#angel striker
danandfuckingjonlmao · 4 months
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hijinxx · 7 months
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“I think I’ll draw Blitzo, and maybe Fizz too!” ~Some fool, a week ago
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cherubfae · 7 months
Hi 👋
I'm loving your work so far and had to follow for more!
I was wondering, if you're not busy, if you could do the scenario when the reader tells them i can hold the whole world in my hands and the other looks confused and the reader holds their face in their hands with the hazbin crew + striker and how'd they react to it?
If not, it's totally cool. I look forward to what you put out next! 😊
you're my whole world || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
"I can hold the entire world in my hands. Wanna see?"
tags: gn!afab! reader// gn!ftm! for angel, fluff, cuteness, established relationships
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A crackle of radio feedback as his eye twitches when you reach for him, calms for a second when you cup his face. His clawed hands rest on top of yours. He's rather confused, how is this holding the--
"You're my whole world, Alastor~!" You grin up at him, lovingly.
The facade of a smile he always wears slips for only a second. But it's one second too long and you catch it. His eyebrows relax, lids drooping, cheeks pushing upwards and he beams at you softly. A genuine smile crossing his lips. He cups your face in return, puffing your cheeks like a fish and a muffled laugh track plays. Leaning his forehead against yours, he grins.
Softly, he whispers, "And you are mine, mon cour."
Immediately his eyes well up. He doesn't have the need to act all cool and collected when he's a total softie. He leans his cheek further into your palm, his eyelids fluttering shut allowing for a moment of respite. Tilting your chin upwards, he captures your lips in a gentle kiss.
"I love you more than anything. You are my life, sweetling, my galaxy. I would dismantle Heaven, Earth, and all of Hell to keep you and Charlie safe."
The meeting with Heaven hadn't gone to plan and now, she's curled up like a little blanket burrito in her crimson comforter. She doesn't say anything when you announce that you can hold the whole world in your hands, but she's definitely curious in the way she immediately watches you with interest. She's confused when you cup her cheeks but soon gasps loudly in realization, eyes welling up. You always know just what to say when she's feeling blue.
"M-me? I'm your whole world? But you're my whole world, too!" Charlie grunts, breaking free of her blanket cocoon to cup your face in return. "Look! Now I can hold the world too~!"
She expected your reaction to be much worse. Vaggie finally admitted, albeit she was forced to tell, that she had been an angel this entire time. You hadn't been sure how to react and it was clear you were hurt by her secret and she respected that you needed time to process all of this new information. What she hadn't expected was you approaching her a few hours later, gently cupping her face and telling her that she was your entire world.
A valve breaks loose and Vaggie begins to cry. She wanted to tell you for so long! She really, really did, but she didn't know how! You hold her close, slipping down onto the floor with her letting her cry on your shoulder.
"I didn't want to keep this part of me a secret, but there was so much risk in people knowing-- if they would directly come for you, I just... I couldn't risk your safety if you knew what I truly was. I love you so much, I just wanted to keep us safe."
The glass he had been wiping down would've shattered on the ground had his tail not caught it. His wings instinctively fluff up, setting the cup on a rack with the rest of the clean, empty glasses.
"Didja have to get up there to tell me this?" He clears his throat deeply, gesturing wildly to ask what you were doing. You, currently perched on top of the bar counter on your knees cupping his face.
"Yeah!" You chirp with a grin. Husk sighs, grabbing you by the waist and hefting you down and off the countertop. He doesn't say a word when your legs wrap around his waist and your arms slide around his shoulders. His cold nose presses to your cheek and he chuckles softly, utterly happy and in love.
"You're a dork, huh, hun? But you're my dork." Husk purrs softly, pulling you in for a brief kiss.
Angel Dust
Owlishly, he stares at you. That confusion melts into a genuine smile and a soft chuckle. His third set of arms materializes, tugging you in by your hips while the other two wrap around your shoulders and waist respectively. Pressing his soft cheek to yours, he affectionately nuzzles you with a laugh.
"You're full of surprises, ain't ya, toots? Y-you're my everything, baby. My world. The one light in this whole damned darkness I call my life."
