#oliver x barry
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zenon-karr · 11 months ago
Incase anyone needed to see this in this quality. Here it is!! Just look at their eyes!! It’s insane!! 👁️👄👁️ (they shoulda hooked up)
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nooowestayandgetcaught · 2 years ago
read on AO3
1k, Barry Allen/Oliver Queen, E-rating, for @yearoftheotpevent’s April prompt “university au”
Summary: While hiding out in a Central City Campus bathroom, Barry overhears something he probably shouldn't have.
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I’m rewatching The Flash!! So naturally I came to Tumblr to FANGIRL all things Flash & I found an Oliver x Barry story that I love so now I’m looking for more.
Suggestions would be great! Thanks!!
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morallygreysimp · 2 years ago
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TW: mention of blood, grave injuries, weapons, trauma, allusions to death and suicide attempt, dangerous and violent actions, medical talk
No one dared to speak. No one dared to move. No one even dared to breathe. Nora’s words hang in the air like a fly caught in molasses. Not one person reacted. Not even their faces showed any sign of surprise or confusion, even resignation. Nothing. Everyone just stood in front of her as if frozen in time, like emotionless antique statues, created for the sole purpose of decor.
She couldn’t tell how much time passed before her eyes caught a glimpse of the gun pointed at her. It had happened all so fast. As Nora remained immobile in the center of the room, mimicking everyone else, Detective West rapidly broke out from the mental restraints of shock, took his gun out of the holster and aimed. Before he forged his reputation as Detective, he was known for his impeccable firing skills.
And Nora knew that. She had heard so many stories about his time as an officer when he’d take her to the shooting range. She swore to never tell her Pa that her aim wasn’t all his doing. That’s why she just raised her hands above her head and stepped back. She knew better than to test him.
He didn’t speak. He just took the gun out and aimed, waiting for the stranger claiming to be his granddaughter to make her next move. Waiting to gain a reason to shoot. Joe West wasn’t a particularly aggressive or violent man. He was taught to use his reason, his witty intelligence and make it his most dangerous weapon. And he did. He never ran out of bullets, not even back when he was an officer. He was a man of words.
But not when it came to his kids. Not when it came to Iris and Barry. He had spent the entirety of his fatherhood teaching his daughter how to get out of any type of hold, pull a good punch, safely use a gun. He had made it his mission, his only goal to raise a strong, independent woman in a world of misogyny and raging sexism. And when Barry came into the picture, he was enrolled in weekly training too. but they were his kids. His children. And he’d be damned if anything happened to them under his watch. Not after the last two years. Not after the countless night spent holding his sobbing daughter in his arms, while clinging to his lifeless-looking; not after the nightmares that mercilessly replayed over and over again that dreaded night, the night he held his boy on the wet floor of the department’s laboratory, screeching for help, begging God to not take him away.
No, not after that. So he waited, and was ready to wait until the end of times for the shadow of a reason. He couldn’t seem to find a reason that seemed so well hidden behind those crystal blue eyes staring directly into his. Hidden behind what, though. There wasn’t a speck of fear, or distress. Not a single glimpse of confidence, of malice. Nothing. Those crystal blue eyes staring directly into his held nothing. Absolutely nothing. Endless emptiness filled her vision, her soul.
She was just a kid. It hit him out of nowhere: she was a kid. Zoom couldn’t have possibly recruited a kid, right? He wouldn’t have gone that far, would he? Of course, he would’ve. He was a monster. but she wasn’t. She was a child. Just a child. He battled with himself, letting his hands shake, his aim buckle, but never drop.
Joe’s eyes moved around the cortex, searching for an answer on someone else’s face, but he only found more questions. Nobody had moved a millimeter, he could see their muscle twitch to release some tension; nobody seemed intentioned to take their eyes off of the foreign girl standing in the middle of the room, nobody seemed intentioned to break the bone-chilling, that thickened the air, trapping them in time like bees in resin.
