#Hal jordan
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frownyalfred · 1 day ago
Okay I was re-reading my “Hal and Bruce in the JL showers” fic and it made me remember something I forgot to add into that fic, which probably didn’t fit as well because it was mostly poking fun at Clark’s Midwestern sensibilities. But someone also mentioned it in a comment so I wanted to expand on it here:
If you’re Clark, and you’re coming into your Kryptonian powers at that awkward age somewhere between elementary and high school (incrementally, heat vision one year and super strength later, maybe) and one day you’re just crazy ripped? The Kryptonian genes decide THAT is when you get the full benefits of sun and therefore the Superman physique?
You’re not taking your shirt off around anyone who’s not your parents. Not in the communal showers, not during gym class, not at swim practice. Middle or high school kids are BRUTAL. You’d think abs aren’t things to make fun of, but it’s not about the abs, it’s the fact that they’re different. Why does Clark suddenly have abs? Does he think he’s better than us? Why is he so freakishly tall all of a sudden? Is he working out every night all night, and that’s why he’s not hanging out with us?
It prompts questions, jealousy, and — most importantly — staring. Nonstop staring, good, bad, and neutral. People are confused. The gym teacher doesn’t understand how this scrawny kid got built up virtually overnight. And why he still can’t participate in sports worth a damn. It’s like he doesn’t even try.
So yeah. Clark keeps his body covered, from that point onward. Clark Kent can’t explain those muscles, not until he’s moved and set up a new life somewhere else. He starts laying the groundwork for bumbling reporter Clark Kent — he wears big shirts, poorly fitted pants, anything that softens or hides the lines of his physique so he doesn’t get questions.
And while we do see him embrace himself and his Kryptonian heritage later on, I always wonder how much that period of potential shame and avoidance early on in life affected his confidence later — not as Superman obviously, not as the shirtless muscled guy on an oil rig saving people, but as Clark. The guy who sees Hal and Bruce showering near each other without any sense of shame, or any staring, or really any value judgements at all about appearance other than “do I have goo in my hair?”
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siracethegreat · 3 days ago
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The children are beefing and will die badly if they don't stop soon... o_0
closeup under cut :PPP
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watermelon-teas · 3 days ago
Imagine if Billy got caught in the watchtower, as Billy, and he had to come up with an excuse but the only viable one that he could think of was that he was Captain Marvel’s son, since he knows that both Superman and Batman bring their boys in from time to time, so he thought it would be alright.
Well that little white lie turned into a headache for Captain Marvel.
It started out as Billy sneaking into the kitchen area of the watchtower to grab something to eat, he doesn’t really need to eat as Captain Marvel, but he does as Billy, not to mention Captain was technically aloud to anything so he wasn’t stealing either.
He thought tower was empty but Green Lantern had just returned from a space mission and went to check in.
Green Lantern: “Uh…are you supposed to be here?” He asked the twelve year old in front of him.
Billy: pursing his lips “Yeah, um, my Dad is Captain Marvel, he’s having me help him with some magic stuff?”
Green Lantern: “Oh that makes sense, you look a lot like him” He said before shrugging and going into the next room.
What Billy didn’t think about was that Hal was a bit of a talker and he also didn’t expect him to bring that up in front of everyone at the next meeting.
Green Lantern: “So Cap, How’s your son doing? It’s been a while since I ran into him”
The rest of the League got really quiet before turning to look at them.
Captain Marvel: Going completely still before inhaling deeply “He’s…doing good, working on a social studies project he’s really excited about” His voice lost confidence the longer he spoke, he could feel the rest of the league staring at him.
Aquaman: “You have a son!?”
Flash: “How come Hal knew about this before I did?”
Diana: “You could have told us about this, you know I would love to meet him”
Before Captain Marvel could get too overwhelmed with questions, the team was lectured by Batman about respecting other members privacy, but even then he still had a few questions for Marvel when the meeting was over.
After a while, he assumed that everyone would forget about it, but that didn’t happen at all. Instead people were trying to pull stories about Billy from him, and kept asking about how he was doing and how school was going.
