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fashionbooksmilano ¡ 2 years ago
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Flanders Fashion Institute 1999 Happy New Year
Flanders Fashion Institute, Antwerpen 1999, 36 pages, 14,5x17,2cm
euro 80,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
Angelo Figus, Anna Heyler, Anne Demeleumeester, Raf Simons, Jurgi Persoon, Veronique Branquinho, Bruno Pieters, A.F.Vandevorst, Martin Margiela, Anke Loh, Dirk Bikkenbergs
Flanders Fashion Institute  is a unit of Flanders District of Creativity and stimulates entrepreneurship in the fashion industry in Flanders. FFI sensitizes designers about business skills, guides them in their career and promotes fashion from Flanders.
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tokkimins ¡ 9 months ago
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oh. Well that’s not right.
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That isn’t what he said. Like AT ALL.
The difference here to me is huge and it’s bothering me to hell because I’ve been waiting for this scene to be animated for YEARS.
“Your survival” “raising you” “snatching you away” — all of these phrases emphasize Ciel’s life in a way that prioritizes ‘Ciel’ in that equation.
The manga’s translation, on the other hand, positions these phrases in an objectifying tone: “Your life” “cultivating it” “robbed of it”. Concern isn’t so much about ‘Ciel’ but rather his life. It’s Ciel’s soul that is of greater consequence to Sebastian at this point.
When Sebastian’s making that calculation of distance in his head, it’s out of fear of being robbed of his shit. He doesn’t imagine Ciel being physically put in danger;
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he just sees him in the clutches of someone else.
The musical tone of this moment also just feels so dissonant to me man… Like this isn’t a triumphant “I’ll protect you” moment — this is a creature defending its hunt. Ciel is literally being reminded that he is indeed still a meal in the eyes of his protector. How scary is that?
Well not nearly scary enough if you’re crunchyroll apparently. I mean, “raised you?” Like ok mom.
But y’know, if you take Crunchyroll’s version of the translation with the tone of the score, it reads a lot better than if it kept to the og translations ig. So maybe I shouldn’t complain at all. Maybe I’m just being a stinker.
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semiotomatics ¡ 2 years ago
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janamensch ¡ 1 year ago
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Aerois did not have enough Spellclash and Sky jousting, so I need Altheya to make up for that with lots of knights and tournaments. Therefore I present to you Altheya knight AU!
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thebluestbluewords ¡ 1 year ago
goodness knows
“If you see somebody stealing from a store, what should you do?” Fairy Godmother reads slowly, bouncing the end of her little golden stick along the chalky words written on the board. “It’s alright, just say whatever comes to mind.” 
The silence in the remedial goodness classroom is deafening. 
They’re all going to fail this stupid class. They’re going to fail, and be kicked out of princess school, and then Mal’s mother is going to disembowel them slowly and painfully once they get dumped back on the isle like the awful, terrible villains they are. 
Failure is not an option. 
“Mind your business?” Mal offers. She’s genuinely not sure what answer Fairy Godmother is reaching for with her little golden pointer stick, but anything she can guess has got to be better than nothing at all. They’re clearly not supposed to join in with the theft. Stealing isn’t very in line with the forces of goodness. Maybe they’re supposed to leave extra cash as compensation for the last guy? It would be better for the dude running the store that way. Maybe that’s why Fairy Godmother is asking them such a stupid question. Maybe it’s a test to see how well they can think about the needs of others and not just themselves. 
“Mm,” Fairy Godmother hums, nodding. “That’s a good guess, Mal. Anyone else?” 
Carlos raises his hand, because he’s a fucking nerd. 
Fairy Godmother beams at him. “Yes, dear?” 
“Take advantage of the distraction?” he guesses. “If they’re not paying attention they deserve to be robbed. It’s a moral lesson.” 
“Yeah, take advantage of their fuckup and steal their stuff too.” Jay adds, without raising his hand. 
