#training progressive overload
fitnesflag · 2 months
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Transform your fitness journey with our 7-day progressive workout routine. From cardio and strength training to rest days and mindful recovery, this comprehensive plan is designed to help you build strength, improve endurance, and achieve your fitness goals one day at a time.
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ourlordapollo · 1 year
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Figure skating has been so crazy good for my arm development??? Turns out when you trick yourself into holding your arms up 90° at intervals for an hour-long session, it may contribute to your lateral delt development. Go figure.
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Training to Failure doesn’t Trigger Muscle Growth; Progressive Overload does!
Ignore the latest article in Muscle &Fiction and build more muscle.
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The Three Big Blunders in E-learning Design and How to Avoid Them
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E-learning has revolutionized education and training, making it accessible, flexible, and scalable. However, despite its numerous benefits, e-learning can sometimes fall short of its potential due to common design mistakes. These blunders can lead to disengaged learners, poor retention, and ultimately, ineffective training programs. To ensure your e-learning courses are impactful and successful, it’s crucial to recognize these pitfalls and know how to avoid them. Here are the three big blunders in e-learning design and strategies to circumvent them.
1. Overloading with Information
One of the most significant mistakes in e-learning design is overwhelming learners with too much information at once. This "information overload" can lead to cognitive fatigue, reduced retention, and disengagement.
Why It Happens
E-learning designers often aim to cover as much content as possible, thinking that more information equates to better learning. This is especially true when trying to accommodate comprehensive subjects within limited time frames.
The Impact
When learners are bombarded with excessive information, they struggle to process and retain it. This can result in a shallow understanding of the material and an inability to apply what they’ve learned in real-world situations.
How to Avoid It
Chunking Content: Break down information into smaller, manageable chunks. This helps learners process and retain information more effectively. Use modules or sections that focus on a single concept or skill at a time.
Focused Learning Objectives: Define clear and specific learning objectives for each module. Ensure that all content aligns with these objectives and avoid including extraneous information.
Progressive Disclosure: Introduce information gradually, revealing more complex details as the learner progresses. This method prevents cognitive overload and allows learners to build upon their knowledge incrementally.
Multimedia Balance: Use a mix of text, images, videos, and interactive elements to present information. This variety keeps learners engaged and caters to different learning styles, enhancing comprehension and retention.
2. Lack of Interactivity
Another major blunder in e-learning design is creating passive learning experiences. E-learning that lacks interactivity can result in disengaged learners who struggle to stay motivated and absorb the material.
Why It Happens
Designers sometimes prioritize content delivery over engagement, focusing on conveying information rather than involving learners in the learning process. Additionally, there might be constraints related to time, budget, or technical resources.
The Impact
Passive learning experiences can lead to boredom, disengagement, and lower retention rates. Learners are less likely to internalize and apply the material if they are not actively involved in the learning process.
How to Avoid It
Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations, drag-and-drop activities, and scenario-based learning. These activities encourage active participation and help learners apply what they’ve learned.
Gamification: Use gamification techniques like points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges to make learning more engaging and fun. Gamification taps into learners’ competitive instincts and can increase motivation.
Real-World Scenarios: Design exercises and assessments that mimic real-world scenarios. This contextual learning helps learners understand the practical application of the content and enhances engagement.
Frequent Feedback: Provide immediate and constructive feedback on learners’ performance. This helps learners understand their progress, reinforces learning, and keeps them motivated.
3. Neglecting User Experience (UX) Design
Neglecting user experience (UX) design is a critical blunder that can undermine the effectiveness of an e-learning course. Poor UX design can lead to frustration, disengagement, and ultimately, a failed learning experience.
Why It Happens
E-learning designers might focus heavily on content creation and overlook the importance of intuitive and user-friendly design. Limited UX expertise and insufficient user testing can also contribute to this issue.
The Impact
A poorly designed user interface (UI) can confuse and frustrate learners, making it difficult for them to navigate the course, access content, and complete activities. This can lead to high dropout rates and poor learning outcomes.
How to Avoid It
Intuitive Navigation: Design a clear and intuitive navigation structure. Ensure that learners can easily find and access the content they need. Use consistent menus, buttons, and icons to guide learners through the course.
Responsive Design: Ensure that your e-learning course is accessible on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. A responsive design adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, providing a seamless learning experience.
Accessibility: Make your e-learning course accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities. Use alt text for images, provide transcripts for videos, and ensure that all interactive elements are keyboard navigable.
User Testing: Conduct user testing with a sample of your target audience before launching the course. Gather feedback on the design, navigation, and overall user experience, and make necessary adjustments based on this feedback.
Consistent Visual Design: Use a consistent visual design throughout the course. This includes fonts, colors, and layouts. Consistency helps learners focus on the content rather than getting distracted by varying design elements.
Implementing Best Practices
To ensure your e-learning courses avoid these common blunders and deliver effective learning experiences, consider the following best practices:
Start with the Learner in Mind: Understand your audience’s needs, preferences, and learning styles. Tailor your content and design to meet these needs.
Iterative Design Process: Use an iterative design process that incorporates feedback and continuous improvement. Regularly update and refine your course based on learner feedback and performance data.
Collaborate with Experts: Work with subject matter experts, instructional designers, and UX professionals to create a well-rounded and effective e-learning course.
Continuous Professional Development: Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in e-learning design. Participate in professional development opportunities and communities of practice.
Effective e-learning design requires a balance of well-organized content, engaging interactivity, and a user-friendly experience. By avoiding the blunders of information overload, lack of interactivity, and poor UX design, you can create e-learning courses that not only capture learners' attention but also enhance their knowledge retention and application. Remember to focus on clear learning objectives, incorporate interactive elements, and prioritize intuitive design to deliver impactful and successful e-learning experiences.