Superman had tried to set a ‘playdate’ with Billy and John, and for some reason Batman had asked if he had any advice for getting his son to be so open about personal things with him, that was a really awkward day.
But, fortunately this whole thing had made it slightly easier for Billy to roam about the Watchtower, and it was always so interesting to see how everyone treated him compared to Cap, or how they would tell him stories about ‘his dad’ because they the would like that.
Captain Marvel (At the rock of eternity): “I don’t know how I feel about all this, they seem to care more about having conversations about you then anything else”
Billy: “Eh, you’re right it’s a bit weird, but I like raiding the kitchen so-”
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witherby · 3 days ago
how would the family and conner react to a rich douchey alpha trying to court omega mousey?
also LOVE the sickbed series!!!!
hope your doing well and eating and drinking enough!! 💜💜💜
Thank you!! I also hope you're doing well!!
How would the Batfamily + Conner react to a rich and douchey Alpha trying to court you?
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Money? He's posturing around and acting like a big, tough alpha because he has money? Bruce laughs this man out of your face. He wipes his ass with toilet paper that costs more than this guy's total net worth, and you are a Wayne. You don't need any fucking money, and for this guy to think he can win your heart like that is nothing but a total joke. You are more than financially provided for, and if this guy's whole personality is nothing but money then he can leave, immediately, forever.
If he's around you the same time the Alpha is there, he's bitching about smell the whole time. I'm talking "god DAMN it's musky in here. Someone needs a bath. Pronto." He will not shut up about how bad the alpha pheromones stinkkkk. "The douchier the alpha, the worse he smells by the way." Especially if the Alpha is doing it on purpose.
Will offer him scent patches. Will offer him soap. Will eventually look him in the eye, uncaring if it incites a Challenge, and say "hey man, we get it. You smell interested. But I like breathing clean air and we're choking on your nasty posturing bullshit right now. Please relax. Or leave. Actually just leave."
Refuses to tolerate any douchebag posturing behavior. Entitlement? Just because his baby sibling is an Omega? Bye. See ya. Do not pass Go. Turn right around and fuck off. Nobody gets to rock up in Mouse's personal space and try to coerce them into a relationship just because of caste. What a shitty way to navigate through life. Oh, you're still here? Challenge accepted, prepare to get your shit rocked.
He's throwing hands. Sorry, he doesn't have the patience to bitch the guy away or even have a conversation; he's just putting his hands up and throwing two to the dome. Fuck outta here, for real.
"Oh, Mouse watch out, this guy's got 30 thousand dollars in his checking account and he held the door open for you once he realized you were an Omega! Don't swoon too hard or you'll fall on the floor!.....anyways —"
Douchebag is asking Tim how he knows exactly how much money he's got in his account right now. He's being real pushy about it, too, trying to intimidate him into deferring. But Tim just rattles off his social security number, tells him he knows exactly how he got that dirty money, and requests that he walk away before things get real sticky for him, legally-speaking.
CanNOT be near this alpha. He WILL bring out his swords and stab him to death.
He will kill him. He will dunk him in the Pit. He will kill him again. It's bad enough Damian used to think that was acceptable and normal behavior in the League, and now that he's seeing that behavior being targeted on his baby sibling, he's not having it!!! Alphas pressuring Omegas into courtship just because they're "biologically superior" is bullshit and he will fuck him up!!!!
He called Conner. Brandishing his shotgun is easy and effective, but it's not entertaining. Some overconfident Alpha garbage is daring to sully his grandchild's person just because of secondary sex characteristics? Alfred doesn't need to do a thing, not because he doesn't want to, but because he knows that not only are you more than capable of defending yourself, and you also have a perfectly polite Kryptonian Alpha to clean up this filth for you. And Alfred will get to watch the carnage unfold with a cup of Earl Grey.
The definition of "is this guy bothering you? Do you want me to fucking kill him?"
Conner defers to you. He completely ignores the existence of this idiot asshole until you tell him how to proceed. Ignore him and walk away together? You got it babe. Challenge him non-lethally into leaving you alone? You got it babe. Cook his ass with laser vision? You got it babe.
