#tw slight rant
luc1ferian · 22 days
What if we both went on a date to my kitchen and killed all of the fruit flies that have infested. What if we laughed as we clapped over the bodies of small, helpless yet mindless creatures that have invaded my home in a desperate attempt to survive and reproduce. What if you find and scratch a fly right again the refrigerator and I get two at once. What if we find a motherload of bug surrounding the fruit bowl and collect so many bodies. What if we set up bowls of apple cider vinegar traps together. What if we danced to music as we twirl and clap around the room. What if we held our hands between a bug and crush it swiftly and almost mercifully to death, then carefully rub its innards off of each others palms. What then.
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dragonslovecoins · 20 days
Lil writing idea I'm gonna use for Halt and maybe King Duncan^^
Halt getting raped when he was arrested. Baby Gurl will unpack this with Crowley
King Duncan getting raped by a tutor and not knowing it was sexual assault until he mentions it to Crowley.
__Just some rambling and me being broken 🖤🥀🐺, you can skip this.__
I know kinda how it feels mainly in what I plan to be Duncan's position. In my position, it wasn't rape, just some touching on my butt and pressing themselves on me (In class too like dude choose a better time 😒). But, I understand getting so used to it you begin to "like it" -- only to have to unpack it later and realize "Oops...what happened there?". Still don't know if I liked it or not, don't care tbh (okay maybe I care a little bit). So now poor Duncan is gonna get hit with the trauma blast! Yippee!
Also, Halt. I love Halt, so naturally I gotta make him suffer. He's not gonna unpack it until Crowley is there to say "Hey...no, we shouldn't let these people continue their lives no".
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theautisticfroglord · 11 months
I genuinely hate when people invalidate demiromantic/demisexual/other labels in general by saying somethin like "OMG!!!! why do these labels exist that's how every relationship is!!!!! what has this generation come to?!!?,!?!!"
some people out here are dating someone they just met two days ago. while it literally took me two whole years of getting to know someone before having a crush on them. can y'all please not find excuses to invalidate aspec/arospec people. thanks
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just some kinitopet doodles
the kinito crew, with mild effort
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and some things i did with the users, under the cut since there is. a lot
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all of 'em but the first 4 came into existence because of the incorrect quote generator
these guys are way too fun to draw (to me)
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lesbianoms · 5 months
Even as a fan of horror I have a separate headspace for vore and whenever it’s in a horror context it really fucks with me
Let me give an example. “Nope” is one of the best movies that I can NEVER watch again, and that’s because of the digestion scene. It was so utterly terrifying to me and it actually made me cry— I kind of went into a state of shock I think because I didn’t expect to see something so personally triggering on the big screen during a movie I’d gone to see with my mom.
Sorry if this seems spurred on but. I just saw an analog horror thing just now and. Idk. Makes me kind of unsettled knowing that some people might get off to it. Like obviously people are gonna be into what they’re into and that doesn’t make them bad people, but this is just an intrusive thought that’s been bothering me.
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jaybleu25 · 2 months
does anyone else need tone indicators when talking to people online or no
i genuinely have a hard time telling what's a joke and what isn't sometimes; like when people jokingly insult or something i take it seriously and then i end up being upset for the rest of the day
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4ga1n5t-4ll-4uth0r1ty · 11 months
honestly, hearing people talking about abed in community, and even hearing him talk about himself is kinda just really upsetting
is that all people see me as ? a weirdo ?
the fact that he was immediately shut up multiple times when he started talking about his special interest
the fact he was continuously called a computer
the fact he was called 'creepy' due to his data taking
I am autistic, and I know that. but not everyone does. I've seen and heard people call someone who does something slightly 'stupid' or 'dumb', autistic. I've heard people make fun of people with disabilities. I've heard people diagnose themselves with one piece of evidence, after watching one video about symptoms.
the way autistic people are treated and stereotyped is so fucking stupid.
is that really all I am ? a 'weirdo' ?
to some people, allistic or autistic, abed's situation may sound and look a little unrealistic, but it's not. and that's coming from someone who has experienced what he has first hand. nobody can properly and fully understand something so complex, but is it really that hard to be respectful ? is it that hard to research, or teach someone ?
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aerisan-ace · 2 months
Slight vent, but my best friend just opened up to me about how she feels that people judge our friendship. That she only became friends with me because I'm smart, that she sees how obvious it is on other's stares. That she wanted to push me away so they'd stop staring. Of course, I comforted and reassured her (that it's not like that, and never was.)
But I can't help but feel hurt at this. (Not just towards other people, but also her?) Does she not trust me and herself enough, that she thinks our friendship solely revolves around academics? That she subconsciously thinks I'm just 'The smart friend' while I saw her as the most amazing, best friend, whom I feel comfortable with other than my cousins? But no, I'm just the smart friend (that's it?)
I never told her this. (What kind of friend centers one's problems to themselves??) Yet, I feel like she's telling me "I feel uncomfortable around you with other people because you're superior than me. Please don't hang out near me when others are watching," (and that hurts so bad coming from a person I care for deeply.)
I know she's just telling me how she feels (and it's fine to feel), I'm glad she opened up to me. But it doesn't mean that it didn't hurt. I didn't tell her this too (she'll blame herself.) I feel like our friendship is drifting apart.