So, he took action. He silenced his thoughts and took a step forward, gun raised aiming at her head.
“NO!” Barry’s voice melted the silence away, rendering the air breathable again. Everyone was abruptly pulled out of their trance state and they all turned to the speedster. No one understood the look in his eyes: the deep, unconditional adoration he projected toward the young girl; the surprise, the disbelief painted on his face; the big, heartfelt grin that accentuated his dimples and displayed his whole teeth. No one could find a reasonable explanation for the pure terror hiding in his wide pupils; for the shaky hand he extended between Joe and the girl; for the force, the strength, the determination his voice held.
“You’re real” this time Barry’s voice wasn’t strong or determined. This time Barry’s voice was merely a whisper, so hushed, so tender that was barely heard by anyone. But Nora heard it. She heard it loud and clear, like she had heard him call her name when she got out of school; like she had heard him tell her good night when he tucked her in; like she had heard him in her head for the past six months.
She couldn’t let them see that. Nora couldn’t let them see the pain eating her from the inside; she couldn’t let them know about the screams and the cries, about the anger and the sorrow. They didn’t deserve it. They didn’t deserve her, what she had become.
So, she smiled. She forced he muscles to curve he lips upward in a tight, forced, small smirk. She knew she was failing at hiding the melancholy in her eyes, she knew the suffering and the mourning were obvious. But she didn’t budge. She was used to it. She just did what she had been doing for six months: she smiled through it.
“Flesh and bones” she tried to keep her voice steady, but a light tremble slipped the grip she had on herself. “No pun intended” she joked, breathing out an awkward chuckle. No one laughed, just moved their attention to Barry, who was still sitting on the wheelchair, eyes fixated on her, the stranger, the possible threat.
No one understood what Barry meant. Of course they didn’t. No body had lived that welcoming warmth, that felt like home. None of them had seen those big, beautiful icy blue eyes staring at him, those beautiful eyes full of happiness and excitement; so innocent and pure, that he swore a look from those eyes could have erased all the evil in the universe.
Non of them had heard that enchanting, mesmerising voice. That little squeal of joy, that heart-melting giggle, that was better than any song ever created, that sounded like heaven’s music. He wanted to hear that small, high voice yelling “daddy!” for the rest of his mortal existence. Even beyond that.
And now she was there in front of him. She wasn’t that little girl he had received the most outstanding work of art he had ever seen from. No. She was older, probably in her teen years. But it was her. The same big, beautiful icy blue eyes. The same heart-melting warmth in her voice. It was her. His Nora. His.
She was staring right back at him, her look mirrored his wonder and surprise. But there was something else. Something deeper, something she was clearly trying to hide. But what? He could see her smile was forced and tight, but he couldn’t understand why. And frankly, Barry didn’t care: she was there in front of him.
Nora carefully tried to move forward. Joe tightened the grip on the gun, making her step back. Barry’s head snapped towards him, but before he could speak another voice broke the silence.
“Detective put the gun down”
It wasn’t Oliver, although it was. But it wasn’t him, Oliver Queen, no; it was the Green Arrow, The Hood. His voice had dropped a couple of octaves, the words came out as growl of warning, like a lion snarling at his prey out of mercy, giving it the time to escape. Joe turned to look at him, just to find an arrow pointing at his head.
She said Queen. She said Queen-Allen. She was Barry’s daughter. His and Barry’s. In that moment nothing mattered: not the possibility of that being a lie, not the chances of zoom showing up again, not the fact that she could be a threat. Nothing matter, but the fact that she said Queen-Allen. Queen. Like him.
Allen like Barry. His Barry.
So he let all the rationality, all the logic, all the capacity to think drain out of his brain. Blinded in his ability to make decisions Oliver took a fast step forward so that the point of the arrow came in contact with Joe’s temple.
