#finarfin headcanon
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doodle-pops · 4 days ago
Dating Someone Younger Than Them
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☾ Characters: Maedhros, Fingon, Turgon, Finarfin, Beleg, Gwindor
☾ A/N: Been wanting to write a version for the Silm after I did one for Bleach. It was just perfect for our elves considering they’re ancient lol.
☾ Synopsis: When their mortal love calls them ‘old man’ and other ancient terms of endearment.
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➽ The first time you called him an old man, he just gave you a long, unimpressed stare, as if weighing whether it was even worth his time to respond. Then he sighed, rubbing his temples. “I have lived through the ruin of kingdoms, the fall of civilisations, and the wrath of Morgoth himself, and yet this is what finally tests my patience.”
➽ It became a game after that. You would drop an ‘old man’ comment in the middle of a conversation, and he would try to act as if he hadn’t heard it. The twitch in his jaw always gave him away.
➽ He never fully humours it, but he doesn’t ignore it either. If you push too far, he’ll turn it around with some impossibly poetic insult about your youth. “For one so new to this world, you have a remarkable talent for being insufferable.”
➽ If you ever say it in front of his brothers or anyone else, he will immediately deny you. “This is slander. I am not old.” Then he turns to the unfortunate bystander. “Do I look old?” If they hesitate for even a second, he’s going to be even more annoyed.
➽ He could handle the name-calling when it was just the two of you, but when you casually threw out a “Move faster, ancient one” in front of Elrond, Maedhros genuinely looked like he wanted to walk into a volcano all over again.
➽ When he’s deep in thought or strategising, you like to sit beside him and start listing the benefits of being old. “Wisdom, experience, a nice slow pace—” “I am not slow.” “Your reflexes might not be what they used to be.” “You’re welcome to test that theory, though I doubt you’d survive the lesson.”
➽ He tries to get back at you by calling you ‘child,’ but it never has the same sting because it’s factually correct. “Oh, what’s that, grandpa? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your joints creaking.” He looks like he’s regretting every life decision that led him to this moment.
➽ One day you asked him if he needed a walking stick, just to see his reaction. He didn’t even blink. “Perhaps I do. I can use it to beat you with.”
➽ He refuses to admit it, but he finds your antics mildly entertaining. It’s a welcome distraction from the heavy burden he always carries. If he didn’t enjoy your company, he wouldn’t tolerate you at all.
➽ There was one occasion when you woke up with a sore back from sleeping in an awkward position. The second you so much as winced, he was on you like a vulture. “What’s this? Ailing already? I thought only old men suffered from such things.”
➽ He once caught you whispering to one of the horses about “taking extra care of the old man,” and you have never known true fear until you turned and saw the way he was watching you from the doorway.
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➽ He takes it with absolute grace. The first time you called him an old man, he just burst out laughing. “Oh, is that how you see me? I’ll have you know, I am in my prime!”
➽ If anything, he started playing into it more than you did. You accused him of being old, so he leaned fully into it. He started dramatically pretending to mishear you like some ancient relic. “What was that?” he would say, cupping a hand to his ear. “Speak up, my hearing isn’t what it used to be!”
➽ If you say it in public, he just rolls with it. If someone asks how old he is, he’ll sigh wistfully. “I lost count after the first thousand years. But it is a heavy burden to be so ancient.” He then promptly challenges someone to a footrace just to prove he’s still in perfect shape.
➽ The first time you called him ‘old man’ in front of Turgon, the sheer look of delight on his brother’s face was enough to make Fingon immediately declare, “Okay. I will not stand for this slander around my siblings.”
➽ He does this annoying thing where if you ever complain about something even remotely difficult, he pats your head and says, “Ah, you young folk. So fragile, so untested by time.” It makes you want to fight him.
➽ You once jokingly suggested getting him a cane, and he immediately turned it into a whole thing. “Ah, a cane! Lovely! Now I can whack you each time you refuse to be nice to your old man.” You realised too late that you had given him an actual idea.
➽ When introducing him to new people, you would say things like, “This is Fingon. He’s about ten thousand years old. Probably met a few dinosaurs in his youth.”
➽ “There were no dinosaurs,” he said one day, rubbing his temples. “You don’t know that,” you shot back. “You’re old enough that you might’ve forgotten.” He had to physically restrain himself from throwing something.
➽ You tried to call him ‘grandfather’ once, just to mess with him, and he whacked you with the cane before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. “Disrespectful children get carried off into the mountains, did you know?” He had you hanging there for a good five minutes before he let you down.
➽ He does have moments where he flips it on you. If you ever struggle with something, he’ll just fold his arms and shake his head. “Tsk, tsk. You youngsters, no stamina at all.” Then he walks off whistling, leaving you to yell after him.
➽ He keeps an actual tally of how many times you’ve called him old. Every time you say it, he smirks and says, “Ah, that’s another one. I believe we’re at…oh, at least a hundred now, and it’s only been a day.”
➽ Despite everything, he wouldn’t have it any other way. If anyone else had dared to mock him like this, he would have thrown hands. But you? You made eternity a little less lonely.
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➽ He is absolutely scandalised the first time you call him an old man. He stares at you as if you’ve just insulted his entire lineage. “Old? Old?” You’ve broken his brain.
➽ He cannot believe you would say such a thing to him. “I am in my prime!” He spends the next five minutes going over how elves don’t age like mortals. You nod along, taking none of it seriously.
➽ If you ever say it in court or around his people, he’ll pretend he didn’t hear you. If someone else reacts, he immediately dismisses it. “Do not humour them. They are young and foolish.”
➽ He’s far too serious about it. If you keep teasing him, he will launch into a lecture about the differences between elves and mortals, as if he genuinely thinks you might not understand. “Age, as you perceive it, does not apply to me in the same manner—” “Yes, yes, that’s what all old people say.” He looks like he wants to strangle you.
➽ You tried to give him a ‘wise old sage’ persona once, asking for ‘the wisdom of the ancients.’ He was not amused. “If you wish for my wisdom, then cease your foolishness.”
➽ He does get his revenge, though. If you ever ask for his help with anything, he tilts his head and says, “Ah, but I am an old man. Surely you would not ask such a burden of me?” Then he watches as you regret everything.
➽ He tries to turn it on you by calling you ‘child’ but ends up making himself sound even older. “You are but a mere infant in the grand scheme of things.” “Alright, grandfather.” He clenches his fists.
➽ You’ve tried to get others in on it, but most of his people are too respectful to join. Idril, however, betrayed him once by smirking and saying, “Well, you are older than the moon.” He was horrified.
➽ Still, you were insufferable about it when the mood was light. The time he hesitated for just a second before kneeling and you went, “Careful, old man, don’t throw out your back,” had him seriously considering revenge.
➽ You once dramatically gasped and pointed to a grey hair (it wasn’t grey, it was just the light hitting his hair in a certain way). He immediately went to check a mirror. You laughed for five minutes.
➽ If you ever try to help him stand up as if he’s frail, he will walk away without acknowledging you. But if you trip, he’s the first to say, “Ah, how clumsy youth can be.” You hate that he’s learning.
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➽ He takes it with the patience of someone who has raised multiple hot-headed children and lived through millennia of nonsense. The first time you called him an old man, he just gave you a very calm look, folded his hands, and said, “Ah, so this is how we’re speaking to our elders now.”
➽ Every time he started waxing poetic about the past, you’d lean in and whisper, “Tell me, old man, what was it like when the world was flat?” just to watch his expression twitch.
➽ He tries to be above it, but the more you push, the more you can see that tiny flicker of exasperation in his eyes. “I do not feel old,” he tells you one day after you make some comment about him needing rest. “Then why do you sigh like a man who has carried the weight of time itself?” He does not respond with an answer.
➽ If you ever say it in front of others, especially his courtiers, he just offers a serene smile and responds in that terrifyingly diplomatic tone: “Yes, I am indeed quite old, and with that comes the wisdom to know when to ignore a foolish remark.”
