#tw neo-nazi
unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
What kind of programming could the neo-Nazi group that abused and exploited me (prostitution and CSEM production) have used? I've been getting hints lately that I may have experienced programming. I remember being drugged at least once. Could there have been government style programming? Is programming in neo Nazi groups a known phenomenon? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just very overwhelmed at the prospect of this being a reality for me.
For reference, the group was in northwest Idaho in the years 1998 and 1999.
It would depend on the group’s beliefs as well as your race regarding the methods used.
High control groups use many methods to indoctrinate people into their belief system. Groups based on hate use that hate and other vulnerabilities to recruit members.
There isn’t enough information in your ask for me to answer if government programming methods were used. A year isn’t long enough to be programmed. I also don’t know your age programming begins at a very young age.
White Supremacists Speak: Recruitment, Radicalization & Experiences of Engaging and Disengaging from Hate Groups
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lady-griffin · 2 years
Oh, look a horrifying and chilling dose of bleak reality. What fun.
I think the most disturbing thing is the air of casualness and supposed “wholesomeness,” that these monsters speak with when they say the most unhinged and awful shit.
Like, they really believe they are the poor helpless victims, the good guys, who have done nothing wrong…
I just…. I’m so fucking tired.
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destielmemenews · 7 months
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The group appears to be part of the "Blood Tribe" led by Christopher Pohlhaus, with footage showing them in red shirts and black masks.
Representative Justin Jones posted a video of the group on X and wrote "Just left an event honoring a Black sorority and spoke of the need to unite against the rising tide of white supremacy, only to be confronted by Nazis marching through downtown Nashville." He then wrote,"This is exactly what my Republican colleagues hate speech is fostering and inviting."
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very-uncorrect · 5 months
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Probably the most insane shit I've ever read
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shitswiftiessay · 8 months
taylor swift’s alt right supporters are eager for her to get pregnant by travis kelce, so she can “increase the birth rate.”
and when they talk about birth rates they mean WHITE birth rates ofc, these are all alt right neo nazi accounts (if you couldn’t tell with usernames like “racism enjoyer” and “antisemitic”) including Richard Spencer himself. if taylor dated a guy who wasn’t white, they would not be wishing pregnancy on her right now.
once again, taylor’s alt right supporters are growing bolder and louder and we know taylor will do absolutely NOTHING to disavow them. because taylor makes too much money from them to “alienate” them.
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even taylor’s former music video director, joseph kahn, has joined in and started parroting these creepy alt right talking points. it’s all very dystopian and unnerving. 🙃
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prussiasqueen · 1 month
Kill kikes. Behead kikes. Roundhouse kick a kike into the concrete. Slam dunk a kike baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy jews. Defecate in a kikes food. Launch kikes into the sun. Stir fry kikes in a wok. Toss kikes into active volcanoes. Urinate into a kikes gas tank. Judo throw kikes into a wood chipper. Twist kikes heads off. Report kikes to the IRS. Karate chop kikes in half. Curb stomp pregnant kikes. Trap kikes in quicksand. Crush kikes in the trash compactor. Liquefy kikes in a vat of acid. Eat kikes. Dissect kikes. Exterminate kikes in the gas chamber. Stomp kike skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate kikes in the oven. Lobotomize kikes. Mandatory abortions for kikes. Grind kike fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown kikes in melted lard. Vaporize kikes with a ray gun. Kick old kikes down the stairs. Feed kikes to alligators. Slice kikes with a katana.
Wow. Ok. You spent a lot of time on this. Pretty dedicated to your hatred. Also this is pretty damn disgusting I’m not gonna lie. How are you still existing in society?
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dappy-dappernette · 4 months
It's always weird to see people make fun of Hetalia fans before going on to list one of their favorite anime as that one banned (or at the very least HEAVILY censored) "ero guro" l-li anime movie that had a hard time getting sponsors because of how bad it was.
Like "Oh you're bad and cringe cause you like Hetalia" brother you like a movie about little girls getting SA'd, stfu.
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anarchy-flagz · 1 year
Transn*zi Symbols Awareness Post.
