#the wizard apartment
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littleliterarylesbian · 10 months ago
love the whole "Remus is gryffindor's casanova" most of you have going on but that is not me AT ALL.
He's a weird, lanky, scar covered book nerd loser who seemingly gets sick at least once a month and is the dude who's weirdly close with the nurse of all faculty. he is absolutely NOT getting bitches. he is getting ZERO play. his game is NON EXISTENT.
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orchideous-nox · 16 days ago
me when someone suggests a conventionally attractive fc for remus
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months ago
PoA Remus always having a vase of stargazer lilies on his desk that seem to be magically preserved
Him also carrying around a fountain pen he'd carved a hoof print, rat print, and dog print into back at school but the dog paw has been scratched off for a long time now
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ecstarry · 8 months ago
now imagine regulus going to a summer program at like 15 certain that he will hate every second of it but then its the first day and he gets paired with james and so from that moment on he spends his days thinking of ways to talk to this cute boy, absolutely unaware that james spends just as much time thinking about how to make reg laugh because he thinks reg has the prettiest smile he’s ever seen like james has a notebook where he writes down jokes he thinks reg would like and reg every night writes on his journal about all the funny things that james said that day and giggles about it all over again
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jellazticious · 3 months ago
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Made these for class last year
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 5 months ago
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30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii | Cherry Magic! Premiere : October 09, 2020
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beedreamscape · 7 months ago
I'm pretty much the worst person to even weigh in on this topic because I've been partial to Suvi since day one, but in my opinion there wasn't ever a need to explain or justify Suvi's choices/reactions.
Not because she's perfect, never wrong (though in my heart I know...) but because I'm very certain that the people that keep on hammering on her mistakes/shortcomings/tendencies are people that already dislike Suvi (or don't like Aabria very much, I wish this wasn't a topic of consideration but even 30+ eps in there's still people like that around) for whatever reason and gather excuses to justify their bias against her and no amount of explanation will turn their hearts in her favour.
It really feels like a parallel to the way Suvi herself tries to be understood by her friends and yet she fails time and time again.
And people insist on forgetting that Suvi is not the Citadel, she's just one young wizard of the Citadel.
And it's gut-wrenching how much I relate to that feeling of alienation before every corner she tries to fit in: amongst her citadel peers she's othered by her position and privilege, and now by her friendship to a witch and a spirit; between her friends she's the odd-one-out because of her Citadel connections and the nature of her power; and now amongst the witches she stands out by being the face of the "enemy".
I don't blame her for clinging to the little corner of the world that has not made her feel foreign despite the very nature of her presence: in Steel's family whom she's not related to by blood, yet completely by heart.
And it'll never be a fair game. The girls especially are very young and with new-found independence, they're given colossal decisions to make, and that before beings older than three generations of them combined and incomprehensively more powerful and less empathic.
As much as Mirara wants there to be a good witch and bad witch, there's no such thing as black and white, there are decisions and consequences, what one does with the power they're given. There is no right or wrong in a fight filled with so much heart, there was never a world where a fight between Ame and Suvi would be clean.
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crimsonlovebartylus · 7 months ago
Just a reminder:
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these two are Barty and Regulus. <3
they match kat and patrick the best.
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these two are remus and sirius. <3
and honorable mention:
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these two are james and lily. <3
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faerie-remuslupinsversion · 1 month ago
Dunes and waters-marigoldwritesthings
Words: 36,588 Chapters: 3/3 Ship: Wolfstar
Rating: 10/10
Remus is sensitive to changing tides, a part of the moon always with him, and Black is like the sea. He can smell it on him, the way his magic builds up and crackles about the fingertips.
A werewolf, a convict, and a riddle.
Omg. Omfg. Read this in one sitting. Didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t move.
My little summary:
Sirius is a cursebreaker who is required by law to help Remus (an ancient Egyptian researcher) with a mysterious enchantment locked box to get him out of Egyptian prison.
Yearning, tension, true love, soulmates, a wonderfully well researched magic plotline and a dedicated author.
Everything a fic needs
P.s. @marigold-hills those are real ancient Egyptian words. You can’t use google translate for that. Are you a scientist/historian or did you individually look up each of those words/sentences in scientific papers??? That is insanely thorough and probably very accurate. I did a year or two of research on ancient Egyptian mythology and I found so many references. I can only imagine how someone with more knowledge would view this. The synchronicity of all of the elements of Egyptian mythology with the marauders lore, you’d think hp was only written so you could connect the rising of the Sirius star to the floods of the Nile each year.
