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randomratty · 36 minutes ago
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Here!!! Take a sleeping cat as a gift
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take my own sleeping cat as a gift !!! :3
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randomratty · 1 hour ago
lee dandy art for awesome friend !!!?!! @tkcrashoutideology
I TRIED MY BEST....isuck at drawing dandy...sighhh
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DUMB gay people
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randomratty · 1 day ago
vee hcs?
OOOO you clearly know the way to my heart, anon! Vee headcannons it is ^v^
Vee Tickle Headcannons
Okay now my girl is a full switch, but usually prefers being on the giving end of tickles
Is one of the most ruthless lers out there, but can be gentle when she wants to be
Her most common lees are Shelly, Dandy, Astro, Brightney, Glisten, Goob, Scraps, Sprout, and Tisha
Usually her tickles are more rough, but she adjusts her style of tickling depending on who the lee is
With Shelly, Astro, and Brightney, she’s usually more gentle
With Goob and Sprout, she’s usually more playful
And with Dandy, Glisten, Scraps, and Tisha, she’s usually more rough and ruthless, mainly because of the beef she has with them, but has been shown to be gentle/playful with them once or twice
Her teases also depend on who the lee is! Like with those she has actual beef with (Dandy, Glisten, Scraps, Tisha), her teases will typically be more mocking, with those she has more playful beef with (Sprout and Goob), her teases can range from comments on them to light compliments, and with those she considers close friends (Shelly, Astro, and Brightney), her teases consist of lots of compliments
Okay now she may be a robot, but she is definitely more ticklish than she may appear or present herself as
Probably an 8.5/10 on the ticklish scale
Her most common lers are Shelly, Dandy, Astro, Brightney, Glisten, Goob, Scraps, Sprout, and Tisha
She usually lets Shelly tickle her, but that right is reserved only for her
Astro and Brightney can fight for that right, even if she doesn’t mind being tickled by them
Usually Dandy, Tisha, and Glisten tickle her out of revenge for all the times she’s gotten each of them
Goob, Scraps, and Sprout usually go after her in a more playful way, not really in a revenge sort of way, more just for fun
Her screen heats up if she’s tickled for too long, and will eventually force her system to reboot if not dealt with
Teases obliterate her…need I say more?
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randomratty · 1 day ago
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
Yesyes Hehehehehe:3
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hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
Ooh?:0 I deffo would but for some reason I can’t fall asleep with soubd sometime,, xDd but I do always have smth playing but volume down
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
YIPPIE!!, and Yesyes you DO need sleep!!,, and I wanna but I can’t SCREAMSSSSS /silly
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
YOU FIRST/nm/silly
And good!! You need sleep hehehe and don’t overwork yourself Rahh!!
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
go to EEP!!/nm and have a snack!,,
Andd I’m good!!, js lil tired and tryna get myself to redraw ocs🙁 that has to wait for tomorrow XD
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
NOOO IM SORRRY🙁🙁 I HOPE YOU GET MCDONALDS TOMORROW!! The fact meanwhile I was walking back to the car I almost went to the wrong vehicle HELLP
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
I WOULDVE!!! But you never asked!!/nsrs/silly
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
Also I had McDonald’s and you didn’t!!/silly
hi!! not lee, idk what you’re talking about
Very nice name 🥰
>:ccccc /silly
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randomratty · 1 day ago
Maybe some Goob headcanons? He's my favorite!
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@akwkws-blog & @jakkkkkku also asked for this, along with another anon! So here you 4 go ^v^
Goob Tickle Headcannons
So I think we all know Goob doesn’t care either way, and likes being both ler and lee
Buuut! I think he’d be more of a ler-leaning switch
He definitely targets toons more than he is targeted himself haha!
His most common lees are Scraps, Yatta, Vee, Rudie, Shrimpo, Shelly, and Poppy, though he’s gotten everyone at least twice!
He doesn’t really have a favorite method for tickling the toons, but he can usually tell what tickles each toon prefers in the moment
Otherwise, he just defaults to playful tickles
The only one who can tickle Shrimpo and not receive repercussions for it
Uses compliments more than actual teases
Now he may be a tickle monster, but he’s reeeally ticklish
Probably a 9.5/10 on the ticklish scale
His worst spots are his tummy, his sides, and his hips, but he’s basically a walking tickle spot
His most common lers are Scraps, Yatta, Vee, Rudie, Shelly, and Poppy
Shrimpo has tried to get him once (surprisingly), but the tables got turned on him REAL quick
Can’t take teases for the life of him
Anticipation of tickles gets him really riled up, maybe even more than the tickles themselves
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randomratty · 1 day ago
Reblogs AND THABK YOU BESTIE NEKOOO!!!:!$:7:$:$;$:
Shelly hcs?:3
:0 HIIIII I GOTCHU BESTIE! Shelly my beloved <3
Shelly Tickle Headcannons
Okay so we all know Shelly is more on the receiving end of tickles, but that doesn’t mean she can’t get someone if she tries hard enough
Her most common lees are Astro, Vee, Razzle & Dazzle, Tisha, and Yatta
Vee, Tisha, and Astro let her tickle them
She only got to tickle RnD because Dazzle was in a lee mood and was controlling the body
Yatta was just too oblivious to notice Shelly sneaking up behind her haha!
