#triss x yen
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pendovah · 1 year ago
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Yennefer of Vengerberg & Triss Merigold (The Witcher)
At Sodden, after I’d been burnt by that soldier, I was on the ground, screaming, and you walked by me. I’m so sorry. I sent you to that gate. If I’d have known… No. It’s not that. We were all there to play a part. We knew we might not survive. I remember thinking, "If only one of us gets to live, I’m so glad it’s Yen".
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silverflameataraxia · 11 months ago
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cerealbishh · 2 years ago
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"I need to talk to Tissaia."
"No. Something is going on here. Something sinister. I know you want this conclave to bring us together, but... you need to be careful who you can trust."
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artsysera-archive · 11 months ago
So i did a thing
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corvo-bianco-lilacs · 2 years ago
behave for trissefer? 😊
You know I always love when you send me Trissefer requests :D I'm taking a bit of creative liberty with this one though, lol
Triss usually enjoyed herself at Court gatherings. The food, the festivities, the music, and the maidens. But this time, there was only one woman on her mind.
The raven-haired beauty that was currently holding a spell on her, both physically and sexually.
Yennefer of Vengerberg, once a rival for Geralt's love, now a warm body who occupied her chambers every night, leading to many mornings of not being able to properly walk. But Triss enjoyed every waking moment of Yennefer's company, and her deviousness.
The redhead appraoched the woman of her affections, gently slipping her hand into hers, intertwining their fingers together. Yen offered her hand a gentle squeeze, but continued her conversation with some Lord or another, drawing a small pout to Triss' lips.
This was the part she hated about Court gatherings. Yen's attention was never fully on her, or her wants, or desires. And at this moment, all Triss desired was Yen and those long, slender fingers of hers. And, perhaps, a few locks of that silken hair tangled around her own fingers.
Triss tried to get Yen's attention again, bumping the other woman's hip with her own, frowning when it didn't get her the reaction she was hoping for. Yen continued to chat with this Lord, never missing a beat, never needing him to repeat himself even as Triss continued to try and drag her attention away from this prattling chicken of a man.
Before she conjured up her next act of mischief to gain Yen's attention, the man was walking away, and Triss was being dragged out into the hallway, before being forcefully pinned against the wall, with Yen's knee propped between her thighs, pressing so tightly against her core that it sent shivers down her spine.
"You're being an awfully naughty girl, my little flower." Yen breathed, her hand covering Triss' mouth as she leaned in against her ear, her warm breath tickling Triss' skin, making her flush a deeper shade of red as Yen pressed her knee harder against her aching core. "What have I told you about my relationship with Court politics?"
Triss mumbled a few words against Yen's gloved palm, feeling the warmth press back against her lips and cheeks, deepening the flush of her skin.
"Not quite, little rosebud. I believe my exact word was 'behave', now wasn't it?"
Triss felt her eyes rolling back into her head as Yen began to rock her knee hard against her core, sending flames licking up through Triss' abdomen, a coil of pleasure beginning to take form within her as Yen's other hand painfully gripped Triss' right breast, squeezing her pert nipple between thumb and forefinger, twisting it slightly before releasing it, along with the moan that Triss exhaled against Yen's glove.
Just as she was about to reach the peak of pleasure, Yen abruptly pulled away from her, her knee abandoning its position between her now aching thighs, leaving her hot and wanting more. Tears welled in her eyes, but Yen gently brushed them away, pressing a kiss to Triss' forehead before finally coming down to claim her lips with her own, gently nipping at swollen, flushed skin before pulling away once more.
"Behave, little rose, and I shall give you more than you could ever ask for later, in the privacy of our bedchamber... But fail to behave yourself, and I will simply have to leave you hot and in need of release, with no release intended." Yen spoke, her voice dripping with mischief as she spoke. "Have I made myself perfectly clear, my darling?"
Triss couldn't speak, her tongue was still stuck to the roof of her mouth, and her throat felt far too dry, as if she had walked across the sands of the Korath Desert for days without water. All she could do was nod her head in response, which brought a smile to Yen's perfectly plump lips.
"Good girl. Now, collect yourself before you return to the gathering. I shall see you soon." She offered, leaning in to press another soft kiss to Triss' lips before disappearing through the door to the great hall once more, leaving Triss alone.
Once she'd collected her breath, though still fighting with the coil of pleasure that refused to release itself, Triss sighed, her hands pressed against the heavy double doors.
"Damn that beautiful woman and all that she does to me." She sighed, taking another breath before making her way back inside, her eyes immediately searching for raven locks while her nose inhaled the faint scent of lilac and gooseberry.
