#until I have the right amount of blood again. would probably help
tj-crochets · 5 months
hey hey hey my brain is kinda spinning out on the whole "focusing" thing so I think I might draw some more things, if anyone has suggestions of things to draw? I might also consider making like mini plushie versions of people's OCs or fursonas or something. Or assemble a puzzle? Probably not that one I don't think I can sit still that long right now But like seriously if you have drawing/painting suggestions or would enjoy seeing a simplified version of your OC/fursona/other character of yours idk the catch-all term I will gladly take suggestions. Currently my to-draw list is just "a leaf of some kind". I make no guarantees I will make art of the specific thing you suggest but depending on the number of suggestions there's a pretty decent chance
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likedovesinthewindd · 8 months
pookie!!! saw u are taking saltburn requests!!!!
thoughts on farleigh + reader with the same amount of snark as him?? like initially not being able to STOMACH each other & biting each other’s heads over (both ignoring felix’s groaned requests to “keep the peace”) and then being like…. wait why r u….kinda……
just that back and forth banter would be so good with him + ur WRITING!!! big smooches mwah
ugghh your mind!! love this and love you, sending smooches back ×100 !!! (fem!reader, wc: ±1700)
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"I don't understand what's wrong?" you asked, briefly looking over your essay again before sparing your tutor a confused glance, waiting for his input instead. "There's nothing wrong with it," Farleigh's voice only deepened your frown, "It's just a little... loose."
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"Yeah, loose. You don't have a really strong argument," he continued, head resting in his palm as he peered at you from where he sat on the couch. "I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you. My argument is quite coherent right throughout," you said. "Maybe, but is it convincing?" he said, small smile on his lips that made your blood boil.
"Okay," you sighed softly, "How about your essay, Farleigh?" you asked, internally reveling at the way his cocky smile faltered. "I'm working on it," he huffed after a short pause. "Well until then, keep your comments to yourself."
"I was just trying to help," he retorted.
"Oh, screw you."
"Alright, I think we can end tonight's session early. Give you some time to finish up," your lecturer interrupts. "And give you, mister Start, time to actually begin?" he gives Farleigh a pointed look.
You hastily packed your things away before wordlessly making your way out. Your poor tutor must've been used to the two of yours constant arguing by now, seeing as that was how many of your sessions ended. You never saw eye to eye and the banter was stupid most of the time, but Farleigh had a way of getting under your skin like no one else could.
You were beginning to think he had some sort of personal vendetta against you, even though you really couldn't think of ways that you've wronged him in the past that deserved that sort of behavior. He loved embarrassing you, and as many times as you've tried to be the better person, you just couldn't help from slipping your own little comments, satisfaction only really gained when you managed to wipe the smug smile from his face.
Farleigh had completely spoiled your mood, and you figured the best way to forget about your day would be to go out for a few drinks. You definitely felt like a loser going to the pub alone but you wouldn't have been great company anyway. You however, very quickly regretted your decision when you saw the very source of your foul mood sitting by one of the tables causing a commotion as he often did. Felix saw him before he did, excitedly calling out to you and asking you to join them.
Farleigh wasn't as excited as the rest of the table at your presence, but you refused to let him ruin your night.
"Funny seeing you outside." Farleigh said, ashing his cigarette in the ashtay in the middle of the full table. "Why would it be funny?" you asked. He pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows. "You're just such a homebody, hardly see you anywhere," he said. "But it's probably for the best, right?" he added, and you already sensed a verbal lashings following. "You'll need all the extra study time if you're gonna keep up."
"Farleigh," Felix silently scolded, but by now your heart was already beating in your ears, irritation setting deep inside your chest and making you feel hot with rage.
You bit the inside of your cheek. "You always seem to forget that you got into Oxford on favors," you said, watching the way the corner of his mouth twitched, facade still holding strong. "I'm not the one partying my life away. If anyone needs extra study time, it's you." In retrospect, it probably was a low blow, but the ethical line was hardly visible when it came to Farleigh.
The silence at the table was all consuming, and Felix, like the godsend he was, decided to speak up and end the wordless staring competition between the two of you. "Okay, uhm, shots. We need shots," he said, everyone quickly agreeing with him. "C'mon Farleigh, come help me," he said, practically dragging the boy along with him.
From there it only got worse the more time the two of you spent together, which was quite frequently because you ran in the same circles. You were friends by chance, only really connected through Felix, who you've known for years. Your mothers were friends, and the two of you quickly became close through her visits to their sprawling estate, often dragging you along. You've met Farleigh through Felix, and though it was evident the two of you didn't get along, Felix was still determined to try and make it work.
You were beyond relieved to be able to spend the summer away from uni and get a chance to breathe again without any academic stress. You had planned to visit your mother back home until Felix had asked you to come to Saltburn to spend the summer with them instead.
"C'mon," he tried, "Venetia will be so happy to see you again. And mum." You bit the inside of your cheek, contemplating his offer carefully. It wasn't an extremely difficult decision; the days at Saltburn served as some of the best memories you've ever made.
You certainly didn't regret accepting his offer either. The last few weeks have been amazing at the grand estate, exciting and overwhelming in the best way. It would've, however, been much better if Farleigh wasn't looming over you like a dark cloud. You genuinely tried to keep the peace, but he knew exactly how to aggravate you. You could see it was beginning to irritate everyone around you, especially Felix.
"Will this work for tonight?" you asked, smoothing your hand over the soft material of the dress. It was so easy to run out of appropriate attire when you had to give your best every night at Saltburn. Tonight was special, and although you weren't specially dressing up for the Henry's, you still didn't want to embarrass Elsbeth by being underdressed.
Venetia was lounging in the bed while you paced around the room. "You've already worn that dress," she said, making you huff. "I know," you whispered. "We can get something from my closet," she said as she stood up from the bed and made her way to you. "Or we can ask mum. Don't worry," she added with a smile.
The dinner was kind of dull, the Henry to your left not nearly as entertaining as the one to Venetia's left judging by the quick glances she spared you every time one of his jokes fell flat. Every now and then, your attention would sneak over to Farleigh; a pensive look thredded between his furrowed brows when his eyes caught yours.
The highlight of your night was definitely after dinner, when sir Catton had suggested karaoke. You were quite amused by Henry's rendition as the lot of you watched as the man made a fool of himself. Farleigh took a seat next to you on the couch, sparing you a smile.
"You clean up nicely," he smiled, sparing a look down at your dress, the sparkly material reflecting the warm light from the fire. His hand ghosted over the necklace around your neck, fingers tracing over the small pendant. You prayed that he didn't notice the way your breath caught in your throat at the little bit of contact.
"Thanks," you answered, smoothing a hand over the lapel of his suit jacket. "You don't look too bad yourself." He only scoffed, eyes now focused on your hand as it retracted from his chest. You didn't spare him another look, attention refocusing on Henry's recital.
The whole affair was getting boring, and before you knew it, your thoughts were back to Farleigh, a question on your mind that you've been burning to ask him. "Can I ask you a question?" you turned, asking before you lost your confidence. He raised his eyebrow in interest, urging you to continue. "Why do you hate me?" you asked. The question caught him off guard, rendering him speechless for the first time since you've known him.
"I don't," he started before scoffing, "I don't hate you." You pursed your lips, shaking your head in disagreement. "You do. At least you act like you do." He only smiled, shuffling closer on the couch, face impossibly closer to yours as he gave you a once-over.
Even though the topic was quite loaded, it was ironically the calmest conversation the two of you have had in a long time. It was reminiscent of the time the two of you were younger and still getting to know each other. Somewhere along the line, something shifted, and he started treating you like shit. You only returned the favor.
"You weren't always this mean either," you added. His eyes still examined the expanse of your face; trailing down the slope of your nose and into the dip of your cupids bow. His attention made you feel self-conscious in a way, tongue poking out to wet your lips.
You had no reason to even feel self-conscious, but Farleigh had a special talent for making you feel small in his presence. Somewhere beneath the irritation and resentment hid a feeling that made warmth settle deep in your belly everytime you saw him. It's a feeling you only gave yourself the luxury of experiencing in the dead of the night when your thoughts were all that kept you awake. The overbearing anger would subside and then that funny feeling would settle over your body and deep inside your chest in a near painful way.
You never called it by it's name, too scared that if you did it would manifest itself and become reality. But now as the two of you sat on the couch, the cheering and singing fading into background noise as a pair of deep brown eyes stared into yours, you finally had to courage to admit it to yourself.
"I don't hate you," he repeated one more time, voice slightly breathless and a sullen look on his face. "On the contrary, actually." That made you laugh almost too loudly. "So what," you scoffed, "you act like a teenage boy and pick on me because you had a crush on me?"
He shrugged, the motion causing the refined material of his suit to rub against your arm. "Maybe I just wanted your attention," he smiled, placing a brief kiss to your cheek before briskly getting up from the couch to cut Henry's musical number short. You uncleanched your balled fists that were bunching up the expensive material of your dress, the tension leaving your body with a sigh once Farleigh's words register.
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izzystizzys · 3 months
Ever since touching down on Triple Zero, both a military and quality marker for the planet in his mind, Marshall Commander Fox had become intimately acquainted with the biting pain of headaches and migraines.
This, however, feels like it’s going to make his skull cave inside out.
“I can hear voices, Thorn”, Fox hisses, wide-eyed, breathing harshly through his nose. His bucket sadly lolls around on the pavement from where he ripped it off in a panic, unable to breathe all of a sudden. But even exposure to the open air hasn’t helped much - now, Fox just feels like a fish drowning in water, desperately breathing in the air but unable to keep it in his lungs.
“I mean, we all hear voices, ori’vod, that’s really less concerning than if you couldn’t -“, Thorn begins, hands stretched out towards Fox like he’s trying to approach a rabid beast. “Voices, Thorn!”, Fox repeats, whisper-screaming over the strange sensation of all his blood pooling in his head and ears popping. “In my kriffing head!”
Thorn’s mouth opens to gape, then closes again immediately, countenance turning decidedly more alarmed than before. Fox crumbles to the ground, head clutched in his hands, moaning in painpainpainpain-
The only thing like this he’s felt before is after one of his private meetings with the Chancellor, the one he never lets anyone else have and Fox never remembers. It feels like there’s something else in his head, worming around his thoughts and bouncing off the insides of his skull-
“- is kriffing losing it, Thire, I don’t know what to do -“
“- keep position, help is -“
“- kriffing RED ALERT, what the -“
“- do you mean a karking Venator exploded over Coruscant?!”
“- call it the Zillo Beast - it caved in the side of the ship, apparently, and is making for the surface -“
The pressure inside Fox’s head increases, warmth dripping over his cheeks and from his noise, swelling until he thinks his head really will explode, and then - stops-
Fox looks up, gasping, at the shadow that has fallen across his and Thorn’s patrol, into two massive, glowing eyes. The thing tilts its head, and chirps. It sounds like a greeting.
Silence. Then -
“You’re right”, Fox says, in a daze, “we should kill the Chancellor.”
“WHAT”, Thorn screeches.
Fox wakes an indeterminate amount of time later to a gentle breeze and nebulous feeling in his head. This is strange for several reasons - one, Guard HQ are both insulated and airconditioned like ass, thus the temperature is always wrong and the air constantly stuffy, and two - he hasn’t woken up not in pain since touching down two years ago.
“Stabby gave you the good shit”, his own voice says, and yeah, that would explain that.
“Stabby is a little bitch”, Fox tries to say, which comes out more like a warbled gurgle. “You’re welcome”, a third voice replies, sarcastically. Fox pries open his eyes with great difficulty. Ah, yes, that’s Stabby looming across the room - and Stone, next to his bedside, lounging in a chair next to a passed-out Thorn, whose head is tilted across the back of his chair at an angle that will definitely put a crick in it.
And, behind them, where the medbay wall used to be, two gigantic, glowing green eyes, tilting along with the rest of the eldritch face floating next to Fox’s bed.
“Hgngndndnsndnfnfffhhh”, he vocalizes, and Stone shrugs. “Yeah, been there the whole time. Do you remember anything?” Fox frowns. Stabby snickers somewhere from his far corner, quietly bustling around and probably concocting something nefarious to make Fox sleep or “take a break”.
Stone’s eyebrows rise incrementally. “Really? Not even when you mounted the space monster, took a joyride through half of Coruscant, crashed through the Senate Dome and battled a lightning-launching Chancellor?”
Fox blinks. The Zillo Beast chirps cheerfully. “Huh.” A sense of strange, deep satisfaction spreads through Fox’s chest, raising goosebumps. “Did we bite his head off? I think we bit his head off.”
Stone chokes, and Stabby races over to thump him on his back, Fox watching warily for any sharp objects. You never know on that one - one second he’s checking your pupils for dilation, then you’ve got a needle sticking out of you and boom, ten hours gone. Or suddenly you’re spitting out decaf - ew - at five kriffing in the morning, being lectured about heart health and some other banthashit.
Something that feels strangely like a chuckle titters across Fox’s mind, and when he looks over, the Zillo Beast is blinking innocently at him.
“Yeah, your little friend did actually bite off the Chancellor’s head” Stone confirms, once he can breathe again. Thorn slowly stirs, until he jackknifes to awareness all at once, and then Fox has a lap full of hugging vod’ika.
“ - took twenty years off my kriffing life, goddamn, ori’vod, you’re giving me grey hair -“
“It’ll match your old man bones”, Stabby murmurs, making Thorn screech indignantly into the top of Fox’s head. The Zillo Beast trills mournfully, aiming a sad look at the medic, who shakes his head and brandishes a hypo at the thing. Fox wonders if he’ll have to intervene - he would try to hypo an eldritch space monster, the absolute lunatic. “Absolutely not - we talked about this, no scritchies until we can be sure it won’t bust more of Fox’s ribs!”
Fox’s mouth opens, and Thorn snickers mercilessly. Stone, far too dignified for it, buries a grin in a datapad. “It’s imprinted on you, Fox’ika”, he says instead, the traitor. “Tried to gte to you in the Jedi temple, but it wouldn’t fit - which is when we brought you here. The interior design was so butt-kriffing ugly it wouldn’t matter much to tear it out.”
“Imprinted?”, Fox asks, not even willing to touch on anything else that’s been said yet. An image flashes across the inside of his skull - him, tossing a space-tennis-ball into the air, and the Zillo Beast slithering off after it. In reality, it perks up and mrows hopefully at Fox God, he wishes he was still insensate. Thorn snickers again, and the desire increases tenfold.
“Yeah, like in that one holoshow, whatchacallit - with that one blonde chick, the Mother of Krayts - you know, the one that made Hound cry when they killed the loth wolves so we had to ban it in barracks?” Thorn’s eyes light up. “Wait, does that make you the mother of Zillos?!”
“Oooh, mummy Fox!”, Stabby screeches, the absolute traitor. Stone breaks out into barking laughter, and Thorn sounds like he’s actively asphyxiating. Fox hates them. Fox turns to the Zillo Beast.
“Please, please eat them.”
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uravitypng · 1 year
hear me out, denki and period sex!! mention of blood (obviously)(but it's not graphic)(denki's a no condom kinda guy. even when you're on your period)
boyfriend denki who just hates seeing you in pain. he dotes on you, doing everything around the house, buying you snacks and cuddling up to you. you're laying on the sofa together as you're watching an old rom-com, you always tend to watch them when you're on your period. denki holds you tight and plays with your hair, distracting you from your cramps because the painkillers haven't kicked in yet. he's telling you how much he loves you and how cute you are and you want him to say that to you every day and denki is the type of boyfriend that does. "babe, is it true that orgasms can help with cramps? bakugou said something like that ages ago but i don't know if it's true."
you make a sound of affirmation and reply "yeah, it's true."
denki doesn't say anything for a bit. thinking the conversation is over you turn your attention back to the tv. "do you want me to help with your cramps?" he says softly yet sure of himself. turning your body to face him you see him and he's looking at you with so much love, you can't detect any trace of reluctance or disgust.
"do.. do you.. i mean like.. would you want that? i don't want to make you do something you don't want to do denki." you quietly ask him, suddenly shy at the situation you're currently in.
"i'm the one who asked baby."
"yeah.. i want that. i want you."
you tell him you want him and not long after that you get your wish. denki caresses your skin, tracing your stretch marks and starts kissing you everywhere, starting at your jaw and ending up at soft stomach, you want more and he knows it. on normal nights he'd tease you until you start crying and begging for more but tonight his baby is in pain so she gets what she wants.
"please," you grab hold of him arm trying to get him closer and trying to get him to do something.
denki pushes a few strands of your hair behind your ear and whispers "i'm right here, i've got you." you're already wet enough due to the blood so he pushes his hips gently making you whimper, he reassurances you that he's got you and he tells you he loves you before bottoming into you. he pauses as he lets you adjust to his size, walls fluttering around him. "gonna move now okay?" you nod your head and you pull his arm down trying to get him to kiss you again. he obliges and you feel his soft lips press against yours, feeling like a promise that he intends to keep, so soft and warm and full of love.
he starts moving at a pace that he knows you love, one that makes your eyes roll back and makes you leave scratches down his back as you try to clutch onto him. you feel so good around him, clenching every time he hits that special spot making you see stars. keeping the same pace, he starts touching your clit with just the right amount of pressure and care that nearly tips you over the edge. you're so close, your back starts lifting and arching up as your scratches get deeper, digging in more. "i know baby, i know." denki fucks you through your orgasm helping you ride it out. he pulls out just in time before spilling onto your thighs.
denki's idea worked as you don't have any cramps anymore. you start getting up from laying down before denki holds onto you and lightly pushes you down. you're a bit confused but realise denki probably just wants you to rest while he gets you cleaned up however you were wrong. you look at him expecting him to be looking at you but he's looking at your thighs, where your blood meets his cum. he looks mesmerised and before you know it he's holding onto your plush thighs, keeping them apart so he can watch as his cum rolls down your body. he takes his thumb and swirls his cum into your blood watching the two mix with rapt attention.
you cock you head to the side and ask him, "are you going to be there all day watching my body? or are you going to cook us food?" denki snaps out of his gaze and grins at you before kissing your thigh, there's a slight imprint of blood on his lips and you're sure he must have done that on purpose.
"shower first, then food. both our thighs are covered in blood, so is my dick and there's even a spot of the couch."
"THERE'S WHAT?" you quickly sit up and try and find the spot, hoping that the stain isn't too big and it will come out.
"made you look." denki grins at you, after seeing your hurried self start panic mode.
"i'm going to kill you denki."
"you wouldn't kill your dear old boyfriend."
"i'm going to kill you denki." you repeat as denki just looks at you grinning before pulling you both up. "hey! i'm threatening you here."
"you can threaten me in the shower."
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cobaltperun · 4 months
Heyyy! I'm hoping I still got the time to request something!
Lorraine Day x Fem!Reader
Lorraine lives after the "accident" (did not get that headshot...) just has a scar on her face, don't know which side. R also survives and her and Lorraine gets closer, then they became an item.
R always caresses or gives kisses to Lorraine's scar/scars on her face, so she knows she's still that beautiful young lady as before.
I just want a fluffy, romantic one shot with my baby😭😭
Feel free to ignore this! Have a nice day/night!
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Lorraine Day x female Reader (Request)
Word count: 1.5k
You never should have agreed to this, you should have been happy working at a local store, away from all of these crazy ideas of movies that would make your life easy. Instead of that now you were trying to stop the bleeding from your left arm from the crazy old man trying to chop it off with an axe. And you needed the damn keys so you could get the hell out of here.
So, though it hurt as hell, you managed to get back into the house through the window and felt relief when you saw Lorraine and Maxine, relatively fine inside as well.
"Y/N! We need to find the keys!" Maxine told you as soon as she realized it was you and not one of the crazy duo.
"No shit," you looked through the drawers, desperately trying to find what you needed. "Lorraine, could you check these drawers to the side?" you asked, only now realizing the girl was on the verge of a panic attack.
"No! This is all your fault! I never should have listened to you!" she screamed at Maxine and you couldn't help but agree somewhat, though you figured most of the blame still fell on the crazy old people. But then Lorraine went toward the door and you just went after her.
"Wait, Lorraine!" you managed to grab her just as she came to the stairs and pulled her back. The resounding bang of the shotgun being fired deafened you for a moment and you expected pain, but you just felt the girl whose arm you were holding slumping back against you. "Shit!" you cursed, pulling her inside despite the amount of blood you saw on her face as the bullets just narrowly missed you.
