mystery-salad · 2 years
I am slightly tempted to ask for a 17 but that might be a bit much :D So instead I ask 5, 8 and 9 for dear Alvvae.
Thank u for sparing me lmao, I have 14 commanders now and I know the number is gonna keep growing o(-<
5. Their most favorite map/place in general?
Rata Novus! She visited it long after HoT considering she didn't come to the surface until well past that plot point, and seeing earlier cities built by upground asuras is fascinating to her! Like tracing the path they took since being uprooted from their subterranean lives.
8. Biggest strength and weakness?
Her biggest strength is her willingness and enthusiasm to adapt as best she can to situations! Even with her actual physical limitations being so small and built for underground life, she's immensely resourceful and determined.
Her biggest weakness is, of course, her physical limitations! She's extremely sensitive to direct sunlight, immensely small even by surface asuran standards, and she's all but blind without UV-blocking goggles.
9. What do they THINK their biggest strength and weakness is?
She thinks her biggest strength is her resourcefulness in reconnaissance! She takes pride in her ability to get the lay of the land at a glance.
Her perceived greatest weakness is, accurately, her physical limitations! She doesn't see her size as one at all, but the fact that a too-sunny day can stop her progress in her tracks is annoying at best, and frustrating most days.
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Cripple Bastards - Punk's Not Music
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lovecatsys · 4 years
I had a dream that my mom asked me if I knew who the velvet underground was and I was like "Yeah! Lou reed right?" And she said "NO. lou reed was in the velver UPGROUND"
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piglin9542 · 2 years
my upground neighbor mou decided to adopt techie
mans saw me come home with a little baby dog man and decided
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The Sniper| Howzer
Note: im sorry
Warnings: Phsycosis mentions,
Reader: female,
Did I mention im sorry
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Run, Run he's after you
He's gaining on you run faster
He's gonna get you
She tripped over a upgrounded root, face first into the mud below her.
She tripped she's dead, we're dead
Y/n got up quickly out of breathe exhausted, yet kept going.
Run to your left the revene is that way
Y/n took a quickly left hoping over bushes and logs, running out the forest she slid to a stop. The revene wide and deep.
She can't jump over that.
Shes dead, we're dead.
She'll never win.
She turned around, the forest revealing the clones who called after her.
"General don't make me do this!" Howzer demanded, blasters of his teammates up and ready to fire.
She stepped back, her foot slipping but caught her balance.
"Don't make me hurt you General!" Howzer demanded, "make this easy!"
"What happened to you!" Y/n shouted, tears running down her face, "What did they do to you!"
"General. Listen! I wouldn't hurt you! We wouldn't hurt you!" Howzer tried to persuade, "General! We love you! I love you! Just stand down!"
"I didn't do anything!" Y/n shouted at him, "If you loved me! You'd be running with me! All of you!"
"General- Y/n!" Howzer tried to persuade, tossing his blaster to the ground walking towards her, "Y/n, I. We. All of us under your command. We love you, we care about you."
He's a liar he doesn't care about you about.
He's lieing!
You think they care about you?! They're the same! If one never loved you none of them have!
"Howzer. Im sorry. My friends- my brothers," y/n spoke, "I. I-"
"General watch out!"
Y/n turned around and was struck, her ears ringing, hearing her blood pumping in her ears she held a hand over her chest. Her sight went motion blurry as she fell backwards, Howzer quickly catching her in his arms as he shouted for a medic.
Looking down at her form Howzer held her in his arms, shot in the chest, from far range. The sniper
The medic rushed over, quickly tending to her in Howzer's frozen arms.
"The general's gone sir..."
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This is the Cottage of Willows Path
A small cottage core right by the willow tree's river rumored to be owned by a witch
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In the backyard of the cottage has many plants and a large willow tree with a single bench under it where the owner can sit and read beside the tree and it's river. At the river's dying end is a upground bathtub hand crafted and made out of stone and brick by the house's previous owner with privacy covers, though it's not 100% needed since this cottage is far away from it's neighbors
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The inside of the cottage is small as the outside with a small makeshift made bed and a large circle based window nearest, the cottage is very animal friendly
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It's a wide open space perfect for a large cauldron or a work station for all your hobbies
This was a idea that came from @gay-salt-amber so I hope yall like it
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roleplayqueen7777 · 2 years
1X1 Undertale AU RP Anyone?
Please be ACTIVE
Oc is fine but not prefered at all
I prefer to do Frans ( Frisk is a adult! )
Genderbending is fine also!
