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MHA Chapter 417 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.

tagline 固く閉ざされた死柄木に迫るデク…‼︎ かたくとざされたしがらきにせまるデク…‼︎ kataku tozasareta Shigaraki ni semaru DEKU...!! Deku approaches Shigaraki who remains firmly closed off...!!
1 何がどうなってんだ⁉︎ なにがどうなってんだ⁉︎ nani ga dou nattenda!? "What's going on!?"
2 もう よくわからん mou yoku wakaran "Yeesh, I don't really understand."
3 緑谷出久が指の塊をかきわけて中に入ってったんだ みどりやいずくがゆびのかたまりをかきわけてなかにはいってったんだ Midoriya Izuku ga yubi no katamari wo kakiwakete naka ni haittettanda "Izuku Midoriya pushed his way through the mass of fingers and was going inside."


1 与一…⁉︎ よいち…⁉︎ Yoichi...!? "Yoichi...!?"
2 ブルース…! BURUUSU...! "Bruce...!"
3 …万縄… …ばんじょう… ...Banjou... "...Banjou..."
4 俊典… としのり… Toshinori... "Toshinori..."
5 私だけ…弾き返された…⁉︎なんでーーー… わたしだけ…はじきかえされた…⁉︎なんでーーー… watashi dake...hajiki kaesareta...!? nande---... I was the only one...who was bounced back...!? Why---...

1 安心しろよおばあちゃん あんしんしろよおばあちゃん anshin shiro yo obaachan Don't worry, Grandma.
2 あんたもしっかり憎んでる あんたもしっかりにくんでる anta mo shikkari nikunderu I fully hate you, too.
3 憎まれてるからじゃない にくまれてるからじゃない nikumareteru kara ja nai It's not because I'm hated. (Note: This is Nana, and it connects with her lines at #6-7.)
4 行かないでええ いかないでええ ikanaideee Don't gooo!
5 お母さああん おかあさああん okaasaaan Moooom!
6 これは kore wa This is
7 私の弱さだ わたしのよわさだ watashi no yowasa da my weakness.
tagline No.417 志村 堀越耕平 ナンバー417 しむら ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 417 Shimura Horikoshi Kouhei No. 417 Shimura Kouhei Horikoshi

1 知ってどうする しってどうする shitte dou suru When you know, what will you do?
2 過去を暴いて かこをあばいて kako wo abaite When you uncover the past,
3 何が変わる なにがかわる nani ga kawaru what will change?
4 死柄木から見た僕の姿… しがらきからみたぼくのすがた… Shigaraki kara mita boku no sugata... My appearance as seen by Shigaraki...
5 を使って喋ってるのか をつかってしゃべってるのか wo tsukatte shabetteru no ka which he's using to speak, huh?
6 わからない!でも知らないまま終わるのは嫌だ! わからない!でもしらないままおわるのはいやだ! wakaranai! demo shiranai mama owaru no wa iya da! "I don't know! But I don't want this to end without knowing!"
7 死ね しね shine "Die."
8 おじゃまします ojama shimasu "[Pardon] the intrusion*." (*Note: This is a common greeting in Japan spoken when entering someone's home or office or otherwise when possibly interrupting someone.)

1 わっ wa "Wah!"
2 っぶねーな‼︎ガキどもォ親ァどこだバ っぶねーな‼︎ガキどもォおやァどこだバ bbunee na!! GAKI-domoO oyaA doko da BA "That's dangerous! You brats, where are you parents?"
3 物理的に⁉︎干渉してる ぶつりてきに⁉︎かんしょうしてる butsuriteki ni!? kanshou shiteru Physically [touched]!? I'm interfering.
4 死柄木の深層意識に入ったんだ しがらき��しんそういしきにはいったんだ Shigaraki no shinsou ishiki ni haittanda "We entered Shigaraki's deep consciousness."
5 君も継承者として精神が形取られてるから干渉し合う きみもけいしょうしゃとしてせいしんがかたちどられてるからかんしょうしあう kimi mo keishousha to shite seishin ga katachidorareteru kara kanshou shi au "As a successor, your spirit also has taken shape, so we will interfere together."
6 7代目…‼︎ 7だいめ…‼︎ 7daime...!! "Seventh...!!"
7 私だけまた弾かれてしまった… わたしだけまたはじかれてしまった… watashi dake mata hajikarete shimatta... "I was the only one who got repelled again..."
8 すまない…! sumanai...! "Sorry...!"

