#trippy as shit
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having six piercings is all fun and games until you need to take them all out for a haircut and have to suffer the shame and humiliation of not having your shiny little pieces of metal present. my liege i feel naked as the day i was born
#it’s so bizarre like#like when i have my glasses off but instinctively reach to touch them during social interaction as a little buffer movement#and they’re not there !!!!#trippy as shit#anyway. to the anon who asked whether part ten existed i hope you know you’ve infiltrated my brain#i have uni tomorrow and a date with my beloved friends on Sunday so expect some stuff like later next week#i’m actually pretty happy with how things are turning out#an unexpected turn of events#<- a series of unfortunate events’ cousin
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they heard you had insomnia
#fnaf#security breach#fnaf security breach#moondrop#moon fnaf#the daycare attendant#poppy playtime#catnap#theyre friends#welcome to drug hell#you got the hallucinogenic gas#then you got the chloroform dust#get ready to see trippy shit as you go unconsious!#third secret character is the Nap Time spray bottle ad
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Oh, hello…
#dank#art#life#love#gif#trippy#dope#beauty#trippy art#animated gif#dank memes#gif animation#flashing gif#gifs#artificial intelligence#artists#digital art#animated#animation#dope shit#dope art
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day 169
this is it, the dynamic
#day 169#year 5#aradia megido#kanaya maryam#homestuck#arakan#based largely on their first pesterlog#kanaya is so. FUCKING condescending to her and its funny#actually edit: i added the link to the page just read it#kanaya being a lil shit is my favorite for her actually#and aradia being like 0h n0t this shit again#like its just so!!!!!!#funny but also like KIND OF GENUINELY MEAN FOR NO REASON fjdhjdhd#its LITERALLY just kanaya dropping into aradias dms to be like#Hey Bestie Just A Reminder That You Should Feel A Little Bit Guilty About Everything That Happens From Here On Out#Even Though It Is Basically Inevitable#Lucky For You Though I Am Going To Be Very Gracious And Clean Up After Whatever Dumb Shit You Are About To Pull With This Game#like GIRL WHAT IS UR DAMAGE FKDHSKHDGD im obsessed#i mean obviously she has some fucked up feelings internally about participating in a game that ends the world#i wonder if she feels guilty herself for letting aradia and sollux pull half the code from her set of frog ruins#like. maybe shes so guilt trippy about it because she wants to convince herself that all the blame can be put on aradia#and that if she voices her disapproval OF aradias actions then shes like. on record as being Right About The Situation#but ALSO if she is sooo magnanimous and forgiving about it then maybe nobody has to be punished for all of it (not even herself)#idk IDK. i just think its fascinating as a kanaya character moment especially as one of her earliest conversations
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MHA Chapter 417 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.

tagline 固く閉ざされた死柄木に迫るデク…‼︎ かたくとざされたしがらきにせまるデク…‼︎ kataku tozasareta Shigaraki ni semaru DEKU...!! Deku approaches Shigaraki who remains firmly closed off...!!
1 何がどうなってんだ⁉︎ なにがどうなってんだ⁉︎ nani ga dou nattenda!? "What's going on!?"
2 もう よくわからん mou yoku wakaran "Yeesh, I don't really understand."
3 緑谷出久が指の塊をかきわけて中に入ってったんだ みどりやいずくがゆびのかたまりをかきわけてなかにはいってったんだ Midoriya Izuku ga yubi no katamari wo kakiwakete naka ni haittettanda "Izuku Midoriya pushed his way through the mass of fingers and was going inside."

1 与一…⁉︎ よいち…⁉︎ Yoichi...!? "Yoichi...!?"
2 ブルース…! BURUUSU...! "Bruce...!"
3 …万縄… …ばんじょう… ...Banjou... "...Banjou..."
4 俊典… としのり… Toshinori... "Toshinori..."
5 私だけ…弾き返された…⁉︎なんでーーー… わたしだけ…はじきかえされた…⁉︎なんでーーー… watashi dake...hajiki kaesareta...!? nande---... I was the only one...who was bounced back...!? Why---...

