#but is very very catholic
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just-an-enby-lemon · 11 months ago
The thing about "love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling" is that it really doesn't fit marriage proposals because it is actually a sad and very catholic coded tbh sentence about humility and worthiness from someone who was at their lowest and it ressonates with me for the parts I agree but also for the parts that I don't and that make me think of an anxious teen on his knees doing one ot the most important rituals (the Confirmation) for a religion he doesn't really believe and that doesn't really accept or believe in him because he wants to make his mom proud and happy (De Profundis was hard for a lot of reasons but I was not expecting my catholic upbriging to be one of them).
The other thing about "love is a scrament that should be taken kneeling" is that everytime someone points out it's not actually about romance they complete it with "is tots about bjs" and like I can see why better than I can see romance but previous perfomance does not equal future results Wilde can write things that aren't puns nor inuendos (shocker I know). So it's not about blowjobs. But like if you want to use it as so, go wild, have fun. Just don't spread it as if it was intencional.
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gibbearish · 1 year ago
kids who werent raised christian being like "lol baptising children is whack if they tried to do that to me i would start doing things to make it look like i was possessed" no you would not. you would bask in the pride and approval coming from the adults around you and you would quietly wait your turn because you were told from birth that sinning sends you to hell and baptism is The Promise that youre dedicating your life to jesus that youve had hyped up for years and watched other people be fawned over as they cry happy tears about it and you do NOT want to fuck up your One Big True Promise To Love Jesus Forever So You Don't Get Tortured For Eternity when you are literally 8 years old. im begging yall to remember its a thousand times easier to see the church's bullshit for what it is when you're not actively in the church. eight year old you is not thinking about trying to fight back against an oppressive religious group indoctrinating children because You Are The Children Being Indoctrinated. stop acting like you would've magically known better if it were you.
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flowersandfashion · 1 year ago
hot twink is tied up and penetrated
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A Collection of Homoerotic Paintings of Saint Sebastian
Carlo Saraceni, c. 1610 /// Nicolas Régnier, c. 1620 /// Guido Reni, c. 1625 /// Nicolas Régnier, c. 1625 /// Louis Finson, c. 1613 /// François-Guillaume Ménageot, c. 1760 /// Guido Reni, c. 1615 /// Nicolas Régnier, c. 1620
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winged-thinged · 7 months ago
You have to let people love you. You have to let people get to know you. You have to let people help you. Being so completely selfless that you try to erase yourself off the face of the planet and never ask for anything and reject everybody's offers of support makes you very hard to love! Unfortunately. Emptying yourself out of everything that makes you, you is not actually what your loved ones want from you, generally. They want to make you happy! They will be so so sad if you don't give them the chance. It's not all selfish. I promise.
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technically-human · 6 months ago
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Welcome to the reverse verse! This is part 1 of 2 of a commission for @i-am-as-normal-as-you-are and I can't wait to tell you all about it, because I'm incapable of being normal and chill about these concepts, so I ran with it.
Charles Rowland was born in 1900, his mum was from India and moved to the UK after marrying Charles' dad, a soldier who was not... very loving. Charles' heritage gave him some problems, but none as bad as that one time in 1916 when he was sacrificed to a demon and spent the next 7 decades in Hell. He doesn't like to talk about it, except when it can get him what he wants. He was always an angry boy, or so he thought, but after his time spent in Hell, it became so much worse. He's explosive and unpredictable, and so he mostly avoids conflict. He doesn't need to fight anyone, as his charming personality and sweet smile (plus a few smart calculations) always seem to be enough to convince people to give him what he asks for. And when the fight is inevitable... well, he has Edwin for that!
Edwin Payne grew up very sheltered, in a deeply religious home, and he is proud of that. Don't try to argue with him, because he surely has a Bible verse that will help him win (and if not, he is not above using his croquet mallet now that he has someone to keep safe). Unfortunately for him, he realized at a quite young age that he felt attraction towards other boys. Even worse, somehow other people could tell as well, including those peers that ended up killing him for it (the rumour spread throughout school was that he had died due to AIDS, and most people just accepted it). He never acted on those unnatural urges of his, but when he met this ghost who had just escaped Hell... he decided not to risk eternal damnation, and to stay here with Charles, instead. Edwin has no interest in the supernatural or in magic, and sort of looks down on them, but luckily his friend's got that covered.
