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gil-galadhwen · 1 year ago
WIP Title Poll Game
The rules: run a 24-hr poll of your WIP's, then write as many sentences for the winner as it gets votes.
Thanks for the tag my lovely, epic fic writing friend @myfavouritelunatic ❤️😘
Some of these fanfic wips are old, but I'm up to the challenge of finishing (starting) them! 😆
No pressure tags: @caitlinlidae @immortallaughter @stardustspell @ambrosia-salads @bananaphanta @bunnyyanny @elvngrl @jurassiclexie @karmabansheenz @starlady66 @queenmeriadoc @lady-of-imladris @labhandar
If I didn't tag you and you want to do it, PLEASE DO and tag me so I can see 🩷 (same goes if I tagged you and you don't want to be!)
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dapandapod · 2 years ago
I made this post in november 2020  😂😂😂 It has been SOME TIME since this started, we are currently on chapter 25 and it looks like we might end somewhere past 32!
BUT I AM SO EXCITED BECAUSE I HAVE FINALLY FINALLY managed to wrap up the big finale!!! AAAA!
So this one will be getting more attantion again soon ish!!!
Please mind the tags if you read it, it be dark and gory and angsty and scary! (but with a happy ending, I promise <3)
It’s fun how writing can be a trickle of words spread out, OR IT COULD BE A MASSIVE DOWNPOUR in the matter of days. Yeah.
Okey okey okey but!!!
Alright!! Im all excited over here.
Look. There is a lot of Necromancer Jaskier going around. That is so so awesome.
What if we have a Resurected by a necromancer Jaskier! And i really wanna write this angsty shit.
Hear me out!
Jaskier gets taken. Tortured. Besten within an inch of his life. But Geralt never comes to save him (because he doesnt know) and his captures gets bored with it.
Here are two options and i dont know which to choose. Either the evil necromancer. She kills him. Dagger through his chest. Only to resurect his still warm corpse under her control.
Or good necromancer. She finds his body, resurects him and keeps him safe.
Either way Jaskier finds his way to the roads again. He finds Geralt. They travel together but Jaskier never tells.
And then there is a contract on his necromancer. Now if she is evil we want her dead, right? And if she is good, then maybe not?
But Geralt takes the contract and Jaskier finally has to tell. Because if she dies, he dies.
And That’s all i got and im all!!!!!!!!! Excited about it. Im gonna write this.
(Oh and if you wanna be tagged when Im Done, please tell me! ❤️ i saw some saying it in reblog tags, so just to make it simple x). )
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fruithoods · 5 years ago
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the witcher + ao3 tags
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jaskierswolf · 3 years ago
A greedy panda is back for more.
May I please beg for some 40 post-nightmare hug Trissifer? And just, fingers in hair and just gentle gentle gentle, please and thank you <3<3<3
CW: canon typical violence and blood, nightmares, hurt/comfort
Sodden had taken its toll on the two sorceresses from Aretuza. Despite being incredibly powerful and very capable in battle, they weren’t soldiers. They weren’t warriors. Yes, Yennefer could break a man’s neck without even blinking, and Triss could fell an army as she bended nature to her will, but that didn’t mean they wanted to. Yennefer’s drive for power had never been about killing people or destruction. There was no power in death.
The real power was in living. She’d learnt that lesson on her very first night at Aretuza, possibly the most important thing that Tissaia had ever taught her. To die was to give up, to live meant defeating all of those who stand against you, even if it is your own mind.
And poor, darling Triss, she was a healer. Her knowledge of plants and their properties had stemmed from a desire to help people, to love, to heal. Triss, who treasured every living thing, and even apologised to the pitiful bugs and insects that were needed in their potions and enchantments, the healer who had been forced to kill a hundred men. Men with families, wives, husbands, children, fighting for a ruthless monster who saw them as pawns, fodder to be destroyed in a bloody battle.
A battle that had nearly killed them both.
Yennefer’s hands were still scarred from the inferno she’d let rip through the forest, and Triss still struggled to sit up, her body still healing from the blade that had buried deep into her gut, but they were alive, and they had each other for when life seemed to get too much. So, Yennefer didn’t regret her decision to help Tissaia in the slightest. For once, it felt like she had done something meaningful, something powerful, something more than running round the Continent on a wild goose chase in search of what she had lost.
