#tips to become healthy and happy
harvesti · 2 months
August is here, which means you can use the whimsical feeling of the passage of time on the calendar to boost your idea of a brand new self, to inspire you into acting upon your desires, to bask in the feeling of transformation and change. it doesn't matter how January through July went by; those days are gone, and the person you were is gone too. you're completely inexperienced in living in the month of August of the year 2024, we all are! use this unprecedented moment to learn from scratch about who you can become. take control of your story and set the course for the last months of the year. today could be the first day of the life you always dreamed of. don't let the opportunity pass you by!
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nightbunnysong · 3 days
Music artists that always make me fell happy and alive
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Empire of the sun ☀️
Empire of the Sun's music has a unique ability to evoke feelings of genuine happiness and carefreeness through its dreamy, uplifting soundscapes and vibrant energy. Their use of bright synths, catchy melodies, and rhythmic beats creates a sense of escapism that transports you to a world of positivity and joy. The lyrics often carry a message of optimism and wonder, while their fusion of electronic and pop elements adds a playful, lighthearted vibe. Together, these elements form an immersive experience that feels effortless and liberating, making their music a go-to for boosting your mood.
Charly XCX ☀️
Charli XCX's music channels that 2014 Tumblr "bad bitch" energy straight into your veins with her unapologetic attitude, bold lyrics, and futuristic production. Her sound is a mix of hyper-pop, edgy beats, and rebellious vibes that make you feel empowered and unstoppable. Songs like Von Dutch and Roll With Me blend sass, confidence, and a carefree spirit that taps into that iconic Tumblr aesthetic — where neon lights, internet culture, and self-expression ruled. It's a blend of nostalgia and raw power, giving you that fearless, no-holds-barred energy.
Pitbull ☀️
Pitbull’s music is all about bringing that larger-than-life party energy, making you feel like you’re unstoppable and ready to take over the world. With his infectious beats, high-energy rhythms, and signature catchphrases, Pitbull’s tracks instantly make you want to hit the dance floor and live in the moment. His blend of Latin influence, rap, and pop creates an atmosphere of celebration and confidence, like you're in the middle of an endless summer night. Mr. Worldwide makes you feel like you own every room you walk into, exuding charisma and that "let’s get it" attitude. Dale!!
Gigi D’Agostino ☀️
Gigi D'Ag and Eurodance hold a special place in the hearts of Europeans because they capture the essence of an era defined by freedom, unity, and unfiltered emotional. Tracks like L’Amour Toujours and Bla Bla Bla are timeless anthems that blend catchy, melodic beats with euphoric rhythms, creating a sense of shared nostalgia. Eurodance, with its high-energy beats and uplifting vocals, became the soundtrack of youth for many across Europe, reflecting a time when borders blurred through music and collective joy was found in clubs and festivals. Gigi D'Agostino, in particular, infused emotional depth into the genre, adding that signature Italian flair, making his tracks feel both intimate and universally epic. It's more than just music—it's a cultural phenomenon that speaks to unity, joy, and a love for life.
yeah and now I'm crying
The music of the early 2010s by artists like David Guetta, Avicii, Calvin Harris, Ellie Goulding, and WALK THE MOON captured a sense of carefree joy and happiness that defined the era. These songs were upbeat, infectious, and full of energy, making you want to dance, celebrate, and live in the moment.
Whether it was the euphoric beats of Guetta’s and Harris' EDM anthems or the heartfelt, sing-along lyrics of WALK THE MOON’s Shut Up and Dance, the music had a way of lifting your spirits and making everything feel light and fun. Avicii’s tracks blended folk melodies with electronic drops, giving a sense of freedom and adventure, while Ellie Goulding’s dreamy voice added a sense of wonder and optimism to every song she touched.
In essence, these artists created a soundtrack for good times — nights out with friends, summer festivals, and spontaneous road trips. Their music evoked a carefree, almost timeless joy, transporting listeners to a place where worries faded away and the focus was on pure, unfiltered fun.
[photos from Pinterest]
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
40 Tips For Becoming More Disciplined 📌💡🚀📝
Know what you want to achieve soon and in the future. This helps you know where to go and stay motivated.
Do the most important things first to save time and energy.
Have a daily plan that includes work, rest, exercise, and learning.
Make big tasks smaller so they're not scary, and you can see progress.
Use methods like the Pomodoro Technique (working for a while, then resting) or blocking time to get more done.
Notice when you're avoiding work and make yourself start.
Control yourself from getting distracted or doing things just for fun.
Say no politely when you can't do more things without getting stressed.
Stay healthy by eating well, exercising, and sleeping enough.
Keep learning by reading, taking classes, or trying new things.
Check how you're doing with your goals and change plans if needed.
Tell a friend or mentor your goals so they can help you stay on track.
Keep your spaces tidy to help you focus better.
Learning discipline takes time, and it's okay if things don't go perfectly.
Think good thoughts about yourself instead of bad ones.
Imagine doing well to get motivated.
Mistakes are chances to learn, not reasons to give up.
Be happy about even small successes to stay positive.
Listen to advice from others to get better.
Be ready to change your plans but keep your main goals.
Try mindfulness to concentrate, be calm, and know yourself better.
Write about your progress and plans in a journal.
Turn off things like social media when you work or study.
Think about things you're thankful for to stay happy.
Do quick tasks right away instead of waiting.
Spend time with people who help you and make you want to be better.
Let others do tasks that you don't need to do, so you can focus.
Get better at handling problems without giving up.
Picture doing well to stay motivated.
Drink water to think clearly and stay healthy.
Have a special place to work or study to help you focus.
Wait for bigger rewards instead of quick ones.
Keep things simple, both around you and in your mind, so you can concentrate.
Listen to advice without feeling bad about yourself.
Use apps and tools to manage your tasks and time.
Reading helps you learn and think better.
Decide what's good enough for you and stick to it.
Believe you can get smarter and better with practice.
Do creative things to stay imaginative and interested.
Listen carefully to others to be better at talking and understanding.
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loveleftmelikethis · 4 months
summer glowup guide ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
happy summer break!! it's time to rest and reset, and become the best version of yourself! here's a little guide and some tips ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
♡ throw out any expired products
♡ clean any brushes or applicators
♡ reorganize your products
♡ remember to wear sunscreen everyday and reapply if you're going outside for more than an hour!
♡ sort through your clothes and donate any you don't wear
♡ wear cute and comfy clothes that will keep you cool
♡ go shopping or thrifting as a fun activity
♡ remember to rest, and take it easy. this is your break after all!
♡ throw away old journals or papers you don't need
♡ empty and clean our your backpack, pencil bag, purses, etc.
♡ when test scores come back- be proud of yourself, and try to figure out any mistakes you made
♡ make a study schedule for any work or studying you want/need to do!
♡ don't procrastinate on studying if you have an exam in the fall, like the PSAT. you don't want to wait until the last minute!
♡ set goals for yourself- ex: five hours of studying a week, one module a day, etc.
♡ drink lots of water!! as it heats up, staying hydrated is even more important
♡ eat at least three full meals a day, or at least snack regularly
♡ stay active! exercising at least three times a week is a good way to get started
♡ take your meds on time! -> this is so important. taking my antidepressants regularly has helped me feel SO much better and happier
♡ be patient and loving with yourself. your body is not going to change in a day, and you don't need a perfect beach body to look amazing and be worthy of love. what matters much more is that you are as healthy as you can be
♡ it's finally the time to do all the things you didn't have time to do during the school year!
♡ writing, drawing, painting, playing an instrument, crocheting, knitting, reading, making arts and crafts
♡ try to find stuff to do that gets you off of your phone/the internet
♡ summer break is a time for resting, but it's also a chance for you to improve yourself! didn't like how you acted or the grades you got last year? you always have another chance!
♡ reflect on yourself, the things and people that make you happy, and the things that don't. it's not easy getting rid of toxicity and negativity- but being at peace, even if it's alone, is a wonderful feeling.
♡ be patient with yourself. you are not going to change in a day, and it takes a long time to form habits and get to where you want to be. but taking small steps and making changes every day is so important.
♡ be kind, be loving, and be the kind of person you want to be.
i love you all and i hope you have an amazing summer!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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celestiallymar · 18 days
| September goals
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1. Daily Self-Care Routine
Start small by adding one or two self-care habits to your daily routine, like stretching for 5 minutes in the morning or writing down three goals for the day ( like drinking more water ).
2. Be kind to yourself
Tip: Create a habit of switching your mindset and words. Try saying “I am capable of achieving my goals” or “I deserve to take care of myself.” instead of discarding your needs and feelings.
3. Add little challenges to your day
Try a 30-day personal challenge, like journaling every morning, starting a workout routine, or reading 10 pages of any book you like each day.
4. Dealing with burnout
Reserve one day of the week for self-care and doing things you enjoy. Even if you can't take the full day for yourself try to make it at least two hours for a good and relaxing shower, taking care of your skin, hair and body. Maybe you can even treat yourself to your favourite meal!
5. Productivity Hacks
Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and set a timer (like the Pomodoro technique—50 minutes of work followed by a 10-minute break) to stay productive without feeling overwhelmed.
Tip: If a task takes less than two minutes to complete (like answering a quick email or tidying up your desk), do it immediately. This prevents small tasks from piling up and becoming overwhelming.
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That's all!! Tell me if you'd like more tips.
Stay healthy, stay happy and be kind!
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topazadine · 1 month
Writing Post Masterlist
All my posts about writing - plus some I absolutely loved by other writers.
Masterlists by Other People (all good)
"Writing Tips Masterpost" by @deception-united - Deception-United has an incredibly wealth of resources available, far more comprehensive and detailed than mine. Go check it out!
"WQA Post Master Lists" by @writingquestionsanswered - Another fantastic and wonderfully comprehensive resource that covers damn near everything you need to know about writing. Genuinely one of the best free resources on writing that you could find on the internet.
General Advice for a Happy Writing Life
"The Myth of the Martyr Artist" - An incredibly important post, perhaps my most important one ever, that discusses why mental illness is a burden, not a benefit. I have no idea why this even needs to be said, but it does, apparently.
"Advice to Beginner Writers: The Good, the Bad, and the Unpleasant" - How long it takes to become a good writer, what to focus on when learning, and why fanfic is such a useful tool.
"Mindset Shifts: Fanfiction -> Original Fiction" - What fanfic writers should know about deciding to take on original characters and stories.
"Defeating Protracted Writer's Block" - What to do when you find it impossible to write for days, weeks, or months at a time.
"Five Common Anxieties of Newbie Writers, Demystified" - Explorations of five mindsets that can set younger writers back as they learn their craft, including overcompetitiveness, overdescribing, and fearing they're "too old."
"Good Motivations for Continuing to Write" - Why it is crucial to have a passion for writing beyond fame and fortune.
"Extremely controversial writing opinions that will make you mad (but I'm going to say them anyway)" - Things you really don't want to hear, but need to be said. A bit of tough love, including the insignificance of ideas, the cold hard truth about how non-writers react to your writing, and the essentiality of having a well-rounded life.
"Why Mindfulness Is a Key Practice for Writers" - On the need to slow down and let our brain rest - plus some options that are categorically not sitting there in dead silence (boring).
"Writing When Happy" - Wherein I hijack someone's question to discuss the Myth of the Martyr Artist, why we might self-limit because of it, and how to do the impossible: write when we're happy.
"The Neurodivergent Writer’s Guide to Fun and Productivity" by @bookishdiplodocus - Excellent advice on how enjoying the process and reminding yourself that writing is supposed to be fun can help you stay motivated and productive, even when your brain is not cooperating.
"The Glorification of Self-Deprecation in Art/Writing Spaces" by @nicolkoutoulakiauthor - I've discussed before how crucial it is to have a healthy self-esteem when writing, but Nicol does it even better here. Nicol also includes some excellent reframing tactics so you can stay motivated.
Generalish Writing Advice (multifactorial)
"'How Do I Start Writing?'" (Or; A Psychoanalysis of Newbie Writer Fears) - Inspired by the dozens of Reddit posts that ask this exact same thing, often with useless responses. So why do people ask this? I offer my theory.
"How to improve your writing style : a 5-steps guide" by @writer-logbook - Especially great information on why reading widely is so helpful for your craft!
"Some Writing Advice" by @whispers-whump - Especially great discussion of why you shouldn't write what you mean.