He was expecting something much different from you when you climbed into his lap, turning his attention away from his displayed monitors. Red eyes flickering, he's confused when you grasp both sides of his monitor screen. This is new...?? Vox's gaze widens as you finish your statement, chuckling deeply. Covering your hands in his, he places your hand to his chest where his dead heart would still be beating. You make him feel alive, no heartbeat and all.
"Fuck, baby, that's pretty cheesy. But I liked it." Vox grins, red dripping from the corners of his mouth. "C'mere, sweets. Wanna kiss ya."
Why do you have to say some of the cutest shit? Ugh, it makes his heart feel all weird and he's not sure how to react, but he does appreciate it nonetheless, especially with the two of you being alone. You know he's been working on his emotions, trying to do better. When he can't find the words to say, he nuzzles your palm softly and gives you a wobbly smile before harshly rubbing at his eyes.
"Th-thank you, ah, fuck.. Why am I crying? Must be a damn ninja chopping some fuckin' onions somewhere." He sniffles, deeply sighing. He grasps your hand in his, squeezing it softly. "I'm not sure if the world is a large enough example.. To, y'know, express my love or whatever.."
She's pretty taken aback by your statement, a soft blush staining her cheeks. Her tail gives a little wag and she smiles. Bending down to your height, she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek, her hand slipping into yours.
"You're such a sap, babe, but I love you too. You're my world as well. C'mon, let's see what kind of chaos Beel is having at her party tonight. Not every day I can show off how amazing my partner is."
Saying that he's surprised is an understatement. He recovers quickly, a smirk curling up his lips and he chuckles softly. He kisses each of your palms, gently removing them from his face. He tugs you in close, tail swaying behind him. Tilting your chin up, his claw running along your lower lip. He leans in close, lips only inches away. His voice noticeably deepens.
"You're sweeter than pie, ain't ya, sugar? Got my heart and stomach all twisted in knots like somethin' awful. I'm not the best with words but I'd be happy to show ya just how much your tender sentiment is mutual. If you'll have me."
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motts-erella · 11 months
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Doodle Dump of sketch requests I took last week to celebrate Halloween! Individual Sketches will be posted later too!
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speakofthedebbie · 3 months
yall know the drill
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made this 3 days ago, forgor abt it
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omg guys it me
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no text version bc i might use this
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idk when ill start putting the meme index again, shits exhausting
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vesppperoro · 6 months
can you do headcanons for Sin of Sloth!reader?
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Sin of Sloth! Reader Headcanons
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Sloth. This sin is known for the failure to do things that one should do. That’s what you are.
Your system runs off of Medicare/drugs. People from other rings buy your medicine for whatever they think they need it for, even though they don’t need it.
You’re most known for your sleeping pills. They’re drugs that you can buy in any ring, but the proceeds go to you.
Your home is run by other Sloth members since you don’t want to get up and do things yourself.
Your people are very… strange looking. Many sinners and Hellborn resemble their sin, but your people are a little different. Yes, they are sloth-like, but they’re more monstrous compared to others.
You are VERY chill compared to other sins. You don’t have many rules or laws in your ring since your people barely do anything.
How your economy works makes everyone wonder.
Your real name is Belphegor, but you go by Name. Many hospitals in your ring are named things like: “Belphie’s Care”, “Belph Health”, “Belphegor PHD”, etc.
You resemble a goat, of sorts. A satyr and a centaur as well. You have the attributes of a goat, a backside of a goat whenever you turn into your demon form, and hooves in any form. You also have curly horns!
You’re a stoner. Like, you’re sitting in your chair smoking a FAT joint. For what? You don’t know. You like it.
You’re friends with Mammon because he provides you with money in exchange for drugs.
You’re also friends with Beel, but you had to lock up your party drugs since she would break into them..
Despite being lazy, you also like to throw parties!
Anyways. You may sit on your ass almost everyday, but you’re strong.
You hardly ever get into fights. You let Mammon or Beel do that for you. However, when you do, you make sure no one is left.
Similar to Belphegor from Obey Me, you were also locked away for a bit. You were locked away in order to prevent your previous rage.
Why were you in a rage? Nobody but you knew.
You were freed by Charlie Morningstar, who didn’t know why you were locked up.
Once you were freed, you went back to ruling over your ring.