And if you happened to be alone, without any family around for backup, you'd have simply stuffed him in your pocket dimension and then spit him out somewhere across the country. Fuck right off with the douchebaggery please, because there's not enough patience in the world to deal with it.
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the-scarecrow-of-aus · 3 days ago
Batman, irritated, stalked into the review meeting with nightwing and robin in tow. there, multiple league members waited and dropped phantoms performance review and files onto the desk:
"Flash, care to explain to everyone why your definition of 'lab-accident' apparently means a person did it on purpose?
Flash: "uh..."
"Green lantern, care to explain why 'you' a member of an intergalactic police force, a person aware of a multitude of extremely different alien species, automatically assumes without checking that a person is just a metahuman and not a species that looks similar to humans? You then, without checking decide that he's 'unnecessarily using powers' and therefore needs to be lectured for using them?"
GL: "wtf, he is a metahuman! isn't h-"
"Not everyone has a watch battery limit for their abilities Hal, phantoms natural state 'is' floating, so please stop bothering others". Said nightwing, annoyed. Captain marvel snorted under his breath at the jab, clearing his expression before batman looked his way.
"The rest of you had full access to the personnel and medical files phantom had given to us when we asked him to join, that means you should actually read them before casting judgements or telling him how to act by 'adult' 'human' standards. Especially when you are meant to be evaluating him".
He gave a pointed look at the members he knew that thought danny was just a meta.
The group of hero's, some offended others concerned shifted uncomfortably, reprimand done, Batman turned and left the room as Diana spoke up "Are we not continuing with Phantoms evaluation then?"
Robin who remained spoke up, staring hard at them all. "No point anymore, he just quit, handed in his i.d and communicator, swore he was never leaving amity park again".
"Psh, dramatic much. Look, I'll go get him back and we'll straighten this all out" said flash getting up and disappearing.
Nightwing sighed sorting through phantoms file still on the desk "10...9...8...7..."
"What's he counting down for?" Asked marvel concerned
"Till Flash realises amity park is quantum locked against speedsters" robin said simply
Nightwing found what he was looking for and held up a page as he finished counting "3...2...1..."
Flash reappeared with a look of confusion "what the heck! Why can't I get close?" He said before seeing the sheet of paper held out to him
*The page was a hazard notice to leaguers advising them to stay out of amity park as it was unsafe for them to approach without specific safety gear.*
"Amity park, like fawcett city is shielded against certain things, in this case speedsters. Now, We are already in the process of reaching out to phantom, he has expressed 'favoured' contact with certain members-" nightwing was cut off by robin clicking in disgust and muttering "tch, damn masochist, needs to stay away from her or I'll find a way to kill him again"
"-but he doesnt want to talk to the league right now, so we'll be the ones to try and fix it. you all on the other hand need to read his files before you leave here to prevent a repeat incident or a trip to H.R"
A bunch of groans and complaints filled the room.
Cass: "not sure this will work"
Tim: "look, you just need to pose like this, say the line, and end the recording. Danny's a big ass space nerd so he'll get the hint quickly!
Cass: "I'm wearing black kevlar though?"
Tim: "well 'shaped' kevl-look! you could be wearing nothing and he'd still get the hint, hell he'd probably come running if you did that!"
Cass: "solve problem quicker yes? I could-"
*Tim frantically stops her from pulling off her costume*
Tim: "-we're trying to coax him back, not kill him cass, clothes stay on please"
Cass: *sigh* "fine"
Amity park:
A day later and Danny sighed, he accepted the package from the league drone, he should have refused it but it was addressed to his civilian identity, info he never gave the league.
He took it into fenton-works and sat down at his study desk. Inside was a new communicator painted in his colours blinking a small light indicating a new message.
He set it down and hit play, a holo projector popped up and revealed blackbats figure waving at him, her mask was split open so he could see her mouth and facial expressions.
*"hello phantom! heard from Batman, you have left the league, I'm sad to hear that, was looking forward to work with you! He said to say he will deal with the problems you mentioned but he will also respect your choice to not be with the league. He does hope you will still reach out to us if you need help though!"