“Yen…” Triss murmured from the bed, her rich chestnut curls falling in front of her freckled face. “Yenna, n-no…”
A nightmare.
Yennefer probed at Triss’s mind, just enough to see a fireball surrounding herself. She looked wild, ferocious… beautiful. That made her smile despite the fear clutching at her heart. Triss always saw her as beautiful, no matter what. With a soft sigh, Yennefer crawled into the bed next to Triss, gently pulling her into her arms, Triss’s head resting in her lap. She closed her eyes, keeping close contact with Triss’s mind, as she ran her fingers through the soft curls, filling Triss’s mind with happier thoughts and memories.
The day they spent in the cornfields together before Triss had been stationed in Temeria. Flower crowns conjured from thin air, sweet smelling and fresh, a picnic of the finest food laid out in front of them, just two dearest friends enjoying the day.
The day spent at elven ruins, a field trip from Aretuza in Yennefer’s later years, Triss had been in her first year at the school, young and timid and afraid. They’d been thick as thieves, mocking the Ban-Ard boys as they got far too excited over shit in the dirt. Yennefer had pulled Triss to one side, sneaking around the ruins until they found a patch of feainnewedd, the chaos rippling around them. As the more experienced mage, Yennefer had delighted in showing off, creating fireworks in her hands that resembled the pretty blue flowers. Triss had been so excited, reciting all the properties of feainnewedd, chattering away until it was dark and they’d been left behind. Yennefer had portalled them back to Aretuza to face a very angry Tissaia de Vries, but it had been worth it.
Triss had been worth it.
The whimpering settled down into steady breathing, and Triss stopped wriggling in Yennefer’s arms. The raging torrent of fire in her mind melting away to reveal a beautiful wooded area, the giggles of fae child echoing from the treetops. So, Yennefer opened her eyes, gazing down at her friend, fingers still carding through her hair, and she smiled warmly when she saw the serene expression on Triss’s face.
The nightmare was over… for now.
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kueble · 4 years ago
18.   “You can be wearing a trash bag, and I’d still want you.” Bedroom, Telling each other I love you. Someone being soft with Yennefer, doesn’t matter who she’s paired with as long as she is loved for more than her beauty and power
So I changed the phrase a bit to make it fit canon. But I love this prompt!  Here’s my first femslash in decades. Probably since I wrote super bad Buffy fic in middle school lol.
“I could look at your freckles all day, you know,” Yennefer says before reaching out to trail her fingertips across Triss’s cheek, tracing the pattern of the marks.  They’re laying in the master bedroom of Yennefer’s latest home, the early morning light just starting to stream through the windows.  She’s propped up on one elbow, staring down at the other woman who is currently blushing in such a delightful way.
“I’d probably die of embarrassment before the day was over,” Triss snorts, but she leans into the touch so Yennefer just smiles widely at her.
“Oh please.  You know how much I adore you and your natural beauty,” she tells as she runs a finger down the bridge of Triss’s nose.  It’s true.  Her lover is absolutely gorgeous and she hardly ever works at it.  Yennefer spends hours perfecting her clothing, her makeup, even the way she carries herself.  
And it never seems to be enough.
“I hope you want me for more than my looks,” Triss says softly, raising a hand up to tuck Yennefer’s wavy hair behind her ear.  Yennefer turns her head and presses a gentle kiss against her palm, smiling when Triss sighs happily.
“Glad to know you think me so shallow after all these years,” Yennefer teases before adding, “We all know I’m the pretty one in this relationship.”
“How could I forget?” Triss giggles before adding, “sometimes I wonder if you even know how lovely you are without all the nonsense you put yourself through.”
“Of course I’m lovely.  Traded a bit of my soul for it, didn’t I?” she spits out.
“Don’t be purposefully dense,” Triss tells her with a roll of her eyes.  “Your beauty is in your head, in your heart, in the way your hand fits so perfectly in mine.  It’s in the way you pretend like you don’t give a shit about the world’s problems but then give all of yourself over and over and over again to solve them.  You’re so much more than your looks.  You could be wearing a burlap sack and I’d still want you.”
Yennefer ducks down, hiding her face against Triss’s neck.  She wraps an arm around her lover and nuzzles at the sensitive skin beneath her ear.  Every single fucked up thing she’s had to endure was worth it to get here; to get to this moment where they’re able to just lay here with their legs tangled together beneath the covers.  She wouldn’t trade it for anything.
