#Strength endurance
projectbatman193 · 2 years
Upper body day 💪🏼🦇
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ancientroyalblood · 8 months
"Strength Endurance: How to Keep Going When It Gets Tough"
In the pursuit of fitness, strength is often associated with power and the ability to lift heavy weights. However, an equally crucial aspect that defines overall fitness is strength endurance—the ability to sustain effort over an extended period. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply someone striving for a healthier lifestyle, understanding the significance of strength…
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somsonsomsoff · 8 months
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headcanons for the employers have somehow turned into a crossover with de skills
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cornpickerart · 5 months
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Oh Grog💖💖💪
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i love when rick pulls morty around by his shirt and scruffing him like a fuckin cat is the best lmao
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episode 110 close rick-counters of the rick kind
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 month
Why is ghost ass perched up all the way
Buns. Of. Steel.
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fjordfolk · 2 months
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@zeldathesheltie was kind enough to snap some photos of the mouldy potato!
we've got some work ahead of us but it was a really nice start to the season and it's so good to see our friends again, and to get to hang out with them while looking at dogs
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theblindarcher · 3 months
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Well, what is it?
Giantdad half-body. Everything you could ever want.
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heart-songs · 3 months
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The one where I confess that I am unapologetically soft
how my heartbeat mimics the wind, invisible but far-reaching. With gossamer fingers I braid my hair, brew the tea, knead the bread. On obsidian nights, I gather dried lavender and listen for the willow. I have cradled newborn heads on the crest of my collarbone patched wounds with rose petal kisses, unwound the deepest of aches with worn-out denim and bare skin. I have carried the dead, cried my weight in tears. I am soft, and my hands are small but I would hold the sun for you, blister ‘til you no longer wish to be a burn. I am soft, and my voice is softer. It was made to breathe poems into the scruff of your neck to lay the ghosts of your worst fears to rest eternal. I am soft, and we are only a moment but my love will linger long after the willow stops weeping.
- Cora Finch
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freebooter4ever · 9 months
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AU: marine corps pilot Eugene with his Corsair #83
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ccarrot · 8 months
I don't know what kind of angst boner these skk ao3 girlies get out of making chuuya abusive to dazai but its genuinely a disease and also they need to fuck off.
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poligraf · 2 months
A religious life is a struggle and not a hymn.
— Anne Louise Germaine de Staël
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showmey0urfangs · 10 months
Sam Reid on why Lestat chose Louis
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haleyincarnate · 2 years
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Quote by Frida Kahlo
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justwhumpythings · 5 months
Just put into words that the main thing that makes a character super whumpable to me is that they're pure of heart, I'm such a sap lol.
(A certain amount of soft/fearfulness is also required I think, because some sort of noble strong knight would just be ehh)
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Okay guys I really want to do the boys' SPECIAL stats so anyone who knows Fallout tell me what you think their spread should be like.
I'm mostly struggling with Leo, because he's good at so many things I don't know what to pick as a dump stat.
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