#aman ever after
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tanoraqui · 2 months ago
I think that during and especially after Beleriand, Fingolfin feels about the general Fëanorian faction that way a person feels about their cat who hates them. Like, “haha oh yeah, they like to hide under the chair and attack my ankles if I get too close. Aren’t they adorable? Don’t try to pick them up, they WILL claw you to death. But if I feed them raw meat, they sometimes let me get in one pet before the claws come out! I’m so sorry that they killed your pet bird and left it on my pillow—that’s just how they are. I take full responsibility. They haven’t burned me in effigy in years, you know!”
The reincarnated Fëanorians generally reciprocate, with an attitude of “as far as people who are still not Our Real King go, at least he was there, and died as epically and righteously as possible. 7/10, would leave dead animals on his pillow again.”
Arafinwë is sooo happy to let his brother deal with these people.
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butch-rem · 1 year ago
"You just ship it because it's sapphic!"
Kronk voice: Well, you got me there.
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snakes-and-fluff · 5 days ago
Yes, I was an Amane T2 Inno voter. And yes, I'd do it again. Because to me, that Amane Inno was worth the risk. Now for full context: I didn't actually believe that they'd kill off any characters before the end, or if they did I believed they'd still get a song. I knew Amane would attack Shidou, but for meta reasons I didn't think she'd manage to kill him - either Kazui would fend her off or Shidou, who knew this was going to happen, would've done something to prevent it or mitigate the damage. I thought Mahiru would recover because I believed the main thing preventing it was strain from her Guilty vote - I thought MILGRAM would assist her after she got her Inno. But of course this prison wouldn't be so kind.
But even knowing what I know now, I'd still vote Amane T2 Inno. I wasn't there for T1, so her Guilty vote there seemed strange and cruel to me. I was voting Inno to try help mitigate some of the damage I'd seen done before I participated. And of course, again, MILGRAM isn't so kind; there's no going back once something is chosen.
But I'd still do it again. I do believe that another Guilty would've only made things worse.
And I won't lie: Shidou was my least fav; I don't trust him one bit. I thought that it'd be really funny if Amane did manage to kill him - and to be honest, I think it is. I do think it's unfair to Mahiru that she got caught in the crossfire though: a massive misunderstanding in T1 leading to this. That's also why I thought she might be okay - it just seemed lame narratively to have something decided back when information was very sparse lead directly to her death a whole trial later.
But how many times must it be said? MILGRAM doesn't care what you think is "right" or "fair" or "good". MILGRAM is MILGRAM. And it only knows pain.
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tyrannosaurustai · 8 months ago
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My kins !! (I am mentally ill)
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tanoraqui · 2 years ago
Elrond offering to pay gives Finwë the chance to loudly and firmly insist that he is paying, because it’s his birthday and he wants to celebrate by making a nice evening for all his favorite people. The warning hint of distress in his voice + Nerdanel grinding her heel down on Fëanor’s foot (she was already stepping on it) while Miriel gently clasps his arm + Indis making a discreet violent gesture at Elu (he’s seen her wield a quarterstaff) = Finwë pays with no more argument.
Maedhros, Curufin, Turgon, Aredhel and Aegnor make money betting that Finwë would win, and Caranthir, Curufin, Fingon, Turgon, Finrod and Galadriel make money betting that it would take more than 1 hour but less than 3. Maglor tries to argue his bet DID come true, that Elrond would step in and save the day, but everyone else shuts him down. Amras makes money betting that Nerdanel would break the heel of her shoe on Fëanor’s foot.
The scene:
We are, perhaps, in Arda Reborn. It is Finwë's birthday begetting day. He has brought many dear friends and relatives out for a festive meal at his favorite restaurant. Finwë said he was treating everyone, but after the server brings the check, both Fëanor and Elwë reach for it.
They each have a hand on the check.
They cannot turn to violence or use any other kind of force or even be openly hostile. Finwë is right there. He would be Sad. And on his birthday begetting day!
The grandkid generation has mostly left the table to watch the live entertainment. Fëanor could still theoretically call upon his sons to do… something, but depending on the assistance of his children to get a check away from Thingol is not something Fëanor is willing to do when Fingolfin is also right there.
Also that might cause a fuss which would make Finwë Sad.
Most of those still at the table are neutral, as in they aren't thrilled with the idea of Fëanor or Thingol making the evening 'from them'.
Nothing is at stake but pride.
And doing something nice for Finwë which he didn't ask for and doesn't need.
