#we do not deserve the bullshit
moonstrider9904 · 1 year
Dude today in a parking lot walking past my car stared at me while I was still inside gathering my things, and I felt eyes on me and made eye contact with him because usually pervs freak out when they feel someone's onto them. The dude walked on and I relaxed, but as I was about to get out of the car I checked out the window again and saw that he was at the edge of the parking lot still staring at me, and he even waved.
This was at a mall parking lot. I can't even feel safe from pervs staring at me in a mall in broad fucking daylight. And idk if this man's just stupid enough to think I was looking at him because I was into him (what a dumbass if that was the case) or if he was genuinely planning something else. You cannot be too careful.
Being a woman is fucking hard and dealing with perverted men on the daily is fucking exhausting.
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“buffy ended the show single :)” ok but only because her current love interest just DIED!! (he near quite literally died in her arms! in sacrifice for her!) her last words of the entire series were telling him she loves him and then saying his name in admiration. she isn’t single; she’s a widow.
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mister13eyond · 10 months
dont normally post about drama but this seems relevant:
im seeing a lot of people jump to "james somerton was never good anyways" in retaliation for the hbomb expose, but there's a really fine line to tread there before you get into stepping on the toes of the people he stole from, you know?
some of his videos and analysis did seem genuinely intelligent, thoughtful, insightful, and well-written. yeah, it turns out those are the result of him stealing from other people. but that doesnt mean the original writers WEREN'T intelligent, thoughtful, insightful and good writers. he had plenty of garbage opinions interspersed throughout, but the reason many people (myself included) were suckered in by him is that the queer creators he stole from DID have really important and interesting analysis. the parts of his videos that were good were stolen, but by discounting his essays entirely we're throwing the baby out with the bathwater and insisting those he stole from didn't have anything important to say.
the parts he himself supplied were trash, but he stole the work of some genuinely brilliant and insightful writers and passed it off as his own- and that writing still exists and is still brilliant and insightful; we just know now who was actually responsible for it and who to thank for that work
lets just be careful when we smugly proclaim that we always hated everything he had to say- because a lot of the words we're discounting were never his to begin with, and the last thing those authors need is to have their work trash talked because it ended up in the mouth of someone dishonest
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hazel2468 · 9 months
I love how that person who was like "oh ew a Zionist" also has reblogged posts about not being antisemitic and buying into antisemitic conspiracies while ALSO like.
Reblogging posts about how Israel is a uniquely evil "colonial scar" and how Israel is "murdering children" and like. Literally straight up antisemtic shit.
Leveling criticism at Israel that positions it as a unique evil among all other countries and doing literal blood libel (IE, Israel murders Palestiaian babies in a way no other nation kills children) is FUCKING ANTISEMITIC. Israel is JUST A COUNTRY. It is JUST another nation, doing the shitty stuff that other nations do. And if you find yourself railing against Israel EXTRA hard right now, or ever, in ways that you do NOT rail against other shitty countries that do shitty things (and, I can't believe I have to say this, if you find yourself saying that the kidnap, rape, torture, and murder of any civilian ever is justified because "uwu this radical extremist group is freedom fighters"!) then you're a fucking antisemitic, racist bigot.
Like. It blows me away how so many people don't seem to see that Israel, the Jewish state (whether you agree with how it is run or not, whether you agree with how it came to be or not) gets SO MUCH MORE SHIT than other comparable shitty countries... Come on.
Because the alternative is that you DO see it. That you DO agree with all of those things that are STEEPED in age-old antisemitic conspiracy. And you agree.
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Re-watching kinnporsche and bruh Vegas and Kim are playing chess while everyone else is playing strip poker like these guys are strategizing and scheming and everyone else is just getting naked
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Does it make you sad knowing that Sand had no friends as a child, so when he noticed Ray needed a friend, he really tried to be that for him just for Ray to treat him like an object?
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Thank God for good friends.