"Practical Writing Advice Part 2" by @so-many-ocs - Does what it says on the tin. Simple, easy-to-follow advice that can break you out of writer's block.
"25 Prose Tips for Writers" by @thewriteadviceforwriters - I absolutely love the emphasis on sound and harmony here. As someone whose entire book series revolves around the magic of poetry, of course I think this is incredibly important advice!
"Pacing and Show Don't Tell" by @mylordshesacactus - Two for one deal! First, learn more about why pacing is important; then, look at some examples of the classic advice "show, don't tell." The post does a great job on breaking down what show don't tell actually means and what is not a violation of this guideline so that newer writers aren't confused.
Writing tools
"How to Build a Sustainable Writing Habit Through SCIENCE (Fuck Off, NaNoWriMo)" - Why NaNoWriMo doesn't actually motivate young writers and how to do better through a spreadsheet (yes, really, a spreadsheet). It also explains the importance of intrinsic motivation!
"'I've Outlined Too Much and Now I Can't Write!' (Or: the Double Outline Method for Overanxious Plotters)" - Some of us tend to go absolutely ham on our outlines, to the point where they're practically their own books. But then we also tend to not actually do the writing attached to said outline. Does this mean outlining is useless? Of course not. My method lets you have your outline and eat it too. (.... Wait.)
"Stop Making Everything So Damn Complicated!" - Why fantasy (and scifi) does not need to be dizzyingly intricate to be enjoyable.
"Grounded vs. Airy Fantasy" by @aethersea - Excellent breakdown of different levels of groundedness in fantasy and why it's important to understand your own approach.
"Fantasy Guide to Building a Culture" by @inky-duchess - Thorough and methodical analysis of what can create a compelling fantasy culture, including those things that many fail to think about when writing.
"Writing tip - Research" by @pygmi-cygni - Fantastic assessment of the importance of research, including for fantasy stories. As Pygmi-Cygni said, a lot of people claim that they don't need to do any research for fantasy novels, which isn't true! Any parallels to IRL need to be realistic, or you will lose credibility.
"How to Find a Plot When All You Have is Characters and Setting" by @rheas-chaos-motivation - This is a common problem for many writers, when you have cool characters or an intriguing setting. This short post can help you kickstart your ideas for how to create an intriguing plot that has built-in tension.
"Remembering Perspective When Writing Descriptions" - Key factors to think about when describing other characters or settings from your POV.
"Description, Momentum, and Tension; Or, How Not to Bore a Reader" - Why, when, and where to put description so that people don't skip over it. Hopefully.
"Writing Notes: Seasons" - Each season has both benefits and downsides. In this post, we look at the negatives and positive aspects of each so you can decide how a particular season may strengthen your themes - plus some descriptions to help inspire you.
"How to Write Smut?" by @unfriendlywriter - Wonderful examples of how to write heartstopping smut.
"How to pull off descriptions" by @fictionstudent - Fictionstudent has a ton of great posts, both about film analysis and about the art of writing. I especially liked this one because it discusses how important perspective is for descriptions and the importance of filling in the details as a character would rather than just throwing it all at the reader at one time.
"How to avoid White Room Syndrome" by @writerthreads - Fantastic and focused advice on how to ensure you're offering readers just enough setting to help them envision the world.
"Writing Relatable Characters; Or, Using Human Failures to Your Advantage" - Explaining how you can use character flaws and human needs to create a relatable character. Also explains the basic development of a plot, which is about equilibrium.
"How NOT to Write a Character" - Wherein I give you some examples of annoying characters we want to punt off a cliff so you can watch yourself.
"Writing Strong Female Characters" - Why you should give your female characters a secret goal, as well as how to avoid common 'strong female' stereotypes.
"Writing Compelling Trauma in Fiction: Dos and Don'ts" - How to avoid melodrama and create intriguing emotional wounds for characters.
"Quality Assurance Checks for Character Development" - Thought exercises that can help you differentiate characters, prune down unnecessary characters, develop true chemistry between LI and MC, and avoid having too many POVs.
"Developing Character Agency (Or; Cutting the Plot Strings)" - A discussion of character agency and how to ensure your characters are not bound by the narrative.
"Writing Notes: Thought Distortions" by @literaryvein-reblogs - Some psychological concepts you can use in your writing to add depth to characters.
"Questions about your character’s perspective on love and relationships" by @luna-azzurra - Excellent questions that can help you delve into your character's attachment style, what baggage they may bring to a current relationship, and how to create conflict through mentality.
"How to Write a Confession of Love," also by luna-azzurra - Perfect discussion of how to create tension, the utility of setting, not making it perfect, and including the other character's response.
"Common Writing Issues that Reduce Readability" - Examples of fixes for four common issues: double describing, long sentences, overexplaining, and head hopping.
"Differential Diagnosis When Your Writing Is Getting Worse" by @ariaste - Fantastic explanation by a professional writer about why you might feel like your writing is getting worse and what to do about it.
"How to Make Your Writing Less Stiff Part 3" by @physalian - Physalian's whole blog has some excellent advice, so definitely give it a look!
"How to Improve Your Writing" - Also by literaryvein-reblogs, this offers some excellent exercises to help with sentence-level issues, such as modifiers, parallelism, and details.
"How to promote your book online : a discussion about social media (and few tips)" by writer-logbook - Great tips about how to get more interest in your book. I especially enjoyed the emphasis on patience and consistency. Writer-logbook has some excellent info overall about the nitty-gritty of writing, so I definitely recommend poring through their blog in general. (That's why they're included here twice!)
Specific Research Advice
"Assassination Methods Through the Decades: A Writer’s Handbook" by @hayatheauthor - A thorough review of different assassination methods, including a section discussing common assassination methods by region!
"How to Write Someone in a Wheelchair" - A group effort! This is a reblog chain discussing body language in manual wheelchairs, the mechanics of power wheelchairs, wheelchair propulsion methods, and a reminder that just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn't mean they can't walk short distances.
"Writing Research Notes: Caves" - Oh caves how I love them. Caves. Let me tell you about them if you want to write about caves. Blessed.
"Writing Research Notes: Horses" - A beginner's guide to horse mindsets, whether horses like working, approaching horses, how to ride, and tips on training.
"Writing Research Notes: Bipolar Disorder" - Written by me, a writer with bipolar disorder! This shares basic facts about bipolar, offers a list of symptoms you can use, and cautions you against spreading misinformation through poor characterization or myths.
"Stop Doing This in Injury Fics!" by @pygmi-says-hi - Discusses some common errors when writing whump/angst. The fever part was especially helpful for me!
"Writing US Military Characters" by @lookbluesoup - An explanation of the habits and mentality of US military characters. Many of these were quite helpful for my fantasy military characters, so you can get a lot of mileage out of these for soldiers in other militaries too!
Little Funsies
"What Painting Style Is Your Writing?" - A short exploration of different writing styles to help you better understand your own approach.
I'll be adding onto this as I continue to scroll through my old likes and, of course, as I find more resources.
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minbells · 4 months
Oh, how precious they are, really. The flustered look on their face, the telltale signs of adoration that seem to surround them whenever they are in your presence. The shy men are truly gifts from the gods, angels on earth, butterfly kisses on your soul. Breathtaking and so cute.
It took forever for him to finally get enough courage and actually commit to a relationship with you. All because he was way too shy and inexperienced, and his heart was beating way too fast whenever your eyes would meet his own in that love stare of yours, so enticing and hypnotizing that he thought his brain would turn to mush. Frankly, his insecurities would also keep him away from you. How could you, a being so perfect and so kind, choose him ? Of course, this never kept him from daydreaming about you constantly. Your beautiful face, your lips, your hands wrapped around him, your blinding smile, your body… how ashamed he was of those inappropriate thoughts that made his whole face (and other places) heat up like a furnace. He was shy, sure, but definitely not innocent. All that was on in mind was you, you, you. When he wakes up with the sun and then late at night when he falls asleep under the moon, you’re everywhere. And yet whenever he tried to talk to you, he was becoming a stuttering mess and making a fool of himself. In his opinion he was quite the idiot, but to you he was utterly perfect.
How could you not fall for him ? Despite being shy and unsure of himself, he rises to any given occasion to comfort you in your lowest moments. Determination and love overcomes his anxiety, and when it comes to you and your honour, he always speaks with confidence and conviction. He would go on walks with you and listen to whatever is on your mind. He follows you around like a lost puppy, watching your every moves with interest, especially whenever you would cook something for the two of you. Wanna taste ? You would ask, and he happily obliged, wrapping his lips around the spoon you presented him and humming in delight at the flavours hitting his tongue, made with love.
All the anonymous — not so anonymous — handmade gifts he would make from scratch for you before you started dating were piling up in your room in a secluded space reserved just for the things he would give you. Needless to say, your genuine feelings for him as well as the flirtatious remarks you made every now and then — oh those teasing compliments that would make the tip of his ears heat up — finally coaxed him out of his shell.
And now that he finally got a taste of your lips and attention, he was done for. Does the nervousness ever goes away, even after months of a steady and healthy relationship with you ? No, not at all. But it’s different now. He knows he’s head over heels for you, and he knows you love him back. Which truly just unlocks a completely new side of him, one that is fully devoted to your happiness and pleasure, one that wants to try new things and go over his limits. This side of him gets flustered just as much, but he’s much more confident in his affection, more than willing to pleasure you and impress you in order to get your attention.
He puts all his attention in touching you and kissing you right, until you’re completely out of breath, putty in his hands, and weak in the knees. He actually has to hold you up in his strong hold so his mouth can keep chasing yours, otherwise you might melt in a puddle at his feet. Again. More. Kiss me more. His pleas never fall on deaf ears as you are always as eager as he is, and you kiss him more and more until he’s satisfied and your lips are puffy. The sparkles of admiration in his eyes seem to shine a little brighter every day that passes by, and his lips are always more eager to meet your own, no matter how shy he gets whenever you praise him and moan breathlessly in his ear. Yeah, it’s impossible not to fall for him.
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amajiki tamaki, midoriya izuku, kamado tanjiro, armin arlert, kozume kenma, yamaguchi tadashi, azumani asahi, okkotsu yuuta, yoshino junpei, + all your favs.
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ashtavula · 4 months
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Housewardens with an idol s/o
-He's trying his best, but he just doesn't understand the idol culture. What are fan chants? Why does everyone have lightsticks? Riddle may not get it, but he makes the effort to attend your concerts and learn how to be a proper fan. You'll sometimes spot him in the crowd, clumsily following along with a fan dance, his brows furrowed in concentration. It's ridiculously cute. Let him know just how much you appreciate his efforts, if only because he blushes every time.
-Riddle's happy that you love your job, but he worries about you pushing yourself too hard. The practices look exhausting, and sometimes you're so busy you barely have time to respond to a text message. So, Riddle makes sure you take the time to properly relax every now and then. It's hard to be stressed about an upcoming fan event when you're drinking tea and playing croquet with your beloved.
-Leona isn't the type of guy to sit in the crowd and cheer for you, but he shows his support in other ways. He's always backstage during your performances, and he always keeps a sharp eye on your fans during meet and greets to make sure they don't go overboard. Leona is also the first to chide your bodyguards if he thinks they aren't doing a good job. And once you stumble back into your dressing room, Leona holds out his arms and lets you collapse against him for some well earned rest.
-He often finds himself worrying about the future. Royals have duties, even ones like him, and he doesn't want you to stop doing what you love just because you're going to be married to a prince. And Falena is definitely pressuring him to go ahead and get married. In the end, Leona shrugs it off. You're both happy and in love; screw what anybody else wants.
-Azul throws himself into learning how to be a proper fan, even though he doesn't actually like being at concerts due to the crowds. But he sucks it up and goes to every single one. He's actually just worried that your fans won't like him unless he does. Once he realizes that he can have his own booth, Azul starts enjoying himself a lot more. He also proudly collects your merch, especially if it's rare.
-Few people are better than Azul for making sure you adhere to your strict diet. He always finds ways to make food that is both healthy and tasty, and he's great at helping you track calories. You swear that your nutritionist loves him more than you do at this point. Azul also goes over all of your contracts with you before you sign anything, pointing out predatory clauses and clarifying confusing terminology. And all he wants in exchange for his help is a few kisses. It's a deal you're more than happy to accept.
-You've never met a more enthusiastic fan than Kalim. Sure, he didn't know about you before you started dating, but it's hard to believe that when he's screaming your name and dancing along to your songs from his vip booth at your concerts. Kalim would love to be in the front row, but he unfortunately has to pay attention to his safety. Still, he shows up to every concert, no matter where you're performing.