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Damn I was scrolling through all my old posts and a Lot of them were vents and just. Jesus f christ.
I am doing so much better now.
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ancientroyalblood · 8 months
"Practical Strength: How It Transforms Your Everyday Life"
One thread often overlooked is practical strength—a form of power that extends beyond the gym and directly influences the way you navigate your daily life. Unlike the flashy feats of weightlifting, practical strength is the unsung hero that makes ordinary tasks extraordinary. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the profound impact of practical strength on daily activities and provide a roadmap…
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versary · 8 months
i feel like i'm asking a question that no one else has asked because i cannot find any papers that have done what i'm trying to do so like. am i even asking a meaningful question?
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fitnessmentor · 1 year
Maximize Muscle Mass: The Ultimate Chest Workout with Only 2 Exercises
Discover the game-changing secret to maximizing muscle mass with our ultimate chest workout. In this groundbreaking routine, we unveil the power of just two exercises that will transform your chest and deliver unparalleled results. By focusing on compound movements that target multiple muscle groups, you'll achieve extraordinary muscle growth and strength gains. Our carefully designed program emphasizes progressive overload, ensuring continuous muscle hypertrophy and development. Whether you're a seasoned bodybuilder or a fitness enthusiast looking to sculpt your physique, this chest workout is tailored to deliver exceptional results. Unlock your true potential, harness the power of these two exercises, and witness the remarkable transformation of your chest muscles.
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chaudharibhargav · 1 year
Progressive Overload: Unlocking Your Fitness Potential and The Importance in Strength Training
Progressive overload is a fundamental principle of strength training that refers to the gradual increase of stress placed on the body during exercise over time. This concept is critical for achieving gains in strength, endurance, and muscle size. Without progressive overload, the body will adapt to the same level of stimulus, and the desired results will eventually plateau. READMORE
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juliahalefitness · 1 year
Working Out but Not Seeing Results?
If you’re working out 4 to 5 days a week but you’re not seeing results, this might be why. Some clients come to me as a first step: they’re interested in getting into fitness but have no idea where to start. Some clients come to me for a refresher: they’re coming out of some time off (an injury, illness, pregnancy, move across country), and want to get back into it. But I’ll be honest with…
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gray-gray-gray-gray · 17 days
Let's Talk About The Overlap Between Autism, ADHD, and Schizophrenia
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I've been wanting to make a graph like this for awhile, about the overlap between these three disorders. Tagging @auschizm because it's highly related to that blog :D
Text transcribed below the cut because it's long!
Title: Can We Talk About The Overlap Between... AUTISM, ADHD, AND SCHIZOPHRENIA?
Description: You always hear people talking about AuDHD, but schizophrenia has the same if not more overlap with these disorders, and it's not talked about!
Let's start boosting schizophrenic people's voices. There's more to the disorder than just psychosis!
Graph based on my personal experience with schizophrenia, my experiences with autistic and ADHD communities, and the words of people with AuDHD themselves.
Made by @gray-gray-gray-gray on tumblr.
Schizophrenia Only
Typical age of onset between 15 and 54 years old
Before the onset/ first psychotic break, there is a "prodrome" where you have a drop in functioning
Reoccuring episodes of psychosis (Hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, etc)
Likely had less noticeable or covert symptoms pre-onset
Often daydreaming, 'in their own world', hyper-self-reflective, 'space cadet'
Autism Only
Need for familiarty & routine
Sudden disruptions to routine are highly distressing
Craves new experiences & novelty
Autism & ADHD (AuDHD)
Interest-based nervous system (meaning attention & focus is activated based on personal interest, not how important something is)
Onset in very early childhood -- before age 12
Autism & Schizophrenia (Auschizm)
Self-soothing via repetitive behavior
Higher rates of catatonic symptoms
Social withdrawal or exclusion
Difficulties filtering speech
Flat affect
Concrete and/or literal thinking
Higher rates of personality disorders, dissociative disorders, and trauma
Internally oriented behavior
Difficulties wording what they
want to say correctly & disorganized speech
Difficulties with insight into what is part of the disorder and what is neurotypial
ADHD & Schizophrenia (SchizoDHD)
Impulsivity & hard to sit still
Difficulties regulating attention & focus, also causing social cue difficulties
Difficulty keeping a daily routine
Jumping around or out of sequence speech
Failing to reach a clear end goal or point in speech
Less coherent progression from start to finish in stories
General difficulties with thinking clearly
Drawing blanks / losing train of thought often
Difficulties finding motivation to do things
Lots of energy some days, no energy other days
Troubles multitasking
Planning poorly or not at all
All Three
Echolalia, echopraxia
Executive dysfunction
Sensory issues & overload
Emotional dysregulation
Interconnected/webbed thought
ND communication (infodumping, connecting ideas, shared interest bonding)
Increased risk of victimization
Higher rates of depression, anxiety, OCD, BFRBS, bipolar, suicidality, sleep issues, eating disorders, and substance abuse
Eye contact differences
Difficulties switching tasks
Prone to boredom
Memory issues
Social situation difficulties
Time blindness
Difficulties with school, learning, and following tasks
Chronic disorder
Interoceptive difficulties
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defensiveqi · 2 years
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Alignment vs. Progressive Overload, a radical concept for yoga
Alignment is the trendy word for a seemingly more anatomy focused and safe yoga class. I have some concerns with that word and its usage. Many think that alignment is "the correct way to stand or perform a posture". My preference as someone who studies and works with the human body for a living?
Alignment is the way you are able to bring awareness, full attention, and focus to your body's position in space and connect with it.
Let's analyze tree pose for example. There is a yoga alignment myth in the community to avoid placing the foot directly on the side of the knee, which can be argued - is most people’s max range of motion.
Let’s break this down. The knee is a bicondylar joint, it functions to accommodate medial and lateral rotational forces in everyday motions, instead of entirely avoiding them. 
