ok im swapping back to @emborn !!
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                he’s silent for a moment.  regularly, people aren’t quite so forward, you see, and, usually. danny is left to take the hint  ( which he eventually usually does )  by himself  –  of course, that’s not until after the stream of passive aggression from whoever it is that’s putting up with him.   “  interesting take.  ”   danny nods a long, crosses his arms. he’s cool, he’s cool.  some personalities aren’t for everyone, but feelings can still be bruised a little.  
                he remains silent for a little while longer, but, with that being said, the overwhelming urge to speak does take precedence, as it so often does, and danny does, as he so often does, starts up again.   “  …do you wanna talk about somethin’ else instead ?  ”
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             he feels a little bad, in one way, but whatever feelings he seemed to have didn’t stop him from feeling relieved when there was finally silence in the room. sometimes he just needed to be left alone, he probably would have said most of the same stuff to anyone.
             there’s quiet, and then suddenly, danny is talking to him again. why is he doing that? “why the fuck do you wanna talk to me so bad?” a genuine question, because oliver really just didn’t get it. there was a reason he was mean: it usually got people to fuck off a little bit faster. apparently it wasn’t working now.
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closed starter for @earthsacrificed !! 
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I T was late and frankie was one of two people working the night shift at the diner.  which is why, when she was due to take her dinner break she’d decided to sit out in the diner itself.  there was only one customer sitting in a booth when she came out with her dinner, and she figured it was better to sit with someone than sit alone.  so she took a seat in the booth opposite him, curling her legs up onto the bench and looking over at him as she ate one of her french fries.  “i hope you don’t mind.  it’s way too boring in the back to just sit and eat alone.  and i didn’t see you sitting with anyone.”
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he had been to the diner a few times before. there was no real reason to it, aside from the fact that the place was usually rather quiet. sometimes he wanted to get out, but he didn’t always have people to get out with, so he’d go and get a coffee from the diner. this was the first time that he’d had someone come and join him. did he mind? maybe a little. but he kind of admired the kind of confidence someone had to go and do that. “yeah, you’re good. so long as you give me a few fries.”
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   For a long time no one said anything. She didn’t say anything, she just stared at Oliver from across the way mute with big, dark, glassy eyes. Eventually Morgan choked out another sob and ran both of her hands through the crown of her hair, giving it a shake to loosen her curls up a bit while she thought on what he’d said. Her heart was screaming in agony, practically trying to claw it’s way out from her inside chest, it was desperate for someone to comfort her, hold her while she cried. Her mind on the other hand, was a wild forest, filled with angry voices and personally insulting cognitive distortions. 
     “Fine. Fine, okay just…” She sniffed, began wiping her face with the ends of her shirt’s sleeves, “Just close ‘n lock the door behind you.” Stepping back into the living room of her apartment, Morgan trudged along with heavy shoulders over to the leather couch. Her pet cat, Rascal, following close behind, meowing viciously at his owner’s guest as if to criticize his bedside manner. “I’m sorry you have to see me like this…” She sat down, bringing her knees up to her chest as she did, her dark hair hung in face casting shadows across her features, “I don’t usually expect company during nervous breakdowns…you know? ” Morgan offered a pitiful laugh, and yet it was her most genuine attempt at self deprecating humor. 
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             A small nod of his head. He was well too aware of the embarrassment that came with moments like these, as he never let anyone see him as anything other than slightly annoyed. It was a weird thing, people seeing you when you were like this. Maybe it was almost mean in one way, but when had he ever been focused on being nice.
             The door is closed, and locked, just like she asked, before he comes to sit in the living room with her. Not on the couch, he definitely wants to give her space, but in one of the other chairs, sitting back. For how unprepared he was to deal with a situation like this, he looked rather relaxed. He mostly just didn’t want to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was.
            “Don’t apologize. I mean, shit happens, y’know? I’ve been there.” As much as he didn’t like people to see him as a wreck, he didn’t pretend as if he weren’t one. “I doubt most friends would show up during one, yeah? I’m kinda shit at this thing but uh, I at least know it’s sometimes nicer to have someone.” He’d rather have a tree, but he figured for most people, it was a person.
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oh btw im working on replies but i probably won’t be posting any kind of a starter call? i know i have some new followers, so if people are interested in interacting, feel free to message me, or to send me something/tag me in something
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closed starter for @earthsacrificed !! 
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O L I V I A had just gotten out of a performance.  the rest of the band had cleared out before the crowd let out.  but olivia liked to sit behind the curtain and watch people for a while.  see what they did after the set was over.  which is how she wound up leaving the club through the back door nearly an hour later.  she had to find her own way to the hotel, but she could manage that on her own.  olivia was humming to herself as she walked out of the club and made her way to the sidewalk, but she wasn’t paying attention ( thinking of lyrics in her head ) and she collided with a stranger.  “oh shit.”  she cursed under her breath as she fell to the concrete.  
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he really didn’t mean to be out so late, but he had fallen asleep under a tree. really weird, but he was mostly just glad he hadn’t gotten mugged or something like that. mostly, he just wanted to get home at this point, so that he could actually sleep in his actual bed. where he would almost definitely not get mugged. apparently he had been walking just a little too fast, and not paying attention at all, as he completely collided with a random stranger. he didn’t fall, but she did. “oh fuck. uh, you uh, you good?”