-It goes without saying that Kalim loves to spoil you. After your performances, he's the first to praise you for another successful show, and he always has gifts for you. Huge bouquets of flowers, or boxes of your favorite sweets always end up in your dressing room. Kalim also enjoys helping you unwind afterward. You get to cuddle up on his chest while he runs his warm hands over shoulders, happily chattering about how good the concert was.
-Vil's the most supportive of your career, and he's constantly keeping you on your toes so you don't slack off. He likes to oversee your practices, commenting on the things that could be improved upon. Vil also takes it upon himself to become your nutritionist and personal trainer, all to make sure that you're in tip top shape. Your manager thinks that he's being overbearing, but you know better.
-Vil sometimes fantasizes about joining you on stage. Being there with you, in front of a wildly cheering crowd, would make his heart soar. Please have him feature in some of your songs. It would mean the world to him to be included in your limelight. And Vil, in turn, will shine some of his light on you.
-He was already a fan of yours before you started dating, but he quickly becomes your number one fan. He knows all of the fan chants, all of the dances, and he's an avid collector of your merch. Some people might think that he's being a bit creepy, but you know that that's just how Idia expresses his love and support.
-Idia would honestly love to program a light show for one of your concerts. He'd work so hard, coordinating the lightsticks in the crowd to cycle through different colors and patterns as you sing and dance on stage. And Idia would be watching all of it from backstage, reveling in the absolute delight on your face when the sea of glowing lights forms a heart, just for you.
-He doesn't quite understand everything, but he is extremely curious about all of it. He'll wander around your dressing room, eyeing your costumes and accessories, asking question after question. And when it's time for you to perform, Malleus is always right in the front, beaming up at you. He always performs the chants and dances without fail, since he fully believes that this is how you're meant to show your love for an idol. And Malleus loves you more than any fan.
-Malleus does worry sometimes that your fans will find him intimidating, especially since he's always in the front row. He doesn't want you to lose favor just because of him. Malleus just needs to hear that your love for him matters more to you than your fans. Just, maybe try to keep him away from any meet and greets, since he does actually tend to scare your poor fans.
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starhoppin · 9 months
pick a picture; how would your future spouse act when they're jealous?
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
disclaimer; this is a general reading! these messages may not fit everyone. please take what resonates and leave the rest.
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「pile one 」
five of pentacles rv (cb: queen of wands, four of pentacles), king of swords rv (cb: ace of swords, seven of cups rv), nine of pentacles (cb: four of cups, nine of swords)
when your future spouse is jealous, they tend to keep their thoughts to themselves. they view you as the queen of wands - charismatic, bold, charming - overall, a catch. so when others flirt with you, your future spouse gets a bit possessive. still, they seem to recognize that the way others behave towards you is beyond your control, and you cannot be held responsible for whether people flirt with you or not. consequently, they feel like bringing it up would only create unnecessary conflict between you two. however, - in a moment of weakness - this person may act cold and a bit rude toward the person who is flirting with you. this person is normally level-headed, but the thought of you being with someone else really upsets them. i also see them reassuring themselves that you only have eyes for them. they trust you a lot and you actually may be the type to shut down any person who tries to flirt with you - particularly if they're doing so in front of your future spouse.
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「pile two 」
page of pentacles (cb: six of swords rv, three of cups), queen of pentacles rv (cb: ten of cups, four of cups rv), ace of cups rv (cb: four of pentacles rv, knight of pentacles)
i think your future spouse would struggle with acknowledging that they're jealous. they'll make an effort to act like everything is fine, yet it feels more like they're suppressing their genuine emotions. they may be the type to bottle up their true feelings in general. this person could struggle with issues of abandonment/neglect from past relationships, so when situations like this arise, they have to do their best to work through those emotions. instances that trigger their jealousy could be akin to reopening an old wound for them. despite knowing that you're happy together and you're not interested in anyone else, their instinctual response is colored by past feelings. your future spouse might place a high value on material possessions, and their love language may lean towards gift-giving. in light of this situation, they may become more extravagant in their gift-giving, almost as if they're in the courting stage in your relationship again. it's an energy of "no other person can provide for you like i can."
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「pile three 」
five of swords rv (cb: six of wands, king of swords rv), three of pentacles (cb: queen of pentacles, five of cups rv), five of pentacles rv (cb: six of cups, king of pentacles)
out of all the piles, your future spouse is most likely to speak up and tell someone off if they're flirting with you. they seem to perceive the conflict as a form of competition, but it's not true competition because you are already taken by them. it's like your future spouse has this perspective of "try all you want, you can never win them over." still, your person is likely to voice their displeasure and make it clear that they'll never have a chance with you. while you may prioritize harmony, your future spouse exudes an attitude of "i don't care if they like me or not." they are the kind of person who speaks their mind in any situation, even if they're aware you might disapprove. i distinctly heard the words "charity work," so they might use cutting words to convey that the person is not even close to being in your league. this person has a healthy sense of self-esteem and also believes that you share a strong relationship based on trust. although they may get a bit heated initially, i don't think that they'll dwell on the situation.
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tarot deck used in this reading: ostara tarot
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satzumosupremacy · 8 months
Elite Bodyguard Series: Pt.8
Love you harder
Male reader x Tzuyu
Tags: Fluff, Smut, Some lovely dovely fuck positions, Deflowering
5k Words
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A/N: Kinda too wholesome tbh…
As the tension grew intense—although nothing really happened apart from cuddles and kisses—the start of the relationship was pretty healthy. If you’re happy, Tzuyu’s also happy. Your heart flutters every time Tzuyu is around you. As much as you don’t like to admit it, you're head over heels for Tzuyu. But that’s all you knew; while Tzuyu loves you, it was only the tip of the iceberg that she knows.
Your closet was always filled with your clothes until, every time Tzuyu came over, a quarter of your walk-in closet became filled with hers. The bedroom also had some of her presence: a drawer filled with makeup, a small mirror, and a desk light. Every time you slept alone, her presence remained in your thoughts with a bundle of her belongings in your bedroom.
It first went from quick kisses to making out with each other for what felt like hours. You take her on late-night dates, not as much during the day to avoid any suspicion, but as always, you love enjoying everything with Tzuyu. Baking with her is fun; sometimes you mess around, and the kitchen gets messy with flour. The physical affection has even become more intense. The small moments when she looks out the window quietly at a flower shop on the way back make you buy a bouquet for her without Tzuyu even asking.
Even at this moment, as you gaze at her whisking the cupcake batter in your own kitchen, you can't help but feel the desire to kiss her or wrap your arms around Tzuyu from behind as you walk slowly, securing your hands tightly and warmly around her.
“Babe,” Tzuyu said. “Let me finish this batter, and then we can do whatever.”
"You know, each time we bake, it takes longer to prepare and put it in the oven, Tzu," you said, kissing her neck with your hands on her hips.
“That’s because of you. You’re the one distracting me,” she said playfully. And you knew, the longer she held in her urges to fuck, it would all tumble within seconds.
By the way she's dressed today, the white crop top with a pink push-up bra seduced you more. The tight leggings can only make you caress her gently, complementing her curves. Her hair smelled so floral, with a rose and vanilla scent emanating from her body, and you love it when her dimples show from a smile.
“What should we do today, Tzu?” You kiss her again while you’re slowly getting hard right against her ass. The quiet gulp she makes only leads you to assume that Tzuyu can't wait any longer. It's evident from how you consistently seduce her romantically to the thoughts of being wrapped in each other's arms in bed—naked.
It was bound to happen now or never. Only you can wait patiently.
Yet, she’s fighting herself, the only thing Tzuyu wasn’t sure of was your very intentions for her. As you slept with Twice members, seeing this side of you was different. Bottom line is—she's confused but loves you. You knew this, and you're still proving yourself. It would have been the gamble of her life if your intentions weren't so pure.
In your mind, you don’t have any bad intentions, but simply have love for Tzuyu. Even if you assure her, buy her gifts, kiss, hold hands, and even love her small imperfections, it is a relationship you want to commit to.
“Tzu, you know that I love you, right?”
"I love you too, babe. But prove it," Tzuyu said playfully and turned around to face you, only to be right in front of your face, with eyes locking. The kitchen became quiet, quiet enough to only hear the refrigerator motor running, as you didn't take your eyes off her for even a second.
"Don’t look away, Tzu," you said with a smirk, taking the whisk from Tzuyu’s hands and placing it on the countertop—still locking eyes with each other.
Then this is where the countdown begins: from months of a relationship, the kissing becomes far more intimate, passionate, and romantic, to getting a feel of each other’s bodies. And now, Tzuyu is pinned by you on the kitchen counter with nowhere she can go except for accepting your lips, which render her quiet when the kiss initiates.
Tzuyu places her hands on your chest after digging into your shirt, feeling your heart racing. “This is the problem, Tzu. You’re feeling the problem that I always have when I’m with you.”
Your words—the problem that Tzuyu also has from getting seduced, and the rapid heartbeat can only make her realize that your real intention was surely and simply loving her. Even if she felt your heart beating like this all the time whenever she laid on you, genuine feelings couldn’t be hidden from you whenever Tzuyu’s around.
Sure, you slept with her in your bed, but there was no sex or any other naughty things. To which, Tzuyu thinks about how dedicated you are to her, and how much you were willing to wait for anything that she’s not ready for.
A man, well disciplined and resilient one that she loves.
"I love you, babe," Tzuyu said, more in an excited tone, and continued to lock eyes with you.
"I know you do." You kiss her neck, up to her jawline, as she surrenders her body to you. While you both make out in the kitchen, she forgets all about the cupcake batter.
Like always, you were always the distraction.
Her arms wrap around your back, cutely pulling you in, while her head tilts the opposite way. She was never a good kisser from the start, being messy with the romantic feelings she had. With practice, Tzuyu has gotten better the more you kissed her; she learned and adapted from you.
You hold onto her nape with your other arm on her lower back as she arches. The hums she made turned into quiet moans after all the times you made out with Tzuyu. And you couldn’t get enough of it, wanting more—even louder when you get more aggressively romantic, pinning her to the counter. 
After or even during spontaneous kissing, it’s always Tzuyu who runs out of breath first. Just the amount of love you give her is always greater, and how great of a kisser you are.
“Babe, the cupcake batter,” Tzuyu said, gasping for air while you kiss down to her collarbone, dangerously teased her that her tits are just a few inches away.
You break off from kissing her, “mhm, I’ll wait.” She quickly adds the last few ingredients into the batter while you smile at her. “Tzu, I’m going to take over my boss's agency in Gangnam.”
“What?” She said, all surprised by a sudden comment from you, "what happened?”
“He’s getting old and wants to retire.”
“You’re not leaving us, right?” Tzuyu said, looking at you with puppy eyes.
You nodded, “no. Why would I sit at the desk all day and let others do the job for me?”
Tzuyu faintly smiles from a worried expression. "Isn't that too much responsibility?"
“Not if I have you by my side, Tzu.” Seeing her face turn red quickly from a flirtatious comment only made Tzuyu look away and turn on the oven.
“Congratulations,” she said simply and walks towards you with a smile, “let’s go to the couch.”
You chuckled and carry Tzuyu by her legs and back as she can cover her mouth embarrassingly from her face being all red, just staring at you silently. “So adorable, Tzu.”
From the start of the relationship til now, kisses gotten longer, more touchy, and even rarely, your shirt comes off along with hers when the lights are off. Hours upon hours, the days felt quick whenever you’re with her. Tzuyu’s body is hot, her thighs felt so smooth and tone, body shaped like an hourglass, and her eyes that makes you even want her more as she looks at you with love.
As you let her down by the couch, you sit first, then Tzuyu sits on top with a lovely smile. “The sun is setting already, babe.”
“I don’t care, you don’t care. We’re here together with no one bothering us, Tzu.” Then her hands curiously caresses your shoulder and Tzuyu leans in for a kiss, which you pull her closer, faster, like you’ve been looking at Tzuyu’s lips the whole time impatiently, and initiate a kiss.
Tzuyu’s kisses weren’t the best, but for sure, you felt all the love from her, even feeling her back arching as you caress every part of her. The room becomes silent, hands naughtily exploring each other’s body. Her breaths become heavy, breaking off the kiss and gasp for air while you take the initiative to get a taste of her neck. And she hugs you in, harder by your nape. You love the way Tzuyu touches you so curiously and giving herself to you.