Also please be at least Semi literate ( Which means no one liners, single word responces, and no first person pov. Please do past tense and thrid person )
My Au Ideas:
1.) It's been years since Frisk saves the monsters of the underground. They are now a adult, 23 years old, and finally gathering the courage to meet them in person again. The monsters have made their own town and are happily coexisting together without human interference. Still near Mtt ebbot. They call it The upground, Asgore named it. They don't mind the ridiculous name. It's protected by a barrier but they aren't trapped. This one only humans can't get through unless the king, queen, and prince allow it. Being basically their kid anyway Frisk or course got permission easily. Sans had finally calmed down. After all these years he felt safe that Frisk wasn't returning and won't reset this time. Having suffered that countless times already. This time his happiness felt real and forever. That is till his brother Papyrus informs him that Frisk is finally coming to visit them after all these years. Sans doesn't trust Frisk. All that pain and stress rushes back at the meer mention of Their name. But what he doesn't know is Chara. The one who made all them do all that bad is gone. Frisk finally supressed them deep enough they won't come back anytime soon. But even Frisk can't be sure seeing the monsters won't retrigger it.
2.) Gaster was out looking for his two kids. Papyrus and Sans. They are only children so they aren't aloud out of their fathers sight for saftey. Sans had accidentally teleported to the door to the ruins. It was sealed shut and he had never seen it before. He was only 13 years old. Suddenly he heard a faint voice from the other side of it. It was whoever you are. Also a kid. They are just 12. The two talk for years and years. All the way into adult hood without ever seeing eachother. Sans had no idea you are a human. They grew very found of eachother and had a strong bound. That is till he is drafted into the royal guard by Undyne against his will after seeing how powerful Sans really is. Having finally reached 20 he was now old enough to join. His younger brother Papyrus who is 19 also was offically enrolled around the same time. Undyne wanted Sans but knew he wouldn't join willingly. So she let Papyrus in as well to persuade him more. After becoming a Royal guardsmen. Something Sans never wanted to begin with. He tells you all about it. That's when he discovers you are the last soul. That you are the human they've been trying to capture all along. Finally discovering the truth.....we go from there. ( In this au Toriel has never met Sans before and they've been sealed away in the ruins all along. So she is highly protective of you and so is Gaster to his sons. Little do either know you and Sans have developed a strong bound. A crush between the two. One forbidden but they didn't care. Not even this news broke that. They just had to work around it somehow )
3.) After completeing the pacifist run. All the monsters had to set up camp in the near by woods. The humans of Ebbot weren't eager nor thrilled to share their world with the monsters. Frisk ( or whoever you are ) Is their representative. They speak for all the monsters.
One day during their meeting to discuss living arrangements. The humans turn on them. Denying their request for peace and demanding you stay with them. Since you are a human as well. The humans believe monsters deserve to stay underground and to suffer alone for what they've done during the war.
Sans steps in. Having no idea with the barrier gone they no longer had access to human magic. Therefore any magical monster was effected with a grave illness. One only the humans can cure. It was their weapon they used to win the war long ago.
When he uses his power to defend you. His HP drops. Making him sick. Coughing up blood right in front of everyone. He was the first to fall victim. Showing signs that alerts the others. Instantly Asgore accused the humans of doing this.
He orders his people to Quickly flee. Yet not to return to the underground. Strongly believing they can find somewhere else on the surfface to live. Having fought too hard to gain this right and wasn't willing to give up so quickly. They ran off in a aimless direction. All while trying to help Sans. The humans hot on their trail.
Little did they know. You are what's making them so sick. With the berrier down. Chara was infecting your soul. Since you are so close with Sans. He is most effected. The easiest target with one defence, attack, and health.
This human was created and sent to the underground long ago to attempt to kill all of monster kind. When they failed the infected soul chara has took over every human soul that fell. Trying to complete their mission. You being the newest host.
4.) Twin princesses lived together with their human father. One twin was called Frisk. The other Chara. Their childhood and teenage years were typical and normal for thoes of royal status.
Both very spoiled. That is until one day. When a rival kingdom from the underground came for a annual meeting. The two families discussed a arranged marriage for frisk. Wanting prince asriel and her to marry eachother.
Uniting the two kingdoms and realms at long last. But alas...Complications struck. Princess Chara was madly in love and obsessed with prince Asriel. Frisk was not. In fact she had eyes for Queen Toriel's royal knight Sans.
He always accomponied them on their visits. As always he snuck off and met with Frisk. The two had grown inseparable over the years. Having known eachother since they were kids.
But this time was different. Frisk told about the arrangements. How she did not want to do it. They had to fix this. But how? Little did they know Chara was listening.
Being the oldest and more evil sister she came up with a plan. She would assassinate her sister or ruin the engagement. But how?
It wasn't until Chara met Gaster that she got the chance to truly put that plan into action. He too did not want the realm of monsters and mortals united. To have Asriel and Frisk marry.
