#thomas wayne jr.
hood-ex · 5 months
Wait, what’s Thomas’s backstory now?
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Crime Syndicate #2
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lonely-dwelling · 2 years
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 Owlman’s Origin Story (New 52)
From – Justice League Vol 2 #25
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ae-arts · 1 year
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uhm.... dont worry about it
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dcxdpdabbles · 10 days
Alfred: Who is this?
Seven year old Bruce: His name is Danny. He's my older brother
Alfred: You're an only child. You don't have a brother.
Bruce: Mom? Dad? Do I have a brother?
Thomas: I only ever loved your mother, and I find baby-making repulsive—no offense, Brucie—so biologically, no, you don't have a brother. Emotionally, on the other hand, if you feel like he is your brother, I don't mind calling him my son. It's not like I can't afford it, nor can this lad outrun me.
Alfred: That's... kidnaping, sir.
Martha: Oh don't be so uptight Alfred. You Brits worrry about the sillist of things.
Alfred: Silly thing? You mean the law!?
Martha: Yes, that's a pesky thing. Besides, he has my eyes and Thomas' nose! That's obviously our son.
Bruce considering Danny: He does have your nose, dad.
Thomas proud: A chip off the old block that one. Good job catching your brother Brucie.
Bruce: Thank you! I used my innocent face like you said, Mom!
Martha beaming: A pretty face is a valuable weapon, darling!
Alfred whispering to Danny: Blink four times if you want me to get you out of here. The Waynes are not entirely sane.
Danny:..... The kid just said he needed someone to walk him home cause he was lost.
Alfred: That's how they get you. I once offered Master Thomas my coat during a suprise downpour. That was four years ago, and now I'm a butler. He gave me an embroidered apron with the words, "You're mine now, Brit"
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bruciemilf · 3 months
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The batkids earned a disaster uncle, I think
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mx-heinous · 3 months
Crack: Thomas Jr., like the dear older brother that he is, decides to perform some ancient ritual to summon the ghosts of their parents, specifically to tell them that Bruce wants to drop out of med school to make time for his vigilante bs.
Bruce, meanwhile, is on a conference call with the JL about something when his famously dead parents float through the ceiling, glaring behind him.
Bruce, going through the 5 stages of grief: MOM?! DAD?! HOW–
Martha: Your brother summoned us from the afterlife. Now, what did we hear about you wanting to drop out of med school?!
Bruce: ...
Bruce: You're not disappointed that I'm a vigilante?
Martha: Honey, we don't care that you're a vigilante. Knowing our family history, it's pretty par for the course, actually.
Thomas: What we do care about is our children becoming doctors. We are NOT letting you drop out!
Bruce, seeing the chance to mess with his brother: TJ NEVER WENT TO COLLEGE
Thomas and Martha: WHAT?!
Thomas and Martha are yelling at TJ about "being a good example for his younger brother." The Justice League is now questioning how young Batman actually is for him to still be in college, knowing that he's been a vigilante for a while. All while thinking, "You're Bruce Wayne? THAT Bruce Wayne??? Wait, Bruce Wayne has a brother????"
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wtungsten · 3 months
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i was inspired by this post to try to make a somewhat coherent guide to the Robins ^^
you can find the full slideshow here :D
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 342
Danny reincarnates, y’know, as some realms beings who have previously died will do. He doesn’t choose a dimension or a perfect life or anything, he just misses being alive in a way that’s starting to grow unfamiliar now y'know? 
So he reincarnates, most memories gone and those not easily dismissed as dreams and imagination. He even gets a baby brother in this life, a tiny thing with bright blue eyes and a good grip on his fingers. He loves his baby brother. Adores him. Would do anything for him. 
Or, Danny incarnates as Thomas Wayne Jr, Bruce Wayne’s older brother. 
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soupinaboot · 3 months
Batman's life must feel like a goddamn soap opera at times.
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whipbogard · 4 months
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“I’m here…”
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shipsdoishipidk · 10 months
Slade: *crashing through the window* Dick: WHAT?!! Slade: I heard your fake father/uncle killed for you. Dick: WHO?! Wait-OWLMAN?! HE'S BACK?!! Slade: *strangling Dick* I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO'S ALLOWED TO KILL FOR YOU! Dick: WHAT THE FUCK?!