(All asterisks/* are replacing the letter A. I do not support any form of antisemitism, this post is for education purposes only.) (Content warning for discussions of n*zism, neo n*zism, transn*zis, transneon*zis, and antisemitism.)
A big reason I left the radqueer community is because of the blatant antisemitism that goes on in the community, through those who support or use the term "transn*zi" and labels relating to it. As someone who is a flag archivist, emoji combo archivist, and most importantly jewish, I feel I need to take it upon myself to show you the symbols that are used by the transn*zi community so you all can keep yourselves safe. This post is going to be hard on me to make but someone needs to do it.
Awareness post starts here:
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"transn*zi pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zi pride flags"
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"transn*ziaesthethic pride flag"
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"pro-transn*zi/transn*zi ally pride flag"
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"transn*zigender pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zigender pride flags"
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"n*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
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"neon*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
Emoji combos to look out for:
"transn*zi": 💜ϟϟ "transn*zi": 💜🍞 "transn*zi": 🚩⛸ "transitioned transn*zi": ⚡️❤️ "transn*zigender": 💜🍞🏳️‍🌈 "n*zi attractions": ⚡️❤️🎀 "transneon*zi": 💙ϟϟ "transneon*zi": 💙🍞 "transneon*zi": 🚩🌫 "transitioned transneon*zi": ⚡️💗 "transneon*zigender": 💙🍞🏳️‍🌈 "neo n*zi attractions": ⚡️💗🎀
Everyone is free to reblog/repost to spread awareness on the topic. Honestly I shouldn't even have to explain how this type is stuff is messed up.
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rotting-creation · 1 year
guys, please reblog this post, this is serious
TL;DR: gnome hunting is one of MANY antisemetic dogwhistles used to spread hatred. I'm not joking.
Please, i don't care what your blogs theme is, reblog this. Reblog for your jewish friends. Reblog for even that one person you are helping to keep safe through this. This doesn't even just affect jewish people, it affects other marginalised people too.
edit: she deleted the video, but heres some other links to this under the cut
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shoujoboy-restart · 1 year
So... apparently that infamous meme criticising shows made by mixed latino north americans(???) not only whitewashed the Chad Real Mexican™ creator they were trying to praise(????), who is a mixed latino, but it was done porpusefully because they were a infamous hispanic community lolcow neo-nazi who's friends with a dude with CP????????
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And the extra funny part is that while the neo-nazi whitewashed and lowkey body shamed Jorge R. Gutierrez, creator of El Tigre and Book of Life and character designer in Mucha Lucha, series in which all of the main characters are very obviously mixed race/brown skinned, in some bizarre attempt of a made up strawnman...
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in one of his new series on netflix titled Maya and the Three, which you should check out because is actually great and super well made like everything else this dude directs, ironically enough
The entirety of this dudes work and art is constantly criticising gringos, european colonization of the Latin America and celebrating brown folks in Latin America why the fuck is this neo-nazi using him as inspiration or to put down artists?!?
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The University of Calgary is investigating an incident captured on social media that appeared to show students marching through a university residence impersonating Adolf Hitler.
A video sent to Global News shows seven young men of apparently varying ethnicities exiting an elevator, marching across a floor with a stiff-armed salute used by the Nazi regime, shouting “Heil Hitler” and “Make way for Hitler” before going down a set of stairs. On a lower floor, the young men repeated the salute and shouts before exiting into another stairwell in laughter.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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artcinemas · 7 months
people why am i seeing like fucking sixteen year olds call for genocide of "crores" of rohingya refugees (it is not even 50k girl atleast refer to actual sources lmao) in this country and then these same brainwashed dumbfucks say that hindus are oppressed in india. like y'all like to debunk yourselves a lot despite what your delusion likes to project in y'alls brains, like sanghis genuinely please touch grass and stop referring fucking quora and whatsapp posts for once!