You have the ability to manipulate sound and sleep. Your voice has the power to put anyone to sleep if you lace it with your abilities.
When you HAVE to fight, you use your sound and sleep abilities together. You make everyone on the battlefield hear your voice so they pass out. It’s less work for you.
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lanabitch2 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss scenarios:How you guys met
Charlie:(Time Line: Pilot
So you were good friends with Alastor or he owned your soul so he just spawned you to help out with the hotel and Charlie was nothing but sweet to you which was why you guys became close friends
Vaggie:(After Charlie found her)
So you are Charlie's sibling and Charlie wanted your help to get Vaggie better to which you did help ,and you and Vaggie bonded during that time which lead to her being a protective friend
Alastor:(During the show,before the Pilot)
So before the pilot he knew because once he became a overlord and came to the overlord meetings he met you another overlord and he didn't talk to you at first so you talked to him first which you and him become with besties especially with Rosie!(wait I should make a group of Alastor, Rosie,and Overlord!Reader!)And now to the show so during the overlord meetings you see him after 7 years while you and Rosie were chatting and she basically pushed you to talk to him again to which you do and you guys became close friends again!
Angel Dust:(Pilot)
You were a sinner who wanted to be redeemed so you helped Charlie with her hotel and in scene where they were in the car,Angel Dust was flirting with you the whole time even if Vaggie was screaming(?) At him,he didn't care
Husk:(Before He lost his soul to Alastor,and the pilot)
You knew him once again because of overlord meetings!You are a overlord again,You and him became friends fast and you would sometimes go to his casino and play cards with just for fun and then Alastor showed up and then Husk lost his soul. During the pilot Alastor has you help to which you do and while at the bar you meet Husk again, his is grumpy towards you but he secretly is glad that he can see you again!
Nifty(THIS IS PLATONIC!):(Pilot)
It was when Alastor just got her out of the fireplace or oven(I've heard both)and she started cleaning the place and at one point she just looked at you and then giggled and then started cleaning again, You knew she was something different
Sir Pentious:(Show)
It was after"It starts with sorry" you 2 didn't really pay attention to each other at first but he then started to try and talk to you which he was super nervous and would say the wrong thing but you were nice to him(cause duh he is sir pentious)and became his friend
Cherri bomb:(Show)
When she just blew up the wall in the hotel and Charlie gave her money to the bar(?),so when you guys were there you started talking to her and she was kinda rude bur in teasing way and after a while she was acting like your best friend
So you needed a job so you went to his studio and you didn't even half to say"Can I have a job here." He just goes"Do YoU nEeD a JoB?"*And you just nod so you gave your soul go him and stuff <3
You are just a powerful overlord who works with the Vees and Vox grew a liking to you and was kinda weird but you didn't really care about it and deal with it but you guys are friends(you replaced Alastor?)
Velvette(MA QUEEN!):Anytime
So you were one of her models and she didn't really care for you at first until she saw how much talent you had and she was awestruck so she then started showing favoritism towards you
Adam:(Earth garden of eden)
So after he lost both of his wives to Lucifer,God made him a new wife(or husband but it might start just becoming a female if so then sorry!),you were loyal to him and loved him no matter what(MY HEART OF STONNNNNNNE!)
Lute:(Anytime,and so this reader is female it just makes since of what I'm about to for the reader)
So your are a exterminator and she used not care for you until Adam started talking about you to her and she then started to pay close attention to you,which you noticed after a while and asked her"What?"and she was pissed until she chilled out started talking to you and you guys were chill
Emily(My bestie loves her):Anytime
You were a Seraphim to(I REALLY HOPE THAT NOT ALL SERAPHIMS ARE REALATED!)And she always talked to you when she just wanted to but you guys never really were friends she talked to you when she didn't think Sera would understand so at one point you were like"Wanna be friends?"and she would squeal and be like"YES!YES!"