He wanted to use his son Sans for leverage. To use their feelings for eachother to his own advantage.
So he came up with a plan. One chara gladly agreed to. She posioned one of her sisters teas while she wasn't looking. But framed Sans by having him serve them all tea while they had a picnic.
Being a knight he was powerless to deny royalty. So sans served the three their tea. Frisk, Chara, and Asriel always had tea parties like this. So it wasn't suspicious
Not till Frisk drank hers and fell gravly ill.
Sans being a ex royal scientist helped her. He ran tests and figured out what happened. But it was too late. By time he did he was captured and placed into the dungeon for treason. Being accused of trying to assassinate the princess.
Doctor Alphys had figured out the poisoning first and the humans instantly accused Sans. Since he had served the tea himself.
Sans was no ordinary knight. His power was astonishingly diverse and strong. A perfect weapon to turn against his own kind. Along with his connections. The king and queen and prince clearly cared so much for this skeleton. Sans was like their own child along with his brother.
Having took the two in when their father Gaster was slain during the great war. They where only kids at the time. So neither remembered Gaster well. But didn't know he survived.
That he was behind this and he told Chara to frame him. So Sans will be locked away and a easy target to corrupt. So they can finally kill Frisk and take over once and for all. Since neither could do it alone. They had to brainwash Sans to do it.
Now with him alone and in a ceil. Wearing magic blocking cuffs. He was a easy target.
5.) Frisk ( Life) and Sans ( Death ) are timeless. Sans' little brother Papyrus is Fate.
Life was ordered to restore power balance between themself and Death. Not risking Death becoming stronger than Life. Having noticed Death had become worryingly strong over the years. Not even Life's reset power made then feel safe.
The other gods Banish Death to the underworld for eternity. It is Life's job to keep him and his minions there. Seperating him and life seemed the safest and best option. That is till one day the god of lighting himself, Thor, Summons life to seek Death for aid in a terrible pledge wilping out Gods and Goddesses alike.
This was of the upmost importance since gods and Godesses can not get sick nor injured. Natrually the suspect Death and his minions are to blame. Only Death working with life can restore peace to the lands Thor believes along with the other gods and godesses. He must be stopped at all costs. But Death was holding a grudge. Still mad over being seperated from the others for all these years.
Life being such a good person agreed. Having no idea the other gods and goddesses knew she would be trapped there forever if she went. The baerriee sealing Death there would seal her as well if corrupted. But her determination could prevent this.
Life went to the underworld and tried to convince Death to help them. Not realizing the full stroy till he told her. How they both were played. Thus setting into motion a dreadful and powerful curse throughout the human world. One that would wipe out all living things if not stopped in time. Without life using her magic to heal and protect everyone this curse will spread. Little did they know this curse was Thor's plan all along. He and his own followers wanted the humans to pay Nomatter the cost.
Having been corrupted by a unknown bean called Chara. Asriel ( Thor ) was now in charge. His father and mother powerless to stop him.
6. ) Error is summoning the bad Sanses from different AU's. He is gathering all the Frisks he can find and the Charas. Wanting to finally put a end to these annoying AUS once and for all. He needed to extract their determination for his own use.
All because he and Ink had a major fight. Ink told him he didn't love nor care about him and never did. That it was all a game to him.
Ink never could've imagined Error would fall this deeply into darkness. Or that what he said...he never truly meant. He was in love with Error and it took this happening just for him to realize it.
Sure Ink was souless and hadn't been taking his emotion vials regularly as he should....but this made him feel. He felt on his own. For once he knew he done wrong and was deeply regretful of his own free will. Not with his emotion vials aid at all.
This was terrifying to him. Error on the other hand was the opposite. Normally he was so emotional but this time...it was like they switched off. He didn't care anymore.
Finding out the good Sanes along with classic are going after Error. Ink of course steps in and explains everything. Begging them not to kill Error. That this was all his fault. He had to help him and stop this before it got out of hand.
7. ) Frisk and Sans are trapped in a zombie apocalypse au. Their magic doesn't work. Everything around them is similar to Horrortale but worse. Now they must learn to use human weapons and defend themselves without magic before it's too late.