➽ You sometimes get him gifts with ‘Number 1 Grandfather’ written on it, which makes him mentally age. “Got this for you while I was at the art shop. They had this as a giveaway gift. Thought of you,” you say with a brilliant smile. He secretly uses that item when you’re not looking.
➽ He won’t openly challenge you, but he gets his revenge in subtle ways. If you ever need his help, he pauses for a long moment and hums as if in deep thought. “Ah, but you just said I was an old man…surely, you would not burden me further?” He only helps once you’ve suffered enough.
➽ You tried to make it worse by referring to him as ‘grandfather,’ thinking you’d finally get a real reaction. He only smiled and said, “Ah, then I expect you to act with the respect due to one’s grandsire.” You lost that round instantly.
➽ If you ever ask if he remembers something from thousands of years ago, he gives you an almost pitying look. “My dear, I was there when the Two Trees shone in all their glory. This event you speak of? It is recent history to me.” You can’t even argue.
➽ He once overheard you talking to a servant about how he was probably the type to grunt when sitting down. The next time he lowered himself into a chair, he made a point of doing it completely silently while staring directly at you.
➽ You once got overly confident and teased him about ‘his old man hands’ when he reached for something. He just slowly raised his eyebrows and then gestured for you to hand him a sword. “If you wish to test them, we may spar.” You swiftly remembered that he was, in fact, a Noldorin warrior.
➽ When he catches you struggling with something, like carrying too many things at once, he doesn’t say a word. He just watches, waiting for the inevitable. When you drop something, he finally hums. “Ah, youth. So full of energy, yet so lacking in foresight.”
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➽ The first time you called him an old man, he just stared at you for a moment and then burst out laughing. “Old? Me? My dear, I can still outrun and outfight you before breakfast.” And he proves it, too.
➽ He is the absolute worst about it because he finds it hilarious. If you bring it up, he immediately goes into an exaggerated act of being ancient. “Ah, my weary bones, my tired limbs! The years have been so cruel to me!” He says this while effortlessly stringing his bow.
➽ If you ever suggest that he needs rest due to his ‘age,’ he takes it as a personal challenge. “Oh? Do I seem tired to you?” And then he drags you on a full-day hunt through the wilds, moving like an unstoppable force while you suffer.
➽ He gets back at you by constantly referring to himself as a ‘wise elder’ and you as an ‘inexperienced youth.’ If you struggle with something, he leans against a tree and sighs. “Ah, I remember my younger days, when I too was reckless and foolish.
➽ Sometimes, it backfires like when you’re hunting together and request that he assist or carry you. “You would not make such a request of your elderly? I am but a fragile old man—weary are my bones. You, my dear, should carry me instead.”
➽ You tried to get Túrin in on it once, but the clueless man actually believed you and started treating Beleg with exaggerated concern. Beleg had to sit him down and explain that no, he was not, in fact, on the brink of death.
➽ He once let you tie a ‘wise old sage’ beard onto his face just for fun. He wore it for exactly ten minutes before it got in the way of shooting an arrow.
➽ His patience was legendary, but you had a way of testing it in ways no one else could. Like when he was lost in thought, you would ruin the moment by poking his cheek and saying, “Careful, old man, if you frown any harder, your wrinkles might become permanent.”
➽ If you ever call him old in front of other elves, he leans into it. “Yes, indeed, I am ancient,” he says dramatically. “I have seen centuries of battle, and yet I still find myself suffering through this torment.” He gestures at you with exaggerated despair.
➽ He once saw you rubbing your shoulder after a long day and immediately smirked. “Oh, what’s this? Are you aching? How terrible! I thought only old men suffered such things.” He enjoys payback too much.
➽ You tried to call him ‘fossil’ once, thinking you could win the game. He immediately scooped you up and ran at full speed through the trees until you begged for mercy.
➽ He never lets you forget that, compared to him, you are essentially a newborn. “I remember when you were not even a thought in the world,” he tells you cheerfully.” Meanwhile, I was already legendary.” You groan.
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︶꒦꒷Gwindor (Pre-Angbang)꒷꒦︶
➽ He reacts like you’ve just struck him with an arrow the first time you say it. “Old? Old?” He looks personally betrayed.
➽ He immediately tries to defend himself. “I am hardly old! If anything, I am in the prime of my years!” You nod solemnly. “Yes, denial is common among the elderly.” He groans.
➽ He actually gets concerned the first time you say it. “Do I look old?” He immediately checks his reflection. If you don’t reassure him, he starts overthinking it.
➽ When he realises you’re just teasing him, he starts throwing it back at you in the most dramatic ways. If you ever complain about anything, he sighs. “Ah, such struggles of youth. You will understand in time.”
➽ He’s the type to get flustered if you say it in public. If someone overhears and laughs, he immediately tries to explain himself. “This is slander! I am not old!”
➽ He tried to retaliate once by calling you ‘youngling’ in the most patronising tone possible, but you just blinked at him and went, “So you admit it. You’re old. Practically dust. Thank you for your honesty.” He has never attempted it again.
➽ You once left a walking stick outside his tent as a joke. He picked it up, twirled it in his hands, and then used it to trip you. “Ah, it seems this old man still has some skill.” You regretted everything.
➽ He doesn’t take it too seriously, but there is one thing that gets to him: the reminder that time moves differently for you. “One day, you will be gone, and I will remain,” he says quietly one night. You feel a little bad, but then he sighs dramatically. “Then again, perhaps by then, I will be an old man.” He always finds a way to joke about it.
➽ He once caught you massaging your hands after writing for too long and immediately smirked. “Oh? Are your hands aching? Perhaps you, too, are ageing faster than you thought?” You wanted to throw something at him.
➽ If you ever try to claim he’s losing his edge, he challenges you to a duel on the spot. He fights with all the skill of a seasoned warrior and does not go easy on you. By the end of it, you’re the one exhausted, and he just grins. “It seems this old man still has some strength left.”
➽ He gets extra petty about it. If you ever ask him to carry something for you, he makes a show of pretending to struggle. “Oh, my weak, ancient limbs! Alas, I can barely hold such weight!” Then he immediately lifts it with ease.
➽ You tried to ‘help’ him up once when he was sitting on the ground. He just raised an eyebrow and yanked you down instead. “If I must suffer, so must you.”
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animatorweirdo · 1 year ago
Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin as horses
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Requested by Anon
hopefully I made it in time and it's not considered to hectic to be fulfilled. congratulations on achieving 500 followers btw 🎉🎊🥳. we should go out an eat pizza!!
I'd like to request a continuation to the Silm horse AU that you were doing (I really enjoyed them). I noticed you spoke about the heads (feanor, fingolfin and finarfin) but didn't actually write for.them. so I was wondering if you'd be will to make a few headcanons like how you did it for the others with reader caring for them on the farm. Thanks btw
Warnings: mentions of horses being dramatic, Feanor being moody, reader not being a willing caregiver, mentions of horse passing, reader obviously having a favorite.
- You were one of the famed horseriders. You were praised for your talent in dressage and your beloved Finarfin, who was considered one of the most beautiful white horses in the world.  
- You enjoyed what you were doing, but after traveling around the world on tours and winning competitions. You have decided to take a break with Finarfin and return to one of the horse stables, Tirion. 
- It was a homely place where you had spent most of your childhood and met Finarfin when he was a foal. 
- It was a fond memory. You were 14 or 15 years old at the time and wandered to one of the pastures, where you saw Finarfin for the first time, running around his mother and having the cutest whine. 
- When he saw you, he ran up to you, and you did not know what it was, but the next thing you knew, you were in love and playing with him. It was like an invisible bond was born between you when you locked eyes, and you started nagging your parents to take you to Tirion so you could see him most of the time. 
- Technically, you were breaking the rules since he was not yours, and your parents would have to pay a lot of money if they wanted to buy him, but when Manwe, Finarfin’s mother’s owner, caught you playing with Finarfin, he wasn’t angry at all. On the contrary, he had a feeling what you had been doing but couldn’t bring himself to separate you two since you two had an adorable bond. 
