#wellbing coach
plantbasedmimi3 · 2 months
You know you've healed when you view inconsistency and lack of discipline as a turn-off rather than an invitation to try harder.
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Live Online Meditation with The Tranquillity.
Learning ancient techniques of pranic breathing with THE TRANQUILLITY Understand Mindfulness Transcendental Meditation Yogic Meditations Trauma Healing, Self-Love, Physical Quantum Healing, Shadow Work, Womb Healing, Anxiety and Stress healing, Chakra Reprogramming, Vibration Recalibration, Astral Projection, Meeting Spirit Guides Shamanic Healing Practices DMT Breathwork.
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kiserspeaks · 4 months
Peptides: The Secret Weapon for High-Performance Athletes and Executives
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What Are Peptides?
Peptides are short chains of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Unlike proteins, which can consist of hundreds of amino acids, peptides are much smaller, typically made up of 2-50 amino acids. Their structure allows them to be highly specific in their functions, acting as signaling molecules within the body to regulate various physiological processes.
How Should Peptides Be Used?
Peptides can be administered in several ways, depending on the type and intended use:
Injections: Many peptides are administered via subcutaneous or intramuscular injections to ensure they enter the bloodstream effectively.
Oral Supplements: Some peptides are available in pill form, though their efficacy can be reduced due to digestive breakdown.
Topical Applications: Peptide-infused creams and serums are used in skincare for their regenerative properties.
Dosage and administration frequency depend on the specific peptide and its intended use. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate protocol.
Benefits of Peptides for High-Performance Athletes and Executives
1. Enhanced Energy Levels
Peptides like CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin are known to stimulate the release of growth hormone, which can lead to increased energy levels. For athletes, this means more stamina and endurance during training and competition. Executives can benefit from sustained energy throughout their demanding workdays.
2. Improved Recovery
Recovery is critical for athletes to maintain peak performance and avoid injury. Peptides such as BPC-157 and TB-500 have potent healing properties that accelerate the recovery of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. For busy professionals, these peptides can help recover from physical stress and fatigue more rapidly.
3. Enhanced Performance
Peptides can enhance muscle growth, fat loss, and overall physical performance. For instance, peptides like Hexarelin and GHRP-6 boost muscle mass and strength, enabling athletes to achieve new performance milestones. Executives can also experience improved physical fitness, which contributes to better overall health and resilience.
4. Mental Health and Cognitive Function
Peptides such as Selank and Semax are known for their nootropic effects, improving cognitive function, reducing anxiety, and enhancing mood. This is particularly beneficial for executives who need to maintain sharp mental acuity and manage stress effectively. Athletes also benefit from better focus and reduced performance anxiety.
Peptides for Health and Longevity
Promoting Health
Peptides play a vital role in regulating various bodily functions, including immune response, inflammation, and cellular repair. Thymosin Alpha-1, for instance, is known to boost the immune system, helping the body to fight off infections more effectively. This is particularly important for maintaining overall health and preventing illnesses that could disrupt daily activities.
Enhancing Longevity
Research into peptides like Epitalon suggests they may have anti-aging properties by promoting the health of telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that are associated with aging. By maintaining telomere length, peptides can potentially delay the onset of age-related diseases and extend healthy lifespan.
Peptides are a powerful tool in the arsenal of high-performance athletes and top-level executives, offering benefits that range from enhanced energy and recovery to improved mental health and longevity. As science continues to uncover the vast potential of these molecules, their use is likely to become even more widespread. However, it is essential to approach peptide supplementation with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and efficacy. By harnessing the power of peptides, individuals can not only achieve their peak performance but also enjoy a healthier, longer life.
Peptides have emerged as a groundbreaking addition to the health and wellness strategies of those striving for excellence, whether on the field, in the boardroom, or in everyday life.