Saint Peter(I love him and "OH!~"):Anytime
You were a Seraphim and he would sometimes see you when he would see Sera and Emily but you guys never really talked so at one point when you were just alone,he started talking to you which made you guys close
(End of hazbin hotel but if you want me to add more people than you say who)
Helluva boss
Blitzø(Mwah):(Before the whole Blitz and stolas fucking thing for the book)
So you needed a job so you saw IMP and thought *Murder >:)* so you when to work there and he had you meet him in his office and he was like "who do you want dead?"until you telled him you wanted a job and hired
Millie(THICK-um sorry and her and Moxxie are not married atleast not in these preferences but you can request them together!):season 1 episode 5 Harvest Moon Festival
So she knew you from her childhood back in the warth ring and once she saw you again at The Harvest Moon Festival she was overjoyed and so were you and you guys started catching up you ended up just going back with her and started working at IMP
Moxxie(Possum!):Harvest Moon Festival
So you also knew Millie and she introduced you two to each other and he was kinda nervous but you were kind for him to trust you and like the last preference you went to IMP to work there
Lonna(Goth queen):Anytime when she was with Blitz
So you got a a job at IMP and you tried to talk to her but Moxxie is telling you to not so you didn't for a while until you just did and she at first wasn't listening to you until she found out you like some of the same stuff as her and she kinda became your friend
Stolas(Birdy :<):Loo Loo land
So you worked for IMP and Blitzo had you and M&M to come along to protect Stolas and Octavia at Loo Loo Land,After a while Stolas started taking a liking towards you and was like "Blitzy give that one and you still have the book"
You were a servant/maid for the Goitia family and she was kinda nice to you but was still a bitch
Stirker(I mean!~):Teen times
You were Millies sibling and knew him some what around the ranch and his father so at one point when you were trying to get on a big ass horse and kept falling,he walked over and was kind(I think he was a weet heart in his childhood and teens but his dad messed it all up)and he said"Do ya need help?" He smiled and helped you up and you guys started talking after becoming friends
So you were a stripper for them and they never really noticed you until you pulled a amazing stunt(?) So after they had a talk with you and started saying how good you are and that you are probably the best stripper which you became close to them
You one of her BIGGEST fans in hell and on time at her concert when you were shouting "I love you!" She winked at you and after the concert she had you come back stage and she had you join her little group
So you were part of Verosika's little group,he never really payed attention to you but at one point you started flirting with him and he was pretty chill about it and was screaming on the inside and after that you guys became close
Mammon(Fat Christmas tree that I love!):Anytime
So you performed for him at one point which he really liked you and your style so he had you like work with him and now you are the SIN OF GREEDS pet.Maybe?
Beeulzubub(slay queen bee!):anytime
You were at one of her party's and she started talking to you and was like acting like your best friend and after she like gave you her number,you guys started hanging out
So I forgot Lucifer so!
Lucifer(eat me out please):when he visits the hotel
So when he visits he noticed you were like a parent to Charlie and he wasn't mad about it because she needed a parent figure(Alastor:I'm a roach-wait no nifty!)*and he stared talking to and was like "new Lilith?" In his head
My oc's
So you came to her bar and she caught interest in you and would start talking to you and be kind flirty while also being a sweetheart and then you guys meet again at the hotel
You were also a model for Velvette like her and she noticed how good you are and wanted you to teach her and so you did and then you guys met again in the hotel
THANK YOU FOR 57 LIKES( Is that what their called?)
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whorebughaze · 24 days
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Rip Striker, you would have loved saying “this town ain’t big enough for the both of us.”
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Rip Angel, you would have loved doing poppers at a Charli xcx concert.
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Rip sir Pentious, you would have loved amazon prime same day delivery.
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Rip Blitzø, you would have loved urban dictionary and Bojack Horseman.
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Rip Husk, you would have loved noise canceling headphones and saying “back in my day”.
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Rip Moxxie, you would have loved starting fights in Facebook mom groups.
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marcomie12 · 9 months
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Poisonous snake 🐍
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cherrycrushes · 5 months
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only on camera - headcanons
(separate) alastor, lucifer, vox, angel, striker x camgirl!reader.
a/n: starting to get into making headcanons! lowk fun. also slight maturity warning
✮ you guys probably met upon his arrival at the hotel
✮ you being angel's close friend because your line of work
✮ he didn't know what a camgirl was until a very awkward conversation explaining what your job was to him
✮ he was shocked to say the least
✮ to imagine people would pay just to see you touching yourself was definitely an odd thing for him
✮ he definetely acted weird around you
✮ but throughout multiple conversations, he realized you were much smarter than he thought, despite your occupation
✮ you had to explain to him certain marketing strategies you did just to lure people into subscribing and paying for you
✮ he respected the hustle, but definetely left you alone when working
✮ after doing a live stream, he would provide aftercare
✮ giving you water and food after
✮ he's actually very sweet about it!