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goldiipond · 7 months
the word terrorist has lost pretty much all meaning to me because 90% of the time a white person says that word its used as a shorthand for 'nonwhite people resisting oppression'
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13xwishes · 6 months
Adrien Agreste for the character bingo
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Character Opinion Meme || { Accepting }
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For @strcngered || Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir
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Yes, I cheated. Do I give a fuck? NO!
Adrien... is a good character the show threw away. Demoting him to an abused sidekick/trophy boyfriend. I don't need to keep watching after season 3 to know how the route goes. I root for him as much as I can cause his personality is so unique and wonderful, not to mention you want to explore his unlooked background and perspective just because...
Adrien himself is a beautiful person with a way more interesting background as the protagonist. He's a celebrity with little to no control over his life thanks to his over-barring (if not abusive) father. Then becomes a superhero who is very much underappreciated and pushed alot to even physically abused by his spotted female fighting partner (she threw him in a trash can. That's abuse). Meanwhile, he still maintains the sweet personality of trying to be kind, courteous and selfless to people, even strangers. Even to the point of risking his life several times for the people he cares about. He also doesn't get enough support when he needs it because of the bias writing of the show and when it does happen, it get's taken away from him very quickly.
I don't even care about the love square anymore and will never ship it again after taking off the rose colored glasses to see the red-flags in SEASON ONE! (Presents till his 35 birthday and his private schedule is not love. It's STALKING and there's no fucking excuse!)
Marinette doesn't deserve him. Gabriel DAMN WELL doesn't deserve him. The SHOW doesn't deserve him. If I can take Adrien out of the show and put him in another, I'd gladly do so for his sake or just adopt him to treat him better. And i said several times I don't want kids but gods... this kid pulls my heart strings. The writing fucked up alot of characters, but Adrien takes the brunt of it. He is basically the Ken... WITH THE CREATOR ADMITTING THAT!!
There are only three people I can see with Adrien. Either Marc, Nathaniel or my OTP, LUKA.
It's hard not to rant when it comes to Adrien because you know they didn't do him right and you want to protest so much but you know he's never going to get it better in the show. That's why I'll love and support him even just through fanworks because he deserves it. I can't put it in any other way. Adrien is KENOUGH.
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eerna · 2 years
I just think that............. *gestures wildly to how Harrow experiences attraction* you know??????
#as you could probably tell by my fanart today i am having a Night#this funky repressed nun chose the object of her worship to double as her imaginary gf#she cuddles her she calls her beloved she tries to make a move on her#all completely imaginary of course. she doesn't feel any of that but likes to imagine she can feel it.#the object of her worship is also the death of god the monster he defeated once but couldnt defeat twice who resides in a tom under her home#a tomb harrow herself was conceived at the price of 200 innocent children to keep shut#she is the symbol of harrow's power as a necromancer she is the proof harrow deserves to live even if the price was so horrible#and then there's ianthe who is also a brilliant necromancer. who understands attraction at the level harrow does and uses it against harrow#how the only two times harrow even considered giving in to ianthe was when she was either at the end of her rope and insanely powerless#or when she felt at the top of her game like the powerful necromancer she is supposed to be and somehow isn't anymore#their touching is always threatening and uncomfortable and makes her feel on edge#and then there's gideon who just. has nothing to do with any of that. gideon exists on a completely different level.#she reduces alecto to ''ice lolly bimbo'' and ''big slut'' and ''bullshit dead girlfriend'' without breaking a sweat#she forgives harrow everything. things harrow had no part in and things she had. it doesn't matter she forgives it all#she holds harrow's hand she hugs her she kisses her she is REAL and the FIRST PERSON TO EVER PROPERLY TOUCH HER WITH AFFECTION#and it stuns harrow so much she is incapable of even processing it. she completely shuts down every time. we dont know how she feels aboutit#just. harrow and attraction and desire. holy shit#tlt liveblog
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dustteller · 9 months
Reading He Who Drowned the World and honestly Baoxiang has no right to be as bitchy as he is about Ouyang squandering Esen's love or whatever. Baoxiang is genuinely convinced that Esen loathes him. No you dumb bitch, your brother loves you and the reason he's giving you a hard time is because he wants you to be safe and happy and healthy. Yeah, he sucks at expressing it, and his efforts are misguided (bc the toxic masculinity gender rolesis fucking up Esen as much as it's fucking up everyone else), but Esen very much does love Baoxiang deeply. Every time Baoxiang remembers a time when Esen "enjoyed his fear" or whatever, I can only think of these parts of Esen's POV from the first book:
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Esen's first instinct is to defend his brother. The only reason he doesn't is bc Baoxiang leaves before he can. And Baoxiang glares at him bc he assumes that Esen agrees with Altan and won't defend him, but no, Esen WANTED to defend him and it's Baoxiang that took away his oportunity to do so.