1 安心しろよおばあちゃん あんしんしろよおばあちゃん anshin shiro yo obaachan Don't worry, Grandma.
2 あんたもしっかり憎んでる あんたもしっかりにくんでる anta mo shikkari nikunderu I fully hate you, too.
3 憎まれてるからじゃない にくまれてるからじゃない nikumareteru kara ja nai It's not because I'm hated. (Note: This is Nana, and it connects with her lines at #6-7.)
4 行かないでええ いかないでええ ikanaideee Don't gooo!
5 お母さああん おかあさああん okaasaaan Moooom!
6 これは kore wa This is
7 私の弱さだ わたしのよわさだ watashi no yowasa da my weakness.
tagline No.417 志村 堀越耕平 ナンバー417 しむら ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 417 Shimura Horikoshi Kouhei No. 417 Shimura Kouhei Horikoshi

1 知ってどうする しってどうする shitte dou suru When you know, what will you do?
2 過去を暴いて かこをあばいて kako wo abaite When you uncover the past,
3 何が変わる なにがかわる nani ga kawaru what will change?
4 死柄木から見た僕の姿… しがらきからみたぼくのすがた… Shigaraki kara mita boku no sugata... My appearance as seen by Shigaraki...
5 を使って喋ってるのか をつかってしゃべってるのか wo tsukatte shabetteru no ka which he's using to speak, huh?
6 わからない!でも知らないまま終わるのは嫌だ! わからない!でもしらないままおわるのはいやだ! wakaranai! demo shiranai mama owaru no wa iya da! "I don't know! But I don't want this to end without knowing!"
7 死ね しね shine "Die."
8 おじゃまします ojama shimasu "[Pardon] the intrusion*." (*Note: This is a common greeting in Japan spoken when entering someone's home or office or otherwise when possibly interrupting someone.)

1 わっ wa "Wah!"
2 っぶねーな‼︎ガキどもォ親ァどこだバ っぶねーな‼︎ガキどもォおやァどこだバ bbunee na!! GAKI-domoO oyaA doko da BA "That's dangerous! You brats, where are you parents?"
3 物理的に⁉︎干渉してる ぶつりてきに⁉︎かんしょうしてる butsuriteki ni!? kanshou shiteru Physically [touched]!? I'm interfering.
4 死柄木の深層意識に入ったんだ しがらきのしんそういしきにはいったんだ Shigaraki no shinsou ishiki ni haittanda "We entered Shigaraki's deep consciousness."
5 君も継承者として精神が形取られてるから干渉し合う きみもけいしょうしゃとしてせいしんがかたちどられてるからかんしょうしあう kimi mo keishousha to shite seishin ga katachidorareteru kara kanshou shi au "As a successor, your spirit also has taken shape, so we will interfere together."
6 7代目…‼︎ 7だいめ…‼︎ 7daime...!! "Seventh...!!"
7 私だけまた弾かれてしまった… わたしだけまたはじかれてしまった… watashi dake mata hajikarete shimatta... "I was the only one who got repelled again..."
8 すまない…! sumanai...! "Sorry...!"

1 ーーでも側にまだいてくれて僕嬉しいです ーーでもそばにまだいてくれてぼくうれしいです --demo soba ni mada ite kurete boku ureshii desu "--But I'm glad you're still by my side."
2 ここはいわば死柄木の核…… ここはいわばしがらきのかく…… koko wa iwaba Shigaraki no kaku...... "This place is Shigaraki's core, so to speak......"
3 原点 オリジン ORIJIN (kanji: genten) "His origin."
4 最も繊細で柔らかいところだ もっともせんさいでやわらかいところだ motto mo sensai de yawarakai tokoro da "It is the most delicate, soft place."
5 ここでの死柄木は恐らく ここでのしがらきはおそらく koko de no Shigaraki wa osoraku The Shigaraki here is probably
6 脆い もろい moroi fragile.
7 触れて奴の原点を打つんだ ふれてやつのげんてんをうつんだ furete yatsu no genten wo utsunda Touch him to hit his origin.
8 ……原点… ……げんてん… ......genten... ......Origin...

