#the teachers are kinda weird
ayosdesignz-blog · 2 months
Real quick 3 things!
1) I know the "Lyoko Warriors" were all hella committed to the group and the missions but from what I remember and am witnessing in my slow rewatch...Ulrich was the realist. Like...is his dedication even properly appreciated? Aside from all of them risking life and limb... So far as I've seen (and remembered) Ulrich in particular has: leveled with and helped Jeremy from day 1 with like no fuss; found a trustworthy member for their group(Yumi); continues his karate training with extra combat classes to continue performing his best in Lyoko; will put his stoic reserved self out there and suffer public embarrassment for even the chance of helping "the mission"; will make deals he detests with even Sissi to help his friends; has actually found his way to his friends to help them in Lyoko while suffering memory loss; has faked an injury in an important game he needed to win to gain approval from his (fanon theorized abusive) dad; had memorized an unclaimed winning lottery inorder to help his financially struggling friend inorder to keep the group as a whole, together; and of course the way he's just sorta always there for any of them and being encouraging even if he's feeling snarky.
I'd honestly like to see the UlrichxEmily timeline. Bro don't deserve the grief Yumi insists on giving him. Like I used to ship them fully despite how frustrating they were but Yumi was lowkey messy💅🏽
She literally strung him along in her confusion (and bcuz I think she liked that he liked her) and refused to talk feelings despite his confessions and efforts and the mixed signals she'd give. But anytime she's jealous over him seeming close to another girl she acts like an angry entitled girlfriend. Yet as I recall, had the nerve to be upset when he acted similar about William. Requiring Ulrich to gain forgiveness as YET when things are reversed its still Ulrich who has to gain forgiveness and explain himself.
I'm not caught up to William's time yet tho so maybe it's different from what I remember 🤔
Regardless it's made me more frustrated with Yumi because I don't think the fandom appreciates the emotional damage she's doing to this boy. Growing up I was frustrated with both but most others thought Ulrich was the problem from the start.
Like...No? Actually.
Ulrich, when tricked by Sissi, thought Yumi liked and confessed to him 1st. He was confused and concerned and ultimately a gentleman about it and took it seriously. Our boy actually took the time to REALLY think over his feelings and determination to proceed with something more with Yumi, someone he'd apparently hadn't really viewed that way before until he believed he was confronted by Yumi's "true feelings" from the girl herself.
Only for her to ignore his reciprocal confession with the reveal that she had never written him a written confession. Mortifying enough but the interaction happened in public where he was also loudly mocked by onlookers(and the culprit Sissi) which...woof. I currently have no words for how AWFUL it must feel.
And while Yumi vocalizes maintaining their friendship she never rejects him and gives him signs both subtle and nit that she's interested but anytime he tries to get an answer, attempts to communicate (despite the clear awkwardness and hesitation he has likely from that 1st confession) she tends to: ignore him, blow up at him, or pleads with him to drop the topic and for both of them to never speak of it if not try to forget it happened.
And I find it astounding how much of it I apparently don't remember because all I recalled b4 the rewatch is Ulrich confessing from a misunderstanding and getting turned down only for Yumi to start liking him back and not want to admit it. And Yumi being really damn weird jealous about Emily to then still not be with Ulrich after almost kissing him. AND HE STILL RESPECTS HER REQUESTS AND GOES AT HER SPEED DESPITE HIS INSECURITIES ON HOW SHE GOES ABOUT IT.
Clearly, kid me had good tastes when deciding he was my favorite.
2) Sissi is pretty great as a character. Like other than the absolute savagery she'll display when choosing violence (as I've mentioned in a previous post) that girl shamelessly proclaims to all that she is not only an icon but also 🤌✨️ The Drama💅🏽✨️
It actually kinda took me until this moment:
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to realize that maybe there was legit reasons for why it kept being implied and outright stated that she’s pretty much the most popular girl and considered one of the prettiest there. Pretty and popular enough to warrant her own fanclub somehow too.
And realizing all the bits of info they give of her makes it clear to me that Sissi is actually an interesting character. Unlike other popular mean girls the main cast doesn't like that I could name coughcoughMandyfromcoughTotallySpiescough
I mean they show she's not academically inclined but she's clearly capable of getting the necessary grades, she's a people person/social butterfly who knows how to persuade or even manipulate others, she has wit and some athleticism, and despite her blunt abrasiveness can actually be nice, helpful and caring. She's also a girl of her word.
So far as I can tell every time she makes a deal, even nasty ones she orchestrated, she keeps her word. Whether that's talking to her dad the principal on another's behalf, providing a role in a play to a girl she doesn't like inorder to help with her parental problems (Yumi), or being a distraction.
When someone is really hurt she's willing and wanting to help.
She got two weird little self professed fanboys wanting to follow her around and she actually gave them a chance to explain themselves (shown to be due to her vanity) and at some point actually befriended them to where she willingly hangs out with them in public and private, knows personal things about them and their interests/insecurities.
She's also pretty observant. And a little silly just cuz she can be.
It's a shame they didn't keep Theo in the time line where he was fast tracking to be Sissi's boyfriend.
How awesome would it be to have Sissi mellow out quicker, gain less and less interest in Ulrich romantically, and manage to keep the tentative almost friendship she wants to form with Ulrich and his group.
And before I forget, if She's the school cheerleader where are the other members??? There should be a squad.
And now 3!
Jim is kinda strange as a faculty member and teacher. Like he's obsessed with rules and quick to think the worst of the Lyoko gang for...what reason?