“I love you,” she whispers, her lips brushing Triss’s ear, and it startles her a bit to realize just how much she means it.  She’d both live and die for this woman, for the chance to have stolen moments like this until the end of their lifetime.  It should probably terrify her, but instead it just warms her to the core, makes her feel like she’s worthy for the first time in ages.
“I love you so much,” Triss says before rolling onto her side and catching Yennefer’s mouth in a kiss.  Her lips are so soft and yielding, and Yennefer can’t help running her tongue across the seam of her mouth, begging for entrance.  Triss gives in so beautifully, letting out a breathy moan as Yennefer takes control and deepens the kiss.
They don’t leave the bed for hours.
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fancysludgespykid · 4 years ago
I consider it to be an atrocity and a crime against lesbians everywhere that there's no a/b/o trissifer like yall, I refuse to believe yennefer wouldn't bite a man's hand off if he even Acted like he was gonna reach for triss meanwhile triss is smug as hell that she's one of the two (2) people yennefer of vengerberg, aka That Bitch, would throw hands over
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Ships that I would die for Part .6
Part.1 , Part.2 , Part.3 , Part.4 , Part.5, Part.7, Part.8, Part.9, Part.10 , Part.11, Part.12 , Part.13, Part.14, Part.15,
Olivarry :
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Jo Match x Friedrich Bhaer :
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Luce x Rachel :
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Agent Diamond :
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Trissifer :
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({ < Not my gifs } > )}]
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gayregis · 6 years ago
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gil-galadhwen · 8 months ago
Last Line Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @myfavouritelunatic ❤️😘
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like)
This is from a Yennefer x Triss wip I'm not sure I'll ever finish ...
Triss felt hatred roll off the sorceress in waves and wondered if she’d ever find a way to redirect that passion into something that would benefit them both…
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it! 💗
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dapandapod · 3 years ago
+18 Witcher fics
Most of these fics are only posted on Ao3, but here they are! enjoy! (Oh, and a few more to come.)
- Mating season Words: 6004 Geralt avoids Jaskier in the spring, but they meet and Geralt has a hard time controling himself
-Thorns, lutes, and happy endings 2/2 Words: 5,321 Jaskier is a strong, independant bard and can take care of himself. So when our strong independant bard gets attacked by wolves, he whack'em with his lute.
-Say yes to the dress Words: 2,950 Dandelion needs a disguise but they get...sidetracked.
-How to silence your bard Words: 1,050 Jaskier is very loud during sex
-Wanna bet? Words: 1,312 Can Jaskier stay in Geralts lap?
- Patience  Words: 1731 My excuse to let Triss push Yen against a wall
- Snack time Words: 3446 Jaskier is a hangry vampire and Geralt kindly volunteers as a snack.
- When in need for a place to sit  (with ART)    Words: 1526 Where Jaskier has to sit in Geralt’s lap, and Geralt riles him up a little
-Pink lace corset Words: 853 Jaskier’s restraints snap finally, when he comes back early and find Dandelion in a pink, lace corset.
-Friends with benefits to lovers Geraskier ficlet where fucking becomes making love
-Dusk til dawn Words:  4652 Where  Alpha Geralt and Beta Jaskier, who despite the signs, are surprised when Geralt's rut hits. A loveletter.
-In a dark corner/tied to you (smut battle)  Words: 2,935 They have planned this for a while, but now it is finally time for Jaskier to warm Geralt’s knot in a busy tavern.
-The more the merrier (smut battle)  Words: 1,418 Where trans Jask decides to have both his witchers at once.
-What I want is on land (smut battle)  Words: 2,270 Geralt slowly gets to know all of Jaskier, including what it means to share his heat in his mer form.
-Waenk Morhen (smut battle)  Words: 1,325 Because for some reason they need to know who comes the hardest and shoots the furthest. A competition.
-The right person (smut battle)  Words: 537 Triss has never seen a porno, and Yennefer decides they are fixing that
-Changing room changes (smut battle)  Words: 1,162 Eskel is dealing with his stressful work in the restaurant by jacking off, and somehow Jaskier joins
-Good dreams (smut battle) Words: 950 Where Jaskier wakes Geralt from his wet dream and Geralt tells him all about it.