1 だから死ぬ だからこうなる dakara kou naru (kanji: shinu) "That's why something like this will happen (read as: you will die)."
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
3 何を背負い何をつくる⁉︎ なにをせおいなにを��くる⁉︎ nani wo seoi nani wo tsukuru!? "What burden will you carry, and what will you make!?"
4 計画はあるのか? けいかくはあるのか? keikaku wa aru no ka? "Do you have a plan?"
5 ない!どけ‼︎ nai! doke!! "I don't! Move!!"

1 ーーーーひみつだよ ----himitsu da yo "----It's a secret!"
2 この人おばあちゃんなんだって このひとおばあちゃんなんだって kono hito obaachan nanda tte "This person, [I heard] she's our grandma."
3 写真… しゃしん… shashin... The photo...
4 弧太朗…! こたろう…! Kotarou...! Kotarou...!

1 お父さんに内緒で姉妹ヒーローになっちゃおう! おとうさんにないしょできょうだいヒーローになっちゃおう! otousan ni naisho de kyoudai HIIROO ni nacchaou! "Let's keep it secret from Dad and become sibling heroes!"

1 あの黒いのは死柄木⁉︎ あのくろいのはしがらき⁉︎ ano kuroi no wa Shigaraki!? That black one is Shigaraki!?
2 "拒絶"‼︎ "きょぜつ"‼︎ "kyozetsu"!! [His] rejection!!
3 弾かれる…‼︎ はじかれる…‼︎ hajikareru...!! I'm being repelled...!!
4 あと一歩なのに…! あといっぽなのに…! ato ippo nanoni...! It's just one more step...!
5 あれはおばあちゃんじゃない are wa obaachan ja nai "That is not your Grandma."
6 子どもを捨てた鬼畜だ こどもをすてたきちくだ kodomo wo suteta kichiku da "That is a demon who abandoned her child."
7 ーーー…そうか ---...sou ka ---...I see.
8 持ちたくて持ってたんじゃない もちたくてもってたんじゃない mochitakute mottetanja nai It's not that you had it because you wanted to have it. (Note: I think she is talking about the photograph.)

1 いいかヒーローというのはな… ii ka HIIROO to iu no wa na... "You see, heroes are those who..."
2 捨てられなかったんだ…… すてられなかったんだ…… suterarenakattanda...... It's that you couldn't throw it away......
3 他人をたすける為に たにんをたすけるために tanin wo tasukeru tame ni "in order to help/save* others," (*Note: There is no kanji for tasukeru, so the meaning is likely meant to be purposefully ambiguous.)
4 ずっとー… zutto-... For so long-...
5 家族を傷つけるんだ かぞくをきずつけるんだ kazoku wo kizutsukerunda "hurt their families."
6 ずっと捨てられなかったんだ ずっとすてられなかったんだ zutto suterarenakattanda It's that for so long you couldn't throw it away.
7 私がつけた傷が わたしがつけたきずが watashi ga tsuketa kizu ga The wounds I caused
8 死柄木にまで広がったんだ しがらきにまでひろがったんだ Shigaraki ni made hirogattanda spread to Shigaraki.
9 ーーAFOに勝って ーーオール・フォー・ワンにかって --OORU FOO WAN ni katte --If only I had won against All For One
10 お迎えに行けてたらーー… おむかえにいけてたらーー… omukae ni iketetara--... and gone to get you--...

1 ごめんね弧太朗 ごめんねこたろう gomen ne Kotarou I'm sorry, Kotarou,
2 志村さん!!! しむらさん!!! Shimura-san!!! "Shimura-san!!!"
3 お母さん弱くって おかあさんよわくって okaasan yowaku tte for [your] mom being so weak.

1 ごめんね gomen ne "I'm sorry"
2 お迎えに行けなくて おむかえにいけなくて omukae ni ikenakute "that I couldn't go get you,"
3 ごめんね gomen ne I'm sorry.
4 おばあちゃんのせいでーーー… obaachan no sei de---... This is Grandma's fault---...

