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nighttimepatrons · 6 hours ago
this is THEE Kano² video for me
obsessed w these two queens who are like. same energy but parallel to those gyaru girls who make drinks in public
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rputthebottledown · 11 hours ago
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Nelyo isn‘t very impressed with his new baby brother.
Its part III this if officially a series now!
part I & II
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joetamy · 2 days ago
Whoever mentioned a post about going to war and meeting Maglor is like going to war and meeting Beyoncé, I love you lmao- Now consider, going to war and meeting Maedhros, which is basically like going to war and meeting the world's top super-model✨
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zeldanna-art · 17 hours ago
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Maglor and the Silmaril
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ladycassandra04 · 18 hours ago
Look at them (@thetiredprometheus the tags were amazing):
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They think they are helping to keep the kids alive
They are not wrong, but it's also not how or when you generally teach such things to children
headcanon that in the early days of their captivity Elrond and Elros tried to kill maedhros and maglor multiple times (even if half-heartedly. They are still good kids) and like, expected to be either punished, killed or thrown out and instead they got constructive criticism back
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sweetteaanddragons · 2 days ago
B2MEM - Defenses and Endurance
@spring-into-arda (357 words)
He had many excellent defenses, long prepared, as to why he should not go back to Aman. They began with the Oath - and frankly, Maglor felt that should be enough on its own - and slowly wound down to the frankly less noble.
He thought he had prepared for any attacks anyone might make on the subject, whether verbal or otherwise.
He had forgotten to account for Elrond turning to begin addressing the matter and stumbling into his own desk like the fevered elfling he once had been instead of the great elf lord he had become.
Maglor was across the room in a moment, half supporting him; Elrond was still leaning far too heavily on the desk.
“You’re exhausted,” he said, and he wanted to say it lightly, but he could not quite hide the horror of just how much weariness Elrond had managed to conceal behind his perpetual mask of serenity.
“It is nothing,” Elrond said, but he could not quite hide the way he struggled, just slightly, to catch his breath. “The ring fails. I must adjust to it until I have sailed.”
And there Maglor hesitated.
Elrond would improve after sailing, he told himself. Things would be better once he was no longer trying to support the Valley with strength he no longer had.
But Maglor knew, better than most, that Aman did not heal all ills.
Especially of the spirit.
“I will be well,” Elrond promised him, arms faintly trembling as he allowed Maglor to help him into a chair. He hesitated, then said - “Will you sing something for me? It will help, I think, and I should not like to worry the others - “
All the old songs of endurance, of strength unfailing, sprang at once into his mind; they had helped in worse cases before and could again.
“Of course,” he agreed. 
(It did help.)
(And since it helped - )
(He could not bear sending Elrond to sail alone, never knowing if it had been enough.)
(If there was any aid he could give him - )
(He owed Elrond that. He owed Elrond every chance he could give to enjoy Aman hale and strong. He owed him that and more.)
(Elrond had already asked him once to return with him.)
(He would not make him ask again.)
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pontipines · 2 days ago
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Noldolantë is the fifth studio album by the elven minstrel Maglor, released on October 31, 590 E.P by THREE-FINWE SOUNDS. The album received critical acclaim, being defined as an "instant classic" by specialized critics of the genre,and as "the best elven album of the year" according to the Rolling Silmarills Belerian magazine. Composed of twelve songs, the album is the result of a period of isolation lasting one hundred years (two elven years) and nine months caused by personal vicissitudes
»"The album is the result of overcoming a hard, dark and desperate moment. For one hundred and forty-five years and nine months I lived in isolation, I tied myself to a "toxic" person from a sentimental point of view. I went to Mandos because I felt empty. A warrior who had lost his fire. Then the songs came out like blood from a wound in just three months, it was a catharsis. Macalaurë had to kill Maglor to be reborn.» - Maglor,in an interview for Elven Today
The concept album focuses on the theme of the double through the meeting between the two personalities of the minstrel: the artist (Maglor) and the person (Maracaule). The common thread is represented by a hypothetical journey through the members of the Finwe family, on which various themes are based, such as mental health, anxiety or bad relationships. The macro-theme of the album is the existential crisis.