1 ーーでも側にまだいてくれて僕嬉しいです ーーでもそばにまだいてくれてぼくうれしいです --demo soba ni mada ite kurete boku ureshii desu "--But I'm glad you're still by my side."
2 ここはいわば死柄木の核…… ここはいわばしがらきのかく…… koko wa iwaba Shigaraki no kaku...... "This place is Shigaraki's core, so to speak......"
3 原点 オリジン ORIJIN (kanji: genten) "His origin."
4 最も繊細で柔らかいところだ もっともせんさいでやわらかいところだ motto mo sensai de yawarakai tokoro da "It is the most delicate, soft place."
5 ここでの死柄木は恐らく ここでのしがらきはおそらく koko de no Shigaraki wa osoraku The Shigaraki here is probably
6 脆い もろい moroi fragile.
7 触れて奴の原点を打つんだ ふれてやつのげんてんをうつんだ furete yatsu no genten wo utsunda Touch him to hit his origin.
8 ……原点… ……げんてん… ......genten... ......Origin...

1 だから死ぬ だからこうなる dakara kou naru (kanji: shinu) "That's why something like this will happen (read as: you will die)."
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
3 何を背負い何をつくる⁉︎ なにをせおいなにをつくる⁉︎ nani wo seoi nani wo tsukuru!? "What burden will you carry, and what will you make!?"
4 計画はあるのか? けいかくはあるのか? keikaku wa aru no ka? "Do you have a plan?"
5 ない!どけ‼︎ nai! doke!! "I don't! Move!!"

1 ��ーーーひみつだよ ----himitsu da yo "----It's a secret!"
2 この人おばあちゃんなんだって このひとおばあちゃんなんだって kono hito obaachan nanda tte "This person, [I heard] she's our grandma."
3 写真… しゃしん… shashin... The photo...
4 弧太朗…! こたろう…! Kotarou...! Kotarou...!

1 お父さんに内緒で姉妹ヒーローになっちゃおう! おとうさんにないしょできょうだいヒーローになっちゃおう! otousan ni naisho de kyoudai HIIROO ni nacchaou! "Let's keep it secret from Dad and become sibling heroes!"

1 あの黒いのは死柄木⁉︎ あのくろいのはしがらき⁉︎ ano kuroi no wa Shigaraki!? That black one is Shigaraki!?
2 "拒絶"‼︎ "きょぜつ"‼︎ "kyozetsu"!! [His] rejection!!
3 弾かれる…‼︎ はじかれる…‼︎ hajikareru...!! I'm being repelled...!!
4 あと一歩なのに…! あといっぽなのに…! ato ippo nanoni...! It's just one more step...!
5 あれはおばあちゃんじゃない are wa obaachan ja nai "That is not your Grandma."
6 子どもを捨てた鬼畜だ こどもをすてたきちくだ kodomo wo suteta kichiku da "That is a demon who abandoned her child."
7 ーーー…そうか ---...sou ka ---...I see.
8 持ちたくて持ってたんじゃない もちたくてもってたんじゃない mochitakute mottetanja nai It's not that you had it because you wanted to have it. (Note: I think she is talking about the photograph.)

1 いいかヒーローというのはな… ii ka HIIROO to iu no wa na... "You see, heroes are those who..."
2 捨てられなかったんだ…… すてられなかったんだ…… suterarenakattanda...... It's that you couldn't throw it away......
3 他人をたすける為に たにんをたすけるために tanin wo tasukeru tame ni "in order to help/save* others," (*Note: There is no kanji for tasukeru, so the meaning is likely meant to be purposefully ambiguous.)
4 ずっとー… zutto-... For so long-...
5 家族を傷つけるんだ かぞくをきずつけるんだ kazoku wo kizutsukerunda "hurt their families."
6 ずっと捨てられなかったんだ ずっとすてられなかったんだ zutto suterarenakattanda It's that for so long you couldn't throw it away.
7 私がつけた傷が わたしがつけたきずが watashi ga tsuketa kizu ga The wounds I caused
8 死柄木にまで広がったんだ しがらきにまでひろがったんだ Shigaraki ni made hirogattanda spread to Shigaraki.
9 ーーAFOに勝って ーーオール・フォー・ワンにかって --OORU FOO WAN ni katte --If only I had won against All For One
10 お迎えに行けてたらーー… おむかえにいけてたらーー… omukae ni iketetara--... and gone to get you--...