✮ i'd like to think being a camgirl was only your part-time job
✮ your main job being a mechanic
✮ he was at your shop, waiting for you to fix a mechanical duck he made but couldn't fix
✮ and attempted to make awkward small talk!
✮ when you told him what you did, he chuckled awkwardly
✮ he was supportive!!
✮ and when you two had started dating, the sugar baby accusations came in
✮ it only slightly affected your relationship, having to clear up the rumors
✮ to combat them, you showed the press how much you made on your own
✮ just to prove to them you had enough sugar, and there wasn't any need for a rich man
✮ you were the rich man
✮ lucifer only fell harder for you at this attitude
✮ the public eating it up as more pda showed from the two of you
✮ him proudly showing you off
✮ he probably watched your work and reached out to you
✮ he defo jacked off to it but whatever!
✮ he reached out to you seeing the amount of viewers you had each stream
✮ you being on the leader-board for one of the top camgirls
✮ he promised you eternal fame for your soul
✮ you were much smarter than that, and you turned him down
✮ this only made him want you more (eugh men)
✮ but you made a deal with HIM, promising him to be the face of some of his products if he gave you more subscribers
✮ he gave in, and started falling in love with your business demeanor
✮ he secretly joined in some of your streams, his face not showing
✮ he defo met you through valentino
✮ but you guys connected through sharing similar experiences
✮ helping each other fend off creeps whenever going out
✮ especially helping each other if he had to film and you had to stream
✮ i'd imagine your relationship would have little to no sex at all
✮ just pure fluff and cuddles :))
✮ eventually Valentino would invite you to film with angel
✮ more likely, he would force you to film with angel
✮ to which you had to agree to (or angel would have to face the consequences)
✮ angel would say it was fine and you didn't have to
✮ but you did it for him
✮ being as soft as possible
✮ angel remembers the experience as one of his best on set, even if the film had less views as the others
✮ lots and lots of aftercare!!
✮ he probably didn't know what it was until he asked
✮ and when he did find out, he teased you mercilessly
✮ but you endured it, only snapping when he called you something of a slut
✮ oooo heavy enemies to lovers vibes here
✮ ygs going band for band LMFAO
✮ he falls in love with your feisty personality
✮ always having a comeback when he mentioned something about your job
✮ you guys surprisingly have a lot in common
✮ him killing people for money, you fucking yourself for money
✮ definitely a lot in common!
✮ actually helping you film a stream that had bondage in it
✮ people noticing more streams with a gun kink theme around it hehe
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voxtechemployee · 6 months
nastiest hcs you have for alastor, vox, lucifer, and angel dust - go (:<
☄. *. ⋆ ALASTOR ☄ he 100% goes through rut, and when he does do NOT expect to be leaving his tower any time soon - he can go many rounds without any kinds of breaks, so even just convincing him to stop for water is hard ☄ those shadowy tentacles he has? yes, he will fuck you with those and it is an Experience™ : ̗̀➛ VOX ➛ it is not surprising that this man adores being a creep at heart; he has watched you get off while watching porn on your phone more times than he can count ➛ his favorite thing to do is use his control over wires to tie you up in compromising positions and take photos of it - he doesn't think you'll ever leave, but having something to use for blackmail is always handy (and as long as you don't do anything stupid, he's the only one who will see them anyway) ༊*·˚ LUCIFER ༊ this man could literally have you sit on his face for hours and he'd be more than happy to bring you to orgasm after orgasm without anything in return ༊ that being said, he also likes edging quite a bit - and it's cute, seeing the king of hell go practically stupid and cross-eyed as you stop him from reaching an orgasm ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ANGEL DUST ⋆。˚ this guy has done everything under the sun, so he knows how to do some truly foul things - but he's not super kinky when it comes to what he actually LIKES in the bedroom ⋆。˚ buuuut he can't lie and say he doesn't like it when his partner calls him mommy, and he doesn't exactly know why ("kinks are weird!" is probably his response, when you ask) ⋆。˚ he also likes overstimulation, as long as it's light and playful - don't expect to escape the same thing in return when you orgasm next, though!