To say the least, you’re hard already. And her pussy is right there on you while she’s on top. It only takes both your clothes to come off. Slowly but surely, her urges will tumble down like a ticking time bomb.
And you're waiting. Patiently. Just to see how much she has resisted.
The kisses go on, minute after minute, you could hear her quiet moans as you kiss her—neck to be precise. Tzuyu always gives you the lead; she knows how great you are at kissing, whether it was her or someone else. 
You hold onto her nape, pulling Tzuyu in as she tilts her head forward for another round of lips pressing against each other to take it to a different level and using your tongue. The cute chuckles Tzuyu made can only tell that she’s melting inside like always; her breath becomes heavier, moans become irresistible, and you dig into her tight crop top. 
Smooth skin, pleasant with the warmth of her body as you caress every part of her back down dangerously to her ass for a gentle squeeze. She loves it every time, embarrassed to even admit to the rush of adrenaline—just loving the way you gently touch and love her. 
The clip of her bra is inches away. You would boldly dare to take her top off at this point. Seducing Tzuyu onto the bed even. Feeling how hot her body is becoming, you would even come up with an excuse to cool her off faster with her clothes all off.
Like always after a steamy make-out session and after you’ve caressed her enough, it’s always Tzuyu returning the favor and placing her hands under your shirt to get a feel of your chest. But one thing she loves is your heart beating, and she breaks off the kiss. Again, you kiss her neck to hear what Tzuyu has to say, “I love you, babe.” 
“I love you more, Tzu.”
“No you don’t. I do.” Tzuyu said, teasing you as she giggles, and you tried to keep a straight face the moment you looked at her—which failed miserably as you couldn’t help but smile so brightly at her. “Do I make you this happy?” She said, teasingly. 
And you thought her question was straight nonsense, clearly being a yes. “What’s with you today? Why so cute today? Why are you getting so beautiful every day? Hmm?” You added, trying to avoid her question. Tzuyu finds it cute when you don’t like to admit her ways of teasing.
“Because we're together,” Tzuyu said happily, sucking her lips in after. Clearly seduced, drunk off your kisses, and in your very arms, you find her even more charming. It doesn’t take long for you to get close to her face again as she closes her eyes, kissing once again. 
You decide to lay her down on the couch, where it gets even steamy from her wrist being pinned down to the armrest—all while you maintain a dominant silence while gazing directly at her from above.
The tension was always like this: her legs open, and you’re between them, pinning Tzuyu down, the silence in the room, hearts racing, all while you both lock eyes at each other. The only thing that was missing was clothes all off and bodies phyiscally giving love. 
Then you go in for a kiss; the louder it is, the more fuel you put into a burning desire for love. Her back arches slowly, even her legs wrapped around your hips. Moans from Tzuyu became seductive and angelic at the same time. 
You were drunk, drunk in love with Tzuyu, pouring your heart out to her, and she did the same, all without sex. You could say this is the beauty of love. Although you would want to show her a different sense of love—where bodies burn off calories, intimacy, emotional connection, and the feeling of closure—Tzuyu’s all new to this. 
Neither of you cared to hear the oven alarm after forty minutes of purely kissing. So as the day darkens, Tzuyu holds you in dearly, kissing the day away. 
She did feel your bulge; you felt how warm her crotch was; clothes would have been off at this point. Tzuyu runs out of breath more than you could count, gasping and chest pumping. As if she’s trying to pour out as much love as you did and only tries to match your effort.
“Babe, the cupcakes,” Tzuyu said, tiredly, overdosed on a drug called love.
“Five more minutes, Tzu. Just five more.” You knew she wouldn’t say no, all drunk and wanting more like all the other times.
You dragged it on for more than five minutes—ten, maybe even fifteen. It was likely close to twenty minutes from what you can tell, and you hesitantly break the kiss.
Her hair—all messy, lips coated with saliva, her eyes gleamed with passion, even seeing the love hormones as her pupils enlarged, and her cheeks red like she had too much alcohol was the outcome of a steamy and romantic time together.
“Let’s do a bonfire tonight, Tzu,” you said, brushing her hair as she’s embarrassed by the way her face was glowing all red and hot. She nods, speechless to say anything. You get off her and follow Tzuyu to the kitchen to see her cupcakes in the oven.
“Careful, the pan is still probably hot.” And you give her an oven glove.
“Want a taste?” She said, already blowing on the cupcake for you and slowly leaning closer to give you a taste. Tzuyu looks at you silently waiting for an answer, but you're so starstruck by her beauty.
“It’s good, warm enough for the frosting to not melt. Should we start decorating, Chef Tzu?” You said with a pleasant smile.
“What color do you want, babe?”
“Blue, your favorite.”
You wear the apron that she got out of your cabinet and begin decorating the cupcakes. Tzuyu smiles brightly, knowing she has all the time to be with you.
After finishing the cupcakes and a couple bites that you both fed each other, you intuitively thought of doing a bonfire with Tzuyu. She goes outside and sets up the small chairs, while you grab some firewood and sit right next to her after she got a blanket to cuddle.
There was no need for talking when both of you relaxed with Tzuyu leaning her head on your shoulders—blanket covering you two.
The wood crackles every second, and Tzuyu’s quietly in your arms under the night sky with the stars brightly shining. You cherrish the quiet ways she shows you that spoke a thousand words of her saying, “I love you.”
You kissed her hair, intuitively making her heart flutter. After a long day, she quickly grew tired as you gently patted her shoulders. "Tzu, let’s go wash up and go to sleep; you’re tired."
“Carry me,” she said cutely laughing and you didn’t hesitate to carry her inside while she hid her face on your neck to get a whiff of your scent.
“So adorable. So beautiful.” You complimented her each time, whether it was every hour or minute. “My lady.”
“My man.” Tzuyu added and leans on your shoulder.
You carried her inside into the bedroom but didn’t let Tzuyu down, only kissing her a few more times until it got steamy again, with her hands on your shoulders. The little moans she made were only like a tease of how she would actually sound naked. And clearly, Tzuyu did it purposely.
“Babe, I need to wash-”
“Five more minutes, Tzu.” You said, using the five minute method to your advantage. “Five, baby.”
It’s never five minutes either way.
“Babe,” Tzuyu whined cutely, out of breathe after what it felt like ten minutes, and you decided to let her go wash up.
“I’ll be in the other bathroom, Tzu.” Much as you would love to shower with her, there was a fine line that you didn’t want to cross yet.
After both of you separately washed up, Tzuyu laid on the bed while using her phone waiting for you. “babe, we’ll all be busy these next few weeks. I hope you’re ready.”
“I know. I adjusted my schedules just to be with you girls after getting my position.”
Tzuyu wasn’t staring at you but your chest. It’s not like she never seen you half naked, more so of Tzuyu being distracted by your physique and blushes everytime. You turn off the light and close the door as the smallest light shines through from the window into the bedroom.
“Hug me to sleep.” Tzuyu said, cutely making you have butterflies in your stomach.
All the times she slept over, you slept quickly, and so did she. Within a few minutes, she lays her cheeks on your bare chest, arms around Tzuyu tightly as you both quickly fell asleep. In the mornings, she always wakes up first and cuddles you quietly until you wake up.
The sun glares at you in the morning, with Tzuyu quietly playing with your hair and admiring you with a bright smile. The moment you open your eyes, she's right beside you, smiling, greeted by such a beautiful woman who is your girlfriend.
“Good morning, babe,” Tzuyu said, smiling with a cute laugh.
“Good morning, Tzu. My beautiful Tzu.”
She’s sun-kissed, her face shining brightly in the sun as you silently stare at her. Tilting her head away, then back again, you keep your eyes on Tzuyu as she decides to play around. She starts to get shy, with rosy cheeks that have turned a pink hue from the sun.
"What's with you, babe?" she teased, looking away until you guided her back by her cheeks.
“Stay in bed longer,” you said. “Stay with me for a few more days. We can go get your clothes and other stuff.”
“Say please,” Tzuyu said, laughing, straight up teasing you at this point. You stare at her smile in the morning, dimples being shown.
“Please.” It felt humiliating as you plead her and hated yourself in a way.
She laughs, laughing even more that you’re begging her. Also seeing this small side of you that any other Twice members never seen.
“Stop laughing, Tzu.” And you held her nape, going in for a kiss to shut her up. It always works like a dream until Tzuyu decides to play fight and hide her face on your chest, all covered up by her hands.
After some laughs and squeals from Tzuyu, it got steamy to the point of Tzuyu raising her head again for an intimate morning. Her hands touched you dangerously, from your chest to your crotch, and felt your morning wood. The atmosphere of waking up with the sun shining through made both of you desire something else, more than just making out, more than feeling each other.
“Babe.” Tzuyu said shyly while you kiss all over her neck with the slightest nibbles. She digs under your shorts and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Tzu, I’m not ready for this,” you said, playfully mocking her when she said the same thing months ago.
“You shouldn’t wait any longer, babe.” Tzuyu murmured. “I can’t also.”
You freely caress her, squeezing her ass gently with a slap. “Let’s make love, Tzu.” And you didn’t hesitate to get on top and pin her wrist to the pillow with the eyes you both gave each other. Slowly, you lean in towards her neck, kissing them down to her stomach, and take off her shirt. Her body’s amazing, much as you’ve seen glimpse of it, it’s always what you couldn’t stop looking at, whether if her clothes were on or not. You slowly take off her shorts that she brought over the times Tzuyu slept for the night.
Black bra, black panties, that hourglass body that you couldn’t stop touching, thighs so toned—the beauty she is—she's all yours. Tzuyu did the same in return, taking your clothes off. She looks at your cock, and her hands slowly get a feel for what she always felt during all those steamy kisses. 
“I’m all yours, baby,” Tzuyu said, seducing and making you gulp from just seeing her naked body.
You reach for her hands to hold, and slowly, you kiss every part of Tzuyu’s gorgeous body down to her thighs, and she spreads her legs, inviting you for something to eat. She moaned the moment your tongue got a taste. You slowly eat her out, in the right spots to feel her hands squeeze yours uncontrollably. 
“Taste so good,” you murmured with your lips on her pussy. She couldn’t respond quick enough as you continued to eat her out, slowly quickening up the pace to make her squirm around, moaning even harder and deeper. 
"Babe," Tzuyu moaned longer and deeper. She tilts her face to the side with her teeth clenched.
Her thighs crush you in like there was no escape. You would suffocate between her thighs with no hesitation. And you let go of her hands to wrap your arms around her thighs, just locking her in—enough to make her feel paradise. She ruffles through your hair and makes a mess out of it unintentionally; just being eaten out in the morning felt different, pleased, and loved. 
After getting her wet enough, you kiss your way up to her lips. Your cock is right on her stomach for a tease of what you’re going to do. “I know you’ve been thinking of me being inside, Tzu.” 
Her breath deepens, her chest pumping as she’s nervous. You couldn’t blame her, it’s Tzuyu's first time either way. “Baby,” Tzuyu said, curiously want to feel it inside. "Put it in."
You put your cock in slowly, stretching her pussy and making her feel this sensation. Tzuyu moans seductively more the deeper your cock goes in. She hugs you, head leaning on your shoulders, hands gripping onto your back, and her moans become so angelic while you slowly thrust. Tzuyu’s pussy is tight, to the point your cock throbs with each thrust, and you grunted quietly. 
Her moans sounded hesitant, like you would judge her in any way that you can sharply tell. “Tzu, let me hear how much you love me.”
By your assurance, her walls tumble down, moaning even more louder to feeling such love that you give her. All the breaths became deeper, panting each time your fucking her in the right spots. You take her arms off of you and with a smirk, you pin Tzuyu down to the bed. All she can do is moan with her body tensing up from your cock deep in her. You push against her thighs, wanting it deeper to show how much you love her. Unintentionally, you put her in a mating press, but more romantically as she feels how deep your cock is inside.
“Tzuyu,” you said, moaning her name as it only melted her more.
“Baby, don’t stop.” She said, moaning with her teeth clenching after.
“I’m not gonna stop loving you, baby,” you said. Both of you stare at each other, gasping and panting together as you two share this moment together after breaking the fine line that you didn’t cross until now.
Maybe patience was the beautiful outcome.
And her leg tenses. You lean closer down until your forehead is against hers, moaning and panting along with Tzuyu. Together, both your eyes close. All within a room with you letting go of her arms once again to feel her hands on the side of your face, not wanting you to stop at all.