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The Witcher Masterlist
my requests for the Witcher are currently OPEN!! i'm partial to eskel, and love writing imagines/talking about my headcanons, but open to pretty much any character!!
message me/hmu to be added to a taglist!
main masterlist | request guidelines
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Geralt of Rivia
r o m a n t i c
A Quiet Moment - relationship: geralt x reader | summary: based on some prompt that asked you to write a scene between two characters just being around each other with no dialogue. Immediately thought of Geralt. | tags: fluff, angst
Extraordinarily normal - coming soon...
Scales Unbalanced - coming soon...
Geralt of Rivia NSFW Alphabet | tags: fluff, smut
p l a t o n i c
Stern - coming soon...
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A Hero from the Songs - coming soon...
Ribs - relationship: eskel x reader | summary: You're not from the world where the Witcher takes place. So, to stay alive, you stay glued to your witcher - Eskel. Catching feelings for him was bound to happen anyway. Right? Maybe a tiny, life-threatening encounter with a leshy is just the little push the both of you need. | tags: fluff, angst
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Witchers + stressed singlemom!reader - characters: geralt, eskel, lambert, coen | tags: fluff, angst
Geralt, Lambert, Eskel + drunk!so - characters: geralt, lambert, eskel | tags: fluff
Witchers + someone making their s/o uncomfortable - characters: geralt, eskel, lambert, coen | tags: slight angst, fluff
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Imagines + headcanons (various)
How The Witcher characters would react to someone from our world falling into theirs - characters: geralt, yen, jaskier, triss, eskel, lambert, vesemir | tags: fluff, crack, timetravel
Modern!Human in Kaer Morhen - characters: geralt, yen, triss, jaskier, eskel, coen, lambert, vesemir | tags: fluff, crack, timetravel
How The Witcher characters would react to Lambert’s child surprise - characters: geralt, yen, ciri, triss, eskel, coen, vesemir | tags: fluff
The Witcher characters + monstertamer!reader - characters: geralt, yen, jaskier, ciri, eskel, lambert, coen, vesemir | tags: fluff
The Witcher characters + maleficent/fae!reader - characters: geralt, jaskier, yennefer, ciri, eskel, lambert, coen, vesemir | tags: fluff
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uglylaugher · 2 years ago
Hear me out...
-fanfic idea Yennefer x Tissaia !! 💯
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Imagine this; Yennefer has the actual voice of an angel.No one really knows she can sing except for maybe Triss,Jaskier,Ciri and Geralt.She likes to keep it that way,having a reputation to maintain and blah blah blah.
BUT.. one morning she's geen given an invitation to attend a ball at Aretuza,courtesies of Tissaia.She reluctantly goes along with Jaskier who's ofc no doubt the entertainment for the night.
We all know what'll happen,tipsy as she is,she eventually agrees to sing along to Jaskier's song Her Sweet Kiss.BAM! revealing to the entire room she has a voice.Then literally Tissaia just completely mind blown;falling head over heals for her. ( You Carry On From There ! )
Listen to the song : The Closest Thing To Crazy - imagine Yen singing that!!
NB!! you don't need to create a story exactly like this, change it up to however you want it.
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perseruna · 2 years ago
hi sorry if this is an irritating ask but i was wondering, what ships do you like from the Witcher?? Thank you!
i wonder… who might it be…
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yenskier is literally keeping me alive right now, i think about them night and day, and i’m awaiting their return like a 50s housewife waiting for my beloved husband to come home from the war…
but also outside of them i love triss x philippa!! and i’m so excited to finally see them together on screen in s3!! and i genuinely enjoy every niche sapphic rare pair, i love fringilla x yen, sabrina x yen, francesca x fringilla, triss x sabrina, i love all of them!! and i’m a casual enjoyer of regis x geralt !!
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zirael189 · 2 years ago
I know that Netflix had made A LOT of mistakes in The Witcher, but I can't forgive them this one:
In the fourth book, after the fight with Vilgefortz, water from Brokilon helped Geralt recover (at least partly) . So, we know that it's MAGICAL water, and that witchers are resistant to magic, but only to a CERTAIN LEVEL
If a powerfull sorceress wanted Geralt to dance around a polo stick, then, HELL YEAH, HE'D BE DANCING AROUND A POLO STICK (aka if Yen just aksed him to)
We also know that he had hallucinations in the second book, after drinking some of Brokilon's water.
Then, what is this Netflix nonsense where Geralt says that Brokilon's water can't heal him? In the book 4, it literally says that it was one of the main reasons (apart from being a witcher) he recovered so fast. Of course, it wasn't fully. And that's where Yennefer's part comes in.