-Gather me close  (smut battle)  Words: 2,999 Half-mer!Jaskier longs for his witcher during his heats, until Geralt offers to join him
-Work for it (Bard week) Words: 2,233 Only when Jaskier is in heat does he seek out Valdo’s bed, and they are not very good with dealing with it
- Ruin me Words: 4402 Jaskier and Dandelion team up to wreck Valdo.
-Let me worship you Words: 1777 Jaskier is determined to show Eskel how very loved he is.
-Fairy marks Words: 5007 The mark needs to be pressed by someone to go away, or the marked limb will remain unfunctioning. When Jaskier’s tongue is marked, Geralt will either have to hold on or give in.
-Taste that your lips allow   Words: 3288 Beta Geralt helps omega Jaskier when his surpresants are stolen.
-Never enough Jaskier takes a phonecall while Geralt fucks him, which in hindsight might have been stupid
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yennefer-of-rivia · 6 years ago
The Raven and the Fox - Chapter 4
Here it is lovely people, chapter 4! And yesssss there is finally some sexy time between Yen and Triss! Explicit sexual content warning! 
4. Getting what you didn’t know you wanted
 Yennefer opened her eyes. Only a couple of hours had passed since she had submitted to sleep, but dreams had haunted her peaceful slumber. They had not been the kind of dreams she was used to. Not Ciri, who always disappeared the moment she finally managed to get to her. Not Ciri, who got taken away from her. And not Ciri, who looked at her with cold eyes, telling her that she was not her mother and that she was Cirilla of Vengerberg no more.
No. She was used to those nightmares and she knew how to handle them. This dream, however, had been completely different. She dreamt of blue eyes. Of raven black and chestnut red hair entwined. She dreamt of kissing the young sorceress over and over again. Of holding her very tight and not letting go of her.
She wondered if it could be possible, that by breaking Geralt his last wish, emotions for Triss had appeared. Whatever these emotions were. Because with every passing moment, it became more and more clear to her that she was feeling something for Triss. Something entirely different then hate.
“This is not the time, Yennefer!” she muttered to herself. She had to be the strong and cold sorceress the world had gotten to know, ready to fight the Wild Hunt. Ready to protect Ciri. She couldn’t be a woman who grew weak in the knees thinking about Triss Merigold.
Thinking about those blue eyes, the fire colored hair, the taste of her lips… Yennefer stopped herself from continuing those thoughts. This was simply too absurd for words. There was no way that she, the beautiful and famous Yennefer of Vengerberg, was in love with Triss.
The very thought of it was too crazy for words. No. It was simply impossible. And she was going to prove this to herself.
Yennefer got out of bed, her bare feet touched the wooden floor. She opened the door and waited for a moment, listening to her surroundings. She appeared to be lucky. Apparently, everyone was fast asleep, and nobody was wandering through the house this late at night.
She took a deep breath, then crossed the corridor. The door to Triss’s room was right in front of her and she could feel her heart pounding.  Stupid! She thought. You’re acting like a young novice, don’t get so stressed about this! She took the door handle, opened it abruptly and walked into the other sorceress’s chamber. The door fell back in the lock behind her.
Triss had been fast asleep, but the sounds had instantly woken her up. She jumped out of bed and conjured a flame into her hand. Seeing it was Yennefer, the fire disappeared. “Yenna? What are you doing here?” the woman asked with a sleep filled voice.
Yennefer sat down on Triss’s bed, who joined her after a moment of hesitation. Contrary to Yennefer’s revealing underwear –which she used for sleeping-, Triss wore black trousers and a green tank top. It looked very comfortable and practical, but it was not revealing at all. Yen realized she found that very annoying. As a result to those thoughts, a blush appeared on her pale cheeks.
It was enough for Triss to notice. “You’re blushing Yennefer… Never thought I would see that in my life. But why?” Yen stayed silent. Why on earth did she have to do this? She shouldn’t have come, this was a bad idea. Triss drew Yen’s attention back to her. “Yennefer? What is going on? You enter my room in the middle of the night, not really trying to be quiet, wearing nothing but your underwear. You sit on my bed without asking, start blushing for no reason and refuse to talk. Please, speak to me.”
Yen stayed silent. “If I wouldn’t know better, I’d think you’re here to seduce me.” Triss joked. Yennefer however, did not smile at all. “I have a request for you, Triss. There is something I need you to do for me. I am aware that it will sound strange, but I guarantee you that it is necessary for something.”  the black-haired sorceress spoke.
