#the sons of fëanor imagine
The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor: part 1
Himring and the March of Maedhros
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Warning. This post contains mentions of weapons use | animal death | orc death | use of animal parts | use of alcohol
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✴️ Maedhros's lordship ushers in a culture that centers on highly trained warriors and military service. Himring and the March of Maedhros are soon dotted with heavily fortified fortresses made of rough-hewn stone. 
✴️ The interiors of these buildings are decorated with animal pelt rugs and antlers, featherbeds that are mostly made out of softer animal furs, and furniture that is more practical than elegant. Maedhros's own fortress has a map carved onto the table in his council chamber. 
✴️ There is no discrimination when it comes to military service. Any elf, irrespective of their gender, can take up arms if they have the necessary skills for wielding weapons. Those with exceptional skills are sometimes invited to learn under Meadhros himself. 
✴️ Military training, while taking up the majority of most elves' time, is not the only activity in their day-to-day lives. Given the harshness of the terrain, there is very little farming. Foraging for root vegetables and wild berries is quite common, along with hunting and fishing. Mountain goats are eventually captured and domesticated for their meat and milk. Diary-based foods such as cream, berries, meat, and fish make up the majority of the diet for those who live in Himring and the March. Mares’ milk is fermented to make an alcoholic beverage that the elves drink in the absence of wine. 
✴️ In the beginning, the fashions in and around Himring consisted of fur and leather decorated with beads and bones and feathers. Later on, when order fully set in, colors obtained from natural dyes found their way onto clothes worn by elves in the form of elaborate embroidery. This embroidery would take the form of the lands that Hithrim sits on, its animals, and the tales of valor of the elves who live within. 
✴️ Of the smithies, there are only three, with the largest found in Maedhros' fortress; cutting down trees for reasons other than warmth and cooking and the making of spears, bows, and arrows is not seen as wise. 
✴️ While there are riders who take messages between fortresses and outposts and homes, great signal fires are also used, in case orc movements are sighted.
✴️ What jewels are there in elven families are carefully kept, and lent out to kin only when needed. Because of this, elves turn to feathers, animal bones, and teeth for bodily adornments, especially the parts of an animal that are killed during an elf's first hunt. 
✴️ A similar attitude is adopted towards weapons and armor made in Valinor. These are treated with great care, and elves routinely take metal arrowheads, swords, shields and anything else they can make use of from dead orcs. 
✴️ Life in Himring and the March is quite restrictive due to the nearness of Angband and the constant attacks by its forces. Elves have to always be on guard. Because of this, feasts and frolics are few and far between and, if held, are kept to a modest scale. Storytelling is the highlight of the evening. Elflings who were born after the crossing into Middle Earth often ask for stories of Valinor. 
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 10 days
'For what end? To overthrow the Shadow, or if that may not be, to keep it from spreading once more over all Middle-earth—to defend the Children of Eru, Andreth, all the Children and not the proud Eldar only!'
'I had heard,' said Andreth, 'that it was to regain your treasure that your Enemy had stolen; but maybe the House of Finarfin is not at one with the Sons of Fëanor.'
andreth shading the feanorians and rightly pointing out that they do not have good intentions toward her and her people, we love to see it <3
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Y/N, wearing an elegant dress for a party: Feanor, can you help me with my zipper?
Feanor, moving to do the zipper: Alright, sure.
Y/N: ... Put the zipper UP Feanor!
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His hot breath ghosted your earlobe as he forward, snaking his large palms around your waist. “We have enough time to pull the zipper down and sneak out this dress before the dinner begins, mírë.”
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The Sons of Fëanor behind closed doors
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Author’s note: A collection of random intimate moments between you and your favorite Fëanorian. Part 1/? There will definitely be more parts to this!
Carnistir always runs warm
It doesn’t matter how cold it is outside, his temperature never seems to drop. Must be his blood cuz its boiling  
In the evening, you’ll find him looking through the bookshelves in your chambers, thinking about which one he’s going to read to you
This is a routine you have established quite early on, him being a bookworm and you loving the sound of his voice and storytelling abilities 
He always comes back to join you right when your feet start getting cold. The second he sits down beside you, you bury them underneath his legs, certified personal heater 
He shudders at the coldness and shoots you an annoyed look, scolding you about how you should put on socks. 
"You’re going to catch a cold." 
"Not when I have you right here!" You grin and are met with him rolling his eyes 
When he opens the book, you throw your arms around his neck and look over his shoulder, waiting for him to start reading, but he just seems to be flipping through the pages aimlessly, too distracted by your sudden proximity
His face grows redder with every second
You snuggle into his hot cheek, and he feels you smile against his skin.
How is he supposed to focus?? Manz is flustered
"You do remember where we left off, right?" You ask teasingly, he just clears his throat and mutters something about chapter three. When he finally finds the chapter he lets out a breath he seemed to be holding forever 
Is it hot in here? Nope, just Cara’s body temperature which is off the charts by now 
There’s something about his reading voice, the way it sounds soft like a velvet blanket, yet so sharp
And though you’d love to listen to the story, the exhaustion takes over you, leaving you half asleep on his shoulder near the chapter’s end
He puts down the book and rests his head against yours for a moment, secretly smiling to himself in pure bliss before gently picking you up and carrying you to bed
Eru, the things you do to him, but he wouldn’t have it any other way 
This gentle giant loves it when you play with his hands
He noticed a long time ago how fidgety you would get whenever something was making you nervous
Your anxiety shows itself in you cracking your knuckles, playing with the rings on your fingers, pulling at the fabric of your clothing 
Sometimes, however, you wouldn’t have anything to help reduce your anxiety 
He made it a habit to look for that twitch in your fingers, and whenever that happens, he just takes your hands into his
And since his hands are significantly larger than yours, it would only take one of them to encapsulate both of yours, and squeeze them reassuringly (we’re obviously talking pre-oath here oop) while the other tends to whatever it is he was doing before
Although open displays of affection are frowned upon, he considers your comfort more important than the judgement he would receive 
Let’s be real, nobody would dare to ever voice their disapproval. It’s Maedhros they’re talking to, zero fucks given here
This morning, you have been sitting next to Mai in a meeting for the longest time when one of the attendees decides to criticize some of the contributions you have made earlier. You freeze. Heart starts beating impossibly fast at the tone of his voice, pointed and condescending. Eru. Do you answer? Are you supposed to answer?! He’s looking right at you. Eruerueru-
The second Mai’s hand finds yours under the table, the tension leaves your body. 
