#vivziepop critic critic
Can the vivziepop critic community PLEASE be fucking normal for five minutes????
I just learnt from comicsgames34_ that toastyghostcriticalblog (the person who's name is blocked out, btw, it's not my screenshot it's comics) had said this shit.
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Like, if you're gonna critic Vivziepop (which I also like to do) maybe don't act like how Vivziepop stans act like... by doing shit like this, you are just proving to the stans that the critic community is in fact "insane".
It pisses me off because, if I'm going to be honest, I loved Toasty's redesign of that one Alastor figurine and now I'm ashamed of even sharing it to twitter.. If I knew, I wouldn't of made that post or even reblogged toasty. You guys need to do better and do what Vivziepop never did: discourage this sort of behavior. We're suppose to prove the stans wrong, not act like insane stans.
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UPDATE 24/08/24: More info, except it's about the Another critic person, calling someone's art a "pedophile art style"
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UPDATE 26/08/24: Found a uncensored version, thanks @ nighttimedemon for sharing it on your blog :P
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Also, someone below my comments said that it was "just a joke" and I'm gonna repeat it here: whether if this was a joke or not, you do NOT joke about wanting to kill/hunt someone down... as someone who dislike/hates Vivziepop (as well as critic her stuff) If you're going to advertise your account as a critic acc then you need to not do those sort of things. Especially when you know how insane the fandom is, by wishing death upon a creator, you're giving the stans fuel to use against the critique side of the fandom because they can use that and claim that "This is proof that all critics are like this!"
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theoddest1 · 1 month
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Samantha is a Story Artist, Animator, and Animation BFA who works for Viv on both HH and HB.
2nd Edit: Some of y'all need to chill in the comments with certain things you say. It ain't finna make any point come across decently with how you spread some info. I get being mad at some of the reactions, don't get me wrong, but bring it back down slow plz.
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autumnteawithfriends · 3 months
The Pinterest side of HH/HB slander is underrated
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As a bonus, some GOATED comments
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(NOTE! None of these were made by me and I cropped some images so stans don’t harass these people)
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skyx-the-witch · 1 year
Vivziepop male character: *is supposed to be hot and attractive. Canonically everyone wants to fuck him, he is flirty, confident and makes everyone fall in love with him as soon as he appear. Hes got the best voice actor to make the most masculine and attractive voice to match his supposed sexiness. Everyone in the fandom talks about how he makes them wet their panties*
The fucking character design:
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bump-inthe-night · 8 months
Vivziepop fans claiming adding black features to her black characters would’ve made it “too difficult” to animate them is a hilarious excuse considering this is the same woman who had characters like these animated:
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Another excuse fans have been using is that Vivziepop’s art style is “unsuitable” for black characters, despite her crew members proving otherwise: 
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No art style is "unsuitable" for black characters because it's the artist's responsibility to learn how to draw them in their style. There's no excuse for black characters not looking black in your style.
Vivziepop could draw black features in her style but CHOSE not to, hence why none of the black characters look black outside their skin color, which sometimes they don't even have.
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kawaiitail-chan · 2 months
I saw this peak masterpiece in my fyp LMAO!
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showtoonzfan · 8 months
A recent article came out about the mistreatment and pay of Spindlehorse employees, please spread this around.
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mythsandheather · 7 months
When the super problematic creator + their equally nasty project that’s stuffed with toxic messages, weird kinks and bad writing that you’ve been aware of for years finally starts getting open criticism on mass and you can finally voice your own frustrations and experiences without the fear of rampant harpy stans trying to hunt you for sport
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I honestly don't know which side is worse: The Vivziepop stans who harass critics and redesigners for simply criticizing or redesigning characters/show or the Vivziepop antis who harassed innocent fans for just laughing at a scene that could be considered "cringe" to outsiders 💀. Don't get me wrong, I myself am a Viv criticizer while also watching/enjoying the show (because yes, I'm a fan of the series and yes I do separate art from the artist in some cases) but you would NOT fucking catch me harassing a fan for finding a scene funny... Like, it's bad enough that some stans think that the Vivziepop critics are "insane" all because of the antis and a lot of rotten apples that are apart of the vivziepop critic community (and shouldn't even be part of said community)
Just let a fan enjoy the show as long as they ain't acting like an insane stan running around attacking people or harassing them for daring to redesign Angel Dust or even criticizing a scene that they find problematic (or defending Vivziepop if she did something very wrong).
This is also the reason WHY I mute the anti-vivziepop as well as other anti-x tags (and discourage/block people who uses those tags when reblogging my stuff) because I do not want to be associated with people I consider insane antis.
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gh0stygray · 7 months
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I keep saying I wanna get to the seraphim’s but I get bursts of energy to other charactersss!!
Anywho here’s the long awaited Vaggie redesign! I made her outfit similar yo Charlie’s and added gold on her to elude to get angelic identity! She’s also more purple!! I’m so sorry but I can’t stand seeing her in red, it’s just not fitting, her final battle outfit was cool makes me wish she was in that all the time with her hair tied up.
I gave her tufts of fur to bring out her moth look and also because in one of her past designs she had these bright pink fluffy leg warmers so I thought that was cool, I also gave her gold cracks in her skin and made her X’s resemble crosses in her hair.