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hanako-san · 9 months ago
as kid
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as adlut
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randomidiocyncrazies · 10 months ago
Honestly... milgram project is fun bc you get to analyze the characters (and try to work out their "murder" + the circumstances surrounding it) AND you get to analyze the fandom as a bonus too
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tanoraqui · 2 years ago
I've never heard of that "elves lose language in Mandos and have to re-learn it when they re-embody" before and I'm insane about it now. "Re-embody" i usually say, but this does make it "rebirth" in a big way. As discussed, language shapes the way you think, the person you are - to return to life without it, even in an adult body with all your memories, is to be born anew! And Elves would be so aware of this. I know studies about how language literally affects the way people think are overall more recent, but between the importance the characters and the text places on things like the Shibboleth of Fëanor and the Quenya ban, the fact that elves define themselves as "speaking people" ("Quendi"), and Tolkien's whole...everything...I think we can safely say that elves overall consciously consider language to be a key part cultural and personal identity, in a way we modern humans usually don't think about.
Which makes death so much more real for them, too, in a way men would recognize. If they lose language in Mandos and must regain it later, yes their essential spirit survives, their experiences and the self shaped by it...but how they relate to those experiences, how they define them, how they define themselves, can all be utterly changed when they re-enter the world. Is that not something like death as we know it? The best an elf could do to remain fully "themselves" is to seek out someone who spoke the same tongue they used to, same dialect, preferably similar lived experiences, but who never died and so has retained it purely; and re-learn language from that person. Does such a person even exist for every dialect of Elvish in Arda? I doubt it. And it's still not language as you knew it, but rather as Eldon from the woods next door knows it. On the opposite end, I'm sure there are elves who seek personal re-invention with their rebirth, who throw themselves gladly into the chance to relearn and redefine their experiences, grateful to not be quite the same person they once were.
And it would affect so much of how you treat people just returned from Mandos...
my friend, who listens to my constant speeches about the Silmarillion, just asked what language is spoken in Halls of Mandos, and I'm absolutely bewildered
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tanoraqui · 2 months ago
[some time in the Fifth Age, in Aman...]
"A living language changes, you blithering idiot." A familiar, heated voice rose unprompted from across the room, over the genial hubbub and burble of the fountain show gala. "If it does not, then it must be dead indeed, for it cannot be being sustained by the breath of speakers! The only 'uncertainty' in this 'debate' is how you can call yourself a linguist if you do not understand this basic principle!"
Fingolfin barely processed the words, not in that voice. If he had, he would not have believed his own ears. If he had somehow believed his own ears, he would have suspected mockery, or a ploy, or perhaps necromantic possession.
Fortunately, his reflexes for winning arguments were faster than any other working of his mind.
"I knew it!" he shouted, rounding on his brother from across the wide hall. He abandoned his conversation partner entirely in order to advance on Fëanor, alight with righteous victory. "I knew you agreed with the basic principle! You stubborn, contrary, illogical—"
"Oh, shut up, Nolofinwë." Fëanor likewise dismissed entirely the upstart linguistics professor he'd been haranguing, in favor of his older foe. A corridor had opened between them, as party-goers scrambled out of the crossfire or backed up to get a better view. "You've never met a principle of study nor logic that you didn't wish to twist to suit—"
"'A living language changes!'" Fingolfin quoted back over him, too elated to rise to any other bait. He drained his entire wine glass, slapped it down on the lip of a fountain in passing, and advanced enough to jab Fëanor in the chest with one finger. He grinned. "I knew it. You knew it. I was right."
Fëanor's face had, over the course of this exchange, made a very rapid shift from his original proud irritation to the embarrassment of being caught out to a familiar fiery sneer. It now settled into an even more familiar murderous glower.
"I have reconsidered my past positions in the face of new evidence and argument," he hissed. "It is the sign of an intelligent, ever-developing mind at work. I only wish you could say the same—"
Hands pushed them apart, followed by arms, followed by an entire Lalwen, aided by the stylish circumference of her skirts.
"Sweet Erudition, neither of you has changed a whit," she muttered.
Gripping the front of both their robes in a way that suggested that she could be choking them if she wanted to, she said more loudly, "My dear brothers! Joyous though I am at our collective ongoing reconciliation—" (she discreetly twisted Fëanor's robe in an ever so slightly choking manner, to remind him that she, too, had been entirely correct the entire time about the stupid thorn) —"perhaps we should take any further discussion outside? This is, after all, a debut of liquid forms, not a forum of linguistic debate!"