You take it with an urgency he recognizes all too well. One of your hands holds on to his wrist while the fingers on your other one intertwine themselves with his, your thumb drawing hectic circles into his cool skin. Your grip on his wrist tightens at times and you take deep breaths, trying to remain in control 
You let go of his wrist and trace the veins on the back of his hand, trying to memorize the way his skin feels on yours, before you turn his hand around in your lap and do the same thing with the lines on his palm
His hand is relaxed in your grip, gradually transferring some of that energy to you
He’s just so tall and self assured — the complete opposite of your current state — you could find solace in his presence alone if it weren’t for your itching fingers 
Your movements become slower the longer you stay in contact with him
It’s like his fëa gathers in his hand, knowing you need it to touch you directly to come to your senses
And so the rush wears off, eventually the attendee stops talking and you are able to form a response that is just coherent enough to be said out loud in this setting
And as a result of your bond and the indemmar emerging from it, Maitimo proceeds to expand your argument in his own words, closing the case gracefully as ever without letting anything show 
You don’t know what you’d do without him, especially in situations like these 
Contrary to popular belief, Makalaurë is a clumsy individual 
You have to give that to him, his mind seems to be running nonstop, I imagine him to always be on the edge of sensory overload — just look at the world around you, how could you not want to capture every single aspect of it in poetry and song? 
So, naturally, he’s not always fully present, at least not when he’s scribbling things on paper
You can tell whether to talk to him or leave him to his affairs by the way he’s sitting, the speed and loudness of the quill on his paper.
The more he hunches his back, the more he squints his eyes, chews on his lower lip, the messier his handwriting appears, the jerkier he moves the quill — that’s when you know not to disturb him
Although sometimes, you yourself are quite preoccupied and forget about it
"LAURË!" you call out as you burst into his room, feet stomping on the wooden planks so enthusiastically their creaking could be mistaken for a cat screaming after having been stepped on its tail 
Poor Laurë is so startled, he jumps out of his skin, dies and is reborn all at once
The quill in his hand slides across the paper with the sudden movement of his arm and, yikes, the ink pot is sent flying along with pieces of parchment
He yells, eyes wide, hands in the air, frozen in place, a literal deer in the headlights
You stop dead in your tracks and cover your mouth in shock, immediately regretting your loud entry
The last piece of paper lands on the ground, the air settles down and only then do you see the damage — splotches of ink are littered all over his desk and notes, his hands and sleeves. He sits there, with his upper body turned towards you, staring at his work on the floor, slowly breaking out of his state of shock and moving to pick it up with shaky hands
You hate to admit it to yourself, but he’s so unintentionally funny with his big eyes and startled movements. You can see how he’s trying to coordinate his thoughts again as his hands reach for each piece of paper below, sometimes grabbing the air instead of the actual object 
Somebody help this man
And Eru forbid, when he sees the spilled ink on his notes, he goes through all the stages of grief right in front of your eyes and you feel even worse for the laughter that’s bubbling up inside of you
He’s like a sloth, slowly collecting his belongings with calculating eyes
You hastily step to his side and help him arrange everything on the desk, then proceed to get a washcloth to wipe away the spilled ink
When you’re finished, you are met with judgemental eyes 
"I’m sorry, I’m really sorry," you manage to get out before the laughter bursts out of you. Laurë huffs and before you know it, his blue fingertips smear the leftover ink across your face
"Hey!" you yelp when he picks you up and carries you outside
If it weren’t for the loud breath he lets out through his nose, you would have thought he was really mad at you, but he just puts you back down, trying his hardest to hide his smile upon seeing the blue lines on your face 
"I’ll just come back later," you purse your lips and look up at him. He shakes his head at the mischievous twinkle in your eyes before leaning down to kiss the top of your head and then slamming the door in your face lol 
If there’s one thing you know, it’s that Tyelko loves nature
You, on the other hand, have certain things you’d prefer to stay away from, such as spiders 
And as much as you love him, his "conquer your fear" mindset is anything but dear to you. You’re a firm believer of respecting people’s fears and not forcing them to change that, whereas he thinks practically and doesn’t always consider your thoughts, such as right now
He came running into your room when he had heard you scream in fear, ready to attack whatever was threatening you, or so he thought 
So there you are, standing on a chair, pointing at the spider in his hand
"Tyelkormo, I swear on my life, if you come any closer-" 
"Y/N, you can’t be serious, it’s tiny." "I don’t care!" You yell, slowly stepping down from the chair and backing up
He smirks "You can’t be that scared, love" 
And all the alarms in your head go off when he steps closer to you, spider enclosed in his hand that is extended towards you
When your back hits the wall, you know you’re done for
"Tyelko-" "Just look at it!" He laughs at your reaction, knowing he won’t actually do anything. Deep down, you know it too, but he just loves to poke fun at you and you fall for it every single time
You think he'd leave it at that, but he actually dares to open his hand and of course, the spider jumps out in a frenzy, beginning to rope itself down from the palm of his hand
And you SCREAM, poor Tyelko actually has to cover his ears that's what he gets
The spider hurries away into some corner and you make a leap for the bed, grab a pillow and throw it at Tyelko, yelling at him to take it outside
When he finally does, your rage is still very much present and you take another pillow from behind you and hit him repeatedly
"Don't-" hit. "you-" hit. "ever-" hit. "do-" hit. "that-" hit. "again-" hit. "do-" hit. "you-" hit. "understand-" hit. "you're so annoying!!!"
He's obviously unfazed, if anything his smirk has grown even bigger
His arms snake around your waist and pull you close, cradling your head in his hand
"Did you seriously think I was going to let that spider harm you? You're so easy to tease, love"
"Close your eyes," he instructs softly before carefully placing the item in your hands. He spent hours working on this, both scared and excited for your reaction
When he tells you to open your eyes again, they fall on a set of beautiful earrings. But that's not what makes you tear up!
Months ago, you had mentioned how much you missed the color of forget-me-nots in the winter time. It was a silly little thought you had voiced on a leisurely stroll with him on a rather cold morning, not expecting him to actually take it to heart like this
But here you are, in your hand these rose gold earrings, shaped like forget-me-nots, with little shimmering gems in the center — the same color as your favorite spring flower.
"Curufin!" you gasp, looking up at him
He just smiles and for the first time ever, he looks flustered, bashful, even
He's always so calm, stoic and levelheaded. To see him deliver a gesture like this is unusual to say the least
"Here, let me help you put them on," he gently takes the earrings out of your hands with his calloused fingers
You notice a band-aid on his left index finger, did he hurt himself when crafting these?