I wanted to make her look more demonic bit still keep her bright and soft enough to give of that lingering angelic look!
Thoughts on the design?
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krystal-kade · 7 months
What happened to Alastor being scary
The biggest thing I noticed in Hazbin Hotel that Alastor is not scary. He used to be mysterious, creepy, and intimidating. We didn't know what he was thinking. We didn't know how he was feeling. He was such a great character because we knew he was insanely powerful, but he didn't act like it. But now that the show has come out, he's not scary or intimidating. He's just an edgelord.
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Pilot Alastor wouldn't make this. Here he's goofy, but in a bad way. Where's the mysterious Alastor? This guy's just like "HAHAHAH I'M SO EVIL >:)" but he just seems stupid?
He also says all these corny lines, like "This is your sign not to mess with the radio demon," (it was something like that) "I'm about to end your fucking life," and "Adam. First man, next to die." He sounds like he's a 12 year old role-playing a creepypasta. These aren't intimidating, he just sounds dumb, edgy, and cringy
ALSO he seriously needs to STOP saying FUCK. It wasn't popular slang in the early 1900's, so he probably would never say it, but it also doesn't fit his persona. A really unique part of him is that he doesn't swear much and he's always smiling. He shouldn't say "ornery old bitch" and he shouldn't say 'fuck you." They just don't fit him. If he wanted what he said to have impact, he would have said something like "she's such a bitter old woman, bless her soul." or when Lucifer says the hotel's name isn't very clever, he should've said "your highness, intelligence is in constant pursuit of you, but it seems you have always been faster" because subtle insults he thinks everyone else is too stupid to understand seems more like his style.
I'll excuse him saying fuck once or twice. Maybe when he breaks his staff, and once more in season two? But he says it too much to have impact.
TL;DR, Alastor's not scary because he's not mysterious. He's just an angry edgelord
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gartenofbanny · 8 months
Vivziepop made Saint Peter, a Middle Eastern Jewish fisherman, into a white dude with blonde hair and blue eyes. You can't make this up, bro
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theoddest1 · 8 months
You ever just know someone is so horrid and manipulative and assume you can't dislike them further, but then you do, and you're just angered and annoyed that someone this repugnant thinks their hot shit for being a controlling spoiled little brat? Yeah, that's me rn.
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"Not invited"
The people who volunteered to work on the pilot, who gave it their all and genuinely loved the characters, the cast, the Fandom, and the creator all at one point...treated in such a way. One member, seemingly threatened by Viv, could not participate or take any sort of part in this love letter, or else his job as Striker will be on the line is some of the most manipulative and controlling things Viv has consistently done. But fans will sit here and act like this is normal. It's not normal. Why would his job be on the line for participating in a lovely goodbye? Nothing about this is normal, nor should it be normal. Nothing about any of this is good. It's extremely divisive and horrid.
And her seemingly seemingly cutting ties, ignoring, or not inviting the cast that helped bring the pilot to life to see the opening for the show they've waited so long to become a full on show, and who have helped promote it for years...
The very thought of even REPLACING EVERYONE wouldn't be on my mind (ofc unless there comes complications or a problematic situation or revelation occurs)
Not after all the beautiful work and passion they put into everything.
I couldn't imagine doing this to any group of friends who have been so kind, loyal, and loving towards me and my works. I couldn't imagine not inviting those who helped me get this far to the premiere of the show they helped build along with me. I can't imagine dumping them all after years of commitment to MY ideas nor can I imagine failing to promote and uplift their works after they have done so with mine.
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This is low. This is very low. Idc what excuse you throw. This behavior on Vivziepop's part is ludicrous.
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Were not initially paid...
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bump-inthe-night · 4 months
Stolas is the most realistic depiction of an abuser out of all of Vivziepop’s characters. He’s a manipulator who refuses to take accountability for the harm his actions have caused, and he blames everyone else. Stolas is completely focused on his feelings and wants without regard for other people.
In “Seeing Stars,” Octavia runs away because she’s tired of her father’s neglect. Stolas searches for her before his lust for Blitzo distracts him, and he spends the rest of his time thirsting over him on a comedy set. It’s Loona who finds Octavia and tells her that she needs to be grateful that her father loves her and to appreciate less than the bare minimum from him. Instead of holding Stolas responsible for neglecting his daughter, it's brushed off as a "mistake” that isn’t worth Octavia getting upset over.
It gets worse in “Full Moon,” where the Goetia prince admits his deal with Blitzo is wrong and ends it. However, Stolas blames him for making their relationship purely sexual and not recognizing his romantic feelings for him. When Blitzo speaks about how awfully he’s been treated, the Goetia prince cries about how hurt he is before kicking him out. Stolas could’ve acknowledged the imp’s pain and spoken about it, but chose to prioritize his own feelings. What makes this worse is that he successfully guilt-tripped Blitzo into regretting what he said and almost apologizing.
Stolas keeps apologizing for his actions, but he’s never changing how he behaves. When someone is furious at him, he resorts to excuses and victimizes himself. Stolas always makes his victims feel guilty for being rightfully upset with him.
He's a more realistically written abuser than Stella and Valentino ever will be.
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azural83 · 8 months
What's the point of having characters from different time periods when they behave and swear like they're edgy american teens?
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 29 days
This is so fucking funny
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