She uses more gentle tickles when tickling others
She only ever uses compliments rather than teases, mainly because she flusters herself when she uses actual teases
So my girl is a lee-leaning switch and oh boy is she ticklish
Probably at least a 10/10 on the ticklish scale, but it could be more
Basically a walking tickle spot, but her tummy, ribs, and hips are her worst spots
Her most common lers are Astro, Vee, Razzle & Dazzle, Tisha, and Yatta
Doesn’t actually mind any kind of tickles, but usually receives gentle tickles
Loves getting tickled, so she may even provoke the ler into tickling her
She’s too shy to ask for tickles
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randomratty · 3 days ago
Never gonna let you down
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randomratty · 3 days ago
Reblogs this wonderful fic
hi!!, may I req ler Devan the handler, and you choose lee
Yesss!! Here ya go, my friend!!!<3
Snorty Flower
--Damn Devon... you're a little jerk!--
|Lee - Dandy -- Lers - Pebble & Devan|
FT - Veronica, Sharon, Austin, Sam, Astro, Sprout, Shelly, & Vee
Mentioned - Ginger, Cosmo, Devon's daughter
Devan was talking with the other toon handlers, chilling on a bench under a tree while Dandy played with his friends. "So, how's Vee been?" Devan asked, eating a churro. "Oh, she's been... cocky as ever." Veronica laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. Austin rolled his eyes a little. "At least your toon actually talks to you..." he huffed, pouting a bit. "Awh, ease up there, Austin! I'm sure Astro likes you!" Sharon smiled. Sam snorted. "Yeah. If avoiding Austin is a form of liking." "Okay-- I am not that bad!" He scoffed, lightly smacking Sam's shoulder. "Ow-! Hey, it's the truth!" They narrowed their eyes at Austin, rubbing their shoulder lightly. "Jesus... ease it up, won't ya?" Devan rolled his eyes as Veronica took a bite of her sandwich. "Do you guys always have to fight?.." She asked, gulping down the chunk of food in her mouth. "Yes!" Sam and Austin glared at Veronica. She let out a little whine and started to sink under the table. "What-- you two, behave! You. Get up!" She forced Veronica back on the bench. "...This is weird." Devan mumbled. Austin perked up, looking at his friend. "What is?" He asked as everyone else turned to look at him. "I don't know... it's just that-- we're the complete opposites of our toons, y'know? Veronica is... humble, Sharon is more cocky than anything... Austin is a confident little brat... and Sam is rude to everybody. Not to mention-- Sprout and Astro get along great. Sam and Austin don't... you get what I'm going at?" Everyone paused for a moment. Sam let out a low whistle "That went south really quick..." Sam laughed a little, everyone chuckling along somewhat.
"Gooo, get it, Pebble!!" Dandy threw a stick as Pebble barked and ran off to go fetch it. Astro was sitting on the grass with Sprout, making little bracelets. "How are you and Cosmo doing?.." he asked, holding his blanket around him tightly. "Hm? Oh! Cosmo is doing great! Kinda sad about his cousin being gone until December, but other than that-- great!" Sprout grinned, slipping on charms on the wire. "That's good... haven't talked to him in a little." He smiled softly, his magic slipping a little star charm on the string. "Okay! Okay! I got this one.... uhhh..." Shelly thought for a moment as Vee just laughed. "It's not rocket science. Just tell me... how many species of dinosaurs were there?" She asked with a grin. "U-Umm... Oh! 701?" Vee made a beep sound with a big X on her screen. "Errr! Wrong! So close, though! There's 700." The X disappeared as she laughed at Shelly's shocked face. "Okay, well... my pride is definitely ruined..." Shelly muttered with a short laugh at the end. "Aww, good boy, Pebble!!" Dandy kneeled down, petting his pet rock, who returned with the stick in his mouth. "Woah-!" Dandy fell backwards on his back when Pebble jumped up on him, licking his face. "Pfft-- Pehebble!!" Dandy giggled, trying his best to block his face. Sprout snorted. "Got a little dog trouble, huh?" He helped Dandy, picking Pebble up off of him. "Awh, what a rascal!" Shelly ruffled Pebble's head as he just let out a little "Arf!"