Tracklist: Of Flight of Gnomes (3:15), Noldolantë (7:00), Oath of Feanor (4:32), the Exile of Noldor (3:56), Finweg (3:12), Kano (4:20), Alqualondë, Out of Valinor (4:18), Kin of a Slayer (3:44), Fall from Manwë (3:50),When a Star Die (3:23),Seven Stone(s) for Seven Son(s) (8:00).
(this Is a deeply unserious shitpost don't take il too personal)
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somepinkthing · 1 day ago
celegorm: hard boiled eggs are disgusting! I almost died eating one. The crunchy-soft mix is absolutely disgusting. It's like eating a ravioli covered with chips
maglor: you should have soft boiled it
maedhros: you're supposed to remove the shell??
caranthir: i hate this family
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tamilhobbit · 2 days ago
It's half three in the morning and I am crying.
“It's not a code,” said Lindir. He clutched the stones tight in his hands. “They’re mine, not the orcs. I hid them inside my robes so that no one would take them away. They’re my - my family.”
“Family?” repeated Lord Maedhros.
Lindir laid the stones out, taking comfort in the pattern. “Like this,” he said. “It always has to be like this. No - no you’re not looking at it the right way.” He tugged at Lord Maedhros’ metal hand so that they stood shoulder to shoulder. “See? Now they’re in the right order.”
“What does it mean?”
Could he explain? It became so muddled in his head that putting it to words felt impossible. Lindir would try. Maybe, if he did a good enough job, they would let him keep his stones and not hurt him. He was so tired of being hurt.
“This one goes first,” he said, pointing to the red pebble, “because it's the biggest. The oldest. Then - ” he moved past the gap to point at the next one “ - this one, which is white like the - like the moon. Then this one with its dark spot in the centre and then this one with the little iron flakes that make it shine and these two, which are stuck together. The littlest that are two-in-one must always go last. That’s important. They can’t be put in any other order.”
“And here?” There was an odd note in Lord Maedhros’ voice. A slight waver of pain beneath the gentle calm. “You’ve left a space between the first two stones. What goes between them?”
“There has to be a space.” Lindir twisted his hands. The light inside his head hurt, something crooked pressing down down down against it, threatening to break him all over again. “There has to be. Always. I - I don’t know - I lost - something else goes there. I lost it. It flew away. But I have to leave a space.” He started to shake. “Please don’t take them. They’re my family. I have to protect them. Please, please, don’t take them away.”
“I won’t,” said Lord Maedhros. The odd note had grown stronger. Lindir glanced up to see that the towering Fëanorian leader had turned his face away, the bright light making it look like something wet glittered on his face. “I promise you, Laurë. No one will ever separate you from your family again.”
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braxix · 1 day ago
Maglor: Nelyo. I nearly shit myself last night.
Maedhros: Good for you. Didn't need to know that.
Maglor: Not like that. Elrond and Elros scared the ever living daylights out of me.
Maedhros: I didn't know you are scared of tiny defenseless children, Maglor.
Maglor: You'd think so, but they're not.
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sophiadatomato · 3 days ago
Idea for a fanfiction: the silmarillion, but eärendil and elwing actually die. Because everything already is so horrible, Maglor tells the children that their parents are now a star & a bird. Somehow, nowbody ever tells Elrond what has actually happened, and Galadriel and Gandalf then need to have a very hard coversation with him on the way to valinor.
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Celegorm: guys...I don’t think this is a great idea.
Maglor: I mean this in the nicest way possible, but if Celegorm is being the voice of reason, then this entire operation is fucked.
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sauronnaise · 2 days ago
Maglor: If Moryo was green-faced instead of being red, what would you do?
Caranthir: Pardon me-
Maedhros: Be concerned?
Amrod: Call the doctor?
Celegorm: Throw a party. 'Congratulations, you're related to Shrek!'
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laly · 3 days ago
Open discussion:
Does this classify crustations as Nameless Things?
I feel like this bit from Lost Tales is important for Crablor enjoyers
"and the seas began to gleam with fish or strange creatures crawled at the bottom; yet the shellfish and the oysters no-one of the Valar or of Elves knows whence they are, for already they gaped in the silent waters..."
Gotta consider an extra layer here in which residents of arda would already consider crabs to be at least semi eldritch
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stormchaser819 · 1 month ago
Which Tolkien character is your roommate?
Spin the wheel to see whether you'll enjoy your time as a roommate. 🤣
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sad--beep · 10 months ago
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