#anti neo-nazi
sjbattleangel · 4 months
Moon Studios' Thomas Mahler supports a hate movement
As someone who adores the Ori games, this is just awful in so many ways.
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"Cancel culture" DOESN'T EXIST. What you're talking about is people demanding certain figures of power and influence to be held accountable for spewing bigoted hate speech or causing a toxic environment.
"Woke culture"? You mean a culture that acknowledges the existence of marginalized communities i.e people of colour, disabled people, queer, gender-non comforming people. Yet to you, that's somehow a terrible thing.
How dare you use a powerful poem dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust-the horrific tragedy of the history of humanity-to complain about your first-world persecution complex! To whine how sad it is that cishet white men like you own-*gasp*-slightly LESS of the world! Oh woah is me! You don't deserve to utter those words. Also, wanting more diversity, representation and equality in video games, game development and games journalism ISN'T THE SAME AS NAZISM! And don't me give that "The Nazis were socialists" bullcrap! THEY WERE FAR-RIGHT FASCISTS! You should know better. You're Austrian for crying out loud!
Having a women and minorities exist in video games and development isn't an "agenda". It's called KNOWING PEOPLE OTHER THEN CISHET WHITE GUYS EXIST. Also, "Hollywood" and "west coast developers" have nothing to do with this. Society is just changing, becoming more inclusive for the better and entertaining of all mediums are reflecting that. And that's great! Unless you have a problem with that.
Your friends were never "ridiculed" because they "didn't conform". Far from that tragic martyr rubbish you claim. They were rightfully reprimanded and fired for being bigoted jerks who didn't respect the humanity of marginalized people....just like you.
If you really believe the existence of minorities are "political", then I have nothing to say but SCREW. YOU.
Overall, there's just no way of putting it: Thomas Mahler is member and supporter of Gamergate.
Despite what they might tell you, Gamergate isn't and never was about "ethics" or "wanting fun apolitical entertainment". It is, has been and always will be a white supremacist hate movement (alongside Comicsgate and The Fandom Menace) dedicated to chasing women, LGBTQ+ people and BIPOC out of gaming and fandom. Its members and ringleaders are and have always been LITERAL NEO-NAZIS. Even when boycotting certain games over the supposed diversity consultants or the inclusion of minorities, they can barely hide their hatred.
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(As evidenced by the "Embrace Tradition. Reject Modernity" white supremacist slogan*.)
Remember, if you still want to play his games, that's fine. I don't have the power to stop you. Just be warned that this developer stands with a hate movement.
*Hey, Nazi-turds, Japan and Korea aren't your Aryan utopias nor are their people your precious Aryan supergods!
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lady-griffin · 2 years
Oh, look a horrifying and chilling dose of bleak reality. What fun.
I think the most disturbing thing is the air of casualness and supposed “wholesomeness,” that these monsters speak with when they say the most unhinged and awful shit.
Like, they really believe they are the poor helpless victims, the good guys, who have done nothing wrong…
I just…. I’m so fucking tired.
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there's just... there is no reason to make yet another cop show in this day and age. copaganda is not only bullshit, it is a failure of imagination.
you want to watch brooding characters with dark pasts investigate crimes in an official capacity? just use private detectives (cops have a miserable solve rate anyway). want eccentric geniuses & their sidekicks solving mysteries? i present you with armchair detectives & neighborhood busybodies. oh, you're craving a workplace comedy-drama starring overworked protagonists doing their heartfelt best to resolve community conflicts? social worker office sitcom! bitch this is ACHIEVABLE
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I’ve been warning about this forever. This potential tactic has been written about and discussed by far-right Republicans for decades.
“Prieto was taken into custody in New Mexico on May 14 after allegedly supplying rifles to an informant and an undercover agent while plotting out an attack on African Americans and other minorities at a concert in Atlanta.
According to federal prosecutors, Prieto told the individuals, who he met while selling at gun shows, that he hoped to “kill as many people as possible” and leave Confederate flags, Ku Klux Klan propaganda and other “offensive rhetoric” at the scene of the shooting in order to incite retaliation and start a race war.”
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very-uncorrect · 5 months
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Probably the most insane shit I've ever read
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shitswiftiessay · 8 months
taylor swift’s alt right supporters are eager for her to get pregnant by travis kelce, so she can “increase the birth rate.”
and when they talk about birth rates they mean WHITE birth rates ofc, these are all alt right neo nazi accounts (if you couldn’t tell with usernames like “racism enjoyer” and “antisemitic”) including Richard Spencer himself. if taylor dated a guy who wasn’t white, they would not be wishing pregnancy on her right now.
once again, taylor’s alt right supporters are growing bolder and louder and we know taylor will do absolutely NOTHING to disavow them. because taylor makes too much money from them to “alienate” them.