“I fucking love you, Tzu,” you said.
“I love you, too.” She quickly said within a breath, and your lips press against hers, kissing and thrusting slowly but deeply into her pussy.
After a few minutes of silence with only the moans and body colliding, you break the kiss and guide her to sit up on top while your hand leans on the bedsheet. She sits on your lap and slowly sits on your cock, grinding without you asking her what to do.
“Love me harder, baby,” you said in her ear, hugging Tzuyu in tightly. She did the same, tits squeezing against your chest and rides you slowly. “Just like that,” you groaned.
She grind on you harder, more effort into pleasing you with the love she’s pouring out. “It’s so big inside me, baby,” she murmured, gasping for air like there’s no tomorrow.
“Means that this is how much I love you, baby.” You said and leaned back with all the weight onto your palms sinking down onto the bedsheets while she decides to squat. “Show me how much you love me.”
“Fuck,” she moaned. Your cock is deep in her, disappearing each time she rides and grinds. You continuously kiss her neck, all over her tits, and take in the radiant smell of Tzuyu.
Like everytime she hugged you, this was by far your favorite feeling, bodies burning with loving passion, her moaning right in your ear, and even feeling her ass bounce on your lap. The sounds of making love between two lovers made both of you forget about all the worries and live in the moment.
You couldn’t let her put in more effort, so you gently push Tzuyu down onto the bed along with you. As she moaned even louder, her arms glued to your back. “I’ll love you even harder, Tzu,” you said confidently with a husky tone and wouldn’t expect her to say anything else, but hear her moans.
Pushing deeply into her, and forehead against each other again, both your nose touch each other. The subtle feeling of each other’s sweat becomes appearent. Her hair was all messed up with yours. Lips all coated with each other’s saliva. Tzuyu was at her limit already as you can tell from her moans turn to cute whimpers and trembles.
Until she cums, hard, right where you kept penetrating her g-spot. All while being fucked with her legs tensing up and hugging you in tighter than you ever felt. Neither was both your eyes opened against each other’s forehead. All within a room, a bed, and naked bodies pressed against each other early in the morning due to a spontaneous and sudden intimate desire for each other.
As she’s still cumming, you felt her walls getting tighter, the small pulses inside made your cock throb violently and you cum, letting it all out, letting her have all the love you wanted to give her. You grunt, she moaned, both in the moment, both cumming.
A romantic way to finish. Together.
Breaking the fine line this quickly wasn’t what you imagined this early in the morning within a snap of a finger. Neither would you ever say no to fuck Tzuyu who had such a gorgeous body, beautiful face, and even hearing her sweet angelic voice.
The room becomes silent, both panting, chest pumping at each other. Taking in this moment together, you both kiss each other while your cock was still inside her like you don’t even want to pull out after cumming inside her. Your cock was pulsating, slower by the second to give her every drop.
You love how your cock is snug tight inside her—warm to your liking. “Tzu, baby, stay like this for several more minutes.” You gulped trying to catch your breath. She didn’t respond but kept hugging you tightly and kissing everywhere she could get her lips on. It’s cute; you felt all the love she wanted to give you without saying a word. 
“It’s so warm. Is this how much you love me?” She said, seducing and acting cute at the same time. You didn’t need to see how much cum was inside her, cumming hard already make you assume how much there was inside her pussy.
“If you don’t try to get off, I’ll make us go for round two, Tzu.”
“Let’s….maybe..do it later..again.” She said, embarrassed to ask.
And you wished she wanted another round right after. “Okay,” you said and kiss her tits, “let’s get up and have breakfast.” You pull out, cum oozing out slowly and thick, which didn’t surprise you at all, but it was still surprising how much there was.
Tzuyu’s curiosity takes over and decides to get a taste of your cum leaking out of her pussy. After a gulp, she was hesitant to compliment the taste of something new to her.
You didn’t need an answer by how her lips pressed against each other. Not Tzuyu trying to admit it, she slowly goes in for a second taste. She laughs cutely and embarrassingly covers her face, “okay, babe. Stop looking at me.”
“Maybe your lips can be somewhere else, Tzu. Wouldn’t you like to show me more love?” With a smile and leaning closer, you fix her hair. "Like...suck it all out," you teased her. “I’m lucky to have you, Tzu.”
“I’m lucky that you’re mine.”
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almostempty · 2 months
Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Looking for an escape from a horrible day, you take a sexy stranger home from the bar. 
Warnings: drinking, smoking, smut, glorification of substance use as a coping mechanism, using sex to avoid processing emotions, PWP, like mostly just porn and emotions, spit, one (1) pussy slap, pussy pronouns, size kink, sort of pleasuredom!javi, AU unprotected sex has no risks bc i like it that way, piv sex, fingering, creampie,
Notes: cigarette vending machines were real, part 2 exists and if one single person asks for it i’ll post it 
please leave feedback! open to constructive criticism or delusional inspiration
Thanks: to @auteurdelabre , u know what u did 
WC: 6.7K
AO3: here
Part 2: here
Masterlist: Here
It’s not enough.
You feel the inescapable temptation racing like wildfire through your veins. Thick, hot air whips your hair into your face, and you laugh, throaty and as loud as a barking German Shepherd with saliva frothing against their teeth. The thought of jerking the wheel and rolling your car into oncoming traffic causes your fingers to twitch. The roar of the semi-truck you pass drowns out everything else, your music, the wind surging through the windows, and your violent intrusive thoughts. You decide not to opt for a head-on collision. Heading towards your side of town, you slow to a less reckless speed, immediately missing the road noise. 
The temptation still pounds in your head, unbearable. Something stronger. You need something stronger before you drive to his house and choke on the smoke while you burn it to the ground. 
But you’re free! You grin as you race directionless through the streets, the kind of grin that would unsettle a small child. The evening sun blinds you whenever you choose a street facing west, and you welcome the jarring obtrusion, the pain. But driving into the sun isn’t enough. 
You pull over at the first parking spot you can see, ripping off your seatbelt and twisting around to dig under your seat. Nails catch on the carpeting, but you only recognize some change, receipts, and a petrified french fry. The muscles in your shoulder could tear from the tendons for all you care as you contort yourself to check under the passenger seat before digging through every compartment you can fit your fingers into. 
A cigarette seems healthy in comparison to crashing your car or lighting your ex’s house on fire. You swore there was a forgotten pack of smokes under one of the seats in your car, stashed away in case of emotional emergencies months ago before you committed to quitting. Nate must have found them and tossed them. Of course, he could still keep making this day worse. Even after you’d walked out on him mid-rant about how it was somehow your fault that he’d become even more of a repulsive asshole during the months you’d spent apart. “Hope you’re happy with how you chose to use your last ‘second chance,’” you had spat at him, already halfway to the door. You imagined the look cemented on his face as you left. You hope to never imagine his face again. 
Dried tears sting the corners of your eyes. Rubbing at the raw skin burns. You stare at your red eyes in your rearview mirror, and you can see the flicker of your soul nearly snuffed out from the years of despair. Blood pounding in your ears, you roll your head on your shoulders, and popping and grinding noises in your neck add to the symphony of your pulse. Tipping back against the headrest, you refocus and take in your surroundings. A bar. A beacon in the fading golden hour as dusk overtakes her glow. 
Bars have cigarettes. A drink, or four, would help, too. You need to feel something else. Find something strong enough to break through the numbness of anger and embarrassment. Something to override your loquacious internal monologue. It’s not enough.
Your demons materialize on your shoulders, prepared to fight your morality. The neon beer signs in the window sing a siren song. Temptation wins in the first round, she’s a seductress not to be outclassed. 
The gravel crunches under your feet as you cross the parking lot, kicking up little clouds of dust in your wake. Inside, you swerve between the pool tables, crossing the dimly lit space in a beeline to the cigarette vending machine for a new pack and matches before lasering in on an empty stool at the bar. Tunnel vision. 
Cold beer soothes the burn in your throat from the tequila shot you slammed before you even settled your full weight on the barstool. The liquid waterfalls down your throat until the bottle runs dry. The surly bartender replaces it with another, and her eyes flick from yours to the empty shot glass and back. 
“I’ll just stick to beer for now,” you answer. A barely perceptible snicker yanks your attention to your right. He’s smirking to himself, trying to hide it with a swig from his bottle. Your scowl softens by a hair as you rake your eyes down his profile. Strong features, sparkling dark eyes, well-groomed, and an open collar that teases you with a glimpse of the skin of his chest. His look piques your interest. But that smug curl of his lip raises your hackles as you return to your mission: a neurochemical intervention. Maybe he knows where you could procure a lobotomy if nicotine and booze don’t help. 
You slam the second beer, signaling for another. Your head weighs heavily on your shoulders, but you can start to feel the warmth of the alcohol blooming within your chest. A welcome warmth despite the suffocatingly thick air in the bar. You feel the layer of sweat coating your torso. The skin bared on your thighs sticks to the vinyl stool, but you don’t care about being warm and sticky. Your assignment is simple. Get the liquor to your brain before you recruit Smug Mustache and Silent Barkeep to your crew. She can drive; he can be the lookout. Accomplice to arson shouldn’t be a hard sell.
You smile to yourself at the thought. 
The tiny muscles in your face start to relax, and the line between your brows softens. The racing thoughts get quieter, and you can process your environment more easily. The clack of the billiard balls on the pool table, the rock ballad barely audible over the buzz of the patrons. A variety of mostly bald or bearded men occupy different seats, and women with brassy hair and loud laughs hold all the secrets. You and the man seated next to you don’t quite fit the demographic, but nobody seems bothered. 
You slide a cigarette out of your pack, and before you tuck it between your lips, the man next to you pushes the amber-colored ashtray he’d been hoarding towards you and offers you a light. 
Leaning towards him, you’re hit with an intoxicating rush of spicy aftershave, leather, and tobacco. You seize the opportunity to take in his features head-on, inhaling deeply while he unabashedly sweeps his dark eyes over you in turn. Sinfully dark, they flick back up to yours. He drags his thumb across his bottom lip, and you’re entranced momentarily by the need to feel that plush lip between your teeth. 
That could work. Ease the restlessness and the deepening impulse to scream. Maybe that’s the third ingredient to your impulsive master plan. 
“Thanks,” you exhale, breaking the heady silence. The rush of nicotine entwined with alcohol begins to replace the rage in your veins. Vengeful racing thoughts are replaced with a mantra. A dull pounding in the back of your skull. More. You smile. More. More. He tracks your mouth as you press the cold glass bottle to your lips. You swallow and swallow. He raises one eyebrow, head cocked, as you drain the bottle. 
“I’d offer to buy you a drink, but I’m not sure you’d taste it at this rate,” he teases in a voice thick as molasses. 
You consider your frenzied rate of consumption. Might be time to slow down. 
“Maybe you could convince me to savor it,” you challenge. He nods and orders. He studies your lips as you take another drag from your cigarette. More. He doesn’t shy from holding your gaze. Not when you smile or when you look him up and down again. You usually aren’t so forward. The cocktail of substances and the emotional hangover from your failed reconciliation emboldens you. But, one tiny crack fractures, and for a brief moment, you’re gone. 
Your eyes lose focus. Disconnected from your body, the bar, and reality. He watches with amusement. He knows that look. He wears it often. 
Your thoughts flash and crack like a lightning storm. Nate’s face. Livid, red, and sputtering foul insults at you. Enraged that you’re drinking, smoking, and desperate to whore yourself out to the first man you see. Worse. You don’t care. Nate wasted your time and shattered your goodwill. You want to be set free. Erase him and his pathetic voice altogether. 
You take another sip and another drag, hoping one of them will detach his grubby claws from your conscience. You blink, and the horrifying hallucination is gone. 
“Drinking to forget, cariño?” the man you’d been staring past interrupts your thoughts. His tone is genuine. But why? Is that his schtick? Offering to fix broken women with a well-timed light and teasing glance?
“Something like that,” you muse, taking another drag. You hadn’t realized how close you were sat until now. It’s intimate. Smoke curls in a delicate dance between you, alluring as it winds and flares. You feel drawn to him, connected by chance. Something new to focus on. To study. He watches you with such intensity you note. Unwavering. Too sober and too shiny to be a regular old barfly. It’s not a bar full of singles. He’s out of place. Maybe he got lost along a warpath like you. Good. More.