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howhow326 · 2 days
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Mark Robinson is demonic wth
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It is always morally correct to brutally murder Nazis
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dazzling-dollyz · 1 year
"Sorry, porn and anything mildly NSFW (and also queer content but ssshhh it's totally not on purpose we promise) is banned, and we're gonna take down your post / nuke it to hell if you even have a nipple (or if you're trans but ssshh again it's not on purpose don't accuse us of being transphobic)
Also Tumblr:
[ does nothing about the billions of porn bots that follow ppl, TERFs, the pro-ana community, neo-Nazis spreading phrenology and antisemitism again, etc - oh, and does nothing about Tumblr Live which a.) Hosts a bunch of porn videos and B.) Collects your data ]
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Earlier this month, while the rest of the country was celebrating the achievements of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., parents and children in the “Dissident Homeschool” network opened a lesson plan and were greeted with the words: “As Adolf Hitler wrote…”
The contents of the MLK lesson plan would be shocking for almost anyone, but for members of the 2,400-member “Dissident Homeschool” Telegram channel, this was a regular Monday at school.
“It is up to us to ensure our children know him for the deceitful, dishonest, riot-inciting negro he actually was,” the administrator of the network’s Telegram channel wrote, alongside a downloadable lesson plan for elementary school children. “He is the face of a movement which ethnically cleansed whites out of urban areas and precipitated the anti-white regime that we are now fighting to free ourselves from.”
Since the group began in October 2021 it has openly embraced Nazi ideology and promoted white supremacy, while proudly discouraging parents from letting their white children play with or have any contact with people of any other race. Admins and members use racist, homophobic, and antisemitic slurs without shame, and quote Hitler and other Nazi leaders daily in a channel open to the public.
VICE News joined the group simply by clicking on a link, though the list of members was not publicly visible.
What’s even more disturbing, however, is that the couple who run the channel are not only teaching parents how to indoctrinate their children into this fascist ideology, they’re also encouraging them to meet up in real life and join even more radical groups, which could further reinforce their beliefs and potentially push them toward violent action.
The “Dissident Homeschool” network is run by a husband and wife team who use the aliases “Mr. and Mrs. Saxon.” This week the antifascist research group Anonymous Comrades Collective published a detailed report that unmasked the Saxons as Logan and Katja Lawrence, who live in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, with their four young children.
The researchers were able to identify the Lawrences through biographical details they shared in the Telegram channel’s group chat and on podcast appearances. One of the key clues to identifying them came when they revealed that they owned a German Shepherd called Blondi—the same name as Hitler’s dog.
The researchers found photos that Katja posted on Facebook with her German Shepherd, and were also able to confirm Katja Lawrence’s ownership of this dog through the Wyandot County dog licensing website dog search feature.
The Lawrences did not respond to multiple emails, text messages, social media messages, and phone calls from VICE News to discuss the contents of the report and their neo-Nazi homeschooling group.
Katja Lawrence, who is in her mid-30s, launched the channel in October 2021, because she “was having a rough time finding Nazi-approved school material for [her] homeschool children,” as she told the neo-Nazi podcast “Achtung! Amerikaner” last year.
Later in the same podcast episode, Lawrence expanded on her view on why she wanted to educate her children at home. “We have our children’s best interest at heart and nobody can do a better job than we can because it’s our child. We are so deeply invested into making sure that that child becomes a wonderful Nazi,” she said.
When VICE News asked for comment on the Lawrences and their channel, the host of the podcast, Gordon Hahl, replied: “I think you should kill yourself instead.”
Katja Lawrence, born Katja van den Berg, is originally from the Netherlands and moved to the U.S. after meeting her husband at the Oktoberfest festival in Berlin, according to an old LiveJournal blog uncovered by the researchers. She became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2017.
Logan Lawrence works as an agent for a local, family-run insurance agency. When reached by phone, an employee at the company told VICE News that they would not be commenting on the story.
Logan is also a member of a local Masonic lodge and features in a number of pictures on its website, where he is listed as an officer of the lodge. The secretary of the lodge did not respond to VICE News’ request for comment.
Both Katja and Lawrence have a limited presence on mainstream social media platforms, and the one Facebook account that was operated by Katja was deleted this week after the Anonymous Comrades Collective report was published.
Katja Lawrence is the main poster on the “Dissident Homeschool” channel, posting classroom schedules, book lists, lesson plans, and other educational resources for like-minded parents.