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even taylor’s former music video director, joseph kahn, has joined in and started parroting these creepy alt right talking points. it’s all very dystopian and unnerving. 🙃
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short-wooloo · 9 months
With the news from Adam Driver about how kylo redemption was never the plan originally and his story was basically meant to be reverse Vader, I'd like to resurrect an old conspiracy theory of mine about Rise of Skywalker
So the duel in the ruins of the death star, y'know how it ends with Rey stabbing kylo and then she heals him?
Well I believe he originally was meant to die there, Rey killed him in anger, and it causes a breakdown in her, she's upset not only that she failed Leia and couldn't redeem kylo, but also terrified by her anger, scared that she truly is a Palpatine, and from there we get our pep talk from Luke and final battle with Sidious
Basically I think Rey healing kylo was a last minute addition to the script (probably at disney's insistence)
And the rest of the film doesn't exactly prove me wrong
How does kylo get to exegol after Rey took his TIE fighter? Well apparently in the exploded, sitting in water for 30 years ruins of the death star there's not only a functional imperial TIE, but one with a hyperdrive too
What does kylo do upon reaching exegol? Fight the knights of Ren, something Rey herself could do or perhaps even better you could have had the Knights fight Finn, Rose and the Resistance soldiers
Does kylo meaningfully contribute to the final battle with Sidious? Not really, he gets drained of his life force by Sidious (so basically he inadvertently helps him) and is thrown down a hole for the rest of the battle, Rey does all the heavy lifting from there
The only meaningful contribution kylo makes after his "redemption" is sacrificing himself to revive Rey, which may not have even needed to happen because the only reason she was so drained is because kylo being there caused Sidious to realize he could absorb both of their life forces to restore himself (so in a way, it's his fault!) Alternatively it could have just been written that Rey passed out due to exhaustion and was otherwise fine
So yeah, that's my conspiracy, not that crazy, perfectly reasonable from my perspective
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wanderrnest · 11 months
I'm jealous of people denying the massacre of israeli people by hamas.
Imagine living in a world where these horrifying acts didn't happen. Thousands of armed terrorists won't just storm civilized areas and break into your family home and kill, slaughter, and burn everyone in there. They won't rape women and kidnap children and murder babies and elderly people. They won't molest and parade with dead bodies. Such a safe little world you've got there, where there's only one good and one bad, no need for complex thought, no need for cognitive dissonance, no need for fear, no need for extra compassion. Everything is so easy! Ignorance IS bliss. happy for you for being able to live in this world. some people don't. some people are right here having to deal with those horrors. all you do is being no better than a common holocaust denier neo nazi.
Caring about innocent Palestinians doesn't have to go hand in hand with denying the worst and most brutal massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. I'm not going to sit and listen to your human rights rants when despite every proof shown otherwise you still choose to believe an actual isis-like terror organization that intentionally does the worst things imaginable to other human beings and lives on murder, propagenda and incitement. that's fucked up. and the absolute evil and ignorance that people have in them to tell someone who's whole family murdered right in front of them that it just didn't happen is beyond me.
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rewritingcanon · 8 months
[jegulily] worse than jegulus but somehow less annoying idk how to explain it
dude this is so real! like it's hard to explain but it captures those feelings perfectly. like it is worse in a sense that it directly romantically connects an oppressed woman with her oppressor and that's gross, but it's also less annoying because of how fandom acts, they at least try to act like they don't completely erase Lily? I guess? so it's more palatable to 'see' rather than the complete erasure or demonization or downgrading that happens with jegulus, though you can still tell that she's treated like a third wheel and the lesser one in that poly and the only posts you see about the ship not working cause one of them feels like they don't fit in are always about Lily lol. but in the end both still bad in a sorta same way, cause they both only serve one character, Regulus irrelevant Black and that's it, they only exist for one character, cause neither James or Lily or their fans gain anything from these ships, they're both deliriously happy with each other and don't give a flying crap about the new twink of the month and don't 'need' him in their ships. yet still one of those camps is at least trying to fight the misogyny allegations while the other is just blatantly misogynistic.. so like there are layers and levels to the badness and annoyance here lmfao
im literally dying over “regulus irrelevant black” and “new twink of the month” because thats exactly how these new death eater babygirls feel to me all the time and we seriously need to retire the image. and i really said “idk how to explain it” and then you came and explained it perfectly.