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urbanexplorer240 · 6 months
Your life will never be the same, improve your Health and WellBeing (@Health and WellBeing chanal)
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mindfulblisstribe · 7 months
7 Reasons to Experience the Transformative Power of Sound Healing
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In a world brimming with stress and turmoil, the search for inner peace and holistic well-being has never been more crucial. Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, there exists a sanctuary—a sacred space where the harmonious vibrations of sound hold the key to healing and transformation. Join us as we embark on a journey into the realm of sound healing and sound baths, exploring seven compelling reasons why everyone should experience the profound benefits of this ancient practice.
1. Stress Relief and Relaxation
In the cacophony of daily life, finding moments of tranquility can feel like an elusive dream. Sound healing and sound baths offer a sanctuary of serenity—a refuge where the soothing vibrations of sound wash away stress and tension, leaving behind a sense of deep relaxation and inner peace. As the gentle waves of sound envelop you, the burdens of the day melt away, and you are transported to a state of profound calm and tranquility.
2. Balancing Energy Centers
At the core of sound healing lies the belief that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is in a state of vibration. Sound baths work to harmonize and balance the body's energy centers, known as chakras, promoting a sense of equilibrium and vitality. By immersing yourself in the resonant frequencies of sound, you can clear energetic blockages, restore balance, and awaken the body's innate healing potential.
3. Enhancing Meditation and Mindfulness
Sound baths provide a gateway to deeper states of meditation and mindfulness, allowing you to effortlessly quiet the chatter of the mind and enter into a state of profound inner stillness. As you surrender to the symphony of sound, you are guided into a state of heightened awareness and presence, where the boundaries between self and other dissolve, and you become one with the cosmic dance of existence.
4. Emotional Release and Healing
Emotions are the language of the soul, yet all too often, we suppress and repress them, leading to energetic stagnation and dis-ease. Sound healing offers a safe and supportive space for emotional release and healing, allowing you to surrender to the full spectrum of human experience. As the vibrations of sound penetrate deep into the subconscious mind, buried emotions are brought to the surface, where they can be acknowledged, expressed, and ultimately released, paving the way for profound healing and transformation.
5. Stimulating Creativity and Inspiration
Sound has the power to ignite the flames of creativity and inspiration, awakening dormant potentials and unleashing the creative force within. Sound baths serve as a muse for the creative spirit, inviting you to explore the boundless realms of imagination and intuition. As you immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of sound, you may find yourself inspired to paint, write, dance, or create in ways you never thought possible, tapping into the infinite wellspring of creativity that lies within.
6. Promoting Physical Healing and Well-being
The healing vibrations of sound have tangible effects on the physical body, promoting relaxation, reducing inflammation, and enhancing overall well-being. Sound baths have been shown to improve sleep quality, boost immune function, and alleviate symptoms associated with chronic pain, making them a valuable tool for supporting physical health and healing.
7. Cultivating Connection and Community
In a world that often feels fragmented and disconnected, sound healing offers a bridge—a means of reconnecting with ourselves, each other, and the world around us. Sound baths provide an opportunity to come together in community, to share in a collective experience of healing and transformation. As we join our voices in song and our hearts in resonance, we remember that we are all interconnected, united in our shared journey of awakening and evolution.
Love, Light + Magic,
Sofía Elena, Founder Mindful Bliss Tribe
Certified Holistic + NLP Coach, Sound Healer
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation, as we immerse ourselves in the healing waters of sound + meditation and emerge renewed, revitalized, and restored. Book your session today with Mindful Bliss Tribe - Tampa, FL.
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How Exercise Keeps Your Mind Sharp and Your Stress at Bay
Dear fellow British fathers, are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? With the responsibilities of fatherhood, career demands, and the never-ending to-do lists, it's no wonder that stress and anxiety can creep in. But fear not, because there's a simple solution that doesn't involve escaping to a remote island: exercise. Yes, you heard it right! Those trips to the gym aren't just about sculpting your physique; they're also crucial for managing your mental health. Let's dive into the wonderful world of exercise and its profound benefits for your mind.