- And for your passion for riding and love for Finarfin, Manwe struct you a little deal. He told you if you managed to train Finarfin on the saddle and win three competitions in your choice of horse riding, he would pass the legal ownership to you. Since Finarfin was just a little extra, he could do that for you. 
- You were so excited that you started working tiredly to improve your riding skills and then started saddle training Finarfin when he was old enough. It was rough work to get him to wear the saddle, but you succeeded and then started learning dressage and competing in competitions. 
- Due to your determination and hard work, you managed to win gold three times in a row, crushing your competition and fulfilling the end of your deal with Manwe. 
- The man only laughed, admiring your determination, and then Finarfin was finally legally yours. 
- It was such a happy day, and your family threw a party when they learned you actually managed to fulfill the deal and became a horse owner. 
- You and Finarfin had been inseparable ever since.
- You experienced a lot of things together as you continued riding. You were there when he met the mare Earwen and became absolutely enamored with her. You were there when each of his kids was born and watched how doting he was toward them. It was adorable. 
- You were certain Finarfin would be happy to come back to Tirion and be with his wife. You simply adored how sweet he was toward her. They were a real married horse couple. 
- However, when you finally arrived in Tirion, two of your friends came to greet you. You caught up and shared some news, but then they asked if you could watch over their horses since they needed to go away for some time. 
- You first refused since their horses were Feanor and Fingolfin. You tolerated the latter, but there was no way you could handle Feanor. 
- Your friends begged you as they couldn't find anyone else to take the job. For some reason, Tirion was currently short on horse caregivers. When you heard that, you relented and agreed since you didn’t like leaving them in trouble. 
- They nearly cried and hugged you in gratitude. They gave you the worksheets and instructions on handling their horses and then scurried off to god knows where. 
- You could only hug Finarfin in despair and regret for accepting. 
- So much for having a vacation.
- Finarfin, your sweet white stallion with a golden mane and a golden heart. He had never been a troublemaker for you. He's friendly with people, sweet toward other horses, and doesn't shy away from many things.
- He's one of the most perfect horses in the world—to you, he was perfect, and you do not care for others' opinions about it. 
- And you treat him as such. You always make sure he eats well and has something to do so he doesn't get bored, and use warm water during bath times because even you don't like the feeling of cold water against your skin. 
- The only troublesome thing about him is when you try to get some fly repellent on him. He doesn't like the smell, but unfortunately, he attracts a lot of flies and mosquitos to himself. You always ensure to give him a treat after that. 
- Since he's specialized in dressage, you mostly do basic exercises together, but sometimes jump and ride through the woods to break a real sweat.
- He likes spending time in the pasture with Earwen, and you always take cute videos of them together. 
- Sometimes, you two spend time together in the pasture, lying on the grass while you read a book and have petting sessions, where he enjoys when you give him a good scratch on the right spot. 
- He has a peculiar relationship with his brothers. He’s very playful with Fingolfin and would follow him around sometimes. However, he tends to avoid Feanor. It was perhaps out of fear since Feanor was rather temperamental toward them. 
- Finarfin would be your source of comfort whenever you feel down or stressed after dealing with his brothers, letting you hug him and rub your back in comfort. 
- You might have hidden in his stall a couple of times to avoid his brother’s owners or just to avoid reality. 
+100/10 Best horse. Your precious boy will always be the number one in your heart. You do not like the drama his brothers cause, but at least he’s there, so you manage to endure it all. 
- Fingolfin was a large black stallion with a diamond-shaped marking on his forehead. He's calm and a friendly horse, so you don't have problems with him. You would have been more than happy to look after him if Feanor was not added to the list. 
- You usually let him run free in the riding field and the pasture to release the extra energy he has after being scooped up in his stall for so long. He sometimes plays with Finarfin, which you find cute, and Finarfin follows him around like a follower.
- But when it comes to Feanor, Fingolfin turns rather melodramatic, attempting to interact with the other stallion and failing to grasp the hint when the latter makes it painfully obvious that they don’t like him in the slightest.
- You don't know what it is, but you've had to keep them in separate pastures to ensure the idiot doesn't end up with a hoof to the face.
- You don’t know much about racehorses, but when your friend offered you to let you ride him once, you got curious and accepted. You wanted to know what it was like, and oh boy, you were stunned by the speed when you galloped together through the usual forest path. 
- It was also terrifying, and Fingolfin still had energy when you were done, so you just let him run free in the riding field to let it out. 
- You decided you would never try riding racehorses ever again. The speed was just too much for you. 
- Luckily, Fingolfin was easy to brush and wash, but one time, you forgot to turn the water to a warmer temperature, and he freaked out when the cold water hit his coat. You were lucky to avoid getting hit by the hoof when he neighed and nearly kicked you. 
- Apparently, he has a severe beef with cold water. The incident nearly gave you a heart attack, so you now remember to ensure the water is warm when it comes to bath times. 
- He did feel guilty, so you got over it rather quickly. 
- Fingolfin was pretty calm around his wife. He turns less dramatic even around Feanor, and you sometimes see him care for his mare. 
- It was adorable, so you sometimes take a video of them together and send them to his owner, who would gush about it for a week. 
10 /10 You grew to like him in a way. He wasn’t challenging, but you would appreciate it if he would finally get it in his head that Feanor did not want to be his friend or even look at him. 
- Feanor was a black stallion with a peculiar star-shaped marking on his forehead. He's a relatively very gorgeous horse, but in personality, he is proud, and you are terrified of him. 
- He doesn't get along with his brothers, most likely because they came from a different mother. You heard that his mother tragically passed away when he was born, which is sad and likely the reason he refused another mare as his mother. He had to be fed with formulas and personally cared for by people until he reached adolescence and didn't require as much care anymore.
- He was a famous racehorse and considered one of the fastest horses in the world. He only tolerates your friend, his owner, so you prefer just brushing him, feeding him, and letting him run freely in the pasture and field to release his energy.
- He doesn't show much attitude, except when you brush him in the wrong spot or give him the wrong amount of food. 
- He refuses to interact with his brothers, chases Fingolfin away, and sometimes seeks a fight. You made sure to never put him in the same pasture as Finarfin. You're not letting that beast hurt your precious boy. 
- Your friend told you that he's very energetic and needs a lot of exercise, but you refuse to ride him or do anything else, so the best thing you can do is let him run free in the field or have others exercise him.
- He's surprisingly calmer around a red-colored mare named Nerdanel. He’s pretty sweet toward her and even tolerates other horses when she’s around him. 
- It was pretty surprising because he’s such a snob toward others. You didn’t mind it, but you never thought he and both of his brothers were such gentlemen toward their ladies. 
- You had heard the two were close and had seven foals together. It wasn’t even intended to make that many; the two just liked each other that much. Nerdanel’s owner wanted to keep them separate after her sixth birth, which ended up having twins. They wouldn't have been against making more foals, but they started to get concerned over Nerdanel’s health and the potential consequences if the two were allowed to mingle more. 
- But, they were allowed to be near each other. They just needed a fence in between with only certain exceptions being in the same pasture under supervision. 
- 9 / 10 You don't like him much. He causes you stress when he interacts with other horses with that pissy mood of his. However, he was not as bad as you thought. He at least makes caring for him easy. You do want to know how your friend manages him.
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thesummerestsolstice · 7 months ago
Notes on the Care and Keeping of the Peredhel, by Maglor Feanorian:
Need to eat three times a day, more if they can be persuaded (they do not seem to have the refined palettes elves do, and do not like my attempts at Valinorean fine dining)
They are very fond of maple syrup
One of the human healers told me they were "growing boys," unsure of the significance of this– a reference to their shapeshifting abilities, perhaps?
It does not appear that they will reach a full elvish height, though that may change
They can hear high tones that elves can, but humans can't
This bodes very well for their education in music theory
They do not appear to have the venom that some humans do, as evidenced by the fact that both Mae and I have been bitten several times with no ill effect
Still, I am thankful that Finrod warned me of this human feature, as it has served me well in many battles
They have not bitten anyone in months, which I appreciate, especially given how sharp their teeth are
Boys said that they could talk to shadows– unsure whether or not they were just attempting to scare me (ask later? Bribe with maple syrup??)