I know that they probably just wanted to give us more Yennefer x Geralt content (it's not like they had TWO short stories that they could use) but it felt like just an excuse. And, what's the point with Fringilla, then? Instead of at least mentioning that Triss and Geralt have slept together, or that she's still in love with him, Netflix started writing a Triss x Istredd romance. Is that what's gonna happen to Fringilla, too? If they don't sleep together, there's no way Fringilla can manipulate Geralt into giving up on his search for Ciri. Yennefer already healed him, so she can't do that, either. That's why Netflix is just probably going to make up her storyline, like they did with most of the characters.
It completely ruined one of the main reasons I fell in love with The Witcher books.
The constant feeling of regret, since the book one? Geralt, wondering if Yennefer is a traitor, or someone's hostage? Ciri, thinking that everyone had given up on her? THAT was what kept me reading.
And, here's what Netflix represented us: Geralt's only personallity traits are swearing and being grumpy for no reason at all. Yennefer suddenly feels free to express her emotions and cry ALL THE DAMN TIME, while, in the books, she almost never opened up to people. The only characters they haven't fucked up (yet) are Ciri and Jaskier.
I love Witcher as a TV show, but, as a book adaptation, I DESPISE it
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chaosandorder46 · 9 months ago
🍲 When did you start writing and why?
🥮 Do you have any writing milestones you're working toward?
🍡 Which of your fics was the most emotionally difficult to write?
Oooohhh...good questions! Thanks for sending them my way!
1. I wrote my first fic EVER last Sept! It never occurred to me to do any creative writing (STEM kid here), but I got sucked into the Witcher fandom, specifically Yen x Tissaia and Sabrina x Triss. There weren't a ton of Sabrina x Triss centric fics out there, so I started writing them! Obviously going to shamelessly self-promote that fic here :)
2. Milestones? Never heard of her.
3. Work that was emotionally difficult to write? Hmm. I wrote a fic about the main character's (Sabrina G.) difficult relationship with her mother, and her mother's death. Projected a bit with that one, and it wasn't necessarily difficult to write, but a little difficult to share.
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alder-saan · 2 years ago
I have been looking for someone that wrote for the witcher books as x reader for awhile, who are your favorite characters ( could be game characters to)
Great question, I really like them all. But I think I have some favourite.
Philippa/Filippa Eilhart
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(This is an official visual)
Lord I love her. Badass, lesbian, owl, all the story is literally because of her (I won't spoil for those who haven't read the books). In the games she is perfect, In the books too. I have hopes for the tv show... I wouldn't have choose Cassie Clare (tbf I wanted them to go further in the native theme, because she is so native coded in the games and a bit in the books, and to choose a native american/australian actress), but why not.
Anna Henrietta of Toussaint
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From the books a bit, but more from the games. Blood and Wine is an awesome dlc. Queen step on me. I like her sister a bit too. I love how this story is borderline coded. I wrote a fanfiction of her and a maid (being a higher vampire), but turned it into being a part of my original universe. I really love Toussaint in the game, very southern France alike, it's fun.
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Cerys An Craite
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(Artist : Nikivaszi)
Lord, Cerys... I am a whore for this woman. I want to be her property. Ciri x Cerys is so hot btw. She is the reason why I love the Skellig part so much in the witcher 3.
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzief Godefroy (Regis)
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(Artist : shalizeh)
I don't love him in a romantic way, but he is really cool. I think I prefer him in the books, but I also love him in the game (in which they erased a bit his feminism, pro-lgbt and pro-choice positions and that's why I prefer him in the books). I hope Pedro Pascal will be his actor in the tv show... Same here, I won't spoil, but let's say I relate a lot to his questions about the world.
This man is a greeflag.
Lydia Van Bredevoort
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(The artist isn't written on it, if I remember well it's an official visual but not sure...)
I like this sweetie pie (she is only a sweetie pie in the books... wtf Netflix I don't understand why did you do that). We don't see her a lot but... she is cute.
I love Yennefer too (more in the books than in the game btw, in the game I chose Triss), but I think these five really are my favourite. I really like Ciri. And of course, Geralt is really cool. I love his character, his development, his relationship with Yen and Ciri. Jaskier/Dandelion is cool too... But... eh... He cheated on Anna Henrietta so jail now. You can't cheat on her. She is perfect.