As a father of two, I know your time is undoubtedly limited. But even squeezing in just three to four gym sessions a week can work wonders for your mental well-being. Here's how:
Stress Relief: Picture this: after a long day of juggling work meetings and kids' activities, you step into the gym. As you lace up your trainers and hit the treadmill, something magical happens. The stress of the day begins to melt away with each step. Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, those feel-good chemicals in your brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. So, by the time you finish your workout, you'll feel lighter, more relaxed, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.
Improved Mood: Ever notice how your mood instantly lifts after a good workout? That's not just a coincidence. Exercise has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. These brain chemicals play a crucial role in regulating mood, and by engaging in regular physical activity, you're giving them a major boost. So, the next time you're feeling down in the dumps, skip the pub and head to the gym instead. Your mind will thank you for it.
Enhanced Cognitive Function: As a dad, you need to stay sharp to keep up with your kids' endless energy and curiosity. Luckily, exercise can help with that too. Research has found that regular physical activity improves cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making skills. So, by making exercise a priority, you're not just investing in your physical health; you're also giving your brain a much-needed workout. Who knows, you might even outsmart your little ones at their own games!
Better Sleep: Ah, sleep – every parent's elusive dream. But what if I told you that exercise could help you catch those precious z's? It's true! Regular physical activity has been linked to improved sleep quality and duration. By tiring out your body during the day, you'll find it easier to drift off to sleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. So, instead of tossing and turning, hit the gym for a workout that will leave you feeling blissfully exhausted.
In conclusion, dear British dad, don't underestimate the power of exercise when it comes to managing your mental health. Those trips to the gym may seem like just another item on your never-ending to-do list, but in reality, they're essential for keeping your mind sharp and your stress levels in check. So, lace up those trainers, hit the treadmill and the weights, and let the endorphins do their magic. Your mental health will thank you for it, and so will your family
Thanks for reading.
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And if you feel you are ready to get some support with your physical and mental health then from £30 a week I can help you.
Simply head to www.mindyourfitness.co.uk for more information.
Have an AWESOME week ahead.
Thomas Fowler
Owner & Head Coach
Mind Your Fitness
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dawnjaco22 · 1 year
I like how normal people have normal fears. But nope not me fear things like spiders crawling in my ears. I also fear something coming in through my toilet and biting me in the butt cause I watched tremors at a young age.
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Sense Of Self Life Coaching
Studio 1- 5/40 Green St, Windsor, VICTORIA 3181 Australia
Phone Number:
+61 413888240
Business Email
Owner Full Name
Christina Carnie
Business Description
Welcome to Sense of Self, a safe space where personal growth is redefined. As a dedicated Certified Life Coach and Practitioner of Emotional Intelligence, my focus is to help clients re-evaluate and re-formulate a more meaningful and valuable life. In a world where challenges like depression, stress and burnout are prevalent, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-worth are key. Are you ready and willing to dive deep into your own sense of self? To be open to implementing new behavioural changes, coping strategies and ideations? I am here to help answer the question 'What does a valuable life look like for you? and how best can this be achieved'?
 Life coaching is a transformative partnership between you and me, focused on facilitating personal and professional development. Through proven methodologies and tailored strategies, I provide guidance, support, and accountability to help you navigate challenges, clarify objectives, and unleash your innate capabilities.
 My holistic approach to well-being addresses multiple dimensions, including emotional, psychological, and social factors. I explore various areas of life, including personal and interpersonal, career, relationships, family, health and spiritual fulfillment. Whether you're seeking clarity in your career path, balance in your relationships, or a renewed sense of purpose, I'm equipped with the expertise to guide you towards sustainable success and fulfillment.
I prioritise individualised attention and customised solutions. Through in-depth assessments and collaborative goal-setting, I ensure that our coaching sessions are aligned with your unique aspirations and circumstances. By fostering self-awareness, resilience, and actionable strategies, I empower you to overcome obstacles, cultivate confidence, and create meaningful change in your life.