That was three weeks ago and the entire ordeal after that felt like a blur, you somewhat remembered getting back into the house and trying to hide with Lorraine, and then being called just once by Maxine that she would leave if you don't get your ass out in fifteen seconds, and then dropping you off at the hospital, probably because you threatened her, and then you never heard from her again.
You came out of the ordeal fine, just the nasty scar on your left biceps and overall less strength in your left arm. Lorraine though… She lost a finger on her right hand and the right side of her face was scarred. It could have been worse, she could have gotten her face shot off, but instead you managed to pull her back just in time to prevent her death.
The damage was already done though, she was mostly blind in her right eye, and the scars were fairly prominent no matter how she tried to cover them with her hair.
The two of you ended up living in your house, left to you by your grandparents, but Lorraine hardly left the room, choosing instead to stay in the room you gave her. She barely spoke to you unless you spoke up first, she barely did anything and you could tell she wasn't doing well.
Not that you could blame her, given how she came the closest to death out of the three of you. You knocked on her doors and waited until she eventually told you to come in, you were carrying a tray with her dinner on it. Just some soup and mashed potatoes, since she was still struggling to chew, though doctors were sure her jaw would recover completely soon enough.
"Hey," you set the food down on the table next to her bed and sat down at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"
Lorraine looked to the side, hiding the right side of her face from your eyes. "Like I should have died," she spoke honestly for the first time. "I thought I could be an actress, and look at me now, an ugly freak," you saw a tear sliding down her cheek as her voice shook.
You stood up, stepped closer to her and knelt down. Carefully you reached up, touching her right cheek. "Don't say that, please," you whispered, your heart breaking for the girl when she pulled away from you.
"You shouldn't have pulled me back," she sobbed and the two of you just sat there, in an old room, with wooden boards for floors and an almost antique furniture, and barely any sunlight coming through the window.
"Lorraine," you whispered, lowering your hand on her shoulder.
"You're still beautiful, you're still you," you felt like your words weren't reaching her, but she leaned in, perhaps just desperate for comfort and allowed you to hug and hold her.
“No, I should have never let you go alone, I should have gone with you,” you told her, and she just shook her head.
The two of you met that day, nothing, absolutely nothing that happened should have made you feel obligated to come with her.
“I know it’s difficult for you, I know you’re stuck in that place, replaying what happened all day long and then falling asleep to those same thoughts. I know that every time you look in the mirror you want to cry, but I’m here for you. And I won’t stop until you can once again see that you are still beautiful,” you promised her. It’s only been three weeks since you met, yet you figured surviving something like that brought you and Lorraine closer together.
“That’s not possible,” she sobbed, and you heard a small gasp when you cradled her scarred cheek.
“Maybe, but I won’t give up without even trying,” you weren’t sure where the boldness came from, but you leaned in and kissed her forehead, the right side of it.
“Y/N,” she spoke your name so softly you barely heard her, and she looked you in the eyes and saw nothing but affection and honesty. You didn’t find her scars ugly, or hideous, or anything that must have been going through her mind. You still saw the beautiful shy girl that stepped into the van that day, only now with the proof that she was a survivor on her face,
About half a year later you were resting on the porch and watching the sunset with Lorraine leaning on your left shoulder. You put an arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
"Y/N," she giggled and it was like a melody to your ears to hear her happy once more. Following the first time she opened up to you things became easier for both of you and now you could enjoy each other's company just like this, even if Lorraine remained self-conscious about her scars.
"Hmm?" you kissed her forehead, where the top of her highest scar was, then moved down and kissed just beneath her eyebrow, down next to her eye, on her cheekbone, several times on her cheeks and along her jaw.
"You'll miss the sunset," she sighed, but she ran her fingers through your hair and lifted her head up a bit to give you better access to her face.
You caressed her left cheek, pulling her a bit closer. "Mhm, there's someone much more beautiful right next to me," you whispered, and only then, only after she parted her lips, you softly pressed your lips against her own, enjoying how she immediately pulled you in closer and kissed you back.
"You flatter me," she smiled, and you felt like her smile was even brighter than the Sun at its brightest. She went through so much and still had it in her to smile like this.
"It's not my fault my girlfriend is worth every praise in the world," you told her as the sunlight faded away.
"Yeah, and we missed the sunset again," she complained, huffing jokingly and leaning against you once more. The truth was you've been missing the sunsets for the past month, ever since Lorraine first kissed you in this exact circumstances, while you were watching the sunset and you gently caressed her right cheek. It made Lorraine feel better, and you genuinely thought she was still beautiful, that she was still the same girl you met that day in the van.
"I can't help it, you're so kissable," you defended yourself.
"Is that even a word?" she chuckled.
"It is now," you said and she pulled you in for another kiss, this time a bit more heated as her tongue teased your lips.
"Yeah, I think that word works," she muttered as she just barely pulled away.
She was so damn beautiful, and she loved you back, and while you wished she never got hurt, while you wished so many people didn't get killed by lunatics, you were happy the two of you were together.
A/N: Well, anon, here you go, hopefully a short but mostly sweet and fluffy one-shot. Thank you for the request!
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bloatedandalone04 · 10 months
One Missed Call
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➪the one where bradley hasn’t won a match since you left him, and he finally decides to break his promise to himself.
Warnings: boxer bradley, mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, descriptions of injuries, mentions of fighting, swearing, bradley is kind of a dick in this ngl, angst all the way, could have another part if i get inspired (just watched bleed for this and i need an outlet), probably the quickest piece i have ever written, so sorry if it sucks
Word Count: 2k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Six time champ, Bradley Bradshaw, faces his fifth loss since getting back into the ring,”
That single sentence played on repeat in Bradley’s head as he sat on the couch of his living room. 
His best friend rushed around him as she tried her best to patch up the mess his opponent made of his face an hour or so ago. Her hands held multiple blood stained towels and her face was twisted up in concern, but he didn’t pay her any attention as he watched himself get the shit beaten out of him on the TV screen. 
“You shouldn’t be watching that right now,” she muttered as she wiped away a fresh stream of blood rather roughly. He winced, his mind instantly comparing her harshness to the way you used to clean him up much more gently. And now he was thinking about you again, and how fucking disappointed he made you. “You might have a concussion, and the screen will fuck with your eyes.”
He grunted as she stuck a white bandaid on his left temple. “Enough, Nat,” he grunted, gently pushing her hands away from his face. “I’m fine.”
She glared at him as she stood to her full height. “You’re fine? Bradley, you haven’t been fine since Y/n left. You haven’t won a match in months. And you think you’re fine?” 
He narrowed his eyes at her, a scoff leaving his mouth afterwards. “Whatever, mom,”
Nat laughed humorlessly as she tossed the towels onto the coffee table in front of him. “Okay,” she muttered, grabbing her bag and bending down to press a harsh kiss to the bruise that formed on his cheek. “Let me know when you locate the guy who isn’t a grumpy prick. That’s the version of you we all miss. I’ll text you tomorrow, if I feel like it.” They both knew she would, whether she felt like it or not. 
And then she left and Bradley was refraining from throwing the remote directly at the TV screen. His face ached beyond belief, and he knew the trash talking he did in between punches did not help his case as that guy really did a number on him. 
In a way, he felt like he deserved to feel more pain than he did right now. He knew this was nothing compared to the amount of pain he put you through, and he wanted himself to hurt just as bad.
He watched himself take the final punch of the night that had him down on the mat within seconds, and how Hansen Carpenter lifted his hand in victory and grinned as if he won the lottery. 
Congrats, man. You beat Bradley Bradshaw. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last, so take a fucking chill pill. 
Bradley scoffed again and turned the TV off, tossing the remote aside and leaning back against the couch. As he sat in the quiet house, his mind betrayed him as he began to think about you again. 
How he had managed to fuck up the best thing in his life, he’d never know. 
You really were the only thing he had going for him other than his career and title, and he let you go without a fight. It was his fucking job to fight, yet he couldn’t even do it for you. 
The house felt empty, even though you had only been living with him - officially - for about three months before he broke up with you. Despite being with you for nearly five years, you hadn’t decided to move in together until around half a year ago. 
You practically lived with him, anyway, but it was official for only a few months before he let himself get too caught up in his own head, which later resulted in him taking it out on you. 
Really, he was a coward. He never jumped at the countless opportunities he had with you, and instead put all his focus on boxing. 
Oh, there was a high chance he could win within the first five rounds? Sign him up.
Someone was betting half a million dollars on him? Tell him a time and place. 
You wanted to take the next step and put a downpayment on a house together? Maybe sometime within the next few years or so.
He really didn’t deserve you, and it was a wonder how you put up with him for half a decade. 
Bradley looked down at his phone that was on the couch beside him, and without thinking much of it, he grabbed it and held it between his sore fingers. He didn’t need to scroll far to find your number since he hadn’t changed you from his top contact yet, and he probably never would. 
When you walked out and left him in this exact room all those months ago, Bradley promised himself that he wouldn’t call you or try to win you back. If you couldn’t understand him and his career choice, then you clearly weren’t the right girl for him.
But he knew you were. You are the right girl for him, but he was too hung up on his own ego to actually try to get you back. And now he feared he was too late.
He was already feeling embarrassed, so why not go all the way? 
He clicked on the call button and brought his phone up to his ear, waiting what felt like a lifetime before he was forwarded to your inbox. 
Of course he got your voicemail. He wasn’t expecting you to actually answer him, so he wasn’t super disappointed that he was met with your sweet voice asking him to leave you a message. 
And, God, was your voice sweet. It was probably the sweetest sound he had ever heard in his entire life, and it matched well with your overall personality. You were far too kind for your own good, and had been way too understanding with him throughout your relationship. 
Though he really wanted to, he couldn’t blame you for leaving, especially since he practically forced you out the door. 
Bradley looked ahead at his beaten and bruised face through the screen of the TV, and he felt as pathetic and worn out as he looked. “Y/n,” he mumbled after he heard the obnoxious beep that indicated he should probably start talking before the call hung up itself. What did he have to lose? “I miss you, babygirl.”
He had no right to be calling you right now, nor did he have the right to be saying that he misses you when he’s the reason you’re gone. 
But he was selfish. He always had been when it came to you.
He wanted you to support him and didn’t care much for your concerns about his well being. He wanted you there and in his corner at every single match and wasn’t fazed by the way you cowered away every time he took a punch. He wanted you all to himself, but never gave you the time of day when he really needed to get his act together and progress his relationship with you. 
Bradley was selfish before you, while he was with you, and now after you. 
You were right. He will never change. 
“I fucked up tonight, again,” he muttered as he looked down at the blood stained towels in front of him. His mouth tasted like metal and he could smell the rustic scent of copper every time he inhaled, and he truly could not believe how much of a mess he is. “I really thought I could win this one, but you know how I talk out of my ass whenever I’m in that ring, and I did it tonight.”
He wasn’t sure what he was hoping to get out of this, but the thought of you maybe listening to it was what had him continuing this embarrassing show of emotions. 
“I told this Hansen guy that he fights like my old man, and how he’s dead, and then I got my ass handed to me,” he grunted, rubbing his sore nose and wincing at the sharp pain he felt because of it. “It was going fine before that. I went eight rounds straight with the guy before he fucking floored me, and all it took was me thinking about you.”
He felt like a complete loser for admitting this, but it also felt easier to be open with himself when it came to you. It had always been like that, and he was fucking stupid for thinking he could find someone better than you. 
Truly, there was no one else he wanted other than you, and he’s known that pretty much since the day he met you, so why couldn’t he swallow his pride and fight for you instead of with you was another thing he’d never know.
“One single thought about you and I got too into my own head to realize what was going on around me,” he shamelessly informed you of the hold you still had, and probably will always have, over him. “I think about you all the time, baby. All the fucking time. You should’ve been there tonight. You should’ve been there last time. You should be here right now. But I know why you’re not.”
His face burned from both the impacts of Hansen’s gloves and from the way he was getting caught up in the thought of you. 
Everything reminded him of you. Even this exact couch held far too many memories with you to count. The amount of nights he spent with you on these very cushions had him shifting uncomfortably as he tried to push away those thoughts.
He didn’t even deserve to be talking to you right now, let alone thinking about all the ways he’s gotten you off on this old and worn out piece of furniture. “I know it’s my own fucking fault, I know that, but it still fucking hurts,” he laughed and pressed his arm against his abs that were just as sore as his face. “The amount of fights I’ve been in, the amount of hits I’ve taken, none of them compare to how much it hurt to lose you. How much it still hurts.”
While he wasn’t one to cry at all, Bradley felt his eyes beginning to burn as he replayed the exact moment you left him, as well as the exact words he said to you. 
“I know what I told you, okay? I know what I said. I was wrong, babygirl,” he rasped, curling in on himself as he tried to find the right words to say. “I didn’t mean it. I should have never told you to leave. I should have never yelled at you. I feel so bad, baby, all the time.”
He moved to lay on his side, his cheek pressing against the armrest a bit uncomfortably, but he didn’t care. This was the first time he allowed himself to really get it all out since breaking up with you, and he hated how he couldn’t find the courage to actually say all of this to you in person. Not that you’d let him, anyway. 
“I want you back, Y/n,” he finally admitted to what he’s been too full of himself to say out loud. “I want you so bad. You were my girl, baby. You were so good to me, and I fucked it up. I miss you so much, and I promise you I’ll do better. I’ll be better for you, I swear, just please…come back to me.”
He ended the call after that and tossed his phone onto the table next to the towels he would definitely have to throw out since no amount of cold water and bleach could save them. 
Bradley felt beyond pathetic now, but it was nothing compared to the feeling that took over his body when he woke up the next morning, still on the couch, and with a single notification on his phone. 
One Missed Call from My Girl. 
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greyskyflowers · 1 year
I want a really specific Luffy/Sanji/Zoro fic where it's focused on how Zoro is probably not able to be numbed or knocked out.
I want to do a post at some point about how Nami, Usopp and Zoro are the humans of the crew. The ones without devilfruits, no genetic stuff, and completely human.
You can absolutely argue that Zoro has whatever the fuck is going on with the demon stuff but until that's clearly discussed I'm going with the human thing.
Back to Luffy/Sanji/Zoro.
I'm really sold on the idea that Zoro burns through numbing and pain medications like it's nothing.
He can be knocked out or made completely numb but it requires a unreal amount of medication, enough that the amount is usually unavailable or risks overdosing him and making him very sick.
So, how many times has Chopper had to dig out shrapnel and bullets while Zoro was completely aware and felt everything?
Or stitched him up while Zoro held the skin together for him?
How many times has Chopper had to rebreak bones that had healed wrong if they were separated for a period of time and Zoro didn't set it right?
How about cauterizing wounds?
Blood loss?
What it he needed surgery because of a wound, and Chopper had to cut into him without being able to numb him at all?
I fully believe Chopper has had to do some of those. However, when Zoro is too out of it, or it hurts to much to not jerk away or fight back... I think Luffy and Sanji would have to hold him down. The only two with enough strength to get him still enough that Chopper can do what needs to be done without worry.
Robin could be added to that, I think. I like to think Zoro and her have a strong friendship and she's seen enough shit to know sometimes things have to be done even though it sucks.
What sounds does someone make in a situation like that? How much can the human body take?
If he was out of it enough, would he plead with Luffy to let him up? He would absolutely call for Luffy when everything hurts and I'll die on that hill.
It would be a blessing if he passed out but how long would he be passed out? Just long enough for everyone to breathe before he was awake again and struggling?
Is it worse when he's quiet? Awake but so exhausted he can't even try to jerk away?
The rest of the crew hearing everything but knowing better than to go try to help.
Having to act like they can't all hear anything and desperately hoping that Zoro passes out soon.
And Zoro is Zoro. No one really talks about it. They're all aware, of course, but Zoro never brings it up or complains.
He's actually really good at holding still, clenching his jaw and curling his lip back in a pained snarl. Every muscle in his body tense and his back in a rigid arch.
This isn't new to him. He's always burned through this stuff quick but it's definitely gotten worse as he's gotten older and stronger.
Luffy and Sanji only have to hold him down for the really bad ones. It's more of a precaution, a comfort of all of them.
They're the only ones to hold him because even blind with pain, Zoro knows them.
Even when his world narrows down to hurthurthurt, he won't fight them the way he would someone else. He trusts them to be strong enough that he can be a little weak if needed. Only a little.
Luffy being cautious and untrusting of anyone other than crew while Zoro recovers and gets his feet back under him.
Possessive and protective in the way all captains are. A extra edge to it because it's Zoro and Zoro is his in a way no one else quite is.
Sanji hovering, always something in his hands because his way of caring is food. The pain usually takes away Zoro's appetite but it's the best way Sanji knows to heal.
Luffy curled around Zoro when he naps on deck or when they go to sleep at night, trying to make sure nothing hurts and reassure them both that Zoro's okay.
Both of them running a critical eyes over Zoro because infection is a whole beast of its own. They want to make sure that if there's even a hint of one, they catch it as soon as possible.
Touching Zoro constantly because if they feel tense muscles they know he's hurting and if he's running a fever they can work on cooling it down.
The strawhat crew holds a grudge against a few people. Most of them obvious but always at the top is Garp, Blackbeard, Judge, and Mihawk.
Because they don't know exactly what went on while they were all separated for 2 years but they hold Mihawk accountable for Zoro's eye, even if he wasn't the one behind that particular scar.
They know Zoro felt all of it and they weren't there with him. And anyone who is responsible for that kind of pain to one of the crew goes right on the shit list.
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outerrimhours · 2 years
Kinktober Day 31
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Kinktober Day 31 : Phone sex with Ghostface
Title: Before the Devil
Pairing - Ghostface X Female!Reader
Prompt - Phone Sex
Word Count - 3,798
Warnings - NSFW 18+ (18+ minors DNI), everyone in this fic is 18+,  murder, stalking, blood play, phone sex, dirty talk, dub con, threats, toxic interaction, pure digusting halloween filth. 
AN/ Posting this a day early, because I haven't posted in weeks. This was my big finale. Transcribed from a wonderful NSFW audio on Pornhub btw, by HarpyVT. All of the unfinished Kinktober days will be posted in November. Thank you all for celebrating this holiday with me.
Song - Psycho Killer by Talking Heads
You flipped through the static channels of the radio, voices hastily peaking through until you heard the newscasters voice. 
“The police have yet to apprehend the armed suspect, and advise that you take extra caution when locking up at night. The victims suffered multiple stab wounds and lacerations, but the survivors all said the same thing; they received a call from an unknown number moments prior to their attack. Local authorities have increased the amount of service operators available to respond to emergency calls and ask that you report any suspicious phone activity.” 
You flipped to another channel, soft music swimming through your cerebral cortex like a wakeful dream. The home had a warm feeling, inviting, and you couldn’t help but enjoy the way your heels clicked against the wood as you walked to the bathroom. You wanted to freshen up before he arrived. 
Undressing felt nice, dress hitting the floor quickly, before allowing the faucet to run.  The warmth of the water enticing all of your senses. You allowed your eyes to close briefly before your cell phone rang against the countertop. It was vexatious, the sound, but whoever was on the other line could wait. Probably just the pizza boy. 
And then it rang again.
Frustrated at the disturbance, you pulled yourself from the warmth to step out of the shower, pressing the phone to your ear.
“Hello?”, the voice asked, but you promptly hung up, not recognizing the intonation. 
As you wrapped the cotton towel around your soaking barness, you innocently assumed that would be the last interaction. Wrong number, obviously.
And then it rang once more. 
“Can I help you?”, you nervously demanded. 
“That was pretty rude”, the gravelly voice replied, “Look, I know you’re probably panicking, don’t worry…”
You were undoubtedly apprehensive, squeezing the towel tighter to your chest. 
“As long as you listen to me, you’ll get out of this alive”. 
You knew in that moment what you were truly facing, the masked voice, the devil on the newscast. Your legs felt unstable, heart bashing against the confines of its cage in panic. 
“Let’s play a little game”, he said in response to your silence, “This game only has three rules. That’s simple enough right? 
You could almost hear the smirk in his voice, the way he licked his lips in anticipation. It was as if he were standing right behind you. 
“Rule number one, you don’t hang up. Rule number two, you answer any of my questions honestly, and rule number three..you follow my instructions.” 
When the voice on the other end didn’t receive a response, he added, 
“Do you understand?”
Your throat felt dry, forcing down the lump in your throat to whisper a frightened “Yes”. 
“Good”, he said, “Now, is there anyone other than the poor pizza boy coming over tonight?”
“No”, you lied, briefly sitting the phone against the marble to quickly dress. 