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hood-ex · 5 months
Oh… I much prefer the old story line… it now just feels like Bruce but Now I Kill™️ yknow
Right?? Ughhh they ruined him. He was so much more interesting before. Killing his brother and then wanting to fill the hole his brother left. Finding Dick to be the person to fill that hole and killing off Dick's family so he could take Dick in. It's far more twisted and dark, and there's this obsessive component to it that's both scary and intriguing. Siiigh. If only Thomas hadn't been obliterated before Rebirth.
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lonely-dwelling · 1 year
Weekly Round-Up: DC Comics Released 12/11/13  Owlman
Spencer: Yeah, things are coming together nicely on that front. This is easily the most enjoyable issue to come out of Forever Evil for me, and I think that’s largely because — unlike the rest of the Syndicate, especially Ultraman — Owlman feels like a real, fleshed out character.
 We talked last month about how Earth 3 feels like a world of irredeemable evil where everyone acts like a complete sociopath for seemingly no reason, but Owlman actually shows some nuance. It’s pretty clear that Thomas equates love with control:
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Bruce and Dick have clashed over Bruce’s controlling attitude in the past, but underneath it’s always been clear that Bruce genuinely loved and wished the best for Dick. Owlman, though, can only show love by controlling someone; unlike Bruce, he never could have let Dick go off and become his own hero.
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Instead, he’ll continue to try to “fix” his family until it’s perfect, but that’s an impossible task; perfect families don’t exist, especially when perfection is defined by having complete and total control over your family. I am certainly not rooting for Owlman, but I can’t help but feel a little for him; he longs for something that is impossible to find, but he doesn’t have the capacity to ever understand that. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a compelling villain.
I’ve probably gone on about this issue too long already, but before we move on I just wanted to praise artist Doug Mahnke and the rest of his team for their phenomenal work this issue. I’ve been a fan of Mahnke since his days on Joe Kelly’s JLA, but if you ask me, this is his best work since the New 52 began. He switches between emotion and action without missing a beat, and can even make a page that’s nothing but close-ups of a guy’s hands fascinating, but the stand-out moment for me is the beautiful splash of Owlman’s “explosive” (ugh) entrance.
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Father, I shall become an Owl! Man!
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morgangalaxy43 · 7 months
Alfred can handle the batkids because he understands that Bruce and Thomas Jr. were so much worse as kids
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g1rlr0b1n · 5 months
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Yet another commission by the amazingly talented @ookamihanta!!! Go check out their page to see more art!!! Their commissions are still open so go check that out as well!!! I highly recommend them!!! 🦉
Into the Owl's Nest (Preview)
Damian's eyes snapped open and he jolted up in bed, gasping for air as if he had been drowning. His skin was clammy and his heart raced in his chest. As his senses returned, the cold, musty scent of damp stone and earth filled his nostrils. He strained to see in the darkness, but could only make out the faint outline of a room surrounding him. The distant sound of rushing water echoed through the space, causing a shiver to run down his spine. With a sinking feeling in his gut, Damian realized that he must be deep underground, and he realized where he must be. This was the Owl’s Nest.
The faint clicking of heels echoed on the stone ground, growing closer with each step. He strained his eyes against the darkness as he searched for an escape. Too late. The door creaked open and a woman glided in, her form encased in a skin-tight nylon suit, feathers adorned the top of her cape. Her blonde hair was pulled back tightly, emphasizing her fierce features, while a mask obscured her eyes. Damian maintained a stoic expression as she spoke, her words dripping with disdain, "so, you must be Talia's brat," she spat. Her eyes roamed over his form, obscured by the mask she wore. The coldness in her voice matched the chill in the air, sending shivers down his spine. Her eyes narrowed behind the intricate mask, scanning him from head to toe with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. The silence between them was thick with tension but Damian maintained his composure.
When he did not speak she continued, “your father wishes to see you.” Damian's muscles tensed at the mention of his father but he remained still, not daring to give her any satisfaction. Not even when she glided across the room, her movements fluid like a predator stalking its prey did he move to get up from the bed. With a swift motion, she pulled him up by his arm, her long nails digging into his flesh. He gritted his teeth against the pain, knowing better than to show weakness. She dragged him along, her grip unrelenting, until they reached a large open space. A wall was lined with computers and equipment, and there, behind the glow of computer screens, sat a man clad in all back. The Owlman.