Business Hours
Monday – Thursday 9am – 8pm
Friday – 10am – 4pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 3pm
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Choose happiness always. Happiness is a choice that we can make every day. Here are some simple steps to choose happiness and live more joyfully.
1. Gratitude is the practice of focusing on what we have rather than what we don't have. When we cultivate gratitude, we train our minds to see the positive aspects of our lives.
2. We all need a sense of purpose in our lives. We feel more fulfilled and satisfied when we feel like we're contributing to something larger than ourselves. Take some time to reflect on what's important to you and what brings you joy.
3. Humans are social creatures, and our relationships with others significantly impact our happiness. Make time for the people who matter most to you, whether your partner, friends, or family.
4. Taking care of yourself is essential for your happiness. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. Take time to do things you enjoy, whether reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or walking in nature. Prioritizing self-care shows yourself that you're worth taking care of, and that's an essential part of choosing happiness.
5. Negativity can be a happiness killer. Whether it's negative self-talk or dwelling on the past, negativity can hold us back from experiencing joy in the present moment. Practice letting go of negativity by acknowledging it when it arises and consciously focusing on the positive instead. Surround yourself with positivity by spending time with people who uplift you and consuming media that makes you feel good.
Choosing happiness is a daily practice that requires effort and intention. Remember, happiness is a choice that you have the power to make every day.
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pynkhues · 1 year
What are your Tabitha headcanons/thoughts on her backstory? She is surely wealthy in her own right?
Oh, yeah, I definitely think she’s wealthy.
In many ways, she sits in a really interesting place in terms of the show’s canon – she and Naomi are friends who have slept with each other previously, but it’s ambiguous as to how much the other Pierce’s know her, she’s obviously of a social position high enough to get invited to parties like the Rhomboid Party and to rate in Logan’s eyes as a real prospect for Roman, but not high enough to indicate political advantage / threat in the way Naomi does, or low enough to indicate either a social climber (Tom) or a fee-for-hire (Willa).
There’s also an interesting beat in 2.03 where Roman’s telling Tabitha that Logan’s planning on buying PGM where she replies but my parents watch that which is so rich and textured in general in terms of what it tells us about her being raised in a (likely affluent) politically progressive household while feeling no qualms about getting into bed personally and politically with the right if she likes them.
Funnily enough? The character on the show that reminds me the most of is Rava.
That kind of makes me think that Tabitha and Rava probably grew up in a similar tax bracket. Not with the sort of billion-dollar lifestyle that the Roy’s lead, but probably a multi-million-dollar one. The sort of situation where neither have had to work, and while Rava works in consulting (which the Succession scripts have shown us!), Tabitha doesn’t seem to have a real job, or at least not one beyond socialite which I think is what the show positions us to believe.
Getting full into headcanon territory, I’m kind of obsessed with the thought that Tabitha’s the daughter of a PGM equivalent of Gerri? Like her mom’s a significant lawyer at PGM, which is maybe how she ran into Naomi (maybe Naomi spent a few weeks after her mom died sleeping in their spare room), and none of the broader Pierce family fully knows who she is in the same way half of the Roy team seem to forget Gerri has daughters at all.
And Tabitha, of course, has always been bright and charismatic, but she’s looked at what her mom does for work, lived it, up close and personal for her entire childhood and adolescence, and maybe all of her mom’s ambition killed her own. After all, she knows the people who have real influence, and it’s the people with a hand on a shoulder or a cock or a throat, and she knows the best way to get ahead is to get on top of or underneath someone. She knows that the future’s out of her hands and has the security to accept that, and she tells herself maybe that she’s a lover not a fighter, and so she’ll just embrace whatever opportunities present themselves.
Only she fucks Naomi, and maybe a part of it really is all over for her. Because Naomi is fun and she’s funny, but she’s also mean and fucked up and leaves bruises on her hips and coke on her coffee table and mascara stains on her pillow, and it’s such a fucking cliché, but Tabitha thinks maybe she is too. The hedonist daughter of an ever-striving, ever-ambitious mother.