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 4 months
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shhhh she’s talking about the lavender menace i don’t wanna miss this part. it’s already hard enough to hear what she’s saying over the girl in red blasting from her gf’s bike 🙄
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glossytoothpick · 1 month
So I moved recently and thought that for the fun of it I’d take a picture of every Bendy thing I own
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I have more Bendy stuff, they’re all just from independent sellers and not the official Bendy team. I’ve been a Bendy fan since 2017 and got my first piece of merch on Christmas (it was the Bendy umbrella shirt fun fact). Most of these I collected when I was younger but some of it is more recent. My biggest flex is having the original release of the Bendy plushies (this they have squeakers in them.)
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cherubfae · 7 months
holding hands || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
With Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox, Blitz, Loona, and Striker
tags: fluff, shy!gn!reader, ftm!reader for Angel 💕 crushing/mutual pining, pre-established relationships, blitz's relationship/intimacy issues (but we gonna get that healthy growth we need), striker's is a bit suggestive!
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You weren't sure the barrier of touching Alastor would ever be something that would be crossed and you told yourself that you didn't mind. You chose to revel in the moments of when he sought out affections and physical closeness be it dancing or if he suddenly tugs you in to tell you something. Alastor is not very privy to other people's space and Heaven forbid someone enter his without permission. Quite the contradiction.
Now, if he notices you're purposely not trying to give him any sort of touch or affection, he will get rather annoyed. You, darling, are the only one who he doesn't mind touching him. Has he expressed this? No. Will he? Maybe. Did he expect you to be able to read his mind? Quite possibly.
Alastor hoped to have made a smoother transition rather than just outright grasping your hand. Even he seemed surprised by his own action, static feedback chirping from him. His ears flick and the slightest sliver of a blush creeps from beneath his suit collar.
"I don't mind if it's you, dearest. I... I don't detest your touch as much as the others." Alastor clears his throat, his large hand briefly covers your smaller one. Giving your hand a little squeeze, he stands abruptly and disappears into shadow and darkness.
You'd never seen Alastor embarrassed before. How cute.
He's a pretty affectionate guy, especially once he's comfortable around you! His heart warms as you mindlessly play with your fingers, eyes looking everywhere but at him. The more you feel his stare, the more the blush darkens on your face.
"Take it easy there, sweetling," Lucifer's soft tone eases your senses. Pressing a light kiss to your forehead, he pulls back. He offers his hand, palm upwards, giving you time to back away. His gentle smile deepens when you slip your hand in his, his thumb brushing along your knuckles. Tugging you to his side gently, your shoulders brushing, you continue on the sidewalk towards Hell's finest local café.
While not one for PDA, Husk doesn't mind affection behind closed doors. Preferably out of sight of anyone who may mock and tease him for it.
He didn't however expect you to be sitting on his bed, thumbs lightly pressing into the center of his paw watching his claws go from being exposed and then retracting thanks to your gentle manipulations. He snorts lightly, as silly as you were, he couldn't be mad at your fascination.
"You're lucky you're cute, hun. If you were anyone else I may not be as nice as I am with ya." Husk smirks. Maintaining complete eye contact, you raise his paw to your lips and give it a soft kiss, grinning as Husk jolts with a huffy mrow. "Sneaky brat," he sighs, falling back on his bed with an arm over his eyes.
Angel Dust
You want to hold his hand? Which one, babe? He's got six! :) Angel is understanding of your shy nature, though he hopes you'll be able to be more bold with him in the future. He won't pressure you, of course, but he wants you to know that you can trust him. That he is capable of taking things slow.
"Is this okay?" Angel asks, softly grasping your hand in his gloved one. When you make no move to pull from his touch, a happy wobbly smile wiggles onto his face. He lightly leans his cheek against the top of your head, a brief sign of his affection. He can snuggle you more later, but for now, he wants to enjoy the day with his favorite person.♡
Intimacy of any sorts isn't foreign to him, but he's not used to someone so good, so pure. And he's certainly not used to that innocent attention being directed at him. Any time you touch him, even if you only accidentally brushed past him, it leaves him buzzing. Craving for something more. He wants your sweet smile to be directed at him and him alone. It takes everything in Vox not to scream when you give his hand a small squeeze only to pull back, muttering apologies. Soon, he's reaching for you again, taking your hand in his.