"Hm... what time is it?" Austin asked, looking at Sharon. Sharon blinked before looking at her pocket watch. "Geez! Already 4 PM? I thought it was only 9AM!" She scoffed, her eyes widening. "Time does go by in summer." Sam laughed, standing up and dusting their pants off. "Sprout! C'mon, inside!" Sam waved their hand over, catching Sprouts attention. "Dang... guess we gotta go inside. Coming, Sam!" Sprout collected his belongings, waving to his friends goodbye and rubbing over to Sam, who brought him inside. Vee reluctantly walked to Veronica, Shelly to Sharon, and Astro to Austin, who brought them inside. "Alright, you two! C'mon." Devan stood up, cracking his back. "Awh... c'mon, Dev! A few more minutes? Pretty pleeeeaaassseee?" He whined, giving Devan puppy dog eyes. "...Dandicus..." he warned. "Pleaseee? Just like... ten more minutes! It won't hurt, right? Pretty pleaseeee?" He begged more. Pebble, not knowing what was happening, just gave Devan puppy eyes as well. "...Christ-- okay, okay! Just quit it with the eyes!.. I feel attacked!" He scoffed, crossing his arms. Dandy smiled, grabbing the stick. "Yesss!! Thank you! Go on, Pebble, fetch boy!" He threw the stick, Pebble immediately going to fetch it. Devan sighed and sat on the grass next to the standing Toon. "...So, what's it like having a dog?" He asked. Dandy laughed. "Awesome! I get to give him treats, cuddles-- I have somebody to always play with!" He bounced in place a little. Devan smiled a little. He was starring to grow... fond of his toon. "Hm... must be nice, huh? Having somebody to spend time with..." he hummed in thought. "Yu-- WAHH!!" Dandy fell backward, again, as Pebble pounced on him, licking his cheek again.
"Gaha-! Noho! Not agahahahaian!!" Dandy squealed, holding Pebble as his legs kicked a little. Devan blinked. "Huh... didn't know toons could be ticklish." He looked at the two. "Ehehe! We cahahan-- bahahahaha! D-Dehehehehevan, hehehehehelp!!" He giggled, tossing his head from side to side. Devan snorted, "This is... something new, indeed." Devan lightly poked Dandy's side, making him squeal. "Nohoho!!- Dohohohon't tihihihihickle mehehe!!" Devan chuckled "Why not? You seem to very much enjoy it..." Devan teased, his finger lightly scratching at Dandy's belly. "NAHA-! NohohoHOHOHOHO!! DEHEHEHEHEV!!" He squeaked, his legs kicking more. Devan chuckled. "You're more ticklish than my daughter... and she's only eight." "THAHAHAHATS EHEHEhehehembarassiiIIIHIHIHIHIHING!!" Dandy shook his head more. Devan laughed softly. "Oh, don't make me feel bad~" He teased with a toothy grin, squeezing behind Dandy's knees. "WAHAHAHAIT!! *snort*" Devan laughed in surprise. "Noho way! You snort?! Oh, let me hear THAT again!" "NAHAHA!! *snort* QUIHIHIHIHIT IHIHIHIT!!" Dandy's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. God, this was humiliating... "I AHAHAHAHAHASKED FOR YOUR HEHEHEHEHELP!!-" He squeaked out. "Yeah, I am helping! Helping Pebble!" He smiled innocently. "YOU EHEHEHEHEHEVIL BAHAHA-- WAIT NOOOHOHOHOHO!! *snort*" Dandy's laughter went up a notch as Devan scribbled his fingers along one of his petals, Pebble still licking and nuzzling his face. "Dandicus Dancifer! Language! Goodness my! Who taught you how to swear?!" He playfully scolded, a proud grin and a raised brow on his face. "I'M SAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARRY!!! *snort*" His pink-rainbow like blush spread across his nose, laughing up a storm. "Gah, you're one cute flower, Dandy." He ruffled up his hair/petals. "SHUHUHUHUT--" He squealed. "Alright, alright..." Devan chuckled, picking Pebble up and off of Dandy, giving him a breather
Dandy panted a little. "Ehe--... never do that again... hehe..." he chuckled softly, his eyes closed. "Mhm... c'mon you two. Let's go inside. You've been out here long enough." He carried Pebble, helping Dandy up as the three walked inside, Devan's hand on Dandy's back.
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