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 4 months ago
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phyuri 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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butchhamlet · 1 month ago
"One big question about Hamlet focuses on what a Catholic ghost talking about a Catholic purgatory is doing in an apparently Protestant play. After the religious turmoil of the middle years of the 1550s, Elizabeth's accession marked the establishment of Protestantism as the religion of England: Catholicism was outlawed and driven underground. Two particular doctrinal differences are often used to focus the theological disagreements between Catholicism and Protestantism. The first is the question of transubstantiation and the physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The second is more obviously stageworthy: the presence, provenance, and reliability of ghosts. In Hamlet, the ghost's description of his imprisonment 'confined to fast in fires / Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature / Are burnt and purged away' (1.5.11-13) describes the outlawed theology of purgatory, just as the ghost's very presence is anathema to Protestant doctrine, which could not allow that anyone returned from the dead. Horatio, alumnus of a distinctly Protestant university in Wittenberg, a place indelibly associated with Martin Luther's radical challenge to the Catholic Church in 1517, expresses more orthodox reformed views. He questions what the ghost intends, warning Hamlet not to follow: it 'might deprive your sovereignty of reason / And draw you into madness' (1.4.54-5)."
—Dr. Emma Smith, This is Shakespeare (emphasis mine; this sums up pretty well what i couldn't cover about religion in my post on why hamlet isn't dithering. the fact that the ghost is clearly catholic and yet hamlet has been going to THEE martin luther university... either the catholics are right or The Devil Is Here)
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panksage · 11 months ago
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I use Gortash as a prop to bully my durge for his crimes.
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tomicscomics · 2 months ago
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What a jarring revelation.
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. In this Bible story, Jesus & Friends are at a wedding feast, but the feast prematurely runs out of wine (maybe Jesus & Friends' fault; unclear). This is a super big deal. Jesus's mother, Mary (from the Bible), tells Jesus about the shortage, then gives the servants her last spoken line in the Bible: "Do whatever He tells you." Peak Mary. Jesus tells the servants to fill some stone washing jars with water, then He turns that water into a wine so fine that those who dine declare it divine. 2. In this cartoon, Thomas (from the Bible), goes to Mary (from the Bible) to question her Son's instructions. Jesus says He wants to turn some dirty old water into fine wine fit for a wedding? But isn't that strange? Almost as strange as Him wanting to turn us lowly humans into fine saints fit for the presence of God, perhaps?? An encounter which prophets, poets, and Jesus Himself (from the Bible) all describe as the ultimate wedding feast??!!!
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rennyrose · 8 months ago
I just saw ur big guy with smoochable stubble post and I very shyly wish to present to you Alexander Anderson from Hellsing (vampire gun and murder show) who's a fucking lunatic of a priest that kills monsters while laughing hysterically and he's like 10ft tall and can make big knives appear somehow
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Awe yisssss I am Very Aware of Alexander Anderson - deceitfully smoochable gentleman that I would have lined and colored Until My Tablet Cable Croaked a few minutes ago 😭
Please forgive me and the lacking of new art for a bit
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canisalbus · 1 month ago
Finding machete-coded posts to tag you under is easy because in order for something to be machete coded it has to be both:
a. Catholic, and
b. miserable.
How wonderful then, that Catholicism and misery go hand in hand :)
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snidy · 3 months ago
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a little ideation collage about failstates viktor and the concept of anamnesis (both the philosophical and theological meaning) i made while planning/writing
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realbeefman · 2 years ago
robert chase one of the characters of all time. hes blonde. he went to seminary school. he purposefully murdered a patient. he’s a vapid slut. allergic to strawberries. was caption of his college bowling team. desperately needs to be on antidepressants. he’s divorced. his ex-wife was/is in love with his dadboss. it’s heavily implied that this is part of why he married her to begin with. he’s been fired multiple times but he keeps coming back like a fucked-up obedient boomerang. he’s the best surgeon in the hospital. all this while having the personality of a sopping wet cardboard box of corn flakes that somebody poured milk into and let mildew.
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patron-saint-of-lesbeans · 2 months ago
Please pray for all those going to the March for Life this week, that they put their trust in God and not in princes.
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gratiae-mirabilia · 1 year ago
“[insert aspect of Christian holiday] has PAGAN ROOTS 😱”
yeah and St. Paul had killing-Christians-roots lol. we baptized him, we baptized your pagan traditions, we’ll baptize you too
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natalievoncatte · 4 months ago
Even in the vast softness of Caitlyn’s bed
(their bed)
Vi felt the jolt. It was either that or the soft, pained exhalation that woke her, but it didn’t really matter. She snapped awake with the sudden alertness she’d been taught by Vander and had honed in Stillwater. Even though she came around in an instant, she still expected to feel a cold concrete floor beneath her aching side and smell the charnel stink of sweat, desperation, and blood. Waking up to soft linens and the clean, fresh smell of sheets washed in lavender water, and *Cait* felt fresh and new every time.