And Naomi’s not supposed to be the one who matters, but maybe she is, because Tabitha fucks a million hedge-fund pricks and trust-fund babies even before sort-of-Tom and almost-Roman, but for Tabitha, Naomi’s the thing, the one.
The person she’s preconditioned to serve, forever a lady-in-waiting to a queen’s court, just like her mother, maybe, in service if not role or title, and she doesn’t realise it until it’s over, but maybe Roman was a part of that too. A different court, a prince instead of a princess, both inaccessible, albeit in different ways, and Tabitha never wanted to be her mother, but yeah, okay, maybe all this shit was inevitable.
Maybe Tabitha was always an outsider on the inside, looking at all these little heirs and heiresses dipped in gold, and thinking - -
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drworkpsych · 2 years
After quite a break from YouTube, my latest video is live!
In this video, I explore the different kinds of future-focused thinking we can experience: planning, predicting and playwriting.
It's so easy for our minds to take us on time-traveling journeys. We can mentally drift to the past and the future, all while sitting right here in the present.
Each kind of future-focused thinking can have a different impact on our emotions and behaviour in the present moment, so it's important to notice what kind of thoughts are showing up inside.
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hardtchill · 2 years
German commentator said the keeper sub was pre-announced, because guess what, MVT can rightly treat these friendlies as friendlies and just get players minutes and have some fun without her job being on the line - unlike some other coaches 🙃👀
Lol yeah. Halftime goalie subs are basically always pre-arranged and super smart if you're in the position to do it. Voss saw all three of her goalies play during these two games, that's smart.
Meanwhile there is Vlatko having Horan play 170 minutes within 4 days while she is basically the only player who has a season to get back to.
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youcandothething · 2 years
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Being aware is an important first step, but it’s not the end of the process. Too many people say, “That’s just how I am.”, as though it’s fine to continue being a flaming pile of bad habits and unhelpful behavior. ⁣ ⁣ Confronting our crap is hard. Sometimes we need to pause there and deal with the revelation. But if you find yourself stuck on the awareness part and not able to move to the overcoming part, maybe it’s time to find someone to work with you on that. You have the potential to be whoever you want to be. It’s hard to do it alone. A therapist or life coach can be part of the path as you shift your awareness into action. I coach with people on the verge of change. Check out the link in my bio and you can set up a free, no obligation, no pressure, coaching conversation.
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coachsapience · 2 years
Life coach for young adults: Common problems young adults face
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The usual question
As a life coach for young adults, I question I often hear from 20-something young adults is: “How do I proceed from here?” Some of these young adults have just finished some kind of college or university, others have been working in various posts or enjoying gap years and internships, and, of course, some don’t know where to begin.
This is all familiar territory. First of all, in case you’re a young adult, let me tell you this kind of behavior is expected. Research has shown that at this age, struggles are real. In fact, young adults are more likely to experience difficulties than adolescents.
What are those struggles? Well, of course, it depends on the individual. But allow me to outline some of the most common ones below.
Lack of confidence
Why? Consider this. You are maturing from a hesitant adolescent to an adult who must make important decisions, express your opinions, socialize, and be self-sufficient. The stakes are high. It is only natural that you are feeling overwhelmed, and, as a result, you lack confidence in moving forward.
But fear not! This is a process that everyone goes through. “Knowing this isn’t going to help me at all,” you’re probably thinking. Of course not; after all, each of us has our own set of challenges to overcome. But have you considered the possibility that you already have the tools you need to succeed? Have you looked around for people to support you among your friends and family? There is no rule that says you have to go through all this on your own.
As outlined above, you are now expected to make many decisions. For example, will you go to college? Have you just graduated and are you looking for a job? Do you want to try out different industries before making a decision? Do you want to travel? How will you make ends meet?
