#twin tweets
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You shouldn’t talk to Coop like that Albert.
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qiinamii · 1 year
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races and naps
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kenjisatos · 3 months
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second part of this series! i love to see more of this team <3
[sakusa version]
this fic features…
haikyuu timeskip!spoilers, highly suggestive content (as the title entails), inappropriate language, atsumu keeps getting violated by his teammates, i headcanon sakusa to be fluent in english (argue with the wall), genre: crack, some of these are actual tweets i found lol.
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The videos begins with multiple flash shots of Atsumu screaming, Hinata and Bokuto bursting into laughter, and a clip of the camera zooming in on Sakusa’s disgusted face.
- cut scene -
“Hi, we’re the MSBY Black Jackals, and we’re here with Buzzfeed to read your thirst tweets.” The 4 of them say together.
Hinata drums on his chair, “Miyaaaaa Atsumuuuu edition!”
Atsumu smirks at the camera, “I know you’ve all been waiting for this.”
The cameraman speaks up, “Are you excited?”
Atsumu nods enthusiastically, “Hell yeah! I can take this like a champ, unlike Omi-Omi…”. He side eyes the outside hitter, who, in return, flips off the setter—but the video pixelates it for censorship.
Bokuto snorts, “That’s what she said…”
Atsumu chuckles and claps his hands together. “Let’s get started!”
- cut scene -
The crew tosses a phone to Atsumu. He catches it and clears his throat. “Alright, first one…”
“How can I transform into one of those cameras used for volleyball games? Oh to get that view of Miya Atsumu’s dick all up in front of me when he does his sexy low set.”
Atsumu chuckles, “I can practically see you drooling from here, user.”
Hinata wiggles his eyebrows and pretends to hit a spike, “It is a sexy set, Miya.”
Bokuto fakes an animalistic growling noise, “When you get down low and—“
“Oh please, why are we praising Miya for flashing the camera?” Sakusa cuts in.
Atsumu huffs, “I’m not flashing them on purpose!” He then turns to the camera and winks, “Unless you want me to…”
“Shut yer trap, Omi-Omi!”
Hinata snickers, “Miya, your accent is slipping in…”
His voice is high pitched and whiny as he replies, “No, it’s n—!”, he clears his throat, his voice now two octaves deeper, “No, it’s not.”
Bokuto chuckles, slapping the setter on the back. Atsumu simply passes the phone to him to read the next tweet.
“Funny how I want to throw hands at Inarizaki Miya Atsumu, but at the same time, I want to throw my panties off for MSBY Miya Atsumu.”
Sakusa laughs, actually laughs, for the first time since they started the shoot. His rowdy companions slowly turn to him, eyes blown wide at the rare sight of their stoic teammate showing an ounce of amusement.
Sakusa’s laugh trails off, “Yeah…you were a piece of shit in high school.”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“Yes, you were. Still are.”
Hinata tries to reassure the blond, “Don’t worry, Miya, I thought you were cool.”
Bokuto quips, “Hinata, I thought you couldn’t tell the difference between him and Osamu.”
Hinata’s eyes widen and Atsumu glares at the orange-head, “Seriously, Shoyo?”
Hinata waves his hands dismissively, “I-I-I…”
Atsumu sighs, “You guys keep distracting me! I’m supposed to be replying to these thirst tweets.”
Bokuto holds a hand to his heart, “We are sorry, your highness.”
Atsumu looks at the camera and smirks, “Keep your panties on, ladies. I like to do it with them on.”
Sakusa stares at Atsumu in disgust, the beginning scene of the video making its’ debut as the cameraman zooms in on Sakusa’s revolted expression.
“How do you do it with it on?” Bokuto thinks out loud.
Hinata responds, “I think he means it’s pulled to the side?”
Bokuto’s mouth turns into an animated ‘o’ shape, “Ohhh, or or or he—“
Their pr manager coughs loudly off screen. Sakusa gives their manager a grateful look, mouthing a ‘thank you’.
The other three pout as their conversation is cut short. Bokuto hands the phone to Hinata; he squints his eyes at the screen as he tries to make out the words. He begins to read:
“Have y’all seen Miya Atsumu? If that dick slap his thigh when he walk, I shall listen when he talk.”
Hinata laughs but continues, “The Twitter user reposted themselves saying ‘Sheesh.’ with 18 fucking android emojis.”
Bokuto leans closer to Hinata, “Ooh! Lemme see, lemme see.”
Atsumu grins smugly with his eyes closed in satisfaction, his hand coming up to run through his platinum hair.
Sakusa speaks up, “Stop posing for the edits.”
Atsumu seems to ignore Sakusa’s comment as he faces the camera. “Well in that case, I guess you’ll all be listening to me.”
Hinata snorts, “Proof?”
Bokuto guffaws while Hinata holds his laughter in behind a cheeky smile.
Atsumu’s cheeks flush red at his words, “I ain’t showing you nothin’!”