They like having their hair brushed, but do not like any of the scented hair oils we have at the fortress
They refuse to eat bird meat; unsure of why but I won't push
Elros prefers wooden toys, Elrond fabric ones, and neither of them is fond of metal
They grow faster than elves, but are still too young to begin intensive battle training, Maedhros
They are very sensitive to the cold, ensure that they have ample blankets and cloaks, especially in winter
Feel much better after spending time with them– those who spent time around Luthien reported similar effects
They appear to appreciate being pat on the head
Based on information by uncle Arfin (regarding Eonwe), this is common amongst Maiar
I've only had them two years, an incredibly small time in the face of the centuries I've lived, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this fortress and then myself
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inthehouseoffinwe · 5 months ago
Fëanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin loved all their nephews and nieces I take no argument. They showed it in different ways, but there were never any malicious thoughts towards them.
Any competition they had was between each other (though Finarfin was very much youngest sibling literally cba to deal with his older brothers.)
Fëanor: Always has too much food, used to his kids bringing over their respective favourite cousin for a meal because they were out playing too late and he’s not exactly going to send a child home hungry. As they got older it was because they’d been out and this was the closest place to disappear away to and crash. He’s used to seeing various kids sprawled across the carpet in the living room, waking up with headaches and groans. He’ll never admit it, but he finds it hilarious and enjoys seeing the children happy. If his brothers ask? ‘What do you mean they were out, I’ve had your children here with me all night.’
Fingolfin: One day I’ll stop linking this post but I really like how it turned out so you get to see it again! Fingolfin happily lets them traverse his house, go through his belongings. He’s very much a partner in crime, helping them sneak around, acting as lookout. Pretending not to see a majority of sweet pasties disappear overnight. He lives closest to the busy parts of the city, so it’s not unusual for the kids to get ready at his house if they’re going out anywhere or even preparing for Court. Most of the kids have their own shared room, and they’re full to the brim of everyone’s clothes, jewellery, shoes. Essentially a whole wardrobe. It gets messy, but he loves seeing his house full of life. Even if he could do without the mess Tyeko and Iressë bring in… and the various musicals at 3am. ‘You know we never tire of having you here… but perhaps you could tone down the partying? Just a little?’ He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Finarfin: My guy ofc has his house by the sea which like Fingolfin’s, has many many rooms full to the brim with clothes and jewellery. It’s essentially a home away from home for his niece and nephews, they don’t have to pack because everything’s already there. As youngest uncle and closest in age, he’ll just so happen to tell the kids where to have fun. He had the least pressure on him growing up and knows the best places in Tirion and Alqualondë. Going to Finarfin’s is like going on holiday, he’ll back them up and make sure they can do what they want without worrying about their reputations as princes and princesses. ‘The kids are far too stressed and don’t get to come here often, brothers. Let them have their fun. I’ll take care of them.’
Finwë: The mastermind. The accomplice. The alibi. He has a wild side to him born in Cuivienen and honed over the Great Journey. Court life is too stuffy even for him sometimes, let alone his grandchildren. He’s the one telling them all the wild things he got up to in his youth with a wink at the end subtly telling them how to do things their parents definitely would not approve of. High King Finwë would never! High King Finwë definitely would, and he’s making sure his grandkids get the experience too. He’s the one who gets the parents to leave for weeks at a time and his grandchildren have the time of their lives. ‘My sons, you worry too much! Don’t you trust your father?’
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psstwantsomecheese · 6 months ago
Finarfin will usually remain neutral whenever Feanor and Fingolfin get into dumb arguments but since music is an important part of Eldar culture and all three of them happen to have sons that are really talented harpists I like to think it's one of the only true petty rivalries that Finarfin allows himself to indulge in because
1. Eh it's not killing anyone
2. Get some really good bangers out of it
3. Fuck you Kano wishes he could play as well as my Findarato
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 11 months ago
Earwen and Finarfin are the most even-tempered noldo around and somehow spawned these total chaos rockets who bite werewolfs to death, fall in love with mortals, and run off with hippies in the woods. Since Finarfin is more straight-laced than Turgon, the only explanation is that Earwen is secretly also an eldritch diva who presumably brews moonshine and has even less sense than her children.
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serene-faerie · 6 months ago
A list of Thingol’s most unlikely friendships in Aman:
Celebrimbor: I’ve spoken about this before, but thanks to his sincere repentance and his efforts in helping Lúthien escape captivity, Celebrimbor is the only Fëanorian to earn Thingol’s respect and friendship. It also helps that Celebrimbor is genuinely interested in learning more about Lúthien, and Thingol is more than happy to share stories about his daughter with him. He also encourages Celebrimbor to meet with Melian so she can help him come to terms with the trauma of his betrayal by Sauron. Thanks to this, their unlikely friendship becomes quite strong.
Turgon: Even though Turgon is younger than Thingol, they’re able to bond over the fact that their daughters both fell in love with and married mortal Men. Thingol is occasionally envious of Turgon, since Idril is still alive, but Turgon helps him and Melian work through the lingering grief of losing Lúthien and Beren, which eases those feelings of jealousy. Plus, they both like to trade stories about their daughters and realms, and they also bond over their shared grudge for most of the Fëanorians.
Finarfin: Since Thingol already has a high opinion of Finrod, he most definitely gets along with Finrod's own father; that is, after he apologizes to him for inadvertently getting Finrod killed on the Quest for the Silmaril. Finarfin is also very grateful for Thingol's friendship, since Thingol lets him vent about his messed-up family; much like how Olwë used to back when he was first courting Eärwen. He also makes sure to apologize to Thingol for the Kinslaying at Alqualondë, since the Teleri are kindred with Thingol, who really appreciates the apology. Basically, Finarfin also becomes a regular guest at New Doriath, and because of his genuine interest in the Sindar and their way of living, he's able to have a strong friendship with the Sindarin king.
Idril: Despite how different she is from Lúthien, there's something about Idril that still reminds Thingol very much of his own daughter. Maybe it's her courage. Or maybe he just misses Lúthien a lot. Regardless, Thingol becomes very fond of Idril, who is also very curious to learn about her daughter-in-law's great-grandfather. Idril is also eager to learn about Lúthien, the first Elleth to fall in love with a mortal Man, and Thingol is more than happy to share his stories with her.
Legolas: When Legolas shows up to Aman, he quickly becomes one of Thingol's most favorite people. After all, he was part of the Fellowship of the Ring, and he's the son of Thranduil, who had been a young elfling back in Doriath. Legolas is also really excited to meet Thingol, having heard many stories about him and the realm of Doriath from his grandfather Oropher. They spend a lot of time together, sharing stories about their respective Elven realms. Legolas shares stories about the Woodland Realm, about what it was like being raised by Thranduil, and Thingol is more than happy to share stories about the beauty of Doriath as well. He's also quite curious about Legolas's friendship with Gimli, who is also just as curious to meet Thingol. Despite an awkward start, Thingol and Gimli warm up to one another, so he also becomes one of Thingol's new friends in Aman.
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silmarillaure · 7 months ago
Elven tattoo headcanons
I think tattoos will never be fully permanent for elves, they fade every hundred years, maybe they'll last a few hundred if your ink is of the highest quality & your tattoo artist is exceptional. It's not a flaw with the tattoos that they're never permanent permanent, elven biology just doesn't allow for it.
Miriel, being brilliant with a needle as ever & Finwe, who was a patron of the arts, invented tattoos in Cuiviénen.
Most of the Minyar weren't so fond of them but they were appreciated by several of the Tatyar & Nelyar.
It started out as Finwe just… painting on himself & his GF because why not? He started out using henna commonly used by his friend Elwe & the Teleri but he liked color so then he & Miriel decided to be ✨experimental✨ & *boom* tattoos! He developed the ink & she learned how to work a needle in skin.