Everyone froze, no one dared to speak. Oliver’s ragged and rapid breathing was the only sound in the room, it covered the low humming of the LEDs and the noise of the computers’ fan. Joe’s eyes darted from the girl to the man a couple of times before he decided to slowly lower the gun and place it on the ground. At that, Oliver let his bow and the arrow clang loudly on the white floor.
Nora waited another couple of seconds to assure that everyone calmed down before speaking again. She may had needed another couple of seconds to make sure her voice wouldn’t break and her eyes wouldn’t start to water. That wasn’t what she had planned. But it had happed, and now she needed to handle the situation properly. She could not risk them know everything, but she couldn’t lie either. Her dad was just starting to deal with the unspeakable situation that Zoom was. And judging by the wheelchair it was he had lost another battle.
She couldn’t risk them knowing, but she couldn’t hide everything from them. She was never able to lie to them. They had to know. Nora found herself in front of the possibility to bring them back, to have them drive her to school and pick her up at the end of the day. She had the chance to knock on their bedroom door and hear them telling her to come in. She could have the afternoons in the lab and the nights in the foundry back.
She could have them back.
But how could she do that? How could she even think of messing with the timeline after the billion lectures about using her speed to travel through time?
She settled for a half truth.
“Now that no one is pointing weapons at no one” she stared “Pops I promise I’m telling the truth. I come from about twenty years from now, and I know what you all are about to say! I know I shouldn’t time travel, but it was an accident!” Truth
“I was just suppose to go to Gotham!” Another truth
“But something went wrong “ again, truth
“And I found myself in Central. I thought I was overthinking and took the wrong turn” not exactly the truth
“But then I saw a news board and the tear was 2015. Dad I’m sorry I really didn’t mean to, but I don’t know how to go back, I tried to, but it didn’t work “ some of this is true, the rest not really.
It took Barry a quarter of a second to forget everything she said. Dad. She called him dad.
“Nora” he chocked on that word. He always wished to honour his mother like that, by naming a possible daughter Nora. And it was going to happen. With Oliver.
“Okay we are gonna need some tests”
“Aunt Caitlin I understand that I’m a speedster, but my blood isn’t infinite!”
Every drop of blood they had put in the system gave the same result: she was Barry’s biological daughter. Even the piece of skin, the hair and the fragment of nail. She was who she claimed to be.
“Do you guys want to go ask Gideon?” She said, earning a couple of confused looks.
“You know about Gideon?” Cisco asked
“Of course I know about Gideon, I was there when dad built it! I guess I will be there, chewing on a plushie”
Barry had tucked himself in a corner, eyes fixated on emptiness and hands clutching Oliver’s. He already knew she wasn’t lying, he didn’t need a dozen tests to know that. She was the little girl excited to show him her draw. Or at least she was. It was going to be.
He was trying to focus on how he was supposed to address her existence rather than her words.
“I guess you still don’t know” she stuttered, as if she was searching for the right way of saying what she wanted, but she couldn’t find it.
“You have told me so many times about this. Every time I was scared you would”
the clearing of throat seemed to go unnoticed “you would tell me about the time Zoom broke your spine and left paralysed for about three weeks”
Horror flashed on everybody’s faces. The crack was of a spine.
“I think this is the time you were talking about”
Caitlin had confirmed that. His vertebrae T9 an T10 were completely fractured, and minor damage was inflicted to his T8 and T11.
It wasn’t anxiety, it wasn’t fear or shock. It was a broken back. After about two hours since Nora had shown up Barry could feel the loss of, well, feeling in his legs. It was a strange sensation: it was as if his being stopped under his bellybutton. He gripped Oliver’s hand to keep himself from pinching his thigh until he bled.
He was The Flash. Running was all he had know for the past two years. All he had known for his entire life. And now he was confined in a chair, unable to even get out of the room by himself.
His eyes burned with unshed tears, his throat closed by chocked sobs. Oliver had abandoned the standing and was now crouching next to the wheelchair and had put his head on the nest their arms created.