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tathrin · 2 years ago
Hey. Hey, do you ever think about the fact that if Legolas hadn't been stricken by the Sea-Longing, if he had still had "peace under beech [and] elm," he would almost surely not have gone to the Undying Lands until many, many years later, long after all his mortal friends were dead?
Do you ever think about the fact that if he hadn't heard those gulls, if he hadn't spent the whole length of Aragorn's reign plagued by the ache in his heart ever pulling him West, he wouldn't have gone until long after Gimli was dead, too? And Gimli would have surely never even thought about asking to go with him, if Legolas's heart wasn't being ever drawn away by that call; it simply wouldn't have been a thing that would have ever occurred to either of them, without the weight of the Sea-Longing hanging over them both for so many years.
Do you ever think about how the only reason they get to have their forever-ever-after happy ending on the other side of the Sundering Sea is because of the wound that the cry of those gulls lanced through his heart?
Because I do.
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kuromewos · 1 year ago
(100% based on my opinion) - Which MILGRAM characters would be royal or rebel
PS: I am bad with english and words, but I hope you guys still enjoying this shit
PS: Maybe it seems very stereotyped but keep in mind that it is how I see MILGRAM characters
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Haruka Sakurai - Royal
Imo he seems to accept his destiny as somebody, according to himself, weak and pitful
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Yuno Kashiki - Rebel
She is against of her naive girl "destiny"
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Fuuta Kajiyama - Rebel
He would try to be a hero even though it is against his "destiny", tbh I just feel strong rebel vibes from him lol
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Muu Kusunoki - Royal
This girl is 100% imo, maybe because she gives me super princess vibe and because of all this "queen bee" stuff
Like, she accept hers destiny of being the queen bee even though deep inside she feels like a crap
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Shidou Kirisaki - Rebel
Even though he gimme major royal vibes, he didn't accept the destiny of his family dying and tried to go against it, even if it means taking away other people's lifes
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Mahiru Shiina - Royal
Sorry, but I can't imagine her being a rebel, the strong desire of following the love tradition gimme royal vibes
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Kazui Mukuhara - Rebel
He goes against what the others expected of him about his marriage
(Sorry my bad english again lol)
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Amane Momose - Royal
She follows her destiny so bad by following hers family tradition even though it hurts her
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Mikoto Kayano - Rebel (?)
Going against his destiny of stress because of his job, he tried to change it
Tbh this one is very hard because while I think Mikoto might be a royal, John and Midokoto gimme rebel vibes
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Kotoko Yuzuriha - Rebel
Hmm... maybe she would goes against hers destiny by giving punishment to the criminals?
Ik she is 100% rebel, but I am not sure how to explain it sorry lol xD
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tanoraqui · 1 year ago
This almost certainly doesn’t make sense for my timeline, idk about yours, but…
“Celebrimbor, there you are! I’ve been looking for you all evening!”
Celebrimbor suppressed an urge to fight or flee at Fingon’s aggressively cheerful voice and the sudden hand on his arm. Unfortunately, this meant he froze instead, giving the former High King all the chance he needed to trap him between the parlor wall and a potted plant. Fingon was on the lithe side for a warrior of legend, but his sheer strength of presence more than made up for it.
It was many years since Celebrimbor flinched at a sudden touch, and many more since he…regularly…hid in a back room at house parties (was it his fault if people’s libraries were often more interesting than their guests?). But there was a glint in Fingon’s gaze which Celebrimbor associated with burning cities and wild, deadly charges, or at least with palace coups, and he had, in fact, been avoiding it all evening.
“I’m sorry to have missed you, then,” he said politely. “What can I do for you, Uncle?” It was an easier address than usual, with that fire in Fingon’s eyes. No, no, be forgiving; be optimistic: “Do you need a new blade for the upcoming Trials of Tulkas, or armor? I’ve been experimenting with a new alloy…”
“No—well, if you’re offering, please count me as a ready test subject,” Fingon allowed.
His hand tightened on Celebrimbor’s arm and he leaned in, lowering his voice. “But I’m more interested in discussing a treatise of yours which I recently read, in the Things The Valar Don’t Want Us To Know section of the University library…”
“If you wish to know of ring-craft, you must visit me in Caras Maenais,” he said, and feeling cornered, his heart beat doubly for a breath (I won’t tell you, I won’t!). He spoke smoothly over it. “No offense, but unless you’ve made a great study of jewelcrafting in secret, I fear that you’d need several practical demonstrations ere you understood—”
“Not that one,” Fingon interrupted and tugged him more fully behind the potted plant, out of view of anyone passing by in the hallway. “The other one. I have a question—”
“I don’t answer questions about the other one,” Celebrimbor said flatly. “I said in the foreword that I won’t answer questions about it.”