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roughentumble · 11 months ago
OH! so I know I've said Dolly Parton's Jolene (especially Lil Nas X's cover) is SUCH a Jaskier singing about Triss song, and that remains very true
but i listened to Beyonce's version yesterday and with it's changed lyrics it's absolutely a Yennefer singing about Triss song
SO TRUE. triss is always jolene but yen and jask have VERY different reactions lmao
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cerealbishh · 2 years ago
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lovers very good friends ft. deep conversations by the fire and prolonged stares after hand-holding
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dearg-ruadhri · 23 days ago
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
Ship that you're indifferent to: 😑
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
Ship that you find disgusting: 💩
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹 Lots. Geralt and Yen in TWN, but not so much in the games. Prefer Geralt x Triss in game. Not to mention TWN has also opened my eyes to the potential of Yennefer x Jaskier. Ciri x Avallac'h somehow managed to end up at the very top 1# of my list though. (honorable mention Geralt x Shani and Geralt x Syanna) First ever ship was Zutara Ship that you're indifferent to: 😑 Geralt x Jaskier Ship that makes you sad: 💔 Avallac'h x Lara Dorren Ship that you find disgusting: 💩 This is a tie between Ciri x Mistle and Ciri x Emhyr (yes there are people that ship them)
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corvo-bianco-lilacs · 1 year ago
I'm in a writing slump 🙃
Have some... Well, whatever this turns out to be!
Yennefer brushed her fingers languidly through Triss' auburn locks, gently twisting the strands around her fingers before pulling them through, drawing a contented hum from the woman whose head was nestled on her lap, arms wrapped around her waist.
The raven-haired woman smiled down at her lover, her nails gently scratching at the nape of Triss' neck, then at the base of her skull, watching with amusement as the tension in the younger woman's body began to melt away.
A set of footsteps, light and carefully placed, brought her attention from one lover to the other, bringing a soft smile to Yen's lips as Triss let out a soft breath in the deepest of sleep.
Francesca came to perch beside Yen on the grass, tucking her long legs up close to her body as Yen leaned her head onto her shoulder.
"I've been looking for you, my raven." Francesca hummed, her voice a soft melody to Yen's ears. "I see you've been hiding from me."
"I would never." Yen scoffed, a smirk tugging at her pink lips. "But you must admit that the sunset is beautiful."
"It is, though not nearly as beautiful as you." Francesca replied, tilting Yen's head back slightly, her fingers pressed to the soft skin just beneath her chin, before kissing the dark-haired woman beside her.
Yen wrapped her free arm around Francesca's waist, tugging herself closer to the Elven Queen, parting her lips to Francesca's probing tongue. They remained together for several long moments, finally parting with soft huffs as they brought air back into their lungs.
Francesca looked down at Triss' sleeping form, a smile tugging at her lips, before her own hand joined Yen's in brushing out those long, auburn locks. Triss jolted then, just slightly, her cornflower blue eyes blinking open and gazing up into the adoring faces of the two women she had come to call home. She smiled back, nestling against Yen's abdomen before pushing herself upright, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
"Sorry... I nodded off." Triss yawned, pushing loose strands of hair back from her face.
"All the more reason to come to bed then, my darlings. It's getting quite late." Francesca replied, a slight purr to her voice as she stood from the ground, brushing blades of grass from the skirt of her dress.
Yen's eyes darkened slightly at the implication, while Triss' cheeks grew red at the thought, a shudder rushing through her as they both followed Francesca's lead, making their way back into the castle of Dol Blathanna.
Once their bedroom door shut behind them, and a sound shield was put in place, did the three women fall into the more carnal needs that their bodies required.
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year ago
I'm reposting this again, cause I need a bit of help. Right now I have
Day 1: Pegging Sigi/philippa Day 2: Titfucking Lady Dimitrescu/Chris Day 3: Bootworship Jonathan Reid/McCullum Day 4: Rimming Yen/Triss
I need idea's for parings and what speffic kinktober things ppl wanna see. Now if you've guessed that my models for Daz are kind of limited you'd be right lol. The models I have are Witcher: Regis(how he looks in game as well a younger textures), Dettlaff, Geralt, Triss, Yen, Sigi, Philippa, Generic Bruxa, Dandelion, Dutchess Anna, Emhyr, Eskel, Oriana, and the Unseen Elder. Vampyr: Edgar, Jonathan, Mccllum, Sean RE: Lady D, all three of her girls, Chris, Leon, Albert, Ashley, Brian, Claire, Helen, Jill, Mia, Piers, Sherry, Zoe. Mr X, Ada and Wesker. The last of us: Joel(young and old), Mel, Tess, Ellie
Baulders Gate 3: Lae'zel, Gale, Shadowheart, and Karlach Fallout 4: John Hancock I might also do some of these with my characters, so if you like Odessa, Charlie or Kelsie and want to see them with one of the above characters just lmk. Also please note the ONLY body 'flud/thing' I will do is spunk and squirt that IT. I will not do any other bodily function so if a prompt invloves it don't even try suggesting it.
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The prompt list for Kinktober 2023 is here! As always, we will be creating an ao3 collection, closer to the event. Prompts are just suggestions; feel free to mix or match any days, shuffle the order, or even do your own ideas. The main point is that you get out there and create something in the month of October.
This year, we have a bonus prompt list! Further information on that can be found in the google doc.
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