“No? Good.”
Your hands were shaking, tears daring to spill down your cheeks as you opened the door. Bare feet pattering until you reached the entryway. The door was ajar, allowing the chill of the night to creep in and wrap itself around your bones. 
You dared to peek through the crack, bile curtailing and rising to meet your esophagus. The innocent life depleted on the concrete, slumped against the stairs in a pool of coagulating blood. 
You gasped, choking down a sob. 
“Hey”, the voice soothed, “I can tell you’re scared. There’s nothing to be afraid of…” he paused, the tone almost reassuring, “As long as you follow the rules. Now I want you to reach into his pocket and take out his phone”. 
“Why did you kill him”, you wailed, unable to tear your eyes away from the blue staring back. 
“Why’d I kill him? Well..you see..he saw me out of the corner of his eye when he rang the doorbell. Do you understand now? He was so focused on saving himself, he wasn’t going to tell you a stranger was stalking nearby. He was heartless. So, I borrowed your pizza cutter, and fixed that little problem.” 
The stranger scoffed on the other end, almost in disbelief you would question him. 
“You should be thanking me. I’m not planning to do that sort of thing to you..after all.., I’m not an animal. I washed the pizza cutter already. It’s by the sink. Now open up his phone.”
The crystal glass was splattered with the remnants of the boy, staining your skin when you reached for it. 
“It’s locked”, you said, looking away before the lunch you had earlier in the day made its way up your throat. 
“Use his finger silly”, the voice laughed playfully, oblivious almost to the true nature of this reality before turning darker once more. 
“Dial the number he last called and tell them everything is fine. He just drank too much on the job and saw things. Tell them you're his friend! And DON’T even think about asking for help…I am always right behind you after all.” 
You hesitated. Could you call the police? You considered. 
“I’m waiting”, the voice muttered impatiently. 
So you dialed. 
“Good girl.”
Your voice shook at the lies you were telling. An innocent life beneath your feet. 
“See”, he chirped, “That wasn’t so hard was it? You’re off to a great start! Now.., go back to the kitchen and pour yourself a glass of wine.”
“Okay..”, you swallowed.
“I..don’t like how nervous you sound. I wanted to have a little fun, that's all. You’re making me look like the bad guy here. I never planned to do anything bad to you. I promise. You’re just oh so pretty...”, the voice mused. 
The silence was deafening, even as he spoke, the sound of your footsteps against the hardwood. To the left of the sink was the wine cabinet, so many choices, grabbing for one with shaky hands. 
“Soo”, he continued, voice gruff and grainy through the phone, “grab a glass and just relax.”
If you were to die, at least you would be tipsy off the good stuff, pouring an eerily color of burgundy into the glass. 
“Good girl”, the voice beamed, “Now, say your name.”
The wine was bitter, tartness soaking into the buds of your tongue, and you almost choked on its fruitfulness at the question. 
“Why? Because, I want to hear you say it, that’s all”, he mused innocently, just to add
“And.., because I want to know who I’m looking at.” 
“How”, you stuttered, apprehensively looking in every direction. 
“You were very meticulous in setting up those security cameras, you even set one on the fridge. What were you hoping to catch? Someone raiding the fridge”, he laughed, “So tell me..”, he whispered, voice growing darker,  “what’s your name?”
So you did, the word feeling so personal all of a sudden, as if the stranger was taking the most important thing about you. 
“I like it. It suits you.”
“Alright, what’s yours”, you asked, the wine in your bloodstream making you bolder. 
“Ghostface”, the stranger joked, “do you like my name too”, his boyish laugh tickling your ears. It was almost unsettling how innocent he sounded. It wasn’t what you expected a homicidal maniac to sound like. 
“How sweet”, he whispered, the t clicking off his tongue in the most seductive way. The way he allowed his tone to change so quickly was so..ominous. 
“Now”, he growled, “about that security camera, I have a better..idea of where to put it. Take it off the wall, and..bring it to the bedroom. We’re gonna continue our little game there.”
You gripped the countertop, knuckles whitening at the force, before chugging back the wine. You were apprehensive, angry. 
“Hello”, he yelled, enraged, “I’m watching you! You’re being so difficult about this. I’m your guest aren’t I? So, where’s your sense of hospitality?”
You regretted his anger, fearful of the consequences.
“Are you in there”, you whispered, eyes closing, fearful of the answer. 
“No,” he teased, “I’m not in the bedroom. I’m close, I’m..close, that’s all you have to know. I’m close enough to end the game, if you don’t play”, he whispered, almost aroused at the idea of your disobedience. Your death. 
So you listened, gliding up the stairs to the door on the right. 
It was dark, say for the street lights peering through. You half expected for your attacker to lunge.
“Now, set it up”.
You placed the camera on the dresser, perfectly angled toward the bed. 
“What do you want with me?”
An annoyed laugh scoffed on the other end, “I told you already, it’s just a little game.”
“Now, sit on the bed, and take your clothes off….Slowly,” he whispered,  “face the camera while you do it, I want to see everything.”
The wine had gone to your head, being drunk was a fool’s anesthetic, putting the primitive self in command, when it is the worst captain of all. Were you really wet at the idea of him watching as your straps slipped over the smooth skin of your shoulders, the way the fabric slipped down your body and to the floor, exposing the lingerie underneath? Meshed greens and speckled golds adorning the fabric. 
There it was again, the boyish laughter so perfectly encapsulated in the phone, goosebumps forming along your flesh at the sound. 
You could almost see his smile, “I like what you’re wearing underneath”, he teased, “It’s rather extravagant isn’t it? Are you sure you didn’t make plans with somebody tonight? Or…do you just like wearing that sort of thing underneath?”
He giggled. 
“I knew I picked somebody fun”, he replied, when your answer was no. “I’m so glad you decided to play. Now take it off. OFF,” he demanded. 
“There’s no one here but you and me right? Now look at us, so well acquainted already right? Don’t worry, I’m taking everything off too. Maybe if you're good, I'll even show you. I bet you're wondering what the man behind the voice looks like.” 
You unclasped the bra, allowing the fabric  holding the swell of your breasts to fall, nipples already hardening at the exposed chill. You swore you could hear him gasp, so quiet, almost unnoticeable, and when you pulled the band of your panties down over your hips, he sounded almost breathless,
“Good girl.” 
“You’re very good at this game”, he whispered, and you couldn’t help but wonder if you were aroused out of fear..or the way he praised you when you listened. 
“It’s almost like you’ve..played it before. You know what I want now.., don’t you? 
When he whispered, it was as if he were there right behind you, every letter perfectly pronounced on his tongue. 
“Look straight into the camera, and spread your legs”, he was so breathy, as if he had to restrain himself as he watched you, every t sitting perfectly on his tongue. 
You were sticky and oozing when your fingers met the entrance of your cunt, he stopped you.
“Ah ah, don’t touch yourself there quite yet, aren’t you an eager one. I want you to show off your body, take your hands..”, he breathed, “slid them down over your neck, to your hips, show me that beautiful figure…, I know you can do it, with what you were wearing underneath, I know you’re a little..freak? I know you know how to have a good time. Allllll by yourself. So show me..” 
Your eyes fluttered at the feeling of your hands, so lightly, almost like a feather ghosting over the curves and dips of your body, you hated to admit you loved the way his voice sounded, the way it changed as he watched you. His exasperated sighs, the sensual articulation, the boyish desire. 
“I want to watch everything, I want to watch you”, he sounded so whiney in the most magnetic way. Sometimes you almost forgot he had blood on his hands, until his voice grew darker and reminded you what he was capable of. He could so easily switch to the darkness. 
“That’s right, put on a show for me. Like your life depends on it. I wanna see you shiver while you do it. Because you’re afraid, or because you’re aroused. I don’t care. Both do it for me. And you’re gonna cum for me, whether you like it, or not.”
You swallowed harshly, unable to look in the camera as you touched yourself. The threat almost sobering you.  
“Spread your legs a little bit more”, and so you did, allowing the camera a perfect angle of your soaked cunt. “Just like that, I’m getting so hard for you. You’re doing so well, you’re playing so well. Now..underneath the bed, I have a little present for you.” 
You adjusted hesitantly, reaching underneath to find the object of his reference. 
“Wait..”, you whispered, holding the container in your hand with aversion. 
“Yeah, it’s what you think it is. It’s blood.” His voice was shaky with arousal, “Take it in your hands and touch yourself again.” 
The metallic smell was sobering, sickening. You hesitated. 
“Why are you hesitating?”He scolded.
“Who’s is it”, you questioned. 
“Who’s? Does it matter? Will you stop playing the game if I tell you? Will you end the game if I tell you?” The frustrated tone in his voice lowering back to a whisper, the wet squelch of his cock between his hand filling your ear. It almost made you forget the way he lashed out. 
He breathed out, voice shaky, at the site of you obeying. The cold, sap like liquid trailing over every crevice of your body, painted by your fingertips. 
“Good girl,” he praised, holding back soft gasps.
“Touch..every single inch of yourself for me. Pay attention to every part of your body, all the grooves that no one else pays attention to. I want to see it, I want to pay attention to it, all the little secrets that you keep.”
The stranger was so aroused, his throaty, mellifluous gasps allowing your own arousal to seep through. You loved hearing his little gasps. 
“Show me what makes you grip the sheets, show me what makes you throw your head back in pleasure”, soft moans peaking through with every sentence, “ And I will watch..every..single..moment of it. Every streak you paint on yourself is like a confession, because you may act afraid…you may act…like you don’t like this…but what you really really don’t want is to admit it. You don’t want to admit that you’re giving in. You don't want to admit that you’re enjoying yourself. You don’t want to admit that you wanted this.  You want to keep all these secrets, hidden from yourself, but look, look at you painting your whole body red. Look how good you look in red, all these streaks adorning you like a goddess. Touch yourself like nobody ever has. I want you to squeeze your breasts, touch your nipples the way you want to, not the way anyone else wants you to. The way you wanted. The way only you know it.”
And so you did. Cupping and squeezing the flesh, allowing the sharp squeeze of your nipples to make your back arch. 
“Slide your hands down your thighs the way you want to. And drag your fingers down your waist to touch your inner thighs, tighten your legs as you brush over that sensitive spot, dig your nails into your skin, and mark yourself up. Arch your back as you make your way back to your neck..and wrap your fingers around it and choke yourself, like I wish I could. Push so hard that the blood stains your skin.”
You gasped softly at the feeling allowing you to cut your airflow shortly. 
“Do it so hard it hurts”, the voice softly cried. 
“Remember, I said I wanted you to cover every single inch. And don't forget anything and don't worry I’m not judging you. I'd never judge you. Whether you choose to have a taste, rub it on your lips. I’m not judging you. In fact, I'm right there with you. I'm enjoying everything with you. Beautiful. You are absolutely stunning, darling. God, I can't hold back any longer. Now rub your little clit, and make sure you keep your face in the camera. Lose yourself, make those beautiful, agonizing moans, for me.”
The praise, the way the boy made you feel so important. How fucked up could you truly be? By the time your fingers reached the perfect little bundle of nerves, you were so sensitive, biting your lip and savoring the metallic liquid stained over the skin. Your back arched at the feeling, cunt glistening even in the moonlight. 
“Oh!” He moaned softly, “Just like that.” His little hushed moans and gasps as the spit surely coating his cock, squelched, causing your own soft sighs to escape. You loved how innocent he sounded in his own pleasure. 
His imperceptible cries and whines at the pump of his cock, losing himself in the way you touched yourself to his voice. 
“You are such a good girl, aren't you? Agh..”, he cried, “You look so pretty in red. Oh.., agh”, You too wanted to cry out in pleasure at the sounds he made. So innocent, boyish little whimpers. 
“Fuck”, the voice on the phone cracking, grunts and cries of pleasure filling every sense as you played with yourself. Eyes closed, picturing the way he would look next to you. 
“Mmm, fuck, agh.” He roughly swallowed, losing his breath as his hand sped up, and you whimpered at the sound. 
“Put your whole pussy on display for me. Get fucking closer, get closer to the camera and show off. Come on, show me, show me, show me. Oh!”, He begged. 
You loved it. You had never been so wet for anyone, and all you had was his voice. Every cry, whimper, moan, and gasp that left his pretty lips sending you closer to the edge. The dominance he exuded extinguishing with every little sound he made. You felt so proud. You wanted to know how he would look underneath you, eyes big and wide, looking up at you like you were the prettiest thing he had ever seen. 
Your fingers entered, cunt clenching at the fullness, although you knew it wasn’t enough. Surely you would feel even more full with him inside of you. 
You loved the way his voice cracked, higher pitched with every curse he cried. He sounded so pretty. 
“My little devil, aren't you?” He whispered, “ You little devil. Oh f-..keep looking at the camera. Keep looking. Mphm, I can’t get off unless I’m looking at your pretty face. Did you know that? It’s all part of the game. I have to look at you. I have to watch you. I have to see you.”
You grew impossibly wetter with every confession. Finger curving with every pump. 
“Look at yourself in the mirror too. Oh, watch yourself. Watch yourself fucking touching yourself for me.”
His pumps slowed with every groan, “Do you hear that? Do you hear how hard I am for you?”
You moaned, gasping for breath as you watched the way your fingers disappeared inside of your pussy. The pornographic sound of his cock thrusting in his hand. 
“Agh, how much my fucking cock is leaking for you. Only a pretty, dirty, naughty girl can do this for me. Only someone like you can get me this hard. Oh, and look how wet you are.” 
With every word his voice grew quieter, desperate.
 “Come on”, he whispered, “take all of that and rub it on your thighs. Taste it, taste yourself.” 
You loved the way your arousal tasted on your tongue, so salty and pure. 
“I did this all for you. I did all of this for you. Aren’t you grateful I picked you? 
“Yes,” you cried, circling your clit faster at the moans leaving his lips. He sounded so close. Coming so undone. 
“Of fuck. I’m so fucking wet”, he cried, gasping for breaths. His heavenly whimpers, voice cracking with every moan. 
“Keep moaning for me. I want to hear you, I want to hear you, I want to hear you so badly, I want to hear your screams, your moans, your whimpers, your cries, every single sound your body makes”, he begged. 
The thrusts of his cock grew sloppier as his boyish little cries rang out. 
“Look at you, so pretty, so fucking pretty, so fucking pretty. Can you hear that? This precum in my hands. Don't I sound so aroused? All for you. Only for you!” 
Every cry and whimper and moan, it was truly all for you, and you did feel so grateful. 
You were both so close.
His gravelly voice as he thrusted in and out of his hand, it made you cry in pleasure. 
“Spread your fucking pussy lips for”, He slurred. You obeyed, allowing a growel to slip through his lips. 
“Let me see inside. Fuck, rub your little clit, rub it with your bloody, guilty little fingers. Confess to me, confess to me what a bad girl you are. Oh!”
“There you are”, you praised at his sloppy, forceful thrusts. His wildly high pitched moans. You bet he looked so pretty, lips parted, eyes so big and wide. 
He was gonna cum, you could tell by the frequency of his moans and perfect grunts. His whimper higher pitched than ever. You moaned wildly at the little boyish sounds he made. So perfect in every way, only for your ears. 
“Im gonna cum” he cried, “Cum with me.” His voice grew more forceful, the innocent whimpers turning into the man you knew earlier, the aggression as he spoke, no longer a beg, more so a demand. “Cum with me!”
Only for the moans to continue, you allowed your release to wash over you at the sounds he made. Cum pooling and dripping from your cunt as your heart raced wildly. It was so blindingly perfect, you almost forgot where you were, the situation you were in. Until that same, maniacal laughter rang through. Oh how easily he could switch.
“That..that was a  very good game darling. Good job. Good job. Thank you for playing with me”, he laughed, catching his own breath. 
“And a word of advice”, he sighed, you could almost hear the resentment as he rolled his eyes, “You didn’t forget did you? That you broke one of the rules. You lied. You said that nobody else was coming by tonight. You forgot to tell me. You forgot to tell me not to kill him. Now, time to run little rabbit. Afterall, this isn't your house is it? Do you remember now?”
The last thing you heard before the dial tone from him hanging up. 
Taglist: @samspenandsword @acatalystrising @sharpbarnacle @kraytclaw @adikas-world @the-good-shittt
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ma1dmer · 11 months
League of Legends - Kayn NSFW
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): he is up and on the move the second you two are done, he’ll tease you if you complain
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): considering he thinks his body as the ultimate weapon i find it hard to think he would have any particular preference on himself, its the strength he has ,that he likes, the strength to lift you up or bend you to any position he desires. on his partner i can see him as liking some sort of muscle definition , the proof of strength and commitment ,wether thats on your arms, or thighs or abs, he wants to see the flex of the muscle beneath as he is pounding into you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): he is kind of a dick when it comes to well, his cum, he will pull out his cock while you give him head purely to get it on your face, enjoying marking you up and then bending down to kiss you despite the mess.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): i think Kayn is a bit of a masochist, would get excited when you pull out a knife on him ,pushing forward for you to dig the blade into his skin, challenging you to hurt him as he captures your lips and helps you drag the blade slowly down his skin until he is panting and groaning against your mouth.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): has his fair share of conquests, but none of them matter when it comes to being with someone new, it helps his confidence, but half the fun for him is figuring out what makes the other person crack ,their weak spots etc
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): he wants you folded up, your body tense, as he presses your knees to your chest and puts his weigh on you for example.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): he can be playful, the kind of playful where you two are playfighting for example but would much prefer hear you moan during sex rather than laugh.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): he probably doesn't care much for shaving anything, he isn't that hairy and sees no point in it.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): not very romantic, he is definitely smooth and awfully cocky with his words, calling you names and giving you the exact amount of attention and teasing to make you want him, but he isn't exactly romantic.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): i think he wouldn't find much pleasure into jacking off, would prefer much more having a body beneath or above him rather than pitifully have to deal with his needs himself. //i don’t think Rhaast would be very pleased on this either
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): sadomasochism, dirty talking, knife play, blood play, choking etc
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): he is not particularly picky with where he is willing to have you, he only needs the cover of shadows, he is always ready to pull you into a corner and you better be quiet.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): challenging him in any way, it’s the excitement of having to conquer you all over again, he wants someone with fire to truly enjoy himself.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): can't see him as being unwilling to at least try some things, with the right person it all works for him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): he has an awfully skilled tongue for someone that wants you to earn him going down on you. obviously prefers when you are between his legs , his hand fisted through your hair promising to return the favour in earnest if you let him finish down your throat.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): fast and rough he wants your legs wobbling when he is done with you.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): most of your encounters are quickies, he'll come seek you out throughout the day or right before you are about to fall asleep.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): very into risk taking and needs someone that can match him in this aspect.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): //Rhaast takes over when he gets tired
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): he is very selfish in this aspect, wants you to think of him and only him and to use him and only him. doesn’t he fuck you properly or are you just that horny that you can’t get sated by just him, how naughty.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): absolutely ,he wants to have you frustrated, he wants this power trip of having you beg for him or cussing him out because he is making you feel like this.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): for someone who works so much in the shadows, he sure is loud, his moans are also very whiney ,his voice cracking the closer to finishing he gets.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): he is a total bratty switch with the right person, sometimes he just needs someone to take control from him and make him forget the darkin and all the bloodshed. //spreading my propaganda one league of legends man at a time
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): his cock is very pretty, a nice and pleasing average ,a bit on the longer side.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): when he has a goal in mind ,he will achieve it no matter what, the same goes for his needs, if he wants you, he will come get you, usually after a successful battle when his blood still runs hot.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): I can't really see him as someone that stays the night, the night is where he is the most active so he'll give you a passionate kiss to make sure you are thinking of him all day and leave with the promise of being back and to not miss him too much.
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massivedrickhead · 3 months
Could you do something for “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”? Maybe as a follow-up or prequel or something to the prompt you did for “I’m not going to yell at you”? Thanks in advance! 🩵
First off, I'm so sorry this took so long! Usually when I go this long without posting any new fics it's because I'm working on something but I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've written anything in the last month.
I've had probably the worst writers' block I can ever remember having and I've just not felt any desire to write anything or work on any of my wips.
I don't even know if this is any good, but I'm hoping it'll pull me out of the slump.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Prompt taken from here
Trigger warning: physical domestic abuse
This is a prequel to this fic
Read on AO3
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Chloe didn’t believe him.
She swallowed, the pain radiating from her mouth as she forced a steadying breath through her nose. 
She knew her lip was bust. She could taste the blood in her mouth, could feel the sting when she swept her tongue across it.