1 やだ… ya da... "Can't stand it..."
2 僕もうやだよ ぼくもうやだよ boku mou ya da yo "I can't stand it anymore,"
3 モンちゃん MON-chan "Mon-chan!"
tagline 原点。崩壊のはじまり げんてん。ほうかいのはじまり genten. houkai no hajimari [Its] origin. The beginning of Decay.
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 417#bnha 417#my hero academia manga spoilers#final arc spoilers#i love the trippy shit I LOVE IT#but also can we like#not do the dog thing again#*please*
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Oh i guess i can post this
School thingy, pick a public figure and draw them by using just words. This is natewantstobattle and i used many of his songs, i like how he turned out
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NPD culture: "If you don't reblog/repost/use this/etc you don't care" You're right I don't moving on.
#i hate that guilt trippy shit#npd culture is#npd#actually narcissistic#actually npd#narcissistic personality disorder#cluster b
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"I don't know everything, I just know what I know."
So Monogatari is back and nobody told me??????
Haven't watched the new season yet but cuz i'm in a Monogatari mood I drew Hanekawa
#tsubasa hanekawa#monogatari#its really trippy to hear/ see a new monogatari opening btw#for like idk 4-5 years to me it's just been “ahh yes these are the 20 somethin monogatari songs”#hanekawa has the best openings btw#perfect slumbers is soooo good i used to play that shit on loop so much in high school im suprized im not tired of it#one of my fav anime openings ever#mousou express is the best monogatari op overall tho#speaking of high school fun fact i drew monogatari fanart for a class assignment in high school i think thats hilarious in hindsight#yknow what i was so iconic for that (iirc we had to like draw something from a book we were reading of our choice or smth)#(and i was reading the novel for Koyomimonogatari so i drew the scene where Gaen does a spoiler)#(idk how i had the balls to bring the monogatari novels to school either)#(thats probably the only other monogatari fanart ive done besides this to my recollection minus some etsy merch stuff)
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“If this is your first night at dueling club, you have to duel.”
Watched Fight Club for the first time recently and this was the first thing I thought of— what? I’m not obsessed with Hogwarts legacy… what you on about?
Tumblr… why you gotta make them blurry T^T
Lucan doesn’t really look like Lucan, but… all well!
Enjoy my crossover ~🍪
#if you haven’t watched Fight Club i recommend it#that shit was trippy as foock#hogwarts legacy#lucan brattleby#sebastian sallow#maeartworks#hphl#hphl mc#hphl oc#hogwarts legacy mc#hemera fotia#sebastian x mc#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian x reader#Sebastian x you#fight club#crossover#hogwarts legacy fanart#slytherin#griffindor#blah blah blah tags#follow vibes
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Okay one last comic about this guy. No offense to any white hippies reading this but some of y'all are the most annoying motherfuckers on earth
Edit: I had no idea that the term "sweat lodge" refers to more than one tradition! Probably shoulda guessed, lol. We were all talking about the southwestern version where everyone takes peyote, and traditionally you're required to dose to participate (I've never done this, only heard it described by my grandfather and read about it in books.) Regardless of how you do it, I don't think outsiders should approach a sacred ritual from another culture and try to throw out traditions and reduce it to some type of spa day.
#personally if the medicine man told me to stand on my head and shit nickels then i would at least try#furry art#furry#retro#grunge#punk#fursona#comic art#trippy#nostalgiacore#hippie#donkey#panther
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⬆️ this, but Soshiro is Katarra and Kafka is Sokka and he's saying "Third Division"
#If you know the whole scene then maybe it was Soshiro Mean-Mugging Narumi before he left.#Like Narumi was talking shit again so Soshiro had to put him in his place (again)#The shit I connect in my brain.#Idk I just see Kafka having some of the same mannerisms as Sokka some days.#You know those two would be absolute homies#The bestest of bros#God Sokka in the third division.... just think about it.#Hell I'll be doing that plenty today now.#Kafka just being his vice captain's hype man.#kaiju no. 8#kn8#kaiju no 8#kaiju number 8#kaiju no.8#kaiju n8#kaiju no. eight#kaijuu no. 8#kaijuu 8 gou#kaijuu number 8#kafka hibino#soshiro hoshina#hibino kafka#hoshina soshiro#There could also be like a MILLION variations including the other members.#Like it being Mina and Soshiro/Kafka and Reno/ Mina and every Mina simp trailing out behind her -#Like some weird trippy overlaping glitch
