#this edit means a lot to me because the trial arc was basically my canon event where I started to doubt LO and Rachel
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genericpuff · 1 year ago
In which Persephone is told she can't game the system- (TEXT EDIT)
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no art was edited here, just text to make this more realistic to how this scene WOULD have gone if it was an actual courtroom with real rules LOL I find it a little weird that Rachel wrote a courtroom drama arc like this and then twisted it this much to benefit Persephone because like... clearly she was inspired by courtroom drama shows, and I can't help but wonder if she got all of her basic courtroom knowledge from like, Spongebob or some shit LOL
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years ago
Hi! Can I be nosey? I saw your post on outlining Liar, Liar, Foxfire, could you explain your process a little more? Especially the EVEN DUMBER VERSION? Please and thank you and love your blog! Especially the little snippets of what you're working on!
Dear nonny you can always be nosy, I love it <3 
I usually put the Title: DUMBEST VERSION at the top of my docs to remind myself that it’s the first draft and it doesn’t have to be perfect. It started out as a joke with Estranged back in the end of 2018 I think, when I started the fic. Then it kind of became a thing between myself and my then beta (she thought it was cute lol) I don’t really use it for its intended purpose, since I heavily edit as I write. You’re not technically supposed to do that, but I can’t write any other way if my work is unsatisfactory; it seriously kills my motivation when I know I can do better. 
Which is where the EVEN DUMBER VERSION comes in! I’ve never used that one  before this, I was just frustrated because I couldn’t get my plot to work in a way that I liked lol, so I decided to go through and outline literally every scene in season 3b. (Essentially: 3b for Dummies.) 
In the case of this fic, I didn’t actually use an outlining method, really, and I usually don’t. I’m notoriously bad at outlines, and any time I’ve had to do them for school, I would write the project first, then write the outline based on that. The few times I do use an outline, I typically end up veering very far off track. 
So what I initially ended up doing here was sitting down with a notebook and rewatching 3b, writing down the general ideas of each scene. Mostly I intended to use it just to jog my memory while I wrote the fic. It... did not work out that way. 
After struggling for a few days, I decided to type everything up into a document, splitting each section by episode. I didn’t have every scene detailed, since it wasn’t an outline for the show itself, just for the main context I needed for my fic.
 Then I used the blue text for the changes I intended to make/scenes I wanted to add. That way I had a visual representation of what was my original work, and what was the canon framework, which is what I was struggling with the most. It’s difficult for me to work within the constraints of canon like that, which I why I don’t write “missing scene” fics. (RIP) 
At that point, it was a matter of adding in the scenes I knew I wanted, and then fleshing out some more where I felt like I needed more original content to balance out the canon. My goal is to have only as much canon context as necessary, because I didn’t want to write out episodes we’ve all already scene. 
... And that still didn’t really help. I mean it was super useful in giving me somewhere to start but it wasn’t quite what I needed yet. So I started searching around for the scripts. (Fun fact: i used to be a film major, and I still have a thing for collecting scripts). I found the scripts only up to the end of 3a so that was a bust T_T But then I found the Teenwolfwiki which has scene-by-scene synopsis and it’s amazing. Way more effective than my outline in terms of laying everything out clearly for me. 
So now I’ve got my outline as a sort of guide for where my missing scenes fit in, but then I’m going through the wiki to work my way through each episode, and decide which scenes I do/don’t want to keep. Since the fic is about Mitch and Stiles, I’m focusing on scenes with a heavy focus on Stiles and Mitch (who’s Allison’s cousin here, and thus follows the Argent’s storyline). I was also unsure how mush of Malia’s storyline to include, since the person who commissioned the fic didn’t want her in, but also there was some important context she gives to the plot... but then I realized I could just... not write her scenes. That leaves it up to the reader whether that part of canon still happened or not xD (For the record, I like to think it did, but her arc ends after they get her back to her dad, He never sends her to Eichen and that’s the end of her involvement.) 
Like I said, I don’t outline very often, if at all, and I tend to get off track when I do (LLF has already changed drastically from the original ideas and outline, and a lot of scenes have been cut), the way I prefer to do it is to write essentially a very long summary. I like to jokingly call them “not-fics” because they can easily end up several thousand words long. It lays out the fic in a shorter retelling, but it’s less structured and leaves me more room for deviation. I usually don’t end up with an actual bullet-pointed outline until I’m pretty far into the fic and need to organize the remaining scenes. Estranged didn’t get an outline until I was...40k into it, maybe? It was a long time. 