“You guys, we’re not supposed to steal here!” Evie says. At least her hand is up, even if Fairy Godmother isn’t calling on them anymore. “We’d obviously kill the guy. He shouldn’t have to bear the shame of knowing that he allowed his wares to be stolen.” 
“Yeah, a mercy killing.” Carlos agrees “Better that we do it quick.” 
“We steal a gun and kill him with that. It’s the quickest method.” 
“No!” Fairy Godmother squawks, “No! You are supposed to call the authorities!” 
Oh, they’ve seen this in the news. They’re supposed to wait for adults to do the violence for them.
“No offense, Fairy Godmother,” Mal says sweetly. “But I think we’d rather just kill them ourselves. We don’t need to wait for the authorities to do it for us.”
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xxplastic-cubexx ¡ 1 month ago
How do you feel about British Charles?
making anything british automatically adds like 5% comedic value to it so ima let it slide
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just-an-enby-lemon ¡ 11 months ago
The thing about "love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling" is that it really doesn't fit marriage proposals because it is actually a sad and very catholic coded tbh sentence about humility and worthiness from someone who was at their lowest and it ressonates with me for the parts I agree but also for the parts that I don't and that make me think of an anxious teen on his knees doing one ot the most important rituals (the Confirmation) for a religion he doesn't really believe and that doesn't really accept or believe in him because he wants to make his mom proud and happy (De Profundis was hard for a lot of reasons but I was not expecting my catholic upbriging to be one of them).
The other thing about "love is a scrament that should be taken kneeling" is that everytime someone points out it's not actually about romance they complete it with "is tots about bjs" and like I can see why better than I can see romance but previous perfomance does not equal future results Wilde can write things that aren't puns nor inuendos (shocker I know). So it's not about blowjobs. But like if you want to use it as so, go wild, have fun. Just don't spread it as if it was intencional.
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binah-beloved ¡ 1 year ago
there's a variety of thoughts going through the minds of the employees of Lobotomy Corp when everything begins crumbling, being reshaped into a Library- victory, resignation, shock and dismay. the Sephirot are calmer, their agreement with Angela set and signed as the former facility begins shifting and warping, their consciousness being packed away, neatly stored in books until the AI calls for them- they'll get what they want in the end. it's okay, they believe, and close their eyes.
except for Binah, the Sephirah infamous for being so cold and sadistic, holding your hand in hers. she inhales sharply when she feels your form begin to dissolve into light, the memories of all your repeating deaths stored freshly in her mind, where everything else is hazy and vague from being poked and prodded at. her fingers only slip away when she tries to reach for you, a small frown on her face and a hint of fear in her eyes.
no. she wants to say, but her voice flutters away like pages. not again. not this again.
i can't lose you again.
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cosmictap ¡ 8 months ago
Little story from today:
So I went to the library for the first time since like 2019 and i needed to get a new library card since mine was very much out of date, so i (after a LOT of convincing myself) walked up to the receptionist and VERY nervously asked about a new library card, gave him my old one and i’m so sure he could see exactly how much i was shitting myself because my hands were shaking so much 😭 anyway, he asks me how old i am, to confirm my address all that stuff, i’ve calmed down a little since i’m like ‘oh okay maybe i won’t get outcasted for trying to get a new card’, he asks if my first and last name was still good.
Instead of backing up like i usually do and saying it was fine, i asked if it would be possible to change my first name!!!!!! Anyway the point of this was: Peter (i think that was his name i was genuinely terrified the whole conversation though) thank you idk what you did but i didn’t start crying so you did something right
And now I have a library card with my chosen name on it :D
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coriander-candlesticks ¡ 6 months ago
Me: I'm not sure if my health can withstand a commute. Should I try to go in tomorrow?
Apollo: no
Me: should I plan to work from home?
Apollo: no
Me: ...
Me: migraine?
Apollo: migraine.