Triss looked into her eyes and smiled. In response, Yen’s heart skipped a beat. She ignored this. “Yenna, you’re speaking in riddles. I know you would only request something if it’s important. So of course I’ll always try to help you. What is it?” Triss spoke with a soft and sweet voice.
“I need you to let me kiss you.” There, she said it. Triss did not look angry or shocked, only confused. “You want to kiss me?” she asked. “Yes. I need to.” “For reasons?” “Yes.” “Can you share those with me?” “No.”
Triss stayed silent for a while, clearly lost in her own thoughts. Yennefer’s lilac eyes were focused on the other woman’s face. Then Triss looked back into Yen’s eyes and grinned. “So, you are here to seduce me after all.” Yen felt caught. “What? No!” She almost screamed those words. But Triss’s grin did not disappear. “Don’t worry Yenna, I’m only teasing. I know you would never consider having sex with me. You said so yourself, remember?” “I do.”
And she did. But it seemed like that was a year ago, and not just one day. Triss turned on the bed so she was facing Yennefer and crossed her legs. “Come on Yenna, woo me. I’m waiting.” the woman laughed. But she couldn’t do it, not with those cornflower blue eyes looking straight into her soul.
“Merigold, could you please close your eyes. That will make it easier for me.” Triss did as she was asked and closed her eyes. “I didn’t know you found me that ugly, Yenna.” “I don’t.” Not at all, she added in thoughts.
Yennefer looked at Triss, sitting crossed-legged on the bed.  Her chestnut red hair hung loose instead of being locked up in those knots, and it covered her shoulders. It was longer then Yen had expected. Her arms were behind her back, helping her keep balance on the bed. The necklace she always wore hung around her neck, and her breasts moved up and down with her breathing.
Yen noticed that Triss’s nipples were visible through the fabric. She was aware of the fact that this was probably because she was cold, and she got surprised by the overwhelming feeling that she wanted to warm Triss up. Now now, she thought to herself.
She moved closer to Triss and took a deep breath. Then she crossed the last couple of centimeters that were separating them. She pressed her lips against Triss’s, connecting with the younger woman.  And instead of pulling back, that woman pressed herself against her. She forgot all of the doubts she had, right now she only wanted one thing, and that was to keep on kissing.
Her fear for Triss pulling back or pushing her away turned out to be unnecessary. In fact, she did quite the opposite. She returned the kiss, pressed her own lips against Yennefer’s. That’s when Yen realized what the truth was and she knew that it was too late to change it.
Yes, she was in love with Triss Merigold. It was as if accepting this finally released the fire that had been burning in her chest for the last couple of hours. She was done being careful, done lying to herself. She pulled the arms of the red haired woman towards her so the sorceress landed on her back.
A scream of surprise escaped Triss’s lips and her eyes snapped open. Yennefer climbed on top of Triss. “Yenna, what are you do…” her voice perished when she saw the burning fire in her eyes. For a moment, the two women stared at each other, lilac met cornflower blue. Yennefer moved her face closer to Triss, their lips almost touching.
They looked at each other, observed one another. Staring in Triss her eyes, she saw something she did not expect to find. Lust. Desire. But she was so busy getting lost in Triss’ blue eyes, that she did not notice the woman’s lips moving until it was too late. The power of the mind connecting spell hit her at full power. Yennefer gasped for air, but before she could get mad about it, she heard Triss’ voice in her head.
“Kiss me, Yenna.” It was all Yennefer needed to hear. Her lips met Triss’s. This time it wasn’t sweet and soft. It was rough and filled with power. Yennefer bit Triss’s lip, who moaned in pain but opened her mouth. Yen’s tongue entered the woman’s mouth and their tongue’s mangled, explored each other.
Triss grabbed the raven black locks and pulled Yen closer, not letting go. In response Yennefer sucked the sorceress’s earlobes, nibbling on them. Her hands trailed down Triss’s free arm, their hands entwined. “I need you Triss.” She shared the thought. In response, Triss pulled her hair so her head got tilted back.
She placed a trail of kisses on her neck and suddenly bit her. Yennefer could only moan in response, her heart pounding in her chest. All she could think about was that she wanted more. She wanted this fox lady to be hers completely.
She took hold of the hand that was pulling her hair and brought it to her mouth. She placed a kiss on the wrist of the woman, and then put her fingers in her mouth, one by one. She sucked on them, and when she was done, saliva was covering Triss’s hand. Yen continued her mission, working her way up with love bites and licks, through the palm all the way to her face, where she planted a kiss on her cheek.