Once the earrings are on, you step in front of the mirror and Eru, the smile that blooms on your face almost makes his heart stop
Curvo was never one to display a lot of emotion, he just never deemed it necessary
But seeing you touched like this made him question what was so bad about letting his guard down sometimes
Especially when you would look at him, and his heart would erupt into a million tiny butterflies upon the effects of his gesture
You're sat on the wooden fence framing the fields close to your estate, watching the cows
The sun is just about to set and you catch yourself staring at him
"Is there something on my face?" he suddenly asks and raises his eyebrows, you're caught in the act
Quick, think of something to save yourself from the embarrassment!!! Or else he'll never stop teasing you about this!!!
So you flick his forehead and watch him open his mouth in protest
"Hey!" "What are you gonna do, Pityo?"
You stick your tongue out and jump down into the high grass, watching him do the same, ready to follow you for some revenge
The air is quiet, and the first fireflies are already buzzing around the fields when he starts chasing you through the flowers
Your giggles and screams make the cows raise their heads one by one, disturbed by these two strange creatures running around them
Usually, Amrod knows not to run too close to the cows as it would agitate them, but he's just too caught up in the way your laughter tickles his pointed ears and the way your h/c hair flows in the wind — he doesn't notice one of them standing closer to him than he has anticipated
So yeah, poor unfortunate Pityo bumps into that cow. And he stumbles. And falls. And when he realizes what he's fallen into, he yells. And when you realize what he's fallen into, he's done for
"NO WAY!!!!" "STOP"
He gets up and looks down at his linen shirt which is now an earthy, lovely shade of brown
When you come closer, you see the blush on his cheeks, his ears growing redder and redder
"Not a word to my brothers!" he warns, pointing his finger at you
"What do I get in return?" you ask and clasp your hands in front of your body, a shit-eating grin on your face pun intended
He looks around helplessly, trying to come up with something to keep you from running off to tell everyone about this mishap
He just huffs in defeat, shoulders slacking "I'll do whatever you want, just don't tell them."
You don't know why, but seeing him at your mercy like this makes you feel bolder than usual
"Kiss me." It's a short and sweet proposal.
You can see in his face that he's expected anything but this, because manz GASPS and is frozen in place
He's been crushing on you for quite some time, and the two of you certainly shared a cheeky bond, constantly teasing each other in a loving way, but kissing you???
He's at a loss for words and just stares at you in disbelief, mouth opening and closing in an attempt to reply but failing miserably
You've never seen him so flustered when he usually has a snarky comeback for every situation. He's so cute.
You carefully take a few steps closer to him until you're a few centimetres apart and look up at him with a timid smile, waiting for his reaction. And he gazes into your eyes with a newfound vulnerability that makes your heart beat a lot faster than it already does
And when he finally makes up his mind and decides to go for it, the sun has set
His lips hover over yours before softly laying themselves upon yours like a secret in the dark, only to be whispered aloud in your presence
"Telvo, I'm really tired, how much longer do we have to walk?" you ask, the ache in your feet is almost unbearable at this point
He came into your room this morning, asking you to accompany him on his quest to find mushrooms to try an old recipe for a stew he had found in the library
You don't know how many times he's already come knocking at your door demanding your help for the most trivial things, but you comply every time, you just can't help it. Some of your best adventures are made with him
So there you are, wandering along the path leading back to your home, your apron full of mushrooms of all kind, Telvo walking in front of you with that bounce in his step indicating his good mood
"We're almost there, look!" He points towards the house on the edge of the valley you're passing through, although it's a bit too far for your liking
You groan, stumbling over a root sticking out from beneath you and having the mushrooms tumble all over the ground
"Oh no..." you sigh, looking up at your companion who's surprised at your exhaustion
"Are you alright? I'm sorry if I made you walk too much!" He stammers, crouching to pick up the mushrooms and put them back into your apron, which you had folded into a makeshift bag
Once they're all in there, he turns his back to you and gestures for you to hop on, which you do gladly
"Y/N, Y/N, you're spending too much time indoors. Look at how exhausted you are!" he snickers and resumes his trip towards your house. You just snuggle into his shoulder and blow into his ear
"Not everyone can run around in the forest all day, you know?" to which he just shakes his head and laughs
Once you're inside, you begin to prepare the stew, bickering and joking around all the while
"Eru, hopefully this will taste good. Where did you even find that recipe?"
He tells you about a collection of old, dusty books hidden away in his father's library. Some traveller had devised this recipe a long time ago. It's said to warm you from within with its unique taste. You could listen to his rambling for hours. He's always had a talent for discovering the most random things and taking them straight to you, his partner in crime and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Once the stew is done, you dig in, and who would have thought? A blissful warmth spreads throughout your bodies, caressing your bellies and putting satisfied smiles onto your faces
"Told you it was gonna taste good," he mumbles and winks, beckoning you to come and sit next to him so you could enjoy the incoming food coma together
He really is full of peculiar ideas, your beloved redhead
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corsairspade · 23 days
there are many reasons I like the "Erestor son of Caranthir" headcanon but secretly the main one is that I'm imagining all of the remaining noldo auditors sighing of relief when Caranthir dies and they don't have to try play 4d chess with multiverse time travel trying to catch this guy doing tax evasion. life is good for exilic auditors now.
and then suddenly Elrond and Elros turn up again! even better! oh who's this, Elrond? your good friend Erestor? he's helping you with your taxes? oh how swe- what is this Elrond. What is this. your paperwork for your taxes you say. not a declaration of war? because it looks like a declaration of war on the exilic auditors, Elrond.
and then all the auditors are so busy doing "extreme tax auditing™" for the first time since the second Kinslaying that they don't tell anyone they're pretty sure there's another scion of the house of Fëanor running around.
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theneverfadinglands · 28 days
Heraldic devices; Fëanorions
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Maedhros: It was quite a challenge to design Maedhros' device. He is the heir and therefore it must show, but it also have to contain his personality. Which I always interpreted as more elegant and simple, neat. I wanted to incorporate the motif of rose. Since I connect Maedhros (and Nerdanel) to roses. I wanted to incorporate both the star of Fëanor and rose of Nerdanel.
I. the first picture shows the device of Maitimo as he used in Valinor
II. Maedhros after Fëanor's death, high king of the Noldor in Beleriand. Used briefly of course. I believe it was designed by Maglor and he used it during Maedhros captivity. Maglor was not thrilled to be a king and so I can imagine he would use Maedhros' a lot. It has 16 points, just as Finwë's heraldic device.