He’s still watching. Waiting for you to elaborate? You let your knee slide forward until it’s pressing into his firm thigh. “Just trying to feel something,” you answer honestly. 
“Mm,” he takes another swig, and you watch his neck in slow motion as he swallows. 
“And you?” 
“Same goal, I guess,” he confirms. His hand drags slowly down his thigh and slides onto your knee. Your mouth parts at the contact of his palm. A new fire rips through your veins, but it’s not rage. More. 
“Would you say it’s working?” you gesture to the bottles coated in beads of condensation on the bar top. 
“No.” He stares at you openly. His carnivorous mouth splits into a grin. 
His boldness makes a giggle bubble up in your throat. You tilt your head back with a laugh. Your hair slides behind your shoulders, exposing the delicate flesh of your neck.
“No,” you repeat in agreement. You match his physicality and grasp his own thigh firmly with your hand, studying his face for any hint of a response. “It’s not enough,” you add, dragging your hand further up his leg. Slowly. 
“You’re looking for more, cariño?” he dares with cloying charm. Yes! More!
You might've rolled your eyes at the whole situation if you weren’t so many drinks in with a sinister desire for escapism. You’ve barely spoken to each other, engaged in an elite-level erotic staring competition instead. 
The best you could do was exchange names. 
“Javier Peña,” you repeated back to him. Deciding if you liked the way it sounded on your tongue. You wet your lips. 
“Just Javi is fine,” he counters while leaving enough cash on the bar to cover both your tabs with a generous tip. 
“Smooth, Just Javi,” you bait, looking at the cash and back to him. He flashes a wolfish smile back. It makes you want to fuck him right here on the bar. More, you scream at him with your eyes. 
He removes the nearly finished cigarette between your much smaller fingers, takes the last drag, and stubs it out in the ashtray. 
If you weren’t so aroused by everything about him, you’d chastise him for trying to get you out of here so quickly. But you feel it rolling off of him, too. It feels like taking a narcotic. Time is syrupy and slow. You feel your smile sticking longer than you meant, your eyes linger hotly, and you squeeze his upper arm harder than intended. It’s an addictive rush to feel your desire reciprocated. And with such urgency. You take in his height and broad frame now that you stand face to face. He stills. Observant. You don’t need any more time to decide what you want. You need to feel him and only him as soon as possible. 
“Let’s go. Now,” you order as you lead him out of the dingy establishment into the clear night. 
You expect him to cage you against the cool metal of his pickup, but he’s a suave gentleman opening the passenger door for you instead. Fine. You slide across the bench seat just as he’s turning the key in the ignition, pressing your curves into the side of his firm body. Restless and grabby, your fingers dance over him, unsure where to start when he grips your chin in his large palm and tilts your face towards his. 
Rage flashes behind your eyes at his interruption. Never far from the surface, ready to lash out.
“Be good for me, cariño,” he says sternly. 
“Oh, I’ll be so good,” you purr, dragging your hand down his chest towards the bulge in his too-tight jeans and batting your lashes before he grabs your hand. 
You huff, indignant. Rolling your eyes. 
 “I’d like to give you my full attention.”
“You can have mine.” 
“Who put you in charge?” you spit out with a fierceness. 
He laughs, harsh and mean. You flush with irritation, recoiling like his grip suddenly burned. What is this? You thought you were reading everything right; you’re in his truck, ready and wanting. Frustrating man. You need something to ease your anger, or you’ll spit venom. 
He leans into your ear like he has a secret despite the privacy of the cab of his truck. Dragging his voice over broken glass and gravel, he murmurs, “You want to feel something?” his hand is suddenly wedged between your legs. “You want more?” He squeezes tight, pressing his fingers against the seam of your denim shorts, and you choke back a moan. His spiced scent fills your nose. You feel his smile against your ear. Your head spins. Yes. You need it now. No games. Your nails dig marks into his wrist, pleading. 
“You get to touch, but I don’t? What is this, Javier? Afraid you won’t last?” You jeer at him. 
His hot laugh fans down your neck. Your body betrays your mind in search of friction. Shamelessly, your hips roll against his hand. 
“Such a sharp tongue,” he tuts at you, pulling back to look into your eyes, “for such a needy pussy,” he pulls his hand away. You fight to still your body and level his stare, feeling the heat of anger and lust in your face. He lists his demands. 
Be good for me. Until we get home. 
Then I will give you what you need. 
Something different washes over you, but you keep pushing at him. 
“And what do I need, Javi?” 
“Need to be stuffed full of this cock until you forget what ‘more’ means.” 
Soaked. Your traitorous pussy floods your already ruined panties. But you can’t shut yourself up. You have to push him harder. 
“Awfully confident, Javi. Hope you aren’t the type to oversell and underdeliver–” Your snide remark is cut off when he covers your hand with his and presses it into the hard bulge in his jeans. 
“Does it feel like an oversell?”
You barely hear him over the sound of your heartbeat pulsing in your ears. No, it most definitely does not feel like an oversell; you refuse to admit it out loud. He grazes the edges of his teeth down tender skin. At the slope where your neck meets your shoulder, he snaps you back into reality with a sharp bite. A small gasp escapes you that he definitely doesn’t miss. 
You catch the smirk. Cocky bastard. 
“Now,” he demands your attention, “you’ll be good for me all the way home.”
It’s definitely not a question, but he stares like he’s waiting for a response. 
You fold your hands in your lap begrudgingly and nod. But something in your chest blooms brightly. The dance for dominance does exhilarate you. He grips your upper thigh like he’s the only thing holding you to the earth. Like you might fly out the window if he lets go. Or, like you might crawl into his lap, sink down onto his cock, and cause you both to launch through the windshield when he crashes into a ditch. 
His fingers tease under the edge of your shorts, white-hot flesh against flesh. You’re wired.
You direct him to your place. It’s close, and you’ve no patience. He doesn’t argue. 
You lead him into your home. He doesn’t take you ferociously against the back of the door. Infuriating. You behaved all the way home. He’s a curious juxtaposition of lewd and polite. Restrained, he takes his shoes off at the door and asks for a glass of water. Like he’s your neighbor invited over for tea. But, you can feel the carnality radiating off him as he watches to see if you’ll show good manners. More.
“That’s good, cariño,” he praises, soft and raspy, taking the icy glass from your hand. “Show me your room,” he instructs. How is it your turf, but he’s still in charge? You glare at him briefly before you acquiesce and traipse down your hallway to your bedroom. 
He places the glass of water on your nightstand, still full, and turns to assess you. You furrow your brows. Was the water some kind of test? Whatever. You behaved in the car. You behaved all the way to your bedroom. You’re nearly dizzy with need. Every breath feels like a lifetime.
His golden skin glows in the lamplight. You’d describe it as angelic if he wasn’t driving you mad. Morbid desire crawls under your skin, itchy and tense. He gestures for you to sit on your bed, and you do. If he insists on leading, you’ll follow. 
You fold your hands in your lap again as if awaiting his next command. He cradles your cheek in his palm, and you look up through your lashes. You are not the saint of patience; your fingers twitch with the urge to tear his clothes into shreds. Why is he taking his time? Your mind is racing for a snarky comment when he interrupts your thoughts like he could hear them. 
His touch is so gentle. Patient. Like he’s experienced in domesticating rabid animals. 
“Shhh, I know,” his voice is earnest. Not teasing. Not mocking. 
It catches you off guard. Grounding you. Strange. 
His expression seems to slip into something unguarded as well. A moment of understanding. You see him. Something is building in the distance in your mind. Like the shore is receding before a tidal wave hits. But it’s too quiet without the waves breaking on the rocks. More.
“Make me feel something, Javier,” you reply. 
It hangs delicately in the air. You aren’t provoking or begging. It’s a genuine expression of your desire to run from your internal state.
“I intend to,” he confirms with confidence. Like that’s the permission he was waiting for, the wait is over. Your lips connect. He kisses you with a bright and burning passion. Plush lips and wet tongues slide together expertly. Sharp little nips pull whiny melodies out of you. Your hands tug and pull at his hair, shoulders, and shirt. It’s not enough to just have his mouth. 
“More,” you demand into his tongue. 
“So needy,” he condescends, and you feel your cheeks warm. 
He peels off your shirt, and his hands fly to exposed breasts.
“No bra?” he tuts as if he didn’t put that together while ogling you at the bar. You shake your head in response as he kneads at your soft skin. “Of course not.” He pinches at your nipples with precision, pleasure bridging on pain coursing through your body. You feel your chest arch towards him for relief, deep moans falling from your mouth. You want him to consume you. He looks like he might. 
Javi hums at the way your body responds to him. Pliant but strong. You move into his touch, seeking intensity. He increases pressure and maps out your body. 
He lets all his thoughts be filled with you. Your warm skin and soft vanilla scent are hidden until his nose trails behind your ear. You freely let all the sounds and breath spill from your mouth as he caresses you reverently. He wants to know how many sounds you can make. 
You were a delightful surprise, crashing into the bar next to him. He recognized the look in your eyes. He’s going to give you what you need. Because you want it. And because he wants to drown himself in it. He feels drawn to you somehow. 
Despite how good it feels to have his hands and mouth on your body, your neglected clit aches for attention. He continues on, almost obliviously, and you reach a fever pitch that splits your eyes wide open. Possessed by one word. More. 
Your fingers come to life and work rapidly, yanking at his belt and the button on his jeans before slipping a hand in to feel. You’re struck with a surge of delight as your hand skates over his hot flesh and coarse hair. A hedonic sense of imminent victory unfurls in your core. 
“No underwear?” you tut back at him. 
“Nope,” you swear he winked at you as he said it. 
He pulls you up to stand, stripping the rest of both of your clothes off quickly. You push him back a step to get a better look at his now fully naked form. 
“Shit.” “Fuck.”
You mutter over each other at the same time. Like you’ve been compelled, you reach for him, needing to immediately taste and touch him everywhere. You knew he was a gem in that dive bar, but in front of you in your bedroom, you realize: he’s fucking gorgeous. 
Of course, he won’t allow you to touch him. Nasty man with his beautiful body and devilish disposition. He scoops you up like the petulant child you are about to become and drops you onto your back in the middle of your bed with ease. You bounce against the mattress. 
He catches the sour pout on your face as he settles himself between your legs. 
“No need to think now, princesa,” he kisses just inside your left knee, “that’s my job now.” His mustache tickles the soft skin of your inner thighs, but it’s the spark in his dark eyes that makes you squirm. You groan in frustration at being deprived of the freedom to touch him once again, but you remain malleable. 
“I need you to lay back and spread these legs for me.” 
You comply. Parting your legs wider as his hands slide towards your center. Your eyes are locked on his, and his eyes are locked on your glistening folds in front of his face. 
“Fuck, cariño, yes, just like that.” 
You curse your body for needing to blink. Enraptured with the look on his face, you don’t want to see anything else. Floating and lightheaded, nobody has ever seen you like this. Seen the truth in your eyes so easily. Seen your blaring evidence of need pooling and dripping. And still looked at you the way he does. Desperate to be touched, you are grounded in the present. No other conscious thoughts. More. 
He pulls at the skin on the top of your thighs, nowhere near close enough for your liking, but fully exposing your achy clit and fluttering entrance to his eyes. You’ve needed his touch since you left the bar, or maybe since you first felt his husky voice frazzle your brain. 
He stares and stares as you watch impatiently. 
“Such a gorgeous pussy,” he says to himself before he hovers closer and blows a stream of cool air over your swollen folds. 
You could slap him for that or scream, but what comes out is a breathy “fuck,” and you clench your fists in an attempt to remain composed through this macabre sexual torture. You feel like he’s been down there for an eternity. And still, he’s given you no relief. 
You brace for another stream of air, but instead, you watch agape as a glob of spit falls in slow motion from his lips to your clit. The barely there sensation snaps something in your mind as his saliva flows downward. 
“You just gonna look, or you gonna touch any time soon?” you goad. 
Javi’s eyes shoot to yours, narrowed. You’ve interrupted a private conversation. Vague and meaningless threats start flowing from your mouth, and you shift to reach for him when an abrupt slap to your pussy jolts your nervous system. 
Before your brain and mouth can comment on his audacity, your body betrays you. You feel the patchy flush on your chest burning and the gush of lubrication in anticipation. He clocks both signs. 
“Cariño,” he coos at you darkly. “I told you,” head shaking with disappointment, “no need to think.” He looks back down, “Now look, she’s crying for me, and I haven’t even had a taste yet.” 