But if you want an ACTUAL outline method, one I’ve found and liked is the 3 ACT, 9 BLOCK, 27 CHAPTER Method, which somewhat follows the Hero’s Journey, but more in depth:: 
Act 1
Block 1: Introductions/Inciting Incident/Immediate Fallout (Exposition) 
Block 2: Reaction/Action/Consequences
Block 3: Plot Twist/Break into Second Act 
Act 2
Block 4: New World/Fun & Games/Old World Juxtaposition (Time for worldbuilding, everything is still fun; Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts)
Block 5: Build Up/Midpoint/Reversal (Growing paints. The character is changing for the better, lots of character development, etc. Pivotal moment)
Block 6: Reaction/Trials/Dedication (Character has potential, but still has work to do. Yennefer during the lightning in a bottle scene.) 
Act 3
Block 7: Calm Before the Storm/Plot Twist/Darkest Moment (The whump chapter; Character reaches their breaking point.) 
Block 8: Power Within/Action/Converge (Stiles in Ch. 16, to plug my own fic xD) 
Block 9: Final Battle/Climax/Resolution 
This is a super condensed version, but if you look it up, you’ll be able to see the full explanation on byomentor.com. I found it through Kate Cavanaugh on YouTube in one of her outlining methods videos. 
I’m thinking of using this outlining method for this year’s NaNo when I finally, finally write Neverland, but we’ll see. It’s pretty flexible since you don’t have to exactly follow all 27 chapters; you can follow the general vibe and idea of each blog and still have a really sound story, which I like. 
Another method I used forever ago for my fic Tree of Life (and I can’t remember the name of the method, but it’s pretty basic) was to have 5 points per chapter: 
Inciting Incident
Progressive Complication 
Now it didn’t work exactly that way because ToL is a pretty drawn out fic, even despite the action, but it’s a good thing to consider. If you have an action heavy or fast-paced chapter (or if a chapter feels slow to you but you don’t know why), it’s a good thing to keep in mind to help speed things up. 
But yeah, despite my research in many different outline methods, my favorite is still to write my not-fics and then outline later, if I do at all xD 
I hope this was informative! Please feel free to come back if you have any thoughts or questions : 3
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brothersapart · 8 years ago
(the mobile-friendly version)
Background information:
Brothers Apart was started by @nightmares06 October 24th, 2014 and has been going strong ever since! During the last two years two other writers have been added to the team along with a very helpful assistant!
The main storyline, Brothers Apart, has since sparked a collection of AUs. Each storyline is individual in and of itself, but all tie into the main arc in their own way. Visit Links to find your way to the stories.
Why don’t you just post Brothers Apart and not all these other stories?
Since Brothers Apart is (mostly) written by myself, there isn’t enough story built up to have a backlog. Due to a falling out with a former beta reader, writing for Brothers Apart was frozen for a year. During that time we conceived a number of other storylines, and we invite you to enjoy them along with us.
When/where do the stories post?
Sunday, 9pm EST Wednesday, 9pm EST
Any changes to this schedule will be announced on the tumblr as soon as we know about them.
There are three different sites the stories post on:
Archive of Our Own || Fanfiction || Deviantart
Any prompts received will be posted to the tumblr blog before appearing on any other sites, otherwise stories are on the three sites listed above.
Order of creation of the various AUs:
Brothers Apart– “But what if I never fixed Sam?”
Brothers Found– “But what about JACOB?”
Brothers Adopted– “Okay but Jacob’s too cute, let’s make him small”
Brothers Divided– “… bad, Dean”
Brothers Together– “OSCAR”
Brothers Lost– “Okay we should make BOTH brothers small”
Brothers Asunder– “Wee Sammers and Bowman as brothers!”
Brothers Unexpected– “Because Sam/Jacob and Dean/Oscar are too cute to contain”
Brothers Consulted– “I wonder how Sherlock and Dean would react to each other…”
**Various unannounced ideas**
Brothers Saved– “Big Sam and his tiny big brother strutting around”
I love the artwork! Why don’t you have more of (insert character)?
We love the art too! But since we’re writers, and our skill at actual drawing is lacking, all of the artwork you see posted here (with a few incredibly rare exceptions), are either commissioned with our own money or submitted by fans (you lovely, lovely people). We love supporting our favorite artists, so we won’t stop commissioning anytime soon, but it’s dependent on if we have money at the time we get the idea.
If you want to help us out, please Buy Me a Coffee and let us know what character or AU you want commissioned! Once we have enough money for that AU, we’ll get it done.
When does (insert story) start posting?
We’re not sure when each story goes up, we only have a timeline for the days stuff will post. To prevent any stories from gaining favoritism over others, we started running a poll. During the last week or two of a story, there will be a poll with (2) to (6) options offered, and the winner will be the story that starts next!
Keep in mind that the stories that appear in the poll will be fully written/edited and beta’d by our wonderful beta readers, any stories that are incomplete in any fashion will not be included.
The poll is run through SurveyMonkey, and each person gets only (1) vote! Duplicate votes WILL BE REMOVED.
Can you go back to posting stories about only Sam and Dean?