#(cue it starting immediately afterwards)#i managed to take some painkillers in time to stave the migraine off but i still felt like shit the next day#so i couldnt have worked regardless#this was monday night (and tbf sunday & monday were *extremely* tiring days. i was falling asleep while crocheting & playing ac#which is rare even considering my fatigue issues)#yes/no divination has been great as a way to consult apollo without pulling out the tarot deck (which is more time consuming and takes#a *lot* more spoons)#the only issue is that when i do the stones or tarot i tend to get on a Divination Kick tm which is. not helpful b/c what am i going to do??#i've already finished asking what i needed to ask???#i should probably funnel that burst of dopamine/hyperfixation into researching different methods actually#gonna add that to the routine#also! working out the kinks with the yes/no method. doing it on my floor? no good. inconsistent results. Feels Bad. Loud#doing it on my bed? wonderful 10/10. very consistent results. Feels Good. not loud#i still do tarot on the floor though b/c having a flat sturdy surface is nice#for reference: my commute is 2-2.5 hrs each way via public transit. the sensory experience drains me *very* fast if im not careful and#we're in Purgatory Weather season where it's *juuust* warm & humid enough to maybe be a problem but isnt one For Sure#*and* the state fair is on so the trains are gonna be packed when im trying to get home#coriander says#helpol#hellenic pagan#hellenic polytheism#apollo#theoi#pagans of tumblr#hellenic community#paganblr
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friend-dogor ¡ 7 months ago
there's a song i heard once, while showering, in 2019, on a music application i no longer use, which was streaming out songs at random. It had a really strong, thumping rhythm. i think it was fast enough you coulda done CPR to it, or maybe just slightly slower. all i remember of the lyrics was that it said once, or perhaps several times "on a row-boat" thump thump thump thump thump (👈 the quick rhythm). it had that kind of alt, indie, folksy feeling to it that a lot of music i listened to then (and now) had. sorta like Blitzen Trapper
when i heard it in the shower i had that odd sort of "i don't like this song now, but if i hear it again i'll probably start to like it" feeling that happens to me fairly frequently. i made a note to myself to look at the recently played songs on the application, and write that one down, and to listen to it again because why not enjoy music! why not!
well, i was showering to get ready for class. i left. i forgot to check. the song has vanished into the cracks of digital algorithms that have probably been replaced and retooled several times over by this point. as i remember it, i start remembering my memory of it, recalling not the original listening of it, but my recollection of recalling remembering listening to it, and the fragment of song i have, no matter how small, gets more distorted, gently warped to accommodate my musical taste (which is itself, impermanent, ever-changing) more and more over time.
THIS is only notable because every time i tell friends and family about this song, the reaction is nearly unanimously "oh, let me try finding it" and various music apps are searched for any song mentioning a row boat in any capacity. a few months ago, i told my family, and we spent an hour after dinner where everyone took turns playing songs which mentioned row boats (some very good) while i listened for a moment before saying, over and over "no—it Thumps. the song Thumps."
and it has occurred to me that at some point, the song will be lost to me entirely (which is not a huge loss! i did not like the song Yet. i only felt the potential to like it, the same way I feel about New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down by LCD Soundsystem) either because i have forgotten it entirely, or because my memory has created a new song which i like a little more, but which has never existed, so that if somebody ever properly found the song and played it for me, or I came across it myself, i might only passingly consider its familiarity before dismissing it as pale imitation, perhaps inspired by the Definitely much better song i am looking for (which does not fully exist, even in my own head.)
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tommygotwrittenoff ¡ 7 months ago
anyone who thinks eddie would call buck "evan" after they get together is simply incorrect. he would only call him that when buck's childhood trauma is going crazy (re: the will scene). and maybe he would say it one time during extremely sappy lovemaking. even when proposing/saying vows, he'd be like, "evan buckley." a pause, a soft smile, "buck, i want to spend the rest of our lives together."