8) Horrortale ( You stumble into the underground once more after yet another reset but this time things are different. Everything is so dark and grim. Not a monster to be seen. That is till you wonder further in and discover the true horrors that await )
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nightklok · 3 years
Why hello it's time for me to be a nuisance and post my detailed Picklegail manifesto after a year of keeping this hidden underground, now it will be raised upground as part of my revenge plan-Under the cut is how I would've wanted their relationship to progress throughout the series-I converted a twitter thread i had into something readable so apologies if some things still don't make sense sdflkj
I like the challenge of trying to keep key elements of the show the same so Abigail won't be introduced until season 4 because I am like this. However, she would be mentioned in passing throughout the series by Pickles. The scene where Nathan mentions wanting to be a regular jackoff in Dethdoubles would probably have a few more lines by Pickles about 'settling down with that nice person you still think about' though the rest of the guys would think it's weird to think that. This would officially start in Snakes N' Barrels Part 2, the scene where Pickles began describing LA.
"Oh yeah, here's where I hosted my first concert in this small club. Got to meet a lot of fans and stuff. Especially this one girl, shit, wonder where she's at now."
This would also kinda explain why Pickles never even seemed to show interest in finding romantic partners throughout the series; almost everyone had an episode where they had a crush on someone even if it never went anywhere in the end. Pickles just never bothered dating because he knew that finding someone genuine as a celebrity was tough and he knew he wouldn't be connected as well as he did with that girl he met back in the 80s. There might also be a scene in Rehabklok where the doctors mention 'letting go of the past', which could also mean both letting go of his trauma from his family and letting go of the idea that he will get the relationship he really missed.
Season 4 comes around and now they all meet. Nathan notices how Pickles looked at Abigail like you would with trying to figure out if you recognize someone.
Nathan: "oh hey was she the chick you went out with back in the 80s?" Pickles: "Ehhh I dunno she is familiar though"
Will it get addressed by the characters? Probably not. Will it instead be painfully dragged out long because the readers will know? Yes, as per the MTL way :D
The two do eventually get some alone time. Abigail interacts with Nathan, Skwisgaar, and him one on one since they're the brains of the band and she wants to get through to them to help get progress on the album. Pickles and Abigail would get more one-on-one time; he especially becomes her translator when it comes to trying to understand what the boys are talking about when brainstorming.
They end up warming up to each other, making jokes, and probably the first time they really did comfy with each other was when Abigail asked Pickles to read the sheet music and he says seriously “I can’t read music”. she laughs thinking it’s a joke (he’s really not)
Abigail: “You know, I met someone back in the 80s who wanted to be a musician but didn’t know how to read music.”
Pickles: “Really? That’s crazy haha wonder if I met em too”
(this is in fact to piss readers off. There will be more dialogue to describe how oblivious the two really are.)
In the background of this, Nathan would be trying to impress Abigail. Her mistake would be beating around the bush instead of telling him upfront, causing very minor miscommunication.
But overall, the progress in the album is coming faster than ever thanks to Abigail's efforts. Though once again Nathan gets the dreams telling him the album isn't ready.
Pickles and Abigail pull an all-nighter to finish one of the last tracks. They get to talking a lot more about their personal lives, finding themselves having quite a bit in common. Abigail mentions meeting a singer back in the 80s who had inspired her to take up music production. After all, it would've been very hard for her to go to college at the time but the man had his own secrets too (being LGBT+ in the 80s) and he somehow managed to be successful. They don't kiss despite the tension but they do fall asleep on the couch together. Nathan sneaks into the recording studio while they're asleep and assumes they're dating which made him quickly back off on trying to flirt with Abigail. It would also make Nathan feel guilty as he realizes that Pickles is still mad at him if he won't tell him about his relationship. However, he wasn't there for that.
He catches the glow of the monitor and sees the album is almost finished. It isn't ready. He quietly attempts to delete it but the light of the monitor changing for him to delete the files slowly wakes Pickles up. He is groggy but then he realizes what's going on and attempts to stop Nathan but once again he's too late.
Abigail wakes up and quickly snaps out of her grogginess when Pickles explains frantically what happened. They both yell at Nathan for destroying their months of progress but Nathan only says, “it’s not ready. We need a better album. Trust me.” But since he doesn’t give a thorough explanation it’s hard to trust him.
Now is Going Downklok. They are in the submarine, Nathan is trying to fix things between him and Pickles but Pickles won’t have it. So he decides instead to let Abigail and him have as much free time as possible.
Nathan just talks about how great Pickles is to Abigail, accidentally dropping hints that she may have known him as the guy from before. And he does the same to pickles though he doesn’t talk to him much anymore and ignores him.
Pickles and Abigail are once again alone at the recording studio, both ranting their frustrations over working with the album once again. Eventually, it carried over to their own personal lives. And finally, they have the braincells to realize that maybe they did meet so many years ago. The room is so stuffy it feels like a sauna and only adds to the growing tension between. It only increased when they tried to leave the studio to remain as professional as possible but one of them instead locks the door. They both end up making out and eventually having sex in the recording studio.
