#there my last edit for this event
isjasz · 22 days
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[Day 360]
COUGH I am so (not) sorry this is also roleswapverse. We talked about having a plotline take place in a fancy event at some point (potentially: at Docfather's casino)(which probably is invite only, so Ariana and Pearl Moon as a reporter were invited ;3), and then I blacked out and this appeared on my screen,
Edit: AND Pearl and Ariana brought their partners to the event, I just realized there was missing context HELPEPWP. This is Scar in the drawing, and Pearl and Gem are in another wip!
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amaranthdahlia · 8 months
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art dump of my pookie........ ohboy
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genericpuff · 1 year
In which Persephone is told she can't game the system- (TEXT EDIT)
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no art was edited here, just text to make this more realistic to how this scene WOULD have gone if it was an actual courtroom with real rules LOL I find it a little weird that Rachel wrote a courtroom drama arc like this and then twisted it this much to benefit Persephone because like... clearly she was inspired by courtroom drama shows, and I can't help but wonder if she got all of her basic courtroom knowledge from like, Spongebob or some shit LOL
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bad-or-mad-or-wise · 3 months
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(and wonder about the only soul who could tell which smiles i'm faking)
@wincestwednesdays week 1: performance
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Mariana: Pendejo, my English is bad, no–
Roier: [Lying] Tubbo, Mariana wants to talk with you in English because he wants to practice
Mariana: No, he's fcking me—
Hannah: LITERALLY???
Forgetting 1 word in a sentence can sometimes change its entire meaning (poor Mariana 🥲)
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deweyduck · 7 months
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@pscentral​​ anniversary event: take two 2.0 - your url
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sunsetuniverse · 3 months
House of Dadneto edit prompt: Quotes
More edits on my Tiktok 💜@house-of-dadneto feeding u like a baby bird
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beauti · 6 months
mafuyu asahina icons + graphics ⭑
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frame / mask 1 + 11 3 4 6 8 10 png 10 psd // rb + credit to use
[late] day three of @angeldolliess's event : a character you relate to the most or a character you relate to the least
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tomhardymyking · 4 days
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There are five days left until the 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 Global Fan Art Contest ends 🎨! For more info, link in bio ❗
I love that we are in this time, it means that there is nothing left to watch a new cinematic adventure of 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺 and 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸 🥹💓
The contest is one they organise before the premiere of a new 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺 film, to win money and have their art promoted on their social networks 🙌🏻 They will also serve to promote the film 💯
This photo is from 2018's and they took this one with the winners 😍💖 and they also organised one in 2021 but there was no photo like this 👀
Will this year be like 2018 or 2021 🤔?
¡Quedan cinco días para que acabe el Concurso Mundial de Artes Fan de 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎: 𝑬𝒍 Ú𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒐 𝑩𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆 🎨! Para más información, enlace de mi biografía ❗
Me encanta que estemos en esta época, significa que ya no queda nada para ver una nueva aventura cinematográfica de 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺 y 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸 🥹💓
El concurso es uno que organizan antes del estreno de una película nueva de 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺, para ganar un dinero y su arte ser promocionado en sus redes sociales 🙌🏻 También servirán para promocionar la película 💯
Esta foto es del de 2018 y ellos se hicieron ésta con los ganadores 😍💖 y también organizaron uno para 2021 pero no hubo foto como ésta 👀
¿Este año será como 2018 o como 2021 🤔?
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incorrect ASOUE
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
Orihime gives Chad a manicure to see if it powers his arm up and also because she thinks it would be a nice thing to do for a friend. Chad is always doing things for other people without a second thought and I think Orihime would pick up on that.
I was rolling this around in my head, trying to decide when I wanted to set it and who else I wanted to be in it, when I got punched in the face with this mildly angsty idea, which ended up twisting the prompt around a little bit. (I feel like I always do this to you 😂. Maybe I do this to everyone.) Anyway, I hope you like it! I love them so much!!!
Takes place in the early Blood War, around the time when Ichigo goes to the Royal Realm, shortly after the first set of battles, while Orihime and Chad are still in Hueco Mundo.
