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starspray · 9 hours ago
In the Halls
A drabble and a half for @feanorianweek
Mary Oliver prompt: Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Mandos was quiet. The whispers of the spirits there was like a soft breeze through summer leaves. The tapestries of Vairë glowed on the walls, vibrant splashes of color, but Maedhros stayed away.
Mandos was full, and yet it felt empty. It was not hard either to keep apart or to seek company, though it was a strange sort of company when the spirits of the dead came together. His father came seeking him, and his brothers, but Maedhros slipped away from them all. His father’s spirit burned white-hot even still; it felt too much like the Silmarils.
Then Finwë came, and that was easier. He was not whole either; he asked nothing of Maedhros, and offered only quiet company in return. His presence was not a flame like Fëanor’s, but warm, comforting, a reminder of a childhood that Maedhros had forgotten belonged to him.
Slowly, they both healed.
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valar-did-me-wrong · 13 hours ago
Finwe & Miriel
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Indis 💖
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@hikarielizabethbloom you're making this better and better bestie!! Sadly no Hyacinth x Gareth shown in the show yet :((
You guys pushed me down this rabbit hole @hikarielizabethbloom @mcpayne 😭
Melian & Thingol
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Aule & Yavanna
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Manwe & Varda
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asinoeiv · 3 months ago
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1st - Egalmoth, Duilin, Ecthelion and Glorfindel in the back.
2nd - Annatar, Celebrimbor and Oc
3rd - Anaire, Fingolfin, Feanor and Finwe
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whorefindel · 9 months ago
being a silmarillion fan is looking at a piece of fanart featuring forty different elves who all have the same shade of either black or gold hair and instantly being able to tell by their vibe who is who and which finwhatever is which
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anittmyer · 26 days ago
It will forever be my Roman Empire that the Sons of Feanor went from widely beloved princes of Valinor to the most despised and wished to be forgotten figures in history. To go from growing up and living in royal luxury, to war torn conditions, starvation, grief, and violence.
Imagine Finwe learning what happened to his beloved grandchildren. He led his people to the blessed to keep them safe, to save them from Morgoth's darkness only for them all to fall.
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kudriaken · 3 months ago
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Finwe`s family.
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develinas-art-blog · 3 months ago
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Hello beautiful people, hope you all are doing good.
Here is Finwë, ofc had to bling him out, after all he is the true (bling) king of all the blinged out noldorin elves
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vorondil · 3 months ago
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The Death of Finwë
Based on the Ivan the Terrible and His Son painting
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violecov · 3 months ago
((Finwe and Feanor (and baby Nolo) go on a long walk)).
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This took me way longer than expected :00 . Anyway, here is a slightly ~Winter~ themed story.
Hope you guys like it!!
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welcomingdisaster · 4 months ago
Coronations of the High Kings of the Noldor, ranked from best to worst
Finwë: The perfectly jovial ceremony was held on the hill of Túna, and consisted of eight uninterrupted hours of dancing, artistic performances from each of the three peoples of the Eldar. Dinner included salmon served with rice, spiced crab, baked leek-pie, herb and garlic bread, green tea mousse, candied flower preserves, and, most memorably of all, a scale-model recreation of the blessed isles made out of strawberry cake with sweet cream and real gold dust.
Gil-galad: the last king of the Noldor had no official coronation ceremony until after the War of Wrath, though he held political power in the area long before. This, perhaps, contributes to some confusion about his origins. Regardless I am pleased to report the ceremony was gorgeous. Most notable were the flower-arches, made in the Sindar style. Strong Falathrim brandy was served, and the party continued for nearly three days. Dinner included stuffed mussels, Nargothrond-style garlic mushroom bake, rice-stuffed squash, sugar-bread, apple and pear pie. One wedding spontaneously occurred during the after-party reception.
Fingolfin: this coronation symbolized the reunion of a broken people and the successful journey of the Noldor, and so the rather lackluster decor was saved, in part, by good mood. However, Feanorian heckling was somewhat disruptive during the main ceremony. Dinner: herb-roasted venison, root-stew, a dish made of wild spring plants that would later become known as 'crown salad;' raspberry and rhubarb pie. Maglor the bard performed Rumil's "Ode to the Stars of the Sea" and "Sparrow Waltz," which was his own composition.
Turgon: Those in attendance report that the ceremony was lovely and somber; your humble writer, however, was not at the time a resident of Gondolin, and must thus rely on second-hand accounts. Dinner, from those reports, included pearled barley with mushrooms; the last bottles of wine grown in Vinyamar were served. No one could remember the music.
Fingon: though the ceremony was otherwise beautiful, the king's speech set an unhappy mood. After the flautists and harpers quieted, he rose to give a toast in the name of Aegnor and Angrod, his cousins. After uttering their names the king began to weep, and could not master himself in time to finish his words, sitting for some time with his head buried in his hands. Dinner: wine-roasted lamb, herb-bread, potato-flour patties, fish-soup with rice, honey-cake and strawberry preserves. Much wine was served, but for the most part brought little merriment, and I admit I cannot recall its quality.