Telling someone to "avoid placing the foot on the knee" in tree pose reflects a misunderstanding and misrepresentation of how force affects the body. Holding your foot still on the knee exposes the knee to load. I’m not arguing that we should be jamming our feet into the sides of our knees with full force, but what if we could cultivate awareness and adapt our knee to the slight pressure of our feet while seeking balance and stability in tree pose?
This declaration of avoid placing the foot on the knee in tree pose subconsciously implies that force is dangerous and should be avoided. When in fact it cannot be avoided because we live on a planet that exposes us to force. Exposure to force comes with a reward! In return - we grow stronger.
Depending on the person, most of the time someone resting their foot on the knee is not enough force production to relate to injury. Lifters have known for ages that loading the body makes you stronger! So why do we avoid loaded stress in yoga and claim that our practice makes our bodies stronger?
Studying biomechanical forces blurs our understanding of doing a pose the right or wrong way. Biomechanics considers the benefits and risks of the forces involved in the position. Biomechanics considers what is happening in the pose on an individual level at that moment, rather than doing the pose the right way.
The body gets stronger through repetitions. Yoga is a beautiful practice, but the problem with postures from a strength perspective is that they are not progressive. “You do a pose with your body weight, it might be hard at first but then you get better at it the more you do it.” (Kathryn Bruni-Young, Mindful Strength Podcast) Once you’ve mastered the pose it doesn't go further than that. I will argue that progressive overload can be adapted into any yoga practice.
Progressive Overload is when you progressively add more weight (load) to what movement you are doing as time goes on. This is because you adapted to the weight you previously used, so now you increase the weight again to then stimulate more strength. You can also look at it as the weights you were doing got you stronger, so now you're going to increase the weight to challenge the body again and give it room to grow even stronger.
With loading, the variable is specific. That means your increments and progress can be tracked and measured. If you ever wonder why lifters carry a journal or spend time on their phone after every set, it’s because they are tracking the amount of weight they just did. It is simple, yet an efficient way to measure progress over time. 
Yoga? It is good, but alone, it is not that good for maintaining bone density as you age as flexibility training alone* may have no real impact on overall health. Adding an appropriate strength training regiment would be optimal and would strongly compliment your asana practice. written by lulu pajor lmt, ryt  originally posted on uplift wellness updated august, 2022
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Winter's King 15
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: One more day and I'm a homeowner
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You slow to a crawl amid the retinue of carts and horses. The sun beams down relentlessly on the summer fields. As you laze in a sheen of sweat, Bryce works to tie a swath of linen over the cart in a makeshift canopy. You thank him for his effort, his own brow slick with sweat as he tugs at his mail. 
“I admit my winter’s hide is not made well for this sun,” he utters as he reaches to pet Daisy, the loyal steed tied to his new one as he rides in step with her. “Let’s hope we might reach the tundra in due time.” 
“Mm, it is rather hot,” you murmur, exhausted from the endless blaze. It’s three days thus far and many more ahead of you. 
“Little maid, cannot complain even when you should,” he tuts. 
The cart rolls on, rocking your body as the hooves clomp down on dusty grass. As the train passes over the lands, they leave a trodden path in their stead. The progress is steady but sluggish. 
The wheels creak and lurch to a halt as Bryce reins in both horses. You sit up and peer ahead, unable to see more than horse tails and overloaded carts, the helms of soldiers shining under the sun. The knight on his dark steed sits up straighter, alert as he leans forward. 
“Eh, maid, keep watch on the mare,” he tosses the reins at you as the royal party comes to a halt. 
His horse kicks up dirty as he gallops around the edge of the train. You watch him bend over the beast’s long neck and hurdle ahead of the clog of vehicles and bodies. Something is amiss. 
You wait, nervous, as other servants cluster together and wonder aloud. Soldiers mill up and down the winding retinue, themselves sharing no more than looks. You climb out of the cart and walk on your cramped legs. You stroke Daisy’s head as she huffs through her nostrils and nuzzles your shoulder. 
“I don’t know either,” you tell her softly. 
The pause stretches on and Bryce returns, his horse in a lather. He swings off and lands solidly on his feet. He looks between you and the grey mare. 
“Some hold-up, nothing to worry for,” he explains, “enough time to find some water for these beasts.” 
He takes Daisy’s reins and hands them to you, “come, there is a river near. I can smell it.” 
You peek ahead and squint. You don’t know that you believe it is nothing though you can’t find a reason to argue. You nod and tug on Daisy’s bit. 
The soldier leads you across the grass, well away from the front of the train. Others disperse to sit in the meadow and chew on their rations. You continue into the trees and the trickle of the promised water has Bryce proudly exclaiming. He weaves his way around the trunks to come upon the bank, putting his dark brown horse to drink. As the larger stallion laps noisily, Daisy lowers her head and patiently gulps up the ripples. 
“Where did you find Chestnut?” you ask. “He must be a castle horse.” 
“Aye, he was locked away in some stall. They said he is vicious. Due to be horse pie.” 
“Horse pie? But he is fast.” 
“They did not lie. He likes to nip,” Bryce warns as you step between the horse, “watch your fingers, mouse.” 
“Perhaps he only did not like being locked up,” you suggest and gently touch the horse’s long mane, working out a tangle in the hair. He doesn’t seem to notice. 
“Chestnut?” Bryce says, “you’ve given him a name of your own.” 
“You didn’t say if he had one,” you brush your hand over the fine short hairs along the horse’s shoulder. “I thought it suited him.” 
“Mm, I might call his Hellion but Chestnut is kinder, I s’pose.” 
You chuckle. The horse lifts its head and you near the river’s edge. It turns to sniff you and Bryce reaches for your arm. The horse drips water onto you as it sniffs your neck. It lifts its lip, showing its square teeth, then touches its nose to yours, turning back to the water to nicker. 