(read on ao3)
💅 💅 💅
Orihime didn't know what she was thinking when she grabbed the nail polish off the shelf in her bathroom. It was a 16-in-1 gel palette set (with 4 metallics!) that she had won last fall as a fifth-place prize in a contest they were holding down at the shopping district last fall. She hadn't yet taken the plastic wrapping off. She had been saving them for a special occasion.
A war was not a special occasion.
Orihime had to admit that she probably panicked a little. Mr. Urahara was opening Garganta back to the Living World twice a day so that Mr. Tessai could bring various supplies that he needed to Hueco Mundo. Orihime had been shooed through so she could pack some clothes and whatever else she needed, and to let Tatsuki know that she wasn't going to be around for a bit. It had made sense at the time, but once she was actually in her apartment, her vision narrowed down to a dark tunnel and she had to gulp big deep breaths of air because it was all too much like the time Ulquiorra had given her twelve hours to say good-bye to just one person.
She got it together eventually and did manage to find Tatsuki and Keigo and Mizuiro, too. (Ishida wasn't around, but he had known where they were going.) Still, though, she wondered what she had been thinking when she got back to Hueco Mundo and found her bag packed with every pair of underwear she owned, her winter coat, a jumbo-sized box of Hello Panda that she must have stopped somewhere to buy, and the nail polish.
There had been a lot of waiting around, once she had finished healing everyone who needed healing, so maybe she had been thinking it would be a nice way to pass the time. Maybe she had thought the Tres Bestia would like it. They probably would have, but Urahara had already sent time off on some errand. Nel wasn't interested, although she was very interested in the Hello Panda.
So Orihime painted her own nails. She painted her pinkies and her thumbs with the metallic silver, and then drew on the six-petaled flower of her hairpins on top in teal. She painted the rest of her nails in teal. She had planned to paint a flower for each of her Shun Shun Rikka on each of the remaining six nails. The left hand actually came out pretty good! The right…
"Is something the matter, Inoue?"
Orihime blinked rapidly and looked up. She'd been staring so hard at her own efforts that her eyes had gone dry.
Sado had been sitting nearby, reading a book, with a massive set of headphones over his ears, things he had brought back from his own whirlwind trip home. Sado hadn't had much to say since Ichigo left, but Orihime had noticed that he preferred to stay within eyeshot of her. Tatsuki's cat did that with Tatsuki's mom, who had rescued her from a sewer grate as a kitten. Now, Sado was peering down at her, the headphones slung loosely around his neck.
"Ohhhh, I was just wishing I had put the camellia on my left hand," Orihime sighed. "Ayame and Hinagiku will understand if their flowers are a little shaky, but Tsubaki is going to be so mad."
Sado frowned thoughtfully. "Would you like me to help?"
Orihime's mouth dropped into a soft 'o'. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised. She'd seen the doodles Sado did in the margins of his schoolwork. It was usually graffiti-style Spanish words, but sometimes (usually when class was particularly boring) he'd draw out an entire lion, all rippling muscles and fangs, or a sleek motorcycle with highlights and shading that made it look like it made of chrome and leather and rubber, even though it was really all just pencil.
"The brush is very small," she said stupidly.
"It's fine," said Sado.
Barely a minute later, a miniscule camellia graced her right index finger, perfect right down to the lacy stamen.
"How did you do that?" Orihime gasped.
"I don't know a lot of flowers," Sado admitted, "but I know how to draw camellias. Abarai and I used to have a lot of time to kill while we were recovering from throwing boulders at each other. He can only draw about three things, but one of them is camellias."
"What are the other two?" Orihime asked shyly. The idea of big, tough Abarai drawing anything was very cute to her. She wondered if one of them was bunny-people.
"Skulls," said Sado. "And Zabimarus."
The last they had heard, Abarai had been very badly injured and so had Rukia, but both were expected to make it. Orihime pressed her lips together. Of course they were going to make it. They were both very, very tough. Next time she saw Abarai, she would ask him to draw a Zabimaru for her.
"Do you want me to do the other two?" Sado asked.
"It's a daisy and a hibiscus," Orihime said. "Do you know how to draw those?"
"I can manage a daisy," Sado agreed. "I am actually pretty good at hibiscus." That made sense, of course, given Sado's collection of tropical shirts.