Finwe has one on his back that Miriel did right before she got pregnant with Feanor that he never let anyone touch it up after she died even though it was fading, until Feanor got older and asked for his dad’s permission to do it himself.
Miriel used to have a tattoo on her back as well like Finwe’s but she didn’t get it redone after getting reembodied. She also used to have a few on her arms and legs and was overall quite bohemian before what happened, happened. She doesn’t regret co-creating tattoos but they don’t fit her anymore.
Feanor has 1 segmented tattoo along his collarbone. He has 2 stars about an inch tall/wide closest to his heart representing his parents, a slightly smaller but almost as big one near them representing himself, and seven even smaller ones trailing his left collarbone representing his sons.
Nerdanel doesn’t have tattoos, she’s chill if her kids want them but they’re personally not for her.
Fingolfin doesn’t have any for several reasons, they don’t fit him, he’s half Vanya & they’re not really into tattoos, & they were partially invented by Feanor’s mother so it’s weird. Findis doesn’t have any for the same reasons.
Finarfin despite also being half Vanya & closer to that side of his family than Fingolfin, is actually open to them despite not having any yet. He just does not gaf about what other people think.
Earwen has a ton of aesthetically pleasing sea themed motifs on her body.
Fingon has an eagle tattoo.
Maedhros has the star of Feanor tattooed on him but that’s it.
Maglor has a bunch of well put together gorgeous tattoos including both music motifs and symbols honoring his family like the Feanorian star and something for Elrond & Elros as well. They fade after he starts wandering the shores but he gets most of them redone in Valinor.
Celegorm used to have tattoos symbolizing Orome’s hunt but he lets all of them fade away in middle earth. If he ever joined the hunt again after getting reembodied, I imagine he only ever got 1 more tattoo symbolizing Orome. He’s accepted a part of his old life again but it’s not going to be the same.
Aredhel has a bow & arrow tattoo.
Curufin also has the star the Feanor & that’s it.
Caranthir used to have some in the equivalent of his teenage years but cringes looking back at them. They didn’t actually look bad at all and were quite nice but he just gives off the impression of someone who’d be unimpressed with his old self. He has none now.
Amrod & Amras get whatever they’re feeling whenever they’re feeling and change up their tattoos every couple centuries.
Galadriel has none because she thinks Feanor would feel smug if she did get them & she can’t let him be satisfied. (She loves henna though!)
Finrod has a bunch of different motifs representing all 3 of the clans that make up his heritage.
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saintstars · 3 months ago
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House of Finwë
(their parents get along much better than they do)
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wanderer-clarisse · 1 year ago
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"Mano po."
Pagmamano (Tagalog) - "honouring-gesture;" a sign of respect towards elders
A continuation of sorts, of this other drawing I made of the Feänorians, which was roughly inspired by Filipino culture. I originally planned on completing this for @nolofinweanweek, specifically the first prompt about how Fingolfin and Feänor's families got along, but life got in the way and I didn't finish it in time. More background/my long rambles under the cut:
Pagmamano - touching the back of an elder's hand on one's forehead - is not restricted to family, but it's usually done in the context of elder family members. I have many memories of attending family reunions and being told to follow the other kids to "mano po" a grandfather, aunt, or uncle. While Elves don't have elderly relatives, per se, I thought this image was too fun not to draw. Also, I love envisioning Feänor as that cool uncle who gives the most amazing gifts but like, the kids are intimidated by him, so they have to be told (and supervised) by their parents to line up and greet him properly. Fingolfin's just standing there making sure his kids all greet their uncle. (Maedhros, presumably having already finished his greetings, is sidetracking Fingon.)
All this to say, I think that these guys didn't have the perfect relationship. But. You can't convince me Finwë didn't get the whole family together from time to time on some sort of family reunion camping trip. And Feänor just has to begrudgingly tolerate it because he can't say no to his dad. While the kids, obviously, have a great time.
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straybreeze · 9 months ago
Silm characters as Tarot cards
Okay so I've been thinking on this lately. Maybe it's not completely correct, but I think most of them still fits (also I was very tempted to give Maedhros the Hanged Man card fdkglfkdk).
Also I wanted to exlcude all the valar and maiar and put only the children of Ilúvatar into this list. There is one extra, who is not exactly a Silm character, but oh well.
Also I'm open to any other ideas too!
I. The Magician: Fëanor II. The High Priestess: Aredhel III. The Empress: Galadriel IV. The Emperor: Thingol V. The Hierophant: Elrond VI. The Lovers: Beren and Lúthien VII. The Chariot: Fingon VIII. Strength: Fingolfin IX. The Hermit: Maglor X. The Wheel of Fortune: Tuor XI. Justice: Húrin XII. The Hanged Man: Finrod XIII. Death: Míriel XIV. Temperance: Finarfin XV. The Devil: Eöl XVI. The Tower: Turgon XVII. The Star: Eärendil XVIII. The Moon: Maeglin XIX. The Sun: Finwë XX. Judgement: Maedhros XXI. The World: Aragorn 0. The Fool: Túrin Turambar
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doodle-pops · 1 month ago
Married Life With Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin Would Include…
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Request: Hi, can I request some group fluffy headcanons for Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin with asexual!reader? Like about their domestic life. I like to imagine they would give reader some extra care and make them feel valid and loved, and when someone tries to stick their nose into their relationship, they just be like: "Yeah, me and my partner don't have bodily union, but we're bonded by stars, so get lost". Thanks in advance (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
A/N: Always a pleasure to answer your requests. Enjoy!
Synopsis: What your married life with them as an asexual person would entail.
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Fëanor
➽ Fëanor, being Fëanor, does not give a damn about what others think of your relationship. In fact, he thrives on the scandal it causes amongst the more traditional elves.
➽ If anyone so much as dares to comment on the lack of physical intimacy between you two, he scoffs, waves a dismissive hand, and says something like, “What, you thought I, Curufinwë Fëanáro, needed to do what every other lovesick fool does? I am bonded beyond flesh. And if you don’t understand that, I won’t waste my breath explaining it to you.”
➽ He is extremely protective of your comfort. If someone is prying or making you feel invalid, he will eviscerate them with words alone. “Your ignorance wounds me,” he’d say in a tone so dry that it leaves the offender squirming. “And here I thought the Eldar were supposed to be enlightened.”
➽ You are the only one allowed to touch his hair without protest. The sight of you braiding it is enough to make his sons do double takes because their father, the very Fëanor, sits still and lets you work without a single complaint. If you ever want yours braided in return, he takes to the task with precision—his fingers work like a master jeweller, and he will not accept anything less than perfection.
➽ If you’re feeling insecure about your identity, he brings you into his forge and makes you something to remind you of your worth. A Silmaril of your own, set with a stone that captures the first light of Telperion and Laurelin. “No one questions the worth of the Silmarils,” he murmurs as he fastens it around your neck. “And you are far rarer, far more precious. So do not let lesser minds make you doubt.”
➽ When the two of you sit together, he always ends up with an arm slung around your shoulders or your fingers intertwined with his. It’s never possessive—just a quiet reminder that you belong to each other. He likes to rest his forehead against yours sometimes, eyes closed, breathing in your presence. “This,” he says softly, “is enough.”
➽ Maedhros and Maglor have learned not to comment on your relationship because every time they do, Fëanor launches into a dramatic speech about how the two of you share a connection beyond mere physicality, an eternal bond forged in the core of Arda itself, something that transcends mere bodily desires. Eventually, his sons stop bringing it up because he won’t shut up.
➽ If he catches anyone looking down on you for your sexuality, he leans in and murmurs in a deceptively friendly tone, “If you insult my beloved, you insult me. And you would not dare to insult me, would you?” Cue the offending party quickly finding somewhere else to be.
➽ He has a terrible habit of stealing your clothes when they’re left unattended. You’ll come into your shared space to find him wearing your outer robe like a lordly cloak, completely unbothered by the fact that it’s clearly not his. “It smells like you,” he says with a shrug. “And I happen to like that.”