“Mm, you do have a way of taming the wildest creatures, eh,” he muses as he lets you go. “Come, I saw some berries back in the bush.” 
You leave the horses near the water and follow the soldier between the trees. As he squats to pluck out dark blackberries, you sway on your feet and glance back toward the road. 
“Why have we stopped, sir?” You ask. 
“Told ya, no matter to worry for,” he stands and offers you a handful, “be thankful for it. We’ve found a nice horde and it will do ya good to be out of the sun. And to eat.” 
You accept the bounty and frown. You know he isn’t telling you all but you know he wouldn’t do so without reason. You stand and pick at the berries, biting in hungrily as the juices coat your mouth. The soldier eats as he picks, plucking a few into his purse as well. 
“How do ya like squirrel meat?” He stands again, “I could find us a morsel for the evening fire. Perhaps a hare if I can.” 
“If you like, sir,” you accept. You chew your lip and search the trees. “Is there truly nothing wrong?” 
“I told ya not to worry,” he growls. “So don’t trouble yerself.” 
He beckons you back towards the river. You follow, not asking any more questions. It’s expected that the road won’t be easy, something just feels awry. 
The party makes camp at the point of the delay. You return to the road as Bryce grumbles about the evening warmth. The dry heat lingers in the air even as the sun begins its descent. 
“Come, you will need look in on the queen, I’m certain,” he ties the horses to the cart and urges you along. 
You notice less soldiers as you stride through the train. It’s not so crowded as before. The missing bodies add to your uneasiness. Still, the queen’s tent has been erected and guards keep vigil right outside. You enter and find her alone. She has a veil over her hair as she taps the brim of a cup with her fingernail. 
“Alas, a maid!” She snaps as she sees you, “I’ve been calling for wine all night and those damned soldiers only bring me water.” 
“Your highness,” you back out of the tent. The soldiers do not move. 
You go to the luggage and search for a bottle. You grab one and return to the tent. The soldier at your right extends his arm before you can enter. 
“No wine,” he snatches the bottle, “king’s orders.” 
You blanch and look ahead at the silken flap. You nod and thank the soldier as he keeps the wine under his arm. You blow out between your breath and once more push through the draped fabric. 
“Your highness, there is to be no wine. The king has commanded it,” you say meekly. 
“Pardon me? Who are you to refuse me?” She stands and snarls. “My head is on fire, I need wine.” 
“Yes, your highness, but the king--” 
“I am the queen. My order is a good as his. Bring me wine. Now. You little twit.” 
You stare at her unmoving. 
“They won’t allow it, your highness--” 
A flurry of veil and skirts rushes towards you. Before you can react, a scalding heat radiates over your cheek, the force behind the queen’s slap rattling your head. You stagger back and clutch your head between your hands. 
“You stupid girl! I am the queen! You are a dumb maid!” She strikes you again, her hand glancing off your forearm, “stupid stupid twit!” 
She continues to hammer you with blows, closing her fists as she hits your shoulders and stomach. You shrink down, curling into yourself as you keep your head shielded. She huffs, tired from her assault, and twirls away. 
“I don’t want to see you unless you have a bottle in hand,” she snarls and kicks over the stool. “Go before I have you gutted.” 
You wine and stand straight, lip quivering. You turn and hold your left shoulder as it thrums. You step into the night air, aware that the soldiers could no doubt hear the queen’s fit. They say nothing and you don’t either. 
You continue through the train of bodies. You feel your cheek pulsing and your brow swelling. You keep your head down and as you reach the cart, you relieved to find it alone but for the two dozing horses. You climb up and turn towards the wooden wall, hiding against it as you hug the cushion. 
It isn’t so different from Debray, only that you don’t have Merinda to hold you, to share in your pain. You always preferred that it was you who faced the rather of the ladies. You only hope Lady Rezlyn isn’t issuing the same displeasure upon your companion. 
The morning comes with the tweeting of birds and a distant rumble. You sit up and look towards the sky. There are no clouds to forewarn a storm. You stare into the horizon where the thunderous noise rolls over the plains. 
You see the figures on their approach. Men on horses. As soldiers rush to confront them, their alarm is eased by the wave of a familiar banner. It is the king and his party. 
Bryce grumbles as Daisy sniffs him and the coughs into his hand. He shakes his head as you lean out of the cart, watching the specks on the tapestry of green grass. You gasp as you feel him grip your wrist. 
“Eh, mouse, what’s happened to ya?” He demands as he pulls your attention back from the distance. 
You look at him and the tenderness in your cheek reminds you of the queen’s wrath. You wiggle free of his grasp and sit back against the side of the wagon. You shake your head. 
“I went to... the bushes to relieve myself, sir. I tripped.” 
He squints at you, his square jaw gritting. He stares daggers at you. You’re not a good liar but you can’t tell him the truth. 
“Tripped?” He echoes as his thick brows furrow. 
“Yes, sir, it was dark,” you say. “I’ll be alright.” 
“Mm, you look as if you were caught by a bear.” 
“Really, sir, I am well,” you put your head down. 
He growls under his breath and turns away. He fiddles around with his saddle bag before he returns to the cart. He reaches over the top, holding a folded cloth with an acrid smell roiling off of it. 
“Put it on ya face,” he demands. “It’ll soothe ya, make you a little less puffy.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“You don’t go trippin’ no more. If ya do, ya let me know,” he scowls. 
You nod, sinking into a tense silence. You both know it’s a lie but neither of you will admit it. You put the cloth to your cheek and exhale. It cools your skin though the smell burns your nose. 
That night you don’t return to the queen’s tent. Bryce claims there’s no need for it. She needs her sleep, as do you. It’s another lie you won’t call out. 