Years of pent-up frustration, loneliness, and overall everything that had led up to the moment washed over. They decide to keep a secret relationship afterward because even though they did find each other, much like in the past, they found each other at the wrong time.
The dinner scene comes up. The two sit feet apart just to make sure no one would be suspicious. Nathan is at his height of frustration because he knows he had to delete the album but everyone is mad at him. He gets a little too drunk, and like the friend he is, outs their Relationship like a drunken wedding speech. Pickles quickly refutes that, instead he screamed at him over broken trust, deleting the second album that Charles had made sure the public wasn't aware and finally decided to quit the band. The news spreads like wildfire.
Abigail is quickly put to blame however it lasted very short since there became other conspiracies surrounding it. Nathan did say quite a lot after all to the point where it’s clear Abigail wasn’t part of the equation. But of course, some people blame her still and she decides to lay low. Pickles has to deal with his own consequences too so he decides to stay at her parents’ place with her as they wait for the news to blow over. While he’s happy to finally be with her, he does miss music terribly. Specifically, he misses playing with Dethklok.
She reminds him he can always talk to Nathan to sort things out but he knows Nathan isn't the type to apologize. The day of the concert comes, things happen as expected in the show. He doesn’t come home because they are in the submarine and he has to explain everything to her through a phone call where he’s beginning to break down, saying he has a terrible feeling that things will never be the same. She tries to calm him down but given how Selacia’s appearance is all over the news, she has the same feeling. They reunite briefly before the funeral.
I haven’t decided on the official ending so here’s ending one:
Toki offers to give up his seat so Pickles can sit next to her. He accepts as he doesn’t want to sit anywhere near Nathan. Magnus seems bothered but doesn’t say anything. There would be a funny scene of them just recreating 'Hello Magnus' 'Hello Pickles' once again.
But Magnus' tension quickly dies down when he hears them whisper to each other. He sees them hold hands discreetly and relaxes.
Magnus: "So I see the rumors are true between you two?"
Pickles: "I-yeah. What are you gonna fuckin' do about it?"
Magnus: "Nah, nothing. Just happy for you, is all."
Magnus does gain Pickles' trust enough to let his guard down by just sharing small talk. When the service begins, MMA texts Magnus over why Toki is sitting so far and how the plan is ruined. Magnus is hesitant to respond for a few moments (regret over what's to come, perhaps?) but he goes through and texts back that there is a change of plans but this plan would be better.
Well, couples would do anything to make sure the other is safe in such extreme circumstances.This plan could be much better, after all.
Ending two: pretty much exactly as canon. Pickles probably a lot more emotional- The end :D
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shaymelons · 4 years
A brief list of somewhat complicated AUs that I’ve written
- You and I broke up a while ago but I ran into you at the elite club that we both work at and I’m one of the underground fighters and what do you mean you work upground as one of the strippers
- my brother is a power-hungry dark warlock bent on destroying all monarchies and you’re the princess of a kingdom that he sent me to infiltrate. Why... are you so cute
also, I present:
- everyone in the kingdom is terrified of dark magic and you’re a witch omg get away from me--wait did you just save my life?? I will proTECC
- we’re enemies that lightweight flirt whenever we fight and one day you show up to my house beaten and bruised and who TF did this to you I won’t hesitate to KILL
- you’re a young doctor that I’ve been seeing for my broken arm and I have a HUGE crush on you but I’m too chicken to ask you out and wait did you just sign my new cast with your number
- I’m reckless at parties and you’re a straight-A honors student and our friends want me to start getting my shit together and you to start loosening up, hey how about we do that together?
- I’m new here and I know about you through your reputation as a rich, spoiled, righteous, self-centered bitch. But you’ve blackmailed me into being your fake girlfriend and omfg this is what your family is like? No wonder why you act like this. Can I get you some ice cream
- you have an inpenetrable exterior but you reached your limit and broke down in tears in front of me and you’ve never let me hold you like this before but I’m here
- you’ve been having nightmares but it stopped once you started staying in my bed with me
- our childhood friend is missing and we leave our hectic lives to find him and damn you really glo’d up. We develop feelings but know that we have to go back to our lives eventually, fuck I think I love you
- I’m repulsed at any form affection but you snore loudly as you sleep and when you snuggle closer to me, it gets softer and fuck why do you look so cute 
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bugsandbon3s · 4 years
hello! me again, sorry to bother you lol, but i had another idea. If your busy just ignore me i don’t wanna stress you out :). So i had a angsty hurt/comfort idea where reader loses her best friend on an expedition, and Levi trys to comfort her but she (who doesn’t know what happened to Isabel and Farlan) tells Levi to just leave her alone and they kinda fight??? anyways reader leaves to go to woods because she doesn’t want to be around anyone and gets injured or lost and Levi doesn’t notice becasue she said she wanted to be left alone, but when she doesn’t return by lunch the next day he has to go look for her because he’s worried about his girlfriend 🥺 Again, if your busy no worry’s, hope your having a good day/night!