Maedhros: the coronation of Maedhros, the eldest son of Fëanor, was a quick affair. In attendance were his brothers, and their followers, and though Maglor the bard sang it was a song of sorrow, the words of which have never been put to the page. Dinner: salt-meat, waybread, local herbs, and the last of the spirits.
Fëanor: rather eclipsed by the oath sworn later the same afternoon. No dinner nor reception was held, which I fear was in very poor taste.
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anattmar · 6 months ago
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little sketch of Finwë
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pandarillion · 4 months ago
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Art by: @sakasakiii (pls Follow)
How to forget this rivalry!
Poor Finwë, he just wanted a happy family ⌯' ▾ '⌯
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stitcherofchaos · 1 month ago
I can’t believe no one had said this but that crazy elf finally did it!
Fëanor killed the Duolingo bird.
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peasant-player · 2 months ago
Father and Son
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A sweet little drawing of Finwe with Feanor.
That's the post.
I hope you guys get a soft cozy feeling from this~ ❤️
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sakasakiii · 8 months ago
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a while ago i was sent an ask from @waterjewelsspite (answered below) wherein i was asked about different elven fashions.... so from left to right: doriathrim fashion, teleri + nargothrond fashion, vanya fashion :DD these have been sitting in my drafts as uncoloured wips since early 2022 omg, but better late than never i suppose !!!
i didnt have a specific sketch page for the noldor that i did back then hahahaha so i came back to it recently and took it as a chance to do some assorted concept doodles with the kind of outfits i imagine them wearing in mundane situations? i dont quite know how to explain it but i hope my annotations can help show my thought process a bit!!
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cant believe it took me this long to give like half the characters proper fullbody refs or designs (im looking at YOU beleg and mablung) but this has been super fun and really refreshing, so thank you again waterjewelsspite for the kind ask!!! sorry again it took. two and a half years. OMG. for me to get it done 😭😭😭 i hope this sufficed!!!
in usual fashion, bonus feanorian shenanigans: caranthir's first business/publishing/entrepreneurship/girlboss venture
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thesummerestsolstice · 10 months ago
Silmarillion AU Where all the Elves are Hobbits and the Stakes are Significantly Lower:
Finwe is mayor of his part of the Shire, happily married to both Miriel and Indis because they all have two hands
Miriel doesn't die after childbirth she just goes off on a trip to find new artistic inspiration and doesn't come back
Don't worry she eventually shows back up again– turns out she got lost and a kind elvish warrior named Vaire helped her find her way back
Feanor has a good relationship with his siblings, although he and Nolofinwe have engaged in several bouts of passive-aggressive one-upsmanship
The most famous of these ended with Nolofinwe swimming several miles across a lake in winter to prove that he was the more dedicated brother. Feanor agreed after telling him off for being reckless.
The Silmarils aren't pseudo-holy gemstones here, they're a set of three really intricately carved pipe-weed pipes that the Finweans pull out on ceremonial occasions
Morgoth isn't a fallen god he's just an asshole elf who regularly breaks into the Shire to steal things
One day he steals the Silmarils; he doesn't kill Finwe though he just knocks him out
The rest of the First Age is mostly just increasingly convoluted plots by various Finweans to break into his fortress and steal back the pipes (and all the other stuff Morgoth has stolen)
The first of these attempts involves Feanor stealing one (1) boat from Mayor Olwe. No one dies though and he puts it back afterwards. It still results in a lot of petty gossip.
After one of the attempts Morgoth catches Maedhros and hangs him up in a really tall tree
He's stuck there for three weeks before Findekano finds him and gets him down with the help of a homemade hang-glider called "Thorondor"
One of the other hobbit mayors is Thingol, a dear friend (and possible ex boyfriend?) of Finwe
Most of the Ainur are elves here but the concept of hobbit Thingol marrying an eldritch goddess is too funny to pass up so Melian is still a Maia here
She and her descendants look pretty hobbit-ish but they have fairy wings and little antennae
It causes a huge scandal when their daughter, Luthien, runs off with a dwarf prince named Beren
Thingol even writes a very strongly worded letter telling her not to marry him, which is a very extreme measure by hobbit standards, but she doesn't listen
Eventually Beren decides to steal some hobbit stuff back from Morgoth to prove his worthiness
He ends up stealing back one of the pipes and giving it to Thingol
Thingol grudgingly accepts him and Bluthien settle into a nice, quiet life in the Shire
There's no Doriath kinslaying either there's just a long, very passive-aggressive series of letters between Thingol and Feanor until Finwe eventually steps in and Thingol returns the pipe
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