Danny noted she was gesturing to herself in that last part which meant batman was referring to the bats and not the justice league.
"Batman mentioned you want to spar full-contact with me for close combat training, I would love to and I have time off this weekend if you're available"
Cass looked off camera for a moment cocking her head in confusion then perhaps slight amusement before looking back to the camera.
"I need to go, trouble in gotham. Red robin suggested I sign off like this..."
Black bat smiled as she posed closer to the camera and spoke before bending forward to end the message:
"Help me Danny Phantom, you are my only hope!"
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*Danny thunked his head onto the desk a few times and groaned*
"Is she trying to kill me?" He finally squeaked out.
[You didn't need a monitor to know that dannys heart rate looked about as fast as a speedsters right now]
Suffice to say, danny cleared his weekend for that training session!
Bonus: *dannys sparring session in his eyes*
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Phantom Quits the Justice League
(This is my first post like this so there may be errors, sorry in advance. So I remember seeing some posts where the JL think and act like Danny is a meta. I was inspired to try to make my own.)
Danny is working with Justice League for a few weeks as a teenage hero and he’s had it with them. Danny’s had it with working with “Professional Hero’s”. Even though he is currently in the Watchtower in SPACE his blood boiling he is quitting today. He’ll just stay in Amity Park and only leave when necessary.
Danny see’s Batman walk around and Danny sees this as his opportunity. He flys up to Batman.
Danny: Batman!
Before Batman has a chance to respond.
Danny: I quit. I’m done. I can’t stand being in a place where people seem to think it’s okay to ask me a question then completely ignore me. I don’t know what everyone’s deal is but they act like they know every little detail about my life.
First Flash asked me about my powers and I told him I was in a lab accident and he just lectures me about lab safety and I should know better. He’s acting like I wanted it to happen. Like I didn’t intend for it to happen thats why it’s an accident.
Or when I’m working at a desk and I start floating then Green Lantern Hal gets on my case about using my powers unnecessarily. He didn’t even let me explain that my natural state is essentially zero gravity and that I have to concentrate to turn on and off gravities affect on me.
Don’t forget people get upset at me staring out at space. I get that I lose track of time because of it. But no one lets me explain that my second obsession is space and that fighting to fulfill it is dangerous for my health. If they do listen they just blow me off.
And I apparently need to just bottle all my emotions up otherwise my intangibility will start acting up and I either can’t hold things or I fall through the floor. I’m sorry I’m a teenager that doesn’t have a complete handle on his emotions. And that amazing, stealthy, deadly girl in all black bat costume. I just couldn’t help it when she said hello to me the other day, it made my heart beat at a regular pace. Ancients I just wis- would really like it if she would just punch me into next week…”
Danny stares in the distance before slowly realizing what he just said in front of Batman. The anger Danny had replaced by an awkward shyness as he slowly drops to the ground.
Danny: Here’s the league communicator and badge. I’m just gonna go back to Amity Park and never leave… ever.
After Danny left Batman standing there Black Bat, Nightwing, Red Robin and Robin come around the corner.
Nightwing: looks like Cass left the boy starstruc- (Nightwing dodges a kick from Black Bat).
Robin: This is no laughing matter Greyson. A mentally unstable individual who seems to want to be physically abused by Cassandra is expressing romantic feelings for her. Father, Drake surely you both see that this boy is unfit for her. (Robin dodges a punch to the head)
Red Robin: Not getting involved in that. B we still have to get to what was meant to be Phantoms evaluation meeting.
Batman: Hm
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why-i-love-comics · 3 days ago
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Green Lantern/Green Arrow: World's Finest Special #1 - "Live Fast! Die Now!" (2024)
written by Jeremy Adams art by Travis Mercer & Andrew Dalhouse
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day-dream-fever · 17 hours ago
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dailydccomics · 2 days ago
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Green Lantern Hal Jordan by Alex Ross
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wyvernsgale · 3 days ago
All the State Farm Gotham commercials have me like
🎶Like a good neighbor Batman is there🎶
Also makes me think about how if State Farm could be cannon in the DC universe now. But also how much of the State Farm commercials are cannon in the DC universe now.