Each small domestic scene felt so… real, tangible. Like I was experiencing that feeling of being with someone beloved to you. All of the characters felt well rounded and, yet again, real! Like they had so much more in their backgrounds. The little habits, routines, the way those routines clash. The characters were consistent, their goals were consistent. The feeling of fate, time and love bringing everything together is exquisite. This is an incredibly well written piece.
I told my mother about this fanfiction. And she brought me tea. After lying in bed for two hours reading it nonstop. Yorkshire tea. The best tea. I knew Remus would like it I have a headcanon in my drafts that says he does. All of my dreams have been validated.
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silverameco · 11 months ago
Travel AU - @wolfstarmicrofic - 698 words
CW : suicide joke, implied past abuse
It was a normal friday night. They had a marauders' gathering, but Prongs and Wormy left quite early, like they tended to do these days. So it was just him and Moony. Sirius couldn't be bothered. They were smoking weed on the windowsill. Sirius always loved Remus' apartment because it was close to the train station, and you could hear and see the trains. Sirius found it soothing.
"Do you ever just watch a train about to leave and think 'what if I get into it' ?" he asked randomly.
They were always having weirdly deep conversations when they smoked together. Sirius loved it.
"Err- not really ?" Remus answered, but it was more a question than anything.
"I used to think that all the time when I was still living with my parents. Anywhere better than there, y'know ?"
Remus nodded and gave him a comforting smile. Just enough to make him know he was listening, not enough to make him feel pressured to say more, or weird for oversharing. Just perfect, like it always was with Remus.
"Well, I mean, it was either that or the urge to jump under the train." he joked.
"Oh my god, Sirius !" Remus said with a startled kind of laugh and wide eyes like he didn't know if he was supposed to laugh or not.
But Sirius chuckled so Remus visibly relaxed and huffed, before turning his gaze out the window. Sirius kept looking at him. The night breeze was softly messing up his curls, and the moonlight made his features look softer than usual. He was even more soothing to look at than the trains.
"Where would you even go?"
"Mh ?" Sirius didn't listen, too enraptured by his observation.
Remus looked at him once again and suddendly, Sirius realized how close they were. Their legs were touching because the windowsill wasn't designed for two grown men to sit on it.
"If you took a train. Where would you go ?"
"Anywhere. That's the good thing. The adventure." he spoke the last part with a wild kind of grin which made Remus smile back. So he felt positively adventurous and didn't stop there.
"You know what ? We should do it. Take a train."
"What ?" Remus asked in disbelief.
But Sirius was on a ride that couldn't be stopped. "Yes ! Just, any train, as soon as there is one."
Remus just laughed. "You're mad. You're actually mad. I don't even know if there's any train leaving London we could take. It's literally two o'clock."
"So ? I don't see what the issue is." And then, making sure to look Remus in the eyes and to pout just a little. "Come on, Moony. Don't you want to go on an adventure with me ? It'd be just you and me."
He saw a furtive glint in Remus' eyes at the last part and knew he won. In fact, his friend took out his phone and seemed to be looking for something on it for a few seconds. Sirius was hooked on whatever he was going to say next.
"There is only one train with seats available. It takes off at 6 and goes to some random ass village in Scotland."
Sirius leaned forward, closer to Remus, and whispered, "Let's take it". Remus smiled and whispered back, "Okay, Pads. Let's do it."
After that, Sirius' smile couldn't be larger. He took a drag and blowed the smoke in Remus' face, who swatted at him. That was going to be a good trip.
That's how, four hours later, they found themselves on an old train, ready to leave for Scotland. The seats were rather small so their thighs were touching. Neither were making any effort to keep them apart. They hadn't slept so Sirius was dozing off on Remus' shoulder. In his sleepy and drug clouded mind, everything was perfect.
"Dear travelers, welcome aboard this train to Hogsmeade station, Scotland."
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littleliterarylesbian · 6 months ago
lesbian lily,,, oooo lesbian lily save me,,,,
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alongwalkhomecomic · 3 months ago
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autumn travels
previous / next
start at the beginning
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whoopseydaisy · 3 months ago
theories for Suvi’s worst day
- we meet Eoirghain again and shit goes down
- Sworn betrayal
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screechingfromthevoid · 5 months ago
So like they've been talking a lot about how they're all a bunch of fuck ups. And while sure they're all a little unstable and unpredictable, I don't really think they are fuck ups? Outcasts sure. People who have had a lot of bad shit happen to them? Yeah. People who have made mistakes? Who hasn't.