Several days pass in the cart. Short nights followed by sweltering days. It’s as if there is no end to the road or the heat. 
You sit on your knees, looking ahead as Bryce chews sweet leaves and spits onto the ground. Daisy’s tail sweeps behind her as she keeps a steady trot. You watch the progress with impatience, each moment feeling more and more trapped in the cart. 
“...down in Debray...” you hear a voice drift back. 
“...don’t like traitors, suppose...” another returns and you search over the carts to try to place the speakers. 
“Careful, mouse,” Bryce warns, “you’ll fall under the wheels. 
You sit back and face him, holding onto the side of the cart, “sir, what happened?” 
“What do ya mean? We’ve been riding,” he sniffs. 
“No, days ago, when we stopped. Something... in Debray?” 
He grimaces and spits out the leaves completely. He shakes his head, clearing his throat. 
“Nothing a maid needs worry about,” he girds. 
“I know, sir, my apologies. I’m only curious...” you hang your head, “I... I was raised there, is all.” 
He hums and rocks with the motion of Chestnut’s steps, “skirmish up a ways. Party on their way to the castle. Certainly, you know your former master’s deceit has bought him little good will.” 
“A skirmish?” 
“Ah, so it was, but nothing very dire. The king returned in good spirits, that rat lord—the duke with him,” Bryce explains, “course, it only suits that the lord should see to the defence of his own castle.” He chortles, “shouldn’t tell ya, maid, so ya keeps your lips sealed, but the duke meant to hide in the queen’s tent.” He shakes his head and sighs, “in the Hinterlands, them sortsa lords aren’t lords for long.” 
“Mm,” you purse your lips thoughtfully, “but... but the duke, he helped end the war.” 
“By betraying his kingdom. We didn’t come to conquer; we came to unite. Turns out, there’s more fractures than those between winter and summer. Shoulda know by Yellow Waleran’s deeds.” 
“Yellow?” You wonder. 
“Mouse, it is a lot you needn’t worry for. All I can say is a king isn’t much of one if he don’t keep his word,” he sighs, “any lord or man lacks substance if he melts like ice.”  
You look down and watch Chestnut’s legs. You slant your lips. 
“King Geralt, did he have some agreement with Waleran then?” 
Bryce snorts, “too clever. Promises. Broken promises. Deadly things.” 
You nod and hold your chin, “and King Geralt, he is a good king?” 
“Do you not know by now?” He asks with a smirk, “he is a man who keeps his word. A man who fights for his people, not for gold and a name. No good winter lord would kneel to a man built on coin. Blood, that buys crowns. It buys loyalty.” 
You lower yourself onto your bottom and draw your knees up, “for his people?” 
“You heard him say it, you summer’s blood are one with us now. Once he has his heir, it will all be set in flesh. A prince to join the realm,” Bryce says, “let us hope he comes soon. The king’s done his part, he’s fought his battles, now it is up to your queen to claim her victory.” 
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ashleyloob · 1 year
From someone who is disorganized and discouraged, I would love advice on weight-lifting/building muscle. Would you share your understanding of building muscle and the breakdown of diet?
If possible, could you share how you apply what you know to yourself? If you use any tools to help you?
Struggled with working out, gaining weight, and eating my whole life. Thanks!
prefacing this with some important info for fellow disorganized scatterbrains!!!!
the main reason why ppl have trouble sticking to a lifestyle change is because they try to make very drastic changes too quick, and you get overwhelmed and it becomes unsustainable. this is especially an issue for neurodivergent folks, and since it's Tumblr I assume a good chunk of y'all are (me too dw)
DON'T immediately overhaul ur diet and hit the gym 5x a week from day 1!!! hitting tiny goals consistently is also more rewarding than working towards one very large arbitrary goal that you might not reach, esp when it comes to working out. start veeery small if u need to, such as only 10 bodyweight squats per day like i did and go from there. you wanna program ur brain into feeling accomplished to keep you motivated. patience is key!!!!
ok!! now onto the more detailed info below
Disclaimer: I'm still a newbie myself!! only consistently lifting heavy for about 3 months as of this post. I did a good deal of excessive info diving on lifting using the power of Sheer Autism, and my main gym buddy is very experienced & taught me a good chunk of this shit so shout-out to my pal for making all this possible xoxo
so good news!! "building muscle" is very easy for beginners starting from zero. newbie gainz are absolutely real. at this stage you can do just about anything at the gym and get stronger bc u can only go up. BUT!! if you structure it, you can make the process enjoyable and much more efficient. if you're goal oriented (lookin at u ADHD menaces), you'll love the concept progressive overload.
wikipedia defines progressive overload as: a method of strength training and hypertrophy training that advocates for the gradual increase of the stress placed upon the musculoskeletal and nervous system. in layman's terms, it just means gradually adding more weight as you work out to increase the difficulty as you get stronger. progress is VERY easy to track because of this, and you'll be hitting PRs pretty much every week for the first couple of months and that shit feels fantastic because you physically feel yourself getting stronger so rapidly. I use the app Strong to track my workouts. so, how do we structure progressive overload? that's through sets/reps. A rep is a single execution of an exercise. 1 squat is one rep. 2 squat is 2 reps. and so on. A set is a collection of reps. The format is Sets x Reps, for example: 3x5 means 3 sets of 5 reps. You will rest between sets, and it's typically anywhere from 1 minute all the way up to 5 minutes depending on the level of exertion/type of training you are doing. Heavier weights mean longer rest periods and vice versa.
