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balrogballs · 9 hours ago
Happy WIP Wednesday!
Have a little sneak peek of the Balls Bedazzling Victim of the Day: Finarfin 🙏🏽
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syrosaur · 6 months ago
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whorefindel · 8 months ago
being a silmarillion fan is looking at a piece of fanart featuring forty different elves who all have the same shade of either black or gold hair and instantly being able to tell by their vibe who is who and which finwhatever is which
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catsandcatci · 1 year ago
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had a revelation
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months ago
Notes on the Care and Keeping of the Peredhel, by Maglor Feanorian:
Need to eat three times a day, more if they can be persuaded (they do not seem to have the refined palettes elves do, and do not like my attempts at Valinorean fine dining)
They are very fond of maple syrup
One of the human healers told me they were "growing boys," unsure of the significance of this– a reference to their shapeshifting abilities, perhaps?
It does not appear that they will reach a full elvish height, though that may change
They can hear high tones that elves can, but humans can't
This bodes very well for their education in music theory
They do not appear to have the venom that some humans do, as evidenced by the fact that both Mae and I have been bitten several times with no ill effect
Still, I am thankful that Finrod warned me of this human feature, as it has served me well in many battles
They have not bitten anyone in months, which I appreciate, especially given how sharp their teeth are
Boys said that they could talk to shadows– unsure whether or not they were just attempting to scare me (ask later? Bribe with maple syrup??)
They like having their hair brushed, but do not like any of the scented hair oils we have at the fortress
They refuse to eat bird meat; unsure of why but I won't push
Elros prefers wooden toys, Elrond fabric ones, and neither of them is fond of metal
They grow faster than elves, but are still too young to begin intensive battle training, Maedhros
They are very sensitive to the cold, ensure that they have ample blankets and cloaks, especially in winter
Feel much better after spending time with them– those who spent time around Luthien reported similar effects
They appear to appreciate being pat on the head
Based on information by uncle Arfin (regarding Eonwe), this is common amongst Maiar
I've only had them two years, an incredibly small time in the face of the centuries I've lived, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this fortress and then myself
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silmalope · 4 months ago
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Thinking about the timeline where Maedhros is older than Finarfin always fries my brain, but it would be so cute.
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kudriaken · 3 months ago
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Finwe`s family.
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swanhild · 2 months ago
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I feel like my blog is full of his older brothers and their offspring, but I actually love gentle, soft-spoken Finarfin as well 💛
So here he is, having a beach day in Alqualondë with Finrod, long before disaster struck :') For @arafinwean-week day 1 + day 2 (Finarfin, Finrod, pre-Darkening, family)
(And yes, I'm an idiot and forgot that the sky shouldn't be bright blue at this point in time (more like night sky lit with some Laurelin gold or Telperion silver I suppose), but I was already tired of messing with this, so quick questionable golden background swap it is... eeeh maybe I'll redo that at some point)
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juleisdrawing · 9 months ago
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sons of Finwë
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mandhos · 1 year ago
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sakasakiii · 3 months ago
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morning routines ft. the firstborn sons and their parents (who turned out WAY more lovey dovey than i intended omg)... i was inspired by this cute art from @/Worvies on twitter and decided to use it as a chance to draw how locked in i think they'd be when it comes to getting ready in the morning HAHAHA
in terms of who wakes up earliest to latest i think it'd go: fingolfin -> finrod -> nerdanel -> earwen -> feanor -> maedhros -> anaire -> fingon -> finarfin !!! i also never thought abt it before but. elves with makeup!!! i wonder what the various trends in valinor would be and how long theyd last....
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galstelperion · 6 months ago
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"Will you then pass over Sea?" Celebrimbor asked.
"Nay," Galadriel said. "Angrod is gone, and Aegnor is gone, and Felagund is no more. Of Finarfin’s children I am the last. But my heart is still proud. What wrong did the golden house of Finarfin do that I should ask the pardon of the Valar, or be content with an isle in the sea whose native land was Aman the Blessed? Here I am mightier.”
Unfinished Tales, The History of Galadriel and Celeborn
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inthehouseoffinwe · 5 months ago
Fëanor, Fingolfin, and Finarfin loved all their nephews and nieces I take no argument. They showed it in different ways, but there were never any malicious thoughts towards them.
Any competition they had was between each other (though Finarfin was very much youngest sibling literally cba to deal with his older brothers.)
Fëanor: Always has too much food, used to his kids bringing over their respective favourite cousin for a meal because they were out playing too late and he’s not exactly going to send a child home hungry. As they got older it was because they’d been out and this was the closest place to disappear away to and crash. He’s used to seeing various kids sprawled across the carpet in the living room, waking up with headaches and groans. He’ll never admit it, but he finds it hilarious and enjoys seeing the children happy. If his brothers ask? ‘What do you mean they were out, I’ve had your children here with me all night.’
Fingolfin: One day I’ll stop linking this post but I really like how it turned out so you get to see it again! Fingolfin happily lets them traverse his house, go through his belongings. He’s very much a partner in crime, helping them sneak around, acting as lookout. Pretending not to see a majority of sweet pasties disappear overnight. He lives closest to the busy parts of the city, so it’s not unusual for the kids to get ready at his house if they’re going out anywhere or even preparing for Court. Most of the kids have their own shared room, and they’re full to the brim of everyone’s clothes, jewellery, shoes. Essentially a whole wardrobe. It gets messy, but he loves seeing his house full of life. Even if he could do without the mess Tyeko and Iressë bring in… and the various musicals at 3am. ‘You know we never tire of having you here… but perhaps you could tone down the partying? Just a little?’ He wouldn’t have it any other way.
Finarfin: My guy ofc has his house by the sea which like Fingolfin’s, has many many rooms full to the brim with clothes and jewellery. It’s essentially a home away from home for his niece and nephews, they don’t have to pack because everything’s already there. As youngest uncle and closest in age, he’ll just so happen to tell the kids where to have fun. He had the least pressure on him growing up and knows the best places in Tirion and Alqualondë. Going to Finarfin’s is like going on holiday, he’ll back them up and make sure they can do what they want without worrying about their reputations as princes and princesses. ‘The kids are far too stressed and don’t get to come here often, brothers. Let them have their fun. I’ll take care of them.’
Finwë: The mastermind. The accomplice. The alibi. He has a wild side to him born in Cuivienen and honed over the Great Journey. Court life is too stuffy even for him sometimes, let alone his grandchildren. He’s the one telling them all the wild things he got up to in his youth with a wink at the end subtly telling them how to do things their parents definitely would not approve of. High King Finwë would never! High King Finwë definitely would, and he’s making sure his grandkids get the experience too. He’s the one who gets the parents to leave for weeks at a time and his grandchildren have the time of their lives. ‘My sons, you worry too much! Don’t you trust your father?’
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thetiredprometheus · 11 days ago
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Part 2: Indis and her sons
Here's the two pieces together:
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violecov · 2 months ago
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Feanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin after getting back the silmarils.
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thesummerestsolstice · 7 months ago
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