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And a bit later, we have this interaction. Baoxiang assumes (again) that Esen would hate him if he was gay, and immediately goes on the defensive. Meanwhile, Esen literally does not care about this except for how it would affect his brother's reputation. He's just WORRIED. He doesn't care if Baoxiang is gay or whatever, but he's deeply aware that if he IS it would put him in more danger. Because, again, he cares about his brother, and he hates seeing what he assumes is Baoxiang making his own life harder.
And it's heartbreaking bc Baoxiang will probably never realize how much Esen adores him. He's so jealous of Ouyang for having his brother's heart without realizing that Esen sees him as his beloved baby brother and is desperately trying to protect him from a world that he KNOWS is cruel to him. Baoxiang will never know that his greatest supporter and the only person that loved him unconditionally was Esen. And maybe it would be WORSE if he realized how dear he was to Esen, because the realization that all thise things that caused him pain were borne out of a deep, unconditional LOVE and not the disdain he's convinced himself Esen felt for him might break him. Baoxiang has deluded himself into simplifying Esen's feelings for him into those of hate and disdain because its so much harder to accept that the person you love the most has destroyed you out of love. Baoxiang is doing the exact same thing Ouyang does in convincing himself that he's unlovable and relishing in the world's response as a form of self-harm. And Esen, who is genuinely trying (and floundering horribly) is a great tool for Baoxiang to use to tear himself apart.
And, on the other hand, Esen will never realize how much damage his attempts to help Baoxiang caused. He loves him so much, bc that's his baby brother! It's his job to protect him! But Esen has been raised as the golden poster child of a Mongol Warrior Man, a perfect pinacle of masculinity, and is thus doomed to only being able to express his love and acceptance for Baoxiang through a tough love, lets sand down all the edges to remove friction approach. For him, pushing Baoxiang into a box IS an act of love. It's the act of saying I love and accept you, and so I will help you succeed in all the things you're bad at so that everyone will love you too. Except by doing this, he doesn't realize how awful he's being and how he's asking someone that CANT ever fit the mold to break himself in the attempt. He's a perfect Mongol Warrior Man after all, and as such he has never been given the tools to express his affection in a healthy way. He will never truly understand how much he's an asshole, not because he is lacking in love (as Baoxiang assumes) or because he is incapable of sympathizing (as ouyang thinks), but because understanding is not something allowed of him and his role in society. At the end of the day, Esen is as much a slave to his role as all the other characters are, and now he's dead he will never be able to break free of the assumptions people have made of him. He went to his grave having destroyed the people he loved most, and now he will never have the chance to prove their assumptions wrong as be better.