If you read the above questions non-stop, you are bound to feel overwhelmed. “Dude, I’m not reading your article to panic,” I hear you cry. And you’re right!
This is all to emphasize that these are decisions that young adults BELIEVE they should make. Yes, we will encounter dilemmas. But we often make these demands in our heads. And sometimes, all it takes is realizing this and beginning to disassociate ourselves from our thoughts and irrational demands. Also, keep in mind that complex decision-making is not just for the young. Adults in their forties, fifties, sixties, and so on, also have to make important decisions. What they do, though, is take one step at a time. And this is often a wise choice.
No one expects you to know what you want to be at such a young age. Many people (including myself) re-evaluate their wants and needs, as well as their career choices, in their forties and fifties. You can volunteer, try out different career paths, be an intern, or travel. “And who’s going to pay the rent?” you’re probably wondering. Believe me, we’ve all struggled to pay our rent at some point in our lives. The thing is, almost everyone will tell you the same story: how they started from nothing or with a job to help them make ends meet and pay their rent while working on their side hustle.
Did you notice how I mentioned above that few people get their dream job in their twenties? How I also mentioned that even successful entrepreneurs lack social skills and have confidence issues? How people in their forties and fifties still struggle to make important decisions? Guess what: I’ll say the same thing here: some people claim to have discovered their identity in their senior years! “But I don’t want to wait!” I hear you cry. Well, I’m afraid you might have to in some cases.
You see, defining your identity isn’t something you can just do. It takes years of experience. Some people must go through various friendships, relationships, breakups, being fired from a job, finding a new job, traveling, and changing beliefs: In other words, just like your life purpose, your identity is a work in progress. Some people may read a book that will point them in the right direction, others may meet an influential person, and still others will simply go with the flow of life. You see, a wake-up call isn’t always necessary. You wouldn’t believe how many people want to change simply because they are unhappy with their current situation. This is where setting goals comes into play. This is where revisiting your past and establishing small actionable steps come in handy.
For many young adults, entering their twenties means leaving home. This, along with getting a job, represents their first big step toward independence. And what about those who would rather stay at home with their parents? That’s fine too. The fact that some people associate independence with moving away from home doesn’t mean that this is what is important for everyone. Not to mention the number of people who leave only to return home after a few years!
The point is that everyone values independence differently. And the desire to feel independent will most likely come sooner or later, and it may have nothing to do with where you decide to live.
There will be plenty of opportunities: As a young adult, you are often exposed to people and different personalities from diverse social groups. You have the opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances and form new social circles. Not to mention the chance to meet your new coworkers, adjust to new workplace expectations, and form all kinds of relationships!
In response to these new changes, you have something unique to offer: your authentic self. You may believe that there is a specific way to behave in order to succeed, but what you may not realize is that it is your unique personality that will help you navigate your way through these new realities. Sometimes, just being present as your authentic self, equipped with your skills, your charisma, and your ideas, is enough. And while we’re on the subject of skills, the following section should be of interest to you.
Revisit your skills
When was the last time you took a deep breath and examined your skill set? How many times did you have to overcome situations in your adolescence where you needed an extra boost of confidence? If you could do it when you were younger and less experienced, why should you give it up now that you are older and wiser?
It’s always a good idea to make a list of your talents and skills. Things you learned in childhood and adolescence. Lessons learned from life experiences, friendships, relationships, family, and school even!
The list serves two functions. First, simply reviewing your past accomplishments will reveal that you have some fantastic assets up your sleeve. Second, you’re going to put them into action.
If you aren’t going to use all of this power, what’s the point?
So there you have it! Yes, there are struggles a young adult needs to face. No, they’re not that different from the ones you’ll face later in life. And if you think that some changes are uncomfortable, take a step back and consider: “How many changes did you have to adjust to during your childhood and adolescence?” If you managed back then, there is no reason you won’t manage now.
Re-blogged from Coach Sapience.
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doaa-besh · 1 year
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