“…no…” Cait mewled. “…no… stop… Jinx… Cupcake! Cupcake she calls me-“
Vi hesitated, unsure whether to wake her. She’d seen plenty of people cry out in their sleep and knew that eight times in ten it was better to let them ride it out instead of waking them in the middle of something that might make them lash out or hurt themselves.
When Cait let out a blood-curdling scream, Vi lept wxross the bed and pressed a hand to her cheek, finding a cold sweat sheening her skin.
“Cait, wake up.”
Caitlyn’s eyes (*eye*, a bitter voice added) snapped open and she looked around, jerking up from the bed, her chest heaving as she drew in ragged, pained breaths.
Vi pulled her into an embrace, wrapping Caitlyn up in her arms and bending her body as much as she could to form a shield around her while Caitlyn desperately hugged her back and buried her face in Vi’s neck.
Sometimes they said more this way than they did by talking. Vi sat up and gently rubbed the back of Cait’s neck with her fingertips and pressed light kisses to the crown of her head, for no other reason than she loved her and she was free to show it.
Finally Cait said, “I had a nightmare.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Cait didn’t answer, instead resting her head on Vi’s shoulder while her finger aimlessly traced the tattoo on Vi’s arm, sort of half-humming on exhalation. Vi had learned that Cait wasn’t being rude when she didn’t answer her and that these little things she did to soothe herself were just as important. That Vi could savor Cait’s touches forever was incidental. Vi hadn’t touched her enough and would make up for it for the rest of her life.
“Do you remember the… the tea party.”
Vi swallowed hard. That night had been one of the most painful of her life, when all her sins had marched out of the darkness to revenge themselves on her tenfold. It was the terror she felt when she saw Cait’s eyes that shattered her, but the worst, the worst…
(I paid your girlfriend a visit…)
It hurt to even summon the thought, like touching the edges of a barely healed wound, feeling the scab lift and pull at the raw flesh beneath.
For a moment Vi knew that Jinx was going to lift that lid and Caitlyn’s severed rotting head would be sitting there staring at her with blank eyes and she cringed in horror and fear, a shiver ripping through her.
Cait knew; Vi didn’t have to say yes.
“Did you ever wonder how she knew you called me cupcake?”
Vi shook her head. “I thought she must have heard me. On the bridge maybe or…”
“She might have, but she delighted in making me tell her. I was helpless, terrified. She spent hours hurting me, but she kept saying she wouldn’t kill me because she was waiting for you. She said you’d do it.”
“Did you believe her?”
“No, never.”
Vi let out a long, slow sigh in relief.
“I hurt you. I hit you, but you would never hurt me.”
“We talked about that, Cait.”
“I know.”
There was a brief silence in the dark. First light was beginning to peek through the curtains and soon it would be time to get up. Most nights Vi hated waking now. She wanted nothing more than to spend then rest of her life in soft sunlit moments with Cait, making love under the warming sunlight as often as not.
Cait’s hand worked between them and traced over the scar on Vi’s belly, in the same spot where Cait’s rifle butt had smashed the air from her lungs and left her begging, sent her spiraling into a booze-fueled nightmare of longing where the pain of a fist to her face was the only thing that kept her awake long enough to keep looking for someone to kill her in the ring before the drinking did.
They held each other a little tighter.
“No one is going to get you now,” Vi promised.
“You’re not my keeper, Vi. You mean more to me than what you can do for me.”
“I meant you can hold your own. You took me out, remember? Do you know how many people can say that?”
“You let me win because I’m me.”
Vi shook her head. “Not until I was already face up on the ground. You took down Ambessa.”
“I had help.”
“You’ll have help if someone comes at you again. My help.”
“I told you, Vi, you…”
“No. It’s not because I owe you something, it’s because I love you.”
Vi hadn’t said the words yet, despite all this time, but it shocked neither of them.
“We protect each other, then.”
Vi nodded in agreement. She could see Cait’s eye growing lidded and the tension slit out of her body as Vi lay down with her. She was asleep in a few minutes, snoring lightly against Vi’s neck.
Vi vowed to stay awake, Cait was too soft.
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