Seriously, we’re going to keep writing together because we do it for fun. You’ll see classic Brothers Apart stories come around when I finish them, but you’ll also get a lot of the collabs we do. We write for ourselves and to get rid of stress. Since we’re not paid to do this (in fact, we spend a decent amount of money on story things), we’ll continue to write what we like.
We still love feedback and getting new ideas from all you readers out there, so keep sending us prompts and suggestions! Just don’t be upset if we don’t do yours– we might not be feeling it.
There’s a book? Where can I get a copy!?
There used to be a book, but it has been discontinued and no longer offered as an option in the contest. Thanks for your interest!
Will Castiel be in the story?
Go read all the stories.
Why didn’t my ask get answered yet?
Generally only one ask is answered a day, please be patient with us.
Popular Tags:
#commissioned art– all the artwork commissioned by the writers of the BA for the stories/ideas we have.
#fanart– artwork done by the fans.
#contest entry 2016– entries submitted for the 2016 BA contest
#bac 2017 tumblr– entries submitted for the 2017 BA contest on the tumblr side (for DA entries, go here).
#daily update– all the story excerpts posted since the beginning.
#prompt– finished prompts (or unfinished prompts, multiple things get filed here).
#submission– wonderful submissions from you readers!
Commissions are open!
What characters belong to who?
Supernatural characters– Sam and Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, John Winchester (though I’ll warn that any prompts for John Win are the least likely to be fulfilled because he usually gives me writer’s block), Castiel, Gabriel, Rufus and Rumsfeld. Various other Supernatural characters.
Original characters– Nixie, Ilyana, Celeste (problematic fave), Walt Watch, Mallory Watch, Briella Watch, Moira Wainscot, Krissy Vent, Sean, Kara Bolt, Christian Bolt, Mikael Foyer, Noonia and Elenia.
Original Characters– Bowman, Jacob Andris, Oscar, Rischa, Cerul, Scar, Vel, (any of the wood sprites, basically), Colfax and Adrian (better prompted at @alittleblogoftrust ), Asp the shadow sprite, Indigo Seraf.
Only original characters, as canon characters tend to come very slowly for me.
Sherlock Characters– Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Molly Hooper and Mycroft Holmes.
Doctor Who Characters– Mostly Tenth Doctor, will do Nine, Eleven, and Twelve (I’m working through Classic Who at a snail’s pace xD) Willing to write for companions from New Who as well.
Original Chracters– Zepheera is my main OC, Stan Baker, Simon Baker, Nathan Sullivan and a bunch of borrower bbys: Kernel, Orrick Shelf, Boston Mantel, Baycliff, Klerida, Marcue Overmantle; basically, if you’ve read my stories, any of the OCs are up for grabs.
Story excerpts
Each day on brothersapart.tumblr.com, we will be posting a new excerpt from a story we are working on at the time. This happens at 10a.m. est, and it’s a tiny blurb from the story.
A bit on the tags for our story excerpts:
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#trnt here is the abbreviation of the story the excerpt came from– later revealed to be “The Road Not Taken”
Abbreviations we’ve used and their names if announced:
#trnt– The Road Not Taken (posted)
#twf– The Water’s Fine (posted)
#tnplh– There’s No Place Like Home
#atth– A Time to Heal
#iatwaa– It’s a Tall World After All
#sow– Sam of Wellwood (posted)
#don– Dean of Nowhere (posting)
#bofa– Bobby of Far Away
#dow– Dean of Wellwood
#awos– A World of Secrets
#eotm– Epidemic of the Mannequins
#ws– Wayward Sons
#bah– Bigfoot's a Hoax
#coth– Clash of the Hunters
#auv– An Unexpected Visitor
#sotw– Shadows on the Wall
#gacs– Garlic and Cold Spots (posted)
#tsotf– The Study of the Four (posted)
#tttb– The Ties that Bind (posted)
#ababs– A Burglary at Baker Street
#teome– The Enemy of my Enemy
#jiw– Jacob in Wonderland (posted)
#rt– Road Trip
#a:asocs– Aftermath: A Series of Consulted Shorts
#bp– Bittersweet Parting (posted)
#ffh– Far From Home 
#fs– For Science
#adod– A Day of Duality
#bftp– Blast from the Past
#apias– Any Port in a Storm
#thoaw– The Heart of a Wolf
#san– Sam and Nicholas
#apfo– A Place for Oz
#sb– Something Borrowed
#ttol– The Trials of Logan
#lald– Live and Let Die
#aol– Avenue of Life
#malc– M&Ms and Lucky Charms
#afin– A Friend in Need
#boan– Birth of a Nightmare (posted)
#rj– Regarding Jacob
The last kind of tag you’ll see is the queue tag:
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All this means is it is a reblogged excerpt from 2016, you can go to the original post to find out its tags.
This has been a dissertation on tags!
If you see any questions we left out, be sure to send in an ask!
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