Sakusa rolls his eyes, “Trust me, we’ve seen enough in the locker room.”
Bokuto hides behind Atsumu and holds his hands up a certain distance to insinuate the length of Atsumu’s…commodity.
Atsumu continues, practically flirting with the camera, “But trust me y’all, it does, indeed, slap.”
Hinata leans his elbow over Atsumu’s shoulder, “Yeah and so does he!”
The sound effect of a turntable skidding plays.
Atsumu flinches away from Hinata, “WHAT???”
Their pr manager stands up quickly from their seat, a horrified expression on their face; the threat of losing their job rushing in their head.
Bokuto is holding a hand over his mouth, the Buzzfeed crew members are exchanging nervous looks, even Sakusa has his eyes wide open.
Hinata realizes his mistake and freezes for a moment before he’s jumping and scuttling around in a panic.
Sakusa snorts and covers his face with his hands, Bokuto has tears in his eyes from how hard he’s holding in his laughter, the MSBY pr manager sits back down, their pale face slowly regaining its color. Atsumu is left with what can only be described as a sea-sick expression, almost constipated. After a few seconds, he remembers how to speak and says:
“Shoyo…what the fuck.”
Sakusa opens his palm up, he’s biting his lip to not let a chuckle escape. “Give me the phone, Hinata.”
Hinata wordlessly hands the phone over as Bokuto giggles and places both his hands on Hinata’s shoulders and jumps in place to brighten up the mood.
Atsumu finally laughs a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Almost caught myself a scandal there.”
“Wouldn’t be the first,” Sakusa mutters as he scrolls to the next tweet he has to read.
“Miya is so fucking hot, I want that man to turn my legs into jello.”
Atsumu grins, “Well well well—“
Sakusa continues reading the tweet, “I’m talking about Miya Osamu btw, aka the better twin.”
Atsumu opens his eyes, “Huh??”
Sakusa snickers, “Finally a tweet I agree with.”
Bokuto raises his hand to cup around his lips and whispers to Hinata, “Here come the SakuSamu shippers…”
Hinata whispers back, “I thought they were called Omigiris…”
The camera crew turns to a very confused Atsumu, “We thought it would be funny to add an Osamu tweet” one of them says.
Atsumu scowls like a petulant child.
Hinata perks up, “Osamu is pretty sexy, ey? In his Onigiri Miya compression shirt too…”
Bokuto nods in agreement, “And that cap? Smash.”
Atsumu whines, “Guyssss, this is supposed to be about meeee!”
“Womp womp.”
“Omiii :(“
Sakusa gives the phone back to Atsumu, who pouts and sticks his tongue out before he grumbles, “Y’all love to bully me, huh? And here I thought we would have deep team bonding conversations.”
Sakusa quirks an eyebrow up, “…at a thirst tweets shoot?”
“It’s personal and vulnerable,” Hinata replies.
“The only vulnerable thing at risk here is my wellbeing,” Sakusa retorts.
Atsumu sighs as he grabs the phone from Sakusa. “I hope the next tweet makes me feel better…”, he mutters.
“I just know that if Miya Atsumu called me a real good boy, it would awaken something in me.”
Bokuto starts barking at that, “Yeah, it awakens that inner dog in me.”
“We are the Black Jackals.” Sakusa comments, matter-a-factly.
“Are they talking about that time you and Kageyama were at that youth camp?” Hinata asks.
Atsumu nods, “I believe so.”
“Then how do they know you said that…?”
Sakusa responds amusedly, “Knowing Tobio, he probably tweeted about it. That man hates Miya.”
Atsumu defends himself, “Hey now, hate is a strong word. Tobio-kun is just jealous that I’m Shoyo’s setter.”
Bokuto, once again, leans in closer to Hinata to whisper, “Here come the KageHina and AtsuHina shippers…”
Atsumu stares right at the camera with a smoldering expression, “User, you’re being a real good boy…”
Bokuto barks again. The video adds a sound effect that makes it sound like a chorus of Bokutos are barking all around.
Atsumu laughs and passes the phone to Bokuto.
“Someone on here said the English equivalent to Miya Atsumu’s Kansai dialect is a country accent. Well then, call me a cowboy the way I’d be riding that man till the break of dawn. #SaveAHorseRideACowboy”
The video adds a cowboy hat and lasso to Atsumu, who pretends to be on a horse. His voice is much deeper as he says, “Yeehaw~”
“Oooh we have international fans!” Hinata speaks excitedly.
Bokuto’s eyes light up at Hinata’s comment, “Oooh, Omi-kun, say something to them!”
Sakusa squints his eyes and raises an eyebrow, “What do you want me to say?”
Atsumu jumps in, “Tell them I’d be happy to let them have a go at this rodeo ride.” He clicks his tongue with a wink.
Sakusa sighs then looks directly at the camera, and says the following in perfect English: “I hope your taste in men improves from what it is now. My condolences.”
Atsumu smiles, completely oblivious to the insult. “Thanks, Omi-Omi.”