Chicago knelt in front of her. His eyes were full of tears, one of his hands cradling the other as if he’d hurt it when it collided with her face. As if he was the one in pain right now.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean…” he trailed off. “Are you okay?”
Chloe wanted to laugh, but instead tears stung her eyes. 
“Please don’t cry,” he said. “Please… Please just say something.”
“Can you get me some ice please?” Chloe asked, no longer recognising the sound of her own voice.
He seemed to deflate with relief, and Chloe felt her hatred for him grow. 
“Of course,” he said. “Let me help you up.”
Chloe couldn’t help but flinch away from him as he extended his hand towards her, and she saw the briefest flash of anger cross his eyes. 
She took his hand and he helped her up and onto her feet before he disappeared into the kitchen. 
Now alone, she gingerly touched the split in her lip and winced. It hurt more than she’d expected it to.
He’d never hit her before, and even though he was full of apologies and remorse now, Chloe already knew he would do it again. 
He came back with a bag of frozen peas. “We’re out of ice,” he said. 
Chloe nodded and took it from him, holding it against her rapidly swelling lip.
“I know,” Chloe said, cutting him off. “I know you are.” She couldn’t bear to hear him say it again. “Let’s just… Let’s forget it.”
“Sure,” he said. “If that’s what you want.”
The rest of the evening passed in a tense silence until Chloe finally crawled into bed.
She feigned sleep long enough to hear the sound of Chicago’s snores fill the room, and then she eased herself out of bed.
Shoved in the back of her closet was a bag she’d begun prepping months ago. When the rose-tinted glasses had come off, she started to really see those red flags that she’d so often dismissed.
The bag contained some clothes, toiletries, a small amount of cash, and her important documents.
She grabbed it out of the closet and, still in her pyjamas, climbed into her car and drove. 
Beca had been fast asleep when the sound of her apartment buzzer cut through her dreams.
She groaned and fumbled for her phone, one eye closed as the bright screen lit up the room.
It was close to 2 am, and her stomach lurched as the noise continued.
She stumbled out of bed and hurried to the front door, her heart beating uncomfortably in her chest as she did so. 
No one ever knocks at your door at 2 am with good news…
“Hello?” Beca asked into the intercom.
If Beca’s heart had been beating hard before, it was doing something else entirely now.
“Please can I come up?”
Beca hit the button to unlock the door without a second of hesitation, and she waited anxiously for Chloe to reach her apartment.
Even though she’d been expecting it, Beca still jumped at the sound of the tentative knock at the door and she hurried to open it.
“I’m sorry,” Chloe said. “I’m so sorry for just turning up like this.” Chloe’s hands were shaking as she adjusted the weight of the bag on her shoulder, and her eyes shining with tears. “Please can I stay? Chicago, he’s…”
Chloe trailed off, but she didn’t need to tell Beca what Chicago had done, because Beca could see it for herself.
Beca felt like she couldn’t speak, so she just stepped aside so Chloe could enter her apartment. She shut the door behind them and slid the chain lock across for good measure.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” Chloe said. “I’m sorry.”
Beca shook her head and forced herself to find her voice. “Don’t be sorry,” she said. “Of course you can stay here.”
Chloe seemed to deflate with relief in front of her, and Beca hated that in Chloe’s mind, there might have been a chance she’d have turned her away.
“Stupid question, but are you okay?” Beca asked.
Chloe shrugged. “I don’t think so,” she said, tears filling her eyes faster than she could wipe them away. 
Beca wasted no time in closing the gap between them and wrapping Chloe up in a hug. “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” she said. “How can I help? What can I do?”
“Can I go lay down?” Chloe asked, the adrenaline that had been keeping her going was now quickly fading away. “I’m really tired.”
“Of course,” Beca said, reluctantly ending their hug. “Take my bed until I can get the spare room set up. I can sleep on the couch.”
Chloe took hold of her hand. “Please come with me,” she said. “I don’t want to be by myself.”
Beca nodded and squeezed Chloe’s hand. Her throat felt tight. “Go ahead,” she said, the strain evident in her voice. “I’ll be right in.”
With Chloe out of the room, Beca’s hands closed into fists, and she clenched her jaw shut in order to hold back the scream that threatened to erupt. 
She’d never felt an anger quite like this before, and she needed it to go before she joined Chloe in the bedroom.
She closed her eyes and imagined herself pummeling every square inch of Chicago. Her jaw was clenched so tight she was amazed her teeth hadn’t shattered. 
She counted to ten in her head, and then forced a slow breath out through her mouth.
Her anger was no good to Chloe right now. Chloe needed her to be strong and stable, but not angry.
She could be angry later, but not now. Not tonight.
She filled a glass with water and returned to the bedroom. Chloe was curled up on her side, her face lit up by her phone screen.
“Here,” Beca said, placing the water on the nightstand.
“Thanks,” Chloe said, locking her phone and placing it on her nightstand.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Beca asked, climbing into the bed beside her.
“Not really,” Chloe said. “Not yet.”
“Okay,” Beca said. “That’s okay, you don’t have to.”
“I, um, I don’t really know what to do Bec,” Chloe said, her voice beginning to waver again. She let out a small sob, that was quickly followed by another. “I’m sorry,” she said, quickly wiping her eyes.
“Don’t,” Beca said. “Don’t be sorry, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for.” She lifted her arm so Chloe could cuddle into her side, which she eagerly did. 
“What’s going to happen when he figures out where I am?”
Beca felt that anger pulse in her again, but she pushed it away. “I don’t know,” Beca answered honestly. “But we’ll figure it out. I do know one thing though, and that’s that he won’t put his hands on you again.”
Chloe knew it wasn’t as simple as that but she allowed herself, for that moment, to feel safe. To feel protected. She decided to believe her. 
“All you need to worry about now is getting some rest,” Beca said. “We can deal with everything else tomorrow.”
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delacyrose224 · 5 months
Part of Your World
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Pairing: merman!Changbin x reader
Genre: Fluff, small amounts of angst
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: Mildly suggestive, brief mentions of blood/pain
Author's Note: Song of the day is Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid! Here it is @bluejutdae, the merman Binnie fic that no one asked for...but in all seriousness, this was so fun to write and I have a soft spot in my heart for this Binnie.
The waves lap against the shoreline, the dull roar of the ocean echoing off the rocks. You breathe deeply and let out a giant sigh. This. This was what you needed…time alone, time off, time out. A break to reset your mind, rethink your goals, and time to figure out where to go next. 
Stress had been eating away at you for entirely too long. You weren’t quite happy with your job, but you didn’t know what you wanted to do instead. You had made friends but not any that felt truly significant in your life. Your parents had graciously lent you their beach house, the one you had spent every summer growing up going to. Even in the two days since you had arrived, you had already felt more clear headed. Each day was the same-wake up without an alarm, make a cup of coffee, read on the porch, walk along the beach, make lunch, read some more (on the beach) and then relax on the couch until dinnertime. 
You had arrived at the ‘read on the beach’ portion of your day yet again, which maybe was your favorite. You had picked a lighthearted romance to accompany you today, which felt only appropriate for your surroundings. The beach was quiet this afternoon…probably because you had come in the off season, the weather not quite warm enough for bathing suits yet. Nevertheless, you were excited to start your new book and enjoy the sounds of the ocean in the background. After a few chapters, you find yourself nodding off in your chair due to just how relaxed you are.
You wake to the sound of the surf crashing against an outcropping of rocks not too far away from you. The book you’re reading falls to the sand as you stand up, squinting down at your watch to see what time it is. 7:43 already?! Sure enough, on the horizon you can see the sun starting to dip beyond where the skyline meets the water. As you’re looking out, you suddenly see a flash of something that almost looks metallic glinting in the waning sunlight, just beyond the outcropping of rocks. You move forward until you’re on the edge of the shoreline. Maybe you made it up…what would be reflecting sunlight like that at this time of day? Right before you give up and head back to your house, you see it again. Something reflecting the sun, brighter than the top of the water.
This time, you start to walk out towards the object. Maybe someone lost something valuable and you could retrieve it and help them out. Before long, you’re up to your waist in the water, your shorts waterlogged. Undeterred, you go further, and before long, you’re treading water near the outcropping of rocks, looking for whatever this mysterious object is…but you see nothing. You swim around to the other side of the rocks…still nothing. By this time, the sun has crept most of the way beyond the horizon and you’re starting to shiver. You had worn a sweatshirt to keep warm from the occasional breeze, and it’s become heavy with water and is starting to irritate your skin. As you turn to swim back towards the shore, your body suddenly is lifted up by a wave and on the way down, you scrape your arm against the rocks. You gasp in pain, pulling it towards you to see how badly you’re hurt. What you don’t see is another wave coming your way. It pulls you up again and crashes down, pushing you under the water. You fight to make your way back to the surface, but the force of the wave leaves it unclear which way is up. You twist your body around, finally gaining traction, when there it is again…a metallic glint of something, this time under the water. And…it almost looks…pink? That’s the last thought you have as the current slams your body into the rocks and you float into unconsciousness. 
You wake with a start, coughing violently and spitting out what feels like liters of water. Your lungs and throat burn from all the salt and it’s difficult to catch your breath for a minute or two. You eventually sit up and notice it’s now completely dark outside. How long have you been unconscious? As you sit trying to gather yourself, you hear what sounds like faint humming coming from the water…more specifically, from the outcropping of rocks. You get to your feet unsteadily, warily walking towards the water, but not close enough to touch the water. It’s definitely humming…and it sounds like a man’s voice? You can’t make out the words, if there even are any…and just as your feet are starting to touch the edge of the ocean, you hear a large splash directly behind where you know the rocks end. It’s too dark to see anything, but you take that as your cue to gather your items, go back to your house, and go to bed.
You sleep later than you have in a while after your scare, and you spend the next few days avoiding the beach. You have no idea what you heard (surely there was not a person humming in the middle of the night?), and the giant splash also remains a mystery. Maybe it’s better to just forget about what happened. Maybe you should just move on…so you decide to finally brave the beach again, this time staying away from the water and sticking to your beach chair to read.
The afternoon goes by uneventfully, and you’re about halfway through your book when you get a couple of notifications on your phone. You pull the device from your bag and see a text from your friend Caroline asking how your mini-vacation is going. You smile to yourself as you pull up the other notification, and your smile immediately drops as you see a weather alert for an incoming storm that is supposed to have high speed winds and the potential to develop into a tornado.
You start to put everything back into your bag to leave when you notice another figure further down the beach. As the figure draws closer, you see it’s a man that seems to be around your age, maybe a little younger. He’s dressed in oversized clothes, a holey white shirt almost reaching the knees of his equally holey black pants. He looks lost in the clothes more than seeming it’s a look he’s trying to achieve, and as he comes closer, you see that his face also looks lost. You debate asking if he needs any help, but before you decide one way or another, he notices you and heads your way.
You smile tentatively as he draws closer. “Are you okay?” you ask.
“Well, I don’t see anyone else wandering down the beach. You know it’s about to storm, right?” 
“I didn’t know, exactly…but I kinda figured. The clouds don’t look too happy,” he replies, brushing his damp bangs out of his eyes. 
“Are you lost or something?” The man’s eyebrows raise to meet his hair, eyes going wide.
“Kind of…it’s a long story. One that you probably wouldn’t believe most of anyway,” he says, shyly rubbing the back of his neck.
You cross your arms over your chest, unimpressed. “Try me.” He grins in return, the smile lighting up his whole face.
“I would, but I’m a little more worried about where I’m going to wait out this storm.” The man grimaces as the sky, as if on cue, starts to drop large raindrops onto the sand. 
You could invite this stranger into your home to wait out the storm…but he’s a stranger. But it would be cruel to leave him in a storm, right? Before you have time to think any more, the raindrops become more steady, leaving cold rivulets down both of your arms.
“What’s your name?” you ask.
“Changbin. Yours?” 
You tell Changbin your name in return, and just as you begin to ask if he wants to wait out the storm with you, the rain turns into a full=--out downpour.
“Follow me!” you yell over the storm, quickly grabbing your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and breaking into a jog towards your house.
Changbin struggles behind you. Not only is his clothing slowing him down with how baggy it is, but he’s running as if…as if he’s never run a day in his life, you notice. It’s baffling to you, but without thinking, you reach back for his hand to make sure he’s able to keep up with you and knows where to go.
The two of you arrive soaked on your porch, dripping everywhere. You dig around in a storage box for towels and you hand him one. Changbin watches you as you place the towel around your shoulders and quietly copies you as you wring out your shirt and try to dry your hair. This baffles you as well…how does an adult man not know how to run properly, and then needs prompting to dry off with a towel? Nevertheless, you unlock the front door and go inside, with him following closely behind you.
“You’re not like a serial killer or something, right?” you suddenly blurt, turning to face Changbin. He lets out a giggle and shakes his head at you.
“I have never killed anything or anyone in my life, and I wasn’t planning on starting anytime soon.” You let out a relieved laugh, though you aren’t completely sure about him yet.
You show him to the guest room and tell him you’re going to change clothes and that he can do the same, just borrowing some of your brother’s old clothes.
You both emerge a few minutes later, you in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, Changbin in gym shorts and a black tee that almost looks too tight as it hugs his very defined chest. Not that you noticed or anything. Ahem.
He follows you this time to the living room and you motion for him to sit on the couch as you go into the kitchen and make the two of you a cup of tea. Just as you hand him a mug and sit down beside him, there’s a bright flash of lightning and following that, the power promptly goes out.
Without warning, Changbin grasps at your hand, nervously gripping it. Your other hand reaches for his wrist and pats gently, reassuring him.
“Changbin, it’s fine, it’s just the power. I have some candles somewhere around here…let me find them.”
He says nothing in reply, but his grip doesn’t ease.
“...that requires you to let go of my hand,” you say gently. Changbin clears his throat and lets out a nervous chuckle.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay…I’ll be right back.”
You get up and feel around for your side table that has a drawer, knowing there are candles inside. After bumping your hip into both an armchair and another table, Changbin loudly protesting that you should just come back and sit down to stop from hurting yourself, you finally find the correct table and gather a few candles along with a lighter. You place them around the room, putting the last one on the table in front of the couch. As the light illuminates his face, you notice Changbin looking amazed. He slides from the couch onto his knees, face even with the candle.
“What, have you never seen a candle before?” you laugh, but he shakes his head slowly, eyes still trained on the flame in front of him. He suddenly seems to realize what he’s admitted, looking up and locking eyes with you.
“Who are you? What’s your story I won’t believe?” you muse aloud, half to yourself.
Changbin stands and situates himself back onto the couch and pats the seat beside him. 
“I think you’re going to want to sit for this…”
“So you’re telling me…you’re a merman?!” you whisper-yell, though no one is around to hear you except Changbin. He nods.
“And you’re a human because…?”
“Because my brother found a spellbook, and he wanted to help ‘cause he knew that I’d always been fascinated by the human world, so he cast a spell and now I’m human. That’s why I was wearing those clothes when you found me.”
You sit, mouth slightly ajar from all the information you’re trying to process at once.
“What are the parameters of the spell then? Aren’t you supposed to give up your voice or something?” Changbin cocks his head at you, looking like a confused dog. 
“Why would I have to give up my voice, how would that be helpful?” You wave off his question impatiently, motioning for him to continue explaining.
“The problem is, I don’t know what the parameters are…and neither did Hyunjin when he did the spell. He’s not exactly a sea witch or anything. So I guess I’m just making the best of it while I can…I want to experience everything that I can!” He gets louder as he gets more excited until it looks like he’s about to bounce out of his seat. It makes you smile.
“Well…for starters, you can stay here in my brother’s room. Unless you figured out something else?” Changbin gives a small shake of his head. “I don’t know how good of a tour guide to humanity I’ll be, but I can try.” His smile makes his eyes crinkle.
“I’ll repay you by teaching you how to swim properly,” he chuckles.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, um…well…I kind of saw you the other day. You almost died!” he exclaims, hands gesticulating wildly. “You need to be a strong enough swimmer to save your own life.”
“You mean the day I passed out and washed up on shore? Wait a minute…was that you?!” Changbin nods sheepishly. “I went out in the water because I saw you! Your tail! It was reflecting the sunset so beautifully…” A blotchy flush starts to work its way up his neck towards his face.
“But you almost died! Forget my tail…”
“Did the current wash me back up onto shore? I don’t remember anything until I woke up on the beach,” you muse, trying to recall what might have happened.
Changbin shakes his head again. “I…I grabbed you once you fell unconscious and pulled you back onto land,” he says quietly. “I couldn’t watch you die, no matter what any of my brothers say about the human world.”
Before you’re fully aware of what your own body is doing, you find yourself on the couch beside him enveloping him in a hug. His arms find their way around you, mirroring your actions.
“Thank you,” you whisper, tears collecting on your lash line. He pulls you in even closer somehow, his warmth burning through your clothes. 
“Hey, hey…no crying! You’re here, right? I told you, I wasn’t going to let someone die on my watch. Especially not a girl as pretty as you,” he laughs. You look up at him, and you can feel heat emanating from your face that has nothing to do with the hug. “But like I said…I’m teaching you how to swim properly so I don’t have to worry about you when I’m not around.” You give a small nod, wiping the remnants of your tears away.
And so the days pass, Changbin staying with you and learning bit by bit about the human world. You take him grocery shopping, introduce him to ice cream, and show him everything you find comforting about the small town you used to vacation in. You point out the community theater you used to perform summer musicals in, go to the local coffee shop to get your favorite vanilla latte (Changbin finds that he is partial to their hazelnut latte), and take walks along the shoreline at sunset. It’s on one of these walks that you find yourself asking him more about his brothers.
“Chan is the oldest, and he acts like it…super mature, super dependable. Minho’s a little older than me, but he’s kinda off in his own world. Loves animals. Then Hyunjin is next after me, he’s the one who turned me human. Jisung is the next youngest, he’s always hanging out with Minho. He’s very talented at music. Felix is the literal embodiment of sunshine and bubbles, you’d love him, everyone does. Seungmin is a menace, but very funny. And Jeongin’s the baby, but we all know he’s the one who’s really in charge.” You laugh at this, enjoying watching him explain his family dynamics. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What’s your family like?” Changbin is so earnest, it takes you aback.
“I mean, nothing that exciting. I’m decently close with my parents, and I have a younger sister. We don’t talk all the time, but we don’t not get along. There’s not much to say.”
“So why are you here then? At your summer house…alone?” You stop walking and he does the same, still looking at you.
“Work’s been…hard. Not even the job itself, but I just moved again and I’m still getting used to everything. I needed a break, so I came here. Where everything is familiar. Well, it was until you came along.” You nudge his shoulder playfully, but he looks thoughtful.
“Did I ruin your break?” he asks.
“What? No, no, of course not!” You shake your head vehemently.
“You can tell me if I did…I am staying in your house and taking up an awful lot of your time.”
You shake your head again. “No, really, it’s fine…honestly, you’ve made it better. If I had been alone the whole time, I would have gotten way too into my head and it would have been a mess. I’ve enjoyed showing you what it’s like to be a human…well, at least what it’s like to live my life.”
“I love it! Your life is so…cozy? I’m not sure that’s the right word, but it feels so comfortable being with you.” He’s not sure what comes over him, but Changbin reaches out and grabs your hand, motioning you to continue your walk. You start walking again as the sun dips behind the horizon, but his hand remains with yours.
“You know, I don’t normally let strange men into my house.” He laughs. “But I’m glad I invited you in during that storm…I’ve felt comfortable too.” You squeeze his hand, and he returns the gesture.
The moon is almost full, illuminating the beach as you walk. In the distance, Changbin notices a building looming large. “What’s that?” he asks, gesturing with your intertwined hands. You follow the gesture with your eyes, realizing what it is even in the dark.
“Oh, that’s the sea turtle center! They do a lot of work during the summer, the turtles come and lay their eggs a little further down the beach. They’re actually throwing their annual charity ball in a week or so to raise funds for their summer season.”
Changbin’s eyes go wide with excitement, almost sparkling in the moonlight.
“What?” you laugh. He reaches and grabs your other hand, turning you to face him fully.
“Can we go? Are we allowed to?” You can’t think of a reason why not, so you nod. His excitement is palpable as a smile takes over his face and he shakes your hands back and forth.
“I’m so excited for you to teach me how to dance!”
And that’s how you find yourself in your dining room a week later, table and chairs pushed to the side to make a temporary dance floor. Changbin has one hand around your waist, the other grasped in yours. You’d been teaching him how to ballroom dance for the past hour, starting with a simple box step and working your way up to a waltz. 