“Yes, but—”
“I just need—”
“No.” Celebrimbor yanked his arm free and strode toward the door.
“Carnimírë’s haunted!” Fingon burst out.
Celebrimbor paused in the doorway, against his better judgement. He turned his head back.
“Carnimírë’s haunted,” Fingon repeated, and began to pace like any anxious father. “At least, I’m almost entirely certain that’s what it is—I thought it was an imaginary friend, but then she pointed to one of Nerdanel’s statues and said, ‘That’s him, that’s my red elf’—that’s what she calls him, her ‘red elf’, red hair and red clothes—or armor—and red hands sometimes, or hand, except she only saw that once—the blood, not the hand, and Mirya says he said it was cloth dye—”
He turned to Celebrimbor with his own hands clasped in plea.
“It’s Russandol, Maedhros; Tyelpë, I swear it is. I’ve seen him too—in a crowd; I thought it was just grief playing tricks on me, but— But he won’t speak to me! He won’t even appear to me! I’m not sure he intends to appear to Carnimírë, but she’s too clever for him. And he stays… Is he trapped? Is he suffering? I’m sure he is, by his own thoughts if nothing else. Will you not help me summon him for good, and set him somehow straight?”
He trembled with distress for his loved ones, but still with that nearly-fell fire in his eyes, and a fierce hunger, and oh, Celebrimbor recognized all of that.
He’d been holding a wine glass this whole time, empty but for dregs. He placed it on a bookcase rather than break it.
“So you know of a spirit who it sounds like is doing no harm, despite a predilection for it, and you wish to entrap him and force him to speak to you? Words of weeping apology, of love? Do you wish to send him to Mandos against his will, or to bind him more permanently to your side?” He spread his hands in mocking offer. “I have more experience with the latter than the former, but I’m sure I can improvise if you insist, my lord!”
Fingon stepped back from the unexpectedly fierce reply. His fire faltered.
“It…sounds much worse when you put it like that.”
“Yes,” said Celebrimbor, flat once more.
“I would never bind Maedhros in any way he did not wish,” Fingon said vehemently. “Never again will I see him in chains, I have sworn it and I meant it.”
“Good start.”
“I just—” Fingon’s voice cracked on unshed tears—“want to see him again. Want to know that it’s him.”
Celebrimbor sighed, and shrugged, and re-collected his wine glass.
“I’m afraid I’m all out of advice for you, Uncle. Do whatever one usually does to summon wayward spouses—lay out some red meat and favored tools of his trade, and a work in progress which is obviously flawed but easily fixable? Or whatever usually works for you.”
Fingon laughed as though against his will.
“Thank you! I shall consider that most closely—it is the least I can do, for the trouble I’ve caused you this evening.”
It was no trouble at all, Celebrimbor did not say, lest he encourage more madness.
Reluctantly, driven by concern for his young cousin, he said, “If you ever have reason to think this spirit might be a danger to Carnimírë, you should seek aid from the Fëanturi.”
“No,” Fingon said with certainty. “It is Maedhros. I know it in my heart. He will not hurt her.” Then he shook his head, even in his furor too wise for such bald statements. “But if he does…yes, of course I shall, for he would wish it so as well.”
had the thought of Carnimírië Russingoniel with Maedhros's ghost. she can have a ghost dad. as a treat.
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transselkie · 2 years ago
I am the only one who is right about Misa Amane.
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ectoplasmer · 2 years ago
every time someone brings up how the yamis are supposed to be the “darker half” of their host and how they are meant to reflect/act on their deepest desires/thoughts/etc i think of monster world and just. crumble
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tanoraqui · 1 year ago
Every building & etc structure in Tirion is elegantly and aesthetically matched to its surrounding buildings, and almost any view of the city is going to look beautiful and elegant...as a massive, ever-shifting gradient of style to style. Every time someone has a Brilliant New Idea for a design, they make sure it's flawlessly aesthetically compatible with whatever is immediately around it, because that's obviously part of the appearance. But that doesn't mean it has to be aesthetically compatible with an unseen building 2 blocks down and around a corner!