Sakusa smiles, an evil little smile. “My pleasure.”
- cut scene -
Atsumu tosses the phone back to the crew, “And that was it! I thoroughly enjoyed the ego boost, minus the parts when the team bullied me.”
“You were a good sport, Miya.” Hinata tells him.
“Thanks, Shoyo. And you’re a horrible speaker.”
Hinata’s face burns scarlet again at the reminder of his misfortunate wording earlier.
“2 out of 4 completed!”, Bokuto exclaims.
“Yes, we’re so close to being done.” Sakusa says, though he looks way too happy and relieved.
“More coming your way!” Hinata adds.
“Stay tuned~” Atsumu points at the camera.
“We’re the MSBY Black Jackals, goodbye!”
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🏷️ @dervngedgf
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butlerspade · 4 months
hi guys! here's another set of fake twst tweets that I have!
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man, I really love giving random beef between ace and floyd. these are purely headcanons that I decided to go with. some of these were inspired by incorrect quotes that I saw!
the last two tweets are headcanons that Floyd had a danganronpa phase while Jade had a creepypasta phase (both in their first year of NRC)
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chloeapplepi · 2 months
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If this aint them idk what is-
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the-ninjago-historian · 5 months
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Huh. That's interesting.
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Night Vale Summer Literature Camp au
(Dpxdc w/ a dash of wtnv)
Brief plot setup / background: Danny and Damian are twins, they were both trained to be co leaders of the loa. Danny and Damian had a very rocky relationship before coming to live with the Wanyes because of the fact that Danny had "specialized training", which was really Danny being experiment on with Lazarus water. During these experiments Danny and Respawn met, Danny for a long time considered Respawn as more of a brother to him than Damian, they still consider each other brothers but now Danny actually considers Damian a brother. One of the experiments done on Danny was an attempt to replace his blood with Lazarus water which made him need to drink a shit ton of Lazarus water for his body to keep producing blood, which is also how he managed to survive the portal accident of this au. On the summer of their 14th birthday (I headcannon their birthdays to be during the summer) Danny had begged their father to let him to go to a literature summer camp in a small town called Night Vale with his friends, Sam and Tucker, a program which lasts the entire summer. Bruce is reluctant to let him go because of the whole Lazarus water thing and so is Damian because it would be the first time they would be without each other for longer than a few days, but eventually other members of the family and other leaguers convince Bruce to let him go because Danny might develop an unhealthy dependency on them if they don't let him be independent.
As it turns out a whole class from a school called Casper High would be attending the camp as well. Chaos insues when Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, and Jazz's cousin, Pearl, find an ancient portal underneath the town accidentally turning it on causing Danny who was standing in it to turn into a halfa, now the portal is premently turned on letting all kinds of creatures through.
(Sidenote: I have yet to listen to the actual Welcome to Night Vale podcast, the portal underneath the town came from me. I'm thinking about changing the town to Amity or just let it be a random ass town because of this. No WTNV characters will appear Night Vale is just the setting.)
Here's some fake tweets to go with this.
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sulky-cabbage · 28 days
I adore the notion that Sukuna's downfall (in love) begins with his fight with Gojo—I mean, physically? That's pretty much Canon. The main reason he lost was the damage Satoru dealt him.
However, I also want to believe that Satoru caused him psychological damage (not really damage but Sukuna is a drama queen) in addition to the physical one.
Sukuna helps Satoru become enlightened, but it results in his own (de-enlightenment?)
Sukuna only cares about his pleasures and he realizes that they are ephemeral. But then he experiences such intense pleasure that he finds it impossible to move on from it, promising Gojo to remember him all his life.
It appears to me that he became attached.
Him using Satoru's hand sign until his last moments while having four fucking arms is proof of that.
And THAT'S the curse of love😉
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sunriozz · 1 month
Alright fellas...butchlander parent trap au!!
what would homelander name ryan's twin?? (since billy would take ryan)
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This one is for the TruCoop truthers out there
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 month
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so i started rewatching gravity falls again. wendy corduroy my beloved 💚
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420jimmyuso · 11 months
The judgment day tweets that r so real and true
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I just be ballin tbh cringe is dead if u don’t think too hard on it .. plus I think we need to bring incorrect tweets back but if this does a bit bad I’ll prolly kms
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daisyiskull · 1 year
Toms Kaulitz old tweets! ^_^ The username smh
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butlerspade · 4 months
pls.. my requests and asks are open cause I ran out of ideas and am having writers block rn in general 😭
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THESE TWEETS ARE SO FUN TO MAKE!! I love giving Floyd and Jade random scenarios where they call out each other's pasts. I genuinely think it's funny. ALSO SHOUTOUT TO SOME OF MY NEW FRIENDS who said that my friend Soup and I were "a relief" to the twst fandom 😭😭!!
tagging: @tsubomisno1fan
lmk if anything is out of character!
like + rb if you wanna see more!
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