1 ごめんね弧太朗 ごめんねこたろう gomen ne Kotarou I'm sorry, Kotarou,
2 志村さん!!! しむらさん!!! Shimura-san!!! "Shimura-san!!!"
3 お母さん弱くって おかあさんよわくって okaasan yowaku tte for [your] mom being so weak.

1 ごめんね gomen ne "I'm sorry"
2 お迎えに行けなくて おむかえにいけなくて omukae ni ikenakute "that I couldn't go get you,"
3 ごめんね gomen ne I'm sorry.
4 おばあちゃんのせいでーーー… obaachan no sei de---... This is Grandma's fault---...

1 やだ… ya da... "Can't stand it..."
2 僕もうやだよ ぼくもうやだよ boku mou ya da yo "I can't stand it anymore,"
3 モンちゃん MON-chan "Mon-chan!"
tagline 原点。崩壊のはじまり げんてん。ほうかいのはじまり genten. houkai no hajimari [Its] origin. The beginning of Decay.
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 417#bnha 417#my hero academia manga spoilers#final arc spoilers#i love the trippy shit I LOVE IT#but also can we like#not do the dog thing again#*please*
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hey for everyone talking about jury nullification etc etc: it only works if you lie and say you dont know what it is. if youre chosen for jury duty and they ask you if you know what it is, you say no. here's an article going more in depth, and here's the cgp grey video about it.
like. just so we're clear, it's good to know about, but if you go into a courtroom and start talking about nullification, you could very well have voided your place on that jury. be smart about it 👍
#jury nullification#ceo shooting#united healthcare#and also like. can we all please be careful on the internet#'i want this person to die' <- not a crime#'i hope this person dies' <- not a crime#'i am going to kill this person' <- now youve made a threat that can be investigated#idk call me paranoid. i just want everybody to be safe. except ceos of insurance companies
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Katniss is such an unreliable narrator. She says "Then something unexpected happens. At least, I don't expect it because I don't think of District 12 as a place that cares about me" girl you deliver strawberries to the Mayor, you hunt and trade for the district, when you fell at Prim being chosen someone caught you, when you went to Prim people parted for you, when you volunteered EVERYONE stopped. Idk how to tell you but I think you're a pillar of the community.
#katniss everdeen#the hunger games trilogy#the hunger games#primrose everdeen#hunger games#batcavescolony reads the hunger games#suzanne collins#'now it seems i have become someone precious' NOW? GIRL BFFR you're their hunter girl#and this isn't negative just bffr girl#your WHOLE DISTRICT did the three finger salute that you yourself says means admiration thanks and goodbye to someone you love and on top is#old a rarely used. your WHOLE DISTRICT decided in that moment that they needed to bring back this sign of respect for YOU#...................................................................#idk why some people are thinking i mean this as negative i don't she is unreliable but its not intentional. like when Peeta heart stoped in#CF she doesn't know what Finnick is doing at first cus she doesn't know off the top of her head what cpr is. she also thinks Peeta after the#reaping is acting for the cameras. he isnt we dind out later his mom basically told him Katniss was gonna win and he would die. obviously#shes not doing it on purpose shes just for lack of better words uneducated? as in she doesn't know everything shes not omnipotent#so when Plutarch (? second games guy) shows her his mokingjay hiden watch shes like *wtf that's weird?* then the people traveling to#district 13 show her the mockingjay cookie and explains it and she then goes on the difference between his watch and their cookie#and why does eveyone act as if district 12 is as bad as the capital? they CANT help Katniss and Prim in the way you want. they cant give#them food. none of them have any! and im not putting iton Katniss but they hid they needed food so they could stay together. it sounds like#some of you are in this our world mentally of what people do after a loved one dies (brings food constantly checks on them etc) district 12#cant do that. they dont have food and they're all suffering. you cant give someone food when you have none to give. then theirs the fact#that peeta DID help. Peeta buring the bread and tossing some to her then taking a beating from his mom is a HUGE thing in the books.#he used his resources to help her like you all said someone should.#district 12 DID (rip) care about Katniss before the hunger games. why do you think she was allowed to hunt? or how her trades were good#these are the little ways 12 can shows Katniss they love her. but again Katniss doesn't see this and YES its because she had ptsd before the#hunger games as well. i swear some of you make it seem like d12 was all living a life of luxury and glaring down at Katniss.#other things that show Katniss is in hight standing with at least her people of d12 is her dad was known enough through d12 for peeta dad to#comment on his singing along with his commenting on her mom. also her mom is a healer in the community. yeah her parents arnt the top but#of d12 but they are/were definitely high staning in the Seam.
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spock’s room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.