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     “Look, damn it…” despite her protests, she was still crying with no intention of stopping anytime soon. The apples of her cheeks were puffy, flushed, and stained with tears, “…you need to leave. Please, I’ve had a really, really shitty day and I just want to be left alone. Is that really too much to ask for ? ” 
     But she didn’t, deep down in her heart of hearts, the last thing she wanted to be was alone. Morgan hated being alone. And already in her life, she’d been so very alone for so long…she didn’t know how much loneliness her poor soul could possibly bear anymore. Add in seasonal depression to the mix and the holidays, despite normally being her favorite time of the year, were often times the most miserable nowadays.
 “Why are you doing this? ” She shook her head. 
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          He wasn’t usually the kind of person who did this kind of thing. Most of the time, if people were asking to be left alone, he’d do that. Sometimes, if they weren’t asking for that, he’d do it anyways. Most of the time, Oliver wasn’t the best person to help deal with any emotional kind of issue. Though, sometimes, he at least tried.
          Apparently, he wasn’t doing the best job, considering how she was crying. Still, he didn’t move to leave, as much as he was feeling like he should. Maybe it would help to drop the stoic look or act, but he wasn’t really great at either.
         “You and I both know that you don’t want to be alone.” He was no master at emotions, but he at least knew that much. “You don’t have to talk to me or even like, look at me, I dunno, but I’m staying here. Leaving you by yourself is a shit idea.”
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closed starter for @earthsacrificed !! 
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W I L L O W was cleaning up after her class when she noticed him lingering at one of the tables.  she glanced up from collecting the brushes the students had been using and hummed, “didn’t expect art to be your thing.”  she commented, shrugging her shoulders as she turned around to go back to the sink and rinse the brushes open.  she didn’t usually take such a snarky tone to a student, but she’d encountered him earlier in the week and felt she could comment based on their earlier conversation.  which hadn’t gone too well, either. 
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he hadn’t really expected to find himself at an art class either, but this was a part of therapy that he wouldn’t admit to being in. apparently art was a way that people could express themselves, and that was something oliver desperately needed to work on. not that he would say he was good at it, but he was trying, so that had to be something. eyes glance up at the words, broken out of his focus. he hadn’t meant to stay a little late, but he’d gotten into this whole painting thing, apparently. “what can i say? i’m full of surprises.” there was embarrassment he felt from prior interactions with her, but he didn’t let any of that show. “you need any help picking up?” 
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honestly i can’t believe i did this to myself i really want people to call oliver ollie but he hATes when anyone calls him that when he isn’t really close to them
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                walking home with oliver always was a highlight of his day , hell , just spending time with him was enough to bring a grin to his lips   !   lowering himself to sit next to the other , joey watches the action of contact with the grass . he couldn’t help but wonder what it was about nature that made ollie softer than ever , but it wasn’t like it was truly his business , so he wouldn’t intrude   !   not on purpose , at least .   ❛   i mean , i didn’t say that i   believed   in it , but i don’t see why it would be so impossible to put hope in .   ❜   mimicking the other’s shrug with one of his own , tawny hues stay to look at the horizon .   ❛   it’s uh , it’s one of my favorite places . being away from everything   &&   everyone for a little bit , plus the view is   ..   breathtaking .   ❜   looking to his best friend with a cheeky wink , fighting a bubble of laughter that sits in his cheeks .
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        “so you basically believe it in. i’m not judging, don’t worry.” he kind of missed believing in things like that, in one way. for all he knows, things like that could be true, he’d just become so skeptical about anything that he couldn’t just see. and so the idea of little tales like that, especially when they included a concept as big as love, they just didn’t resonate with him. “i wish it were that easy.” it’s weird to hear him admit something like that, voice quiet. maybe it’s easier with joey. most things tended to be. still, his smile stays, even if he rolls his eyes a bit at the compliment. there’s a slight color to his cheeks, if someone were to look close enough. “you’re a riot, y’know that?” a gentle shove, with a little laugh. it was nice, being like this.
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always remember that my boy oliver has flowers in his hair he’s so cute
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@earthsacrificed (sc)
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Evan had noticed him coming to the park a lot lately. Which had been kind of weird to him at first. People regularly coming to the park was fine, he liked that, it was a good thing, Evan would do that. But somehow it being a face he knew from school, seeing him in a work context, felt weird. That lessened over time, but he still wondered what it might be like when school started up.
He wondered sometimes what brought Oliver there so often but of course he wasn’t about to ask. Or refer to it at all.
“Hey, how’s, how are you? You, um, need any help with anything today?”
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“Oh, uh, Evan, yeah? ‘Think we’ve had class together.” 
A small question is raised, simply because it seems like the polite thing to do. He wasn’t usually too huge on it, but there was one thing about Evan that separated him from most other people on the plant: the nearby trees and plants wouldn’t shut up about the guy. It was almost annoying, but it was positive talk. And how could Oliver go against nature? He was basically a part of it all.
“I’m doing alright. I just kinda like to look around.” To check up on things, kind of. It was also just nice to be around plants. “Have you been working here long?” A slightly random question, but he has to wonder, what makes this Evan guy so cool?
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@earthsacrificed (sc)
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“…You didn’t just see that did you?”
There’s a little scoff that comes from him. Oliver was really no master thief, the most he’d do was steal a thing or two from whatever family he was staying with, mostly just to piss them off. He was hopefully better than this, though. “Yeah, I did. Not a fuckin’ snitch or anything, don’t worry, but you fuckin’ suck at that. Just sayin’.”
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