Like Laudna didn't really fuck up. She had the worst things imaginable happen to her, then was given exactly 0 time to heal. All the while she was being manipulated by someone who was supposed to "care" for her.
Imogen was neglected by her father and ostracized by her town and honestly came out as normal as she probably could have. When she was out on her own, with Laudna, they seemed to do pretty well?? It's just, being the leader of a group is new to her. It takes a while to adjust.
Ashton was used as a science experiment by their cult leader father. Then was dropped in the middle of nowhere where they found a family that didn't love them as much as they loved them. They had to make a lot of hard decisions on their own and just because they're not lawful good decisions doesn't mean they were wrong or bad.
Fearne being classified as a fuck up because did meet her warlord fathers expectations is crazy to me. (I know what they were getting at by calling her a disappointment. Doesn't mean I have to like it) On top of that, she had years stolen from her as a price for her parents actions.
FCG was programmed a certain way and they fought against it at every point they could. Their literal programming. Being taken over by something hardwired into I don't think counts as fucking up?
Braius was lied to then excommunicated. it seems like letting Nott and Jester in was like the only thing he did wrong his entire life?? He was hella devout before that??
Chetney is 4,000 years old and fucked his way through exandria. He doesn't have a family to disappoint and hes been making children's favorite toys for like ever. He hurt some people along the way but like. Does that constitute as being a fuck up?
Dorian literally did what he was supposed to do. His parents had a rumspringa and to imply that he's a fuck up for literally doing a rite of passage is beyond me. (If you wanna talk about fuck ups ask me about Cyrus) And even on his rumspringa he became one of exandrias greatest hopes.
And Orym. His insisting incident? The thing that set him in this course? His husband and father dying. In the same battle that he fought in. That's the thing he "fucked up" on. Failing to save those closest to him. And idk I think it's pretty cruel to call him a fuck up for not being able to save them against Otoha. Who also killed him.
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icewindandboringhorror · 6 months ago
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sneepy cozy time....
#cats#longing to one day hopefully feel sleepy cozy like this again...#There was a pretty cool week here so I thought we had progressed closer to cool fall weather but... NO#..wrong!! It's like 80F in my room right now and was 98F outside yesterday. We get two more 'cooler' days and then#it starts going up again and will be in the high 90s possibly 100 something later this week#in my mind september should be COOOOOLLLL!!!!! or at least STARTING to get there.. Like mid 80s at the highest.#I am going to explode the world with evil wizard powers aaRGHaaHHHHHHHH#OR at least it should get down really low at night. I think thats the main thing is if it's 95 in the day and only 62 for like 3 hours in#the middle of the night then even leaving a fan in windows all night is not enough to fully cool down the house because its just not#enough cold air or cool for long enough. If it were 98 in the day but 15F outside at night then you could probably bring cool air inside al#night and your house would be at a relatively low starting point for the next days heat.#Like for example - in my apartment on a hot and sunny day. Even with every window#closed and blocked off with thick layers of reflective stuff and also not using the stove or doing anything to generate heat - the apartmen#will still go up on average about 6 - 8 degrees in one day. Peaking around 8 - 10pm night time. If I start off with the house cooled down#to 60F. then the highest it would get is 66 - 68 which is tolerable#.But if the lowest I can cool the apartment all night is still only 75F#then it's going to be 81 - 83F by the end of the day. So really it would be bearable (ISH)#for it to be warm as long as it was colder at night.#Though still the IDEAL is to not have to structure my life around envrionmental management and constantly be checking the#outdoor temperature so I can put the fans in the second that it's colder outside than it is inside and putting elaborate curtain systems#up and down at the exact right times and meal prepping 4 days in advance so I dont have to use the stove for 3 days and blah blah blah#Life in the colder weather months is so effortless and breezy in that sense. I can just have the window open all day and get natural light.#I can cook whatever I want. I can wear what I like. I can move around the house freely without needing to always#carry a fan around with me or douse myself in water.#ANYWAY.... oh if only that were me.... snuggled in a warm blanket ... a comforting wintery image...
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coffeegnomee · 5 months ago
Anyone read Lord of the Rings and remember how Saruman went from Saruman the White to Saruman of the Many Colors because he started to manipulate each individual in specific ways that applied to just that person?
And his downfall was he tried to weave his web of lies and individually manipulate each person in the group from Helm's Deep, but his cunning words to Theoden made Wormtongue realize he was being lied to this whole time and he got so mad he stabbed Saruman in the back and threw him off the tower?
idk it's giving Kaboodle.
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