III. Maedhros after his abdication, lord of Himring.. a lot of point for a lord, right? Fingolfin had 8 as well.
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I. Makalaurë, I remember holly leaves were mentioned in Return to Aman (written by @cycas ). Since then they stuck in my head as Maglor's heraldic device. Of course they are golden. Picking themes for Maglor was not hard at all. The red circles are supposed to signify the berries of holly.
II. Maglor after Maedhros' capture. I am not sure if he was crowned the high king of the Noldor or not. He is not listed anywhere as one, it seems to me he managed to escape the kingship. After Maedhros' rescue, the golden circle was reduced in size as to not touch the sides. Maglor used this device in Beleriand and never used the Valinorean one again.
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Celegorm, I was a little unsure what to choose, but it have not took me a long time to pick silver pine cone. I could not find any suitable animal-related theme, everything looked wuite ridiculous. I suppose even this look a little ridiculous. I was also unsure if I should go all the way and use the green or pick someting more inline with his siblings. However, Celegorm is odd one in the group really. He is Fëanor's third son and still deserve distinct design, not to be confused with any other. 4 points obviously, his device follows the conventional rules.
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Caranthir, oh Caranthir, I always have a problem with him. Caranthir is the one I do not know much about. I do not have headcanons about him, I just do not know. I could not pick anything personal for him and there are not informations about him. We know Celegorm, Amrod and Amras were hunters, Maedhros is the heir, Maglor is golden and musician, who is Caranthir? He is known for his temper, the dark Finwë.
I chose dark moody colours and many many stars. Instead of one central star he has 7 of them. His device is wuite formal. Of course the reason is that I did not know what to do with him. Yet what is the in-story reason? Maybe he used to have different device in Valinor, but began to use this one in Beleriand. He must have some very good reason to slap so many stars in. Maybe because he managed the trade, he used this neutral, formal and very "Fëanor's son" screaming device?
I think that his Valinorean device might have some moths. Moths are suitable dark and moody.
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Curufin, it was not hard to design. I wanted his device to be similar to Fëanor's, yet it shall not outshine Maedhros. Technically the device break rules as there are 8 sides touching, but Curufin was never a king. I think the yellow can be ignored as a "point." After all the same motif is featured in Maedhros'. I wanted to reapeat the Maedhros theme, because although he is the oldest, Curufin is most similar to his father.
For Curufin I had chosen gems as symbols. I think diamnods are very fitting for him. I had it on my mind the entire time from the beginning. The question was only where I am going to place them. I think the inspiration by Fëanor is also clear. I am not sure how Curufin felt about it later... he is always Atarinkë.
I have to do Celebrimbor too, but I think he had more than one device.
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Amrod and Amras, I went a little wild with them. They are the youngest and therefore can have some fun. As such I chose more creative devices. Red maple for Amrod (because aesthetic, not really for the meaning) and oak for Amras. Oak is in many cultures regarded as the kingly tree. I think the devices are both similar enough and different enough to denote their relationship as twins while maintaining separate identities. Honestly Amros' device and Maglor's kingly Beleriand device are my favorites.
I would like to do Fingolfinwean and Finarfinwean devices as well, but I am not sure I'll have enough creativity in me.
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echo-bleu · 1 year
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The Sculptor in her Workshop, Unknown, Late Third Age, Tirion.
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The Return of the Lost Son, Unknown, Early Fourth Age, Tirion.
This is something of a companion piece to this Nerdanel character study (on AO3). In it, she sculpts her husband and sons as she feels them die across the sea, and she waits long ages for Maglor until he comes home.
(Makalaurë, standing still in the empty space that long awaited him, makes a better marble than live body.)
I think this is the most detailed piece I've ever done. I genuinely started it as "oh, I have a very vivid mind picture of this scene, I could do a little sketch!" and here I am about two weeks and 19 hours of painting later. I'm really proud of it, though.
Please reblog if you like it!
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IDs (also in alt), details and more rambling under the cut.
[ID: Two digital paintings of the same room, a sculptor's workshop. In the first, Nerdanel, a light-skinned elf woman with long curly red hair, is working on an abstract sculpture in marble. Behind her are six marble life-sized statues: Fëanor, brandishing a gem, Maedhros, with one hand missing, arms partly crossed, and after a gap, Celegorm, kneeling down to hold Huan, Caranthir, reading a book, Curufin, forging a dagger on an anvil, his arm raised to hammer it, and Ambarussa, holding each other. On the foreground right is a large stab of marble waiting to be sculpted. The second painting has the same background with the workshop and statues, with a more reddish tint as if it's sunset. The abstract sculpture has now replaced the slab of stone and in the middle, Nerdanel is kneeling in front of Maglor, as light-skinned elf with very long dark hair, holding his hand, while she has her other hand on her mouth. She is crying. Maglor is standing in the gap between the statues of Maedhros and Celegorm. The other pictures are details of the first two.]
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The statues in order: Fëanor, Maedhros, (Maglor), Celegorm&Huan, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod and Amras. Feel free to zoom in, they are each pretty detailed.
This is the first time I've drawn any of the younger sons. I did Nerdanel and Fëanor, Maedhros, Maglor and Celegorm before, each in slightly different AUs, but desiging Caranthir, Curufin and Ambarussa was fun!
Maedhros is missing his hand and has scars, because while Nerdanel never saw it, Finrod came to tell her what he looked like after Angband. She first sculpted him with his hand, though, so I imagine taking a hammer to it must have been... a specific sort of pain.
Curufin is a mix of Fëanor and Celebrimbor, they all look like each other, but I headcanon that Fëanor was more thin and wiry (though still strong), while Curufin was a bit buffer, as he focused more on large works (weapons and infrastructure) than jewellery, and Celebrimbor who was a teen/young adult in the war put up more fat once in Ost-en-Edhil, after many years of privation.
I can never settle on Caranthir's craft/occupation, but it's something bookish. As for Ambarussa, I think Nerdanel just wanted to remember them as happy youths, rather than attach them to any activity.
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Ok but literally imagine being Fëanor: you're an elf and elfs are immortal, they can only die if they're killed or if they let themselves die.
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Imagine being the first ever orphan in the world, son to the first ever elf that let herself die and the first ever elf that was killed... must be rough.
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doodle-pops · 23 days
「 ✦Discovering You Writing Fanfiction About Them✦ 」
Headcanon: Curufin, Turgon, Finarfin, Egalmoth, Beleg, Gwindor
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A/N: I had a ball of a time writing this one. Please enjoy the crack and humour I’ve written.