A bite in the neck, a demanding kiss on the mouth. An intensive stare into each other’s eyes, lust and passion clearly visible. Yennefer’s hands were hovering a little bit over Triss’s upper body. She mumbled some words and a purple glow came from her hands. When the light perished, Triss her green tank top was gone, and her breasts were revealed to Yennefer’s passionate glare.
 Yen sat up and looked at the woman lying beneath her. She finally realized how beautiful the younger sorceress was. Taking her time, she studied Triss’s body. Burn marks were visible on the woman’s breasts and stomach. Seeing this, Yennefer gasped for air.
When Triss heard that, she tried to hide her breasts with her hand to take away the view. Embarrassment was written all over her face. “You don’t need to look…” she whispered. “I know it’s an ugly sight to see.” But this was not what was going through Yennefer’s head.
She was angry, furious towards the person who had done this to the woman. She felt sad for Triss, sad that she had gone through so much pain. But thinking she was ugly? No, not at all.  “You are beautiful Triss, and your scars are beautiful too.” Hearing those words, the sorceress her eyes grew wide. “You don’t mind?” “Of course not.”
She placed a kiss on the scars, showing her that it really didn’t bother her. Then she made her way to the woman’s nipples, taking them in her mouth and making them wet with her saliva. Her tongue played with the nipple while her hand moved to the other breast, and rolled that nipple between her fingers.
When Triss started to moan, Yen used her free hand to cover the woman’s mouth. As a punishment for making too much noise, she bit on the nipple she had been cherishing with her tongue. Triss gasped for air, and she took the now sensitive nipple back in her mouth. Her tongue made circles around the pink flesh and then she started sucking it.
“Don’t make so much noise or they will hear us.” Triss nodded in response. Yen was happy with this reaction, so she softly grabbed some chestnut locks and tilted her head back. Her lips moved to the now exposed neck and planted kisses on the skin, interchanging with some love bites. “Please Yenna…” Triss moaned out loud. “What?” “Take me, please! I want to feel you…”
Yennefer felt as if she was in heaven. Pleasing this fire sorceress was all she wanted, it was all she needed. Her hand stopped cherishing the –now hard and swollen- nipple and moved towards the black trousers Triss was still wearing. Of course, she could make them disappear with just the wave of her hand, however, she chooses not to.
She wanted to do it the real way. Softly she pulled the fabric, making her wishes clear to Triss. The sorceress obeyed and lifted her hips so Yen could pull the trousers off. She then took a moment to enjoy the view but was disturbed when Triss’ thoughts entered her own once more. “I want to see you naked as well Yenna.” “Of course, dear.”
Yen obeyed to Triss’s request, and waved her hand, so her clothes disappeared in a purple light. But apparently Triss had decided that she was tired of going slow. With a strength Yennefer didn’t know the woman possessed, she pushed Yen off of her and pressed her back against the sheets. Yennefer gasped, a tingling sensation went from her stomach to her pussy.
This was a side she did not expect the young woman to have. She liked it. Triss’ hands cupped Yen’s breasts, worked her nipples in a not so soft yet very tasty way, while her mouth kissed her in a way she had never been kissed before. The scent of lilac and gooseberries mixed with cherries filled her nose.
One of Triss’s hands let go of the breast and started stroking the inside of her thigh. Yennefer moaned, she was on fire. “More…” she whispered. Triss gave in to the raven haired sorceress her wish. With her knees she forced Yen’s legs open, her hand went up to her folds and stopped right before it, hovering before the entrance. Yen groaned and grabbed a handful of chestnut hair. “Don’t tease me Merigold!”
And the woman listened. She stopped teasing and immediately inserted two fingers in Yen’s cunt, which rewarded her with a sharp moan from the woman. Triss didn’t give her time to get used to the feeling of her fingers being buried inside Yenna. She started pumping them in and out, showing no mercy. The sound of Yennefer’s wetness was very clear while Triss’ fingers were working her.
Yennefer gasped for air and dug her nails in the younger woman’s back. In response the woman kissed her again, sucked her lower lip, made their tongues dance.  Yennefer’s hips were moving in rhythm of Triss’ movements, bucking against her hand. Noticing this, Triss inserted a third finger –moan-, made sure that the palm of her hand was pressed against Yen’s dripping pleasure nub –gasp-, and she drove up the tempo.