Is the jingle just for the commercial purpose or if you have State Farm does the jingle actually summon your agent? If so do you have to sign a magical contract when you sign up/get hired? Does every contract grant extra power to the CEO? Does JLD keep tabs on the company to make sure nothing nefarious happens?
Is the Emu just a character like he is here, or is he a sentient Emu with bills to pay?
Is Jake going to be offered to be a member of the Justice League?
All this has me cackling and rolling at the stupidity and ridiculousness of my thoughts lmaoo. It’s fun
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stardayzzing · 2 days ago
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[Parallax panel study/practics]
Im actually like in bed and going sleep after being awake for 24+ hours but here's something I worked on last night 🫶
I used my own version of Parallax of course because I adore her and I will be politely leaving her here and going to bed
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meowdy-all · 24 hours ago
Batlantern established relationship reveal to the league, thats actually just that 'this us my emergency contact' trend on tiktok and its the waynes official tiktok. The first video just shows clips hals taken at home of bruce and the kids being stupid. And one clip at the end that shows the kids wreaking havok at a gala, and bruce turning twords hal, whose recording, and saying "this is why i never want to come to these things"
The second video is the same, but its clips bruce and the kids have taken of hal. One of him being chased by titus in the garden. One jason took of him absolutely wiping out when they went surfing. A video tim took of jason, damian, and hal spinning in the teacups absurdly fast. A shot of him dancing with cass in the kitchen and tripping over Alfred the cat. A video of him asleep with his top half hangimg off the couch. And a clip of him rubbing aloe vera on the back of a sunburnt bruces neck; his suddenly mischievous face, the way he pulled his hand back, and snacked bruce on the back of the neck on his sunburn. Bruceyelping and leaning forward into a fetal position while Hal sounds like he's actually choking on air as he laughs too hard.
It was a publicity stunt. To start pushing the brucie persona away from Playboy first father second and into Father and Husband. it was also Really Funny. Thats how the entire league goes to find out they're together, and now they just feel stupid bec Bruce and hal have been trying to tell them they're together for years.
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frownyalfred · 2 days ago
the cape to non-cape ratio in the JL is interesting to me because you'll see people who are always wearing a cape (Batman, Superman, etc) people who sometimes wear a cape (Diana, J'onn) people who never wear a cape but are probably open to it (Arthur, Victor wore a really long hoodie once that probably counted) and then people who will never wear a cape and it's very obvious that that's a major part of their identity (Hal, Ollie even though he wears a 'hood') and on top of that, people who would probably wear a cape if it didn't get in their way (Barry, Shayera, Dinah)
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currentlysleepingus · 2 days ago
I'm bored
Danny x hal
But they have to live together.
It's they were just roommates' type of situation. Danny needed to hide out from some G.I.W stragglers and wanted to go and live his life, hal needed a dormmate and someone who didn't mind him and his 'job that would cause him to come back bleeding in the middle of the night or just up and leave randomly. They move in together while danny is in college and well.......
They catch eachother doing odd things that can only be described as ' i know your a vigilante' or 'i know that something is up with you' They start doing things that the other recognizes but can't say because that would reveal the truth so they just agrivate eachother until a third party comments on it.
I want danny and hal being roommates and annoying aleachother while practically being married.
I want hal.comforting danny and being that one somewhat stable guy. I want danny to, once the reveal happens to be engrossed in hals stories. I want hal to listen to danny when he tells him about ghost gossip and such because hal is a space cop and Danny can see ALL ghosts. I want hal to give antonyms tips for the non aliens
I want danny and hal being oblivious to their feelings because their mutual annoyance and frustration of not being able to prove that the other is a vigilante
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jkparkin · 2 days ago
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Green Lantern #23 (DC, May 2025) Supermash-up variant by Karl Kershel
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shoot-i-messed-up · 2 days ago
what if AU where hal had lost some of his hearing from being a pilot and not being careful abt using ear protection. ik if he learned sign language, he would be SO loud abt it. his hands are constantly flying everywhere as he signs with the biggest loudest signs ever. every expression shows thru his green lantern mask somehow.
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