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「 ✦Curufin✦ 」
Always curious about the little notebook you kept so closely guarded, and how you manically laughed as you acribbled across the page, Curufin had his mind set on being a little mouse. You had never been secretive, exactly, but you were always quick to close it whenever he walked into the room. So one day, when you were out gathering herbs, Curufin’s curiosity got the better of him. He picked up the notebook, casually flipping through the pages. At first, he was intrigued. Then his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
“By the Valar…” he muttered, unable to tear his eyes away from the words on the page. The story depicted him—Curufin the Cunning, the master of craft, the sharp-witted son of Fëanor—as a bumbling, lovesick fool who couldn’t tell a forge from a farm. And was he really wearing a flower crown while spouting poetry about how beautiful your eyes were compared to the “gleaming stars of Elbereth”?
When you returned, finding him sitting at the table with your notebook open in front of him, his expression was a mixture of horror and disbelief, not far off from yours at his discovery. “Care to explain this?” he asked, his voice strained as he tapped a finger on the offending passage.
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter at his expression. “You weren’t supposed to see that!”
Curufin pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to gather his thoughts. “You’ve turned me into some kind of…lovestruck poet! And what is this nonsense about me trying to bake bread for you and burning down half the kitchen? I’m a master craftsman, not some…incompetent oaf!”
“Have you ever seen yourself in the kitchen making the simplest of things,” you teased, leaning over to read the part that had him so outraged. “I thought you’d enjoy it!”
“Enjoy it? You have a cruel sense of humour. Change this, please!" Curufin pleaded, his voice almost panicked. The thought of anyone—especially his brothers—reading such a portrayal was too much to bear. “I have a reputation, you know. This—this will ruin me!”
You shook your head, a mischievous grin spreading across your face. "Well…I can always write about you being a brooding, melodramatic anti-hero who monologues about his dark, tragic past while throwing in some utterly cringe-worthy lines like, “No one understands the deep abyss of my soul, not even my beloved.”
“Absolutely not! Furthermore, that suspiciously sounds like you’ve already written it,” he accused as his fingers flipped the pages, searching for the story.
Setting your basket of herbs down, you chuckled, “Maybe, however, this one stays. Besides, no one else is going to read it…unless you keep making such a fuss about it."
Curufin groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “This is not right!”
“If you continue to complain, I’ll write you more tragic than you already are,” you replied, planting a kiss on his cheek.
He gave you a withering look but couldn’t stay angry. “At least give me a heroic death or something…not this ridiculous baking disaster. I have standards!”
You laughed again, knowing full well that no amount of pleading would make you change a word. Curufin could only shake his head, muttering to himself as he walked away, “A flower crown… really?”
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「 ✦Turgon✦ 」
When he discovered that you had been writing stories about him, his curiosity was piqued. He imagined grand epics or tales of his wisdom, but when he found the actual content, his reaction was...less than pleased.
He sat across from you in your shared chambers, holding the offending parchment as if it were some dark relic. “You wrote this about me?” he asked, his voice incredulous. You could see his composure faltering as he glanced down at the text once more. “I’m a tyrant who imprisons wayward poets and forces them to compose odes to my magnificence? And what is this about me turning into a dragon at night?”
You tried to stifle your laughter but failed miserably. “It’s just a story, Turgon. You’re the tragic anti-hero who loses his mind and his kingdom.”
He gave you a look that was equal parts exasperation and disbelief. “Tragic anti-hero? I’m a lunatic in this! And why on earth would I turn into a dragon? My ancestors never had anything to do with dragons!”
You shrugged, an innocent smile playing on your lips. “Artistic license?”
Turgon groaned, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “This is not how people should see me! I’m not some unhinged ruler obsessed with power and—wait, do I really speak in third person in every single chapter?” He flipped through the pages, his eyes widening with every line. “Turgon commands! Turgon decrees! Turgon is displeased!”
“It adds to the drama,” you teased, leaning back and crossing your arms. “And the readers seem to enjoy it. If you want, I can merge it with another idea where you have a penchant for over-the-top declarations and an obsession with your own reflection.”
“I do not swoon at my reflections!” he whined.
“‘And lo, Turgon, the fairest of all Eldar, gazed upon his reflection, and the very heavens wept at his beauty…’” you mocked, lifting a hand to your forehead, pretending to swoon.
“No! I am not that vain! And who are these readers, and why do they enjoy such madness?” he demanded, looking genuinely baffled.
You chuckled. “Um…your Lords, especially Penlod. He’s impressed by my creativity,” you sheepishly muttered, “They find you entertaining. It’s just fiction, Turgon. People love a good villain.”
He huffed, shaking his head. “You read to my Lords that I’m a villain. I don’t even have a nefarious plan! And this duel with Fingolfin—why would I challenge my own father?!”
You reached over and patted his hand, still unable to wipe the smile off your face. “Maybe you need to lighten up a bit. It’s all in good fun.”
Turgon sighed, staring at the parchment like it was a betrayal of everything he stood for. “Can’t you at least make me less…absurd? A little more dignified?”
“Nope,” you said cheerfully, plucking the story from his hands. “That would ruin the whole point.”
He slumped in his chair, utterly defeated. “This is torture.”
“Of course it is,” you replied, grinning. “And the more you protest, the more inclined I’d be to release an even more ridiculous story.”
Turgon gave you a long, suffering look before burying his face in his hands. “As if this wasn’t already absurd…”
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「 ✦Finarfin✦ 」
He had assumed you were writing poetry or perhaps a letter. Even the way you would double over your papers, laughing and snickering as your quill scribbled across the page, still never led him to imagine that you were penning elaborate tales about him. One evening, curiosity got the better of him, and he peeked over your shoulder as you wrote. Instantly, him eyes fell from his sockets as he read the words on the page.
“What… what is this?” he stammered, barely able to believe what he was seeing. In your story, Finarfin—noble and wise King of the Noldor—was portrayed as a dark, brooding figure who lived in a shadowy tower, plotting mysterious schemes and cursing his foes with ancient, forbidden magic.
You looked up at him with a grin, clearly unrepentant. “Oh, just a little something I’ve been working on.”
“Little? ”he repeated, aghast. “You’ve turned me into some kind of…evil sorcerer! And this dialogue! ‘The night shall swallow your soul, and darkness shall be your only companion’? I would never say that!”
You burst out laughing at the sheer horror in his voice. “But it’s fun! Besides, you’re kind of cool as a dark lord.”
Finarfin gave you a long, hard look, his hands on his hips. “I cannot allow this to stand. Change it! What if someone reads this? They’ll think I’ve gone mad!”