For those interested in barbell training: the r/fitness beginner routine is pretty good! I also recommend 5x5 stronglifts. both are very straightforward, but also note the typical olympic barbell is 45lbs. If this is a weight you struggle with, you can begin with bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, or machines at the gym which are all very BEGINNER beginner friendly. especially when it comes to legs you're probably much stronger than you think. Most people can squat 45lbs first try. don't be afraid -- you're standing on those things all day, they can support hella weight. Like I mentioned earlier, don't be afraid to start veeeery small and work your way up from there. I started at home with doing only bodyweight squats without the barbell, then added on benching with light 7lb dumbbells after a week, then impulse signed up for a gym membership a month later and began to go there to use equipment and now i'm deadlifting over 100lbs as a tiny girl that previously was too weak to even lift a 40lb dog. it snowballs quicker than you think once you gain confidence in your own body and its abilities!
If you can, i highly recommend getting a personal trainer to assist you, or tag along with a gymrat pal to show you the ropes. This page is also a good resource to learn specific lifts. otherwise, youtube is your best friend. you can record your sets and compare your form to form tutorials on youtube, and actively take notes on what to change the next time you work out. Be an active learner!!! be aware of what muscles are engaged when you lift and how your body feels. almost NOBODY gets it right the first time, esp with barbells. we've all made fools out of ourselves at the gym as beginners it's chill. i find people at the gym are very nice and willing to help you out if you're struggling, and people don't judge at all-- it's very easy to get in your own head in these spaces but most humans there are supportive and want you to succeed, especially since it's a hobby they are also passionate about. the more you do it, the less anxious you get. exposure therapy is very effective!! Also, almost all the barbell exercises can be replaced with smaller dumbbells, and you can do them at home if you get your own set + a workout bench (pretty cheap if u get secondhand, check facebook marketplace/craigslist). i got mad social anxiety myself so i understand sometimes you just can't, and this is an option for those that find public spaces overwhelming.
I personally don't think specialized diets/precise macro tracking is super duper important for newbies/casuals, only moderately important (spicy take for some but whatever). but you probably naturally will take an interest in diet once you realize it'll help you perform significantly better in the gym. the only macro i track is protein. You can use a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator to roughly estimate the amount of protein you need for maximum gainz. it's usually around .7-1g of protein for every pound of lean body mass (weight that isn't fat mass). Imma be real it's pretty hard for me to hit the recommended protein goal and most days I don't because my appetite just can't kick in for the amount it demands, and protein is super filling. I found that if i decreased the amount of carbs i eat, i am able to consume more protein bc i guess there's more room in my stomach lol. i eat a fuck ton of greek yogurt, chicken, fish, and tofu. when i started working out, i begin cooking a lot more and found i naturally craved less processed junk foods and snacks because the protein was keeping me full all day which is a plus! Even when im not regularly hitting my protein goal my gym progress is still going well and I think it's simply because my diet is A LOT better than what it used to be in my gremlin days. I also eat a lot more now that i've gained a bit of muscle, so do be prepared for food costs to go up as your metabolism increases and demands more energy to upkeep your gainz.
a whileeee. over a year, probably, unless if you're on anabolic steroids (dont ever do that u will quite literally die). and physique is mostly from diet since it's dependent on your body fat percentage, the saying "abs are made in the kitchen" is true. its why you see hyper skinny terminally indoors gamer dudes with abs, even if they'd snap in half if you farted in their general direction. those mfs barely eat they too busy being gamers i am no longer interested in lifting for aesthetics personally since i get more joy from hitting PRs and i'm pretty content with my body image, but ik physique is the reason why most people get into lifting so i'll touch on it. Weightlifting on its own will not make you lose weight or fat. Again, it needs to be supplemented with a healthy sustainable diet (DO NOT DO CRASH DIETS THAT SHIT IS GARBAGE) and a form of cardio. I actually gained 8lbs since I began lifting from water retention & new muscle mass (muscle is more dense than fat, your body retains water when repairing muscle after a gym sesh) but my measurements and pants size have remained the same. I'm short, so something as small as a 5lb increase usually bumped me up a pants size but it didn't this time bc im gettin swole :') if you want to track physique changes, measuring your waistline & progress pics is a better way to do so than the scale. If you want bigger muscles, look into hypertrophy training. it's a tad different from strength training, mainly because you do higher reps at a lower weight.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Him with an s/o who works out (Zoro / Sanji / Ace)
Pairings: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Headcanons for how he acts about you working out cuz you wanna be strong too !! Tags: Zoro is a cool gym bro / Squeezing Zoro's tit / Sanji is a simp ! / Sanji knows nothing but he's excited / Ace is lazy af / Take care of Ace / Really tiny bits of suggestive content, nothing clear or relevant
A/N: as a gym rat, i couldn't help but write this
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࿐ Roronoa Zoro
• Working out with Zoro goes two ways, basically with it shifting between who's going to lead the session since you two like to train together, but not always have the same routine—it can be both entertaining or torturing
• With Zoro, he’ll focus more on training his upper body despite not neglecting leg day (thankfully), so expect calloused hands plus barely being able to use your arms right after you finish working out—Zoro uses it as an excuse for not fucking showering, but you’re not letting that happen, not under your watch
• Being weak from tiredness also has Sanji offering to feed you since you can’t overload yourself, but he will stop as soon as Zoro says he either leaves or feeds him as well, so Sanji doesn’t risk
• Probably a lot of mobility exercises as well, and it has both of you quietly counting in unison as you stretch/practice in sync, which once had Chopper hypnotized in the corner as he watched the two of you count together to ten before changing positions and repeating it
• He will always be adding more weight because he knows you can handle it and, in the back of his mind, he doesn’t want to feel guilty if something happens to you because he couldn’t help you become strong enough. So, even if he’s really careful about you, he’ll always be sneaking on an extra plate if you don’t pay attention
• “Zoro, I saw what you did...” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Zoro...” “You’re going crazy.”