Oliver wished he could take all his pain away. He wished his fingers could absorb every ounce of suffering in Barry’s body and transfer it to his. Barry had endured so much in his life, he had already walked through hell and now this. If God existed he was an ass.
As he lovingly kissed Barry’s knuckles his ears caught light, unsure footsteps getting closer. The red boots stopped in front of them and the leather covered knees touched the ground.
Nora crossed her arms over her father’s lap and placed her left hand over theirs.
“It’s gonna be okay”
It was.
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k-wame · 1 year ago
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SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE | 🫦 LUST Felix & Oliver · Saltburn (2023) dir. Emerald Fennell
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olailamajnoon · 2 months ago
Bruce pulled off his sweaty shirt in Ma Kent's kitchen along with Clark and Hal, and began chugging a lemonade. The three men had been doing something that apparently constituted hard manual labor in the barn. Zatanna watched silently, then she noticed it.
A tattoo on Bruce's abs. Some foreign symbols engraved in calligraphic form.
It was possible the world was coming to an end.
She turned her head to try and read it. It was Kryptonian, if she had to take a guess.
Bruce noticed where her gaze was. "My eyes are up here," he said.
"I know," said Zatanna, rolling hers. "I just...since when do you have a tattoo?"
"Since I lost a bet to my kids," said Bruce.
"You let your kids do this to you?" Zatanna was incredulous.
"It's been five years, Zee," said Clark. "Are you seriously noticing it now?"
"Well, I don't make a habit of staring at Bruce's nude form," she replied, her sentence heavy with implication.
Clark blushed and dropped his spectacles.
"What's next," said Zatanna bitterly to Bruce. "I find out you're part of a biker gang?"
"You don't become a biker with just one tattoo," said Hal. "You need an entire sleeve of them."
"Don't give him any ideas," Zatanna cautioned.
"You're overreacting," said Clark.
"The world is in a delicate state of balance," said Zatanna. "The very foundations of my existence are being rocked. I'm questioning everything I've ever known."
"I should probably start paying rent for all the space I occupy in your head," said Bruce.
"The tattoo is actually a very sweet phrase," said Clark. "In Kryptonian."
"What does it mean?"
Bruce cleared his throat and shook his head warningly at Clark. Clark grinned.
"It means," Clark said, "My soul is in two halves, and one of them belongs to you."
Bruce buried his head in his hands. Clark laughed. "Like I said. A very sweet phrase."
"You're going to suffer for this," muttered Bruce to him. "I was okay with it, as long as no one knew what it fucking meant."
"Oh stop," said Hal, grinning without shame. "Stop with the toxic masculinity. Just because you have a soppy declaration of love on your abdomen doesn't make you any less of a man." He raised his glass to Bruce in a toast.
Bruce looked at him levelly, and narrowed his eyes. "One of these days, Jordan," he growled, "you will do something, and on that day—"
"Oh, I doubt it," Hal smirked. "I think you've set the bar pretty high."
"Well," said Clark, with a cheeky grin, "Bruce learned his lesson about betting against all of his kids simultaneously, but I would say the punishment was a bit disproportionate to the crime."
Bruce was putting on his t-shirt. "Enough," he said. "No one else finds out, or I will see that you all pay."
"No one else finds out what?" asked Diana from the kitchen door, where she had evidently just arrived. Her arms were crossed against her chest. Barry and Oliver were lined up behind her, with curious expressions.
Zatanna and Hal laughed maliciously. Clark did not look displeased in the slightest.
Bruce's mouth hardened and he stalked off, muttering something about contingency plans. But no one saw the small smile that tucked itself into the corner of his mouth afterwards, when he remembered Clark's face.
Kryptonians. His fingers brushed over the tattoo. And all the ways they love to claim you.
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celestialgalaxyglow · 3 months ago
At the JL Watchtower
Diana: Good morning everyone and thank you for attending our biweekly meeting.