“You worry too much,” you said, waving a hand dismissively. “It’s just fantasy. And besides, who’s going to read it? It’s not like I’m publishing it, or maybe I should. Think of the fortune I’d make….” You whispered more to yourself than him while rubbing your chin.
He sighed, clearly distressed. “This is so far from who I am! You’ve made me sound like some villain out of a children’s tale! Please, my love, I implore you…write something more…accurate.”
“Accurate?” you teased, arching an eyebrow. “Like what? The time you got lost in the gardens and refused to ask for directions?”
Finarfin’s face turned a delightful shade of pink, and he shook his head fervently. “No! Something dignified…perhaps a tale of wisdom or…or bravery?”
You smiled sweetly, patting his arm. “Ugh, too boring. No one would read that. I’m quite fond of Dark Lord Finarfin.”
Finarfin sighed in resignation, realising he wasn’t going to win this battle. “If this ever gets out…”
“You wouldn’t die,” you assured him, though the twinkle in your eye suggested you were thoroughly enjoying his discomfort.
He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips despite himself. “You truly are incorrigible.”
“At least I’m talented, right?,” you said, kissing his cheek.
Finarfin laughed softly, wrapping an arm around you. “Indeed, for bizarre tales.”
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「 ✦Egalmoth✦ 」
Known for his epitome of elegance and grace, a Lord whose charm and wit were unmatched, he was secretly thrilled when he found out that you had taken up the pen to write stories about him. That is, until he actually read what you had written.
He stormed into the room, holding the pages as if they were an orcish weapon. “Is this your idea of a joke?” he asked, his usually calm and melodic voice now tinged with outrage.
You looked up from your work, biting back a smile. “What’s wrong, darling?”
Egalmoth’s eyes narrowed as he read aloud. “The Dark Lord Egalmoth, with his army of cursed skeletons, ruled Gondolin with an iron fist, forcing his subjects to worship him or face the wrath of his pet sphinx.” He looked up, his expression a mixture of horror and disbelief. “A sphinx, really?”
You couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “I thought it was a nice touch. You’ve always had a flair for the dramatic.”
“This is not dramatic! This is ridiculous! You’ve made me into a laughingstock! A…a parody of myself.” He waved the parchment at you. “Oh, woe is me, for I am but a poor, misunderstood Lord, doomed to be misrepresented for all eternity… I’m one of the most beloved lords in Gondolin!”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “You’re proving my point. Plus, people love a good villain. And it’s not like you’re entirely like that, the evil part I meant.”
He groaned, dropping the parchment onto the table. “And what’s with the cursed skeletons? Where did they even come from? I’ve never dealt with necromancy in my life!”
“Artistic license,” you said with a wink.
Egalmoth threw his hands up in the air before pointing them at you. “There’s artistic license, and then there’s…whatever this is!” He picked up the pages again, flipping through them. “And what is this about me challenging Glorfindel to a duel over a hat?”
You grinned. “It’s an epic battle for the most fabulous headwear in all of Gondolin. Glorfindel’s hat has feathers, and yours is made of a kaleidoscope of gemstones. The stakes couldn’t be higher.”
Egalmoth stared at you, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words. “This…this is madness. Utter madness. I would never duel someone over a hat!”
“But think of the drama!” you insisted, laughing as you reached for the parchment. “It’s all in good fun. You can be the dark, brooding anti-hero.”
“I don’t want to be a dark, brooding anti-hero,” he muttered, rubbing his temples. “And what about this scene where I banish Tuor for using the wrong fork at dinner? I would never do that!”
You shrugged, grinning mischievously. “You might, if it was your favourite fork.”
He stared at you in disbelief. “Please, for the love of Eru, change this. I beg you.”
“Fine then,” you said cheerfully, tucking the parchment away. “I’ll write a story where you you’re portrayed as a flamboyant and melodramatic Lord, prone to fainting at the slightest inconvenience and speaking in overly poetic riddles. But know that the more you protest, the more outrageous it will become.”
Egalmoth groaned dramatically, leaning against the wall as if his life’s burdens had suddenly become too heavy. “You’re going to ruin my reputation, you know that?”
“Don’t worry,” you teased. “Your reputation in the fanfic world is already legendary.”
He looked at you, defeated but with a twinkle of humor in his eye. “Hmm, sure.”
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「 ✦Beleg✦ 」
Being a curious elf had its perks, which meant getting into more trouble than he liked to admit. Like the day you were out gathering herbs and fruits and he stumbled upon a leather-bound journal tucked under your pillow. His natural curiosity got the better of him, and before he knew it, he was leafing through the pages, his eyes widening with each word he read.
When you returned, you found Beleg sitting cross-legged on the bed, your journal open in his lap, a look of pure disbelief on his usually composed face. "Is this…me?" he asked, his voice a mix of confusion and amusement. You froze, immediately recognising the situation.
“Uh, maybe?” you replied, trying to gauge his reaction.
Beleg cleared his throat, reading aloud in an exaggerated tone, “‘Beleg Strongbow, the mighty and majestic warrior, paused mid-battle to admire his reflection in the river, his hair flowing like a golden waterfall as he struck a pose worthy of the Valar.’”
You cringed internally as he continued, “A pose worthy of the Valar, really? Do you truly think I spend my time in battle preening like a peacock?”
You couldn't help but laugh at his horrified expression. “It’s just for fun, Beleg. People enjoy reading about a more…dramatic version of you.”
He shot you a look that was both exasperated and pleading. “But this isn’t me! I don’t pose mid-battle! I certainly don’t spend hours grooming my hair—golden waterfall? My hair isn’t even golden!” He looked genuinely distressed as he skimmed through more of your work.
“Here’s another one!” he exclaimed, reading aloud, “‘Beleg, the bravest of all, leaped from the treetops, only to get tangled in the vines, dangling upside down as he tried to maintain his dignity.’” He paused, raising an eyebrow at you. “Tangled in vines? I’ve never been tangled in vines in my life!”
You tried to stifle your giggles, but they escaped anyway. “Come on, Beleg, it’s just a story! It’s supposed to be exaggerated.”
Beleg looked at you with wide, earnest eyes. “Please, change it. Just a little? Make me…less ridiculous?”
You shook your head, grinning. “Would you prefer if I wrote you off in a battle?”
His sighed halted as he stared at you in utter disbelief at your choice of changing the story. “How is that any better that before? And why would you kill me?”
“Because I’m the author and I can do whatever I want to the characters, and fhey can’t do a single thing about it,” you replied cheerfully, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “But look on the bright side, at least now people know you have a sense of humor!”