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f1ghtsoftly ¡ 8 months ago
I know everyone is doing it but I am so serious please stop going online and wishing Trump dead like
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yuwuta ¡ 1 month ago
i need u to post more of your opinions bc everything you’ve posted recently has had me nodding my head. like what u said about those tiktoks people make about people’s profiles on dating apps and the surveillance state and how whiteness is the standard in a lot of self insert fanfic/fanart or just fandom in general to the point that people don’t notice how they box brown and black people out of participating. i’ve been thinking a lot about stuff like this recently and it’s kinda consuming me. like i really hate how racism is still so prevalent in fandom. the other day this fanartist i liked (not anime) deactivated bc people asked her to draw nonwhite and not skinny characters and she went on a colorist crash out bc she only wanted to draw her characters with paper white skin which then opened the doors for her followers to be racist. then “her sister” posted her ai generated apology that uses her bad mental health as an excuse while people became even more racist. like it makes me want to tear my hair out
SHJSDKD i’m happy to hear you like my annoyed rambling posts and i feel you, the rage is extremely consuming. not even joking, for both of our sakes, we have to remember to breathe and count the blessings around us bc it really is so easy to be mad at everything all the time always 😭😭 sometimes i believe in the benefit of the doubt, as in someone who isn’t black/brown and/or darkskin might be used to the way the world presents content, particularly content surrounding love and entertainment, and might have inadvertently been taught to mimic that isms so deeply engrained in it, but you can always tell by their response to being correct, and a colorist crash out and ai apology is absolutely crazy work omfg
#anonymous#i say this knowing i’m still mad all the time at everything but. i am getting better at mitigating the stress w things i Do enjoy#my ramble this week is that i love videos where people are like ‘i enjoy doing x and it’s my love language. so i did x for my partner’#and i really do like seeing that kinda content and i used to see more of it#but when i did see it the comments were always to the point of ‘lol and what does your boyfriend do for you?’ etc etc etc#which. i understand the general broad sentiment there—men rarely ever are in public spaces performing (labor in particular)—for their partne#and even when they do it’s a bit eh.#and i get that critical lens#but for the most part i think it was very clear that those (mostly) women were like. this is something i would do anyway/do for all the#people i love/how i show i care. which i thjnk is like the point of it all man#that’s love that’s community that’s a relationship#BUT i find it funny how now that narrative is shifting to more#‘here’s me cooking for my boyfriend after he had a 16h shift as a stay at home girlfriend’#or ‘my boyfriend is flying back cross country for work so i took off my job early to surprise him with dinner’#which can still be a genuine ‘this is me showing love for my person’#but also has a sort of inisiduous trad wifism woven into the wording of it now#and i know that’s the case bc the comments now are not in critique of the man and his alleged lack of reciprocal performance for his partner#instead everyone Likes the content when it’s presented this way almost like it ‘should’ be presented as#‘here i am as a woman doing x task for my man’ instead of ‘here i am as a person showing love to someone who i consider my equal’#which is a really sinister undertone and overal social shift esp when you factor in the…. everything happening in american and wider global#politics#but also in fashion in makeup in film/media#this call for traditionalism as Good as a mask for racism/misogyny/bigotry#Instead of tradition as honor acceptance and a ground to grow on#is really concerning. but anyway did we all try the chips i thought the chips were great
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quatregats ¡ 1 month ago
Today at the cafe I went to there was this person at the table next to mine who was a perfect facecast for Millat Iqbal Whiteteeth and I spent a good 20 minutes wondering if there was a normal way to ask a random stranger to take their picture so I could use it to draw Fictional Guy From My Book
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theneighborhoodwatch ¡ 2 years ago
the only asks i could find that mention this explicitly are from 2020, so i don't know how much water they still hold, but i think a lot about how one of the inspirations for wally's character writing back when clown first picked welcome home back up was dr. habit from smile for me. obviously no telling for certain how that influence will manifest in future updates, but i think it's Very Interesting, given how both characters seem kinda Obsessed with fulfilling the image of some fictional archetype (i.e. habit trying his damnedest to embody the idea of a cartoon supervillain to subconsciously justify his own self-loathing and [at least in one ending] suicidal ideation VS wally being So devoted to his role as an audience surrogate that even now, nearly 50 years after the show has ended, he insists on being our guide as we try to unravel whatever the fuck happened here.
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