"I didn't say that I hated it." Vox whispered in an uncharacteristically soft way. His eyes flicker up to your face, then back to see where his hand has dwarfed yours. With his free hand falling to your hip, lightly stroking circles there, he pulls you to stand between his legs. Your other arm slides to rest on his shoulder as his clawed hand curls around the back of your knee. Intimate but not forceful. There's no aggression in his movements. Lifting your head towards him, even with Vox sitting down, he's much taller than you. His eyes hold a silent question, one that you answer with that smile he loves so much and a nod, and his lips press to yours with your hands still joined.
Romantic gestures are a big deal for him. Big in the way that he struggles with them, but that he doesn't want it to be something that holds him back. He really doesn't. Familial and platonic he understands, but Blitz is pretty damned confused with the fact that you want to even be near someone like him. He doesn't want to inadvertently hurt you by acting how he does. He doesn't wanna fuck up, but goddammit, he really does want to be near you. He wants to be able to give you everything you could need and more, he just doesn't know how. How to unfuck himself.
"Sl-slow," Blitz's voice betrays him with a crack and he swallows thickly, taking your hand in his. Ever grateful that you're the ones in I.M.P right now. This is different. Intimate. He's shaky, palms sweaty. His brain feels foggy and it's suddenly hotter than normal. He feels dizzy and like the floor may break beneath his feet and swallow him whole. The second you start to withdraw, he's tugging you back to him with a soft, raspy, "No." This is progress. Progress is good.
Facing him now, your other hand slides up to his. Both your palms are pressed together. Blitz keeps his gaze on the floor, unable to help how fidgety he feels, even as he laces your fingers together, and leans his head onto your shoulder. He's not gonna let you pull away. Not yet. Please...
Lighting up a cigarette, Loona leans her back against a wall of some dingy alleyway in the human world. You had chosen to wait with her, both dressed in your human disguises, hoping that any second Blitz and M&M would return with the mission completed. Your sole purpose tonight had been to guard Stolas's grimoire and open the portal when everyone was ready to return home.
Blowing her smoke towards the sky, Loona hummed softly. "At least it's a nice night, huh?" She smiles lightly, grateful her tail was hidden in this form when you leaned against the wall beside her. You looked great; you always did.
A vast blue sky with billions of twinkling stars smiled down on you two. It was a nice change of pace from the hellish red glow of your home. This particular area of Earth was quiet. Peaceful, even. Nodding your head you smile at her, Loona swallows.
Her pinky finger lightly brushed your own, a gentle startled gasp leaving you. But you smile, albeit shyly, your hand taking hers. Not many words were exchanged, none needed to be. Just Loona smoking her cigarette and looking up at the stars.
Ain't you just the cutest little thing? You think he doesn't notice how worked up and shy you get when he's just finished wrangling in some dinner, with his bare, sweaty muscles on display. It's a direct, unvoiced invite for only you and yet you haven't taken him up on anything yet. Why?
"You scared of me, sugar?" Striker drawls, flicking his cigar butt into the dirt and crushing it with the heel of his boot. You look up at him with those big, beautiful doe eyes and adamantly shake your head that you weren't. "Then what is it, darlin'? Spit it out." He smirks, gold tooth glinting.
Cheeks heating, you gnaw on your lower lip. "I'd like to hold your hand." Striker blinks, clearly taken aback. That's it? You're getting so worked up like a nervous virgin begging for a thick cock because you want to... Hold his hand? He stops himself from laughing, he can tell that it's really bothering you. Heaving a sigh, Striker plops down beside you. Pulling you into his lap, his arms slide around your waist and he offers both his hands to you. He hides his reddening face at your back, the sound of his blood rushes in his ears, unable to focus on anything but how soft your hands are. And how well they fit into his. "Jus' do it then, they're yours to touch, ain't they?"
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motts-erella · 11 months
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Part 3 of Halloween Sketch Requests!!
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the fucking dubbing studio for the latin spanish dub mightve leaked a striker s3 design???
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