He groaned, covering his face with his hands. “A sense of humour! That’s the last thing people would recognise in these stories. But please don’t make me die—I’m too heroic to die. Write about me saving you like I always do.”
For the rest of the day, Beleg chastised you mercilessly, to not kill off his character in any of your stories you planned on writing about him in the near future. Begging to have an input the tales about him, so they would have to be as painfully awkward as you pen them.
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「 ✦Gwindor✦ 」
Never the type to pry, but the sight of you giggling to yourself as you wrote in your journal piqued his curiosity. While you were out of the room, he couldn’t resist, opening your journal to a random page and beginning to read. What he found had him staring at the pages in utter disbelief.
According to your writings, Gwindor was some kind of brooding, tortured soul who wandered the forests at night, muttering dark prophecies to himself and scaring off woodland creatures with his gloomy presence. And the love letters! They were all sappy, over-the-top declarations that had Gwindor cringing. If he had any idea how you were portraying him, he might have refused to ever speak again.
When you came back, you found Gwindor standing there, journal in hand, looking at you with wide eyes. “What…is this?” he asked, holding up the open book, looking like he was reasy to cry.
You immediately knew what he was talking about and burst into laughter. “Oh, that? It’s just a little fanfiction,” you replied, trying to downplay it.
Gwindor’s jaw dropped. “A little fanfiction? You’ve turned me into a wandering spirit of doom! I don’t wander around muttering dark prophecies! And this love letter—” he pointed to a particularly sappy passage, “—isn’t this a bit much?”
You couldn’t stop laughing as Gwindor continued to stare at the journal, utterly appalled. “It’s for fun!” you said between giggles. “Besides, it’s not that far from reality.”
“Not that far?” Gwindor repeated, aghast. “I’ve never even written a love letter in my life that sounded like this!” He mimicked the overly poetic lines with an exaggerated, tragic tone, making you laugh even harder.
Gwindor groaned, closing the journal and giving you a pleading look. “Please, please change it. You’ve made me sound like a character from a bad romance novel!”
“So you think my writing and creativity are bad then?” you asked with a straight face, watching as he fumbled around for the right words.
“Not for me,” he said, giving you a look that was almost comically serious. “At least let me have some dignity in your stories.”
“But it’s so entertaining!” you teased, reaching for the journal, but Gwindor held it back. You shook your head, grinning. “Plus, that’s too boring! Gwindor, the brooding, tortured soul stays.”
Gwindor sighed dramatically, running a hand through his hair. “You’re going to ruin my reputation!”
You walked over and kissed his cheek, laughing at his mock misery. “Don’t worry, love. Your secret’s safe with me—and whoever reads the fanfiction.”
Gwindor gave you a long-suffering look, but his lips were twitching with the effort not to laugh. “You owe me for this, you know.”
“Oh?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Threatening the author who can turn your character into anything they want it to be, now?”
Sheepishly grinning, he pulled you close. “Yes. I’m threatening you to write me not broody and dark. I’m a nice elf who doesn’t wander the forest at night.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “No promises, Gwindor. No promises.”
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thelordofgifs · 5 months
Notes on the Care of the Tormented, ed. Elrond Half-elven
Written for @silmarillionepistolary day 3!
Rating: T
Relationships: Maglor & Maedhros, Maglor & Elrond
Words: 4k
I have hesitated a long time over transcribing this old collection of documents, and having them bound together as a pamphlet; but the library at Imladris is well-understood to be the finest East of the Sea, and I do not wish to deprive it of any lore. A point of pride, perhaps. So I have had two copies made, one for our own collection and one for that of the library at Fornost Erain — for I would not have it said that the Eldar hoard their knowledge, and leave Men to labour in the dark.
The library at Amon Ereb was nothing to marvel at, but it was there, in the uneasy days of my youth, that I first came across these notes. They had been written by Maglor son of Fëanor at varying points over the course of the First Age, and were altogether a rather disorganised collection; but I found myself drawn to them the very first time I read them, for the care that had been taken in their composition, and in their preservation through defeat after defeat and flight after flight. Maglor was no healer, certainly not by the time I knew him: his hands had been bloodied too many times for that gift to have lingered, if ever he had it. But all the same, he paid great attention to the care of Maedhros his brother — there was no other Maedhros would permit to touch him, or speak to him when he had an episode.
It would have been easy to conclude that Maglor did it all on instinct, watching them. So I was struck, on first finding these notes, by how much of his practice he had documented. The sons of Fëanor were all diligent record-keepers — ironic, many would claim, considering how much lore was lost in Menegroth beneath their marauding swords, and again at the Havens of Sirion. But none of them seemed to trust to the infallible memories of the Eldar, judging by the contents of even that much-depleted library at Amon Ereb. Still at times I wondered for whom exactly Maglor had written the notes — I do not doubt that he referred to them often himself, but I could never make out whether he had had any other audience in mind. Did he imagine that Maedhros might survive him, and dwell with another? I know not.
[Keep reading on AO3]
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thesilmarilliondrawn · 5 months
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This is how I imagine Nerdanel, the wife of Fëanor, mother to seven sons, known as the wise, the strong, and free of mind. She was an artist, a sculptor, whose sculptures seemed so lifelike they fooled those unfamiliar with her work to be real. I imagine Fëanor falling in love with her as a fellow spirited creator, for the soul and beauty she put in her work.
In the end, however, they grew estranged from one another the more extreme Fëanor became. His actions deeply grieved her, and when Fëanor left for Middle Earth she begged him not to take their youngest sons with him, but he scolded her, saying that if she did not follow him, she was an "untrue wife for deserting her husband and children."
She did not go. She lost all her seven sons in Middle Earth.
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The five kingdoms of the sons of Fëanor: part 2
Maglor's Gap
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Himring and the March of Maedhros
Warning. This post contains mentions of weapons use | animal death | orc death | use of animal parts | use of alcohol
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🌟 Much like Himring and the March of Maedhros, Maglor’s Gap is dotted with stone fortresses made of rough stone.
🌟 However, in stark contrast to the more no-frills approach in Himring and the March, there is some semblance of elegance to be found in the keeps dotting the Gap due to Maglor’s own influence. Besides the usual pelts and furs and bone, furniture is more elaborately decorated, and the first weavings and tapestries were made with whatever could be found and easily assembled. Once order settles in, the elves of the Gap craft their own furnishings using feathers and animal teeth and tails from small animals such as ermine and sable.