“The timing of this feels so weird,” he laughs as the two of you step together. You giggle as you fall off balance and out of step with the 1-2-3 timing. 
“It does at first, but when you get it right, it feels like you’re floating across the floor,” you sigh dreamily. “The closest we’ll get to flying.”
A soft smile works its way onto Changbin’s face, and he repositions himself to start the dance again, pulling you even closer to him than before.
“Let’s try again,” he says. 
“Are you sure? We’ve been at this for an hour, we can take a break.”
He squeezes your hip gently in response. “I’m sure…I want to fly with you.”
Your head falls to his shoulder at this remark, hiding your face from him. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” His voice rumbles through his chest, the vibrations making their way to where your forehead meets his shirt. You shake your head, still hiding your face. “Look at me…please?” he pleads, voice laden with the beginnings of worry. 
You lift your head slowly, your eyes finally meeting his gaze. 
“You’re okay?” You nod. “Why did you react that way?” You swallow nervously, picking at your fingernails. You can practically feel your face getting blotchy with embarrassment.
“What you said…that’s why I reacted that way.” Changbin raises an eyebrow, still not quite comprehending. “It’s…it’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me. And I’ve only just met you.” Your breath hitches at the realization, and you’re shocked by the sudden tears swimming in your eyes.
“Hey, hey…there’s no need to cry, pretty,” he places his hands gently on the sides of your face, rubbing his thumb where an errant tear had escaped your lash line. His kindness causes more tears to make their way down your cheeks and he simply stands there in the silence with you, wiping them away as they come. After a few minutes, he tentatively reaches for your hand and brings you over to the couch, where he lays a blanket over you once you’ve sat down.
You start to protest, but he quiets you by telling you he’ll be right back. He pads off to the kitchen and returns ten minutes later with a mug of hot chocolate that he extends to you. “Be careful, it’s hot,” he warns, gently placing it into your open hands.
You look at the swirling mini marshmallows that are floating on the steaming chocolate and turn to Changbin who has sat down next to you. At the questioning look on your face, he turns playfully indignant. “Hey! I made not have ever made hot chocolate before, but I can read instructions!” You laugh, and he moves his arm around your shoulder drawing him into his warmth. “Is this okay?” He looks nervous as he searches your face for any sign of impending tears. You nod, adjusting to become more comfortable to show him that you’re fine.
Changbin draws the blanket around the both of you and turns the tv on to start a movie. You can’t help but laugh as you see that he’s chosen The Little Mermaid. Your laughter doubles as you watch the faces of disbelief that he makes throughout the movie, with loud exclamations about how life underwater is nothing like what is being portrayed.
“It’s a movie, Binnie,” you insist, still giggling.
“Huh?” He looks over at you, eyes wide.
“It’s a movie, I said.”
“No, I know that…what did you call me?” 
You sit up cautiously. “...Binnie? Is that okay?” It’s your turn to be nervous. You’d never called him that, but it had just slipped out.
“I love it,” he smiles, the fullness of it crinkling his eyes into half moons. You breathe a sigh of relief, sinking back into the warmth of his hold.
Between the hot chocolate, blanket, and Changbin’s body heat, you find yourself nodding off towards the end of the movie. Changbin notices and starts drawing shapes on your arm with his thumb, hoping to further soothe you into slumber…and it works.
He smiles down at you folded into the crook of his arm, deep breaths reassuring him that you were getting the rest you needed. He cautiously leans down, careful not to disturb you, and places a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You smell like coconut and the ocean, which makes him smile.
“You deserve to be told romantic things every day,” he murmurs into the crown of your head. “Every single day.”
You wake to the sunrise, still on the couch, vaguely remembering that you must have fallen asleep during the movie you were watching the night before. You stretch your legs out from where they were curled into your side and realize that you are still snuggled into Changbin’s side, except his head is now on top of yours from whenever he eventually fell asleep as well. You can’t help but smile to yourself as you slowly attempt to disentangle yourself from the man next to you. Just as you think you’re going to make your escape, he lets out a muffled whine and tightens his grip around you, forcing the side of your face into his chest. You laugh, reaching your hand to slowly draw shapes on his side.
“Binnie…” you murmur softly, tracing your fingers up and down his torso. Nothing. “Binnie…” you try again, this time a little louder. As your hand hits his waist again, he twitches and his eyes snap open.
“Stop, that tickles!” he whines, burying his face into your hair.
“Good morning to you too, sleepyhead,” you laugh, but stop the movements of your hand.
“That’s rich coming from you, the one who fell asleep right before the end of the movie.” Changbin gently disentangles himself from you, and you can see him playfully roll his eyes as he stretches his arms above his head, a sliver of his stomach showing beneath his black shirt. Not that you noticed or anything.
“What time is it, anyway?” he asks. You squint over at the clock across the room.
“7:05.” He groans.
“It’s too early…why did you wake me up?” You laugh in response.
“The sun woke me up, take it up with Mother Nature.” He rolls his eyes again, but a smile plays across his features. 
“Well, since we’re up, it’s a perfect time for you to learn to swim properly!” He reaches for your hand as he stands up, yanking you up with him. He’s a little forceful, making you reach out and stabilize yourself-with both your hands splayed across his chest.
“Little forward this morning, are we?” he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively, causing you to break out in a fit of giggles.
“Something like that,” you concede, reaching out to sweep an errant curl off his forehead. Changbin’s eyes soften as you do so, mapping out every detail of your expression.
“You’re really pretty. You know that, right?” He tilts his head, looking at you.
“Changbin, I literally look like I just got dragged through a bush backwards, but I appreciate you trying to be nice.”
“I’m not being nice…I’m being blunt, if anything,” he muses, still cataloging your face. Though his eyes have also started to roam the rest of your body as well.
“My hair is a rat’s nest, my makeup is smeared from falling asleep…and I think I have dried drool on the corner of my mouth?!” you realize in horror, trying to wipe your face clean.
Changbin grabs your hand and stops it mid-motion, then takes over himself. Wipes the corner of your mouth with his thumb, moving to gently swipe under your eyes where your mascara has flaked. You can feel the heat emanating from your face, burning with embarrassment.
“No need to be embarrassed, pretty.” You duck your head, feeling called out. “Look at me.” You raise your head to look at Changbin again. “You are really pretty. Always. But I think this might be my favorite.” He smiles shyly at you.
“Why?” you whisper.
“Because…because you’re rested. Because you’re taking care of yourself. Because I think I might be the only person that gets to see you like this.” You nod almost imperceptibly, confirming his statement. His smile grows and he gently holds your face between his hands.
“Can I kiss you?” The tips of his ears are red as he asks the question, searching your eyes hopefully. You lean closer, your breath fanning across his full lips. 
“I’d like that,” you breathe, and before you can move any further, Changbin has closed the space between you, lips slotting over yours. 
You sigh into the kiss, and you can feel Changbin’s smile in return as he moves his hands from your face to your waist, squeezing and drawing you closer to himself.
What starts as very sweet and tentative quickly becomes more urgent, with your hands tangled in his curls, his moving under your shirt. A sigh escapes your lips as you feel his thumbs ghost the undersides of your breasts, and he takes the opportunity to slot his tongue into your mouth, which you welcome.
After a few moments, you both come up for air and Changbin breaks into a fit of laughter.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing really…it’s just that I never could have predicted this would happen when I got turned into a human. I’m really gonna have to thank Hyunjin the next time I see him, huh?”
This causes you to join in his laughter, and you pull him close again to land a soft kiss on his nose.
“I guess you have to. After you introduce me, of course. Also…I believe I was promised a swimming lesson?”
“Ah yes, an excuse to see me half naked.” Changbin rolls his eyes and you swat his chest playfully. “You’ll get your swimming lesson after breakfast, can’t have you passing out on me again.” He grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers and pulling you towards the kitchen. 
“One sunrise special coming up!”
And that’s how you end up spending most of the day in the ocean with Changbin. Your swimming skills aren’t quite as bad as he thought (you did get thrown into a rock by a wave, after all), but he’s still able to adjust your form on several different strokes. Even when you’re not doing much, it seems like he’s able to find some way to have his hand ghost along your lower back…or he finds an excuse to sweep strands of wet hair behind your ear…or he’s tightening the strings of your swimsuit ‘just in case’. 
Once you notice your fingers starting to get wrinkly, the two of you collapse onto towels on the shore. You’re silent for a while, content to rest in each others’ presence. Then something you’ve been thinking about for a while escapes your lips.
“Don’t you miss your brothers?”
Changbin turns to face you, his lips forming a small pout. “Sure I do. I mean, I don’t miss Seungmin teasing me all the time or Chan’s terrible dad jokes, but generally I do miss them…yeah.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, studying his expression as his brow furrows.
“Why are you sorry? You haven’t done anything wrong, lovely.” He reaches his hand towards you, making a grabby motion until you reach out and intertwine your fingers with his.
“I dunno…I just feel bad that I can’t do anything to fix it or help. Maybe I should’ve been helping you research how to turn back into a merman or something, instead I’ve just been taking up all your time with silly things like dancing and swimming and showing you around town,” you huff.
“I’ve loved doing those things with you. I can’t believe all the things I used to just see in books, or from far away, I’ve gotten to do. With you.” You smile at the pink tinting his cheeks. “I get to go to a ball with you in a few days…it’ll be like that story you told me about, what was it again?”
“You mean Cinderella?” you laugh, and he nods excitedly.
“You just gotta promise not to run away at midnight and turn into a pumpkin, or whatever it was.” He leans up onto his forearms, scooting himself closer to you. “Can you do that?”
“I can’t make any promises about what happens if I’m up that late past my bedtime, Binnie.” He huffs out a laugh before swooping in for a quick peck to your lips.
“Fine, fine. I can’t wait to see you in your dress…I just know you’re going to be the most beautiful person there.” Changbin’s eyes are sparkling as he looks at you, and it makes you feel gooey inside. 
“We’ll see about that.”
“...I told you, gorgeous.” Changbin lets out a low whistle as you come out of your bedroom and into the living room where he’s waiting. He’s wearing a three piece navy suit to match your floor length sparkly navy gown.
“You look amazing too,” you reply. “So handsome.” You run your hands over his lapel and then down his arms, stopping to squeeze his biceps. “Be careful, you might rip your jacket,” you smirk.
“Hands off, ma’am…this is a classy affair.” You dissolve into a fit of giggles and Changbin tries to keep a straight face but fails miserably, his own squeaky giggles echoing your own. Once the two of you collect yourselves, he offers his arm to you and you gladly accept. 
Though it’s not far, you end up driving to the conservation center to save your feet from walking any more in heels than they need to. As you enter the ballroom, you gasp. They’ve outdone themselves with the decorations-the ceiling is full of twinkling lights wrapped through gauze, there are multiple tables laden with appetizers, desserts, and drinks, and the dancefloor is massive. As you walk towards an empty table, a waiter walks by and offers the two of you champagne, which you take happily. You claim two spaces and turn to see Changbin’s eyes grow wide as he sips his drink.
“It’s so…bubbly!” He exclaims, and you laugh at his expression.
“I guess you’ve never had alcohol before, huh?” He shakes his head. “It’ll make you a little lightheaded if you don’t eat anything, let’s grab some food.”
The two of you walk over to one of the many food tables, and Changbin starts loading down his plate with at least one of everything, multiple if he thinks something looks especially good. He notices you being more careful with your choices and raises his brow in confusion.
“Why aren’t you trying anything else? It all looks so good!” He lifts his own plate toward you as evidence.
“This dress is already tight, I don’t want to be bloated and it shows…or worst case, I rip a seam or something.” Your face blanches at the thought.
Changbin immediately grabs your hand and steers you back toward your table. Once you’ve taken a seat, he starts putting items from his plate onto a fork and holds it up to you. 
“Try it,” he pleads with puppy dog eyes. You begrudgingly obey and he gently places the food in your mouth. It’s some sort of quiche tartlet with ham you think…or maybe bacon. Either way, it’s delicious and you can’t help the moan that escapes your lips at the taste. Changbin’s eyes light up at your delight. “See, it’s so good! I told you!”
You spend the next ten to fifteen minutes sharing Changbin’s plate with him. He takes a bite, then insists that you take the next…until you’ve had tartlets, sliders, trifles, assorted crackers with cheeses and jams, and they’re all unbelievably delicious.
“Full?” he asks, and you nod, feeling sated. “Good. You’ve got a little bit of jam…just there…” He leans in and meets your mouth with his, swiping his tongue gently over your lower lip. As he moves back, you notice his eyes have darkened. “Delicious,” he smirks as he leans into his chair. As if suddenly remembering something, he sits up closer to you and reaches over to run his hands down your sides, his mouth hovering close to your ear. “This dress shows every last curve on your body, and I love it…I’m just jealous I’m not the only one who gets to see it.”
Before you can even think to reply, he’s moved to stand by your side, holding a hand out towards you.
“May I have this dance?”
For having just learned to dance, Changbin is impressive. He’s able to lead you successfully through a few opening dances, and freestyles hilariously (though still on beat). The night is full of champagne bubbles, stolen kisses, and soft laughter.
You feel truly content for the first time in a long time as you slow dance, your forehead tilted and touching Changbin’s. “How are you real?” you breathe out without thinking.
“I could ask the same of you, you know.” He places a gentle kiss on your temple and sways with you on the dancefloor.
You swallow thickly as you lift your eyes to meet his. “What happens…what happens when you go back?” Changbin’s brow furrows as he considers your question.
“Maybe I don’t go back,” his answer is tentative, searching for your response. Your eyes grow wide.
“You-you want to stay human?”
Before he can answer, there’s a commotion across the room. You try to see what’s happening, even reaching up on your tiptoes, but just as a lanky figure with black hair comes into view, a silky voice travels from the stranger to the two of you, making goosebumps erupt across your skin.
“Hello, brother.”
“Hyunjin?! What’re you-how are you-you’re here?!” Changbin splutters in disbelief. The stranger, who you now know is his brother, merely nods with a small smile on his face.
Changbin closes the space with the taller man and envelopes him in a hug that makes Hyunjin wince before he gently extracts himself. “How are you here?” Changbin repeats, still wide eyed.
“Same as you, brother. I made myself into a human…you were surprisingly hard to track down tonight.” Hyunjin walks towards the conservation center’s balcony, away from the crowd and you and Changbin follow.
“Why were you looking for me?” Hyunjin crosses his arms over his chest and raises a brow at his older brother’s question.
“Did you really not think I would find you eventually? Did you plan on being a human forever?” A snide laugh escapes Hyunjin’s lips at his own question.
At this, Changbin crosses his arms over his chest matching the man before him. “And what if I did?” Your eyes grow wide at his response and you step towards him, reaching for his hand. As Changbin firmly intertwines your fingers, Hyunjin follows the motion with his eyes, a smirk taking over his features.
“Ah yes…this must be the reason you think you could stay human.” Hyunjin cocks his head to the side, appraising you. “I suppose she is rather pretty,” he admits, reaching out and tucking a loose hair behind your ear.
Changbin steps forward, angling himself between you and Hyunjin. “Don’t touch her.” 
Hyunjin huffs out a laugh. “And what are you going to do to stop me? I’m the one who turned you into a human in the first place…you wouldn’t have even met her if it wasn’t for me.” His voice is dripping with derision as he looks over the two of you.
“What happened to you? The brother I know would never act like this.” Changbin sounds disappointed, and you can hear the sadness behind his words.
“The brother you know? You were always so happy to be in your own little world, daydreaming about the human world, being so close with Chan…do you even know why I agreed to help you turn into a human?” You see Changbin swallow thickly as he shakes his head. Hyunjin rolls his eyes. “Of course you don’t.”
Hyunjin gazes out at the shoreline from the edge of the balcony and lets out a giant sigh. “It’s because of the compass. It’s always been about the compass.”
“What compass?” you ask, the first words you’ve spoken since Hyunjin’s arrival. He cuts a quick glance to you and then goes back to staring at the water.
“Since Chan is the oldest, he has a compass. It’s the only thing we have related to our parents, it’s a magical relic of sorts…it can help you realize whatever your heart’s desire is. Dreams. Anyway, Chan refuses to use it, says he has his heart’s desire already, whatever that is. At some point, it would pass down to the other brothers. I knew Minho had no interest in it, he’s happy to live life the way he is. Which meant dear Changbin here was next in line.”
You look over at Changbin, and his expression is stormy. You squeeze his hand reassuringly, which seems to ground him. He steps a little closer to you and kisses your temple and runs his thumb over the back of your hand.
“How sweet.” Hyunjin’s voice is void of emotion as he watches the exchange. “As I was saying, he was in the way of me getting the compass. So I decided to offer him something he couldn’t say no to-a chance at being human. I knew he couldn’t resist, especially after he saved you…he wouldn’t shut up about it. I had picked up enough magic from studying how the compass worked to figure it out. And here we are.”
Changbin’s voice is shaky and small when he finally speaks. “So you tricked and manipulated me. Why are you here now, then? I’m sure you wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t gotten your hands on what you wanted.”
A small smile works its way onto Hyunjin’s face, one that looks like it actually may have some small sliver of kindness. “I did get what I wanted, actually. I convinced Chan to give it to me once he realized you were missing…I told him I would find you and bring you back. And here I am. I may have manipulated you, brother, but I would never leave you stranded. Pretty girl or not, you belong with us. As a merman.”
Hyunjin’s hands start to glow faintly, a turquoise that grows brighter as he begins to motion towards Changbin.
“Wait, we need to talk about this-Hyunjin, don’t-” Changbin protests, but Hyunjin doesn’t even seem to hear him. The glow has traveled from his hands and is making its way up his arms, and he almost seems to be in some sort of trance. Changbin notices as well, and moves towards his brother, reaching to grab his hands.
You move without thinking, stepping in front of Changbin and grasping Hyunjin’s hands. The turquoise glow slowly transfers from Hyunjin’s body to yours…but instead of traveling up your arms, it flows down towards your legs and feet. It feels like a million needles piercing through your skin and into your bones, and you let out an involuntary scream. The noise seems to break through Hyunjin’s trance, and his eyes widen in shock. He tries to remove his hands from yours, but they won’t budge.
“I-I can’t let go! Changbin, help!” All traces of bravado are gone from Hyunjin’s face, almost making him look like a small child. Changbin rushes behind his brother and wraps his hands around Hyunjin’s arms and pulls, but even with his added strength nothing happens.
You’ve collapsed to your knees at this point, pained whimpers escaping you every few seconds, tears streaming down your face from the pain. Changbin is on the verge of tears himsef, but he’s too afraid to touch you for fear of making things worse.
“Please just hold on…please. We’ll figure out how to fix this. We will. Promise.” His voice is small and scared, and it makes you cry even harder.
“I’m so sorry, I was just trying to help…I thought he was going to hurt you,” you hiccup. Just as you think you won’t be able to handle any more pain, the glow fades and you fully collapse onto the balcony floor. Changbin immediately rushes to you, cradling your upper half in his arms, alternating between running his hand over your hair and wiping away your tears.
“What did you do?!” he demands of Hyunjin, eyes full of fury. Hyunjin stares blankly down at the two of you in shock and just shakes his head.
Changbin turns to you as he stands, holding out a hand to help you up. “Let’s get you home, hmm?” His eyes are soft as he looks down at you. You reach up to grasp his hand, and as your fingers graze his, the needle feeling is back, but this time in your lungs.
“Binnie, I can’t…I can’t…it hurts…” you wheeze, gasping and holding your chest. 
He drops to his knees immediately, hands flying to cup your face. “What hurts? What is it?” Changbin starts frantically checking you for injuries…your head, arms, torso…nothing. Until he reaches your legs. He gathers the fabric of your dress in his hands to check your legs and a shaky gasp leaves his lips. You look down and any amount of air you’d been able to gather in your lungs leaves.
Where your legs should be, there is a navy blue tail. A mermaid tail.
Changbin looks up at you, his mouth open in shock. “You’re…you…you can’t breathe!” he realizes, jumping up to his feet and rounding on Hyunjin. “What did you DO TO HER?!” he bellows this time. Before Hyunjin has a chance to answer, there’s a loud crack.
You look up, still gasping and only able to draw small breaths. Blood is pouring down Hyunjin’s face-Changbin has broken his nose. You’re suddenly being picked up-Changbin is carrying you to the ocean at a jog. Once you reach the shoreline, he slows as he wades out into the water with you. Once you’re submerged up to your chest, you gasp in a large breath…the feeling of stabbing needles is gone, and you’re able to regulate your breathing.