Your head sinks into your pillows with an exasperated sigh. How can torture feel exquisite? Wretched man. 
“No. You don’t take your eyes off me,” the edge in his tone suggests you don’t want to disobey. 
You find the strength to tilt your head back towards him. And it’s just in time to watch as he runs two fingers up and down your glossy folds. He ghosts around your clit, avoiding what you need most until he’s satisfied with his coated fingers. He plunges them both into your eagerly awaiting hole, petting at your velvety walls. An animalistic noise that must come from you fills the room in competition with the slick, wet sounds of his fingers. 
“That’s right. Keep those pretty eyes on me while I play with your pussy.” Javi looks down to watch for himself. “You look so good swallowing my fingers,” he rasps thickly. Your walls clench and constrict around his fingers as his voice carves out a home in your mind. 
Your room is cool, thanks to the hum of your window AC unit, but your body runs hot. You’ve never had a man in your bed who was this good with his words before. It forces you to stay focused. Present and aware of every sensation. Your ex was too insecure to be vocal. Other partners lacked tact or creativity. None of them ever took charge like this or took their time. You feel your chest heaving and see the wide smile break across his face. Your skin tingles as a sheen of sweat breaks out.
Javi takes his time experimenting with the ways your body responds. He speeds up and slows down, changes pressure and patterns, tapping and tracing, petting and prodding. It’s like the nine extra settings you don’t need your vibrator to have, but better. It’s not careless. You watch, like he instructed. He seems studious, observing how you respond, scanning your face and body. Microexpressions on his face calculating and plotting. 
You flex, tense, and writhe as much as you dare, trying to maintain some control over your body. Your eyebrows are pinched, and your hips are tight as you strain. 
Javier can tell. Do you not trust him? He needs you to give in to him. 
“Let me take you there, cariño,” he urges. “Can feel she wants it; just relax for me, breathe.” 
“Fuck,” you confirm with a whisper and do your best to let go of some of the rigid tension. He maintains a steady rhythm for you to focus on. He slowly builds in intensity, and he continues to murmur encouragement to you. Breathe. There you go. Easy. 
You slowly melt into it and let him puppet your mind and body. Building and building. Breathing and breathing. Allowed to be out of control. That does it. Your climax crashes violently against your loose frame. Yes, cariño, just like that, fuck. Contracting muscles in your core pull your chest forward. Jerking and spasming, you raise with stuttering gasps. You aren’t sure if you should laugh or be embarrassed as you pant, feeling like he just performed an exorcism on you. His expression settles you. Pleased with an edge of ravenous. 
He slides his fingers from you and sits up, looming tall and strong on his knees over your damp, limp body. Your eyes are glued to his weeping cock, softly bobbing at your eye level. Saliva pools in your mouth, craving the weight of it sliding over your tongue. You swallow and blink. Recalibrating your senses and figuring out what he just said to you. 
He runs his fingers back through your overly sensitive folds to get your attention. Your entire body twitches, wrenching your attention to his face. He already has you at his mercy. 
“Close your mouth, baby,” he commands. You weren’t aware it had been hanging open and snap it shut. He laughs gently at your stupor. Enamored. Then he’s running his slick coated fingers over your lips like a debauched lipgloss. Your mouth parts to question him, and he slides them onto your tongue before a word gets out. 
“Good,” he praises, “suck.” You do. And as he drags his fingers out he replaces them with his tongue. He sucks and nips at your lips, tasting everything. The bright flavor of your arousal, the lingering beer from the bar, the smoky tobacco, and the gum you tried to sneak on your way out of the bar. It’s a potent concoction, and it fuels his thirst. You run your tongue along his neck and commit the flavor of his sweat-salted skin to memory. 
You can feel the rumbly groans filling his chest, and you’re back to needing more. Clawing at his skin and tugging at his hair. One of your soft hands finds his throbbing cock, and wrapping your fingers around it causes you to exchange throaty moans. You slip your thumb around the head, coating it in precome and using it to glide your full fist down his shaft. It’s stupid how big his cock is, and part of you is loathe to admit it. You just know he’s already aware, but a mindless so big slips out of your mouth anyway. You feel him smile against you. 
“Y’think so?” he breathes against your neck. 
You roll your eyes at him and tease, “Don’t be trite, Javi.” You tug firmly at his length. “I’m sure all the ladies you pick up in shitty dive bars fawn over your pretty cock.” 
A distant look flickers across his face before he flashes a sly grin at you. 
“Y’think it’s pretty?” Is that all he heard? 
“Oh my god,” you groan in feigned annoyance at him. 
He looks down to watch your hand stroke him and decides that is a pretty sight. 
You hope he was right in the cab of his truck. That when he fills you up, you’ll forget how to think. He pulls back from your greedy little grasp. I know, I know. He says with the marks he leaves along your skin. 
“You think she’s ready for me?” he asks as he adjusts to line up with you. You’re too entranced to respond. He slides himself through your folds, and you whimper at the pressure. He’s still waiting for an answer. He pauses and stares at your face. He gives your clit a playful swat with the weight of his cock. 
You blink back up to him, “huh?” 
“You think she’s ready to take me?” he repeats. 
“Yes, Javi, m’ready.” 
He gives you a disapproving look, for god knows why. And shifts further away from you. You feel your face shift into a pout. 
”I think she can give me a couple more first.” 
Something in you loosens, and you realize you’re defenseless. Willing.
This time, he doesn’t toy with you. He strikes swiftly. Overwhelming your senses when his fingers slide back inside of you and the hot furnace of his mouth envelopes your no longer neglected clit. He brings you over the edge rapidly with the combination of his curling fingers and the firm pressure of the flat of his tongue. 
He praises you adoringly, but he doesn’t let up. That’s it. Dámelo. Breathe. You can take it. Another. Know she wants it. Like that. Taking you further than you thought you could go. Again and again. You’re blind and boneless, a sticky mess. He could watch you like this for hours. Writhing against his fingers as his other arm wraps over your belly, holding you in place. 
“What’d you say?” he asks as you come down from another flood of endorphins. You weren’t aware you could form words. You blink dazedly before you can figure it out. 
“Please, Javi, please,” you repeat. You don’t know what you’re begging for anymore. 
His lips are pressed to your sweaty forehead. When he pulls back, a mischievous grin spreads across his face. You’re trying to think of what you were trying to communicate, but it’s hazy. 
“Doing so good for me, cariño, you deserve it now.” 
You can only nod and whisper another “please.” He slides the head of his cock through your dripping, sensitive folds. That’s what you wanted. More.
“Yes,” you chant, “please, oh god, yes, Javi, please, fuck.” You exercise the full extent of your current vocabulary in quick succession. 
“Beautiful, cariño,” his words drip over you like honey. 
“Yes, Javi, please,” you continue your chant. 
Slowly. Painfully slowly, he begins to feed his cock into you, eyes rapidly flipping between studying the expressions crossing your face and the view of your pussy stretching around him. 
“Oh god, oh,” you repeat mindlessly as he works his way inside of you. 
“Fuck” he exhales and locks his eyes on your face before pushing the rest of the way in. When your eyes widen, and your jaw falls slack, he knows the image will be seared into his memory. 
“Yes, Javi, fuck–” your mantra is cut off with a deep moan as he grinds his hips into yours. You're so full. You run your hands down his back, trying to force him closer. Trying to merge solid bodies into liquid pleasure. Transform physical vessels into the intangible. More.
He begins to slide in and out, never leaving the clutch of your warm walls all the way. His pace steadily increases, along with the intensity of the snap of his hips once he’s as deep as possible inside of you. He folds your knees towards your chest and thrusts with fervor, captivated by the way your tits bounce. 
A cacophony of lewd noises bounces off the walls in your room. Your shared panting, the rocking bedframe, the wet slip of his cock sawing into you, the skin-to-skin slap of his heavy balls bouncing against your ass, it’s all a debased symphony together. 
A delirious giggle pours from you as the realization strikes. He was right, no need to think; all you need is to feel how perfectly he fills you up. He’s not thrown by your fit of laughter. You think he knows. His mouth is moving, though. He’s speaking to you. You focus with all the effort you can muster. 
“Again, cariño. You’re going to come on my cock for me,” he breathes like he’s the one ready to beg. You obey. It takes the slightest touch, swirling your fingers around your sensitive nerves. Watching the tense expression on his face. The weight of his body fucking you into your mattress. You’re clenching around him like you could pull him any deeper.
“Fuck, that’s right,” he drops his mouth to your salty neck, “so well-behaved for me.” 
You preen at that. Breathing each other's air. 
“These legs still work?” he asks, swatting at your thighs. 
“A little,” you shrug. 
“Good.” He sits up, pulling your chest into his, breathing with you for a minute as you wrap your legs around him and settle on his lap. “Not done with you yet,” he growls into your hair. You think about the moment at the bar earlier, when he lit your cigarette for you. You hoped he’d be good. You didn’t think he’d be this good. 
“Yes, Javi,” you agree as if you know what’s next. He shifts, and you let him arrange your body as he pleases. It’s blissful. Not having to think. He maneuvers you like a doll, but you know you aren’t an object to him. Not with the way he gently rolls you onto your belly, arranging a pillow under your head. You rest your cheek against it and peer dreamily at him. He lifts your hips, propping you up on your knees, and pauses for a second to admire the way your pussy glistens readily for him. The way your smooth back arches in presentation just for him. But it’s the expression on your face, the insatiable more in your eyes, that gives him purpose. 
He kneels behind you and sinks in easily, a groan ripping through his throat as you push your hips back into him with more energy than he expected. You moan loudly in response, attempting to muffle it into the pillow. 
“Oh my god, Javi,” you rasp at him. “How can you possibly get any deeper?” you ask incredulously. 
“How are you still talking, cariño?” he taunts, picking up an unyielding and brutal pace. 
“M’not” you decide, “no thoughts.” 
“Fuck” you both echo as he hits a new angle. 
“Please, don’t stop,” you beg openly, “just like that, Javi, holy shit.” He slips one hand underneath you to play with your swollen clit. 
“Yes,” you begin chanting again. But you want him to come. You need it. You slide your own hand under his to replace it. Reaching further to feel the way you’re stretched around him. You wish you could see it. The feeling alone turns your brain to mush. 
“Javi?” you plead for his attention. You could sob with the intensity building in your core. 
“Yes?” he asks without slowing down. 
“Need you to come,” you whine into the pillow your face rocks into. 
“Yes, cariño,” he consents. 
“No, now. I need you to fill me up, please; I need to feel it,” you beg like you were invented for him in a dream. So perfect. 
“I know,” he asserts, “gonna stuff you full,” and that sends you. 
“Fuck, Javi, yes, I need it,” you sob out as your muscles flex and contract around him once more. 
He grips your spineless frame and tugs your back into his chest. You might be drooling as your head rolls into his shoulder. You register a hand squeezing at your tits as he gives you what you want. A few more harsh thrusts and he’s filling you up. You can feel his cock flexing and straining to give you everything he’s got. Javier’s rough breaths reverberate through your blissfully quiet mind. It’s enough. 
He lowers you back to your pillow, still on your knees, and he slides out of you with a soft groan. You echo it, feeling immediately emptier without him.
You stretch across the bed to fish for your cigarettes in your pile of discarded belongings from earlier or maybe a lifetime ago. 
He accepts one when you offer and, in turn, offers you the water he asked for earlier. You gratefully accept. You ask if the water trick works on all the women he picks up in dive bars. He argues that it’s not really a trick if the sex happens before you drink it, and you share a real belly laugh at that, realizing he’s right. You finish your cigarettes in a calm silence next to each other. Your mind is quiet. You let out a satisfied little sigh. 
He gets up and starts pulling on his jeans. Reality hits you like a brick smashing into your skull. Leaving blood and bone fragments across your pillow. Substances and sex are temporary. Distractions, not solutions. A fleeting release to quell your demons. The ones that reappear back on your shoulders, cackling with glee over the chaos. Your mind is back in action racing. You drag your hands down your face. Holding your eyes shut tightly. You wait, holding your breath. Listening for the sound of your front door opening and closing any second. 
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girlsgirl06 · 2 months
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agirlwithglam · 3 months
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so summer has finally arrived and school has ended. and ofc, we want that hot girl summer with the perfect body, mindset, habits, holidays, and a great time in general but what if we have sorta strict parents who are just.. parents. so here are some tips to have your dream summer and glow up but also make it family/ teenage friendly!