for reference jim’s room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing
#spock baby im sorry but it looks like the backdrop of one of those alpha male podcasts#nurse chapel is stronger then me because if i saw this frat boy ass decor i would have immediately gotten the ick and left#the lack of coherent design is so funny#ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW TO CURTAIN IS COVERING THE SHELVES WHICH IS SUCH A SMALL THING BUT IT MAKES ME SO MAD WHY SPOCK WHY#i hope bones never saw this room because he would have a fucking field day#star trek#star trek tos#spirk#jim kirk#spock#tos
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I was just browsing around here at random and I think the current generation of social media users need to re-learn a certain truth:
the Secret Service will investigate all perceived threats to the president or top government officials, even if they are clearly unserious.
Now, they aren't going to arrest you for joking about it. They are going to show up at your house with printouts of your tumblr and other social media and ask you some very pointed questions and it's going to be extremely uncomfortable. They want you to know that they know what you said, and that if you were planning to do more than talk, you should stop that, because now they have their eye on you.
And yeah, in the back of their minds they're thinking "what if this seemingly harmless poster actually turns out to have a gun and a plan, and we dismiss them because we think they couldn't possibly be serious?" But mainly the first thing.
Let me make one thing clear: I am expressing neither approval or disapproval of this practice. I am stating the fact that they've done this for decades -- it's not a particular feature of the new administration. And given that their one and only job is keeping some very unpopular people alive, it makes sense that they're being damn sure no one slips through the cracks. Because it only takes one.
Oh, and just for the record, if you use common censorship techniques to talk about "unaliving" or "k*lling" someone you shouldn't, they can still find you. Some of these people have been on the social media beat for years by now, you know they speak fluent TikTok.
Be safe out there, okay? Don't get put on a list for a dumb joke.
#by and large you can say all kinds of hyperbolic violent shit about random people and not draw LEO attention#it won't be regarded as a 'true threat'#(fuck you mullenweg)#but y'all i'm serious they are SUPER sensitive about the president#because among all the people joking and venting are also plenty of people mad enough to make a real plan#we don't hear about most of them because they're stopped before it gets that far#but like. imagine the obama years.
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one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
#this is my experience so I know it won’t work for everyone#like all things there is no universal formula#we all have different capacities and capabilities#but I like sharing things that work for me in case they can also help someone else#studyblr#study motivation#study tips#university#academia#uni tips
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Okay, without trying to take away from the joy we are feeling, we must stay vigilant. This ceasefire deal is 3 phases, the first is a 42 day pause for hostage exchange which is set to start on SUNDAY, as long as Netanyahu’s cabinet signs off on it. The IOF is not expected to fully retreat from Gaza, but stay to ‘mandated zones’. Palestinians are meant to be able to return to their homes, but with Israeli soldiers still there, this is not a guarantee. The 600 aid trucks a day into Gaza during this 42 day phase 1 is still not enough.
THIS IS NOT OVER. We do not know the details of phase 2 and 3, and nothing has been agreed for these phases in writing. We must not get complacent in this moment of respite. Please, do not stop fighting. This is not over until every Palestinian can return home, until the occupation is gone, until all of Palestine is free.
Keep protesting and campaigning, keep donating because aid organisations need all the help they can get, especially in the next 6 weeks, and it might be the only window people get to evacuate. This is a step in the right direction, but it is not over.
sources: 1 , 2