🌟 Again, much like Himring and the March, garments worn by those living in the Gap consist of fur and leather. Beads, bones, feathers, and, in this instance, ermine tails, are used to decorate clothes. The pelts of smaller animals, such as pallas cats and foxes, are used to make mittens, hoods, and fur caps. Once a way is found to extract natural dyes from leaves and berries, color is used without restraint. The most commonly used decorative motifs in embroidery are horses, animals, birds, and flowers found in the Gap, sometimes even family mottoes. Any jewels that were brought over during the crossing are fiercely guarded and lent only for special occasions. On all other occasions, flowers, ferns, berries, and thin strips of ribbon are used for beautification.
🌟 Smithies are far more common due to a greater abundance of fuel for burning. Nevertheless, elves still make good use of anything and everything they can take off of dead orcs after skirmishes. Very little is allowed to go to waste by those living in the Gap, especially weapons and armor.
🌟 Military service comes in the form of several years of cavalry duty. As it is quite exposed, the Gap has to be patrolled all day and night, and on horseback, for both speed and convenience. The horses bred here are quite strong and heavy, capable of carrying heavily armored elves into battle, and are trained to withstand the noise and chaos of battle.
🌟 Elven males take up duties on the field. Elven women stay closer to home and see to the defenses of the keeps they live in. Many of the Elven women take up the bow and arrow for weapons.
🌟 Besides the standard sword and shield, bow and arrow and spear, a lance-like weapon makes its first appearance among the mounted warriors patrolling the Gap.
🌟 The meat of wild game, wild berries, root vegetables, and mare’s milk make up many, if not all, meals. Meat is often cured and preserved to last longer. Dried meat is reserved for those having to go on patrol. Horseflesh is also consumed. Alcoholic beverages made out of fermented mare’s milk are drunk in the absence of wine.
🌟 There is very little in the way of public feasts and frolics, as the Gap is a frequent target for Orc raids. If there are celebrations, they are quite simple and held only in a private capacity by individual families. Maglor, however, will host the captains that serve him at least every two to three weeks to develop rapport, and to learn more of the comings and goings in his domain.
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nelyos-right-hand · 1 year
I'm not sure if this is kind of a hot take, but I really think that people overestimate killing balrogs. I mean, don't get me wrong, they definitely aren't easy to kill and they're Maia and they're on fire and everything, but I often feel like who killed a balrog and who didn't is something like a filter for the best warriors. And I think that the main reason for that is that there are so few elves that Tolkien actually names to kill a balrog. But I don't think that that means other DIDN'T.
If you think about Dagor Aglareb, there were balrogs there. And I mean like, MANY balrogs. In the second and third age they might been have super rare, but in the first age there were armies of them. And since they won the Aglareb, someone must have killed those balrogs (Okay, maybe they just fled, but why would Morgoth have lost the battle if his troops didn't die?). Fëanor was surrounded by balrogs until his sons came and safed him. They must have killed at least a few of them. And even if you take the lost battles like the fall of Gondolin, the Bragollach or the Nirnaeth, there were a lot of balrogs there and you can't tell me Gothmog and the Glorfindel-Balrog were the only ones that died there. The same goes for dragons, by the way. They might have been way bigger than Smaug, but they couldn't fly until the war of wrath and their skin wasn't that thick yet so you could actually harm them with normal arrows. And I just can't imagine that the gap, Tol Sirion, Himlad and Dorthonion fell without taking some of these things down. And Himring DIDN'T fall, and I highly doubt Maedhros did that by just having build high walls or whatever.
So there might be no way to prove it, but I'm just gonna stand here and claim that every member of the second or third generation of the house of Finwë killed at least one balrog or dragon and that elves like Fingolfin, Fingon or Maedhros killed at least three of each.
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Fëanáro, my spirit of fire, cuddle me closer? It's cold tonight
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“I find it humorous in which you believe I am naturally a warm body due to my name. It is endearing, mírë.” His arms had encircled your waist and tugged you into his lap as he sat in the loveseat beside the fireplace.
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getting in a real crabbysulk about the jockification of celegorm. i think it's largely due to the modern status of hunter characters as invariably sporty non-intellectuals roughing it in the dirt, with hunting itself as a sort of extension to athletic competition. and it can definitely be that! but it can also be a huge extravagant political opportunity to schmooze around in pavilions with servants and rich food and nice clothes and hundreds of people all trying to impress someone important while looking their best on a horse in the most lavish showy harness imaginable. the secondary reason i think is the cause for celegorm being thrown under the himbus (himbo bus) is the desire, conscious or un, for him and curufin to fit the jock/nerd archetype. because curufin is marked out textually as conniving, and therefore intelligent, a perceived dichotomy is set up that can only be fulfilled by celegorm folding up into the role of brawny yes-man or the oft favored handsome and comical jock, who, naturally with neither interest nor capability for slyness, frees up the stage for curufin to play the smartypants manipulator or political mastermind. and this is the one that really gets me. because not only does it erase celegorm’s canonical traits (he’s politically-minded! he’s cunning! he’s nasty and quick-tempered and an active force within the architecture of multiple stories!), but it pushes aside a potentially compelling dynamic in favor of what’s expected. like give me a celegorm who’s the only son of fëanor to join the lambengolmor! give me a celegorm who creates new writing systems to translate canine folktales or transcribe birdsongs! give me a celegorm who’s just as clever and smarmy and obnoxious as curufin but knows how to sneak around without getting noticed! give me a celegorm and curufin who capitalize on peoples’ assumptions about which of them is the one to watch out for! give me nerd celegorm!!
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Conditions sound ripe for every single one of Finwë's children and grandchildren to have a complex about never being enough and needing to prove their right to exist.
"...many saw the effect of this breach within the house of Finwë, judging that if Finwë had endured his loss and been content with the fathering of his mighty son, the courses of Fëanor would have been otherwise, and great evil might have been prevented...But the children of Indis were great and glorious and their children also; and if they had not lived the history of the Elder would have been diminished" (Ch 6, The Silmarillion).
Yes, this sounds like the narrator's justification of Indis' marriage and her descendants' right to freaking exist but it is justified on account of their actions, not their personhood.
With this quote it's most obviously Indis' descendants, but this applies to Feanor too: feeling like he has to be the best and the greatest to make up for "causing" his mother's death.
If such a view was prevalent--what if they all felt like they had something to prove; what if they all felt like they needed to make their mark on the world to prove that they had a right to exist?
What if they all believed that they had to do something great, something more epic than anyone could've imagined, to make their existence worthwhile, to balance out the damage that their existence created?
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