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Fingolfin
➽ Unwavering in his devotion, and when he loves, he loves with his whole being. He understands you, accepts you, and never lets you feel less than cherished. Whenever someone questions your relationship, he just raises an eyebrow and says in his calm, unshakable voice, “What I have with my beloved is eternal. It does not need to be explained.”
➽ He is an incredibly attentive partner. He notices when you’re overwhelmed, when you need space, when you need reassurance. If you ever doubt your worth, he takes your hands in his and presses a lingering kiss to your knuckles. “You are enough,” he tells you. “Always.”
➽ If someone tries to insist that your love is somehow ‘incomplete’ without physical intimacy, Fingolfin gives them a look so cold that they immediately regret opening their mouth. “And who,” he asks, voice laced with steel, “gave you the authority to define love?”
➽ He enjoys quiet domestic moments. Sitting beside you as he polishes his armour, reading together beneath the trees, walking hand in hand through the city—these are the things he treasures. Sometimes, he just gazes at you with a small, private smile, as if he still cannot quite believe you chose him.
➽ His siblings have very different reactions to your relationship. Fëanor, predictably, scoffs at the idea of his half-brother finding happiness but secretly respects how fiercely Fingolfin defends your bond. Finarfin, ever the peacekeeper, is simply delighted to see you both happy. “True love is rare,” he tells you one day with a warm smile. “Never let anyone tell you it must look a certain way.”
➽ Whenever you sit in court beside him, he unconsciously seeks you out, his hand resting lightly on yours, a subtle anchor in the storm of politics. Even in the most heated debates, his touch remains grounding and comforting.
➽ When he prepares for battle, he always ensures you have something of his—perhaps a finely wrought bracelet, a token of his love. “I will return to you,” he vows, fingers brushing against yours. “And should I fall, know that I have loved you beyond all reckoning.”
➽ He is a surprisingly good cook, but only for you. If one of his soldiers asks for a meal, they get standard fare. If you ask? He’s suddenly making a feast fit for a king. “Favouritism?” he echoes, feigning innocence. “I have no idea what you mean.”
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˖ ࣪ . ࿐♡˚. Finarfin
➽ He is utterly devoted to making sure you always feel loved and validated. He is patient, understanding, and the first to shut down any nonsense about what a relationship should look like. “Love is not measured by the expectations of others,” he says simply. “It is measured by what we build together.”
➽ He is incredibly gentle with you. If you ever feel overwhelmed, he simply pulls you into his arms and lets you lean against him, no words needed. His presence alone is a comfort, warm and steadfast.
➽ He enjoys creating things for you—whether it’s intricate jewellery, embroidered garments, or even composing a song that captures the depths of your bond. “It is not the work of a great minstrel,” he says with a soft smile, “but it is yours, and that is enough.”
➽ Whenever someone pries into your relationship, he doesn’t get angry. He just tilts his head, gives them a polite but firm look, and says, “I fail to see how this is your concern.” Somehow, that is more effective than any argument.
➽ If you ever feel insecure about your identity, he reassures you with quiet conviction. “You are as the Valar made you,” he murmurs, brushing his fingers over your cheek. “And who am I to question their wisdom?”
➽ He enjoys domestic routines with you—sharing meals, walking through the gardens, reading together in companionable silence. These small moments mean everything to him.
➽ His children adore you. Even if they don’t always understand your perspective at first, they respect you deeply. Galadriel and Finrod in particular are protective of you, and anyone who dares to mock your relationship will find themselves on the receiving end of Galadriel’s sharp tongue.
➽ When he speaks about you, there is always warmth in his voice, a quiet reverence. “My love,” he says one evening as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “the world may not always understand us, but I need only your understanding. That is all that matters.
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welcomingdisaster · 11 months ago
House of Finwë + Gender Presentation In Valinor HCs
Disclaimer: I have not been able to find any actual canon on what is considered masculine or feminine dress for the Noldor. It might exist, and I might be blatantly contradicting it. I think I have some grounding in seeing associations between gold/yellow/Laurelin colors and femininity and silver/grey/Telperion colors and masculinity, but it seems elves of any gender will wear/be associated with/named after/etc either color, so I assume this association is somewhat loose, a little as red and blue to us.
Finwë and Míriel, during their reign: They had set the fashion for all of the Noldor courts, and, unlike the Vanyar, there had been to be a contrast between the sorts of fashions they wear; Finwë in well-fitted, sometimes almost figure-hugging dress in bold, bright colors, decorated with gems and embroidery along the collar, sleeves, and hem, while Míriel leaned towards loose, many-layered outfits with quite a lot of visual noise, often covered in embroidery head-to-toe but eschewing quite as many jewels (in part because she found the weight exhausting). She would also wear one or two rings only, to keep her hands freer, while Finwë's hands were heavily ornamented. Finwë's hair was usually done in a half-up half-down style and ornamented, while Míriel's was bound in many twisting plaits, often with colorful strings (or sometimes light dye!) worked into it. These differences were so influential that the associations between masculinity and tight-fitting clothes + freer hair, and feminine styles and looser-cut dress + ornamented braids remained long after Míriel's death, following the Noldor into middle earth.
Finwë and Indis, during their reign: Gender differences in court dress notably decreased during Indis' reign, though some remained present. Indis, fond of sport and horseback riding, preferred tighter-fitting, simpler clothes than her predecessor, and notably wanted to avoid associations with embroidery. Indis was also similar in height to her husband; when, once or twice, she was seen wearing his robes (pinned and styled to better suit her figure) it caused quite a stir in the courts -- whether it was seen as improper conduct or a touching display of devotion varied heavily on who you asked. Indis was, however, very precise with her hair, which was never seen loose; she braided it closely to her head, bound with jewels and pearls. She introduced hair-wrapping to Noldor courts, binding her hair with thick bright silks. This was always considered a highly feminine style, with men at most using a ribbon or two in their braids.
Findis and Lalwen: Findis styled herself often after her mother, but subconsciously favored styles which would garner the least attention; she tended towards looser, more flowering dress, with sleeves so long she could comfortably fidget without drawing too much attention to herself, and tended to keep her hair bound. Lalwen, on the other hand, was at times scandalously masculine in her forms of dress. She was one of the first noble women to wear parts of her hair unbound, and wore bright, simple styles, tailored close to her with a few statement-piece ornaments, a little as early-reign Finwë. She preferred heavily silver jewelry and sought out an association with Telperion. Upon meeting her for the first time, especially in riding-garb that hid her figure and before hearing her speak, strangers sometimes mistook her for her brother Fingolfin, which secretly pleased her.
Feanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin: Feanor often found himself caught between his desire to harken back to his mother in his modes of dress and the fact that his mother had, more or less, set the standards for what was considered feminine in his society (and his desire to appear masculine as the crown prince). He embraced the same visual noise that Míriel did, wearing tightly-tailored vests and corsets covered in embroidery, but in cuts of cloth tended to imitate Finwë's style. He too kept his hands relatively unadorned, for practicality's sake. Fingolfin was one of the first elves to embrace simplicity in dress, wearing darker or subtler robes broken up by a single splash of color; usually in the form of brooches. His long dark hair was sometimes left entirely loose except for one thin braid holding his hair from his eyes, bound with a few silver beads or sapphires, very distinct and masculine styles. Finarfin leaned rather neutral in his dress in his youth, mostly imitating Finwë by default, though he favored bright sunset oranges and pinks, yellows. However, after spending much of his time with the Teleri, he found he enjoyed their modes of dress, often wearing simpler, looser garments, often off-one-shoulder, rarely worn in Noldor courts. This preference was seen by some as feminine, and by some as simply somewhat foreign.
House of Feanor: From his youth Maedhros tended to heavily imitate his father in dress, often wearing ornate and heavily-embroidered robes. He was also often the first model for some of his father's jewelry pieces, and gained something of a reputation for being garish and loud in his dress. The cuts of his robes, however, tended to be firmly masculine, as appropriate to the first-born son of a crown prince. His hair he often wore down, in the single-braid-in-the-back style popularized by Fingolfin (though he would not admit to that inspiration).