It was too much for Yennefer’s body to handle. All of the tension of the last couple of days were gathered up in her body and were desperate to get out. Her orgasm arrived in a huge wave of pleasure. Her back ached up, her folds exploded. Her body was shaking uncontrollably, nails pressed in the back of the other woman.
She was going to scream, the wave of pleasure was simply too much to handle. Triss noticed this, and her lips captured Yen’s, preventing the scream from entering the world. Yennefer moaned against those lips. Her words might have been silenced, but her thoughts hadn’t. “Aarrgh Triss! Yesssss!”
After a couple of seconds, the power of the orgasm got less intense, the shaking got less powerful and Triss’ fingers slowed down. She then removed her fingers from her pussy –shiver- and then she put them in her mouth. She licked Yennefer’s moisture from her fingers and sucked them clean. “Mhmm… tasty.”
Even though Yennefer was exhausted, seeing this turned her crazy. She had to return the pleasure she had just received. She sat up right and kissed Triss on the lips, tasting herself. “I know.” She responded. She was very tasty indeed. Then she pulled the woman on her side, and laid down next to her, facing Triss. It was very clear that the woman was still horny and she was not satisfied at all.
She kissed her again, sucked on her lower lip. Her hand went down and immediately found what it was looking for. Triss was dripping wet, even the inside of her thighs were sticky with moisture. Yen’s fingers started making circular movements on the woman’s tender nub, who was making sounds that expressed her pleasure. She didn’t take the time to start slowly, no, she instantly went to full power.
The fox sorceress clearly liked this. Her back arched and she was bucking her hips against Yen’s hand. “Yes, Yenna, this feels so good!” she exclaimed in her head. Her mouth captured one of Triss’s nipples, after she had quickly muttered a spell to make the room soundproof. She sucked it, and when she noticed that Triss was on the edge of her orgasm, she pressed her teeth in the soft pink skin.
Triss screamed. Partly because of the pain, and partly because this was exactly what she had needed to push her over the line. As soon as Yennefer realized that Triss’s orgasm had taken over, she abruptly pushed 2 fingers into the woman’s folds. Triss screamed in pleasure, pulling Yen’s hair, hips lifted. Her entire body was trembling.
When Triss was calming down again, Yennefer softly removed her fingers. The other woman shivered in response. She laid down next to the red-haired sorceress, out of breath, but for the first time in years she felt at peace. She felt whole and complete.
Triss turned her head towards her, looked her in the eyes and smiled. Yen cupped Triss’s cheek with her hand, her thumb rubbing against the woman’s cheekbone.
“Triss?” in response the sorceress smiled. “Yes?” “I love you Triss.” Triss was quiet for a minute, but the smile did not leave her face. “That’s good.” She responded. Yennefer looked confused. “Why?” “Because I love you too, Yenna.”
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positivityjediprince · 3 years ago
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Not a soul:
Me with all my fandoms: "what if in my fave mlm ship the only slightly bigger guy was more bigger, everyone has soft tummy, and all the wlw have the braincells/rule the world"
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dapandapod · 3 years ago
Jjdjfjfj. Triss just watching Yen fall gets me very hard hhhhh! I love this!!
For @artistsfuneral ’s Inktober - Day Five: Merpeople
Prompt by: @amethystpagan​
A Yenntriss one-shot picking up exactly where season 1 left off. Thanks to @dapandapod​ for coming up with this idea for me <3 (I may come back in the future and write a more extensive version of this)
CW: Hurt+Comfort, death mention
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A scream, followed by a sea of fire.
Triss raises her arms to protect herself, instincts taking over. But the pain never comes. As she opens her eyes she realizes that the flames are everywhere, but she is protected inside a small cocoon, like a butterfly waiting to hatch.
She can hear the soldiers crying out in pain, but she doesn’t care.
All she cares about is the source of that scream.
Yennefer. If anything happened to her, Triss doesn’t know what she would do. And she doesn’t want to find out.
Suddenly, silence. Eerie and so loud that it takes Triss a moment to realize that she is no longer engulfed in flames.
But what she makes out in the distance as she’s lying on the ground makes her wish the fire had eaten her alive.
Purple eyes meet hers as she sees Yennefer fall down the cliff she was standing on, body limp.
This time, it is Triss who screams as she hears a soft splash in the distance where Yennefer’s body hits the river surface down below.
