the allergy complaints are fizzling out. I haven't seen The Farmer since the flower dance though. I'm not sure what's going on. Did I do something to make them not like me? I don't know. I'm too anxious to ask her. The Farmer is the first real friend other than Shane or Elliot I've had since moving here, and even then there really only drinking buddies. I think I'll wait for them to come to me.
                                             -Harvey, the doctor
Summer 3, year one
       Last night there was an awful crashing noise from up by Robin's. Maru was telling me all about it when the farmer came in with a coffee for me. I think this is the first time they've come to see me since the flower dance.  I was honestly ecstatic. But Maru and the Farmer both got really quiet and just looked at each other for a second. Then Maru shouted ‘I'm a lesbian!’ And they both burst out laughing. I still don't get the joke. Either way my prospects in this town are dwindling by the day.
       I suppose you and me have a long year ahead journal. Speaking of which I think I finally named you!!!!!! Ok, ok, hear me out…. Joseph List-er. Get it! Cause you're a Journal,  so I can list everything that happens to me. Its stupid anyway. Why am I still writing like I'm talking to you? This is too odd.
                                              -Harvey, the doctor
Summer 5, year one
Linus came in around two am last night with the farmer in his arms. I nearly fainted when I saw the injuries. I haven't seen cuts like that since I med school. I'm a medical professional though,  so I got her to the beds in the back and cleaned her up. In the end they needed twenty-three stitches on their legs and four in their head. It was awful. They finally woke up around three am, thank Yoba. As soon as they was up I was checking their vitals and pupils for dilation. I asked them for their name and they just asked me what I was doing. When I tried to explain I needed to check for a concussion and amnesia they looked me dead in my eyes and said: I heard a joke about amnesia once, but I forgot how it goes.
      It wasn't even a good joke, but I was practically beside myself laughing. I don't…. Yoba this is bad. They definitely think I'm crazy after that, I must have looked insane laughing so much. I fixed myself soon enough but I still… I don't know. I gave them the whole speech on keeping safe and wound care and she was on her way home before dawn. That was maybe twenty minutes ago,  so that's all you're getting for today. I need a nap.
                                          -Harvey, the fool 
Summer 10, year one
       Sorry about the slow entries last week. Jas and Vincent caught the flu and Shane has been practically shadowing me making sure they get better. It's the longest I've seen him sober in months. Regardless, I need to get better at updating this little guy.
       Anyway, the farmer came in in a panic today asking me ‘what the hell a luau is’. Apparently she's never been to one and got a letter from Luis explaining how the governor was coming into town for it. I laughed and explained the silly tradition. It's not like the governor's visit actually matters, he always comes back. After she was calmed down she asked what she should bring. I shrugged and told her I always bring beans because there a good source of protein. Half a cup of beans can provide about seven grams of protein,  which is the same as an ounce of meat.
      Sorry, I'm rambling again. Regardless, the Farmer left midway through my beans speech saying she had the perfect idea. It was quite odd. I guess I'll have to see what they bring to the event.
                                    Harvey, the doctor 
Summer 11, year one
       The luau was a huge success this year! The Farmer brought some hot peppers, and though it was a little too spicy for my tastes it was still delicious. The Farmer came and ate by me too. It.. was quite the evening. I was exhausted by the end though. My social battery certainly isn't what it used to be. I should really start going out more. Perhaps I should bring that up in my next session.
       Either way it's quite late now. I should probably get to bed… but… something about the Farmer bugged me today. They were so lively,  but everything someone else would talk to them they'd seem to dampen a bit. Like someone covered the sun in their eyes with a cloth. It.. it was a bit odd. I considered asking them, but I couldn't quite find a way to ask ‘Where does the light in your eyes go when you talk to…
       Oh… OH.. oh Yoba. I'm a fool. I.. oh dear
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vampire-sugar · 1 month
Overdue TQOTD post...
I finished the book back in April LOL but just never got the urge to write about it. It took me an excruciatingly long time to finish, and that was because the writing was very repetitive imo. AR has the ability to make a vampire origin story so so so so so boring. Which is crazy, because The Story of the Twins is interesting and Maharet and Mekare are interesting characters, but the writing I found pretty bland. Which, again, is crazy because the writing in the Akasha and Lestat chapters?? Fire! So I know AR can do it lol but unfortunately none of it really hit when it came to the Twins and a lot of other chapters. Those parts read a lot like the dreadful Marius chapter/section in TVL and that shit nearly bored me to tears (insane bc that's when you finally find out about TWMBK).
Under the cut I get into more spoiler-y stuff about the last two chapters, including some (not so) subtle racism in the writing + things I actually did like about the book (bc there were some!!).
----It's been a while so I don't fully understand my notes but this is what I managed to make of them----
So, last two chapters, we finally get the showdown between Akasha and the rest of the vampires, and really they just talk and try to reason with each other. Here are some of Akasha's reasons for why humans need vampires to intervene in their affairs.
"Millions have been exterminated by one small European nation on the whim of a madman", "Entire cities were melted into oblivion by bombs", "The screams of the hungry are deafening, yet unheard by the rich who cavort in technological citadels", "the idiot foolishness upon which the complacency of the rich has always been based"
I singled these quotes out because it shows that her issue is not just with men, but with the rich and powerful. And her solution, of course, is to kill all men except 1 in 100 and kill all male babies born except 1 in 100. I'm upset that there was nothing behind Akasha's motivations when it came to the Twins other than wanting power and control, and her true motivations in this case are also gaining power and control over the women that she would eventually rule over rather than actually caring about the things that she listed to Marius & Co. Regardless, that doesn't make what Akasha is saying untrue. She's right, obviously, these problems exist! But the vampires also bring up another great point which is that: humans are aware of these problems (are literally the victims of these problems), and are revolting! They are rising up against the rich and powerful. Those humans do not deserve to die.
Marius tells her: "But it is the outcry against these horrors which is the light I speak of."
And then shortly after he hits me with the: "For the Western world, not to resist would be unthinkable." And maybe I'm reading too much into it, but coupled with previous instances of weird quotes about the East, this reads to me as yet another casual statement of non-Western countries being hopeless or lost causes. Like, "of course you were able to mass kill in the East, Akasha! They just roll over and take whatever horrific thing is committed against them! But the West won't have it!" That's how it reads to me.
[Note: The vampires' problem with violent resistance in general is strange, considering they are literally vampires who kill to survive, but whatever. They keep saying violence is bad and I'm like don't you "violence" every day?]
Anyway. Another insane quote:
This is said by Lestat, in reaction to Khayman putting on the equivalent of a fake tan to look more human (Khayman is Egyptian and I think(!) was described as having dark skin at some point):
"Sometimes, he covered himself with a darkening pigment- burnt sienna mixed with a little scented oil. It seemed a crime to do so, to mar the beauty." ???????????? Insanely racist thing to think say Lestat/Anne.
Alright so overall, was an insanely long read, definitely my least favorite book out of the 3 I've read, and it has put me off reading any more even though I really want to... but what I did like was:
Jesse Reeves
Claudia haunting NOLA house
AKASHASTAT, those chapters were golden
Devil's Minion chapter
That's all I can remember of the good. Will watch QOTD movie soon. Soon.
(also crying at my last post ab this book being me making a wildly incorrect prediction thinking it was so obvious, i am so bad at predicting things lol)
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