Maglor tended to wear tight-fitting riding-clothes, often in greys, blacks, and dark-blues, ornamented only by silver jewelry. His dark hair he cut unusually short (just below his shoulders) and wore in a top-knot, half-up half-down, a working man's style popular among Telerin sailors. All in all his style read as very masculine to the Noldor, with just a touch of androgyny provided by the the loose-fitting silver-and-black cloak he wore often to formal events.
Celegorm dressed most often in imitation of courtly trends for young men, favoring hunting-styles. His most infamous moment was coming to court with his hair entirely unbraided, scandalous for elves of any gender-- a little as coming to court shirtless. Caranthir dressed in looser robes, though largely out of comfort rather than style. His jewelry tended towards large and chunky, without much visual noise. Curufin heavily imitated Feanor in his manner of dress, albeit often wearing even more jewels; he popularized five ear-piercings rather than the previously fashionable three.
Amrod and Amras, not particularly invested in the fashions of the court, tended to dress similarly to Celegorm, usually falling a few seasons behind the trends currently in court.
House of Fingolfin: Anaire was fond of a matching her husband, sharp and purposeful in her dress. She had particularly beautiful dark hair, which she wore in many braids as a crown upon her head, and of long, simply-decorated cloaks. Very distinctly feminine, but in a sharp, unapproachable sort of way.
Fingon's tendency towards feminine modes of dress was noticeable enough to get him pulled aside and talked to several times during his youth; he preferred layered and loose, dress-like robes, wore bright gold-lip stain usually associated with young women (men favored red and orange lip stain) and did entirely too much with his hair, always wearing it in great plaits. After a specific incident in court during his adolescence he was forbidden from binding his hair with headscarves for court-wear, but wove gold into it. His one touch of masculine saving grace were his many rings. The androgyny suited him well; his appeal to women was offset only by his utter lack of interest in them.
Turgon tended to imitate Fingolfin's manner of dress, albeit with brighter base-colors, favoring deep browns, golds, and reds. Gondolin would eventually grow to have very different gender-norms for its residents, and then Turgon would begin to favor almost toga-like dress during his reign. That, however, is a matter for another post. He was known for many ornate rings, and collar-like necklaces.
Aredhel leaned sporty/practical feminine, often imitating Indis, whom she was particularly close to. She wore her dark hair plaits bound with white, often decorated with diamonds, and favored white riding-clothes and golden jewelry, matching sometimes with Turgon.
House of Finarfin: [the ones I have headcanons for] Earwen embraced hyper-feminine modes of dress, both to the Teleri and the Noldor. She wore intricate gowns and cloaks with many layers as feathers, most often in silver, white, or blue. Her hair was incredibly long, and always woven into several long braids.
Finrod favored greens and blues, usually in adventuring, hunting, riding sorts of styles -- distinctly sporty. His long hair matched his mother's, and he wore parts of is down, threaded with lily flowers and jewels. His hands were covered in many rings, and generally he made the appearance of being a well-ornamented young man. In Middle Earth he would experiment with androgyny, but that is a story for another post.
Orodreth: Dressed in soft, simple colors, notably pale greens and grays. Not wanting to draw attention, he would usually imitate whatever masculine style was popular in court, but he did not seem particularly confident in them.
Angrod: Embraced his Telerin side often, and dressed similarly to his father. His hair he kept strangely short, just around his shoulders, and wore a top-knot as often as a braid.
Aegnor: Simple in his dress, usually modeling himself after Fingolfin but with rather less splash. He did not much like the weight of jewelry, and wore the minimum he could get away with. Most people considered him quite unfashionable.
Galadriel: Mingled feminine styles of dress freely with masculine ones. Wore her long hair completely unbound on several occasions despite many talking-tos. Decorated her hands with many rings, pairing this with riding styles, but was just as likely to wear a long flowing cloak or gown; often styled her hair with rubies and sapphires. Quite controversial in her style of dress.
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thesummerestsolstice · 10 months ago
I like the idea that the Valar can grant boons to men or elves they favor. Sometimes visible– glowing markings, feathers, claws– and sometimes not. Attitudes of these blessings ranged from fear to reverence to jealousy, often reflecting opinions of the Valar more generally.
Galadriel's special treelight hair came from Finarfin. Finarfin got it as a result of Manwe's favor. Given how rare it was for Manwe to bestow such gifts, this caused quite a stir. Later, Morgoth would spread rumors that Manwe was trying to set Finarfin up as the new Noldor crown prince, bypassing Finwe's older children.
Namo gave Fingolfin a blessing, and no one was particularly sure why, Fingolfin included. The truth was that Namo had already foreseen Fingolfin's death, and wanted to give him the strength to let him wound Morgoth before falling to him. Namo has always felt a sense of responsibility for those who choose to come to his halls, even if he's powerless to change their fates.
Celegorm was blessed by Orome, given the kind of teeth and claws that a few of his best disciples had been granted over the years. Orome couldn't take those gifts back, so Celegorm kept them for all his life. You wouldn't know that looking at paintings of him, though, because none of them show him with the marks of Orome's hunt. Whether this was a choice made by him or by later revisionists trying to minimize his connection with the Valar is unknown.
Varda gave blessings to both Earendil and Gil-Galad in the final years of the First Age. Both of them are said to have shone like stars afterwards, and there were some darker rumors that like the hallowed Silmarils, they would burn any unholy flesh that touched them. Some speculated that the blessings were Varda's way of apologizing for leaving the elves to face Morgoth alone for so long.
Ulmo is probably the Vala who's given out the most blessings– Cirdan, Turgon, Finrod, and Tuor all recieved boons from him, among others. But everyone who's gotten blessings from Ulmo is weirdly secretive about it. There's lots of gossip floating around– Ulmo is the reason Cirdan has a beard, Ulmo is the reason Turgon is taller than Maedhros, Ulmo is the reason that everyone likes Finrod so much, actually everyone blessed by Ulmo gets gills and he has secret underwater meetings with them– you get the idea. Well, probably no reason to consider that last one. I can't imagine any of the Valar using their power for something that foolish.
There is fierce scholarly debate on whether Thingol received a blessing from Melian, and whether her descendants could, theoretically, do the same. Elrond would like everyone to please stop asking him about it. Elrond would also like everyone to please stop talking about Gil-Galad's hair turning silver after the two of them took a very normal hunting trip together.
(Multiple Valar have tried to take credit for just how amazingly luscious and wonderful Finwe's hair is. But no, that wasn't a blessing. He's just like that.)
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inthehouseoffinwe · 9 days ago
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Home - Elrond getting all the hugs from his family because he deserves it and you’re never convincing me Finarfin doesn’t absolutely adore his grandson-in-law. Design notes and a bunch of headcanons under the cut!
Edit: Version without writing added at the end
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Finarfin: Keeps away from weapons and harsh edges to his clothes to distance himself from the kinslaying. Unbound hair rather than Noldor braids or the like as his one link to the Teleri.
He doesn’t have any specific ‘colour’ because he’s married to a Telerin and has become High King of a very mixed group of elves over the years, especially as they started coming in the second and third ages. He doesn’t like coming across as some old school stubborn Noldo like his brothers were. His kingdom is for everyone.
He avoids solid red/blue like the plague though. Those are and always will be colours for Fëanor and Fingolfin. Part of it is distancing. The other is he *misses* them and can’t bear to wear their colours. Especially when they might never come back.
(Also Celebrian is the only one of his children or grandchildren to get his temperament ie. Soft and sweet but if you really push better run for your life. They’re very close. And literally who doesn’t love Elrond.)
Eärwen: Teleri are sea elves hence all the pearls. And I like the idea of the royal family having coral ‘crowns’ woven into their hair. Also only the women of the royal family wear pearls on their faces.