Barry: So what's happening this week? Word burning down? Nuclear waste? General world ending disaster?
Diana: Not really, things have been quite these last two weeks.
Bruce: Too quite.
Oliver: Are we just going to ignore Bruse's white-haired green-eyed child.
Danny: Grandchild. My dad is his son Jason. And my name is Danny, my vigilante alias is Phantom.
Martian Manhunter: You radiate a strange aura young one.
Danny: I'm half-ghost, so I'm neither dead or alive, so it's probably that.
Martian Manhunter: I see.
Clark: Bruce where does your family find these children?
Bruce: We don't find them, they find us. Danny here broke into Jason's apartment and now he's part of the family.
Part: 3, (all parts)
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niallsdaya · 1 year ago
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Felix and Oliver in Saltburn (2023) // Jennifer and “Needy” in Jennifer’s Body (2009)
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riickgrimes · 1 year ago
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Oliver + Felix's bathrobe
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lucky-joyous · 1 year ago
I’d let that little abnormality of a man do illegal things to me.
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irlplasticlamb · 1 year ago
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i loved him. i loved him. i loved him.
prints + merch + commission info
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blue-sadie · 10 months ago
Movie Marathon
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Them getting distracted from the movie
Your rigid breathes and soft moans were almost drowning out the sound of the boring rom com you guys decided on, your eyes were closed tightly as he worked his fingers inside you.
He found the movie boring half way through and decided that he should annoy you instead, he started with throwing little bits of popcorn at you to get your attention on him but when that didn't work he started to tease you.
His hand slowly found its way onto your inner thigh, his finger tips running from your knee to the end of your pj shorts each time getting slightly higher into them, he then attached his lips to your neck making sure to leave a few love bites and hickies.
One finger slowly became two then to three, his slowly but eager thrusting fingers were driving you crazy, the movie was long forgotten as you squirmed beside him, him whispering his dirty desires only making it worse.
His fingers slowly fastened their pace and started curling inside you while his thumb rubbed your clit, your moans and whines only fueling his desire to make you cum but he won't just make you cum once no no no he's only stopping when your shaking and begging him to stop.
Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Bruce Wayne, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes
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quick-catton · 1 year ago
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sometimes i just sit and think about how their eyes both drift down towards each other's lips at the exact same time and i could cry
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elspeth-catton · 1 year ago
today i'm thinking about how "i love you" was the first thing felix said to oliver and the last thing oliver said to felix
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How different marvel and dc characters would hold your face:
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Tony stark, loki, bucky Barnes, Bruce wayne, Oliver queen, Dawn Granger, donna troy, Carter Hall
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Thor, Clint Barton, Agatha harkness, rio vidal, Jason todd, Arthur Curry, Hal Jordan, Diana prince, Dinah lance,
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The joker, poison ivy, harley Quinn, Jason todd, logan howlett, Mystique, Erik Lehnsherr
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Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, Peter quill, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, dick grayson, Tim drake, Barry allen, John Stewart
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celestialgalaxyglow · 1 month ago
Batfam and Danny, Part 9
At the Justice League Watchtower.
Diana: Good morning everyone and thank you for coming to this pronto meeting. I known we all have busy schedules so I'll make this quick. Bruce, Clark, and I have been investigating an operation by Lex Luthor. He has been moving round large amounts of radioactive material to a secret lab in the Sahara Desert, we currently do not know what he is planning but last night the radioactivity around the base spiked. We believe that there was some leak of the radioactive materials and we need a plan to contain it.
J'ohn: Are there any civilians in the region?
Clark: No, the lab is far out into the desert. The closest town is a small village with a population of about 1000 people an hour and a half away.
Hal: I could but up a temporary shield around the lab and try to contain the radiation as much as possible.
Bruce: That would be a good start.
Arthur: This is concerning, how can I help?