And it's not like I'm not unwell. I have trust and relationship issues. (I often run from my problems, I admit.) but I'm trying to not run away this time. To not break off our friendship from this problem. (I can't commit to anything.)
I probably made this post to feel better about myself. To prove her wrong, to make people take my side. (maybe I really am) but I know deep down, it'll just hurt. Whether people take my side or not. (if there even is sides to take)
I don't know. I probably made this way too long. I just want to feel heard. About what I feel. (I don't want to feel better. I just want to feel seen)
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screwlowes · 4 months
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I know I don't rant on here too much, or talk on here, really, but I have to scream about this. I was scrolling through my recommended articles just now, and this popped up.
Now, while I do not pray to Ares nor do I particularly enjoy his mythology, I know that as a legitimate deity, he is truly a wonderful deity. He is a protector of women, he is a defender of rape, domestic violence, and war victims, and so much others. He has so many myths in which he helps people, and honestly, he and Aphrodite are pretty strong, too.
He, much like Hades or Thanatos, does not deserve to be vilified because of fictional media! I enjoy participating in fandom as much as anyone, and I'm a very big fan of Percy Jackson, but Ares is not a villain, and for this article to come not from a fandom site, but an at least semi academic site, is very upsetting.
I just had to get that out of my system, sorry
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tvb0y · 19 days
" That Guy Looks Like A Fat Tr@nny Too" My Mom Says As She Watches A Murder Show, And Is In Fact, Not Trans.
What A Mom Ay?
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spirit-of-the-hollow · 6 months
I want it to be on this blog somewhere
TW: death, terrorism
Moscow is mourning today. This night, more than 60 lives were taken by camouflaged men in Crocus City Hall. 3 of them are children. There are more than 120 people hospitalised. More can die. All of them were innocent civillians.
Moscow is mourning today. All public events are cancelled, if not in mourning, then for safety reasons. Universities and schools have cancelled classes.
Sources differ, but it is generally accepted that about 20 armed men in camouflage went into the building, killed all security, and started firing towards people. There was also a concert going on, which meant there were more people around than usual. The terrorists later set fire to the mall.
The top floor has collapsed due to fire.
Moscow is mourning today, and I am too.
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
cw warning: mini rant about the welcome home fanbase
Ok sometimes I just HATE the welcome home fanbase. Especially the shipping side
When I first joined, it was really chill! The thing that basically stopped alot of the shipping arguments was because there really- weren't any immoral shippings. And like- you could ship what you want and people really didn't care!
I myself am a multishipper and I basically ship every ship in WH. Like. If it exists I likely ship it. Ofc, some ships hit harder than others for me! I.E, I personally like laughingstock/beaglepillar more than other ships like Wallaby! But that doesn't mean I don't like them! But now I've seen people getting attacked for ships, which just plain sucks.
And I'm sorry I accidentally hoped you had drawn a ship I personally enjoy a lot, even though it was a prank! You don't need to make me feel like your mad at me! You don't need to bite my head off!!! (Slightly directed. I'm sorry if this offends you if you know it's you but I need to get this out of my system right now.)
And don't even get me started on Wally x YN. Ok, I used to sorta like it even though I didn't personally see Wally that way! But now it's over sexualized and it's getting gross. And I don't mean stuff in the tag, I mean I've accidentally seen (untagged may I add) r@pe and other really gross things involving this.
It's becoming a repeat of undertale, and definitely not in a good way.
It's just becoming really unenjoyable to be in this fanbase which is really sad because I genuinely love this story and characters. It inspired me to try and make things of my own. It helped me build my art style and helped with many more things!
But now I don't even want to work on my own AU that's pretty unknown and secluded due to this!
I mean, the full blown temptations I've had to deactivate my account and make a new one for a fresh start has been insane.
And now it feels like I'm only expected to make WH content!!! It makes me so sad.
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hellcheercaine · 1 year
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While we’re on the subject of Billy Hargrove (and the antis), these antis don’t know true terror until they saw the Kanker sisters lol.
Can’t recount how many times I was bullied, and labelled just for saying that I like them—Billy and the Kanker sisters aren’t exactly the worst when it comes to fictional characters.
I’ve seen worse. Ending my rant here.
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v0rpalalice · 8 days
I'm so tired I could peel off my skin and throw up I wouldn't even caaarrreeeeeee........
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thatgayash · 9 days
another fucking god damn inappropriate account followed me
I only blocked them because I saw one of their posts and ummm
interesting to say the least??
I fucking hate ao3
like yeah I love reading
but I’m fucking disgusting because of that stupid website
I didn’t need to know how sex worked when I was GOD DAMN 11
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orange-oracy · 2 months
it’s such a weird experience when I finally take a break for a few days and realize that im actually very sex-repulsed and aromantic and not just being silly or weird and all those sexual jokes i made and putting myself with those certain people was only just a front i put up because i wanted to be liked so fucking bad and I was in denial and those people were popular and so I kept doing it even though I was just so fucking uncomfortable with everything and it made other people uncomfortable too and I just regret it all but I also realize that what happened has already happened and all I can do now is work through it and become a better person for myself and others and stop lying to myself :0
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