They also don’t wear gold, wearing jewellery of sea glass and pearls. They don’t use braids to keep back hair, instead twisting and pinning it, but Eärwen has her braid crown and the gold pendant as a call to marrying a Noldo. Finarfin did actually make the pendant for her when they officially announced the engagement, as was tradition for Noldor.
Elrond: Ok so I will forever see him in autumn colours because of Lotr and generally I think warm colours suit his personality. He’s gentle, welcoming. He wants to make you at home. His crown has the sharp design of the Noldor, but is less elaborate as a call to his mannish heritage, and to distance himself from the High Kings. He’s not a king. He doesn’t want to be. He has his hair loosely pulled back as a call to his Sindar heritage, only wearing clips gifted to him by the dwarves. Some of them came from Maedhros (based on my new design where Mae also wears clips gifted by the dwarves.)
Celebrian: Unbound hair in the style of the Sindar. (Also because Elrond always used to help her with her hair and she refuses to do it until he comes back.) Eärwen gave her the pearls to wear, but as a princess she doesn’t wear so many as a queen. She does decorate her hair with them though. Her clothes however are more Noldor in design, dark, rich colours, a heavier, less flowy material with the gold lined cuffs. The design is Mannish in origin. She also wears earrings, gifted by Elrond when they got engaged as was tradition in Numenor.
Essentially, she makes it very clear to everyone who her husband is after getting to Valinor. Especially with so many elves from Doriath - her father’s family and old friends/people - and various Noldor factions turning their noses at Elrond being a half elf who claimed traitor humans and kinslayers as family. So showing the more brash side form her mother, she made sure to shove it in their faces.
(Bear in mind, none of these elves who complain ever saw Elrond, and even fewer actually lived to the end of the First Age, so they have no right to judge anyway.)
In Rivendell, she was far more mixed in style, because no one really judged anyone. It was a celebration of cultures. She was known as their silver lady for a reason, and often wore silvery or white dresses, both in the style of the Noldor, and like her mother, Sindar loose cut with leafy embroidery as the only call to her Noldor heritage, but Celebrian also had her hair braided back.
In terms of Celebrian’s unbraided hair I’m also playing with the idea that loose, undecorated hair becomes a sign of grief or loss for Noldor some time over the First Age. She’s fully aware of that and uses it as a double meaning, only adding pearls when she hears Elrond is finally sailing.
This is also why Maglor’s hair becomes loose and wild over the years when he’s alone, and Mae’s hair is loose too at the end, at least until Maglor insists on braiding it for him.
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a-hundred-musings · 1 year ago
You know, here's a small rant from me: I hate it when Celebrimbor is shown to be a "softie-boy" or a "naïve child" or just... someone condescending and stupid. Like, yeah I'm guilty of it too (who isn't?) but it just makes me wonder why he's presented as that in fics anywhere.
I read this fic on AO3? Celebrimbor is a stupid duck. Or he's just very naïve and easy to prank. I read another fic? Celebrimbor is a whiny baby who can't stand up for himself. I read another one? He's a man-child.
Look, I get why he's presented in that way, but can we not do that? Especially considering the things this boy has gone through which really wouldn't make him a "child-like" person, but more of a mature adult who has experienced things no one should ever experience.
Before and during the First Age, he's experienced so much:
Nerdanel and Feanor falling out -- that basically messed up entire Aman back then, but mainly their kids, so imagine how Curufin would have reacted to that.
The feud between Feanor and Fingolfin and Finarfin
The time when Feanor threatened Fingolfin
The time when the Two Trees were destroyed
The time when Melkor killed his great-grandfather Finwe.
Feanor going Mad™
The uprising of the Noldor
The First Kinslaying
His grandfather going feral and his father and uncles swearing an oath on a literal suicide-mission
One of his youngest uncles getting burned and basically died (or lived, depends on which version you follow)
A time of literal darkness. Like, no light at all. It really messed up the psyche of so many people.
Feanor abandoning his brother on the shores of Valinor -- that would mess up anyone really.
A literal battle. Like, more blood is being shed -- not only of elves, but of other creatures Tyelpe has probably never seen or heard of before.
His grandfather being so consumed by his fire and spontaneously combusting. That too, he either saw or heard of Feanor literally bursting into flames -- that is pretty traumatising.
The crossing of the Helcaraxe -- no seriously, that would mess anyone up knowing that people they love are literally walking on glaciers and over deathly waters with a 50% chance of survival.
Maedhros being crowned King of the Noldor, and an unspoken fact that there is more than one king of the Noldor -- the political implications here...
The abduction of Maedhros. Need this be explained further?
His uncles and father being concerningly close to starting a whole world-war
The rising of the Sun and the moon (like, what are those big spheres in the sky? Are they something from Melkor? Are they a sign of the End™? What is it?)
The arrival of Fingolfin's group, with more dead and furious people.
The mental health of everyone deteriorating. No, I won't explain because this era was filled with bad times.
No one knowing what to do now, since Maglor was naturally crowned the Regent King of the Noldor, and he has his own problems.
After 34 years of wondering what on earth has happened to Maedhros, he returns scarred with no right hand, and presumed torture marks.
Everyone literally holding their breaths for what will happen next.
Maedhros surrendering his crown to Fingolfin. That would hurt bad like a blow.
Literally only a few years of peace filled with tension.
Fingolfin decides to kick Melkor's arse and dies.
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
The Second Kinslaying.
The Fall of Gondolin
Making the decision of abandoning his father and uncles, going on his own separate path.
The death of so many of his family members and father and uncles. That is messed up. The amount of psychological trauma he's already been through...
Like, imagine his guilt of not being there with his father, imagine how much he second-guessed his actions...
The Third Kinslaying. The deaths of more elves, his uncle (or uncles), and really, just more death.
The crown of the Noldor being passed on so many times until it reached Gil-Galad. Imagine the humiliation and just the shock of the realisation of the number of people who have been crowned within a span of a few centuries.
The kidnapping of Elrond and Elros. While it probably wouldn't harm Tyelpe's psychological health, it must have been pretty messed up to find out that your two remaining uncles have committed a few more war crimes.
The War of the Wrath. Now, while it was mainly against Men, there is no doubt that some elves have been killed due to the war (given Gil-Galad's camps etc), so imagine him getting into some stray fights with the orcs or those Men who follow Melkor.
The Fourth Kinslaying. No need to further elaborate.
The death of Maedhros, and Maglor becoming a cryptid. Who wouldn't that mess up?
Surviving the First Age. Like, give this Tyelpe the recognition he truly deserves. Give him a few rings and trophies for enduring so long and he still hasn't gone down to insanity. That too, all this happened within the span of like, 600 years.
The Second Age:
Beleriand is under the sea
His "cousins" (Elrond and Elros) going their separate ways
The death of Elros (I think this is pretty self-explanatory, given the numerous HCs on the twins and Celebrimbor)
No one has any idea what has happened to Maglor. Is he alive? Is he dead? Who knows.
Rumours of a sinister evil lurking in the shadows and really, some tensions are visibly arising.
He finds this very powerful and alluring stranger who knows quite a bit about the art of smithing. They collaborate despite warnings from Galadriel, Gil-Galad, Elrond and a few others.
After giving thought to make powerful rings, Annatar watches over as Celebrimbor makes the rings for Men and Dwarves.
Newsflash: Annatar wants the rings, and he tainted them.
Celebrimbor makes the 3 Elven Rings in secret so Annatar can't get to them, but he gets kidnapped and tortured.
Like, really badly tortured. Annatar wants those 3 rings.
Celebrimbor eventually is killed, and is impaled on a spear, then given to Gil-Galad's camp after years of torture.
He went straight to his family. Can't tell if this will add to his trauma, but still.
While he didn't survive the Second Age, this boy went through so much pain, and... really, I feel like he doesn't get much of the appreciation he deserves.
Thank you for coming to my little rant as to why we need more fics that paint Celebrimbor as someone who isn't a stupid and naïve child, but more of a wiser version of Feanor and Curufin. He is not a tantrummy baby, for Ilúvatar's sake!
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