Diana: There is another shipment currently on a Lexcorp boat heading towards a port in Algiers we need you to stop it.
Bruce: Oliver, you will help Arthur take control of the ship.
Oliver: Got it.
Diana: Barry, while we believe the town and its residents will be safe, we'd like to keep you on stand by just in case.
Barry: Yes ma'am!
Diana: That's all from us. Now that we are together we should start making a solid plan, we start this operation 10pm, local time in Algeria. That gives us 8 hours to prepare. Any questions?
Oliver: Just one question, who's Bruce's new kid?
Everyone turned to look at Danny.
Danny: Hi!
Bruce: This is Danny, alias Phantom, he's Jason's kid... and my grandson.
Barry (laughing): Congratulations Bruce, you're a thirty-four-year-old grandfather.
Arthur: Is he helping us with the operation?
Diana: Yes, Danny is half-ghost and immune to radiation, he'll be helpful if the radiation levels are higher than we expect.
J'onn: You have a quite mind young one.
Danny: If I let you read my thoughts there's a fifty-fifty chance your brain may get scrambled.
J'onn: I see...
Billy: I'm here! Sorry I'm late, just had to finish something before I could leave- Billy looked around the room till he saw Danny. He jumped back and covered his ears.
Clark: You ok there Billy?
Billy: Who is that kid?
Danny: I'm Bruce's grandson.
Billy: ...
Clark: Why?
J'ohn: The gods in Billy's mind all just screamed bloody murder and told him that under no circumstances, should he make Danny mad.
Everyone looked at Danny but before anyone could ask question Constantine walked in.
Constantine: You known if you're going to call a random meeting at least give us more than 3 hours to get ready- Constantine froze when he saw Danny. Shit...
Danny (grinning): Constantine!
Bruce: You two know each other?
Danny: Yes, he's the fool that sold his sold his soul to a hundred separate demons who are all now petition me to decide who actually owns his soul.
Constantine: ...
Hal: Why would they petition you?
Danny: I'm their king.
JL: What!?
Danny: And another thing Constantine, come over here. A green light encircled Constantine throwing him across the room, placing down in a chair next to Danny. You didn't pay your taxes for the last tax season.
Constantine: I- your majesty, I'm not a citizen of the Infinite Realms.
Danny: Actually you are! Danny summoned a scroll. According to section 8, subsection 45, clause B of the Infinite Realms Citizenship and Nationality Status Governing Deaths, Resurrections, and All Other Avoidances of Death Act, also known as the IRCNSGDRAOADA, due to your soul being more than 80% owned by citizens of the Infinite Realms, you too are a citizen of the Infinite Realms, and thus have to pay taxes.
Constantine: I-
Danny: You owe the Crown, aka me, $25,000.
Constantine (nervous): Would your majesty be so kind as to wave my taxes for this year, given I did not know I had to pay?
Danny: I'll give you... 120 days to come up with the money, if not I'll send the tax collectors after you.
Constantine (terrified): You- you're too kind your majesty. Constantine picked up a folder from the table. I'll just read the report... I- got to go. Constantine left the room.
Bruce (tired): Danny...
Danny: I was joking, I'll wave the his missing taxes.
Hal: Why is he so scared of tax collectors?
Danny: The tax collectors in the Infinite Realms are not just nerds with suitcases, they are nerds with suitcases that also carry paintball guns.
J'onn: Paintball guns?
Danny: The paint will never come off till you pay your taxes.
Berry: That sounds so fun!
Arthur: I'm happy to have another king on the team. Finally I have some to talk to about the duties of ruling.
Danny: Tell me about it, for some reason, people can't just do as their told.
Arthur (crying): You understand me my pain.
Clark: Where does your family find these children?
Bruce: We don't find them, they find us!
Diana: As fun as this whole conversation is we do need to prepare for the mission. Let's get to work.
JL: Yes ma'am!
(Master Post)
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