Star Wars Writing
380 posts
{ASK: CLOSED} | A Star Wars Writing Blog| 18+ content involved but not always| blog is basically non-active sorry guys
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Hey!!! Im not posting on this blog anymore guys!! Maybe a reblog here and there. But I kinda don't have the courage to write on this blog anymore. Im sorry.
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Tech Badbatch, the Science Clone. Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech Badbatch, the Science Clone (Science rules) Tech Badbatch, the Science Clone!
Inertia is a property of matter.
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Sister from another mister
Them seem like they'd be friends
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HEY YOU BEAUTIFUL TOAST IT'S BEEN A WHILE <3 just dropping by to send you encouragement through this rough time right now. i hear a lot has been going on, and i just want you to know that i'm so so proud of you for still holding on strong, and that i wish nothing but the best for you moving forward!! take as much time as you need to get things sorted out and heal, okay? you are not alone, and you are so very loved!!
I know it has been a while! Thank you for your best wishes! And I miss all of you very much! You @boopitybophades @leias-left-hair-bun-again @monako-jinn-stories included! Im real sorry again I bailed on all of you so sudden! And worried you all! But im very glad that even after all this time and ghosting you guys have my back! I love you all very much thank you!
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hi just checkin in! i've been rereading some of your writing, and it reminds me of how much i enjoyed them! i hope you've been doing okay and that life has been good for you!
Hi! Yeah I been meaning to post about this! I do hope to start writing on this blog again. But somethings happened, to simplify it I lost my father figure, and I was really close with him so it's been difficult, I'm constantly arguing with my sisters and my mom always sides with them, My friends dropped me like a dead fly because I won't give them what they want, when it's not what I want, I'm graduating high school this year and I'm going into College, etc etc. It's just a lot going on and I'm real sorry for keeping you all waiting.
I hope to write a comfort fic, you know one that takes you back to the good old days: where you get sucked into the clone wars tv series. To bring us back when times were simpler and good.
Anyways sorry for ranting like that!
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I will never able to see Echo’s helmet any other way now znxbdhsbd
@neon-junkie that made my day
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The Bad Batch Incorrect Quotes pt. 11
Crosshair: I could kill you if I wanted.
Y/N: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
. **(*)** .
Hunter: Ow!
Echo: What’s wrong?
Hunter: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Echo: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
. **(*)** .
Y/N, over the Marauder’s loudspeaker: Gentlemen and lady, this is your pilot speaking. If you’ll look to the right of the ship, you’ll see that our sniper is challenging us to a dogfight. I’m turning on the fasten seatbelt sign because shit is about to get real.
. **(*)** .
*at a zoo*
Wrecker: What are they in for?
Y/N: Wreck, this isn't a prison.
Wrecker: So they can leave?
Y/N: No, but-
Wrecker, pointing at a porg: I bet that one murdered someone.
. **(*)** .
Crosshair, writing a letter: Dear Santa,
I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
. **(*)** .
Tech: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Y/N periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’
Tech: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
. **(*)** .
Echo: What’s something you guys are better than Crosshair at?
Tech: Repairs
Wrecker: Eating
Hunter: Emotional vulnerability.
. **(*)** .
Y/N: Are you mad?
Hunter: No.
Y/N: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
. **(*)** .
Tech: I'm going to ask you to be respectful.
Crosshair: I will politely decline.
. **(*)** .
Hunter: Can you pass the salt?
Crosshair: Can you pass away?
Tech: Too much salt.
. **(*)** .
Y/N: I feel like doing something stupid.
Wrecker: I’m stupid, do me.
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Was watching the bad batch: hunter came up and neice was like
"Ew. He ugly" and left.
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Man said "I lost my father and not letting a dad lose his kid"
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Oh dogma...
Hardcase: Is this mistletoe?
Dogma: Uh, no, that is basil.
Hardcase: Too bad cause if it was mistletoe I was gonna kiss you.
Dogma: Yeah, no, it’s still basil.
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She wants to take after Wrecker, not Hunter lmao
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she likes to be tall
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Horribly taken photos of a set of Omega in anime costumes
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The rain | Wolffe
Reader: female
SW Masterlist
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Wolffe sat outside on the covered patio, wrapped in one of Y/n's massive knitted sweaters with his legs tugged under him in a criss-cross matter.
"Tea." y/n smiled walking out setting the tray on the table between the two chairs, "Plain Jane right?"
Wolffe nodded watching Y/n pour the cup of tea, setting the saucer on the table beside him.
"Thank you." Wolffe spoke Y/n nodding with a smile.
Y/n made herself a cup of tea, adding cream to it. Sitting herself down in her own seat they both sat in human silence, the rain filling the silence, it pouring down in front of them.
"It's really coming down," Y/n responded taking a sip of the warm drink.
"Yeah," Wolffe responded.
He never liked the rain norstorms as a cadet on Kamino, and after his run in with Ventress, he seemed to hate them even more, seemed as if it was a reminder of his failure, getting sent back to Kamino.
He looked over at Y/n, "You okay baby?"
Wolffe nodded, Y/n smiling smally at him, the rain falling behind her as she sipped on her tea. The blurred background from the fast pace that drops hit the ground below caused him to focus on her much more. She was so bright during the gloom of the rain, like a rainbow that had already come to the sky. Easy to point out, easy to be happy about and get excited.
Reaching over he grabbed her hand bringing her hand over and leaning down he kissed her knuckles tenderly. The same hand that had a ring on it. The ring he had given her.
"I've never been better." He smiled. "Now that I can be with you forever."
Y/n flushed, even though everything she was easy to fluster, "I love you."
"I love you too Cyare."
Maybe the rain isn't so bad.
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Honestly every look is iconic
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DARTH MAUL, LORD OF LOOKS ⭑ vengeance but make it fashion ⭑
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Crosshair: oh yes Omega's at that very special age, only one thing on her mind
Random woman: boys?
Omega: homicide
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Omega from the bad batch could totally kick Sukuna's ass from Jujutsu Kaisen.
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Hey guys, just a quick Bad Batch concept here..
Why can I picture Hunter as a dude living the log cabin life off the grid in a secluded snowy area in Canada? He's got a wood stove and has a supply of venison in a freezer he made by digging out a spot in the frozen ground.. Inside his cabin, he's got all kinds of animal skins and cozy furniture, and at night the cabin has an orange glow from lanterns and the fireplace.
He's got a radio that he uses to contact the other loners in the area. They all live in cabins, and their names on the radio waves are "Crosshair," "Echo," "Tech," and "Wrecker." They call themselves the Bad Batch, and sometimes they all get together to hunt or hang in each other's cabins to sing and/or play games.
He wants a family, but the harsh, secluded life he lives with his squad is no place for a wife and kids... Until one day Reader and Omega stumble onto his land. They're on the run from something sinister, and he offers them shelter and protection. The Batch comes together to aid the newcomers.
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