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external glow up tips:
numero uno: WORKOUT. yes, ofc this is on here, what did u think? work.out. decide why u wanna workout first: healthy body? dream body? abs? being stronger? for happiness? for fun? then, you can find a workout on youtube / pinterest for the one you want. (also what i love doing is the workouts on pinterest where its related to a tv show- or just search up [movie/ show name] workout)
smell nice! perfume, scented shampoos/ body scrubs, etc.
SUNSCREEN. trust me, u DO want to put it on.
skincare! moisturiser, lip gloss/ lip balm, exfoliation, etc.
put cold spoons under your eyes in the morning to reduce puffiness.
u dont like something? fix it! i didn't like my teeth for a while, so i got braces. you can't fix it? stop worrying about it and just give it to god cus u got better things to do
affirmations!! affirmations in the mirror, listening to them, repeating them, thinking them, they helped me SO much!
Believe you’re hot. As simple as that.
Visualisation. Imagine people giving you compliments and staring at you all day long
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internal glow up tips:
confidence. duhhhh! heres a guide to self love& confidence
abundance mindset. everything works out in YOUR favour.
detachment. stop taking shite so seriously. honestly, if someones hating on you then pity them or laugh then move on. like ur too busy to spend even a second of your day to make someone feel bad about themselves or argue about something pointless.
keep learning! educate yourself, expand your knowledge and your mind.
HAPPINESS. the real glow up starts when you're genuinely happy with who you are and where you are. be a light, carefree, bubbly girl but also remember to set standards and boundaries. when you're just genuinely happy, life truly does start to get better.
hotness is a mindset.
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other tips:
channel your little kid energy
take a bunch of photos! (at the end you'll basically have a pretty summer mood board)
don't be on your phone all the time. try to ✨socialise✨ your time on earth is limited don't waste it on crusty, unhot stuff. ur parents will thank you for this as well
romanticise it. (laugh. smile. wear nice clothes, talk to people, get lost in a daydream. appreciate the beauty in stuff. even if its just a sofa.)
be positive. quit complaining. be happy and focus on what you have. spread love and happiness! you're privileged and you are a privilege. act like ittt!
stay present minded. live here, now.
listen to groovy, aesthetic-themes music. to get u into the moooddd!
become a better person. a better daughter/ son, sibling, friend, person in general.
GET OUTSIDEEEE!!!! TOUCH SOME GRASS. its sunny, its summer, why tf r u staying indoors????
sleep girl. sleep. just because you don't have to wake up early tomorrow, does not mean you can stay up till 2am watching netflix. sleep makes your skin glow, makes you look prettier, makes you happier and 10000 more benefits. so sleep.
channel your creativity! (paint, draw, sketch, write, poetry, music, etc.)
play. you're still young!! have fun and do silly and embarrassing things while you still can!!!!!!!
create a summer mood board!
channel a certain era- barbie summer, blair waldorf summer, hot girl summer, etc.
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bucket list ideas:
go to a park
redecorate your room
spa day (w friends)
girl slumber parties! (face masks, girlie things, movies)
volunteer somewhere
beach day!
write letters and kiss them (like those pretty pinterest summer!)
go biking (i love doing it in the mornings)
bake! (cakeeee)
get back into some old hobbies (childhood nostalgia)
gardening. care for a plant (then talk to it when you feel sad ur won't be insane i promise)
look at the sunrise / sunset
read dude. just read and romanticise it with a pretty comfy space
make a goal. then work on it so hard that you get it!
learn something new (for me i rly wanna learn crochetting)
scrap booking
do a workout with friends
video diary!! (film everythinggg)
make jewellery (u can sell them after if u want. also there are tons of jewellery making kits on amazon or toys r'us!)
donate / sell stuff (like books and toys)
flower press (with printer tho)
dance with your friends
wear jewellery!! summer necklaces, bracelets, etc!
go for walks (w friends)
get your nails done. (you don't have to go out to get them done. you can do it yourself. i dont have nail polish but my friend does so we love putting it on together)
make some new friends! (join clubs, visit new places, talk to people, join classes,)
go to the beach
"what makes life so beautiful is the fact that it ends"
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selfhelpforstudents · 9 months
How I Manage to Study 15 Hours a Day
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Girls in Finance project server // other posts
As I love studying, I have found some tips that have helped me throughout the years to stay efficient during long study days. I adapted these tips to my personality: I am a very loving and compassionate person, thereby I give myself a lot of support through those.
So, let's infuse warmth, love, and a fighting spirit into study tips:
Cherish Your Goals:
Embrace tasks that align with your dreams. Who do you want to be in life? Vision yourself being that person! I always look at my goals in the form of a vision board and become super happy.
2. Study time is a privilege:
Treat each moment as a gift. Sometimes we might think that we are "forced" to study. However, it is a privilege that we are able to go to uni/school and thereby work on our future.
3. Focus, One Task at a Time:
Devote your heart to one task at a time. Sometimes we do feel tempted to switch, but I would suggest staying disciplined with one subject/one task at a time.
4. Breaks are Important:
Gift yourself short breaks filled with something that motivates you: Looking at your vision board, past achievement, etc. I always look back on what I have achieved so far and that instantly makes me more motivated and gives me a clear mind.
5. Nourish Your Body:
Really do your best to keep to a balanced diet, as it has been proven that enough water and a healthy diet can increase concentration and keeps you healthy.
6. Goals, Sweet Milestones:
Set goals as gentle companions on your journey! Celebrate each accomplishment with a loving heart! You are doing so well! Really fill your heart with the happiness of achieving small goals and milestones.
7. Reflect with Compassion:
Tenderly reflect on your journey and seek feedback. There is always room for improvement. And even if you fail to be efficient at times, there is always a tomorrow and you learn from your mistakes.
That's it, remember, efficiency is not solely about the number of hours spent studying but about making the most of the time invested. <3 I love you all!! Feel free to reach out!
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adickaboutspoons · 15 days
Happy sexual Sunday. In honor of Rhys announcing his upcoming substack by pointing at hand-written bulletpoints on a chalkboard with a screwdriver, I want to share the OnlyFans Stede idea that has been in my plot bunny pen for ages, but prolly isn't going to go anywhere. Stede's OF account was set up for him by Lucius, and is completely neutral content of him demonstrating basic auto maintenance and, like, how to tie a fishing lure, and a bunch of other Dad things, and he's completely oblivious to how unintentionally suggestive he's being. Like, he's filming himself working in the garden when it's super hot out, makes a "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" dad joke, strips off his shirt and uses it to mop his brow. He's on his hands and knees, pulling up weeds, and when he manages to pull up a particularly stubborn one, roots and all, kind-of-whispery/grunting-to-himself, "Aww, yeah. That's what you want, baby." Then he sits back and takes a deep drink from his water bottle, and accidentally holds it near his crotch while encouraging his watchers to stay hydrated. Ed is one of his subscribers and finds the whole thing just brain-meltingly hot. Eventually, they accidentally meet IRL, and Ed is trying to be SO COOL and not let it be known that he knows this guy and where from. And then they keep running into one another (by total coincidence - Ed hasn't become a convert to going to the farmer's market instead of just picking shit up from the grocery store on the off (likely) chance of running into Stede while he's there. Not at ALL.), and start becoming friendly. It's during one of these meetings Ed accidentally slips that he's a subscriber. He's mortified. For a moment he thinks Stede is going to get all weirded out. But Stede is just like "Oh! You like the feed? Why didn't you say so?! Always glad to meet my Only Fan!" (Stede has a v. healthy subscribership, but he thinks making the Only Fan joke is Hilarious) Stede asks for his username, and when he tells him, Stede is all "Oh! I know YOU! I can't tell you how much your feedback means to me. Always leaves me feeling all glowy for days!" Ed is all blushy and stammery and, "Uh... yeah, man. Me too." He offers Ed a hug, and Ed is internally combusting. Stede is all "If you've got any ideas for the feed, I'm always open to suggestions. Is there anything you'd like to see me doing?" There are MANY things Ed would like to see him doing. None of which are appropriate to give voice to in a crowded open-air market. Eventually eventually, after many instances where Ed is going crazy trying to figure out if it's a date or just a hang, there would be a v. thorough railing wherein Stede whispers all the tender, affirmational things Ed could ever have wished to hear. So! here's the only bit of it I've actually bothered to write:
The man on the screen smeared a little grease around the tight little hole, then inserted the cylinder into the gap in one smooth, gratifying motion. "There we are," he said, his voice a low, self-satisfied hum, "A nice, tight fit. And doesn't it feel good to do it yourself?"
Ed's breathing picked up pace a little.
"And that's how you replace a spark plug. Nothing shocking about it." He smiled a charming, little shit-eating grin and winked at the camera.
Ed's breath caught in his throat.
"So that's it for this one! Thanks, as always to my subscribers, and a special tip of the hat to this week's new friends," he looked away from the camera and put on a pair of gold wire-rimmed glasses. Ed swooned a little as he read out the names from an actual printed page.
At the end of it, he took off the glasses and looked directly into the camera again, his eyes soft and his smile genuine and kind. "Thank you for sharing this time with me. Lots of love!"
There was nothing explicitly sexual about the CapriSun_Erotica OnlyFans page. In fact, the most shocking thing about it was how roundly wholesome the content was. Just a man and his phone camera and a world of practical advice and dad jokes. An intensely hot man in the tiniest shorts or tightest jeans Ed had ever seen, who seemed allergic to doing up the top three buttons on his shirts, and that radiated so much DILF energy Ed was a little astonished the videos didn't just melt his phone screen. It was the most intensely arousing thing Ed had ever seen.
He eased himself out of his boxers and hit the replay button.
When he had cleaned himself up, he tapped out a quick reply. "Hey DaddyStede, great vid as usual. Really got my motor running. 😘"
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3hks · 9 months
How to Create a Unique Character
As authors, we should want our characters to stand out, to be unique, and to have an everlasting impression on our readers! However, there are simply too many other characters out there to make our creations one-of-a-kind. But in this post, I'll give you some ideas and tips you can use to create a memorable character!
What really sticks out about your character? Appearance wise, it's admittedly easier if your character has some truly unique features, such as heterochromatic eyes, scars, different hair color(s), accessories, etc. If your character doesn't have anything too distinctive about them, then pick out some of their most important traits and embellish them! Notice that I said important, the features that matter to your character should matter to the reader. And finally, if your character is simply just average, then state that. Take time to really describe your characters and the respective parts of them!
What about their backstory? Honestly, a backstory can do a lot! They can change the readers' perspectives on the character and provide reasoning for their actions. With that being said, a backstory can really stick to the audience, so let your imagination run wild with their past! Naturally, you should decide on what influence their background had on them and build a story around that. Does your character live in an orphanage? What type of orphanage is it? What did they learn from it? For quite some writers, their main characters are orphans, but how did they become one? I'm going to be honest here, it's rather common for authors to have their protagonist watch their parents die, and have their motives built around that. Don't just settle for something bland! If they have been through some sort of traumatic experience, depending on the situation, I suggest involving that character, make them a part of what they went through, more than a simple bystander. Maybe they could've helped, but didn't, and that regret was what changed them! If you want your character to have an impression on your audience, the backstory is a part of the foundation for that!
What about their emotions? For a mentally healthy character, this is a pretty obvious answer: they are perfectly cognizant of their feelings and accept them. However, I suspect that most of you won't create a mentally healthy character, and that might work to your advantage! Think about how they would deal with these three feelings: sadness, anger, and stress. Does it differ from a "normal" person? Then at some point, include your character battling one (or more) of the emotions they find it difficult to deal with! How they respond will stick out to the readers!
What about their mental stability? Does your character have some sort of mental health disorder? These don't have to be flat-out depression, but can include OCD, mysophobia, (more commonly known as germophobia) anxiety, ADHD, etc. A disorder or obsession will definitely make your character stand out, but make sure to do some research on the topic! Mental health is no joke; some people may actually have the disorder, and falsified facts could really be offensive.
And lastly, what about their own, private problems? For example, a character's significant other has been distracted with work, and doesn't pay much attention to the former character. Thus, they feel abandoned and not prioritized. How does the character fight to overcome those feelings? How a character feels in specific events can reach out to the reader because they find it relatable!
These are some things to consider when creating a unique character! Every little part counts!
Happy writing~
3hks ^^
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