In this, the apex of every Elvish style of architecture and decorating is shown off.
On the one hand every description of or allusion to Tirion we have suggests something elegant and architecturally unified. On the other hand we're talking about Noldor here. More than that, we're talking about Noldor over a very long time span, at the start of which they'd suddenly been handed a whole slew of new building methods they didn't have before. I have a hard time imagining no one got overenthusiastic in a way that might come across as ungainly or silly to future observers.
But that doesn't mean it couldn't be elegant and architecturally unified. Maybe Finwë's vision overrode everything. Maybe buildings are regularly taken down and rebuilt to match new themes?
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wonderjanga · 30 days ago
Imagine Billy and Mary and Freddy say from the start that they're siblings.
And the three of them somehow are all homeless street kids. Chaotic little gremlins.
And one day Black Adam sees them transform and is like 'WHAT THE ACTUAL-'.
And you choose what happens next-
Teth didn’t even know how this happened. Or, well, he does, but he’s still having a hard time comprehending it. See, he was minding his business in an appropriate(suspicious) disguise while scouting Fawcett for the Champion. As for why he was looking for the champion, it was because the man was missing. The champion having disappeared was suspicious, considering the man washed over his city like a hawk. Anyways, he was walking around when all of a sudden he just spots this child with the bluest eyes he’s ever seen with a little girl who also has the bluest eyes he’s ever seen. The little boy unfortunately noticed him.
Billy: “Can I help you, mister?”
Ah. Adam was staring. Though, that was mostly because the young boy looked strikingly like Aman. Anyways, Adam didn’t even know how it happened, but one moment he was talking to the kid, the next he was giving him a bunch on Kahndaqi currency as if that’ll be useful to the boy. The kid still took it though.
Billy: *bright ahh smile* “Thanks, mister!”
Black Adam: “Yes…” *wondering if the kid used mind control for a moment* “I am now off to go torment Captain Marvel. Good day, stupid children.” *flies off*
Mary, Freddy, and Billy: *offended* “Hey!” *watch him go*
Billy: *still watching him fly off* “…Adam really sucks at disguising himself.”
Freddy: “No duh, he literally said he was gonna go torment you.”
Mary: *picks up one of the coins Adam gave them* “Do you guys think we could trade this with a fairy for money? They like shiny stuffs.”
Billy: “We probably could.”
Anyways, fast forward, three months and Teth, whenever he was in Fawcett, which was unfortunately becoming more and more frequent, kept feeding and giving money to these three little urchins that are somewhat (it’s actually more than somewhat, but he would never admit it) tolerable.
Then, the fateful day came. The children were standing at their usual spot, and Adam was flying over. Then, the blasted little old bald fool with the glasses, psoriasis or Savana or whatever his name was started attacking. The children ran into an alleyway, and because of the fact Adam could care less about Savannah he flew after them because the alleyway looked shady. He was then greeted with the three of them… transforming… into his worst enemies. Specifically, the one who looked like Aman, Billy, transformed into the Champion.
After the fight with Sivana…
Black Adam: “You…”
Marvel: *startles* “Black Adam! What’re you doing here?” *suspicious*
Black Adam: *ignores him and is kind of angry monologging* “I’ve… I’ve been giving you three money and food for months… You’ve been making a fool of me!”
Marvel, Junior, and Mary: *share looks with each other cause ‘uh oh, he knows*
Marvel: “Uh… well, no. We all actually eat all that and make good financial choices. All the money I get from my job goes to rent, and on top of that we all work odd jobs for food and utility money. You’ve been a great help.” *super duper sincere*
Junior and Mary: “You’ve helped us a lot, mister!”
Black Adam: “You’ve still been making a fool of me! Also, why do you three have the power of the Living Lightning?! You’re children!”
Junior: “So?”
Black Adam: “So, none of you should have anything to do with the Rock of Eternity or being the World’s Mightiest Mortal!”
Mary: “That’s more the Wizard’s fault, not ours. Or wait no, that’s Billy fault cause he’s the one who gave us our powers.”
Black Adam: “…I can’t believe I’ve been fighting children the entire time.”
Junior: “I know, right? And you still lose.”
Black Adam: *wants to get angry at that but just can’t muster it* “I…” *in his mind says ‘f this’, turns around and flies off*
Adam basically stewed in anger while in Kahndaq before he came back after like a week and started feeding and giving money to the kids again. He now just ignores the fact that he knows Billy is Cap and just chooses to believe that they’re two different people and still fights him.
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