#we must also recognise israel’s pattern of violating ceasefire deals like they have done with gaza and lebanon#how they have recently violated the 50yr long deal with syria and are occupying the golan heights#this is good but it is not enough and with trump about to be back in office this can fall apart very easily#granted biden is just as bad but we know trump’s unashamed bloodthirsty stances#genocidal apartheid ethnostates do not give up their power unless you rip it from them#palestine#free palestine#gaza#gaza ceasefire#free palestine 🇵🇸#i hope this is the beginning.#will update with more sources when more comes out
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one of the hottest things ever is forced orgasms. someone fighting their body for me. getting them really really close and telling them not to cum and they're like straining and clenching their muslces trying to hold it back, even though they know i'm not gonna stop in time and their orgasm is inevitable. but they'll try anyway because they want to be good for me so bad. "stopstopstop, please, i'm gonna cum" awww you can't hold it for me? just a little longer? i know you can do it baby. i know you wanna cum so bad and it feels so good and you just wanna give into the feeling, but hold it. you know i'll ruin it if you don't.
#people saying stop is such a fucking button for me#as always consensually obvs#like we have a safeword they can say at any time#but instead they're saying stop bc it feels so good#also “stop! please!” while being tickled#hhhhhh it kills me#nb nsft#wlw nsft#sapphic nsft#femdxm#d0m/sub#soft d0m#edging nsft#ruined 0rgasm#0rgasm control#0rgasm denial#forced 0rgasm
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"why should I get invested in shows if they'll just get canceled" I was deeply invested in Heroes (2006) and it was not canceled, it just got really terrible. I also got really invested in the sandwich I had a few weeks ago despite it only lasting like 15 minutes. You must embrace the ephemeral. You must be willing to love things that may not love you back, that might betray you, or that may die an untimely death. As the great philosopher Mr. Mitchell Lee Hedberg said "I'm not gonna stop doing something because of what happens at the end."
#now granted he did die of a drug overdose but you know. one can take the good lessons#anyway. point being i understand being deeply frustrated with the state of the tv and film.#but also we can admit that for every gem canceled there's like three real duds too#idk if you want something that's guaranteed to have a bunch of seasons and you know the ending for go watch shows from the 70s#the number of adults on this site who lack the emotional wherewithal to watch an ongoing narrative is. yikes.#queue
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The toy animatronics are the divas of FNAF,,
#myart#chloesimagination#comic#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#fnaf fanart#fnaf movie#fnaf 2#fnaf 2 movie#toy bonnie#mike schmidt#fnaf vanessa#vanessa shelly#the toys better be cunty in the movie#LIKE THEY CAN be scary too definitely#but they gotta serve a little#I ALSO wonder if they can talk#seeing they are supposed to be more advanced#it be cool if we get some lines from them#Mike is insulted truly unprompted#he’s just standing there#Vanessa is gonna be seeing white just soul leaves her body
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i dont wanna be a magical girl...
fanart for @kianamaiart! background image credit here
#i don't want to be a magical girl#idwtbamg fanart#one of these is not like the other#im sorry hoshi i just had to make you a lump lol#i dont think aika's magical girl persona actually has like#merch n shit in the real world#but i couldnt pass up the image of her being surrounded by it#and being very unhappy about that#so#here we are#also shes in nyc because i can
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the victory ball
#you heard the writers dragon age is MINE NOW and I SAY we have VICTORY BALLS#u just know lucanis is begging rook to go home#he is literally hiding outside the ball and rook had to go find him to be like mf can we DANCE TOGETHER OR SOMETHING?#also zoom in under his dagger he was carving into the pavement before rook found him#also yes this is a repost I fkn]d up the shading on the stairs and had to fix it real quick#I was Quite Drunk when I coloured this okay#dragon age veilguard#lucanis dellamorte#dragon age#lucanis x rook#rookanis#datv#rook#lucanis dragon age#rook dragon age#shadow dragon rook#Vivienne Rook Mercar#Rook Mercar#food time fishies come eat
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The contrast of this Blitz