She gets up, every muscle in her body fighting against the movement, because she has to find her, has to make sure she’s okay, they’re okay.
Somehow, by luck or sheer faith, she manages to blindly stumble down the rocks without breaking her neck.
She welcomes the cool air by the riverside, but even here she’s haunted by the smell of burnt corpses and scorched earth.
Triss can feel her heart beating in her chest like a thunderstorm, eyes gliding over the shimmering surface, silently clinging onto even the tiniest sliver of hope, when suddenly she makes out a shape hidden behind some bushes.
As she approaches her, she can already tell that something is wrong. Yennefer must have been badly hurt in the fall, because Triss can’t even make out the shape of her legs, probably twisted and broken in every imaginable way-
Her eyes widen when the realization hits her.
Yennefer’s legs aren’t broken. They simply aren’t there anymore.
Instead, and even in the darkness of the night, she can see a beautiful long fishtail, black scales illuminating the moonlight.
It is breathtaking and for a moment she is lost in the moment, simply admiring her girlfriend.
A groan from Yennefer snaps her out of it though and she kneels down beside her, taking her head into her hands.
“You’re alive!” she says, eyes full of disbelief and tears. Yennefer gives her a warm smile that is replaced by a grimace full of pain as soon as she lifts her hand to touch Triss’s face.
“My hands!” She looks at them, skin so burned it is red and raw and bubbling. Yennefer lets out a sob, and Triss’s heart breaks into a million pieces.
At least she’s alive. At least they have each other.
“I’ve got you, my little mermaid.”
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incorrectnevermoor · 4 years ago
Jack: are you seeing anyone?
Mog: uh... no, why?
Jack: idk I think a therapist would be good for you
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Do you know what heterosexual ships I like from the Witcher?
None. None of them. I've had the hetero agenda shoved in my face my entire life so guess what motherfuckers EVERYONE IS GAY NOW. EVERYONE.
No exceptions. We're ignoring the canon. There's no love triangle. Triss and Yennifer are in love and have a beautiful castle together. Jaskier and Geralt had a lovely Spring wedding. Ciri gets a girlfriend when she grows up. Everything is gay and no one dies. Even Roach can have a girlfriend and guess what the horses are immortal now too.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years ago
Aaaww, the addition to the hug list, 42. Laughing so much you just fell against each other and are now hugging oops, this feels prerelationship to me. This feels late night talking to me, and possibly pining (did i mention yearning?) and Im a SUCKER for geraskier, come on, you know me, but also, Trissifer. Or Yenfri. uhm. I mean hi.
Love you ~
I went for geraskier!
“And- and then…” Jaskier trailed off in a fit of giggles, his arms wrapping around his stomach as he desperately tried to catch his breath. Beside him, Geralt wasn’t doing much better. His laughter was more contained just because of his nature, but he was still laughing freely, a low rumble of a bass that filled Jaskier’s heart with glee.
“His face,” Geralt reminded him.
Oh and his face.
It was enough to set him off again and his legs buckled underneath him, sending Jaskier crumpling to the floor. Only it wasn’t to the floor. Geralt caught him with a soft grunt and hoisted him to his feet, but Jaskier’s giggling didn’t stop.
“I can’t breathe,” he gasped. “Ouch, ouch, ouch!”
“And when you said-”
“Oh Melitele! When I said- Geralt, stop!” Jaskier whined. “Ow!”
He pressed his face into Geralt’s chest, hiding from the witcher. Every time he caught Geralt’s gaze he would inevitably start laughing again and it hurt. The gentle shaking of Geralt’s shoulders didn’t really help much either but he rarely got to see Geralt having such a good time and he was enjoying having the excuse to snuggle up to his crush without the worry that he would be found out.
“Can’t believe we made it out alive,” Geralt murmured as he hooked his chin over the top of Jaskier’s shoulder. “Was sure we were goners.”
Jaskier just hummed, not trusting himself to start laughing again if he spoke, and he was finally just about able to take a breath without wheezing.
“We should sleep,” the witcher added after a moment and Jaskier reluctantly pulled away to pout at him, but the moment he saw those beautiful golden eyes twinkling with mirth, he just started laughing again.
He was hopeless, but at least he had fun.
Taglist: @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @damnbert @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire @wherethewordsare @trickstermoose67 @alllthequeenshorses @skai6
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