it sucks because i do wish there was more love for polyamorous ships in fandom in general but did the popular had to have been jegulily?? youre also completely right about how jegulily shippers (from what i’ve seen) are mostly regulus fans, because the whole ship does seem to center around him in some way. it’s so funny how often lily would feel shoved into the ship absentmindedly when in reality the third wheel would be regulus. and there would be a third wheel in this scenario because canon lily and canon james wouldnt want to touch regulus within a ten foot pole. lily, who dumped her childhood best friend over his prejudices against muggles/muggleborns (that extended years of her having to look the other way) would want to voluntarily put herself in a relationship that could so much as entail the same sort of bullshit. james, who joined a whole ass war to defend the rights of the oppressed and had probs a million bitching sessions with sirius over how shitty his family was (including regulus) would want to date said character? mmm uh huh okay. fanon is getting out of control its time we curb stomp a lot of it.
ive yapped too much too long im not gonna even get into the jegulus part. it makes me too maddddd
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anarchy-flagz · 1 year
Transn*zi Symbols Awareness Post.
(All asterisks/* are replacing the letter A. I do not support any form of antisemitism, this post is for education purposes only.) (Content warning for discussions of n*zism, neo n*zism, transn*zis, transneon*zis, and antisemitism.)
A big reason I left the radqueer community is because of the blatant antisemitism that goes on in the community, through those who support or use the term "transn*zi" and labels relating to it. As someone who is a flag archivist, emoji combo archivist, and most importantly jewish, I feel I need to take it upon myself to show you the symbols that are used by the transn*zi community so you all can keep yourselves safe. This post is going to be hard on me to make but someone needs to do it.
Awareness post starts here:
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"transn*zi pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zi pride flags"
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"transn*ziaesthethic pride flag"
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"pro-transn*zi/transn*zi ally pride flag"
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"transn*zigender pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zigender pride flags"
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"n*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
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"neon*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
Emoji combos to look out for:
"transn*zi": 💜ϟϟ "transn*zi": 💜🍞 "transn*zi": 🚩⛸ "transitioned transn*zi": ⚡️❤️ "transn*zigender": 💜🍞🏳️‍🌈 "n*zi attractions": ⚡️❤️🎀 "transneon*zi": 💙ϟϟ "transneon*zi": 💙🍞 "transneon*zi": 🚩🌫 "transitioned transneon*zi": ⚡️💗 "transneon*zigender": 💙🍞🏳️‍🌈 "neo n*zi attractions": ⚡️💗🎀
Everyone is free to reblog/repost to spread awareness on the topic. Honestly I shouldn't even have to explain how this type is stuff is messed up.
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feydrautha · 2 years
The German government pushing through a ban on AO3 to "protect the children" was certainly not on my bingocard for 2023 but great to see Germany is trying to win the award for censorship already so early on in the year
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
What up with aces and Denmark — from a clueless aroace
Invading Denmark became a meme within the ace community because the estimated number of asexuals in the world is about the same as the country of Denmark, and the joke was that we could hypothetically take over Denmark and create our own country free of amatonormativity and oversexualization.
It was on par with garlic bread and cake for awhile, but it’s devolved into an anti-semitic dog whistle within the community and should no longer be used or tolerated. The Ace Couple podcast has an episode about it with a more in depth explanation which you can find here.
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taliejane · 3 months
Omfg UK and US 18-25s I'm begging you to vote in the general/presidential election 😭😭😭 young people already don't vote and then to actively abstain (I get it, all your options suck) but then politicians will have zero reason to appeal to you ever! You're entirely excluding yourselves from the conversation! Vote strategically to vote OUT the worst dude but just vote fr
I know they're all doing genocide and it's fucked but like you literally are not preventing genocide by not voting you're just sitting on your hands
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artcinemas · 7 months
people why am i seeing like fucking sixteen year olds call for genocide of "crores" of rohingya refugees (it is not even 50k girl atleast refer to actual sources lmao) in this country and then these same brainwashed dumbfucks say that hindus are oppressed in india. like y'all like to debunk yourselves a lot despite what your delusion likes to project in y'alls brains, like sanghis genuinely please touch grass and stop referring fucking quora and whatsapp posts for once!
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