“Are you okay?” Changbin whispers, eyes wide.
You nod as the waves lap against your arms. “I always wanted to be a mermaid when I was little.” Changbin lets out a choked laugh at your response.
“Well, for what it’s worth, your tail is also very pretty…I’ve never seen a navy blue one.” You bury your face in the crook of his neck at the compliment. “You’re getting embarrassed? After you were turned into a mermaid?! You’re awfully calm for someone who should be panicking…” You lean back in his arms, and notice he seems to be the one panicking.
You shrug. “I’m with you. Why would I panic?” you say simply. Tears gather and spill onto his cheeks. 
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” he murmurs into your hair.
“Nothing. I chose you. And you deserve to be chosen.”
Changbin smiles and gently lowers you into the water, still holding your hands as he leads you out to deeper waters where you can swim comfortably.
“I choose you too. Mermaid or human,” he smiles, and you smile back. “But…we should probably figure out a way to turn you back. Your family will miss you too much.”
“...I think I can help with that.” A small voice reaches the two of you, and you look back to see Hyunjin slowly wading towards you.
“I think you’ve done quite enough for a whole lifetime, don’t you?” Changbin spits harshly, and Hyunjin flinches as he reaches you.
“I have…but I think I know how this can be fixed. And not with my magic.”
Changbin raises a brow, skeptical. “Let him talk,” you urge, laying a gentle hand on Changbin’s arm.
“Thanks.” Hyunjin sends a small smile your way. “I think I know how to fix this. No magic…well, none of mine anyway.”
“So whose, then? Chan? We are not bringing him into this…though I’m sure he’d love to know what you’ve been up to.”
“Not mine, not Chan’s…yours.”
“What do you mean, mine? I don’t have any magic, you know that!” Changbin’s voice raises with each sentence, more and more exasperated.
“I think you might with the compass,” Hyunjin says simply. “I know before you weren’t that interested in it, but I think that maybe has changed.” He looks over at you knowingly, and holds out his hand to his brother.
Changbin reaches out and Hyunjin drops a small brass compass into his hand.
“How does it work?”
“As far as I’ve figured out, it’s almost like all those fairytales we read when we were kids. You just need to close your eyes and think about whatever your heart’s desire is.”
Changbin looks at you with worry clouding his face. “What if it doesn’t work?” he whispers.
“What if it does?” You cup his cheeks in your hands and meet his lips with yours. 
He smiles softly at you. “No matter what…I love you.” You gasp and he laughs. “Are you really that surprised?”
“I guess not,” you laugh, capturing his lips in another kiss.
“Ahem,” Hyunjin interrupts you, motioning towards the compass in Changbin’s hands.
“Right…I guess I’ll see you on the other side then.” Changbin closes his eyes and furrows his brow in concentration. There is silence for a moment, then the compass starts spinning, slowly at first, then furiously. 
You exchange a nervous glance with Hyunjin, and when you look back at Changbin, there is a golden glow emitting from the compass as it continues to spin. As you watch, the glow gets brighter and brighter, until you have to cover your face and turn away.
After a few moments, the glow dies down enough for you to look back at Changbin. He opens his eyes tentatively. “Are you okay?” he asks, and you nod. “Your tail?” You lean back to float on your back, and to your surprise, your feet breach the surface of the water instead of the tail that was there a minute before. A huge smile breaks across Changbin’s face and he leans back as well, his feet next to yours.
At the sight, he pulls them back under him, spluttering as he accidentally swallows water in surprise. “I still have feet!” he manages to get out between coughs.
“What did you think about?” Hyunjin asks.
“I just thought about things being the way they should be.” Changbin’s voice is laced with confusion. “I figured it would turn her back into a human, but I thought I would be a merman again too.”
“Maybe you should be human. With her.” Hyunjin smiles, gesturing to you. Changbin’s eyes follow the motion and light up when he meets your eyes.
“I mean, I kinda hoped…but I didn’t want to try my luck or anything.” You’re smiling so hard it’s hurting your cheeks, even though you have tears running down your face.
“I get to keep you…I was so scared I was going to eventually lose you,” you confess. Changbin closes the gap between you, grabbing your hand and leading you to shallower water where he proceeds to lift and spin you in his arms.
“You’re never getting rid of me now,” he smirks and you giggle into the kiss he lands on your mouth as he gently places you back on the sand.
You wrap your arms around Changbin and sway slowly with him under the light of the stars.
“I’m so happy I get to be with you. For as long as you’ll have me.” Changbin smiles at your statement, burying his head in your neck and placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder. “Also, I forgot to tell you earlier…” 
He raises his head and looks at you curiously.
“...I love you too.”
Taglist: @hyungieyoongi @alpacaparkaseok @derinxfam @itsmegracekim @iluvhyunjinnieboo
Read more of my work here!
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unholydeukae · 2 months
After blessing you with sweet, wholesome 2yoo, it's now time for steamy, messy Suayeon :)
(I hope you all like power bottom SuA)
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It's been a whole four days since SuA has gotten some dick - which is a long time for her to go without sex, no matter if the person has a cock or not - and even though that was a really great session (she got to deepthroat Dami while JiU ate her out and later she and JiU made out while Dami kept switching between their holes until they were both leaking cum), she feels more than ready for some orgasms.
Contemplating which one of her members she should go to, she can hear someone rummaging in the kitchen. Immediately she shoots up from the couch, who dares to create chaos in her sacred- it's Siyeon. Sua is not entirely sure if she should be glad about that or not - at least it's not Yoohyeon, who kind of magically attracts disaster, but it's not like Siyeon is a master chef. More like the opposite, she once nearly killed the microwave because she left a spoon in the dish she wanted to heat up and Sua has stopped counting the amount of times she stood at the sink for hours, trying everything to clean up the burnt in food from the pot.
Right now, it looks like Siyeon tried to open a package of salt with SuA's biggest kitchen knife and the older one is quick to interfere.
"Hey, careful, give me that. Why do you need salt and why with my biggest knife?"
Siyeon looks at her in confusion, then looks at the package on the kitchen counter and back to SuA.
"I wanted to make a mug cake." - "With salt?"
"I thought it was sugar, I didn't read what it says on the package."
Sua sighs. Then she suddenly has an idea.
"How about this: I'll make a nice mug cake for you and in return, you'll fuck me."
Siyeon seems even more confused now but nods slowly.
"Okay. But you know that you can always just ask for sex, right? You don't need to offer me anything in return, I would never say no to you."
Sua just grins.
"Great! I'll get to work."
Thanks to her amazing skills, not even five minutes later Siyeon holds the steaming mug cake in her hands. Hungrily, she shoves a big spoon full of dough into her mouth, only to let it fall back into the mug immediately. Cursing, she grabs a glass of water to cool her burned mouth. Sua laughs.
"It's literally steaming, don't be so greedy."
Siyeon pouts for a moment but decides that waiting a few more minutes would probably be a good idea.
"Come, let's watch something while you eat!"
Willingly, the younger girl lets herself be pulled to the living room where they sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. She clicks through the programs.
"What do you wanna watch?"
Sua only shrugs.
"I don't really care, maybe something light where we don't have to pay a ton of attention."
Nodding, Siyeon puts up a comedy show that they've both watched before and picks up her mug again. She's so focused on her food that she doesn't notice how Sua shifts around until she kneels in front of her and urges her to lift her hips. The younger girl obliges and immediately both her sweatpants and boxers are pulled down in one swift motion. Still chewing, she has a vague idea of what might be happening in a moment but she's completely soft still, no way Sua would-
She nearly chokes on her cake. Sua would, evidently. Since Siyeon is a shower, she can already feel the beginning of her unnie's throat. Coughing, she tries to regain her breath while Sua is already absorbed in sucking her dick, licking the shaft up and down, gripping the tip with her lips and running her tongue around it. One of her hands grabs her balls, massages them, pulls and lightly squeezes and Siyeon can't help but moan. She feels how blood shoots into her dick and it grows steadily.
The older girl feels it as well, the tip of the cock tickles her throat and she opens her mouth wider to take more of it inside. She's the queen of oral for a reason and doesn't shy away from keeping Siyeon as long and deep down her throat as possible. Feeling the tightness around her cock nearly makes the younger one choke again and even though she's still hungry, she decides the mug cake is the less important thing right now.
Pretending to be the one in charge, she lays a hand on SuA's head - well aware that she's just the passenger and Sua is in control of everything. If anyone (who's not a Dreamcatcher member) walked in on this scene, they'd think that Siyeon hardcore fucks SuA's throat, but little would they know that it's actually Sua who forces herself down on the cock again and again until spit and precum run out of her mouth and tears form in her eyes.
"Hey, hey... What was that about.. fuck.. being greedy earlier? You're the one.. ugh.. who can't get her mouth full enough now, god damn.."
SuA looks up and grins, her face certainly looks like someone had fun using it.
"I'm always greedy and you know it."
She wraps her hand around the cock, her fingers not even close to touching, so she uses her other hand as well. Slowly stroking up and down, Siyeon eyes her mug cake again, if Sua keeps that pace for a bit, she could-
No, she can't. The older girl lets go of her and starts stripping, but she doesn't only take her clothes off. Instead, she gives her a lap dance, sensually runs her hands over her own and Siyeon's body and the younger girl forgets about the mug cake nearly as fast as she remembered it. Like in trance, her eyes follow SuA, no matter how hard she tries, she can't take them off of her - not that she actually tries, but if she did, she wouldn't be able to.
Soon enough, Sua is completely naked and leans towards Siyeon, her boobs mere centimeters away from the younger one's face. Before she can touch them though, the girl turns away again and removes the sweatpants and boxers that were still pooling around Siyeon's ankles. Then she climbs on her lap.
"I would take that shirt off if I was you. I wouldn't want it to get stained."
With big eyes and both eyebrows raised, Siyeon takes off her t-shirt and bralette; she's not entirely sure why her clothes would get dirty from riding but decides to not ask any questions. At this point, she doesn't wanna postpone whatever is gonna happen any longer.
"Good, now scoot down a little, just so that your head can lay on the backrest."
Siyeon obliges and Sua smiles in a very self-satisfied way. Without another word she shuffles forward and suddenly, the younger girl understands. She lays her hands on her ass cheeks and pulls her towards her face, just in time with Sua gripping the backrest for more stability.
The moment when Siyeon's tongue touches the girl's dripping pussy, they both moan, although SuA's is definitely a lot louder. Siyeon greedily laps at her folds, enjoying her taste on her tongue but she's only able to do that for a few seconds before SuA starts taking over control. She rolls her hips against the girl, increases and decreases the pressure just the way she needs it.
"God, your tongue feels so good... Just.. stick it out, yeah? Let me... yeah, just like that, fuck-"
While she speaks, Siyeon already obeys and SuA's reaction is immediate. Her movements become rougher, she rubs herself against the girl as if her life depends on it. Tiny hands grab Siyeon's hair at the back of her head and she's pressed even deeper into the pussy that uses her solely for her own pleasure; the pain on her scalp goes nearly unnoticed in the wave of sensations that rolls over her.
SuA is usually a very vocal person and now it's no different. Every movement, every touch is accompanied by moans, whines, groans or curses and Siyeon is sure that it's just a matter of time until at least one of their members curiously walks into the living room. The grasp on her hair becomes stronger and a slightly sharp pain shoots through Siyeon's body. Trying her best to not cry out and keep her tongue where it is, she grips SuA's ass even stronger, accidentally pressing her nails into the soft skin.
The older girl yelps but increases her speed significantly and after a few very loud moans, her whole body shakes, the hand that had a grip on Siyeon's hair switches to squeezing her shoulder and after some last supporting licks on her throbbing clit, SuA slumps down against Siyeon. A few seconds of nothing but hard breathing from both sides.
"That was.. really good. Damn."
SuA shuffles backwards a bit to take a look at Siyeon. Her whole lower face glistens and her eyes sparkle - they always do when she's responsible for making one of the members feel good. Even though she technically didn't do the work this time but she at least provided the "tools". A sweet, almost careful kiss seems to confirm that she did a good job in helping Sua get off.
Still, it's Sua and her energetic self, so even a strong orgasm only calms her down for about a minute. Shifting around, she nearly kicks Siyeon's knee while trying to find a good position. Siyeon just lets her do her thing, she knows the dancer well enough to be aware that trying to help would only end in disaster, so she just sits and waits - waits, until suddenly a small hand grabs the base of her dick and Sua sinks down on it with a satisfied sigh.
"God, finally... Your dick feels so good inside me, it stretches me out so well."
Siyeon sharply breathes out through her nose. Every time they have sex, she's amazed by how easily Sua can take her dick to the hilt, even though she's so small and
"so.. tight, fuck..."
Only giving herself a moment to get used to the stretch, Sua places a kiss on Siyeon's cheek before she starts grinding. Her hips move expertly, stimulating the younger girl in all the right ways. Velvety walls have a firm grip on her cock before they loosen up again slightly, and it's a miracle to Siyeon how nearly every centimeter of her dick disappears in the tight pussy. The grinding slowly becomes more focused, pressure increases and Siyeon can't help but whimper quietly. If the older girl keeps doing that, it's only a matter of minutes until her pussy is filled to the brim with cum.
"I know you love to be deep inside me, I can feel you throbbing. Don't cum yet, I need you a bit longer - or if you do, make sure you can keep going!"
Siyeon groans. Her stamina is by far not as good as Dami's or Dongie's but technically she can cum and just keep going without feeling immediately overwhelmed or needing a refractory period - usually she can even cum a second time. But that doesn't mean that she's just as strong as before, more like the opposite. After she cums, she tends to be exhausted and drowsy and it takes a lot of discipline for her to not just cuddle the person she's with and fall asleep. But now here she is, inside the tightest person the world has to offer and knowing Sua, she's far from being done.
"No, I- I won't cum yet. Don't worry, I'll stay strong today."
Sua grins and pecks her lips before she grabs her boobs and plays with her own nipples.
"Good because I haven't even started yet."
And then she does. She wraps her arms around Siyeon's neck and slams her hips down. And again. And again. The pace is murderous, the slaps resound in the living room and Siyeon can feel the tingling start. Wetness drips down on her thighs, and it becomes hard to not immediately shoot her load. She bites her own cheek to hold on just a little longer, at least until Sua cums again.
The latter is surprisingly quiet. Her face is buried in Siyeon's neck, she can feel her breathe shakily against her skin. Finger nails dig into shoulder blades and it makes Siyeon remember that she has hands as well. She lays them on SuA's hips and tries to help her guide the movements. The breathing gets more ragged, SuA's hips stutter from time to time but Siyeon manages to guide her, even though she feels like she'll explode any second now.
Suddenly pain. Siyeon's shoulder hurts, even her shoulder blades, but she can't concentrate on it - the orgasm rolls over her like a wave, forcing her to fill the trembling girl's pussy up. Sua feels about the same, spasming and panting from the intensity of the orgasm that washes over her, unable to move anymore.
They stay like that for a moment, panting, satisfied but spent. Well, the satisfied part mostly goes to Sua - Siyeon is kind of confused and the drowsy state she's in doesn't help with understanding why her shoulder hurt right before she came. After a minute or two, Sua moves and carefully sits upright. With the cock still inside her, she hisses before she looks at Siyeon.
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I'll get sanitizer and a bandaid in a moment, I think I broke your skin when I bit you."
A lightbulb lights up in Siyeon's head. That's where the sudden pain came from - SuA's orgasm was apparently strong enough that she didn't know how to handle it other than biting her shoulder and digging her fingers in her shoulder blades. The younger girl doesn't feel like she's bleeding though.
"Are you sure? It doesn't feel like it's open or bleeding..."
SuA leans forward and looks at the bite mark. She hums for a moment before she sits back again.
"You're right but I still feel like I could've handled it better."
Siyeon shakes her head.
"No, don't be sorry. That... Was actually pretty hot. I'm not sure if it was the bite or you cumming that sent me over the edge, but it definitely was not an issue. So.. lay down for me? Please?"
The older girl tilts her head in confusion but climbs off her lap and lays down on the couch. Siyeon groans when she slips out of the warm pussy, she's sure she could never get enough of that. The girl looks at Sua and lets her gaze wander, from her glowing face, down her breasts, her abs and... She can't help but dive in immediately. Seeing cum, her own cum slowly drip out of Sua, mixed with the girl's wetness must be one of the greatest sights of all time.
Greedily she licks up the liquid, moaning from the way it tastes. She makes sure to gather every drop, pushes her tongue as far as possible into the tight hole. Only then does she move up and draws light circles around SuA's clit. They both went quiet, only the slurping sounds and occasional sighs can be heard. Siyeon lays on her stomach but she can feel how her dick indeed skips the refractory period and presses against the couch. She looks up at SuA whose eyes are closed and decides it's worth a shot.
Carefully, to not interrupt her oral tasks, Siyeon turns on her side just enough that she can grab her cock with one hand. Slowly, she starts jerking off, always making sure to focus on the girl below her, but Sua notices nonetheless. She opens her eyes and grins.
"You're a needy girl, huh?"
The younger girl goes bright red and hides further in between SuA's legs. The latter laughs quietly.
"Don't worry, pretty thing, you were really helpful earlier. Go ahead, make yourself feel good."
Siyeon blushes even harder but continues stroking herself while she still traces patterns over SuA's clit. The latter sighs contentedly and starts to scratch Siyeon's head with her fingers. Being silently praised like that makes the girl put more focus on her unnie again, she increases the pressure on her clit and regularizes her movements.
Even though the second orgasm really took a toll on her, Sua feels equally relaxed and turned on - the sight of Siyeon pumping her dick that's dripping from both her wetness and her semen is definitely an arousing one. She watches her pleasure herself, observes how the girl moves her fingers up and down, how she increases the pressure on the shaft and decreases it on the tip while still licking her with such devotion... Sua can feel her orgasm build up. She knows it's not gonna be as earthshaking as before but when she reaches her climax, she can't help but cry out and grip Siyeon's hair a little harder. Little drops of wetness and cum run out of her pussy and Siyeon is quick to catch them with her tongue.
The girl looks up at her, clearly proud of herself, and Sua pets her head.
"Thank you for making me feel so good today, baby."
Siyeon blushes again, then lays her head on SuA's thighs and puts her attention towards her own pleasure. Her speed increases and she can't swallow a moan. The scent of arousal and sex in the air turns her on more than she wants to admit and the comfortable position on SuA's thighs makes it easy to let go. With a grunt, she cums, her dick throbbing in her hand and semen land on her fingers, her stomach and the couch. Sua makes grabby hands and Siyeon moves her arm towards her until the older girl can lick the cum off of her fingers.
Steps interrupt their moment. Steps, then a gasp and an indignant voice.
"You were fucking right now and here and didn't ask me to join? I haven't had dick in soooooo long!!!"
Clearly Gahyun. Sua opens her mouth but before she can say something, two more people enter the living room.
"Damn, I didn't know two days is 'sooooo long'. Sounds like I really have to work on my performance, if it's so easily forgettable."
"Maybe she will remember if she gets two dicks? I think we should try that, what do you think, Dami?"
"Yeah, you're right Dongie. Come on, Gahyunie, or do you wanna miss another opportunity? We could have enough fun without you as well, you know?"
Siyeon and Sua watch the short interaction with growing amusement. After the younger girls all left the room again, Siyeon turns her head back to her unnie.
"So... can I eat my mug cake now?"
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softshrimpy · 1 year
How To Woo A Hot Principal
Step 11: Realizations
Summary: Working at the Weathervane was exactly what you needed. The routine, the people, your co-workers. It certainly helped that a certain tall, blonde, fucking gorgeous woman happened to frequent the cafe. Now some may call hopelessly flirting with your customers inappropriate behavior.
But truly, when it came to Larissa Weems, who could blame you?
Y'all wanted the Larissa pain and I bring you Larissa pain. Enjoy. Also again, pls send all the love to the now co-author of this series @misssmephisto 🦐✨
Tags: @variant-2402 @the-bagel24 @eveymay @kimiinou @muffintopxs @h-doodles @bbykens @lilfartbox1 @bigolgay @winterfireblond @gela123
(pls let me know if you want to be tagged/ I missed you!)
Chapter 10
Cross Posted on AO3 here
HWTAHP Masterlist
Larissa had fucked up.
She knew she had the moment she’d ended her bullshit-filled tirade. Knew when you had run out of her office sobbing.