Request: hello! me again, sorry to bother you lol, but i had another idea. If your busy just ignore me i don’t wanna stress you out :). So i had a angsty hurt/comfort idea where reader loses her best friend on an expedition, and Levi trys to comfort her but she (who doesn’t know what happened to Isabel and Farlan) tells Levi to just leave her alone and they kinda fight??? anyways reader leaves to go to woods because she doesn’t want to be around anyone and gets injured or lost and Levi doesn’t notice becasue she said she wanted to be left alone, but when she doesn’t return by lunch the next day he has to go look for her because he’s worried about his girlfriend Again, if your busy no worry’s, hope your having a good day/night!
Warnings: Mentions of death and character mourning. Arguing and shouting. Let me know if I missed any and they’ll be added :)
Author's Note: This request was loads of fun, thank you so much for it I hope you enjoy. Also I hope you don't that I changed the prompt a tiny itty bitty bit :) Took me a bit longer than usual to finish up but I’m super happy with how it turned out. Requests are still open so keep em coming yall :) posted this on mobile so I apologize if there is an awkward layout
It’s been three days since the last expedition. Three days since Emma died. (Y/N) is currently laying in her and Levi’s shared bed. She has been there ever since they got back from the expedition. Levi’s standing across from her in the room in full uniform, watching her with intent. What he really wanted was to see her get out of their bed, dress into her uniform, and join him in the dining hall for some breakfast.
It’s obvious to him that she won’t do it. “You should get out of bed, no point in moping around for long, you still have ‘most’ of your squad and you still have work to do.” Levi says very flatly. He knows it’s not the right thing to say, but he seems to never know the right thing to say, ‘why not just keep it blunt’ he thinks to himself.
“I--” A barely used voice croaks from (Y/N)’s body. “I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.” All she could think about was that moment she had just stood there in shock, three days ago, and watched one of her squad cadets’, her best friend, die at the hands of one of those beasts right before her. After the first bite (Y/N) had gone apeshit back there, she lost all control and completely destroyed the titan that had previously stood before her. She had retrieved what was left of Emma, but she was already far gone by the time (Y/N) had gotten to her. “It’s not like you understand anyway, you rarely let people even get close to you.”
“What did you say brat?” Levi questioned tensely, clenching his jaw. Your statement had struck a nerve with him.
“I said you don’t understand what it’s like!” (Y/N) nearly shouted, shoving the blankets of their body and aggressively presenting in front of Levi. Challenging him to see how he’ll react, hoping he’ll back down.
“You better think before you speak, you’ve had your time to grieve so there’s no reason for you to disrespect a Captain-” Levi started, stern, refusing to back down but quickly interrupted.
“Don’t you dare pull rank on me Ackerman, You haven’t lost what I’ve lost, I don’t want to hear it!” (Y/N) practically screamed at him. It’s clear she’s still so emotionally broken, but she still isn’t being smart minded in this moment.
“You think I haven’t endured that pain?” Levi shouted back. His face is tainted with a hint of pink to it, making his anger evident. Stepping up closer to (Y/N), he got in their face. “You didn’t even know me five years ago, so don’t act like you know what I've gone through. You don’t know what haunted my dreams for years.” Suddenly the room got quiet, but only for a few seconds. “Quit whining about how you couldn’t handle leading your group. Maybe if you were a half decent squad leader you wouldn’t be feeling so sorry for yourself, and you’d actually get up and do your damn job!”
‘Shit.’ Levi immediately thinks to himself. ‘That wasn’t what I meant.’
(Y/N) brought their eyes to the floor, quickly walking around Levi and leaving their room. Space was dearly needed, she quickly got angry and was desperate for a cool down.
Levi knew he had made a huge mistake as soon as the words left his mouth, but she had been in the wrong as well, making assumptions about his past. Taking a deep sigh, he sat down on the bed. He knew exactly where she was heading off to too; she had gotten angry without a doubt, so she was likely going to clear her head where Emma used to take her whenever she got angry.
(Y/N) had eventually made their way over to wooded walking paths, located directly behind the training grounds. Emma used to take (Y/N) here whenever she blew her top, always being known for getting hot headed, Emma was the only one who knew just what (Y/N) needed in order to collect herself again. The fresh air was refreshing, but (Y/N) could already feel herself starting to get emotional again. Being here was only drawing her mind closer to the recent tragic events, but maybe that's just what she needed to experience her grieving in a healthier way.