"Thank you, Sado," she said, watching him work. He was very good at using pressure on the brush to get little petal-shaped blobs of paint. She wondered if he ever painted, in addition to drawing.
Sado sucked in a breath. "Do you think…" he started, and then started again. "Do you think we could do mine next?"
"What? Yes! Of course!" For a moment, Orihime was so excited to have finally found a taker that it took her a moment to be surprised. "I didn't know you liked to paint your nails, Sado-kun!"
Sado finished the hibiscus before speaking. "I don't. I mean. I haven't ever. Before."
"It'll be your first time, you mean?"
"Yes." Sado paused. "But I've wanted to. Ichigo and I went to a punk show once. A band he liked. He painted his nails black. I was…I mean, it looked…well. It's Ichigo. You know. He's braver than me."
Orihime started to argue with that, then stopped herself. "Not many people are braver than Ichigo," she said instead.
Sado gave a curt nod. "That's why I want to do it."
They did his left hand in white and red and black, with bold stripes and zigzags and a slightly melty-looking skull on his ring finger.
"Should we do the right in black and bright pink?" Orihime asked, eying the same beautiful fuschia Sado had painted her hibiscus with.
"No," said Sado. "My right hand is the one that protects. I want to paint it with the things I want to protect. So for the first one, I want you to paint it silver, with a teal flower, just like yours."
For a second, Orihime couldn't breathe. "Sado-kun," she finally said, "shouldn't Ichigo be the first one?"
"Ichigo is the first person I want to protect," Sado agreed. "But you were the first person I trained with. You're the person I've always trained with. So you should be first."
She couldn't argue with that, so Sado's thumb got painted to match hers. Orihime wasn't very confident in her ability to draw Ichigo's substitute badge, but Sado believed in her, and they both agreed that Ichigo wouldn't mind if it was a little wobbly. They did the background in sparkly gold, which they also both agreed that Ichigo would approve of.
They were going to be fighting Quincy--they had already been fighting Quincy--but they decided to paint the middle finger white with a blue cross anyway, because Ishida had it first. Just because the rest of the Quincy were turning out to be jerks didn't change how they felt about him. The middle finger felt somehow appropriate for that.
There was some debate over disrespectfulness, but they couldn't bring themselves to do it the other way around, so the ring finger was for Abarai (a black lightning bolt on a red ground) and the pinkie for Rukia (a silver snowflake on purple).
Orihime looked down at Sado's hands resting on the table. They were wide and powerful, with thick, knobbly boxer's knuckles and traced with silvery scars. His fingers were long and elegant, though, slightly tapered with square, even nails, now covered in bright colors and sparkles.
Orihime placed her own hands on the table, spreading her fingers wide to mirror his.
"I'm glad I brought the nail polish," she declared, to herself more than anyone else. "They don't have enough color in Hueco Mundo."
"Mm," Sado agreed.
It occurred to Orihime that both the shinigami and their enemies favored black and white, at least officially. But when she thought of her friends, she could only think of splashes of color--the wrap of a sword hilt, the flutter of a scarf. Eyeshadow and bright hair and the lining of a haori.
"Do you like it?" Orihime asked.
"I do," said Sado.
"It might chip," she warned. "Just let me know. I'll fix it if it does."
Sado smiled down softly at their colorful, sparkly, not-quite-matching fingertips, nearly touching. "I know you will."
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valenfield-inspo · 7 months
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Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine - Resident Evil 1 Moodboard
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charger-lens · 1 year
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kotaloy monthly prompts - september '23 hunting/hunted/thrill of the chase
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randomminty · 1 year
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Hbubhhuhub. Rais ea suillen
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I prefer more fluffy animals...ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ
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Epel voice: Y'ALL-
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I started this with a consistent style in mind but then it didn't happen. But I still like how it came out. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
My fav part of the Harvestown sledding event was when I was first watching it with @bunnwich. I paused the video to ask them what animal they would choose to pull their own sled? We both said our favorites: Bear for me and Rabbit for Bun.
You can imagine how I goofy I became went when Idia said my fav animal.
Addition: I did this screenshot edit as an inside joke. but I like it a lot so here! ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
(Yume uses He/they)
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
Leap day was made so I have 24 more hours to work on Akutagawa's birthday
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