The man slowly turned to face him, his expression unreadable. "I hope you don't mind," he began in a smooth, almost mocking tone, "your mother and I decided it would be best if I took custody of you." Damian felt a surge of anger rise up in the pit of his stomach, a rage that was only met by the man's cruel smile.
"You killed my mother," Damian growled through gritted teeth, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.
“I suppose that’s true,” he shrugged carelessly, “it pained me to do so, I loved her-”
"Obsession is not love," Damian spat out bitterly, his control slipping as memories from last night flooded back. "That's not love...and when you couldn't have her..." His voice trailed off, trembling, as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Damian had loved his mother more than anything, and this man had taken her away from him without a second thought.
The man's eyes hardened and for a moment, Damian could see the darkness lurking behind them, "let it be a lesson to you then," he sneered. "You may share my blood, but if I have no use for you, you can join her."
Damian was smart enough to know when someone was bluffing, and this man was not, he was well aware that this man would snuff him out the moment he stepped out of line. Refusing to show any weakness, Damian stood tall and pushed aside his emotions. "What use do you have for me then, father?" he asked, maintaining a calm and collected façade despite the turmoil within.
His features twisted into a smirk, “I’m glad you asked,” he stood from his chair to tower over the boy, “As you may or may not be aware, Ultraman was our esteemed leader until his most recent and unfortunate demise. His twisted obsession with his other selves was finally his downfall. Ironic.” The glint of joy in his eyes betrayed his words. “There are a few would be successors but of course I have my preference.” 
Owlman paused as if waiting for Damian to ask a question but Damian knew there was only an answer he sought. And Damian was nothing, if not adaptable. “Naturally, it should be you, father," he replied smoothly. He’d play along for now, he’d tell the crazed man whatever assurances he needed to hear. Afterall, he was somewhere underground surrounded by enemies, and if he hoped for any chance of survival, he’d have to be smart about it.
“Smart boy,” he scoffed, then continued, “Ultraman leaves behind his wife and son, Lois has already begun pushing for Jor-El to claim his father’s seat but he is just a child. Barely 19. He needs…” he paused again as if searching for the right words, “a friend more than a title.”
Damian raised an eyebrow in question, “you wish me to befriend him?”
“Sure…and who knows what may happen once you two become close.” Owlman shrugged, a wicked smirk spread across his features, contorting them into a menacing expression.
Damian racked his brain for meaning. Did his father want him close to Jor-El to distract him, to manipulate him, or to kill him? Did his father even care as long as he could take power? Finally, Damian broke the silence with a slow, measured voice. “I can only assume you have some means for me to arrange a meeting with him?”
“Of course,” he motioned toward the blonde woman who had been lurking in the corner. “Beth, please ensure that Damian is presentable for this evening's introduction to the rest of the Syndicate. Make him look…enticing.”
Damian suddenly became aware of another possibility.
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bruciemilf · 22 days
Young! Dick thought living with Bruce was unbearable until he ran away and lived with his short of-kind of- through adoption - uncle.
“He has you on a curfew? Lame. Go out, have fun, get stabbed. Builds character!”
“Vegetables? lol?? Here’s 20 bucks and a soda. Vending machines’ down the street.”
“You wanna get a tattoo?? Hell yeah. Come on, my buddy doesn’t check ID. He has his own needles. You’re vaccinated, right?”
TJ completely vanishes when he wants to. Like there’s an underworld in Gotham only he has access to. He becomes one with shadow and leaves Dick by himself for a worrying amount of time.
And patrol? Nightmare. First off, TJ’s turf crawls with filth from head to toe. He’s in the red light district, — every section of Gotham is a red light for Dick, thought, — raging from worst, to a thing beyond worst.
Bruce isn’t surprised when a small bundle leaps into his arms the minute he crosses Owl-Man and his newfound sidekick. Former. Dick is no sidekick. He’s Bruce’s partner.
“Have you seen this kid flip? You’re welcome. Anyway, happy I could help. You know you totally owe me one, right?”
“Come home for dinner.”
“Alfred says so.”
“God damn it.”
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