• Very good spotter. Has fast reflexes, hence if the bar threatens to slip during benching, he’ll hold it straight away, but not without complaining about you being more careful (you’ll either start bickering or you’ll send him a glare that’ll make him shut up immediately
• Will want you to sit on his back so he can do push ups, and it’s amazing how he does it as if you weren’t there. Simple thing, but very bonding, honestly
“I’m not gonna handle it! Not yet!” You furrowed your eyebrows, watching upside down-Zoro raise an eyebrow at you as he held some plates in hand that, by your math, would result in more weight added to the bar than you’d asked for.
“Yes, you are!” Zoro nodded with a hum. “Your performance is perfect already and you can go up to 12 reps, that means you’re ready for more weight.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “That’s not— Just... no.”
Zoro rolled his eyes with a sigh and stepped back. “Okay, fine, fine.”
Shaking your head, you pretended not to notice the soft clinking of the plates that he did add to the bar. Yes, he was right, but you felt like waiting a little longer until you could actually progress, but it wouldn’t hurt to try, even more with him spotting. The new weight was evident when you raised the bar off the rack after a couple of minutes determining whether your hands were in symmetric positions or not, and he carefully let you hold it by yourself. Nonetheless, you could manage to finish 8 reps
“Atta (girl/boy)!” He grinned while helping you rerack the bar. You shot him a look, which he of course pretended not to notice.
The second series wasn’t as fine since your muscles were already complaining by the end. Maybe it still left you enough energy for one more. Or not. By the middle of the third series, the weight had your muscles locked for a couple of seconds before you pushed the bar, and Zoro’s hands immediately showed up besides yours, only hovering over the metal.
“C’mon, only four to go! Four, three...”
A hiss escaped your lips at how your muscles threatened to give up, though only losing balance considerably because Zoro’s desperation startled you and dispersed your focus. “Zoro!” You groaned, lifting the bar to rerack it so you could sit up and glare at him. “I already told you I’m not dropping the bar just because I took a little longer to lift it!”
“Better safe than sorry, dumbass!” He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms—stubborn asshole.
“‘Wouldn’t be so difficult if someone hadn’t racked some extra pounds.” Your eyes narrowed at him, able to catch on how he widened his eyes and tensed his shoulders despite trying to hide it. “I’m going to add 100 extra pounds to your leg press tomorrow and we’re doing ten extra minutes of cardio!” His mouth opened and closed a couple of times as he tried to argue, only to fall silent with a big pout at the way you looked at him, despite still scowling.
• As much as you may not like it as well, you usually have cardio days when you’re the responsible one for the day
• “We don’t need cardio. It won’t make you stronger.” “You literally need it a lot, Zoro. We are always running around. Remember back in Skypiea when Enel—” “...Okay, okay, I understand.”
• You’ll be just as rigorous with him when it comes to spotting or checking his performance
• A few squeezes on his ass can help him when he’s struggling a little too much with his squats, even if he complains a little and insists that his face is red because of working out and not because you’re groping him
• “...(Y/n).” “Mind to muscle connection is important, I’m touching the muscle to show you what you’re working.” “You’re straight up just groping my tit.” “Shut the fuck up?? I’m just doing my job??”
• He does like it tho—he’ll feel like something is missing and complain that you aren’t paying proper attention to him when you’re not following every movement of his and touching him the whole time
• Bonus for slapping his ass in the “good job, bro” way in the end of the sessions
• “My quads hurt.” “Mine don’t.” “You didn’t train hard enough, that’s why.” "Shut up, Marimo!”
• “My ass hurts, but not in the way I want it to.” “...I can... um, change that?” Zoro says matter-of-factly.
• Careful with what your sparring sessions can turn into. It can be either very good or very bad.
• Also, challenges as in “can you bench/deadlift/pushup each other?” and sometimes he’ll carry you by having you sit on his shoulder and— fuck, what a man, really
“Last one, Zoro! Go low!” You cheered once he took a pause a few seconds longer than usual, extra carefully following his squat while you stood right behind him with your hands hovering under the bar, right next to his hands. “C’mon, strong boy!” He went down, but wouldn’t come up; grumbling escaped through his gritted teeth, something among the lines of ‘if it were so easy...’, but you didn’t even bother catching on to all of it. “I said c’mon!” Your hands met his ass with strength enough to have him standing up real fast.
“(Y/n)!” Zoro shouted, messily dropping the bar as fast as he could to turn back and glare at you; it wasn’t that effective, not like he wished, with that red flustered face.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
࿐ Vinsmoke Sanji
• Waking up early in the morning along with Sanji so you can work out !! He’ll be happy to prepare you a breakfast that’ll give you all the energy you need to start your day the right way
• Can and will come to watch you train at the crow’s nest if he has time, just the biggest simp that’ll have nosebleeds every five seconds and observe you as if you were some sort of deity
• At first complained on ‘why do you have to train with stupid Marimo’, but got pretty pleased when he saw you are able to kick Zoro’s ass during a sparring match, so from now on he is all giddy and proud of it, no matter what you say
• Will prepare your meals to make sure they have all the protein you need and remind you to eat before and after working out <3 taking care of the love of his life gives him so much serotonin
• Something. There’s something about watching you lift weights that has Sanji all flustered and melting and simping real hard. Knowing his s/o is strong—strong enough to carry him, even—has him all mushy and soft. Sometimes he’ll be lying down on the ground for a little too long so you can lift him and he can act like he’s the best person in the world for having you carrying him like that
• Also when you throw him over your shoulder. He’ll scream
• He’d also be very proud his s/o is able to defend themself <3 you can give him a punch in the face anytime and he’d just thank you. kick him, too. please. you wouldn’t have the courage to, tho. maybe just slap his ass sometimes to keep him humble and happy because he needs it
• Don’t. Don’t ask him to spot you or check your performance.