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#very rough sketch#it's a first sketch of the day kinda rough#kinda wanna redo it some other ( not sleeping hours) time#scourge doodle#scourge the hedgehog fanart#my art <3#sonic the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog fanart#sonic fanart#fanart#my art#sketchbook#tbh we lost power and so couldn't see shit without a flash light :p literally was by the window and saw All the lights were i live go out#trippy shit#well#I'm off to bed night night!#scourge the hedgehog
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Idia: “Hm? Something is ringing.”
Malleus: “Ah…it’s this fellow.”
Malleus: “Apparently, it’s hungry. Now then, what kind of food should I give it today…”
Malleus: “Oh, you know of this?”
Idia: “I know about it, but I played the generation that had color LCDs.”
Idia: “Wow, first generation model. There are still people playing those.”
Malleus: “…Yeah. It broke a few times, but I’ve had it repaired.”
Malleus: “I won’t neglect its maintenance……I will cherish it for a long, long time.”
Idia: “Aaah, if Dracon-kun is well cared for, it will be very happy.”
Malleus: “……Hehehe. I hope everyone feels the same.”
Idia: “Huh? Everyone…?”
#twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst spoilers#episode 7#idia shroud#twst idia#malleus draconia#translations not 100% accurate#all of this is trippy af#malleus’s um is basically one massive infinite tsukuyomi#madara uchiha shit right here😂#it’s just weird seeing a redo of the entrance ceremony from idia’s pov#im just like that’s not what happened🤣#aaaaahhhh idia wake up pls
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The truth is always right in front of our eyes.
#dank#art#life#love#gif#trippy#dope#beauty#trippy art#animated gif#gif animation#gifs#meditation#zen#dope shit#flashing gif#trip#artsy#artists#artist#art of tumblr#mindfulness#mindfulawareness#life lessons#life goals
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#2000s internet#2000s web#web archive#internet archive#weird web#weirdcore#oddcore#strandecore#weird shit#trippy art#trippy vibes#psychedelic art#red eyes#mixed media art#collage art#weird art#conceptural art#webcore#web graphics#old web graphics
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Okay but here me out—
Time x reader angst but their exes
where the two had dated in their youth but broke up for a SERIES of reasons that ultimately made both party’s believe that the other would be better off without them. They break up and go there separate ways but will forever remember the love they had for the other. The two may have had other relationships after the break up or maybe their heart(s) was still hopelessly in love with the other. Either way, they two hadn’t seen eachother in years until…
Time and the Chain runs into Reader at a magic shop in Time’s era. And IMMEDIATELY the chain can SEE the tension between them, Time being more rigid and sheepish than the group has every seen before and the shop clerk does everything in their power to avoid the hero. At first, everyone thought that the two were enemies or maybe Time had awkward run ins with this person before the group met! But a few of the boys pick up on the subtle cues and oddly in syne actions the duo shared.
While the clerk would never look at the hero when he was looking at them…they would sneak a glance when the old man looked away. When Time would quietly -almost sheepishly- ask for information from the clerk, he would be able to finish the clerk’s train of thought before they even finished (he would quickly apologize for cutting them off, like he had just cursed them to hell-). There were many more instances that just screamed a tension that was anything but hostile but more…romantic.
After the Chain left, many noticed the older hero shooting many glancing over his shoulder at the store, like he was waiting for…something. Warriors was the first to question Time, as the others were far too scared of stepping on the man’s toes. They sadly didn’t get much information out of Time, only that the clerk was an old friend from his teens but those who knew the feeling of a broken heart knew what that pained look in his eyes met.
#trippy talks#linked universe#lu time#lu time x reader#linked universe x reader#tales out of orbit#linked universe time#reader insert#sorry for spelling mistakes and shit. its very late rn and i was just rambling akdhksbd
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