The gentle sound of their footsteps felt like just another reminder of how lonesome she was feeling. ‘If Emma was here, she’d probably flick me in the ear for being such a dumbass.’ (Y/N) thought to herself. ‘Levi had every right to feel frustrated, to a certain extent at least. Of course he understands, being in the Survey Corps, of course he’s lost his companions. He was still an ass though for poking at my leadership skills.’
The walk was quickly doing its job of soothing (Y/N)’s mind, Making it easier to process the fiery words spoken between the two squad leaders. But with (Y/N)’s mind focused on the previous conversation she wasn’t paying much attention to the path she was following. Before she knew it, she had stumbled over a rather large root, upgrounded in the path. With her foot caught underneath she had mistakenly sprained her ankle while trying to free it.
Pain searing from her ankle, traveled up (Y/N)’s leg as she stumbled to the dirt pathing. Instantly letting out a cry, her eyes started to water.
“Fuck!” She shouted out, clutching her ankle. “Of all times this happens now!” (Y/N) was clearly frustrated with the situation and with how bad her ankle was hurting she figured it’d be best to give it a minute before trying to stand and add pressure to it.
Nevertheless a moment never came where (Y/N) felt it was safe for them to stand up, instead she figured the path can get busy at times so she decided to hunker down and wait until some cadets decided to go for a stroll. Hoping to wave down the first cadet she’d see, (Y/N) was left by herself waiting for hours, and it was getting dark.
Back in the dining hall it was already dinner time, cadets filled the tables and kept up the atmosphere with the sound of clinking drinks and a constant dull chatter. Levi was seated with the rest of the higher ups but he had yet to touch his plate. (Y/N) never returned to their shared room and he had yet to see them since their argument. Levi couldn’t help but worry about his dearest and thought it was time he searched you out and apologized.
Abruptly standing up from the dining table earned him a couple looks, but Levi was too focused on his task at hand to even notice. He quickly made his way out of the dinning hall and began his search. He first checked (Y/N)’s office, then their room, and then his office and the library. He couldn’t find any sign of (Y/N) so he decided to leave the base and search the pathway he’d often find her and Emma strolling together.
It was rather quiet on the path. It was already dark enough to make out the moon and stars, leaving very little illumination for the walkway. (Y/N) had been waiting for several hours now. She had her back leaning against a tree, her head tilted down and eyes obviously tired. Then she started hearing footsteps trudging down the path towards her, she looked up but it was too dark to make out the figure moving towards her.
“Hey are you one of the cadets?” (Y/N) yelled. “I kind of messed up my ankle, can ya’ give me a hand in bringing me to the infirmary?”
“Tch” The figure sounded, finally close enough for (Y/N) to make out their features. “Leave it to you to get hurt on a walking path.” Levi said, his voice laced with sarcasm.
“You came looking for me?” (Y/N) questioned him.
“Of course I did, you never showed up for dinner brat.” Levi bent down to bring (Y/N) into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders.
“ Aren’t you upset with me?” (Y/N) asked.
“I should be asking you the same thing.” Making their way back to headquarters, Levi and (Y/n) thanked the quiet wildlife for filling the silence between them. “I-I think it’s fair to say we both said things we shouldn’t have.” Levi was obviously struggling with talking about such a serious topic. Never having been good with words, he came off as sounding stale and uncomfortable, but (Y/N) could see how hard he was trying.
“Levi- “ (Y/N) started but couldn’t bring herself to finish.
“When Erwin first brought me in, I wasn’t alone. There were two others with me, they were my family, but they never made it past their first expedition.” Levi said with his voice shaking. (Y/N) was looking up at him, he kept his eyes straight ahead, afraid he didn’t have the strength to look at his love while talking about his lost comrades. His eyes looked wet but he refused to let a tear slip through, he felt like he was required to keep it together somewhat.
“I had no idea. Levi I’m so sorry.” (Y/N) responded.
“I’m sorry (Y/N) for not telling you sooner, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for your mourning. Emma was a truly talented cadet, and I know she meant the world to you.” Levi said. They were already at the end of the path, now just making their way through the training fields towards the base. “I love you (Y/N), I know it’s tough right now but it’s important to keep fighting for her.”
“I love you too, thank you Levi.” (Y/N) said.
“Tch. Don’t thank me brat, just promise me you’ll join me for dinner after we get you down to medical.”
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deepdeepdeepinlove · 5 years
The bus drives endlessly through the mountain road, fog clouding the windows. Despite the warm air conditioning, chill is slowly seeping inside; a better look tells you that you're high upground, clouds floating into the nearest mountain's side.
"What are you thinking?" He asks, warm breath startling against your ear. "When did you sit down?"