And she sure as shit knew right now.
She had been sitting at her desk, re-reading the same email for what had felt like the hundredth time when she’d gotten a call from Marylin. She was confused, it was the middle of the night. She answered the call, a deep sense of dread chilling her to the bone as she did so.
“Larissa? I-I saw your girlfriend running into the woods and-and I was worried so I followed her but- she’s been attacked, Larissa. I don’t-I don’t know if she’ll make it I-“ Marylin rushes.
Larissa can’t breathe, she’s no longer listening to Marylin. Her hands are shaking and she feels like she might throw up. She brings one hand to cover her mouth, the other gripping her phone as if it were her lifeline. As panic gripped her, the words blood, ambulance and sheriff breached her mind from the device in her hand.
She’s the reason you were out there. She’s the reason you got attacked.
She was wrong. She was so so wrong. She was wrong and now you might die and she was so wrong.
She called you a monster.
Before she can even register what she is doing she has grabbed her keys and ran out of her office.
“Marylin” Larissa started, cutting off the tear-fuelled rambling of her college. “I need you to gather the staff and check on all the students and make sure everyone is accounted for. The school is on lockdown as of now, keep everyone indoors and safe. I’m going to the hospital, call me if anything else happens.” She instructs.
Before Marylin can reply, Larissa has hung up and is getting into her car. She drives frantically, not particularly caring what traffic laws she’s breaking. All she cares about is getting to you. You have to be okay. You just have to.
When she finally makes it to the hospital, she all but barges through the front doors. Rushing up to the front desk, the headmistress frantically asks about your whereabouts. She’s told you’re in surgery, you’d lost an almost catastrophic amount of blood but they were doing everything in their power. She’s directed to a waiting room and then left alone.
Larissa had no idea how long she had sat there, her eyes burning holes into the floor beneath her as the words, those horrible cruel words she spoke to you ran through her head. She keeps seeing your face, heartbroken with tears running down your cheeks. She keeps thinking of how this is all her fault, how you could’ve been safe if she had just listened to you. If she had just not been a royal bitch. If she had just had dinner with you.
She didn’t deserve you. After all you’d done for her, after all you’d gone through with her. She wouldn’t be surprised if you never wanted to see her again.
But you didn’t deserve to be alone, so she would wait here until she knew you were okay. It was the least she could do.
The clock ticked on, seconds becoming minutes, minutes becoming hours. There had been no news, and she couldn’t decide if that was good or bad. Her legs were stiff, her eyes were stinging. She probably looked dreadful but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. The once powerful persona of the Nevermore headmistress was broken, stuck floating in time.
She was glad to not have heard from Marylin. Hopeful that that meant everything was well at the school. She honestly wouldn’t have been much use if something was wrong anyway.
She was startled by a set of doors being flung open, her body fuelled with adrenaline, legs quivering with how fast she was forced upwards. She was even more shocked when three of her students came bursting through said doors. Enid, Wednesday and Yoko ran up to her and before she can scold them for being off school grounds during a lockdown, Yoko speaks.
“Is she still in surgery?”
Larissa sighs and nods, deciding she doesn’t have the energy to be the stern principal she should be. Sliding back into the seat beneath her, Larissa’s mind begins to fall back into the routine she had been stuck in for the past however long. However, Wednesday spoke six words that shattered the downward spiral the headmistress had created.
“Do they know she’s an outcast?”
“What are you talking about?” Larissa responded, her head turning towards the girl, curiosity leading her fast reply.
“She’s a vampire. We can explain how we know later but right now we have to tell them she’s a vamp and will be needing blood, well- more blood.” Enid explains.
“I-that can’t…how certain are you of this? We can’t just- she could-“ Larissa stutters.
“Just trust us on this, please. I don’t…we don’t want her to die.” Yoko pleads.
Shocked by Yoko’s outright display of emotion, Larissa nods. She gets up from the chair, her joints popping in protest. She strides over to the nurses' station, explaining your situation to them. She has to argue back and forth with them for quite a while before they listen to her. The terms legal guardian, family and medical records are thrown around in protest before the desperation on Weems’ face convinces the receptionist to ring into the surgery room. Before she can turn back towards her students, a nurse in conversation with the other receptionist turns in disgust at the piece of information Larissa had shared. Continuing in the direction she was heading, Larissa barely resists the urge to cuss her out.
  Returning to the seating area, she sighs. A motion filled with exhaustion, regret and deep sadness.
“Can I get you three something to drink? I have a suspicion this is going to be a long night.”
The four had settled back in the waiting room, this time on the two couches that were available. Larissa and Enid had gotten a hot chocolate while Wednesday and Yoko had settled on coffee (Larissa did not have it in her to try and get them to have something without caffeine in it.) None of the girls commented on Larissa’s appearance, which she was truly grateful for.
Breaking the tense silence they had found themselves in, the headmistress spoke, “Alright, so how did you three figure this out?”
“Well, it actually started when Wednesday ran overheard you two talking about (Y/N)’s nightmares.” Enid starts.
“I’m sorry what?” Larissa interrupts, turning to shoot Wednesday an accusatory stare. She expected nothing less of the girl, knowing her reputation but a sense of upset and surprise still struck her.
“I was investigating a potential lead in the attacks and happened to walk by your office while you two were talking.” She hums, taking a sip from her decidedly not completely shit coffee.
“Anyway, from there Wednesday was uh curious about what was going on with her…” Enid continues.
“I suspected she may be the person behind the attacks.” Wednesday deadpans.
Larissa freezes at that, swallowing against the sudden lump in her throat. She feels a strong stabbing pain in her chest. In an effort to distract herself, she looked down at her takeaway cup and hums.
“Uhm so yeah Wednesday did some digging. She was trying to figure out what made her come to Jericho in the first place, given the attacks started right around the time she arrived. But then Yoko came to pick me up for a trip to Jericho to go shopping and saw Wednesday’s murder wall and found it way more interesting than I did, it gives me the creeps.”
“A murder wall?” Larissa questioned, incredulous.
“So then Yoko told us about the way your barista girlfriend had a vampire smell. Furthermore, along with some information she learnt from Outreach Day and her behaviour over the past couple of days, I deemed it appropriate to enter her home and do some more digging-“ Wednesday explained.
“Wednesday Addams-“ Larissa hissed.
“And I found these tablets she was taking. I’d never seen or heard of them before, so I did some further investigation and it would seem it's a rather poor blood substitute, which fit Yoko’s vampire theory.” Wednesday continues, ignoring the blonde’s obvious anger.
“But she has no fangs?” Larissa murmurs.  
“In more conservative places there was a practice where they would file down young vampire's fangs to make them more ‘normal.’” Yoko explains with a scowl. “It's archaic and evil.”
“Why…who would do this..?” Larissa mumbled.
“Well, that’s where Wednesday’s digging into why she moved here comes in. Turns out she used to live in this super small town literally in the middle of nowhere. Everything we found about it was not like outright ‘outcasts are evil and dangerous’ but was prejudiced enough to give me the super ick.” Enid offered.
“I see…” Larissa breathed out.
Larissa didn’t know how to feel. Actually, she did. She felt a deep, deep sense of self-loathing and shame. And above all else, she felt guilt. Guilt that made her stomach churn and her chest ache. Gods she truly didn’t know how she would live with herself after tonight.
The four of them sat in silence for a while, the three girls noticing their headmistress’s unusually upset demeanour and deciding it best to leave the queries, for now. Hours went by with no news, Larissa growing more and more weary as time went on. She had tried to convince the three girls to go back to Nevermore but had received a rather strong chorus of no’s in return. Eventually, a doctor came through the doors and called out your name. Larissa immediately stood from her seat and rushed over to her, her heart firmly lodged in her throat.
“I-Is she alright? Did she make it out of the surgery okay?” Larissa asked.
“She’s just come out of surgery, we’ve taken her to the ICU. The surgery went well, surprisingly given her condition, it was touch and go for a while, but after we started administering more blood things went much smoother. I can take you to her room if you’d like?” She states.
“I-Yes, thank you.” Larissa breathes, her heart calming just a bit.
She gathers the three teens before following the doctor to your room. The doctor warned the group that you were still asleep and still weren’t in the greatest shape, so they needed to prepare themselves. Larissa had to take a moment outside your room to steel herself. She needed to keep herself together.
When she entered your room and saw you laying there, unconscious and battered her resolve to keep herself together crumbled instantly. You looked so small and fragile in the hospital bed. Your face was so pale and you were so still. She let out a choked sob, bringing a shaking hand up to cover her mouth, feeling tears gather in her eyes. She hurries over to your side while scanning you over for injuries. You have several small cuts littering your face and arms. A deeper more noticeable cut on your head, and the skin around it is bruised terribly. She’s certain the brunt of your injuries are hidden beneath the blanket covering you from the chest down and her stomach drops just thinking about it. She drops into the chair seated next to your bed. 
“When uhm-“ Larissa tries, her voice cracking, “When will she wake up?”
“Unfortunately, due to the extreme nature of her injuries we can’t be certain when she will wake up.” The doctor explains.
“Do you know that she’ll wake up?” Wednesday queries.
Enid scolds her, slapping her on the arm while Larissa squeezes her eyes shut. She can’t fathom a world, a life without you. You and your brilliant smile and silly jokes that never failed to make her laugh. And yet she threw that all away anyway. Hurt you immeasurably and for what? Because she was stupid enough to doubt your character, to make out as if you were some manipulative awful creature? She was awful, irredeemable.
“Principal Weems?” Enid prompts gently.
“Hm?” she responds, not taking her eyes off you.
“We’re going to head back to the school now. Do you need anything before we go?” She asks.
She shakes her head, thanking the three of them before they leave. And then it’s just you and her. She moves the chair closer to you and settles into it, kicking off her heels. She tentatively grabs one of your hands, squeezing it gently.
“I-I know that I-“ She whispers, her voice shaking. “That I- That the things I did- the things I said were- they were-“
She breaks into sobs then, squeezing your hand as she doubles over. She cries harder than she ever has in her life. She cries for what feels like eternity and she’s honestly not sure how long it truly was. Eventually, her sobs dissolve into hiccups and a constant stream of tears falling down her cheeks. She wipes at her eyes with her free hand, careless of the way her mascara smudges.
She knows this is the least of what she deserves. She deserves to be crushed by her guilt. She deserves to feel as though all the air has been sucked from the room, as though the weight of her callous words and cruel thinking will drown her.  She deserves all the pain and suffering the world has to offer.
But she will stay by your side, ensure you’re taken care of and not alone. It’s the least she could do.
Larissa essentially hadn’t left your side since that night. She had gotten Marylin to bring her laptop the first time she visited so that she could attempt to get work done while watching over you. She had admittedly gotten much less done than usual but was still managing to get everything sorted. After two days of Larissa not moving from your side she had a very entertaining conversation with Enid and Wednesday.  
“Uh, Principal Weems, don’t take this the wrong way but uhm…do you think you should maybe uhm…well…” Enid tried.
“You look dreadful. You should go back to Nevermore and clean yourself up.” Wednesday interjected.  
Larissa had stared at the two of them, wide-eyed, before huffing a sigh and agreeing to head back to Nevermore later that day to make herself more presentable. The two had offered to stay with you while she sorted herself out. She thanked them, taking the hint and quickly returning to Nevermore and taking a much-needed shower and changing her clothes. She made sure to pack a few days worth of clothes and toiletries. The whole time she was away she worried you’d wake up while she was gone. She worried you’d think she didn’t care. She didn’t expect you to want her there when you woke up, she would leave as soon as you told her to. She deserved your anger and hate. But she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if you woke up alone.
So she packed all her necessary belongings and headed back to the hospital, to you. When she arrived back at your room Wednesday and Enid were deep in a seemingly very serious conversation. She used the opportunity to get herself a coffee from the hospital cafeteria. The coffee wasn’t terrible, but it was nothing compared to the drinks you brought her every morning. You would always bring her the most delicious coffee in the morning with the sweetest messages written on them.
And she had the gall to say all your kindness, all your actions were nothing but an elaborate ruse? She was truly the most awful person alive.
She made her way back to your room, her chest heavy with guilt. When she arrived for the second time Wednesday was nowhere to be found and Enid looked like she was on the verge of tears. Larissa stood awkwardly in the doorway, clearing her throat to alert the young werewolf to her presence.  Enid startles slightly, wiping at her eyes with the brightly coloured sleeve of her sweater.
“Oh Principal Weems! I uhm- She still hasn’t woken up yet. And Wednesday was here she just- well we…” she trails off, her lower lip quivering.
“Miss Sinclaire,” Larissa starts, pausing before coming to stand next to her. “Enid, I don’t know the intricacies of your relationship with Wednesday, but if you ever want to talk about it…”
“I just…” She sniffles, fresh tears coming to her eyes, “I really thought I-I was making progress with Wednesday and-and our friendship and her accepting that we’re you know actually friends. But then every time we have a moment or something she just shuts down and runs away. I just- I don’t know what to do.”
“Well,” Larissa starts, offering Enid a tissue which she gratefully accepts, “I’m not always the best with these sorts of things, goodness I all but ruined the one good relationship in my life… never mind that. With Wednesday, I think- she’s naturally closed-off but she truly does care about you. She may not express her affection in the same manner you do but I know for certain that she values you and your friendship. She just needs some time to figure out her feelings and figure out how she’s most comfortable expressing those feelings. So just, keep doing what you’re doing, but understand and give her time.”
Enid stares up at her with wide, tear-filled eyes before launching herself forward into Larissa’s arms. Larissa startles, glad for her tall frame for once. She tentatively wraps the poor girl in a hug. She holds her as she cries into her coat.
“You really are an amazing person, Enid, never doubt that.” She murmurs.
The two embrace for a while before Enid stops sniffling and takes a step back, she beams up at her principal.  
“Thank you, Principal Weems, you’re the best…” She smiles, which then turns into a concerned frown, “What was that about ruining a relationship?”
Larissa’s face falls at that, all of the colour draining from it. She clears her throat and does her best to fight the tears gathering in her eyes. Turning to face your sleeping form, she lifts a hand up to play with her necklace, swallowing thickly. She opens her mouth to speak, to explain herself but can’t find the words.
“I’ve not been a very good person as of late…” Larissa whispers, “I hurt her, possibly beyond repair. And now she’s-“
She stops herself, shaking her head and wiping her eyes. It’s highly inappropriate for her to even be talking about this with a student. She really ought to-
“Well, I’m sure whatever it is that happened,” Enid says, “If you just talk it out with her and apologize then maybe it’ll all work out.”
Enid's hope is adorable, but Larissa knows it won’t be that easy. The things she said to you were unforgivable. She had very little hope of salvaging things between the two of you. She only wanted to make sure you were okay and you didn’t blame yourself for anything that happened, as you tended to do.
Enid leaves her alone to her thoughts and she settles back in the chair. She reaches over and grabs your hand again. She can’t stand the silence of the room, only permeated by the constant beeping of the machines. So instead, she fills the silence with her apologies. She cries and apologises over and over. And when she’s all out of apologies she tells you everything she wished she had told you before that night, everything she thought and felt.
“I love you…” She whispers shakily, “I’ve loved you for so long now. I- I will never stop loving you, regardless of what happens when you wake up.”
She falls asleep that night, holding your hand while awkwardly sprawled in the chair, hoping you wake up.
Marylin visits quite frequently, much to Larissa’s confusion. She brings new flowers each time (which consequentially has left your hospital room looking like a florist despite the nurses clearing the room each night.) She watches over you to allow Larissa some time to stretch her legs and occasionally go home to shower. As she travels back and forth between the hospital and Nevermore, she comes to the conclusion that the reason for Marylin’s visits are because she was in essence the one who found you. She also constantly reminds herself that she has no right to feel jealous of whatever friendship you and Marylin may share.
Along with Marylin some of her students come and visit you. Yoko comes around the most, often not staying very long but checking on you nonetheless, occasionally leaving small trinkets with your still form. Despite not knowing the true depth of your friendship with her student, Larissa feels comfortable giving you two space when Yoko visits.
Enid and Wednesday were the next most frequent visitors. Often they came together, a good sign Larissa hoped, but sometimes one of them would come on their own. Often Enid would chat with Larissa, ever since they had their heart-to-heart a few days ago she found the young werewolf had deemed her someone she could gossip or rant to. Larissa didn’t mind, often she found she actually really enjoyed Enid's company.
Wednesday was the complete opposite. She would always come in, check your vitals and flip through your chart that sat at the bottom of your bed (Larissa had given up on scolding her for it after three days.) Then the dark-haired girl would nod at Larissa before slipping from the room, off to cause mayhem no doubt.
James had visited every day, often chatting to Larissa while he did. Larissa didn’t know how to tell him he should hate her, should be cursing her and being as cruel to her as she was to you, if not worse. So instead she took to making important calls just after he arrived. She figured he appreciated the time alone with you anyway.  
On one rather strange occasion, Tyler Galpin had sheepishly knocked on the door of your room. He had glanced from Larissa to you and then stared at you with a hollow, almost guilty look. He had dropped off some flowers (adding to the ever-growing collection you now had) and then left. The entire visit had felt strange to Larissa but she didn’t have the energy to put into thinking about it further.
It had been over a week since the accident, twelve days to be exact. Twelve days of restless sleep, nightmares and uncomfortable sitting. Her whole body ached from being sat in the less-than-comfortable chair all day and night. Often she’d have to redo her makeup at least once a day (made so much easier with her shapeshifting abilities) on account of all the crying she was doing, despite feeling she had cried enough to fill the Pacific.
She worried you would never wake up. That one night she would fall asleep in that awful chair and wake up to the long unending beep of the heart rate monitor. And then they would take you away, and there would be a funeral and she would be completely and utterly lost without you. She worried you would wake up and quietly ask her to leave and never come back. She worried you would wake up and rightfully hate her and everything she stood for. She just worried.
Larissa never stopped speaking to you. On some days it was simply her telling you about the work she’d been doing or the latest update from Enid. Others it was her begging for your forgiveness. But she always made sure to tell you she loved you at the end of each day, regardless of whether you could hear her or not.
It was the evening of the fifteenth day since the attack. Larissa was holding your hand with one of hers while she read a book she had been meaning to finish for months. She had taken to reading aloud, she found it helped keep her mind occupied and off of the crushing guilt she felt. She was halfway through the chapter when she felt your hand twitch.
She dropped the book, scrambling to bring her other hand over yours, her eyes rapidly searching her face for any sign that you may be waking up. Her heart was in her throat and if she hadn’t been holding your hand so tightly she would’ve noticed just how badly they were shaking. Her heart stops when your brows furrow, your nose scrunching. The beeping of the heart monitor beside you, began to speed up slightly.
“Darling?” she breathes out.  
And then your eyes flutter open and her breathing stops.
 You’re okay, you’re waking up. Everything is going to be okay-
Larissa’s back hit the floor, the chair she had been stuck to toppled beside her but she didn’t hear it fall. Everything was silent, the world had stilled. Her eyes were pinned to the ceiling staring at the fluorescent lights above as she began to feel a deep, burning pain in her neck. Slowly turning her head, she discovered the source. It was you.
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Pay No Dues - Lucifer
My Masterlist. 
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings:canon violence and gore, injury. Lucifer is good(ish) au, don't like don't read.
hurt/comfort, a surprising amount of fluff, enemies to allies/friends to lovers
Summary: Lucifer keeps offering to heal reader when they get injured on hunts, but they refuse. When they're hurt too severely to protest, he finally heals them. They reveal that they don't want to take advantage of his powers, which is a surprise him.
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"Here, let me heal that." 
"It's fine. I'm fine." I insisted, pressing a rag firmly against the openly bleeding gash on my bicep. The rag was already soaked, and by the trail of blood I left in the hallway behind me, I could guess it was doing little to stop the bleeding. 
"It looks just a little bit like you're not, but fine. Just bleed to death. See if I care." Lucifer trailed behind me, glancing at the blood droplets on the floor. I looked over my shoulder to glare at him.
"I'd say you care enough to insist on healing me." He scoffed, but finally shut up.
I shouldered my arm under the tap. The water that ran down the drain was a bright, saturated red, and probably more blood than water. I hissed when it hit the open wound, gripping the countertop until my knuckles turned white. I wadded up a bunch of paper towels-the nearest absorbent thing there was-and pressed them to my arm.
Turning back to grab bandages, I noted, with a sigh of relief, that Lucifer had fluttered off to go bother someone else. 