Against the Blitz that we have now




Rather spectacular what accepting one's feelings and the feelings of the person you've fallen in love with can do.
#helluva boss#stolitz#stolas#blitz#in hindsight now its so obvious how much blitz was projecting that anger because he was afraid of losing stolas#its also so telling that blitz went back the next day tho!#like he didnt do that with verosika he booked it out of there#with stolas hes like hey imma be an asshole but please take me back please can we be together again#he has been gone as this bird for a while#and now he can finally express that!!#so this is loooooooooove
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the scene people keep screaming about from chapter 5 of theseus' guide
#gravity falls#gf theseus' guide#billford#stanford pines#bill cipher#stanley pines#mabel pines#dipper pines#m.png#THIS WASNT SUPPOSED TO TAKE ALL WEEK AAGH#cool thing i did where i took these characters who i cant draw from any angle but the front and then have them turning around CONSTANTLY#not just views from different angles either! active turning! im a genius!#i feel like you can tell which shots were drawn on different days sadkfhlgljaskg this killed me. i was gonna clean up the bgs but fuck that#theyre functional on a basic level and that is all we need#anyways can you believe the notorious line is only in the fic because an eagle eyed editor (not myself) caught it just before it was delete#and started screaming until it got put back#also the way stump came over while i was making this and was like 'oh right. i ship them' at the way i made bill flirt lmao#it hits different in the visual!#alright now i gotta fucking haul ass on the chapter 8 one
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i'm making myself laugh thinking about this but I wholeheartedly believe madame morrible absolutely HATES the thought of glinda and elphaba being together like the mere mention of gelphie would probably send her into immediate cardiac arrest and it's not even because she's homophobic or anything I just fully believe she dislikes glinda so so much she's just like this is absolutely NOT happening in my house.
glinda and elphaba are having their gay ass moment and she's like "I sense a disturbance in the force; the wind is telling me those fucking lesbians are at it again."
like IK this woman hates to see glinda's fruity ass coming for several reasons but first and foremost I believe it's because she's so fucking ANNOYED by how much elphaba loves and cares for her, like this pink bitch is throwing a wrench in her plans just by EXISTING and being herself.
and she can't even really do anything to glinda because it'll make elphaba upset and she really can't have that so she just has to sit there and be like
#wicked#wicked 2024#shitpost#my hand slipped oh no#madame morrible#glinda upland#elphaba thropp#gelphie#imagine being her for a second yk#like that scene just before the ballroom scene where elphaba comes to her#asks her to include glinda in their classes#and threatens to QUIT if she doesn't do it right that instant#and you're there like girl wtf???#i thought we hated her why are you up in her ass rn???#do you think she saw whatever sort of horrible homoerotic tension they had going on during loathing#and she was like yk what this is fine i can deal with this im sure this won't lead to anything#and cue elphaba banging on her door at 2am#i would've taken a bottle of aspirin and gone to bed like BYE#can't deal with these damn lesbians again#i just KNOW she was cursing glinda out#also again madame morrible's plan hinged on elphaba being so starved for love and approval she'd do whatever she and the wizard wanted#BUT WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN SHE GETS LOVE AND VALIDATION FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE#LIKE THIS WAS NOT ACCORDING TO PLAN#WHERE DID THE PINK LESBIAN COME FROM???
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if i had a nickel for every au spawned from twitter that i SWORE i was going to be normal about
#i'd have like. five. which isn't a lot but IT KEEPS HAPPENING#stranger things#platonic stobin#steddie#steve harrington#robin buckley#eddie munson#here we go again boys#i've had this floating in my head for a Minute and i was like#nah i'm not gonna do it#maybe i'll anonymously write a fic#but no we're mombin posting on main#i think on twt we agreed it's a 'what's the worst that could happen' situation#platonic co parents can be so so so personal#also i have One more stobin wip and then bg3 again i swear#when i have a baby i Will be putting my giant black wings on beforehand#they have to know what kind of family they're coming into#cw pregnancy
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