Lawrence uses every lesson plan as an opportunity to push racist ideology. In one “math assignment,” children were asked to interpret “crime statistics,” the goal of which was to “realize the demographics to be cautious around.” Another lesson called “IQ Unit Study” discusses IQ scores. “The blacks—on average—have a much lower IQ than whites,” Lawrence wrote.
Last week the group chat channel belonging to the “Dissident Homeschool” network was shut down, but VICE News has reviewed an archive of the chats dating back to October 2021, showing that initially the channel was populated by a small number of core members who contributed most of the comments and content.
However, by the time the chat archive ended on Jan. 4, there were hundreds more people contributing to the conversations, and discussions had expanded from children’s education to the dangers of diversity and how “Indiana Jones” movies are nothing more than “Jewish revenge porn.”
One parent posting in the group last year thanked the Lawrences for their work and explained why they agreed that public school education was not for them.
“This is why I want to make the switch. I don’t even want my kids exposed to the gay loving, anti-family, Jew factory that is public school, I can’t stand it.”
Other parents offered their own educational resources, with one member writing: “Here is an overview of 10 Reason why Hitler was one of the Good Guys:”
When one parent named Nancy recommended three preachers that the group might find interesting, another member responded: “A ni**er, a race mixer, and a guy who literally says that Israel should rule the world. You're 0 for 3.”
Katja Lawrence then added: “Nancy, did you know you are in a chat of dissidents who fully support white nationalism? We do not support Israel and do not listen to black preachers.”
The members of the channel have also expanded beyond the U.S. to include members from other countries, though only those from European countries with acceptable ethnicity, such as Norway, Germany, and the U.K., are welcomed.
At one point in the chat, Katja Lawrence told a UK-based member of the group that she would help put him in touch with the head of one of the biggest white nationalist groups in the U.K., suggesting the Lawrences have made connections with antisemites and white supremacists outside of their own homeschooling community.
When the Telegram channel reached its 1,000th subscriber, just months after it launched, Katja Lawrence posted a picture of German schoolchildren performing a Nazi salute in a classroom, writing: “It fills my heart with joy to know there is such a strong base of homeschoolers and homeschool-interested national socialists. Hail Victory.”
The Lawrences also described how their family celebrated Hitler’s birthday by baking a “Führer cake.”
“We had a lovely dinner followed by Führerkuchen,” Katja Lawrence wrote. “Our children celebrated Adolf’s birthday today by learning about Germany and eating favorite German foods.” She later added that she had baked “quite a few swastika items, my latest a swastika apple pie.”
In one chilling, now-deleted post on Telegram, Katla Lawrence posted an audio message of her children shouting “sieg heil.”
While Katja and Logan Lawrence claim in Telegram comments that they warn their children not to discuss their Nazi views with those outside the family, they also don’t limit their activities to the online world and help others to connect with fellow white nationalists in the real world.
“There is a huge network of people like us,” Katja wrote on the Telegram channel. “If you are asking what you can do: get vetted and join a local pool party. I would say that’s the best decision Mr. Saxon and I made last year. We joined a pool party and our children now play with other white children where they can speak and play freely.”
A “pool party” is the name for a secretive meetup organized by white supremacist group The Right Stuff and its political wing the National Justice Party. Katja Lawrence even goes so far as to share the direct email for a contact at The Right Stuff who deals with vetting, while an account named the “National Justice Party” posts updates that include calls for “Dissident Homeschool” members to join its supporter group and updates on its Christmas charity drive.
“It has been huge for us to get into that real life network. Contribute by joining. It makes all the difference,” Katja Lawrence wrote.
It is hard to gauge the influence of the “Dissident Homeschool Network,” but in leaked emails from people attempting to join the white nationalist group Patriot Front, applicants list the “Dissident Homeschool” as being “Influential figures, media outlets or platforms.”
The Right Stuff and the National Justice League were described by the Anti-Defamation League as “virulently antisemitic”, while 31 members of Patriot Front were arrested last year inside a U-haul truck on their way to an LGBTQ Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, carrying shields and smoke grenades.
Yet Katja attempts to describe these group’s activities as entirely wholesome.
“To dispel some misconceptions: these groups do not encourage or solicit people to commit illegal activities,” Katja wrote. "It is a nice group of wholesome white people getting together for cookouts and such.”
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