He smiles, not nearly as apologetic as one should be after scaring you, in your opinion.
"It's been a while," he says. "I've been watching for a while."
Leaning your back against the window, you make yourself jump again- the cold seeping right through your sweater and into your back. You lean forward.
"It's cold." He informs, voice teasing yet full to the brim with affection. "Oh is it? I hadn't noticed" you retort bitterly. On a cold and long bus ride at crack o'clock in the morning, he could have at least cut you some slack.
He huffs, smile melting the edge you've been on since the beginning of the ride. It's not fair play, your heart has always taken his side when you bicker.
"Come here"
You move, almost instinctively melting into his open arms in a hug. "Hold on-" he realizes, moving back for only as long as it takes to open his coat before pulling you in again. Your arms slide under it to wrap around his torso and he tightens the ends around you to keep warm.
"You're very efficient" you compliment. "I should keep you.." and you know, your voice is trailing off, he should also know you're joking; he has never left a choice, one look from him has left you helpless and in love.
"I'd hope so," he replied. "I try my best, so love me for a long time."
"I will." You promise, a well perfected answer, another reflex from clinging, depending, loving him, an unchallenged truth.
And you do.
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rp-kat · 6 years
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Cripple Bastards & Carcass Grinder - Prejudices & Walls & N.F.C.B.
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Hello again! Sorry to send yet another ask. I just love your blog so much, especially reading about raph(he's my personal favorite). Umm anyway *cough* Do you think you could imagine how the guys would react if one day as if by some magic they woke up to find themselves as humans? I see so much fanart of them as humans but I would love to see how you imagine they would react.
PSST, never feel sorry to send an ask, NEVER !!!!!!HEH, now that’ll be fun to imagine. Personally, I never want them to be turned into humans :’Y they are so unique and beautiful the way they are ANYWAY, here we goooooooooOOOOOOO
LeonardoWhat. The. FUCK?!At first he’d be angry. He would blame Donnie for probably sneaking some sort of purple ooze into the lair and secretly testing on them, but as soon as he finds his brothers - and Master Splinter - in the same predicament and no ooze involved, he freezes.He’s a human now. Soft flesh, hair, five fingers for each hands and feet. It’s so weird and yet he feels like a new strength is invading him. Welp … that’s cool! Now let’s see what this human body has in terms of ninja skills~
Raphael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He’d be the first one to run around, excited as hell. He’d most probably run to the surface too and be overjoyed.Finally, no more monster, no more fear, no more difference! He’d be able to explore New York city the way it’s supposed to be: walking down the streets.
DonatelloIt would take him a little while to actually render the fact that he’s human now. He would probably be preparing coffee or brushing his teeth and then he’d just KNOW IT. He’d freak out a bit, but wouldn’t stop laughing in pure bliss. “A MIRACLE OF SCIENCE JUST OCCURED!!!” He would already be occupied with experiements, trying to find why and how it occured. Sure, he’d also go upground and explore a bit, but there’s too many questions in his mind right there and now.
Michelangelo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (x2)Would probably have a similar reaction to Raph. He’s just so happy, the first thing he’d want to do is make friends with everyone he sees.“HEY, HI, I’M A HUMAN!!!!”Go skate in a skatepark? Check. Eat pizza in an ACTUAL PIZZA PLACE? Check. Go say hi to some nice ladies? Oh yes, check.
*Bonus* SplinterHe’s probably the most calm about this. If life finally decided for him and his finally to be turned humans, so be it. He might miss a bit his rat form, but he won’t deny that this new look will advantage him and his sons in the future.He’d enjoy walking down the park, basking in some sunlight as he’s sitting down on a bench. Life is beautiful and peaceful; for once he’s not scared anymore.
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Lançamento no itaim bibi ..studios (28m) apartamentos 1 dorm (44m ) com terraço , lazer e vaga... #investimento#zonasul #itaimbibi #ruajoaquimfloriano #studios #APARTAMENTOSCOMSUÍTE #lançamento #UPGROUND (em Itaim Bibi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B45btOlHIu0/?igshid=zlialjfazifb
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I will admit that posting someone's story from Reddit on here was a lot, but Jesus Christ, it's not confirmation bias if it's something that fucking happens. There's statistics, there's numbers, and hell, some homophobic old white lady hears an ace person saying "I'm LGBT!!!", Until she figures out it means you don't feel sexual attraction, of course she's gonna have some misdirected homophobia, just like in the story that was publicly shared there! Y'all can scream "confirmation bias" and "aphobia" over and fucking over until your faces turn blue but Jesus, there's a reason you only respond to the posts with facts against you when you can claim moral upground.
And fuck yeah, before any of you little shits ask, I can provide sources. Feel free to ask.
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