No seriously I don't get it. Especially when we're in the timeline where he caught Jeremy and Ulrich spray painting him as awesome royalty on a school wall.
Like most of the things they'd be in trouble for are reversed with time travel anyway so the amount of times they're seen sneaking or hanging out would be a fraction of the amount it actually is. Infact there were several moments of one of the kids being stopped by or observed by a overly suspicious teacher (typically Jim) when they aren't actually doing anything to cause alarm bells.
Like Yumi rushing from point A to an unknown point B with a book.
Or Jeremy reporting a trashed area and clearly upset by the shock.
Or Odd being accused of stealing a laptop when he could have just as easily been looking to use it while in the room-maybe sit on the floor since yknow you can DO that kinda thing with a laptop.
Or the group hanging out in the dorms outside of classes, even if its nice outside that isn't weird.
And all the kids have a decent to great reputation from their peers to their academics so why they get those looks and assumptions
at inappropriate times is just weird as hell to me.
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rainedroptalks · 8 months
yknow what, call it bad taste but I actually kinda like kindermilly cockerspaniel or whatever her name is. As a lover of annoying weirdos, I cannot wait to see her again
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a-s-levynn · 8 months
hii, i wanted to say tiny token bring me so much comfort and thank you for doing them, could i request tiny iv with a bat? 🦇 or any of them, it doesn’t have to be iv 🩶
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Tiny IV is just chill with everything, he is a cool little dude, he can't help it
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this is intended to be, like, if a stranger on the street you were having a conversation with called you love.
think of any random person. I know this is dependent on context, but I don't want everyone to be hitting "else" just because if they're really nice they'd be okay with it. If any typical person you were chatting with called you "love", how would you react?
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yumenosakiacademy · 9 days
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Bitter Sweet Sixteen - Side A
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bisexualamy · 1 month
my sister got married yesterday in the chabad shul we grew up in and it was a lovely wedding and i'm excited to have a brother (never had one before) but ALSO i need everyone to know that, after attending this shul for over a decade regularly and another decade intermittently (when i'm back to see my parents) i thought i'd found every picture of the Rebbe they'd hung up but i discovered, at 9pm after a long day full of wedding, while putting the chuppah away, that he does in fact also watch over us from the supply closet
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real nonbinary experience tbh
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hislittleraincloud · 5 months
This was so beautifully done 😭👔JAIRO🎀💖✨
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thrilling-oneway · 3 months
i forgot i had "character analysis is my passion" in my bio because i probably put it there in late 2022..? and at that point the only serious character analysis i'd done outside media class and posted online was for sth so it was kinda just me being obnoxious but i guess it fits now since prsk character analysis is the only real thing i contribute lol. foreshadowing but not intentionally
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topsyturvy-turtely · 7 months
I love your energy so much, keep being you 🥰
bleeep... whAT?! i can't handle my energy myself sometimes!!!
but it is very much appreciated, my dear *makes an eccentric bow or curtsie... sth in between cause my gender is inbetween (and i would probably fall over and break my nose) (lol imagine telling a nurse you broke your nose when you... SEE IT IS TOO MUCH MY ENERGY IS TOO MUCH!)
*MAKES TOO LOUD TOO WEIRD NOISE... to contain all the weird energy (is it working???)*
(wtf am i doin)
thank you haha 😅😂🤦🏻🐢
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ghostcond · 11 months
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i tried to doodle some more halloween costumes for the students. and this is all i got
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plutoprophecy · 9 months
Dude im gonna be twenty in like. Half a year
What the actual fuck
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artish-boi · 2 years
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Kids! Friends!
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
I hope death
Is my 1st grade teacher
Who one by one
Called us outside the classroom
Promising a kiss
As each name was called
The room grew quieter and quieter
The ones left behind scared and huddled
My name is called
And I approach the door
I take one last look at my new friends
And step through
I close my eyes and purse my lips
she laughs and tells me to hold out my hands
And drops a hersheys kiss into them
My classmates are there, laughing, chocolate all over their hands and mouths
Get it? A kiss?
We watch as the last few names are called
And we cheer and clap for each one
And sit in the hallway together, eating chocolates
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moeblob · 1 year
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Lander: Did you just call my romantic options I give to Gavvin "a multiple choice test"...... Basil: Yes. Lander: It's not a test - Basil: If there is a wrong answer in your mind to the options provided, it's a test.
Lander runs a convenience store (he got it after his parents died) and he has a huge crush on very broke Gavvin who showed up one day out of the blue. And so Lander hires him and lets him live with him in the back of the store and honestly it's love at first sight for Lander. But Gavvin is much more "mmmmm kinda wary of you for hiring a guy off the street you've never seen before but I accept the job thank you".
Basil unfortunately is a teacher who has to not only put up with his teenage students but also Lander (and their very weird friendship) and Gavvin (very socially awkward new guy in town who asks a lot of questions to him specifically). Basil is chronically done with everyone while everyone is like "ah yes, he can help me with my problems".
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janethepegasus · 8 months
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Solomon found a magic pillow that can allow people to see into the dreams of other people. To test this out, he uses it when he goes to bed and wonders about what kind of dreams his adorable little apprentice has.
...Only to find himself in a strange looking school as a giant monster attacks, standing against this beast is Satan in some sort of super form and a Cookie Run OC named Strawberry Brownie Cookie, meanwhile Jane, who's holding Kirbopher for some reason, cheers them on.
Solomon being confused about what he saw is an understatement.
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