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skiesareblue · 11 months
There's a point at which disliking Rebecca just falls into vastly tired women-hating tropes lacking any nuanced thought and part of this fandom's definitely made it there
#abuse mention#inspired by seeing the tv tropes page. and then people praising it#brief summary of parts of the tv tropes page would be *she was an awful bitch who deserved to die*#like can we have some perspective#some consideration for where info on her comes from. those characters vested interests. the fact that all of this is then filtered through#*i*. you think i is reliable here#ich and maxim are weird and fascinating and i love them as fictional characters#but i hate how horrible and downright stupid the rebecca hate has got#and i dont like her anyway#but phrases like 'utterly selfish narcissistic bitch' who's husband killed her in a 'righteous fury'#because divorce would have 'destroyed manderley' (bullshit) and she 'rather had it coming' because she was 'utterly rotten'#just say you dislike women and go jesus#thats not even all the quotes i hated on the page#its excused with well she was an abuser/maxim's a victim of abuse which is headcanon.#which i still dont rhink justifies the stuff being said but more importantly#its as easy to textually back up maxim being an abuser as it is rebecca#and he's the one with structural power and she's the one who's been murdered#he's also the one with all the power to shape the narrators views. because he's alive and rebecca's been murdered.#which will affect how the narrator reports events and conversations thoughout the story#my headcanon? sure but just as supported by the text as the other interpretation and i dont belitted and victim blame women to do it#and in no way do i think rebecca's perfect. I think the level of awful you think she is is based on personal interpretation#and that maybe in a public fandom space/website and not just your own blog not talking about women like might be nice
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#i wouldnt usually care about stuff like this. but every month or so i get two or three asks like this and i just got one earlier today#and look. i’m not saying u can’t hate ns or dislike them. feel free to send me asks that are like ‘ns you are stupid and you suck and i hate#you’ he IS stupid and he DOES suck and he is quite hateable. that’s fine#it’s just when you start sending me wholeass paragraphs explaining every single detail you hate about ns and how they deserve a slow and#painful death that i think two things: 1. you are finite waves reincarnated 2. you are weird! and strange even!#what are you on about! ns absolutely does NOT deserve a slow and painful death! and you absolutely do Not have to be so hostile and#aggressive towards them as a character! like Please relax. we serve bullshit here sir#most anti-ns asks i get are funny and are light hearted because it’s just people messing with ns on purpose or mocking him and making him#mad because he easily gets mad and it’s funny. Like those asks are fine. it’s another deal entirely when you send me this detailed and—#honestly—really mean message. I guess i am not surprised considering how similar ns and pebbles are in terms of personality#(and circumstances somewhat) and we all know how the fandom treats pebbles. even worse than ns. but yeah anyway#they are not an irredeemable unforgivable monster and they do not deserve to die. Hope this helps#to me even calling them a Bad Person is kind of a stretch. let alone the shit some of you are saying about them#we have to get normal about mentally ill and traumatized and autistic characters gang!#crammerposting#i also do not appreciate when people insuniate that ns is stupid for overworking himself and damaging his structure and so on and so forth#yes it is his fault but that didn’t mean he deserved what he had coming to him or anything like that. be nice to him
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novelconcepts · 1 year
I just. How are the studios not fucking embarrassed yet? How are they not just wallowing in awareness that they are the baddies? I understand wealth separates a man from his common sense and, uh, soul, but. How are you looking at a bunch of artists who are asking for basically the bare minimum, going “yeah, no, I need my yachts”, and you’re NOT aware how pathetic you look? The biggest loser energy in the world.
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beclynn-herondale · 16 days
Someone: I don't care if this character is bisexual/pansexual in canon they're obviously gay
Someone: I don't care if this character is gay in canon they're obviously straight
Me @ both:
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pennysbees · 22 days
the reincarnation in misao is so funny to me, specifically kurata turning into a cat because like. imagine finding out your cat was an incel pedophile murderer and probable necrophile in a past life. literally what do you even do in that situation?? do you keep the cat?? i think i'd have to rehome it man that shits just crazy
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avo-kat · 11 months
i just love how some people out there hate it when other ppl use like big fluffy yarn for knitting and crochet. almost implying like they are cheating for using thick yarn.
um. okay.... why is it cheating? yes, crocheting an amigurumi in bigger yarn is faster than smaller yarn.... so what? are you... guys saying its morally wrong to do things faster?
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