Sam shoved the bunker door open, and Dean staggered through, supporting me by my shoulders. A belt was wrapped tightly around my upper thigh to act as a tourniquet. I had been beaten to a bloody pulp and shot in the leg. I was lucky it had missed everything vital, but I knew I would be out of commission for weeks with this one. 
I was released onto a couch with a groan of pain. Dean hurried to the infirmary to get supplies, and Sam stayed by my side, muttering comforting things. My eyes drifted off though, and behind him, another figure walked up. 
"Lucifer." Sam turned to him before my eyes could focus. When they finally did, he was by the side of the couch, looking down at me. 
"No." I said as he opened his mouth. I already knew what he was going to offer. He pursed his lips and crossed his arms. 
"Just let him." Sam insisted. I shook my head. I'd gotten by just fine without needing the angel to heal me. 
"Look, none of us like him-"
"Ow." Lucifer interrupted. 
"But he's here and freely offering. So take it. You're gonna be out of commission for a while if you don't."
"I'll be fine." I groaned, shifting into a sitting position with a shallow sigh. I heard Dean's footsteps down the hall. "At least I'll finally get some time to rest." I joked. 
It turned out that Sam was right. The bullet didn't hit anything that would cause too much permanent damage, but it did hit a muscle that had taken a ridiculously long time to heal. In the meantime, I had been stuck in the bunker doing research and babysitting the devil.
"Why are you so independent?" Lucifer had appeared in a chair across from me, and he frowned at the word. I was in the library, sitting on the floor with my nearly healed leg stretched in front of me. I jumped slightly at his sudden appearance. 
I was silent, hoping he would go away. Of course, I should have known better by now, over a month in, that it never worked. 
"Look, I know you've got that big bad hunter thing going on, but you're human regardless." I sighed, shutting the book with a harsh clap. 
"If this is your way of pestering me to heal me again, the answer is still no." I glared at him.
"But why?" 
"I've never needed angel help before, and I don't need it now. Why are you so persistent?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He vanished in a flutter of wings, and I sighed in frustration. 
I returned to hunting not long after that encounter with the devil. Even after almost two months, my leg was still pretty tender, and I still carried a bit of a limp that I tried my best to hide. I just wanted to get back into the swing of things, and today I was going to do just that.
The Winchesters were away on a paranormal case, helping out an old friend, they had said. In the meantime, I found a simple vampire case that should have been pretty safe, and so I figured it would be a good start to see how I would fare.
"Where are you off to?" Lucifer had appeared behind me as I packed my duffel. I swung it over my shoulder, grimacing at the twinge of protest from my leg. 
"A case." I answered simply. 
"You're still recovering, aren't you?" 
"Yeah, and?"
"And you shouldn't be going."
"For one, why do you care? And for two, it's been almost two months. I'll be fine." I argued. He crossed his arms, but he was silent.
"I'm coming with you."
"I don't think so." I narrowed my eyes at him, slamming the trunk of my car shut. He remained there as I got into the driver's seat, but as soon as I began to pull away, he appeared in the passenger's seat.
"Lucifer." I grit my teeth.
"Yes?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Get out." He continued to stare straight ahead, a small, conniving smile on his face. "Get out."
"God fucking damnit. Get out or I'm going to fucking stab you." I threatened.
"You're driving." His voice was tinged with laughter, pissing me off even more. 
"Fuck off." I muttered. 
This was going to be a long drive.
As soon as we stepped foot inside the rickety barn, it seemed as if the entire nest knew we were coming. There were more of them than I had anticipated, and they were strong. 
I hissed in pain when one slashed his grimy nails over my forearm, before shoving me back into a wall that was several feet away. With a miserable groan, I crumpled to the floor. Lucifer appeared behind him, taking the vamp's head off effortlessly with the machete I had dropped. I struggled to my feet, pressing my sleeve down tight against my bleeding forearm. The wound began to burn, and my vision blurred more than it should have.
I picked up another machete lying on the floor and swung around just in time to meet a female vamp baring her fangs at me. Her head fell cleanly away from her shoulders. Lucifer turned to me, eyeing me up and down before frowning. I gave him a nod to tell him I was fine, but he didn't look convinced. 
 I turned down the hallway, swaying on my feet and nearly running into the corner as my vision spun. Pausing, I leaned heavily against the wall, and hunched over as a sudden dizzy spell left me barely standing. I could have sworn I heard footsteps, but I couldn't react quick enough to what happened next.
Clawed hands collided with my shoulders, shoving me up against the wall harshly, at the same time a white hot pain coursed through my right shoulder. My eyes widened, and I struggled against the female vampire's hold, gasping.
When she stepped back to admire her handiwork, I realized I was still pinned to the wall. My eyes darted down to my shoulder in horror, and I saw a jagged splinter of metal had been forced through my shoulder and into the wall behind me. I almost gagged at the sight.
It didn't take long for shock to set in. Suddenly my whole body felt cold and numb, and my head dropped to my chest. My eyes drifted shut, until I felt the burning, agonizing pain again of someone pulling the metal out of my shoulder. I was released from the wall, and I staggered forward, barely aware when Lucifer caught me from falling face first onto the floor. He lifted me into his arms easily, and the next time I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the warm lights of the bunker. 
I realized he had taken me to another room, maybe even his room, when I felt my body sink into unfamiliar sheets. My entire being was still in fight or flight mode and I wanted to jolt upwards, but the slightest movement made me choke out an agonized cry. My skin glistened with sweat even though I shivered violently. I was sure I was cold to the touch because even Lucifer's chilly hand felt warm against my forehead. 
I groaned weakly in protest, forcing my eyes open. With one hand, he held my head down and the other he pressed firmly to my shoulder, causing me a jolt of pain. I whimpered, trying to squirm away from him. 
"Calm down. Just let me heal you." He snapped. I flinched at the harshness in his voice; he had never spoken to me directly in that tone before.
I felt a tingling sensation dance over my skin, and then strangely in the deep wound on my shoulder. When I didn't know what he was doing to me, I began to panic. As soon as Lucifer released me, I shot up, banging my head against the wall. 
It was then I realized that I was fine. My shoulder had been healed, along with the rest of my cuts and scrapes, and my clothes were even clean of blood. I eyed him suspiciously where he sat on the edge of the bed. 
"What?" He asked defensively. 
"You know I didn't want you healing me." 
"Oh not this again." He sighed in exasperation. "You're welcome, by the way." 
I was silent.
"What is it with you and my grace, anyway?" Lucifer squinted at me curiously, leaning against the headboard beside me and crossing his arms behind his head. It was then I realized this must have been his room. I shifted uncomfortably at the nearly non-existent space between us. 
I shook my head. "It's nothing." I muttered, turning my head away from him. My arms still rested defensively over my stomach. Despite being healed, I was exhausted and I began to nod off, catching myself when my head lolled to the side. His pillows smelled…comforting. 
The blade at my side was digging into my skin uncomfortably so I groaned and shifted, untucking it from my waistband. I held the blade out to him wordlessly, the hilt toward him to show he could take it. He placed it on the table at his side. I knew I'd have to reach over him if I wanted it back, but somehow I was sure I wouldn't need it.
I propped myself on my elbow as I shifted to face him. There wasn't any personal space between us at all now. My knee bumped his leg, and all I had to do was lean back to rest my head against his chest. 
"I don't think it's nothing." He said simply. His tone wasn't mocking, nor prying. It was almost disinterested, but I knew Lucifer was inviting me to open up to him. I never would have thought about it years ago, when he had first been freed from the cage and demanded Sam to say yes to him. I never even would have considered a few months ago; but things had changed since then. 
"If it makes you feel any better, I try not to let any angel heal me." I shrugged, leaning back against the pillows. 
"Why not?" 
"I don't know. I guess," I had never given much thought towards it until now, so I hesitated. "I guess I don't want to take advantage of their powers. Or yours." 
I glanced up at him to gauge his reaction. He looked taken aback. "Really?"
"I mean I know Sam and Dean don't look at it that way, and I can't really blame them. It's convenient. But it's not something you guys have to do, y'know? You don't have to waste your energy on us." Everything came spilling out freely now. "But you do, and Cas does, even at the expense of his own wellbeing. I appreciate it, but it feels like a debt I can't pay back. I don't like owing people." I frowned. 
I saw him glance down at me from the corner of my eye, and I could have sworn his face softened. "You don't owe me anything, and you never will." 
He continued. "I'd heal you as many times as you need it. I'd bring you back a thousand times, but you will never owe me for it." 
I glanced up at him in surprise. "Where did that come from?" 
"Nowhere." He frowned at himself. 
"No, seriously." 
"No, seriously." He repeated, turning his frown to me. "I've been around you humans too long." He muttered.
"And? Are you starting to care about us pathetic creatures too much?" I asked lightheartedly, but his face remained serious.
"You could say that." He was hesitant. "Maybe too much." 
The angel's gaze was intense, and I found myself looking away. "Look at me." 
With a sigh, I met his eyes. "What?" 
"It's you. You're the one that's made me care." 
"And do you hate me for it?" I questioned quietly. 
"Yes and no." 
"That's reassuring." I huffed.
"I've watched you, and your brothers, and the rest of dad's creations. I watched them for centuries before I was locked away, you know. I never much cared for them and their little routines and mannerisms and such. But you, you've made me come to appreciate it all. I never understood what dad saw in you guys, but I think I'm starting to see those stupidly endearing qualities that makes him like you humans so much." He took a deep breath as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
"Lucifer, what are you trying to say?" My voice was timid at his confession. 
"You've made me see the good humanity has to offer." He said simply. 
"And for that you're very," He leaned down to my level now, our noses almost touching. His eyes flickered down and he looked as if he was contemplating something before he continued. "Very, special to me." He breathed out. As he pulled away, he pressed a feather light kiss to my forehead.
My mind was reeling as I watched him. "Are you serious?" 
He frowned slightly. "Deadly." 
"Then…I think you might be special to me, too." I admitted quietly. He looked surprised for a moment, but quickly recovered.
At my confession, he snaked an arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his side. I tensed briefly before relaxing against him with a small sigh, my eyes fluttering shut tiredly. 
"Oh, I can't wait 'till Dean finds out about this." I could hear the grin in his voice. 
"Don't you freaking dare." I muttered, digging my fingers into his side. "The less he knows, the better." 
"Didn't feel like getting stabbed, anyways." He laughed. I huffed, relaxing my hand. 
"Lucifer?" He hummed in acknowledgement. "Thank you."
He rubbed my shoulder in response, and I felt his cheek on the top of my head. "Don't mention it." He murmured.
"You've already paid your debt to me a thousand times over." He reminded me softly.
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shallah-insfelimna · 3 months
a cry for help from the near-forgotten and invisible people of gaza - DAY ???
hello again, i have returned briefly thanks to a new friend's allowing me to utilize their wifi hotspot- (thank you deranged_abberation2443 on reddit!!) and i wanted to also say thank you to everyone who has helped even by simply reblogging my prior posts as even if you are unable to donate, any amount of visibility is not only helpful but neccesary.
i come to you now happy to still be alive- head hurting from the explosions - despite the hell we have all endured so far- this morning we said our prayers and it was as if for a brief moment- nature itself stood with us- i reminded myself to admire the present moment for my sanity would wane without these small moments of gratitude.
we have endured.
it is far from over.
since last posting, i have known 5 people whom were incredibly close to me to either be killed in the rubble or succumb to their untreated wounds. it is hell on earth. in heaven, there is another gaza, one filled with our fallen friends and family, all smiling and happy and free- waiting with open arms for the rest of us to finally come home.
for us still tasked with our time here in gaza on earth- we absolutely still need your help. if there is anything you can do- do it. friends in the western world- protest, bring light to this hidden horror, call it what it is- a genocide. disturb the comfort and peace so easily used to forget the truth of your neighbors crying for help, disturb public events with cries of gaza' s need, it is not rude but necessary- tell anyone who will listen and shout it at those who will not- we need you our brothers and sisters of the human race. please help us be free from this rampant and horrific inhumane injustice to our people. we are victims of someone elses perception of wrongdoing. we have nothing to do with the people killing us, we are just being made an example for some unrelated and greedy or monsterous need.
if you can reblog this please do, visibility is essential. donations help immensely in any amount. i have had my dear american friend who is the very reason you are able to read this post now- to make me a new paypal account and if i am not mistaken a crowdfunding account of some sort as well- i give her my utmost thanks- without her i would be as most of the rest of my people are- invisible.
ok it turns out that paypal is being annoying as hell so im gonna have to ask for crypto currently as i have no other way of receiving the money.
ETH: 0xD8819EE9179e839859C1410b544110dB9B5E8991
BTC: 3QDuXseMQTXRvh2dVmdjcbfFUj3DoL4nJu
SOL: Fi5d3X4Xzcxzw5gAstLmbaxf655xWzEsYm6Z5rgBiUjN
USDT: erd10zh2scz8aaz000kmz8huj7fewkx4jht5an2npp2gwc7ex9800m2ssrz0na
i will also include the cashapp of my american friend though it is also probably going to be a bad move because like paypal its gonna shut down or lock which risks losing all donations. the best way to do it as of right now is more than likely through crypto. yay, the future? i still dont fully understand it but i know it works.
cashapp: $jaybeelerclt
once again thank you so much for your time, please donate if you can, it will help us survive. maybe even escape. i will stay until the very last drop of blood is shed though. my mother and brother were martyrs.
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starlightiing · 5 months
Quick!!! Don't think!!! This is a hold up!!! Lestappen with the prompt 'blood'!!!! Something short, and GO!!!!!
Hi Anon! This wasn't quick, nor is it short. But thank you for inspiring me to write tonight, when I was spending most of my time wallowing in self-doubt and self-pity about my abilities. This is set in my Winged Creature universe, and is just a glance into the entire set-up that world has to offer. I hope you enjoy and thank you again!
The sight of blood always quickens Charles' pulse, no matter how it may be overabundant or inescapable in his line of work. The sight of blood means trouble, and typically that trouble comes with an angel packed up in a pretty bow at the end of the trail, hanging on to their last moments of life with a desperation Charles hopes he never comes to understand (or perhaps, unfortunately, he already does. Maybe that's why he spends hours in the bathroom after, emptying his stomach time and time again until he's certain not even acid could possibly remain. Maybe he does know exactly the kind).
This particular trail of blood is harder to follow. The line is thin, with the drops mingling into dark soil where they are almost impossible to see. But where there is blood, there is trouble, and so Charles keeps his flashlight trained to every single spot of crimson he can decipher until he's lead to what looks to be a small, poorly constructed cabin of sorts in the middle of a small clearing. Trees tower around all sides of the house, almost encircling it, which provides the perfect shelter and limited visibility anyone could need to lay low.
Charles dims the light as he approaches, watching his breath drift upwards into the cooler air of the night. He is used to these woods being eerily silent with the lack of life - wild or otherwise - but the sounds that emanate from within the dilapidated cabin send shivers up his spine.
There are no lights that Charles can see. Two windows grace either side of the cabin, both darker than the night sky and with no glass in their panes. The wood holding the cabin together is thin and unevenly cut, and Charles thinks he could probably tap the damned thing and it would collapse to the ground with little to no effort at all.
In addition to it looking anything but inviting, there are soft, breathless whines of pain filtering out of the windows into the night. Something akin to a wounded animal - though Charles knows far better than to believe that.
He curses softly beneath his breath and breaks out into a sprint towards the cabin as fast as his legs will carry him. If those are the sounds of a distressed angel, he could have minutes, or even mere seconds, to get them help. His gun is within reach, carefully slung across his back in the event hunters are still occupying the cabin with the angel.
Or, more cryptically, in the event the angel is beyond saving.
The ground crunches beneath Charles' feet as he runs, the remains of dead leaves scattered about the dirt make both for a noisy approach to the cabin, and a slippery one. He skids slightly as he nears the doorway, reaching out to keep himself upright by grabbing hold of the wood trimming. As expected, it snaps out of place beneath his grip and it's a miracle he manages to keep himself on his feet.
"Fuck," he hisses breathlessly, raising his flashlight up for some visibility inside the pitch-black cabin. There's a table and two chairs haphazardly overturned a few feet away from the doorway, obvious evidence of a struggle, and more blood painted across the floor in the tell-tale smears of a hasty retreat. If there were hunters here - and it appears as though that was the case - they are long gone now. "Hello?"
A gasp echoes to his right, and Charles darts the flashlight across the room towards the spot where it originated. No amount of training or experience will ever fully ready Charles for the horrors he finds at the ends of blood trails.
Most especially this horror.
A young man, perhaps no older than Charles himself, lay curled in the fetal position. He’s tucked far into the corner, surrounded by the biggest puddle of blood Charles thinks he’s ever seen in his life. On the man’s back are deep, jagged, angry looking gashes where - he can only assume - wings used to reside not all too long ago. Two beautiful feathers, silky and blue, are clenched tightly in the man’s hands like a lifeline. 
And he’s shaking. Oh, god, is he shaking.
“Oh my god,” Charles says, rushing over to the fallen angel’s side to better assess the damage. He knows these wounds aren’t survivable without medical attention, but the fact that the poor man is still alive after losing all of that blood, well, that is a feat in itself. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s alright, I won’t hurt you.” 
The angel does not respond immediately to Charles’ words, but he does peek his head up from the floor to fasten two pained, glassy eyes directly onto Charles. Once contact is made, the angel’s eyes widen in fear, and Charles puts his one unoccupied hand up to show he has no ill-intent. “I promise I won’t hurt you. I am here to help.”
“Y-You can’t help - help me. No - no one can.” the man sputters, appearing unable to control the tremors that come with the onset of shock - hypovolemic shock, if Charles remembers correctly. This isn’t good, he needs medical attention faster than Charles can get him to it.
“Well, you have never met me. I am able to make miracles happen. Can you tell me your name?” Charles asks, reaching forward to press his fingertips against the pulse-point at one of the angel’s wrists. As he suspects, the pulse is too quick and too weak - more symptoms of shock to add to the list. He doesn’t have much time -
“M-Max. Call me Max.” The trembling is full-body, and Charles has half a mind to wince in discomfort on his behalf. If there is any relief to be found, however, it’s that Max has the cognisance to not only respond, but recall his own name. 
“Okay, Max. You can call me Charles,” he says softly, switching off the flashlight and tucking it into his pocket for a quick draw should he need it later. “I need you to hold on for me, okay? I am taking you someplace safe, to a friend that can help you. I know it is probably too much to ask for your trust, but I promise you are safe with me.” 
Max hums in response, but Charles doesn’t waste time trying to decipher what that could possibly mean. He reaches out to pull Max into his arms and only then does he realize just how badly he’s shaking as well. 
With a grunt of effort, Charles manages to curl Max up into his arms and hoist him up from the floor. His shoes are slick in the blood that surrounds them, but he keeps his balance through the sheer power of will and will alone - Max is depending on him, the only thing standing between recovery or death, and Charles will be damned straight to hell before he allows it to be the latter option.
“Ch-Charles…you are safe?” Max chokes out, between soft mewls of pain. “I don’t - don’t want -” he pauses for a breath, one that comes far too shaky for Charles’ liking, “Don’t want to die yet.”
“It is not your time, Max, but you have to keep fighting. Fight with whatever you have left in you.”
Max’s eyes close, then, and his head lolls weightlessly to the side. Charles feels something snap in his chest as he darts through the woods as fast as he can manage holding a body larger than his own against him. There’s no time for him to stop and check for vitals, or to offer any lingering comfort to a man that might very well be taking his last breath right this very moment. All Charles can do is run, and so he does.
“Fuck!” he screams, feeling tears burn behind his eyes. “Stay with me, Max! Stay!” 
If he’s crying when he reaches the sanctuary, neither Alex or Lando say a goddamn word. Max is pulled from his arms with alarming force, causing Charles to fall forward onto his knees with Lando quick to his side. Distantly, above Lando’s soft murmurs of comfort and the feverish beating of his own heart in his ears, he thinks he hears Alex say, “I’ve got a pulse!”
“Oh, fuck. Oh thank fuck.” Charles cries, leaning his entire body over onto Lando’s shoulder as the weight of his relief is too heavy for him to manage on his own. Warm, delicate wings wrap around him from either side like a cocoon, followed by a pair of welcoming arms that pull him in close and cradle him in all the ways he needs to ease the ache in his burning chest.
“You did good, Charles.” he hears Lando say from above him, and he chokes on a sob that tears its way out of his throat.. “You did so good.”
Charles thinks, perhaps, only time will tell if those words are actually true.
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