• “Was my performance okay?” “Uhhh, yeah....” (Sanji just stared at your ass or your chest the whole time </3 better ask Zoro next time
• If you wanna break him, ask him to feel the muscle you’re working during chest or thigh series
• Do ask him to help you stretch, by the way. Sanji will be very happy to push your back so you can touch your feet. Not to mention that he will join you on stretching sometimes !! Also will train with you on leg day now and then
• After arm day, though, when your arms are too weak to even take a proper shower, count on him for help. Will do everything he is able to in order to help you. Sometimes he will let you struggle if you complain too much then come back with the worst cynical expression you’ve ever seen. Little fucker
• If you have long hair, he will come back to find you with messy hair after a shower. First time it happened, he asked what happened and put himself into helping as soon as you explained your arms felt way too tired to brush your hair—he’ll do it himself, all happy to be taking care of his s/o
• When you’re in good form, do pamper him by helping him lift the big boxes of food for the ship’s storage, though. You’re strong, yes, and he may not want you to waste your energy with stuff he can do, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be swooning or following you with heart eyes and clasped hands if he sees you helping him around like this
• Lots of compliments in general <3
• “You’re doing so great, l’amour de ma vie! Simply perfect! You look just like a powerful deity!”
• Expect massages at night if you’re hurting
“Hey, Sanji, pretty boy,” you breathed as you poked your head into the kitchen, still with sweat coating your skin despite the towel around your neck. “Are you free?”
“I’m always free for you, mon amour!” He crossed his arms with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes a little—you knew he would be answering ‘in a second, mon amour!’ instead if he were otherwise busy, no way he’d let any little bit of food go to waste. “Okay, well, can you come up to the crow’s nest real quick? Zoro is using all the weights again.” Sometimes it wasn’t true, you just liked having him there while you trained. Sanji would complain about it, cursing ‘stupid Marimo’, but he was actually happy it granted him more time with you.
Back in the crow’s nest with Sanji, you went over to where you left your water and other stuff, where you wouldn’t bother Zoro, and cleaned the sweat away as best as you could before lowering to the ground. You did a few experimental push ups then glanced back at Sanji; he sat on your back with crossed legs. In the first times, he would shift around a little until he found a comfortable position, something that didn’t even happen anymore.
Of course Sanji had one of his silly little recipe books with him, busying himself with reading it while you used him as the perfect weight for your push ups. He would be muttering under his breath as he read, sometimes in French, and you couldn’t make out every word under the sound of you and Zoro counting out of sync, but you still loved hearing it. Sometimes, someone would go up to the crows nest looking for any of you three, and Sanji would always make sure to be noticed.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
࿐ Portgas D. Ace
• Either works out with you religiously or is very lazy to do it. Like, will drag you or be the one being dragged, also won’t care about a lot about following a diet and lets you plan your workout
• If Ace isn’t working out with you, he’ll be there to keep company and cheer for you, wipe the sweat away from your forehead or grab you some more water. Very sweet, he loves seeing you taking care of yourself and growing stronger, be sure he is very proud <3
• Ace certainly needs your help most of the time because his performance would probably not be the best, so he’d often hear “straighten your back,” “go slower,” “are you even counting?” “what fucking exercise is that, where did you learn that shit? I don’t want you injured!”
• Probably will do it wrong on purpose sometimes because he likes the attention. Just a silly little boy who likes having you holding his arms while you guide him through the sitting shoulder press. Literally the meme ‘kicking my feet in the air because they wished me a good day at the gym <3’
• He is flexible. Just by the way he crouches down, you can notice he has a lot of mobility, which sometimes leaves you jealous of how well and deep he can squat with a heavy bar on his back for someone who cares so little about it—Ace works out mostly so he will not fall out of shape because he mainly gets stronger from his offensive close-range combat. Either way, he is not entirely flexible, but will complain a lot about stretching
• Actually doesn’t need to train cardio, and you know better than to insist
• Sometimes, Ace is too anxious and shifty, so you’ll just ask him to come train with you because it always manages to knock him off right away when you’re finished, also helping him release the stress
• You’re the one taking care of him after you two workout because he’ll probably just pass out, sleep at the same moment he finishes the last exercise or even at the moment your eyes drive away from him
• “Ace, you still got two series of benching. ...Ace? Are you even awake?”
• Sometimes he’ll be like “I’ll work out everyday this week with you, don’t worry,” then actually do it only ONE single day and never again that week. He’ll show up in the middle of your workout sessions eating something, and immediately pause when you notice his presence, starting to walk backwards quietly—even Marco tried to convince him to get more compromised with it at least to keep you company, but just give up. Some weeks, it’s easier to find Ace passed out, snoring with his face in a plate of food rather than at least lifting a dumbbell
“Six... Seven...” You huff out each number whenever your body comes up just to go down again for another pushup; the edges of a heavy plate dig into your back to make your exercise count for something.
While still muttering the numbers, you hear footsteps approaching. It’s Ace, of course. He’s about to come closer with a sandwich stuffed half into his mouth, walking as if he didn’t make promises he wouldn’t keep. At the moment his eyes meet yours, he stops and his mood falls, sweat-dropping whilst he starts to walk backwards without the cheerfulness he had when approaching.
Later, Ace sits beside you when you’re sitting in the kitchen, waiting for your snack after having just taken a shower. “I’m sorry, my love!” He whines with a hug, pouting dramatically.
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, sure,” you tease because it’s so fucking funny when he’s overreacting over minimal irrelevant things like this.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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ancientroyalblood · 8 months
"Strength Endurance: How to Keep Going When It Gets Tough"
In the pursuit of fitness, strength is often associated with power and the ability to lift heavy weights. However, an equally crucial aspect that defines overall fitness is strength endurance—the ability to sustain effort over an extended period. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply someone striving for a healthier lifestyle, understanding the significance of strength…
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